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12, DECEMBER 2016

Insights Into Silicon Photonics

Mach–Zehnder-Based Optical
Transmitter Architectures
Enrico Temporiti, Member, IEEE, Andrea Ghilioni, Member, IEEE, Gabriele Minoia, Piero Orlandi,
Matteo Repossi, Member, IEEE, Daniele Baldi, and Francesco Svelto, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract— Mach–Zehnder-based modulator architectures lend and cost effective high speed interconnects to overcome the
themselves to the realization of high-data-rate Silicon Photonics attenuation and crosstalk limits of metal links [2]. Optical
transmitters. In this work the challenges set by the integration communications are now expanding within data centers, where
of such devices on silicon are analyzed in depth. The two main
alternative electronic driver architectures, namely multistage and optoelectronic modules act as interfaces between the electrical
travelling wave, are compared with focus to power efficiency. and the optical domains to transmit data between switches
This is, in fact, a key parameter when considering the stringent and servers. Such modules are built with a large number
requirements of standard module form factors. A 25 Gbps of discrete optical and optoelectronic components plus few
multistage and a 56 Gbps travelling wave modulator have been electronic ICs and they are challenging with regard to size,
realized. Each electro-optical transmitter is obtained by the 3D
assembly of an electronic IC on top of a photonic IC through cost, and power consumption. In this scenario, Silicon Pho-
copper pillars. STMicroelectronics PIC25G Silicon Photonics tonics is attractive for large-scale industrialization of low-cost
platform has been adopted for the fabrication of optical devices, miniaturized optical transceivers addressing short/medium-
while 65 nm CMOS and 55 nm BiCMOS technologies are reach optical communications up to a few kilometers [3].
exploited to realize the electronic drivers. A 30% better power Silicon Photonics based transceivers can be realized by
efficiency compared to Silicon Photonics state-of-the-art at simi-
lar data rates and comparable extinction ratio performance has monolithic integration of optical devices together with elec-
been demonstrated in both cases. Since packaging is also a crucial tronic components. This solution suffers however from limited
aspect for Silicon Photonics high volume production, experiments flexibility and scalability. Thick SOI and BOX, generally not
on bare dice as well as on packaged chips are reported. included in standard advanced CMOS technologies, are in
Index Terms— BiCMOS analog circuits, CMOS analog fact required to obtain low-loss propagation for the optical
circuits, electro-optical modulation, power-efficient high-speed signal [3]. This in turn requires the development of dedicated
interconnect, silicon photonics. CMOS technologies, creating either local photonic substrates
on standard electronic platforms or integrating electronic
I. I NTRODUCTION devices on photonic substrates. In both cases the realiza-
tion cost increases and the performance of the electronic
S ILICON Photonics is emerging as a promising technology
enabling miniaturization and cost reduction of electro-
optical devices. These advantages can be exploited in various
circuits are not necessarily optimized. A 3D-integrated solu-
tion allows instead the use of separate Electronic Integrated
applications including but not limited to data communications, Circuits (EICs). This maximizes the EIC design flexibility
commercial video and consumer electronics, sensing, lab on since the electronic technology can be selected according
chip and gyroscopes [1]. Nowadays the evolution of this to the target application. Minimal performance degradation
technology is mainly driven by the fast growing market of compared to a monolithically integrated solution is obtained
data centers. The continuous increase of Internet data traffic realizing the 3D dice assembly through copper pillars. This
volume in fact mandates the development of power efficient recent bumping solution, already in high volume production,
in fact ensures fine pitch at low cost. The 3D structure has to be
Manuscript received April 14, 2016; revised June 10, 2016; accepted finally assembled on the substrate of the optical module. Low
July 12, 2016. Date of publication August 25, 2016; date of current version
November 21, 2016. This paper was approved by Guest Editor Elad Alon. cost electro-optical assembly techniques maximizing signal
This work has been carried out within the Studio di Microelettronica, a joint integrity are key and alternative solutions are currently under
research laboratory between Università degli Studi di Pavia and STMicroelec- investigation [3].
E. Temporiti, G. Minoia, M. Repossi, and D. Baldi are with STMicroelec- This paper focuses on the transmitter portion of the
tronics, Studio di Microelettronica, 27100 Pavia, Italy. integrated optical transceiver, extremely challenging due to
A. Ghilioni and F. Svelto are with Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e the power efficiency required by standard modules’ form
dell’Informazione, Università di Pavia, 27100 Pavia, Italy.
P. Orlandi is with STMicroelectronics, Studio di Microelettronica, 27100 factors. Different approaches for the design of Mach–Zehnder
Pavia, Italy, and also with Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e modulators (MZMs) are analyzed and compared in the
dell’Informazione, Università di Pavia, 27100 Pavia, Italy. following. In particular, the analysis demonstrates that a mul-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at tistage architecture adopting rail-to-rail inverter-based CMOS
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2016.2593802 drivers allows maximum extinction ratio (ER). However, as
0018-9200 © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
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data rate increases, inverter-based CMOS driving is not fast Ring resonators and balanced Mach–Zehnder interferome-
enough. Travelling wave architectures adopting CML/ECL ters are the most exploited architectures to achieve intensity
driving are then preferred, even if at the cost of an ER reduc- modulation of light by varying its phase through refractive
tion caused by electrical propagation losses and bandwidth index changes. Ring resonator modulators have been recently
limitations of silicon integrated transmission lines. In this analyzed in depth for the realization of miniaturized silicon
work, alternative design choices relying on both CMOS and modulators [11]–[13]. However, they are very susceptible to
CML/ECL architectures are compared. STMicroelectronics operating condition variations, in particular temperature, thus
3D-compatible Silicon Photonics platform (PIC25G), imple- requiring accurate thermal controllers [14]. This not only
menting only optical devices in the front-end of line (FEOL), affects the overall power budget of electro-optical transmit-
has been used for the photonic section [4]. A 25 Gbps ters but also poses reliability and yield issues. Furthermore,
transmitter based on a multistage architecture and achieving an achieving moderate speeds of 20–25 Gbps with wide open and
ER higher than 4 dB [5] is presented together with a 56 Gbps symmetric eye diagrams is still critical [12], [13]. MZMs are
solution based on a travelling wave architecture and achieving the most mature solution for the realization of reliable exter-
an ER of 2.5 dB [6]. The comparison between theoretical nally modulated Silicon Photonics transmitters providing high
analysis, simulations and measurements is reported at probe- yield and well controlled performance. When implemented
level and on testboard with packaged samples. The paper in a push-pull configuration, MZMs allow achieving optimal
is organized as follows. An overview of Silicon Photonics chirp performance thus reducing dispersion [7]. Furthermore,
modulators is provided in Section II together with the basic MZMs can operate over a much wider optical bandwidth than
operation principles of MZMs. Sections III and IV introduce ring resonator modulators without requiring any device tuning.
the two main alternative Silicon Photonics MZM driving Finally, current-generation MZMs already show bandwidths
architectures for high rate communications: multistage and larger than 40 GHz [4], paving the way to the next generation
travelling wave. Section V compares the power efficiencies of optical modules.
of the two architectures. Section VI presents the design of the A MZM consists of a balanced Mach–Zehnder interferom-
demonstrators and the experimental results, providing details eter. The incoming optical signal is split into two nominally
about the package and testboard. Finally, Section VII draws identical optical paths and recombined after an induced phase
the conclusions. shift difference ϕ between the two paths [Fig. 1(a) and 1(b)].
The generated output power Pout , neglecting second order
effects such as unbalance in the two arms’ losses and deviation
from the 3 dB condition of the directional couplers, can be
A modulated optical signal can be generated either by derived from [7] and it is given by:
direct modulation of the laser cavity or by modulation of  
2 ϕ
the laser output through an external device. While direct Pout = Pmax sin (1)
modulation is advantageous in terms of simplicity and com-  
pactness, external modulation provides an optical transmitted ϕ
Pout = Pmax cos2 (2)
signal with higher spectral purity [7]. Furthermore, in par- 2
allel applications with several lanes operating at the same The maximum output optical power Pmax is determined by the
wavelength (e.g., 100G-PSM4) external modulation allows continuous wave input power and by the optical propagation
using a single continuous-wave laser source to serve more losses along the MZM. The phase-shift difference ϕ =
than one lane. This simplifies the electro-optical transmitter ϕmod + ϕ0 is realized by means of a static phase shift
architecture and reduces the overall link power consumption. ϕ0 plus a variable component ϕmod obtained through a
Two alternative physical effects can be exploited for the real- high-speed modulating driving signal Vdrive [Fig. 1(a)]. The
ization of external modulators: electro-absorption and electro- static phase shift difference ϕ0 is introduced by means of a
refraction [8]. Electro-absorption consists in the variation of low-speed phase modulator (LSPM) within the interferometer.
the material absorption coefficient due to the application of an The operating point is set around ϕ = π/2, maximizing
external electric field. Intensity modulation of the carrier can the optical modulation amplitude (OMA) which is defined as
be performed through this effect. However, electro-absorption follows:
modulators do not lend themselves to the realization of silicon O M A = P1 − P0 (3)
integrated transmitters. In fact, since the primary electric field
effects exploited to obtain electro-absorption are weak in The varying phase difference ϕmod depends upon Vdrive and
silicon, their realization requires hybrid integration of III-V LHSPM according to:
materials [9] or use of Ge-based modulators [10]. While these
Vdrive L H S P M
solutions allow shortening the devices down to few tens of ϕ mod = π (4)
microns, the electro-absorption effect is intrinsically wave- Vπ L π
length and temperature dependent [10]. This limits the oper- where the high-speed phase modulator (HSPM) Vπ Lπ is
ating wavelength range and requires the use of a temperature set by the technology and represents the product between
control to achieve repeatable performance. Electro-refraction the voltage and the geometrical length necessary to achieve
instead consists in the variation of the material refractive a π phase shift. The driver supply voltage is limited by
index through the application of an external electric field. transistor reliability rules in integrated realizations, setting then

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Fig. 2. (a) ER and (b) normalized OMA vs. HSPM total length for a PIC25G
push-pull multistage MZM architecture biased at quadrature point.

The simplest driving architecture, consisting of a lumped stage

driving the junction nonlinear capacitive load, is thus not
feasible at bit rates in the range of tens of Gbps and distributed
structures similar to those adopted in RF design are needed.
In the next sections alternative driving topologies are then
Fig. 1. (a) Single-drive MZM architecture, with integrated HSPM detail. (b)
Dual-drive push-pull MZM architecture. (c) Dual-drive push-pull input-output
Multistage architectures, where the modulator electrodes are
a limit to the maximum driving voltage. Dual-drive push- split into several sections driven by dedicated stages, lend
pull configurations [Fig. 1(b)] are generally adopted to halve themselves to high data rate operation. Each modulator section
the modulator length compared to single-drive, for the same can be modelled as a lumped capacitive load and can be
driving voltage amplitude and for a given extinction ratio (ER), driven rail-to-rail at high speed and low power by means of
defined as: CMOS inverter structures. This solution optimizes the driving
ER = . (5) efficiency and at the same time maximizes the achievable
P0 ER. The highest available voltage is in fact applied all along
The ER can then be improved by increasing either the the electrode length. According to (1)–(5) and neglecting ISI
driving voltage swing or the modulator length, which in turn effects, the achievable ER and OMA change as a function of
increases P1 and reduces P0 , as shown in Fig. 1(c) for a push- HSPM length is shown in Fig. 2. A push-pull MZM realized
pull configuration. with first-generation PIC25G HSPMs (0.55 dB/mm insertion
In Silicon Photonics, the plasma dispersion effect is usually loss and 10.5°/mm phase shift at 2.5 V, corresponding to
exploited to obtain high-speed phase modulation [14]. The Vπ Lπ = 40V·mm [4]) and stacked CMOS inverters operating
most widely adopted modulator devices are carrier depletion under a 2.5 V supply, as adopted in the demonstrator described
P-N junctions [see the inset of Fig. 1(a)]. The relatively low in Section VI-A, is considered. The reported OMA values
modulation efficiency of Silicon Photonics carrier depletion have been normalized to the maximum optical power value
HSPMs generally requires modulator lengths in the range achievable in case of no optical insertion loss within the MZM.
of few millimeters to achieve the desired ER, featuring While the ER monotonically increases with the MZM length
capacitances in the range of several hundreds of femtoFarads. for 0 < ϕ/2 < π/2, an optimum length exists maximizing

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Fig. 3. PIC25G HSPM + electrodes: (a) self-resonance frequency vs. HSPM sections length; (b) capacitance vs. frequency for different HSPM
section lengths.

the transmitted OMA. The OMA versus LHSPM is in fact not

monotonic due to the impact of the increasing optical losses.
In Fig. 2, the expected performance of the first-generation
HSPMs is compared to the second generation, which provides
HSPMs featuring 0.6 dB/mm insertion loss and 17.2°/mm
phase shift at 2.5 V, corresponding to Vπ Lπ = 25V·mm [3].
The advantages of the latter in terms of both ER and OMA are
evident. Second generation lends itself to low supply voltage
operation for enhanced power efficiency.
Given the total modulator length, which is set by the desired
ER once the available driving voltage is determined, a proper
section length must be selected. The upper limit is set by the
modulator section self-resonance frequency. This has to be Fig. 4. Optical rise and fall times increase due to the delay mismatch for a
kept higher than the signal bandwidth of interest. Simulation multistage MZM with ideal input transition times: (a) 500 μm-long sections
examples for sections from 250 μm to 1 mm are reported for 25 Gbps operation; (b) 250 μm-long sections for 56 Gbps operation.
in Fig. 3, considering first-generation PIC25G HSPMs and
associated electrodes at reverse bias voltage of 1.25 V. Section A 25 Gbps transmitter relying upon a multistage architec-
lengths shorter than 500 μm are mandatory at 50 Gbps and ture, exploiting the above techniques and realized in PIC25G
beyond. Longer lengths can be selected for lower data rates. and 65 nm CMOS technologies, is described in Section VI-A.
Instead, the lower length limit is mainly determined by the
structure complexity and associated layout. The number of IV. T RAVELLING WAVE MZM A RCHITECTURES
modulation sections must thus be large enough to reduce each A multistage architecture adopting CMOS stages for rail-
capacitive load ensuring the desired driving speed, i.e., the to-rail driving is the optimal choice to maximize the ER,
electrical rise and fall times, without compromising the overall but the maximum achievable data rate is intrinsically limited
complexity. by the transistor speed. As data rate increases, a travelling
To minimize the rise and fall times of modulated optical wave MZM architecture is preferred. In this realization, like
outputs the several electrical driving signals must be properly in discrete photonics [7], the electrode of each MZM arm is
synchronized with each other, matching the group delay of realized as a transmission line as shown in Fig. 5(a) for a push-
the optical wave propagating in the waveguide. This is key pull architecture. CML or ECL stages generally drive the load
especially at very high data rates. Fig. 4 shows the degradation impedance realized by the terminated electrode transmission
of the optical rise and fall times in an ideal 3 mm-long line. However, differently from discrete photonics realizations,
PIC25G multistage modulator with 500 μm-long and 250 μm- Silicon Photonics suffers from electrical propagation losses
long sections as a function of the delay mismatch between and bandwidth limitations of integrated transmission lines.
the electrical and the optical signals’ group delay. When Moreover, the HSPM sections that are placed farther away
perfect matching is achieved, rise and fall times are minimum. from the driver contribute less to phase modulation, while
Higher transition times instead result in case of mismatches. increasing optical attenuation and consuming area. As a con-
Simulated eye diagrams are also shown demonstrating that sequence, for a given driving voltage, which is mainly set
delay matching is not critical at 25 Gbps but becomes more by the technology’s safe operating area (SOA) constraints, an
and more of concern with increasing data rates, eventually optimum length exists maximizing transmitted OMA that is
requiring precision delay control loops. different from the optimum found for the multistage architec-

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Fig. 5. (a) Dual-drive push-pull travelling-wave MZM architecture. (b) Periodically-loaded transmission line with HSPM sections interleaved by un-doped
optical waveguide.

ture. The ER instead monotonically increases with the MZM in factor δ. L e f f can thus be used in (1)–(5) to derive ER and
length for 0 < ϕ/2 < π/2. The electrical propagation losses OMA performance for the travelling wave modulators.
can be minimized by periodically loading the electrode trans- Fig. 6 shows the ER and the OMA as a function of
mission line with short HSPM sections [Fig. 5(b)] to isolate the HSPM length. A push-pull MZM realized with first-
longitudinal current flow in the metal electrodes [15], [16]. generation PIC25G HSPMs is considered together with a
In this way, lossy propagation through p-n junctions is avoided. driving architecture relying upon ECL pairs under a 2.8 V
The resulting filling ratio can be optimized to minimize supply implementing equalization techniques. A filling ratio
optical rise and fall times by ensuring matching between of 60% and electrical propagation losses of ∼3 dB/mm at
the delay of the electrical wave propagating in the elec- Nyquist frequency (28 GHz for 56 Gbps) are assumed. While
trodes and the delay of the optical wave propagating in the the travelling wave architecture enables operation at higher
waveguide. data rates than the multistage one, the maximum achievable
To derive the OMA and ER curves neglecting ISI effects, OMA is lower due to the lower driving voltage and the
(1)–(5) can be applied also in the case of travelling wave increased electrical propagation losses. In Fig. 6, the expected
modulators. However, in the travelling wave architecture not performance of the first-generation HSPMs is compared to the
all the sections along the MZM arm length equally contribute second-generation ones. For the latter, a filling ratio of 80%
to the phase shift. The un-doped parts between one HSPM and ∼3 dB/mm of propagation losses are assumed. Extinction
section and the other give in fact no contribution. Moreover, ratio values in the range of 5 dB, suitable for most standards
the provided phase shift reduces along the MZM arm as the for optical modules, are achievable using the most recent
voltage decays from its initial value Vdrive due to the electrical HSPMs.
propagation losses. To keep these effects into account, the A 56 Gbps transmitter relying upon a travelling wave
concept of effective length L e f f can be introduced. L e f f is the architecture, exploiting the above techniques and realized in
length of a HSPM that, driven with a voltage Vdrive assumed PIC25G and 55 nm BiCMOS technologies, will be described
constant along its length, provides a phase shift equal to that in Section VI-B.
of the analyzed HSPM. The effective length is thus defined
by the following equation: V. M ULTISTAGE VS . T RAVELLING WAVE
 L H SPM ∞  
−αz z − nL 1 The analysis carried out in the previous paragraphs show
= Vdrive e rect − dz (6) that multistage architectures based on CMOS drivers are
0 n=−∞
δL 2
preferred in applications requiring large ER values, but they
where z is the longitudinal dimension of the HSPM, L H S P M are limited in speed. Travelling wave architectures based on
is the entire geometrical length of the HSPM, α is the voltage CML/ECL drivers are instead preferred at higher rates, but
attenuation constant and the summation represents the periodic they do not ensure large ER values due to the limited voltage
loading of the electrode transmission line of period L and fill swing and the losses of the integrated transmission line.

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Fig. 7. MZM-based transmitter power efficiency: multistage vs. travelling


1 1 VT2W
PT W = · · (10)
ηT W 4 R
The driver efficiencies ηMS and ηTW take into account both
driver non-idealities, such as the finite slope of driving edges,
and the power dissipated in the pre-driving stages.
The resulting transmitter power efficiencies, defined as the
ratio between the power consumption and the bit rate and
expressed in pJ/bit, are plotted as a function of the bit rate
in Fig. 7. The transmitter power efficiency is independent of
the bit rate for the multistage architecture, while it improves
Fig. 6. (a) ER and (b) normalized OMA vs. HSPM total length for a PIC25G proportionally for the travelling wave solution. The crossing
dual-drive push-pull travelling wave MZM architecture biased at quadrature
point. point B0 , given by:
In applications with intermediate data rates and requiring ηM S 1 VT W 2
B0 = · · (11)
moderate ER values, the choice between the two architectures ηT W C R VM S
is driven by power consumption considerations. Assuming identifies the bit rate beyond which travelling wave architec-
pseudorandom bit streams with rise and fall times negligible tures are the preferred choice. Due to its dependence on ηMS
with respect to the bit duration Tb , the dynamic power for and ηTW , the absolute value of B0 depends on the specific
each arm of the multistage and travelling wave architectures, design implementation. As an example, assuming a 3 mm-long
Pdyn,MS and Pdyn,TW respectively, is given by: HSPM realized in first-generation PIC25G technology featur-
1 1 ing ∼300 fF/mm [4], a 50  sizing of the travelling wave
Pd yn,M S = · · C · VM
S (7) transmission line, driver efficiencies of ∼20% for multistage
4 Tb
and of ∼15% for travelling wave and comparable voltage
1 VT2W swings, a multistage architecture is advantageous in terms of
Pd yn,T W = V AV G · I AV G = · (8)
4 R power consumption at bit rates lower than 30 Gbps while
where 1/Tb is the bit rate, C is the average capacitance value a travelling wave solution is preferred beyond. Power con-
across voltage for the whole HSPM, R is the characteristic sumption advantages of a multistage architecture making use
impedance of the travelling wave electrode, and VMS and VTW of CMOS drivers versus a travelling wave architecture using
are respectively the driving voltages for the multistage and the CML/ECL drivers become even more evident as operating
travelling wave solution. The dynamic power is proportional rate decreases. This makes multistage architecture attractive
to the total HSPM length through the capacitance value in for multi-standard operation needing backward compatibility
the case of a multistage driving, while in the case of a with existing standards.
travelling wave driving it is independent from this parameter.
Considering also the driver efficiencies ηMS and ηTW , defined VI. D EMONSTRATOR D ESIGN AND I MPLEMENTATION
as the ratio between the dynamic power reported in equa-
tions (7) and (8) versus the total dissipated power, the powers One 25 Gbps and one 56 Gbps transmitters have been
dissipated by the multistage and travelling wave architecture, designed and characterized, comparing measurement results
PMS and PTW respectively, are given by: with electro-optical co-simulations. Both transmitters have
been realized using first-generation PIC25G technology and
1 1 1 operate at 1310 nm wavelength. The EIC has been 3D
PM S = · · · C · VM
ηM S 4 Tb S integrated on top of the PIC by means of 50 μm-pitch

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Fig. 8. Schematics of stacked CMOS inverter drivers (top) and DC-shifter (bottom, with pre-charging MOS transistors in grey). Thick-line gates transistors
indicate thick-oxide transistors.

Fig. 10. Measurement setup.

section, a demonstrator comprising a dual drive push-pull

MZM and a 65 nm CMOS driver operating at 2.5 V supply
and adopting a modular architecture as described in [5] is
Fig. 9. Photomicrograph of the multistage 3D assembly and stand-alone EIC. presented. With a rail-to-rail driving, an ER of 5 dB is ideally
achieved with an HSPM length of 3 mm when the MZM is
and 20 μm-diameter copper pillars, minimizing the inter- biased at quadrature point (Fig. 2). To ensure a large enough
connection parasitic capacitance. The realized demonstrators
self-resonance frequency of the HSPM sections and to guar-
comprise the full Silicon Photonics transmitters, integrating antee the desired electrical rise and fall times, the 3 mm-long
I/O grating couplers, waveguides, HSPMs, 3 dB-couplers and
electrodes have been segmented into 500 μm-long sections,
LSPMs. The adopted HSPMs feature 10.5°/mm phase shift
each featuring a 52 GHz self-resonance frequency and a 150 fF
under a 2.5 V reverse biasing corresponding to a VπLπ capacitance. The circuit schematics of the driver are reported
of 40 Vmm and a specific capacitance of ∼300 fF/mm [4].
in Fig. 8. Each driving stage is based on stacked CMOS
inverters driven by two out-of-phase DC-shifted synchronous
A. 25 Gbps Transmitter Based on a Multistage MZM input signals with the same amplitude. This is realized in order
As demonstrated in Section V, at a moderate data rate of to achieve the desired 25 Gbps, 2.5 V voltage swing without
25 Gbps a multistage approach is preferable to optimize the violating MOS transistor SOAs while ensuring proper reverse
driving efficiency and maximize the achievable ER. In this bias of the HSPM p-n junctions. Operation during charge

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Fig. 11. 25 Gbps MZM eye diagrams: (a) electro-optical co-simulations at quadrature point; (b) measurements with the oscilloscope standard triggering at
quadrature point; (c) measurements at increased ER with oscilloscope standard trigger.


and discharge phases is detailed in Fig. 8. DC-shifted signals setup is shown in Fig. 10. Eye diagram measurements have
at driving stage inputs, for push-pull driving of two HSPM been performed by directly accessing input pads via RF probes
sections, are generated by means of boost capacitors C1-2 with 27 − 1 non-return-to-zero (NRZ) pseudo-random bit
of 350 fF and CMOS latch. CMOS latch allows proper sequences (PRBS7). The CW laser power delivered to the
operation also in the presence of long periodicity PRBSs and input grating coupler is close to 13 dBm. The optical eye
at lower data rate by avoiding undesired discharge of boost diagram at 25 Gbps with the MZM operated at quadrature
capacitors. No perceptible phase shift appears between nodes point is measured with the oscilloscope standard triggering,
L’ and H’. The DC shifter is enabled by the dedicated awake and compared to simulations in Fig. 11. Simulations have been
signals (AWK-∗ ). Pre-charging MOS ensure a well-defined performed by co-simulating electronic with photonic devices
state of the latch at startup. and show a very good agreement with the measurements.
Fig. 9 shows the photomicrograph of the demonstrator. The An ER of 4 dB has been achieved. This value can be increased
transmitter core occupies 0.6 mm2 and dissipates 275 mW up to 6 dB by a different setting of the MZM operating point,
at 25 Gbps. Lower data rates are also supported with a while maintaining the OMA penalty below 25% and the eye
dissipation of 75 mW at 10 Gbps in low power mode and diagram crossing point beyond 45%. Table I compares the
with less than 0.5 dB penalty on the ER [5]. Maximum OMA results of the demonstrator with those of recently published
is achieved at quadrature point, while the ER can be traded electro-optical transmitters based on carrier depletion MZMs
with the OMA by proper LSPM setting. The measurement and operating at comparable data rates [17], [18]. This work

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Fig. 12. Simplified pre-driver and driver schematics.

at higher data rates and travelling wave architectures are to be

preferred. This is demonstrated in the next section for 56 Gbps

B. 56 Gbps Transmitter Based on a Travelling Wave MZM

In this section, a demonstrator addressing 50 GBaud opera-
tion at moderate power consumption is presented. The effect of
electrical propagation losses of integrated transmission lines is
counteracted by means of optimized equalization, as described
in [6]. The demonstrator comprises a PIC25G dual-drive push-
pull MZM and a 55 nm BiCMOS driver. The differential
electrode of each MZM arm has been realized as a bifilar trans-
mission line to maximize its characteristic impedance, thus
reducing the current supplied by the driver and minimizing
the power consumption. The bifilar line has been periodically
loaded with short HSPM sections with a 60% filling ratio. The
transmission line, including reverse biased HSPM sections,
features a simulated characteristic impedance of ∼60  and
an attenuation of ∼3 dB/mm at 28GHz. A 5.34 mm modulator
length has been selected, realizing an ER of 2.5 dB at 1.6 Vppd
Fig. 13. Photomicrograph of the travelling wave 3D assembly and stand-
alone EIC. driving voltage.
Simplified schematics of the three-stage driver are shown
in Fig. 12. An emitter follower, DC coupled to the previous
demonstrates a state-of-the-art ER of up to 6 dB with 30% stage and stacked on top of an ECL pair, realizes the driving
better transmitter power efficiency than published data, demon- stage. This achieves a 1.6 Vppd output signal without violating
strating the effectiveness of the proposed multistage approach SOA recommendations. To increase the driving efficiency at
for 25 Gbps operation. CMOS drivers in 65 nm CMOS tech- high frequency, the ECL pair is AC coupled to the previous
nology, however, do not lend themselves to efficient operation stage to operate mainly during signal transitions, providing fast

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Fig. 14. 56 Gbps MZM eye diagrams: (a) electro-optical co-simulations at quadrature point; (b) measurements with the oscilloscope standard triggering at
quadrature point; (c) measurements at increased ER with oscilloscope standard trigger.


current switching. In the pre-driving stage, two ECL pairs with This solution is effective also under large signals. SOA issues
different passive input coupling networks and shared loads are avoided using a cascode as shared load for the ECL pairs.
allow implementing both VGA and equalization functions. Shunt peaking has been implemented at the pre-driving stage

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Fig. 15. 28 Gbps PRBS31 MZM eye diagrams: (a) measurements at quadrature point; (b) measurements at increased ER.

Fig. 17. Comparison of measured S-parameters with 3D EM simulations.

efficiency of 5.4 pJ/bit. The measurement setup is shown

Fig. 16. Four-metal layer PCB with plastic socket and 2.4 mm coaxial in Fig. 10. The eye diagram measurements have been per-
formed by directly accessing input pads via RF probes with
NRZ 231 − 1 pseudo-random bit sequences (PRBS31). In all
reported measurements the HSPM reverse bias voltage is equal
output to further reduce rise and fall times. The input stage is to 1.2 V. The CW laser power delivered to the input grating
based on an emitter follower structure with input capacitance coupler is close to 13 dBm. The measured 56 Gbps optical
smaller than the pre-driving stage, ensuring wideband input eye diagram is shown in Fig. 14. Scope triggering without
matching (|S11| < −10 dB up to 32 GHz). averaging is applied. The eye diagram with the MZM operated
Fig. 13 shows the photomicrograph of the 3D assembly, at quadrature point to maximize OMA is compared with
which includes the proposed 0.38 mm2 driver core together simulations in Fig. 14(a). An ER of 2.5 dB has been achieved,
with additional test structures. The power consumption at in agreement with Silicon Photonics state-of-the-art [19]. The
56 Gbps is 300 mW, corresponding to a transmitter power ER can be increased to 3.5 dB by shifting the MZM operating

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Fig. 18. Optical eye diagrams at 40 Gbps and 56 Gbps: probe testing (a), (b) vs. packaged chip on PCB (c), (d).

point by π/10, while maintaining the crossing point of the eye a 4-metal layer printed circuit board (PCB) using 2.4 mm
diagram beyond 48% [see Fig. 14(b)]. Optical eye diagrams coaxial connectors (Fig. 16).
at 28 Gbps to demonstrate backward-compatibility are shown On the electrical side, the main issue of such assembly is
in Fig. 15. the signal integrity. It has in fact to be ensured up to 56 Gbps
Table II compares present work with published electro- through the whole electrical input transmission path, from
optical transmitters realized in different technologies and hav- the connector to the PIC pad. 3D electro-magnetic (EM)
ing similar data rates [19]–[21]. This work shows ∼30% power simulations have been set up to analyze and select the proper
saving compared to Silicon Photonics state-of-the-art [19], geometry of all interconnects, for input matching at the target
demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed equalization characteristic impedance over the whole bandwidth. Grounded
approach. Furthermore, it favorably compares with directly coplanar waveguides (G-CPW) have been adopted on both the
modulated laser (DML) transmitters, allowing more than LGA substrate and the PCB. A particular attention has been
500 mW power budget allocation for the external CW laser focused on the pitch of the ground vias to prevent higher-order
compared to the state-of-the-art of 1310 nm DML [20]. modes propagation. G-CPWs paths have been designed on
each substrate to ensure a phase matching between differential
signals better than 5 deg at 40 GHz. All transitions have been
C. Low-Cost Optical Packaging analyzed by means of 3D electromagnetic simulations and
Measurement results shown in Section VI-A and designed as transmission lines, rather than assuming them as
Section VI-B have been obtained by directly accessing input lumped elements or parasitics. Spring probes in the socket and
pads via RF probes to demonstrate the intrinsic performance bond wires have thus been EM simulated within their embed-
of the 3D-integrated Silicon Photonics transmitters and ding materials, taking advantage of the dielectric constant of
the accuracy of theoretical analysis. However, low-cost these materials to design transmission lines with the required
electro-optical assembly techniques maximizing the signal characteristic impedance. The transfer function (TF) of the
integrity are key and several alternative solutions are under complete transmission path has been derived by comparing
investigation. In this work, an electro-optical assembly the small-signal TF of the travelling wave optical transmit-
approach relying upon the wire bonding of the Silicon ter measured on-wafer to the small-signal TF of the same
Photonics 3D stack on a low-cost land grid array (LGA) optical transmitter measured in package, by means of a 4-
package with a 4-metal layer organic substrate [3] has port differential Vector Network analyzer in conjunction with
been used for testing purposes. Output optical signals have a reference photodiode. The comparison of the measured S-
been collected through a V-block aligned with the photonic parameters with 3D EM simulations is plotted in Fig. 17,
integrated circuit (PIC) grating couplers, directly glued on showing a good agreement. It must be noted that no high-
the PIC (inset of Fig. 16), while bondwires are covered by frequency characterization was available for the embedding
resin for mechanical protection. The packaged demonstrators materials, as well as for the top finishing of the GCPWs on
have been mounted into a custom plastic socket employing the PCB, which can justify the partial mismatch between the
spring probe contacts. The socket has been assembled on results. The smooth behavior of the attenuation of the electrical

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input path allows the compensation of the bandwidth limitation [5] M. Cignoli et al., “A 1310 nm 3D-integrated silicon photonics
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achieving 6 dB extinction ratio at 25 Gb/s,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Solid-
Optical eye diagrams at the output of the travelling wave State Circuits Conf. (ISSCC), Feb. 2015, pp. 1–3.
modulator described in Section VI-B are shown in Fig. 18 [6] E. Temporiti, G. Minoia, M. Repossi, D. Baldi, A. Ghilioni, and
to compare testboard measurements of packaged chips with F. Svelto, “A 56 Gb/s 300 mW silicon-photonics transmitter in
3D-integrated PIC25G and 55 nm BiCMOS technologies,” in IEEE Int.
probe testing results. The same input electrical signal has Solid-State Circuits Conf. (ISSCC) Dig. Tech. Dig., 2016, pp. 404–405.
been used and the same IC settings have been selected [7] E. Säckinger, Broadband Circuits for Optical Fiber Communication.
with no additional input equalization. The realized assem- New York, NY, USA: Wiley, 2005.
[8] L. Vivien and L. Pavesi, Handbook of Silicon Photonics. Boca Raton,
bly minimizes the degradation of the transmitted signal FL, USA: CRC Press, 2013.
versus probe testing up to 40 Gbps. The eye diagram is [9] N. Dupuis et al., “30-Gb/s optical link combining heterogeneously
still open at 56 Gbps even if slightly degraded due to the integrated III–V/Si photonics with 32-nm CMOS circuits,” J. Lightw.
Technol., vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 657–662, Feb. 1, 2015.
bandwidth limitation of the complete electrical input path. [10] D. Feng et al., “High-speed GeSi electroabsorption modulator on the
Larger equalization should be applied for further eye opening SOI waveguide platform,” IEEE J. Sel. Topics Quantum Electron.,
at 56 Gbps. vol. 19, no. 6, Nov./Dec. 2013, Art. no. 3401710.
[11] J. Buckwalter et al., “A monolithic 25-Gb/s transceiver with photonic
The proposed assembly approach and associated simulation ring modulators and Ge detectors in a 130-nm CMOS SOI process,”
method, adopted here for demonstration purposes, can be IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 47, no. 6, pp. 1309–1322, Jun. 2012.
leveraged to optimize future designs of electrical interconnects [12] M. Rakowski et al., “A 4 × 20 Gb/s WDM ring-based hybrid CMOS
silicon photonics transceiver,” in IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf.
on optical module substrates. (ISSCC) Dig. Tech. Papers, 2015, pp. 1–3.
[13] H. Li et al., “A 25 Gb/s, 4.4 V-swing, AC-coupled ring modulator-based
VII. C ONCLUSIONS WDM transmitter with wavelength stabilization in 65 nm CMOS,” IEEE
J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 50, no. 12, pp. 3145–3159, Dec. 2015.
Optical transmitters constitute the most challenging section [14] G. T. Reed, G. Mashanovich, F. Y. Gardes, and D. J. Thomson, “Silicon
of electro-optical transceivers due to the stringent power con- optical modulators,” Nature Photon., vol. 4, pp. 518–526, Aug. 2010.
[15] T. Baehr-Jones et al., “Ultralow drive voltage silicon traveling-wave
sumption constraints set by standard modules’ form factors. modulator,” Opt. Exp., vol. 20, no. 11, pp. 12014–12020, May 2012.
Among Silicon Photonics alternatives enabling cost reduction [16] G. L. Li, T. G. B. Mason, and P. K. L. Yu, “Analysis of segmented
and miniaturization compared to discrete duals, MZMs con- traveling-wave optical modulators,” J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 22, no. 7,
pp. 1789–1796, Jul. 2004.
stitute the most mature solution for industrial applications. [17] N. Qi et al., “A 25 Gb/s, 520 mW, 6.4 Vpp silicon-photonic
In this work alternative architectures for high data rates, Mach–Zehnder modulator with distributed driver in CMOS,” in Proc.
namely multistage and travelling wave, have been compared Opt. Fiber Commun. Conf. Expo. (OFC), 2015, pp. 1–3.
[18] S. Liu, D. J. Thomson, K. Li, P. Wilson, and G. T. Reed, “N-over-N
and analytical criteria for the choice between the two have cascode push–pull modulator driver in 130 nm CMOS enabling 20 Gbit/s
been provided. Demonstrators relying upon first-generation optical interconnection with Mach–Zehnder modulator,” Electron. Lett.,
PIC25G optical devices and achieving 30% better power vol. 51, no. 23, pp. 1900–1902, Nov. 2015.
[19] G. Denoyer et al., “Hybrid silicon photonic circuits and transceiver for
efficiency compared to Silicon Photonics state-of-the-art with 50 Gb/s NRZ transmission over single-mode fiber,” J. Lightw. Technol.,
comparable extinction ratio at similar data rates have been vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 1247–1254, Mar. 15, 2015.
realized for both architectures. Probe testing results have [20] T. Takemoto et al., “A 50-Gb/s NRZ-modulated optical transmitter based
on a DFB-LD and a 0.18-μm SiGe BiCMOS LD driver,” in Proc. Opt.
been compared with measurements of packaged chips on Fiber Commun. Conf. (OFC), 2015, pp. 1–3.
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design methodology for assembled parts. Finally, performance based optical link,” in Proc. Opt. Fiber Commun. Conf. (OFC), 2013,
pp. 1–3.
improvements are expected from next generations of silicon
integrated optical devices, in particular HSPMs. It has been
then demonstrated that Silicon Photonics MZM-based optical
transmitters might be suitable to address not only current but
also next-generation optical communication standards.

The authors would like to thank Anritsu and Tektronix for
providing test equipment.
Enrico Temporiti (M’13) received the
Laurea degree in electronic engineering from
R EFERENCES the University of Pavia, Italy, in 1999, working in
[1] R. Soref, “Silicon photonics: A review of recent literature,” Silicon, conjunction with Alcatel Italia.
vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 1–6, Jan. 2010. In 2000 he joined STMicroelectronics in the
[2] Y. A. Vlasov, “Silicon CMOS-integrated nano-photonics for computer Studio di Microelettronica in Pavia, Italy, focusing
and data communications beyond 100G,” IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 50, on CMOS analog and mixed-signal integrated
no. 2, pp. s67–s72, Feb. 2012. circuits for high speed wireless and wired
[3] F. Boeuf et al., “Silicon photonics R&D and manufacturing on 300-mm applications. He is currently working as a design
wafer platform,” J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 286–295, Jan. 15, manager within the Mixed Processes R&D Team
2016. in the Digital and Mixed Processes ASIC Division
[4] F. Boeuf et al., “A multi-wavelength 3D-compatible silicon photonics of the Microcontrollers and Digital ICs Group. He holds several U.S.
platform on 300 mm SOI wafers for 25 Gb/s applications,” in Proc. IEEE and European patents, mainly in the fields of optical communications and
Int. Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), Dec. 2013, pp. 13.3.1–13.3.4. frequency synthesis.

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Andrea Ghilioni (M’12) received the B.S. and Matteo Repossi (M’05) received the Laurea and
M.S. degrees with honors in electronics engineering Ph.D. degrees in electronics engineering from the
in 2006 and 2008, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy, in 2002 and 2006,
in microelectronics from the University of Pavia, respectively.
Italy, in January 2012, with Prof. Francesco Svelto In 2005, he was with DIEI, University of Perugia,
as Advisor. Perugia, Italy, as a Guest Researcher in the frame-
From 2012 to 2013 he was a Postdoctoral work of a national research project on wideband
Researcher at the University of Pavia, leading the RF-MEMS circuits. In 2006, he joined STMicro-
design of a 10 Gbps mm-Wave wireless short-haul electronics within the Studio di Microelettronica,
OOK transceiver in CMOS 28 nm. In 2013 he Pavia, where his research is focused on the design
become an Assistant Professor at the same Uni- and characterization of high-speed components and
versity. His current research interests cover Silicon-Photonics 3D-assembled circuits for RF and silicon photonics applications.
transceivers design for data-rates above 50 Gbps, and RF/microwave/mm- Dr. Repossi was the recipient of the Second Best Student Paper Award
wave IC design for multi-Gbps wireless communications. at the 2004 Applied Computational Electromagnetics Software Conference,
Syracuse, NY, USA.

Daniele Baldi received the Laurea degree in Elec-

tronic Engineering from the University of Pavia,
Italy, in 2006 with the thesis “Design of the digital
preconditioning section of the signal in a LINC
Gabriele Minoia received the B.S. and M.S. degrees system”.
from the University of Pavia, Italy, in 2004 and 2006, In 2006, he has been with STMicroelectronics in
respectively, both in electronic engineering. the Studio di Microelettronica in Pavia, Italy, within
From 2007 to 2010, he held a grant from the the Microcontrollers and Digital ICs Group in the
University of Pavia within Studio di Microelettron- Mixed Processes R&D technical centre, focusing on
ica (STMicroelectronics), working on the design the digital part of high-speed electrical and optical
of gm-C filters for HDD R/W channel applica- communication.
tions. In 2010, he joined STMicroelectronics, Pavia,
Italy, and since then he has been working on the
development of high-speed ICs for silicon photonics Francesco Svelto (M’98–SM’11–F’13) received the
applications in CMOS and BiCMOS technologies. Laurea and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering
from the University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy, in 1991
and 1995, respectively.
During 1995–1997, he held an industry grant for
research in RF CMOS. In 1997 he was appointed
Assistant Professor at the University of Bergamo,
Italy, and in 2000, he joined the University of Pavia,
where he is now Professor and Vice-Rector for
knowledge transfer. He has been technical advisor
of RFDomus Inc., a start-up he cofounded in 2002
Piero Orlandi received the B.S. and M.S. degrees dedicated to highly integrated GPS receivers. After merging with Glonav Inc.
(both summa cum laude) from the University of (Ireland), RFDomus was acquired by NXP Semiconductors in 2007. Since
Bologna, Bologna, Italy, in 2007 and 2009, respec- 2006, he has been the Director of a scientific laboratory, joint between the
tively. He received the Ph.D. degree in electronics, University of Pavia and STMicrolectronics, dedicated to research in micro-
telecommunications and information technologies electronics, with emphasis on mm-wave systems for wireless communications,
engineering from the University of Bologna in 2014. high-speed serial links, and ultrasound electronics for medical diagnostics.
To develop his research on silicon photonics devices Dr. Svelto has been a member of the technical program committee of the
for flexible optical systems, he was with the Opto- International Solid State Circuits Conference, the Custom Integrated Circuits
electronics group at the University of Glasgow, Conference, and the Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits Technology Meeting. He is
Glasgow, U.K., for 11 months. presently a member of the technical program committee of the European
From 2015 to 2016, he was a research grant holder Solid State Circuits Conference. He served as Associate Editor of the IEEE
at the University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy, and since 2016, he has been with J OURNAL OF S OLID -S TATE C IRCUITS (2003–2007), and as Guest Editor for
STMicroelectronics, Pavia, working on the design of integrated optical devices a special issue in the same journal in March 2003. He was a co-recipient
for silicon photonics electro-optic transceivers. His main interests are in the of the IEEE J OURNAL OF S OLID -S TATE C IRCUITS 2003 Best Paper Award.
simulation and characterization of photonic devices and circuits, in particular Presently, he is a Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE Solid-State Circuits
with respect to the silicon-on-insulator platform. Society.

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