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Main document: It contains the common content to be sent to all the recipients.

Data source: It contains the information or data of the recipients which is inserted at the desired locations of the
main document.

Merged Field: It is the topic, heading or names of the fields of the data source.

Merged Document: It is the main document generated after the mail merge process.

Steps to use mail merge are-

1. Create the data source with name of the fields in excel.

2. Create the required main document.

3. Go to mailings tab.

3. Click on Step-by-Step mail wizard option.

A menu will appear on the right side or left side as per your settings.

4. In the menu select the letters options and click on the button Next: Starting Document.

5. Then select the use the current document option and click on Next: Select recipients button.

6. Then select the use an existing list option and click on browse button. After that a dialog box will appear.

7. Browse that excel file that you have created in step 1 and click open.

8. A dialog box will appear again. Select that data source and click ok button.

9. A dialog box will appear again. If you want to filter you can but then click ok button.

10. Now insert the fields by clicking on the insert merge field button at required locations.

11 Then click on finish and merge button.

12. A dialog box will appear. Click on all option and ok button.

13. At last click on print button.

The Merged document is ready.

Steps to filter the data-

1. In the Mail Merge recipients dialog box, click on filter button.

2. A dialog box will appear. In the field section select the required field that you want to filter.

3. In the Comparison section also, select the required operator.

4. In the Compare to section, feed up the required information.

5. At last click on Ok button, now the filtered data source is ready to be inserted.

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