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C1 wwwusindhedupk/surj/volume 44 no 03/37.pdi ‘Sindh Untv. Res. Jour. (Set. Ser.) Vol.#4 (3) 335-540 2012) = ‘Swon University Research Journal Science Series) payii ‘An Operational Approach For Wimax At Ultra High Bandwidth With Spectrum 60 Ghz SS. SOOMRO, A. A. KHAN®, A. G. MEMON®®, A. IFTIKHAR, M.R MAREE, Institute of Business Management, Karachi ‘Eat sfc soomro(abistcan com ghaooraused tage Received January 2012 and Revised 19 Jno 2012 ‘Abstract: WiMan isa promising network of today industry. I provides P2P and PIMP peint to aipcit broadbaad | Services upto thety miles. ls operational tequency range is 10 Giz 10 60 GHz. It provies data rave of 73Mbps per | shaase!; with an end-to-end encryption called CCMP (Counte: Mode with Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication | Code Protocol). CCMP is an Advanced Encryption Standard AFS used encryption method, whieh delivers secure | ‘communication. Telecom industry seeks secure, cheaper, wirdess meo area network, tha full de teday imemet | ‘Transistor using un-icensed Hand. “The Aim ofthis paper is simulate COGHz unlicensed WiMax band in Mati. This | research explores millimeter waves, related clctoaics, mathematica of WiMax and simulated graph comparison. It determines avaiable capacity verses coverage ara an transnession bit error probability. Further highlights the ideal | Eitnd'n mon cfc way Oar esac supe he aa danasn of Wan waih HENT High Fess My | Innate codon in iret eins Restarh pot Wilax wl bee ata pons wiles Sewer Keywords: WIMAX, HEMT, OFDMA, MIMO, 1 mNTRODUCTION Wireless nemorks are economical and portable, K market ratio is 1:3. Wirless networks are famous among consumers due to secure, reliable, robust and nottale connections. WiMax network is one ofthe Multiple Ousput MIMO/Smast Antenna and Software Defined Ratios SDR Kyung-Ho Kim, (2006). WiMax ean deliver high speed data rate upto 10 Gigabyte/s over five Kilometers in LoS Line of Sight network. For non- line of sight coverage it prefers Orthogonal frequency Cb 1D wwwiobm edupk/PlETS/V1IN1/07_Ditferential%20image%20Compression.pat IETS Volume 1, No, 2011, 14-20 Differential Image Compression for Telemedicine: A Novel Approach Adnan Alam Khan’, Asadullah Shah”, Saghir Muhammad” ABSTRACT ‘Telemedicine is one of the most emerging technologies of applied medical sciences. Medical information related to paticats is transmitted and stored for references ard consultations, Medical images occupy huge space; in ‘order to transmit these images may delay the provess of image transmission in critical times. Image compression techniques provide a better solution to combat bandwidth scarcity problems, and transmit same image ina much lower bandwidin requirements, mote faster and at the same time maintain quality. In this paper a differential image compression method is devcloped in which medical images are taken from a wounded pationt and are ‘compressed to reduce the bitrate of these images. Results indicate that on average 25% compression on images is achieved with 3.5 MOS taken from medical doctors and other paramesical stafT the ultimately wser of the images. Testorg/anicles/Fast-subsequent-color-rsmatching-in-large-database php tal Senge Stes [5 WebSice Galley C3 impor Foie “Tuesday 1 at ovemtes 2012 International Journal of Computer Science Issues (More than a traditional journal. Home | CallForPapers | Submission | Authors | Reviewers | Editors | Publications Fast Subsequent Color iris Matching in large Database ‘Adnan Alam Khan, Safeeuliah Soomro and ifan Hyder Datebeses play an important olen cyber wot pois authentic across the gles othe legitimate vr Blemetice snotherimpatant tool wich recognizes humans using he physical statis. Biomevics system requires speed recognition ‘hat prides stant and aceuet ecuts. Biotic musty i looking fra now lore tat iteracts wth emetic system reduces a recognition ime wile 2earchng #3 vcard lage dalabese. We props 2 method wich pres an appropiate lution forth soementoned protien. ia ages databace could ba smart ins mage hstoqam rai fs used 29s primary kay. So, we have deeoped an alrthm tet canes image histogram ints eight yt code which wil be used 2 primary key ofa lege dataoas. Second par of hie study seplane ha are mage recagndon can ee lace. Forth ana ane aiciet sigan is dvlaped that segments tho iis mage and pers recapntion much less ime. Our eeeach proses aes and ‘Siiet algo that ecognzes calor ses Hom age dtabase. We hve akeadimpemartd his algathn sa. & prades enime, ih confidence recognition of @ persons ent using mathematica arayss a he random ptr that are “ible wthn tn ns ofan aye {98957 &punurber=59763168ur =htip%IAK2F%TFiecexplore ieee org%7F HD Svogeted Stes [3 Web Sie Galey C3] FnporedFomEE HD tele-medical image compression for on-line decision.» lie 3] AgsTRACT “Telemedicine is 2 rising technology of applied medical sciences through which patients medical reports can be tranemitted and stored for referances and consultations. Medical treatment in Pakistan stil requires immense Improvement 25 ncoract diagnosis and treatment, has resulted in the distorting the patient for hfe or death, Fst aid system in our country is unbelevably bad, and many ves could be saved i proper fst aid diagnosis and ‘ueatment is provided in the fst two hous. In ths paper we are tying to brage the thee main constituents e Physician, Fest aid workers and Patent, this would especially enable remote location frst aid attendants, to [provide treatment as per Physician's dractives, We have cevelopac an mage compression alganthm that will ‘reduce the original sizeof an image, providing 2 guide for Physician with the aid of X-Ray, MR, CT Scan oF ECG ‘mages otc, oF patients whose ves are in critical condition at remote locations or m ambulances, mamly due to ‘natural disasters or accidants, Such victins need immedato treatment and 2 verbal decussion is net sufficient, ‘mages are required an urgent bass. Our reults have incicated that on an average 25% image compression has ‘been achieved with 2.6 MOS taken from ultimate user's ie. medical actors and other paramedicalataft. Index Terme are avaiable to eubecrbers and IEEE members; ‘Adctional Details References (3) Tapicts): Communicstn, Networing&Brosdcaing j Cmponers, Crs, avees& Systems Computing & Procareng (Harare Sera); Sanal Proerang 8 ole Conference Location: Karsh INSPEC Accession Number: 12152820 Digital object identifier: 12 1105/escr 20015089571 Issue Dete: 25-24 July 2012 D woaubiztekedu pk/downloads/ic2-2/ bankingsys pat tat Ey Suggested Stes 1) Web Sie alery CS Emported From IE Anal of rman Comma Taig army NGI ea 9.10. Online Banking Transaction System tote ae oles of pee sa Aa ince an Tey Rae Plion ABSTRACT, incl Inattson pay. vit sin of rain doom fan ‘Rat ep ofan ie bn cn tla sn lg retro an gone cumeney pet snc ae gg te dae apd spleen yt Unt lp our tn {Drm or dp my im moe conven way Totem oe ‘cn alan deny pl cn apt ‘Sdoutoasiy rea ona. eee © Diisiong/ LUCS!igumratona Jeu of Compu Sioace sues, Volo, eve 3, No 1, May 2012 ISSN (Ortre)sosn%6 ww eS | 2 Fast Subsequent Color Iris Matching in large Database ‘Adnan Alam Khan’ SafecullahSoomre* and ofan Hyde? " PAF-KIET Department of Teecommunications, Employer of state of Business Management ‘Karachi Sindh, Pakistan * astute o Business aad Teennotopy Bit ‘Karachi, Sindh, Pais Abstract pahass play an imporbet ae ia jeer Word. I povies stshericy aren th lobe tthe leyjiene ac, Blois ‘arbor para fol which recogiizes humans using thei psd suistes, Ghamsicsyem requis speedy roceiton {hat provider instant and ascurts resis. Biotec ity Xr Farce Karachi asa of Coonoie sud Technology, ‘Karachl, Shh, Pai pattems and voicoprints have gute « few and significant Sisedvaniegsx Though fingepnnts and photographs are relatively cheap and offer easy usage but thaw is 10 sssurance heae, can easily be manipulated and forged Similarly. voicepins, handprints and fingrprints can casly be counterfeited. However, Iris, being internal % [D wnwusindhedupk/surj/volume 44 no 03/25.odf ‘SINDH University RESEARCH JOURNAL (SCIENCE SERIES) Sinaia Univ. Res. Jour. (Set. Ser) Vol.$4 (3) 473-478 (2012) 7 Flickers Forecasting CRT Using Stochastic Analysis A.A. KHAN, S. SCOMmO®, A. G. MEMO" Institute of Business Management, Pakistan Email safeeullh soommo(biztekian com: ghafoor@usinih ed pk ‘Reccved 18 January 2012 and Revised 11 he 2012 ‘Keywords Flicker, CRT, Stocaste 1 INTRODUCTION Series of individual images im @ movie clip called frames. When these images are shown rapidly in succession, a viewer has the illusion that motion is ‘occurring, The viewer cannot observe the flickering ia ‘a movie clip duc frame continuation is known a Persistence of vision. It is due to eye retains om a ficker will emerge in a clip if probability «mong pixels is ahove 0.05. In onder to reduce flicker we add a new pixel ‘among higher probability pixels. This additional pixel ccontaine the mean pixel value: of consecutive pixels that can reduce the huminosity of a flicker. On fast ‘motion scenes, a variable bitrate uses more bits than it ‘geo oes : {Sound in every de. Ike decker box Ua vids, are several esos bend Mek pera one of he main reasons ‘ees te ofthe monitor and second reson = nue of rames per scondina vides. Thema jective of his ty topropese and ‘evcloy a fiamemon that ction dicks lati innizes the char acs Analy shows at Biches san be msi by Sjstng tne porktens of pcel and higher sh rte of CRT mantorFatbr we fave compared fron topes of hoe scl and genomic it graph Tas paper highlighted the cause of cer and fw vonarce Stata omar proves tat proposed ith amproves he vdeo quality andere flickers ato up 10 Ps. 2010 International Conference on Intelligence and Information Technology (IciIT 2010) Notification of Acceptance of the ICIIT 2010 October 28 - 30, 2010, Lahore, Pakistan httpe/ / 4 \ 2 lacsit © lc E E Dear Adnan Alam khan and Saghir Muhammad, Paper ID : B10052 Paper Title : Performance Evaluation of WiMAX Higher Frequency Band Using Its Physical Layer Imported FomiE @ [ ha National Conference on Signal and Image Processing Applications 2009 IET Seminar Digests 2009/1 Maharashtra, India 19-20 September 2009 Color Iris Recognition in Controlled Conditions .a...77 A. A. Khan, I. Hyder A National Conference On age Processing Applications 19-20 September 2009 Programme Schedule Day 1: September 19, 2009(Saturday) Time. 9.00am-0930 am. Registration Time 9.30am-1000am Inauguration (Venue: Auditorium) Time: 10.00 am-10.30 am. Key-note Speech: Dr. S.C. Sahasrabudhe Title: “Trends in Signal processing as on Today” ‘Time: 1.30p.m.-2.30p.m. Poster Session (Venue: MDC-4) 1. “Color ffi Recognition in controlled condition”, Adnan Alam Khan, Irfan Hyder 2. “Face Recognition Using Partitioned Iterated Function System", D-Potgantwar Dr. $. G. Bhirud “Tris Recognition Using Texture Analysis and Band Limited Phase Only Correlation”, V. §. Vyas, M.S. Sewani ina a MPRA ic eon RaP Ee Arch Knowledge Transformation asd Economie Developmen The Role of Digital Teciology~ An Analysis © |B ~1.PDF Indus Journal of Management & Social Sciences Vol. 1, No. 1: 33-45 (Spring 2007) Knowledge Transformation and Economic Development: ‘The Role of Digital Technology- An Analysis Gobind M. Herani,” Riaz Ahmad Shirazi, ** Noor Zaman," and Adnan Alam’ ABSTRACT This paper assesses the role of evolutionary process in knowledge transformation and economic development, especially due to emerging diversified digital technology. Everywhere, in the world, ever-advancing digital technology is performing a revolutionary role in converting the ‘world into a global village. The knowledge, scientific and non-scientific, is being transformed with an enormous speed through digital media. Getting education through technology is providing, audio-visual way of enhancing knowledge. But digital technology has its positive and negative affects. It needs some positive steps to ensure the qualitative knowledge transformation. In this article copyrights of accessing computerized data is also discussed, which prevents legal ‘ransformation of knowledge for globalisation of the world, research based education, and economic development. There different views of different. Leamed authors have presented different views for reflection and deeper understanding. This study, with brief history of knowledge transformation, is worthy of fruitful suggestions. D IEEE Xplore BROWSE = ruetutp =&amumber=598357 1icontentT ype Conferences > anateational Sign 19 HD tele-medical image compression for on- ‘Advances Search | Preferenc ine decision |Search Ting | Mors Search Ortions + “This paper appears in Informaton and Communication Technologies (ICICT), 2013, International Conference on Date of Contersnce: 23-24 lly 25:3, Author(s): then, A. Inet of Bus. Manage, Kerechi, Piston Haband, 5 Page(s) & Product Type: Conference Publcabons ABSTRACT rvatabe Formats NOCMEMET wenper price Wy PDF us$31.00 ssio.00 # Lzaen how you can ‘ai Yr the best ‘ADD TO cai “Telemadicine isa rising technology of applied medical sciences through which patients medical reports canbe transmitted and stored for references and consultations. Medical treatment in Pakistan stil requires immense improvement as incorect diagnosis and treatment, has resulted in the distorting the patient for life or death. Fest aid system in our country is unbelievably 634, and many lives could be saved if proper frst aid diagnosis anc ‘treatment is provided in the frst two hours. In this paper we are trying to bridge the three main constituents i.e. Physician, First Aid workers and Patient, this would especially enable remote location frst aid attendants, to provide treatment as par Physician's directives. We have developed an image compression algorithm that vill Fectice the onginal ste of an image, providing a guid for Physician with the aid of X-Ray, MRI, CT Sean or £06 images etc, of patients whose lives are in critical condition at remate locations or in ambulances, mainly due to natural disasters or accidents, Such victims need immediate treatment and a verbal discussion is not sufficient, July 23-24 2011 IBA Main Campus, Karachi, lncasicon of anal oC Gms Test haces ra Cha Cane [resection of Conrene plaques D leeexplareieee.arg/xpl/login sp?tp=&arnumber=4909217auur -hrips3A%:2F92Fecexplore ieee org%2Fvpls%2Fa IEEE Xplore: sttational ign Tn > aianefsnnociat Research on electronic cheque system ‘Advanced Search | Preferences | Search Tips |More Search Options © ‘This paper appears in: CComauter, Corts! and Communication, 2009, C$ 2008. 2nd Date of Conteremen: 17-19 Feb, 2508 ‘Authoe(s): Khas), Fac. of COIS, Call of Bus. & Manaoe., Karachi Nuharmad, 53 Parvaz Page(s): -8 Product Type: Conference publicstions eet AUSTRACT il ‘Non-Member se Available Formats emer ember Price (y) POF usg31.00_usg10.00 ually forthe best Bren fortis amt ‘Most of the organizations especialy financial institutions use colored/toxture paper for the signature on any toxt ‘paper for thoir documentation, but thay always keep their original signature record on the white paper. When these signatures are verified electronically, the results are not accurate bacause ef the difference in color Intensity. In this paper, a mechanism is proposed that automates the signature verification for the above ‘purpose. The cbjective of signature venification isto judge whether an input signature of colored paper is a [genuine signature or 2 forgery. The results are alsa prasented, those are compared with the collected signature ‘samples, and the original input signatures carried out, The signature verification of colored paper (SCF) system can verity the signatures having diferent background color, and also convert white paper background through variation of color intensity. The papar highlighted the issues and provides the solutions especially electronic + D ieeexplore iece.o1g/«p\/articieDetallsjspjsessionid-= sehane/shsbaleth Comparative analysis of broadband wireless access from Wi-Fi to WiMax. “This paper appears in Applied Soenens and Technology IECAST), 2008 6th ‘available Formats No™-Member Isternotene| Bhurson Conference on Price Date of Conference: 19:22 Inn. 2009 Author(s}: sn, AA. Member Price Inst. of Bus. & Technol., Pakistan POF ves5409 foo SREY caeene nian sya eee ews Er ESET iwes:)(0 ewe) 2) Ruse) (0) ABSTRACT ‘The paper discusses the compabblity of WiMax and Wi-Fi networks. Thase networks are most popular in industry ‘now days. WiMax is used for MAN and Wi-Fi is used for LAN. WiMax standard provides point to multipoint broadband services up to 30 miles with the frequency ranges from 10 GHz to 60 GHz. This standard can dolar 75 Mbps pr channel with end-to-end encryption called CCMP (which is Counter Mode with Cipher Aleck Chaining ‘Message Authentication Code Protocol) that is based on AES encryption. These measures are not enough in Ye Sic ery (9 impo ro wu biatekedupk/downioads/ici2-2/E bankinaays ournal of Information & Communication Technology Perary Vol 2, No.2 all 2008) 90-100 ‘Online Banking Transaction System ‘Adnan Alam Khai Cotege of tusines ond Nemagement Karachi Pakistan ‘Noor Zaman ing Pasa Unheray Cotes f Comper Shence 8 TT Sou Arabia Mansour uz Zafar Daywood Insta of darned Teco, kava Pabistan ABSTRACT ‘Financial Institutions pays vita oe in development of any sou Each final instantly thls afta county lot bank. The policy of any mother bank i o faite the ation and holding reserves and generate currency forts inthis ‘weate going to discuss and implemen a system tat helps a maton {0 draw or deposit money in more conventional way. This ystor the mbination oral and new! proposed cheque system, usin compute {ethnology thin system smuch more fn, seeure and provide coaldence [snd autos for any consumer INSPEC Classification : C0230, CO3104, C3600, C6100, D2080E () wwwbiztekedupk/downloads/jct2-2/resh%20after pdf Loursalaftaformaion & Communication Tehwolegy ‘Vol 2.No. 2 (Fal 2008) 1364135 1Pv6 on Optical Networks Noor Zaman King Penal Unters of Computer Sree IT Saul Arabia ‘Mansoor uz Zafar” rating of rsinceed Pesto, Rai, Polio. "Adnan Alam khan” Coleg of Busnes at Nero ara, Pate, ABSTRACT ‘The paper highlights the issues of optical networks with acquaintances ‘of leemnst protocol version 6 Enormous growths has been mode in the previous yeurs in cyber world. Now a days user are too demanding and {hey nod more and more bandewicth with eheap cost. Which result in the result requirement of more address space to over come these issues so the users and scientist are drifting towards new address. Our approach ‘Sto evtablish relation ship (without electrial interference) between next generation protocol and cheap cos higher data rate Optical fiber. Jgeted D iezexplore nip =Brarnumber=4547653&ur =hiip%aA%2FPFeeexplore ieee O° %2AApISE. IEEE Xplore: y tcmel ae ‘oraFTAL Urenany > athona/shibbaleth Face recognition techniques (FRT) based on face ratio under controlled con Biomsvies and Security Tecvrclogies, 2008, ISBAST 2008. available rormatsN&"-HEMBET omper price international symsesim on Price Date of Conference: 25-23 Aon) 2008 Ahern ee [y) POF uss3.00—uss10.00 {Co of C5, Karachi Int of Ean, & Technal., Karachi Noorzaman ; A22, A. DaNeed, Mu. Patel Type ao ‘ADD TO Product Type: Conference Pubistions Lan hoe goat Bre forts tem Bee Geo Bio. Gey viwest| 0) (see) 0 [Elie] ansTRACT Human (20/20) face image play 2 vital rola fn face recognition (FR). 1€ lee in blomatne sciences for human [Dp recognition fr its authentication and sacurity, The aim of this paper is to present = new emerging face {recognition algontnm, tne algorithm uses the capa's of face for the racagnition and generate an eight werd character code and ths code i intel used asa barcode. This bar can be une furthr as uthenbic code for

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