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1. General ................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Application ...................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Use conditions .................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Constitution .................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Specifications .................................................................................................... 3
2. Operation.............................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Table tilting .................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Tabletop longitudinal/lateral sliding.................................................................... 6
2.3 F/R unit sliding ............................... ................................................................. 7
2.4 FFD selection ................................................................................................ 8
2.5 Oblique beam projection ................................................................................ 8
2.6 Tabletop vertical sliding .................................................................................... 9
2.7 Compression cone ............................................................................................ 9
2.8 Collimator .......................................... . ........................................................ ..... 10
2.9 Loading of cassette .................................................................... . ..................... 12
2.10 Unloading of cassette ......................................................................................... 13
2.11 Selection and changing of exposuse program .................................................... 14
2.12 Fluoroscopy..................................................................................................... . 16
2.13 Radiography .................................................................................................... 17
2.14 Shifting of grid ........................... ;...................................................................... 24
2.15 Selection of rapid serial exposure...................................................................... 24
2.16 Finish and interruption of radiography ............................................................. 25
2.17 Procedure of emergency.................................................................................... 25
2.18 Setting of accessaries ...................................................-..................................... 27
3. Mai ntenance Service an d Check ............................................................................ 29
4. Er ror Code............................................................................................................ 30
Remote Control Board Drawing ...................................... Dwg. No. 501-09656
Local Control Board Drawing ............................................ Dwg. No. 501-09657
Equipment Drawing ............................................................ Dwg. No. 501-09655
1. General
1.1 Application
The RS-100 applies to the following examination techniques.
I.I. -TV fluoroscopy
Spot filming
Bucky radiography
Indirect radiography
Enlargement radiography
Oblique projections
Film changer serial radiography
1.2 Use conditions
To make the most of functions of this equipment, use it under the following conditions.
(1) Cassette used CM or INCH size cassette based on IEC standard
(2) Ceiling height More than 2850 mm
(3) Power requirements 3</> AC200V, 3.0kVA, 50/60Hz
lq, ACl00V, 0.SkVA, 50/60Hz
(4) Environmental conditions
+10 ~ 40 C (based on IEC's General Requirements on
Ambient tern perature
Safety of Medical Electrical Equipment).
Relative humidity 30 ~ 75% (based on IEC's General Requirements on
Safety of Medical Electrical Equipment).
Atmospheric pressure 700 ~ 1,060 mbar (based on IEC's General Requirements
on Safety of Medical Electrical Equipment).
Atmosphere To be conformed to JIS Z 4703 on medical X-ray
mechanical equipment.
( 5) Grounding Grounding to the ground resistance of less than 100 n
with annealed copper wire of 1.6 mm diameter for
grounding wire.

s ti tu tion
1.3 C o n
0 1 -0 9 6 55
ns in g No. 5
D im e n s io S e e D ra w
ht 5 0 0 kg
T o ta l w e ig Approx. 1



a ss e m b ly @
CD Grips @ T a b le to p Base
G) @ tr o l b o a rd
0 Tube sup
p o rt F o o t re st Local c o n

device su p p o rt s @) y
0 C o m p re ss
io n c o n e S h o u ld e r T a b le b o d
a rd
u p h o ld e r @ o n tr o l b o
0 C o ll im a to
B a ri u m c R e m o te c
n so le
@ device @ o n tr o l c o
0 G ri p s S p o t ftlm R e m o te c

1.4 Specifications

° ° °
Table tilting 90 /-30 (Trendelenburg), speed 90 / 17 s
Table top height 93.5 cm to 115.5 cm, speed 1.1 cm/s(60Hz), 0.9cm/s(50Hz)
Table top dimensions 67.5cm X 210cm
Table top longitudinal sliding headwards 95cm/foot wards 55cm, speed 4.5cm/s

Table top lateral sliding ±12.5 cm, speed 3 emfs (60Hz), 2.5 emfs (50Hz)
Central-ray height 105 cm to 182 cm (above floor with unit in vertical
F/R unit longitudinal sliding 77 cm, speed 6.0cm/s
° °
Oblique beam projection max. 30 caudo-cranial/35 cranio-caudal, with parallax
COJnpensation of the I.I., point of rotation from 15 mm to
235 mm height adjustable (above table top)
Tomography linear tomography (Planigraphy), FFD 110 cm, 40 /2s
° °
20 /ls, 8 /0.4 s
Layer height 15 mm to 235 mm (above table top), speed 1.1 cm/s (60Hz),
0.9 cm/s (50Hz)
FFD 110 cm, 120 cm, 140 cm, speed 2 emfs (60Hz),
1.7 emfs (S0Hz)
Table top to film distance 6 cm to 28 cm
Compression force less than 10 kgf.

Spotfilm device pushbu tton-co ntrolled automa tic program selectio n ,
rapid serial devided exposu res

Exposu re program s 2 program s for selectio n


IJ []]
14 X 17
35 X 43

3 0 X 40

35 X 35
■ IJ I]
IJ I] • *

14 X 14
■ IJ I]


■• 11] 1]
11 X 14

24 X 30
1 I] [] 10 X 12
1 I] II]
■ IJ [IJ ~ ~ ■ IJ [] ~ ~

~ ~
~ ■ IJ I]
9½ X 9½
■ IJ (IJ
24 X 24

18 X 24
■ • IJ II] 8 X 10
■ ■ IJ ITI

* there is unexpo sed margin of approx . 24 mm

on both sides.

Moving grid 10/1, 401 p/cm, fo = 120 cm, retracta ble

Angiographic version step drive of table t op, 4 X 22cm, speed 22 cm / 2s,

(Option ) program -contro lled, max. 5 exposu re position s

-4 -
2. Operation
To switch in the power again after cutting off the power, wait 5 seconds before switching-in.
2 1 Table tilting
Remote control board Local control board

/ r190º
· ct!J
1 1


When the switch is released while the table is tilting, the table stops at any position.

Depending on the tablet<?P longitudinal sliding position and the table tilting angle, the automatic
pulling-back function of tabletop will be worked to avoid the interference of the tabletop an d
the floor or ceiling. The relation of the table top longiturtinal sliding and table tilting angle is
as follows .


Fig. 1

2.2 Tabletop longitudina l/lateral sliding

Remate control board Local control board

.-@ [~: 1
¿ 1
Refer to Fig. 1 about the upper limit

C) @
~ - - - 7
___ J

' Refer to Fig. 1 about the lowest limit

r--- - -- ---7 ~
C) .. @
+-- - --t
+-C ) @
¾, +-*-+~
1L ..J
_____ _ __ _J1

, ' <:;?

C) '@ ,._
¿ el_)

¾, <'-;::i
t? <'¿:¡ t? (;)
1 1

When the switch is relased while the tabletop is sliding, the tabletop stops at any position.

The longitudina l limit of the tabletop sliding depends on the table tilting angle (refer to Fig. 1)

2.3 F /R unit sliding

Remote control board Local control board

= Refer to Fig. 2 about the u pper limit.

= Refer to Fig. 2 about the lowest limit.

When the switch is released while the F /R unit is sliding, the F /R unit stops at any position.

* Note : First push th e side push botton.

The limit of the sliding of F /R unit depends on the table tilting and the oblique of the
tube support.

____ _ __ _
(72._ ____, No limitation
i------ --+---
)c_m_;-- - ---------------<
At the table Trendelenburg position

*( ) shows in case that the three-channel I.I.

with spot-camera is attached.

Fig. 2

2.4 FFD selection
When push the switch of desired FFD, the tube support auto-
matically telescopes to the selected FFD.
The illumination of the pushed switch is turned on and off
untill the selected FFD is set.

The relation of the selectable FFD and oblique beam projection is as follows.

o o
o o
.--< N
.--< .--<

Fig. 3

* Note: In the case of planigraphy, angiography (mode selection switch " 1 :l, I ", " 1 is' I "

or "l~I "is selected), FFD is automatically set 1100mm.

2.5 Oblique beam projection

To return the tube support to th~ mid-position, keep pushing l ➔~~ l ·
When the switch is released while tube support obliques, the tube
support stops at any position.

The limit of oblique angle depends on the table tilting, FFD and the kind of I. I.


No limitation

'-----i At the table Trendelenburg position

~ - - At FFD 1400 mm

At the table Trendelenburg position and 12
~----i three-channel l. l. attached

Fig. 4

2.6 Table top vertical sliding

e = =----=-i:-=- -=--- ---::i] , h--

' - -- -- -- -- -~
( ~____,) § -- -- o

7 7 7 I 77 / I 7/77 1
/ ..... -


___ _ _ _ _
-..... .....

_ ',

_ •.,/_L___ ___
M o

or.... r....
o r....


At 10cm above table top,
min. magnification factor is 1.13
max. magnification factor is 1.53

When the switch is released while the tabletop is sliding, the tabl etop stops at any position.

2. 7 Compression cone
Two other cone shapes are usable, flat type and projected type, which are interchangeable.

The compression cone comes into the X-ray field and compress
with a compression force tilla maximum of 10 kgf.

The compression cone returns to its retreat position.

For safety , if the table top or F/R unit is slided, or the tube support is obliqued during
compression, the compression cone retreats. And if the tub e support is obliqued beyond
±4° , the compression cone does not work.

2.8 Collimator
A full automatic collimator is equipped in this equipment to control the X-ray field
However, for purpose of reducing the patient's X-ray exposure, practice the positive X-ray
field regulation respectively in fluoroscopy and radiography by operating the collimetor handle.

2.8.1 X-ray field in fluoroscopy

The field is restricted automatically within the size correspond to the selection of the exposure
program selection switch as follows.

· Exposure program selection switch Maximum field size in fluoroscopy

The square circumscribed with the size of

1.1. input screen

The diameter of 1.1. input screen (vertical)

X dimension corresponding to the program (horizontal)

Vertical and horizontal dimension corresponding

to the program

The field is freely controlled by operating the collimeter handle to the following
directions in so far as the field size does not exceed the above sizes.

*,--íl--, +!: - -

Field control in vertical

:# t==f -#


Field control in horizontal

- 10 -
.,.,. ¡¡:

:tt -
ope n
Field control In vertical

* F. -~

Field control in horizontal

2.10.2 X-ray field in radiography

(1) In case fluo-spot filming
The X-ray field of three mode, namely, FULL-AUTO, SEMI-AUTO and
MANUAL, can be selected in accordance with radiographic purpose.

Mode Collim ation mode selection switch Field size in radiography

In-espec tive of the X-ray field in fluoroscop y, the

X-ray field is automatic ally acljusted to the selec ted
film formar.

The vertical size is automatically adjusted ro the


[!] selected film fom1at. The horizontal size remains

to the fluoroscopic field s ize .

Both verti cal and ho rizontal size remain ro rhe

fl uo roscopic fielcl size.

Keep the key switch of the collimator at the auto U position.
lf the key switch is at the manual ( ~ · ) position, the fluoroscopy
does not irradiate. The illumination of the fluo-spot filming selection

switch íl ~ íl is turned on and off to inform it.

2 - 11
(2) In case bucky radiography
11 11
Set the collimator mode selection switch on the remate control panel FULL-AUTO •

Toe X-ray field is automatically adjusted to the selected film format. If you want to undersize ,
adjust the size of the light field by the knob of the collimator at key switch auto ( +t ) position.
1 NOTE 1

Keep the key switch of the collimator at the auto ( +t ) position.

lf, the key switch is at the manual ( ~\ ) position, the X-ray does
not irradiate. The illumination of the bucky radiography selection

switch [I!] is turned on and off to inform it.

(Refer to the installation manual paragraph 4.9)

(3) In case planigraphy, serial radiography, etc.

Toe X-ray field is automatically adjusted to the selected film format. (In
case of film changer serial radiography, automatically adjusted 35cm x 35cm)
If you want to make a radiog-
raphy on the collimated size, tum
the key switch G) to the manual
( ~ \ ) and adjust the size of
the light field by the knob @.
Toe field projector larnp lights
up for about 30 seconds by pu sh-
ing the switch ~-
2.11 Loading of cassette
2.11 .1 Insert the cassette into the cassette caITiage until its edge 1s caught by the
cassette catches.

Usable cassettes are as follows.

2 - 12
2.9.2 Shift the cassette to the stand-by position
After loading the cassette, push the cassette IN/OUT switch.
The carriage is shifted to the stand-by position, and the illumination
of the switch is turned off when the carriage reaches to the stand-by
position .

If the illumination of the switch is not turned off, it means followings.

o Misloading of the cassette
0 No cassette in the carriage
o Unusable cassette has loaded
In this case, " C " is also shown on the exposure sequence indicator of the remate
control board.

2.10 Unloading of cassette

2.10.1 Shift the cassette to the cassette loading position.

[ill] Push the cassette IN/OUT switch.

The carriage is shifted to the cassette loading position.

2.10.2 Pull up the jaw, and the cassette catches are depressed and the cassette comes out.

Fig. 7

- 13 -
2.11 Selection and changing of exposure program
2.11.1 Selection of exposure program

When the carriage reaches to the stand-by position, the

illumination of the selectable exposure program
selection switches is turned on.
Select the desired exposure program out of these selectalbe exposure programs and
push the switch .
The illumination of the not-selected switches is turned off and the selected exposure
program is set.
The exposure sequence indicator shows the number of subdivision.

Selectable rex posure programs are as follo ws.

35 X 43
I] II] 14 X 17
I] II]
30 X 40

35 X 35
1 iJ I]
IJ (]]
- *

14 X 14
IJ (]]
◊ 11 X 14

24 X 30
1 IJ I]] 10 X 12
1 IJ [I]
- IJ IJJ ~ ~ ■ IJ I] ~ ~

■ IJ [I] ~ ~ ■ IJ I] ~ ~
24 X 24 9½ X 9½

18 X 24
■ • IJ IJJ 8 X 10
1 ■ IJ (I]

exposure sequ ence

~ ~ 00 Bl~I ~ 5

- 14 -
2.11.2 Changing of exposure program
The exposure program can be changed to the another selectable exposure program
freely whenever the first exposure has not been taken.
In case of the program change on the way of the subdivisional exposure, the following
program changes are possible.

Film formats Program change exposu re sequence

CM 24X30

CM 24X24
□ ~
After first exposure of
INCH 10X12

2-div., change 4-div. ex-
posure program DE
INCH 91/:zX 9½

After fust exposure of
3-div., change 6-div. ex-
posure program rnrn 5

~After second exposure of EEE

3-div., change 6-div. ex-
posure program.

*Note : When unselectable exposure program is selected, the illumination of the

selected switch is not turned on, but the illumination of the switch
befare changed is continued to light and " Li " is shown on the
exposure sequence indicator of the remate control board.

- 15 -
2.12 Fluoroscopy
2.12.1 Preparation of fluoroscopy
\ 1

Change over the TECHNIQUE selector of the X-ray control at the position of" ~ ' ' ~-
When the fluoroscopy preparation switch is pushed, the preparation of
fluoroscopy is set and the illumination of the switch is turned on.
When the switch is pushed again, the preparation of fluoroscopy is
released and the illumination is turned off.

Note: l. When the mode selection switch "1 {IIll} I","1 c.c:!• l" or "ii'c' I" is selected,
this switch does not work.
2. When the cassette carriage is at cassette loading position, the switch
does not work.
3. When a fluoroscopy is not to be performed or is terminated, be sure to set
this switch in the fluoroscopic OFF state.

2.12.2 Irradiation of fluoroscopy

The fluoroscopic irradiation is done when the foot switch of the remate controll console

is steped.
2.12.3 Selection of 1.1. field size
In case of combination with the multi-field 1.1., the fluoroscopic field format can be changed

by pushing the 1.1. field size selection switch.

/ 1 /
Large Middle Small

- 16 -
2.13 Radiography
2.13.1 Selection of the switches
Select the TECHNIQUE selector of the X-ray control and the mode selection switch
of the remate control board in accordance with radiographic technique. By pushing the mode
selection switch, the preparatory motion to each radiographic technique starts and the illumi-
nation of the switch is turned on and off. When the preparation is finished, the illumination
of the switch is turned on.

TECHNIQUE Exposure switch

Radiographic technique Mode selection switch

' \ I /
Fluo-spot filming ~ Remate control board

Bucky radiography
r=7 [jf] X-ray control

Planigraphy :¡_
~ X-ray control

Indirect radiography
(with spot-camera)
~ Remate control board

Serial radiography o Film changer
(with film changer) D

General X-ray control


*Note: l. When radiography, do not use combinations shown in the above table.
Using unavailable combination may cause misexposure.
2. If the exposure switch of the remate control board is mis-pushed, the X-ray does not
irradiate and " ¡:::,, " is shown on the exposure sequence indicator of the remate
control board.
3. The symbol of the TECHNIQUE selector may be different depended on the
difference of the type of the X-ray control.

- 17 -
(1) Fluo-spot filming .
Push the mode selection switch "1 ; ,,,.
\ \ I /
F or fl uoroscopy and radiography, set the TECHNIQUE selector of the X-ray con trl " <@> ".
* Note: Set the key switch of the collimator to the auto ( g) position.
(refer to paragraph 2.8.2)
( 2) Bucky radiography

Push the mode selection switch "i {filI} 1 "·

0 The fluoroscopic irradiation can not be done .

(The fl uoroscopy peraration switch" l<@)>I" does not work)

Q ,,
For buc ky radiography, set the TECHNIQUE selector of the X-ray control" r=7
(3) Planigraphy
T ilt the table to the position without trendelenburg.
0 If the table is in the Trendelenburg position, the preparation motion for planigraphy
does not start and " ,_,' " is shown on the exposure sequence indicator of the remote
control board. .

Push the mode selection switch "\ ~ 11 ".

0 The F /R unit slides to the planigraphy possible zone .
The tube support telescopes to FFD 1100 mm and obliques to the preparation position.
( 30° caudo-cranial or 35° cranio-caudal near the former oblique angle . In case the
tube support was mid-position , it obliques 30° caudo-cranial)
Set the planig raphic angle
8° ... exposure time 0.4s
20°. . . 1s
40°. . . 2s

Set the layer height.

0 The layer height is changed by sliding the table top vertically .
0 Set the layer height by the Layer height setting switch.
(re fer to paragraph 2.6 )
The layer height indicator provided on the remote controll board and the carriage
cover of the table shows the layer height above the table top, with digital indication

- 18 -
*Note: After turn on LINE switch, slide clown the table top vertically to the
lowest limit once. Otherwise, the real layer height can not be indicated.
o Adjustment and check of the layer height can be made also directly with a light pointer.
By pushing the layer height projector control switch, the light closs line is
~ projected onto the patient for about 30 seconds and it can be viewed on the
mirror. The center of the closs line shows the layer height.
o The layer height (center of rotation) above the film is 295mm fixed and FFD is auto-
matically set 1100mm. Therefore , the magnification factor in planigraphy is 1.37 ·
irrespective of the layer height above the table top.
For planigraphy, set the TECHNIQUE selector of the X-ray control"~'- By changing
,,,, fl
the TECHNIQUE se1ector o f the X-ray contra1to " <@)> ", uoroscopy is possible.

( 4) Indirect radiography (with spot-camera)

Push the mode selection switch "/ ! I"·

For fluoroscopy and indirect radiography, set the TECHNIQUE selector of the X-ray
control " D ".
*Note: l. Shift the cassette carriage to the fluoroscopic position by the cassette
IN/OUT switch.

In di:ect radiography can be made, even if no cassette is loaded and )

" L " is shown on the exposure sequence indicator on the remate
control board
2. Set the key switch of the collimator to the auto (# ) position.
(refer to paragraph 2.8.2)

( 5) Serial radiograph y (with film changer)

( 5 )-1 Cerebral and cervical angiography
Tilt the table to the horizontal position.
0 If the table is not horizontal, the preparation motion for serial radiography does
not start and " u' " is shown on the exposure sequence indicator of the remate
control board. .
Push the mode selection switch "1 l5C::S
a__ •¡,,
The tube support telescopes to FFD 1100mm and obliques to 35° cranio-caudal.
0 Then, the X-ray tube assembly swievels to the direction of the film changer.

- 19 -
Slide the F /R unit headwards to the upper limit.
Position a cutfilm changer mounted on the mobile stand at the head end of the table.
o Allign the X-ray beam with the film changer by the light field of the collimator.
Position the radiographi c region of the patient in the X-ray field by the table top
longitudinal sliding with light field of the collimator.
Far serial radiography , set the TECHNIQU E selector of the X-ray control " D ''

To return the fluoroscopi c possible condition, push the mode selection switch "' ! i"
o The X-ray tube assembly swievels to the direction of the I.I ..
\ \ r I

By changing the T ECHNIQUE selector of the X-ray control " <@l> ", fluoroscopy is
0 Shift the cassette Carriage to fluoroscopi c position by the cassette IN/OUT switch.

To return the tube support to the mid-positio n , keep pushing "\➔Y~ \:'
o The F /R unit slides foot wards and then the tube support returns to the mid-positio n.

Fig. 8

( 5)-2 Abdominal and peripheral angiography

Tilt the table to the horizontal position.
o If the table is not horizontal, the preparation motion far serial radiography does not
start and " u' " is shown on the exposure sequence indicator of the remate control


- 20 -
Push the mode selection switch ' 1
f, 1".

o The F /R unit slides to the angiography possible zone.

o The tube support telescopes to FFD 1100 mm and obliques to 27.5° caudo-cranial.
o Then, the X-ray tube assembly swievels to the directi.on of the film changer.
o If the table top is upper position, the table top slides footwards.
F or peripheral angiography, the table top slides footwards to the position )
( which 22cm X 4 stepwise is possible. ·
Position the X-ray field by the F /R unit sliding with light field of the collimator.
Position a cutfilm changer mounted on the mobile stand under the table top by cou pl-
ling it laterally to the spot film device with the coupling.

Spotfilm device 11 Cu tfi.lm changer

Fig. 9

For serial radiography, set the TECHNIQUE selector of the control " □
_Q_ "
In the case of peripheral angiography, the time chart of the table top stepwise
movement and exposure is as follows.
_Jl.___ _ _ _ _ _ _
Exp osures
nL-_ _../(.______n_

2 sec.

Table step

Table drive

Delay l. 7 sec
0.2 sec

If the table top stepwise movement does not programmed, abdominal angiography
is possible.

- 21 -
To return the fluoroscopic possible condition, push the mode selection switch "1! \"·
o The X-ray tube assembly swievels to the direction of the I.I. . ·
By changing the TECHNIQUE selector of the X-ray control " <!§J> ", fluoroscopy is
o Shift the cassette carriage to the fluoroscopic position by the cassette IN/OUT switch.

To return the tube support to the mid-possition, keep pushing "l ➔t~ I"·


e:_ __ _ "

Fig. 10

(6) General radiography (not using the spotfilm device)

Set the TECHNIQUE selector of the X-ray control " íl!lia "
o The radiographic irradiation can be done irrespective of the mode selection switch.
2.13.2 Exposure
X-ray irradiation is performed by pushing the exposure switch of the remate control
board, the X-ray control or the film changer. In accordance with radiographic technique,
select the switch as shown in the table of paragraph 2.13.l.

During the exposure , the X-ray irradiation indicator "X-RA Y "
1 X-RAY 1
lights up except in the case of film changer serial radiography and
general radiography.

- 22 -
*Note: l. In the case of fluo-spot filming or indirect radiography, push the exposure
switch under the fluoroscopic condition.
If the fluoroscopy preparation switch is not pushed, the fluo-spot filming
can not be done and " A " is shown on the exposure sequence indicator
of the remote control board when the exposure switch is pushed.
2. In case of planigraphy, set the exposure time 3 sec.

When a radiography is over, release your hand from the exposure switch. Then,
the exposure sequence indicator shows the number of remaining exposures by
one exposure.

Note: l. In case of rapid serial exposure (''I ~ i"is selected)

Keep pushing the exposure switch until the desired number of exposure is taken.
The exposure progress automatically without the cassette returning to the fluoro-
scopic park position.
If you want to interrupt on it 's sequence, release your hand from the exposure
The cassette carriage will be remained at the exposure position.

To conduct fluoroscop y, turn off the fluoloscopic preparation switch "I<@> I" and
turn it on again.
2. In case of pre-transport technique
Press the exposure switch for a moment first.
The cassette carriage is transported to the exposure position but the X-ray does not
irradia te.
At the optional timing, push the exposu re switch again, then the X-ray irradiates.

- 23 -
2.14 Shifting of grid
The moving grid is provided to give images free of grid lines.
The grid can be retracted from the X-ray field , too.
When the illumination of the switch is turned on, the grid is retracted
from the X-ray field.
When the switch is pushed,. the illumination of the switch is turned off and
the grid is shifted to the X-ray field and stops there.

2.15 Selection of rapid serial exposure

When the subdivisional exposure program is selected, the rapid serial
exposure can be set.

[j] When the switch is pushed, the rapid serial exposure is selected and the
illumination of the switch is turned on.

When the switch is pushed, again, the rapid serial exposure is reset.
Note: The rapid serial exposure can be set, only when both the TECHNIQUE selector

" '<!§1> " and the mode selection switch "1 ! I" is set.

- 24 -
2.16 Finish and interruption of radiography
2.16.1 Finish of radiography
When the exposure program is finished, the exposure sequence indicator shows the number
" L7 ", and the illumination of the exposure program selection switch is turned off.
The exposed cassette is shifted to the fluoroscopic position. To take up the cassette,
operate the following procedures as same as 2.10.
(1) Press the cassette IN/OUT switch.
Shift the cassette to the casette loading position.
(2) Take up the casette

Note: It is possible to shift the exposed cassette to the cassette loading position· auto-
matically instead of the fluoroscopic position after the exposure program is finished.
(Refer to the installation manual about setting)
2.16.2 Interruption of radiography
To take up the cassette on the way of the subdivisional exposure, operate the same
(1) Press the cassette IN/OUT switch.
(2) Take up the cassette.

2.17 Procedure of emergency

Tum off "LINE" switch of the X-ray control, or
push the emergency switch of the remote control board.

When the LINE switch is turned off, all functions stop. When the emergency switch is pushed,
the following movements stop.
o Table tilting
0 Oblique beam projection (including planigraphic movement)
0 Table top sliding
o F/R unit sliding
0 Tube support telescope
o X-ray tube assembly swievel
o Compression cone movement
After dissolution of emergency, turn on "LINE" switch or turn off emergency switch by
turning it clockwise.

- 25 -
By the way, if the following condition should happen,
° °
0 Table tilting over 92 , -32 (Trendelenburg)
o Table lon�tudinal over headwards 460mm, footwards 110mm in table
sliding tilting over 40°
° °
0 Oblique beam projection over 32 caudo-cranial, 37 cranio-caudal
the same movements when the emergency switch is pushed will stop to keep safety of the patient
and avoid the collision with floor and ceiling.
In this cae, return the table to the safety zone by the corresponding switch with pushing the
push button on the backside of the spotfilm device. (Fig. 11)

This table has the table top vertical sliding

function, so that it is dangerous if the hand is
insert between the table top frame and the
spotfilm device in case of the downwards
table top vertical sliding.
Therefore, this table has the function,
if there is something at the back of the
leftside end of the table top frame, the
Fig. 11
photoelectric sensor detects it and the
following movements stop.
o Table tilting
o Table top sliding
o F/R unit sliding
Hand guard Beam of photoelectric sensor
Oblique beam projection
Grips Hand guard
(including planigraphic movement)
Only upwards table top vertical sliding n
movement can be worked.

But, for safety, please get the patient to hold
Spotfilm d,m<
the grips in his hands.

Fig. 12

- 26 -
2.18 Setting of accessaries
2.18.1 Foot rest
(1) Mounting and dismounting of the foot rest must be done in the state of the table
(2) Gripping the levers at both right and left bottoms of the foot-rest, insert the guides
into groove rail on both sides of the tabletop.
(3) The adjustment of height is to be carried out bygripping the levers. After adjustment,
the foot rest can be completely locked by removing hand from levers.

Fig. 13

2.18.2 Grips

Fig. 14

- 27 -
2.18.3 Shoulder supports
For safety, never forget to set the shoulder supports in the table trendelenburg position
and fix firmly.

Fig. 15

2.18.4 Barium cup holder


- 28 -
3. Maintenance Service and Check
3.1 If a fuse is blown, replace the fuse, which is provided on the side of the supporting

base cover.
• For motor circuit (U. V. W) Cartridge fuse 1 SA
• For control circuit (L0, L100) Cartridge fuse SA
3.2 Make sure that all sliding surfaces are kept clean. If dust is allowed to collect on the sliding
surface, it may damage them and give troublesome operation.
3.3 Before and after use, make sure that all parts are in good condition and in working order..

- 29 -
4. Error Code
In case of the operation miss, the following display is shown on the exposure sequence indicator
of the remote control board

Display Contents Disposition

• Miss of the selection of the • Push the available exposure switch

exposure switch.
I I • Miss-pushing of the exposure • Push the exposure switch under enough
switch of the remote control board. condition.

Unselectable exposure program Push the selectable exposure program

'-' is selected.

Misloarding of cassette, no cassette Push the cassette IN/OUT switch, and

_ in the carriage, unusable cassette load the usable cassette again.
has loaded.

In the case that the table is not Tilt the table to the possible position
horizontal at serial radiography for each mode.
u mode, or the table is Trendelenburg
position at planigraphy mode.

In the case of peripheral angio- Select the other mode or select peripheral
graphy, the table top beyond angiography mode again.
I the safety zone or the encoder
is broken.

- 30 -
1 4

lmllJJl�I ���0�· � lliJlflJ1l[l]]lffll�I � 1�1�1

l�l�I ��� �1�1001 EMERGENCY STOP


6 20 16 14

CD Fluo-s_pot filming selection switch

:i!tJHiH;:iHtRA1 ·:; f-
@ Fluoroscopy preparation switch
:i!tJ! ON/OFF A1 •:;f-
® Bucky radio phy selection switch
-J' •:; .::\=- -1/H�:iH�A1 •:;f-
@ Collimator handle
� l'.) �r,pj/,:,; p· Jv
® 7Film changer serial radifr1W'. selection switch
,< Jv .1.,..f- :,:. :/ './ -I' IC:� -o i!I!� �. A1 •:;f-
@) Collimation mode selection switch
Jl.\3-,t,fff�- r'�tRA 1 ·:;f-
© ttfrPlani
aphy selection switch
J:iHfRA1 •:; f-
@) I. I. field size selection switch
I. I. m.ff:JHtRA1 •:;f-
® ttfrPlanigraphic angle selection switch
Jiffl• %J Ji'.JHfRA1 •:; f-
@) Co ression cone handle and exposure switch
ff:iJa;r/,:,; J-,'Jv/ffl.�ftciA1 •:;f-
® �ttfrlm�
Layer height setting switch
t �IEA1 •:;f-
@ Ex sure program selection switch
ffl�w □ 1'7 k;iHfRA1 •:;f-

(J) t
L er he ht indicator @) E�osure seq_uence indicator
�a•·�fi-� ■ •17-}o/�-'./•�-
� lm�t i�-
® ;R;ti:to
Table tiltinj, slidi� and F /R unit sliding handle
� Cf� *�ili/J f'°F/' :/ r·· Jv
@) R d serial divided exposure selection switch
j!I! a J'RA1 •:;f-
® Table Trendelenburg switch
;R;ti�fflf.:J.ffl A1 •:;f-
® Gri� IN /OUT switch
1· 1) •:; I-' IN/OUT A1 •:;f-
@ Oblillue beam projection switch @ Emergency switch
Xt'i! 'iaiftj#,:j.A1 •:;f- �:w.W.Jl.fflfll!;f?':.;
@ FFD selection switch Foot switch for fluorosciy ( not illustrated)
Xt'i!'i1iflllH&lli/JA1 •:;f- :i!tJ! 7 - 1- A1 •:1 1- c 1 7A 1- )
@ F /R unit sliding swith
�{l��lli/JA1 •:;f-

RS-100 Remote Control Board

RS-100 li�t¥f'F�fiI!ii�

E] DJ E]

Table Trendelenburg switch

.1(�:i$ffi#4ffl A 1 •;1 T
Table tilting switch
_;K��{fl]A 1 ·;1 T
Tabletop sliding switch
_;K�fif'FA 1 ·:1 T
F /R unit sliding switch
�-ftUf-�i/J A 1 ":f-

Layer1-e�ht setting switch

iUJrlmroi�S¼:;EA 1 :J--

Layerl-eight, ,projector control switch

iUJrlmroi� f)tjf;ffl A 1 :J--

Cassette IN/OUT switch

-JJ -lz ·:1 T IN/OUT A 1 ·:1 :J-

RS-100 Local Control Board

RS-100 ifrtl1¥f'F��im@

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