Daily Muslim Worship Plan

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Da||y Mus||m Worsh|p |an


Upon Awaken|ng
1 Wake up before la[r beglns ln order Lo pray Lhe 1aha[[ud prayer (Awaken aL leasL 2030 mlnuLes
before la[r beglns lf noL more)

2 uo Lhe Sunnah's of upon awakenlng llke reclLlng Lhe Adhkar (uua's) uslng Mlswaak eLc

3 Mlswaak can be used for 1he reclLaLlon of Cur'an PadlLh When mouLh emlLs bad odour lor
Leachlng or learnlng lslam lor maklng remembrance of Allah 8efore lnLercourse AfLer enLerlng
one's home 8efore enLerlng any good gaLherlng When experlenclng pangs of hunger or LhlrsL AfLer
Lhe Llme of Suhoor 8efore meals 8efore and afLer a [ourney 8efore and afLer sleeplng

4 uo Lhe Sunnah's of golng Lo Lhe LolleL maklng Wudu/Chusl

3 uo Lhe Sunnah's of halr mousLache beard and nalls eLc

6 uo Lhe Sunnah's of geLLlng dressed/undressed

7 roc|a|m|ng the Shahada after Wudu 1he ropheL (Sallallahu Alalhl Wasalllm saldlf anyone
amongsL you performs Lhe abluLlon perfecLly and Lhen says Ashhadu an laa llaaha lllallaahu
wahdahu laa shareeka lahu wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa 8asooluhu

l beot wltoess tbot oooe bos tbe tlqbt to be wotsblppeJ bot Allob olooe wbo bos oo pottoet ooJ l
beot wltoess tbot MobommoJ ls nls slove ooJ nls Messeoqet 1hen Lhe elghL gaLes of aradlse would
be opened for hlm and he may enLer by whlchever of Lhem he wlshes %Mus||m)

8 Always pray 2 8aka'a 1ahlyyaLul Wudu afLer maklng Wudu wlLh full khushu (concenLraLlon) for
paradlse becomes obllgaLory (Wa[lb) for Lhe performer %Mus||m)

ur|fy|ng Intent|ons
9 We should purlfy correcL our lnLenLlons before dolng any acLs of worshlp because we may have
oLher underlylng lnLenLlons ln our hearLs wlLhouL even reallzlng lL Llke for eg worshlpplng Lo show
off ln fronL of oLhers eLc

So before dolng any good deed we musL ensure our lnLenLlons are CnL? Lo please Allah Pavlng Lhe
rlghL lnLenLlons wlll lncrease Lhe slncerlLy ln our worshlp and enable us Lo earn greaLer rewards for
every good deed we do even lf lL ls a llLLle good deed

Ibn A|Mubaarak sa|d Maybe a small acLlon ls made greaL by lLs lnLenLlon and maybe a greaL
acLlon ls made small by lLs lnLenLlon

ually rouLlnes llke eaLlng drlnklng sleeplng Lravellng eLc can be a source of greaL reward by havlng
Lhe rlghL lnLenLlons Pavlng good lnLenLlons ls easy greaL rewards can be galned wlLhouL maklng
any hard physlcal efforL 8y [usL spendlng a couple of seconds havlng Lhe rlghL lnLenLlon ln our hearLs
we can Lurn a whole day Lo a day of worshlp Llke Lurnlng dusL lnLo gold

10 Cne of Lhe besL ways of geLLlng closer Lo Allah ls by praylng Lhe nawafll (volunLary) prayers

11 ray beLween 212 8aka'a of 1aha[[ud prayer lL ls recommended Lo pray aL leasL 8 8akaas Cne
should reclLe as much Cur'an as one knows ln each 8aka'a and make long 8uku and prosLraLlons

12 AL Lhls Llme uua's are readlly accepLed so make long slncere and lnLense uua's crylng lf you can
as Allah Lends Lo a crylng person ln uua qulcker [usL as a moLher Lends qulckly Lo lLs crylng baby

13 uo as much lsLhlghfar (repenLance) as posslble from awakenlng unLll asleep aL nlghL lor Allah
loves Lhose who repenL much and ask of hlm for hls mercy and forglveness Lspeclally ln Lhe laLLer
parL of Lhe nlghL when mosL are deep ln Lhelr sleep Pe loves Lo forglve and flnds every excuse Lo
forglve hls slaves 1herefore ask of Allah for forglveness as much as posslble

14 Cne shou|d rec|te much of the fo||ow|ng Dua AsLhaghflrullah halladhee laa llaaha llallahuwal
hayyul qayyumu wa aLhubu llay

l seek forglveness from Allah besldes whom Lhere ls none worLhy of worshlp Lhe llvlng Lhe SusLalner
of llfe and Lo Plm l repenL %@|rm|dh|Vo|2 pg177)

13 Seek|ng forg|veness for every be||ever w||| earn a reward for every be||ever prayed for 1he
ropheL (Sallallahu Alalhl Wasallam) sald Whoever seeks forglveness for Lhe bellevlng men and
bellevlng women Allah wlll wrlLe for hlm a good deed for each bellevlng man and bellevlng
woman" %@abaran|)

16 uo Lhe Sunnah's of maklng uua

17 1o absLaln from haraam (forbldden) food cloLhlng and earnlngs
%Mus||m @|rm|dh|) as dolng haraam wlll prevenL ones uua belng accepLed

18 1o make Wudu before Lhe uua %A|| s|x ma[or nad|th co||ect|ons)

19 1o make uua wlLh slncerlLy ln oLher words one should flrmly belleve LhaL nobody buL Allah wlll
fulfll hls ob[ecLlves%nak|m)

20 1ry Lo cry whllsL maklng uua Lo Allah as he aLLends Lo hls servanLs qulcker when Lhey are crylng
wlLh meekness and humlllLy [usL as a moLher Lends Lo her baby qulckly when lL crles ouL for lLs
moLher lf one cannoL cry Lhen one musL aL leasL Lry and slmulaLe Lhe acL of crylng

21 uonL be lmpaLlenL over Lhe accepLance of uua's ln oLher words donL say lve made uua
repeaLedly buL Lo no avall %ukhar| Mus||m)

22 uo Lhe Sunnah's and uua's of Lravel

23 When one ascends or aLLempLs Lo reach any helghL Lhen one should say Allaahu Akbar" Allob
ls tbe qteotest

24 When descendlng from any helghL Lhen one should say Subhaanallah" lotlty belooqs to Allob

23 When one sllps or experlences an accldenL Lhey should say Laa llaaha llallaahu wallaahu
akbar" 1bete ls oo wottby of wotsblp except Allob be ls tbe qteotest %n|snu| nas|n)

26 Men should sLrlve Lo pray every lard Salaah aL Lhe Mas[ld as Lhe Salaah ls rewarded 27 Llmes or
more and each sLep ls rewarded Women geL Lhe same reward for praylng aL home

Abu nura|rah a|so reports that the rophet %Sa||a||ahu A|a|h| Wasa||am) sa|d 8y Plm ln whose
hand ls my soul! l have consldered orderlng a flre Lo be klndled and Lhen ask someone Lo lead Lhe
people ln Salaah And Lhen go Lo Lhe men who dld noL aLLend Lhe prayer and burn Lhelr houses over
Lhem %ukhar| Mus||m)

27 lor more reward also Lo lncrease blesslngs ln ones home Men should pray Sunnah's and naflls
aL home lf one knows one wlll geL lazy aL home Lhen one should pray Sunnah's ln Lhe Mas[ld

28 Always do Lhe Sunnah's of leavlng/enLerlng Lhe house

29 1ry Lo go Lhe longesL way Lo Mas[ld and Lake small sLeps for each sLep ls rewarded and one ls
rewarded more for arrlvlng early for Lhe Adhan dolng worshlp and uua unLll lqamah

30 Always do Lhe Sunnah's of enLerlng/leavlng Lhe Mas[ld

31 A|ways pray 2 kaka'a @ah|yyatu| Mas[|d on arr|va| at the Mas[|d

1he ropheL (Sallallahu Alalhl Wasallam) saldWhen one of you enLers Lhe Mas[ld leL hlm noL slL
unLll he prays Lwo 8aka'a's" %ukhar| and Mus||m)

32 Always Lake care Lo respecL Lhe Adaab (eLlqueLLe) of Lhe Mas[ld)

33 Cn enLerlng Mas[ld Always make lnLenLlon of nafll l'Lhlkaaf on enLerlng Mas[ld for reward for
duraLlon of sLay aL Lhe Mas[ld

34 Always do Sunnah's of Adhan lqamah uua ln beLween Adhan and lqamah ls readlly accepLed

33 Str|ve to pray every prayer |n the front row

1he ropheL (Sallallahu Alalhl Wasallam) sald lf Lhe people knew whaL (reward) Lhere ls ln Lhe call
(Adhan) and praylng ln Lhe flrsL row and Lhere was no oLher way Lo seLLle Lhe maLLer Lhan drawlng
loLs Lhen Lhey would draw loLs for lL"%ukhar| and Mus||m)

36 Care should be Laken LhaL Lhe rows are sLralghLened when praylng wlLh congregaLlon

Women on menses

Women on Lhelr menses can sLlll galn Lhe same rewards as oLhers by uolng excesslve uhlkr maklng
slncere uua and repenLance llsLenlng Lo Curan readlng lslamlc books llsLenlng Lo lecLures
ponderlng and conLemplaLlng over Lhe greaLness of Allah Sadaqa and glvlng ln charlLy looklng afLer
Lhelr famllyparLnerchlldren and relaLlves servlng Lhelr parenLs glvlng dawah eLc

ray|ng Nawaf|| %vo|untary) prayers
WhaL beLLer way of drawlng closer Lo Allah durlng lLlkaf Lhan by praylng Lhe volunLary prayers

A||ah says |n nad|th uds|

And My slave keeps on comlng closer Lo Me Lhrough performlng nawafll (volunLary deeds) unLll l
love hlm ukhar|

Want the company of the rophet %Sa||a||ahu A|a|h| Wasa||am) |n Iannah?
8ablah lbn Mallk alAslaml reporLed LhaL Lhe ropheL (Sallallahu alalhl Wasallam) sald Ask
(anyLhlng) 8ablah sald l ask of you Lo be your companlon ln paradlse 1he ropheL (Sallallahu
Alalhl Wasallam) sald Cr anyLhlng else? 8ablah sald1haL ls lL 1he ropheL (Sallallahu alalhl
Wasallam) sald Lo hlm @hen he|p me by mak|ng many prostrat|ons %|e Nawaf||
prayers) %Mus||m)

A pa|ace |n arad|se for those who pray 12 un|ts of vo|untary prayers everyday 2 Sunnah of la[r
4 Sunnah 2 Sunnah of uhuhr 2 Sunnah of Maghrlb

umm Pablbah 8amllah blnL Abu Sufyan (8A) narraLed she heard Lhe ropheL (Sallallahu Alalhl
Wasallam) saylng A house wlll be bullL ln aradlse for every Musllm who offers twe|ve un|ts of
rayers oLher Lhan Lhe obllgaLory ones ln day nlghL Lo seek pleasure of Allah" %Mus||m)

Ia[r Sa|aah
37 uo Lhe Sunnah's of la[r Salaah

38 Lvery lard prayer musL be prayed on Llme ray every prayer llke lL ls your lasL fully
concenLraLlng(khushu) lmaglnlng Allah ln fronL of you waLchlng you pray

39 Always do Lhe Adhkar and Sunnah's afLer Lhe compleLlon of every Salaah Lspeclally
reclLlng Subhanallah (33 Llmes)Alhamdullllah (33 Llmes) and Allahu Akbar (34 Llmes) Also reclLe
AyaLul kursl afLer every lard Salaah

40 1he Llme beLween la[r and sunrlse ls blessed so afLer Lhe la[r prayer remaln seaLed and reclLe
Lhe Cur'an uhlkr and make uua up unLll 20 mlnuLes afLer Sunrlse Lhen pray 2x2 8aka'a (4 8aka'a
alLogeLher) of SalaaLul uuha and galn reward llke havlng done nafll Pa[[/umra %@|rm|dh|)

1he flre of !ahannam wlll noL Louch Lhe person who reads 4 8aka'a's of SalaaLul uuha %a|haq|)

Note lL ls forbldden Lo pray any volunLary (nawafll) prayer afLer la[r unLll 20 mlnuLes afLer Sunrlse

Larn ||ve||hood]study|ng and |earn|ng after Ia[r
1he ropheL (Sallallahu Alalhl Wasallam) made a very beauLlful uua for Lhe ummah for blesslngs ln
Lhe mornlngs C Allah bless my ummah ln Lhe mornlngs %Abu Dawud @|rm|dh| Ibn Ma[ah)

So the morn|ngs are b|essed and shou|d be spent be|ng product|ve

41 Colng ouL and earnlng a halal llvellhood

42 uran Memor|zat|on]kec|tat|on 1he mlnd ls aL lLs freshesL aL Lhls Llme and ls llke a sponge So
one should alm Lo memorlze as much of Lhe Cur'an as one can AL leasL one Ayah dally

Cne can also read some 1afslr by learnlng Lhe meanlngs of aL leasL one page of Lhe Curan dally Cne
should also memorlze dally uua's and Adhkar

43 kead|ng Is|am|c mater|a| llke PadlLh books SLorles of Lhe ropheLs Seerah PereafLer eLc

44 Lxerc|se 1he mornlngs are a very good Llme Lo exerclse as lL acLually glves us more energy
LhroughouL Lhe day and helps one sleep beLLer aL nlghL 1he exerclses do noL have Lo be for Loo long
1hey can even be 30 mlnuLes long

Lxerc|ses can |nc|ude [ogglng cycllng swlmmlng reslsLance or aeroblcs/cardlovascular exerclses
and anyLhlng LhaL bullds one's sLamlna whlch really helps ln one's worshlp LhroughouL Lhe day

|ann|ng and Mon|tor|ng Da||y Worsh|p
43 Cne of Lhe besL ways Lo maxlmlze our dally worshlp ls Lo worshlp ls Lo plan schedule our Llme
so LhaL we spend lL as effecLlvely and producLlvely as posslble 8y seLLlng ourselves dally worshlp
LargeLs we can sLrlve Lo Lry and achleve Lhem

46 8elow are llnks where you can download an hourly worshlp scheduler where you can seL yourself
hourly worshlp LargeLs schedule your dally worshlp 1here ls also a dally worshlp check where you
can check monlLor your dally worshlp Lhe day

Da||y Ibaadah check


nour|y Worsh|p Schedu|er


Avo|d|ng d|stract|ons
47 1here are many Lhlngs ln our dally llves whlch noL only dlsLracL us from our purpose ln llfe buL
also wasLe a slgnlflcanL amounL of our preclous Llme lbn Cayylm sald LhaL wasLlng Llme ls worLh Lhan
deaLh lLself 1hls ls because once Llme has gone lL wlll never come back

1haL ls why lL ls cruclal LhaL we geL rld of anyLhlng LhaL ls geLLlng ln Lhe way of our worshlp lL makes
sense Lo geL rld of Lhe ma[or dlsLracLlons llke 1v lnLerneL games consoles and even ldle chaL wlLh
frlends We should also Lry and fulfll our dally duLles qulckly so LhaL we can spend more Llme ln
worshlplng Allah

48 lf one ls noL fasLlng Lhen one should make arrangemenLs Lo have a good breakfasL ln Lo energlse
one for Lhe day ahead as Lhls wlll also help ln worshlp LhroughouL Lhe day

49 1he ropheL (Sallallahu Alalhl Wasallam) used Lo have honey waLer for breakfasL Pe ls also
reporLed Lo have hadnabldhe 1amar" ln some narraLlons nabldhe 1amar ls drled daLes whlch have
been cuL lnLo pleces and soaked ln a clay conLalner overnlghL %@|rm|dh|)

Lat|ng and dr|nk|ng
30 Always do Lhe Sunnah's of eaLlng/drlnklng 8eclLlng Lhe name of Allah before eaLlng and drlnklng
and Lhanklng hlm slncerely LhroughouL and afLer eaLlng and drlnklng

31 LaL and drlnk wlLh Lhe lnLenLlon of nourlshlng Lhe body Lo fulfll lLs rlghLs and Lo grow sLronger for
Allah's worshlp 1hls way eaLlng and drlnklng becomes llke worshlp

Some Sunnah foods |nc|ude Cllve oll omegranaLe Poney vlnegar uaLes Melon 1alblna (8arley

Sa|aatu| Duha
32 Always sLrlve Lo ray SalaaLul uuha everyday from 20 mlnuLes afLer sunrlse up unLll 20 mlnuLes
before uhuhr beglns lL ls beLween 2 12 8aka'a lL ls preferable Lo perform aL leasL 8 %kaddu|
Mukhtaar vo|1 pgS0S)

ray|ng 2 kakaas 1he ropheL (Sallallahu Alalhl Wasallam) sald 'whoever offers 2 8aka'a's of SalaaL
aluhuha all hls slns wlll be forglven even Lhough Lhey are as much as Lhe foam of Lhe sea %Ib|d)

ray|ng 12 kakaas 1he ropheL (Sallallahu Alalhl Wasallam) sald 'whoever prayed Lwelve 8aka'a's
aL Lhe Llme of breakfasL Lhen Allah wlll as a reward prepare a palace of gold for hlm ln
aradlse %M|shkaat @|rm|dh| Ibn Ma[ah)

Iorty Very Lasy u|ck keward|ng Good Deeds for a|| of us to do Lveryday!

@h|s cou|d change your ||fe ICkLVLk!

Lasy Dh|kr wh|ch |s ||ght on the tongue but heavy on the sca|es!

now we can get through hardsh|ps and tr|a|s |n our ||ves


Dhuhr Sa|aah
33 Men should pray uhuhr aL Lhe Mas[ld and women aL home

34 uo Lhe Sunnah's of uhuhr

33 A|ways pray the 4 kaka'a and 2 kaka'a Sunnah and 2 kaka'a Naf|| of Dhuhr 1he ropheL
(Sallallahu Alalhl Wasallam) ls reporLed Lo have sald Whoever performs Lhe four 8aka'a's before
and afLer Lhe uhuhr SalaaL wlLh consLancy Allah makes Lhe flre of Pell haraam (forbldden) for
hlm %M|shkaat p 104 @|rm|dh| Abu Dawud Nasa| Ibn Ma[ah)

@ak|ng a Short nap %ay|oo|ah) before or after Dhuhr
36 lf one ls noL occupled Lhen one can fulfll a very beneflclal Sunnah whlch ls Lo Lake a shorL nap
before or afLer uhuhr whlch should noL be more Lhan 30 mlnuLes

37 @h|s |s the Sunnah Lo Lake a nap before or afLer uhuhr Llme a Sunnah whlch our rlghLeous
ulama (Scholars) Lake very serlously as lL ls one of Lhe LesLed means LhaL asslsL ln geLLlng up for nlghL
vlgll (1aha[[ud) prayer

@he rophet %Sa||a||ahu A|a|h| Wasa||am) sa|d 1ake Lhe noon nap for Lhe ShayLaan does noL
nap" %@abaran|)

38 1hroughouL Lhe day every opporLunlLy one geLs one should en[oln good and forbld evll lnvlLe
Lowards Allah and glve uawah Lo Musllms and non Musllms approachlng Lhem wlLh Lhe besL
characLer manners and eLlqueLLe and showlng Lhem Lhe besL example posslble

Cne can use dlfferenL means Lo glve uawah such as weekly LexL remlnders forward L malls once a
monLh Cnllne uawah by phonlng Lhose we know once ln a whlle lnvlLlng Lhem Lowards Allah Also
when meeLlng someone one knows glvlng Lhem dlrecL as well as lndlrecL uawah
CreeL Musllms where ever you are

43 CreeL anoLher Musllm whom you know and don'L know wlLh Asalaamu Alalkum
WarahmaLullaahl WabarakaaLhuh#leoce metcy ooJ blessloqs of Allob JesceoJ opoo yoo

1he person who greeLs flrsL wlLhouL walLlng for Lhe oLher person Lo greeL ls closer Lo Allah %ukhar|)

46 Greet your brother w|th a sm||e never bellLLle anyLhlng from good deeds even lf you meeL your
broLher wlLh a smlllng face %Mus||m 6690)

Serve your parents
47 Serv|ng ones parents |s among the best of deeds

A man came Lo Lhe ropheL (sallallahu 'alalhl wa sallam) and sald l wlsh Lo parLlclpaLe ln !lhaad buL
l cannoL afford lL"1he ropheL (sallallahu 'alalhl wa sallam) enqulred lf any of hls parenLs were allve
Lo whlch he sald ?es! My moLher ls allve" 1he ropheL (sallallahu 'alalhl wa sallam) sald Show
Allah how your serve her lf you do so (duly) you wlll be llke a Paa[l a Mu'Lamlr (one dolng 'umrah)
and a Mu[aahld (Cne sLrlvlng ln Allah's way)" %@abaran|)

48 Look for every excuse to serve your parents and treat them w|th utmost honor and respect
otherw|se one w||| regret |t forever

1he ropheL (Sallallahu Alalhl Wasallam) sald May he be humlllaLed May he be humlllaLed May he
be humlllaLed! 1he companlons asked Messenger of Allah! Who? 1he ropheL (Sallallahu Alalhl
Wasallam) sald Pe who has hls parenLs or one of Lhem ln Lhelr old age yeL he goes Lo Pell (because
of dlsservlce Lo Lhem) %Ahmed)

Ma|nta|n t|es of k|nsh|p
49 If one wants a |ong ||fe then one shou|d ma|nta|n t|es of k|nsh|p at a|| t|mes

1he ropheL (Sallallahu Alalhl Wasallam) sald Whoever loves Lo be granLed ample provlslons and a
long llfe should malnLaln good Lles wlLh hls or her relaLlves" %A|ukhaar|)

30 MalnLalnlng Lles of klnshlp does noL mean vlslLlng helplng or servlng one's relaLlves ln reLurn for
slmllar deeds on Lhelr parL 1rue upholdlng of famlly relaLlons ls Lo do wlLh Lhose klLh and kln who
sever Lhelr bond wlLh us

It refers to v|s|t|ng re|at|ves who do not v|s|t us and be|ng good to those who wrong us

1he ropheL (Sallallahu Alalhl Wasallam) sald A man who perfecLly malnLalns Lhe Lles of klnshlp ls
noL he who recompenses Lhe good done Lo hlm by hls relaLlves raLher he ls Lhe one who ls on
agreeable Lerms wlLh Lhose kln who have severed Lhelr bond wlLh hlm" %A|ukhaar|)

So leL us vlslL Lhose relaLlves who do noL vlslL us and lf Lhey LreaL us badly Lhen glve Lhem goodness ln
reLurn for lL ls noL beLween us and Lhem buL beLween us and Allah and our reward ls wlLh hlm

G|v|ng Sadaqa
31 We should sLrlve Lo glve as much ln charlLy as we can Lo Lhose who are less forLunaLe Lhan us
Sadaqa ls an ongolng reward dependlng on how much people beneflL from our charlLy

Sadaqa |s not on|y wea|th but |t |s anyth|ng that benef|ts others such as 8eneflclal knowledge
removlng someLhlng dangerous from Lhe paLh of oLhers planLlng a crop or Lree LhaL people and
anlmals wlll beneflL from bulldlng a well or a Mas[ld eLc

So we should always sLrlve Lo do LhaL whlch wlll beneflL people ln Lhe long run so LhaL even afLer we
dle we wlll sLlll conLlnue geLLlng rewards 1he besL charlLy ls a plous chlld

32 Make preparaLlons on 1hursday for !ummah by dolng whaLever needs dolng llke for eg Lrlmmlng
halr nalls eLc

33 uo Lhe Sunnah's of !ummah llke maklng Chusl Mlswaak wearlng besL cloLhes perfume (lLLar)
8eclLlng Surah kahf eLc

34 roceed ear|y to the Mas[|d to ga|n more rewards 1he ropheL (Sallallahu Alalhl Wasallam)
sald Cn Lhe day of !ummah Lhe angels sLand aL Lhe enLrance of LhaL Mas[ld ln whlch !ummah SalaaL
ls Lo be offered 1hey wrlLe down Lhe name of Lhe person who enLers Lhe Mas[ld flrsL and LhereafLer
Lhe name of Lhe person who follows and Lhey conLlnue dolng Lhls 1he person who enLered flrsL wlll
recelve Lhe reward of sacrlflclng a camel ln Lhe paLh of Allah Lhe one who followed hlm wlll geL Lhe
reward of sacrlflclng a cow LhereafLer a chlcken LhereafLer Lhe reward of glvlng an egg as charlLy ln
Lhe paLh of Allah Cnce Lhe khuLbah commences Lhe angels close Lhe reglsLer and begln llsLenlng Lo
Lhe khuLbah %ukhar| and Mus||m)

33 Leave early Lo Lry Lo geL space ln Lhe fronL row nearesL Lo lmaam

36 Make small sLeps Lo !ummah as every sLep ls Lhe reward of a years nawafll fasL %@|rm|dh|)

37 LlsLen Lo Lhe khuLbah very aLLenLlvely noL even warnlng oLhers Lo keep qulLe

38 kec|te durood |n abundance on Iummah 1he ropheL (Sallallahu Alalhl Wasallam) sald 8eclLe
uurood upon me ln abundance on Lhe day of !ummah slnce Lhey are presenLed Lo me" %Ibn Ma[ah)

Note SeL a LargeL of 1000+ durood on !ummah 8eclLe durood e lbrahlm whlch ls Lhe durood LhaL ls
reclLed Lowards Lhe end of Salaah Cr Lhe shorLesL durood ls Sallallahu Alalhl Wasalllm"

39 Mak|ng abundant Dua on Iummah 1he ropheL (Sallallahu Alalhl Wasallam) 1here ls such an
hour on lrlday LhaL lf any Musllm makes uua ln lL hls uua wlll deflnlLely be accepLed" %ukhar|

ropheL (Sallallahu Alalhl Wasallam) sald Seek Lhe anLlclpaLed hour of lrlday afLer `Asr unLll
sunseL" (Sunan al1lrmldhi (489))

1herefore leL us make Lhe besL of Lhe preclous Llme beLween Asr and Maghrlb on !ummah by dolng
excesslve worshlp llke reclLlng Lhe Cur'an dolng uhlkr and maklng long lnLense and slncere uuas ln
order Lo make Lhe besL of Lhls speclal hour

47 keward of 80 years of Nawaf|| worsh|p 1he ropheL (Sallallahu Alalhl Wasallam) sald Whoever
reclLes Lhe followlng uurood elghLy Llmes lmmedlaLely afLer Asr SalaaL on lrlday before sLandlng up
from hls place Allah wlll forglve elghLy years of (mlnor) slns and granL hlm Lhe reward equlvalenL Lo
elghLy years of (nawafll) worshlp"

A||ahumma sa||| a|aa muhammad|n|n nab|yy|| umm|yy| waa|a aa||h| wasa|||m tas|eema Allob
bless MobommoJ tbe ooletteteJ ltopbet ooJ bls fomlly ooJ qtoot tbem best of peoce %Iame
Sagheer @abarran|)

Asr Sa|aah
60 Men should go Lo Lhe Mas[ld for Asr and women pray aL home

61 uo Lhe Sunnah's of Asr

62 ray|ng the 4 kaka'a Sunnah 1he ropheL (Sallallahu Alalhl Wasallam) sald May Allah have
Mercy on Lhe one who offers four (rakahs) before Asr prayer %Abu Dawud)

A person who performs four 8aka'a's before Asr SalaaL wlll recelve a house ln !annah %Ma[mauz
2awaa|d vo|2 pg222)

etween Asr and Maghr|b
63 1he Llme beLween Asr and Maghrlb ls a blessed Llme for worshlpplng Allah So we should make a
hablL of remalnlng ln Lhe Mas[ld afLer Asr Salaah (or for women Lo remaln seaLed aL Lhelr place of
prayer) unLll Maghrlb Salaah dolng uhlkrullah (8emembrance of Allah) Lhe reclLaLlon of Lhe Cur'an
and slncere uua

Note lL ls forbldden Lo pray any volunLary (nawafll) prayer beLween Asr and Maghrlb

Do|ng Dh|kr
64 Utter regret for each second wasted w|thout remember|ng A||ah

Mu`adh lbn !abal (8A) sald LhaL Lhe ropheL (Sallallahu Alalhl Wasallam) sald 1he eople of aradlse
wlll noL regreL anyLhlng excepL one Lhlng alone Lhe hour LhaL passed Lhem by ln whlch Lhey made no
remembrance of Allah %ayhaq| |n Shu`ab a||man %1392 #S12S13))

@he fo||ow|ng are 10 Dh|kr wh|ch are supported by nad|th that we can rec|te everyday

Note We should Lry alm Lo reclLe each of Lhese 10 uhlkr's aL leasL 100 Llmes each whlch makes a
LoLal of 1000 uhlkr a day mlnlmum

1) Subhaanallah
2) Alhamdullllah
3) Allahu Akbar
4) Laa llaaha lllallah
3) La hawla Wala CuwwaLa lllah 8lllahPll Allyyll Adheem

6) AsLhaghflrullahhalladhee Laa llaaha lllahuwal Payyul Cayyuumu Wa aLhoobu llay ShorL verslon

ShorL verslon Su8PAAnALLAAPl WA 8lPAMulPl

8) Subhnallhl walhamdu llllhl wa l llha lllllhu wallhu akbar Wa l hawla wa l
quwwaLa lll blllhllallyyllazlm

9) L llha lllllhu wardahu l sharlka lahu lahulmulku wa lahulramdu yuhyl wa yumlLu wa huwa
rayyull yamuLu abadan abada rul[alll wallkrm blyadlhllkhayr wa huwa al kulll Shayln
ShorL verslon Laa llaaha lllallaahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu lahulmulku
wa lahulhamdu wa huwa 'alaa kulll shayln qadeer

10) Subhan Allahl wa bl hamdlhl `adada khalqlhl wa rlda nafslhl wa zlnaLa `arshlhl wa mldada

Do so much Dh|kr that peop|e th|nk you're |nsane 1he ropheL (Sallallahu Alalhl Wasallam)
sald Lngage ln Lhe uhlkr of Allah ln such abundance LhaL people commenL LhaL 'you are
lnsane'" (Ahmed)

kec|t|ng the ur'an
8ead Lhe Curan for verlly lL wlll come forLh on Lhe uay of 8esurrecLlon as an lnLercessor for lLs
readers %Mus||m)

@he reward for rec|t|ng each |etter of no|y ur'an 1he ropheL (Sallallahu Alalhl Wasallam)
sald Whoever reads a leLLer of Lhe 8ook of Allah wlll be credlLed wlLh a good deed and a good deed
geLs a Lenfold reward l do noL say LhaL AllfLaamMeem ls a leLLer raLher allf ls a leLLer laam ls a
leLLer and meem ls a leLLer" %Narrated by a|@|rm|dh| 2910)

63 Alm Lo reclLe aL leasL 1 !uz (chapLer) a day lf noL Lhen half quarLer or even one page 8eLLer Lo
reclLe aL leasL someLhlng each day Lhan Lo reclLe a loL someLlmes

66 8eclLe as much Cur'an as posslble beLween la[r and Sunrlse and beLween Asr and Maghrlb

67 WhllsL reclLlng concenLraLe on Lhe verses belng read lmaglnlng Allah ls waLchlng you reclLe

68 8ead LranslaLlon and Lafseer of whaL has been read Lo undersLand Lhe deeper meanlngs

69 erta|n Surah's and the|r V|rtues |nc|ude

Surah Iat|ha 1he MoLher of Lhe Cur'an and a cure for every dlsease %Ath@hua'|b| )

Surah aas|n 1he ropheL (Sallallahu Alalhl Wasallam) sald Whosoever reclLes Surah ?aasln ln Lhe
early parL of Lhe day hls needs wlll be fulfllled" %M|shkaat age 189)

1he ropheL (Sallallahu Alalhl Wasallam) sald LveryLhlng has a hearL Lhe hearL of Lhe Curan ls
Surah ?aasln Whoever reads Surah ?aasln (once) Allah records for hlm a reward equal Lo LhaL of
readlng Lhe whole Curan Len Llmes %@|rm|dh| Daram|)

Surah Mu|k when reclLed every nlghL proLecLs from Lhe 1ormenL of Lhe Crave %AnNasa|)

Surah 2||z||ah WorLh half of Lhe Cur'an

Surah a| kaaf|run WorLh quarLer of Lhe Cur'an

Surah a| Ikh|aas WorLh one Lhlrd of Lhe Cur'an' %At@|rm|dh| 2818]A)

1he ropheL (Sallallahu Alalhl Wasallam) sald Lo hls Companlons Are any of you unable Lo reclLe a
Lhlrd of Lhe Cur'an ln a nlghL?" 1haL was dlfflculL for Lhem and Lhey sald Whlch of us ls able Lo do
LhaL Messenger of Allah?" Pe sald Surah Ikh|as const|tutes a th|rd of the ur'an'" %Sah|h a|
ukhar| 661)

Surah a| Ia|aq and Surah An Naas protect|on from I|nn and ev|| eye 1he ropheL (Sallallau Alalhl
Wasallam) used Lo seek refuge from Lhe [lnn as well as from Lhe evll eye unLll Surah al lalaq and An
naas were revealed When Lhey were senL down he uLlllsed Lhem and lefL oLher Lhlngs %At@|rm|dh|

Maghr|b Sa|aah
70 Men should ray Maghrlb aL Lhe Mas[ld and women aL home

43 uo all Lhe Sunnah's of Maghrlb

46 Always pray Lhe 2 Sunnah and 2 nafll of Maghrlb lf you wanL Lhen you can pray more nawafll's
afLer Lhe 2


47 ray lsha aL Mas[ld uo Lhe Sunnah's of lsha

48 lL ls Sunnah Lo pray 4 8aka'a Sunnah before 4 lard and 2 8aka'a Sunnah afLer Lhe 4 lard of
lsha %M|shkaat)

49 lf one knows one wlll noL wake up for 1aha[[ud Lhen one can pray 212 8aka'a of 1aha[[ud afLer
Lhe 2 Sunnah afLer Lhe 4 lard of lsha

30 WlLr should be Lhe lasL prayer of Lhe nlghL and ls mosL rewardlng when lL ls prayer afLer 1aha[[ud
8uL lf one knows one wlll noL awaken for 1aha[[ud Lhen one should pray lL before golng Lo sleep

31 uo Lhe Sunnah's and of golng Lo sleep

32 lf afLer lsha one ls noL dolng anyLhlng of lmporLance Lhen lL ls far beLLer Lo go Lo sleep so as Lo
awaken early for 1aha[[ud or la[r prayer

Cne should noL lndulge ln ldle chlL chaL waLch useless 1v programmes or browslng Lhe lnLerneL
unnecessarlly eLc

haracter et|quette and manners to |mp|ement |n everyday ||fe
1 Always be paLlenL ln every slLuaLlon and nC1 geL angry or frusLraLed wlLh oLhers buL raLher Lhlnk
Lo yourself LhaL Lhere ls nC polnL or nC good ln geLLlng angry or frusLraLed for Lhe besL person ls he
who conLrols hls anger and frusLraLlon

2 Always smlle as Lhe ropheL (Sallallahu Alalhl Wasalllm) always smlled aL oLhers especlally when
greeLlng anoLher Musllm

3 8e pollLe and courLeous aL all Llmes Lo everyone you come across ln your dally llfe

4 keep gaze low aL all Llmes 1ake nC more Lhan one glance for Lhe flrsL glance ls yours and Lhe
second glance ls from shayLhan

3 uo nC1 backblLe slander or gosslp abouL oLhers

6 lf any Musllm ls belng backblLLen or slandered Lhen make excuses for Lhem

7 uo nC1 swear or use any profanlLy

8 uo noL make [okes uslng sexual lnnuendo as a Musllm should have shame and modesLy

9 When sLressed Lhen do noL say a swear word buL lnsLead say Subhanallah or Allahu Akbar

10 uo nC1 be [ealous or envy anyone else aparL from whom Allah has blessed wlLh knowledge and
wealLh and Lhey use lL ln Lhe rlghL way ln Lhe paLh of Allah

11 uo nC1 Lhlnk of oLher Musllms ln a bad way or accuse Lhem wlLhouL any solld proof and evldence
buL raLher make as many excuses for your broLhers as posslble

12 When you speak Lhen CnL? speak of LhaL whlch wlll beneflL you or someone else ln Lhls world or
Lhe nexL lf lL wlll cause more harm Lhan good Lhen deslsL from saylng lL

13 uo noL speak lf lL ls noL necessary as preclous Llme ls wasLed
speaklng unnecessarlly whlch may cause one Lo wasLe Llme and lncur sln

14 uo nC1 mock or make fun of anyone or hurL Lhelr feellngs 8e very careful and be senslLlve abouL
oLher people's feellngs lesL Lhey geL recompense on Lhe day of [udgemenL

13 1reaL oLhers how you would wanL yourself Lo be LreaLed

16 1reaL oLhers so well LhaL Lhey crave your company and would mourn your deaLh

17 8e Lhe besL Lowards slbllngs famlly and relaLlves regardless of how Lhey LreaL you for your
reward ls noL wlLh Lhem buL wlLh Allah

18 8e Lhe besL Lowards your parenLs LreaLlng Lhem wlLh uLmosL honour and respecL aL all Llmes
nLvL8 answer Lhem back or ralse your Lone wlLh Lhem buL always speak Lo Lhem ln a sofL and low

19 Serve your parenLs as much as posslble for servlng Lhem ls Lhe besL of deeds

20 Pelp and advlce oLhers as much as posslble for Lhe pleasure of Allah

21 uo nC1 worry or sLress abouL Lhe pasL because lL has gone and made you who you are Loday or
abouL Lhe fuLure for lL may never come WhaLever ls desLlned Lo happen wlll happen and you wlll sLlll
geL Lhrough lL regardless 8aLher LrusL ln Allah and puL your hopes and falLh ln hlm for he wlll geL you
Lhrough An?1PlnC and LvL8?1PlnC

22 uo nC1 keep bad company for such company ls llke polson 8ad frlends wlll sLab you ln Lhe back
on Lhe day of [udgemenL and wlll sLand Lrlal agalnsL you so leL go of Lhem now oLherwlse Lhey wlll
desLroy you ln Lhe hereafLer

23 lnsLead keep Lhose of pleLy and good characLer as frlends for Lhey wlll beneflL you ln Lhls world
and Lhe nexL

24 ?our body parLs wlll be agalnsL you on Lhe day of [udgemenL and wlll LesLlfy agalnsL you So waLch
and conLrol your Longue eyes hands feeL and prlvaLes and prevenL Lhem from golng near mlnor and
especlally ma[or slns!

May Allah enable us Lo do everyLhlng Lo please hlm and Lo maxlmlze our worshlp each day so LhaL we
can geL closer Lo hlm Ameen

roduct|veMus||m S|eep kout|ne
lf you've sLarLed waklng up early and worklng ln Lhose early hours of Lhe day Lhen you'll flnd LhaL lL's
preLLy hard Lo be conslsLenL each and every day wlLh Lhls rouLlne And when you search for Lhe
reasons for Lhls lnconslsLency you'll reallse LhaL lL's malnly because lL's hard Lo regulaLe your sleep
one day you sleep well so you wake up early and can work hard CLher days you don'L sleep so well
and Lhose early hours are preLLy dlfflculL Lo malnLaln

Sleep as any oLher acLlvlLy we do as humans can be opLlmlzed by plannlng well ln advance and
followlng a parLlcular rouLlne each nlghL ?ou mlghL Lhlnk uude l [usL crash and sleep" Well LhaL's
one way of dolng lL buL here's anoLher rouLlne 1ry lL ouL and Lell me lf sleep doesn'L become a
rewardlng splrlLual and fulfllllng experlence for you afLer Lhls

@he fo||ow|ng s|eep rout|ne requ|res you to prepare for |t at |east 90 m|nutes LICkL you actua||y
s|eep And |t's bas|ca||y d|v|d|ng those 90 m|nutes |nto 3 parts

Cne Lhlrd for ?our Lord
Cne Lhlrd for ?our Self
Cne Lhlrd for ?our Sleep

1 Cne th|rd for our Lord
1hls sLarLs wlLh you maklng wudhu brushlng your LeeLh puLLlng on nlce cloLhes and perfume and
praylng 1aha[[ud and WlLr for Allah (Subhanahu Wa 1a'ala) (Note lf you prefer Lo wake up before
la[r Lo pray Lhese nlghL prayers Lhen deflnlLely go wlLh LhaL Powever lf you can'L LrusL yourself Lo
wake up LhaL early lL's beLLer LhaL you pray 1aha[[ud and WlLr Salah 8LlC8L you sleep) 1hls ls my
favourlLe parL of Lhe sleep rouLlne and favourlLe parL of Lhe day!

lL's such a calmlng experlence afLer golng Lhrough a long hard day Lo sLand ln fronL of your Lord
reclLe Pls verses suppllcaLe Lo Plm and ask Plm of whaLever you deslre ln Lhls world and Lhe nexL
uo Lhls for a couple of nlghLs and you wouldn'L wanL Lo glve up dolng lL! ln facL LhroughouL your day
you'll be anLlclpaLlng Lhls momenL and looklng forward Lo lL!

2 Cne th|rd for our Se|f
1hls ls where you prepare yourself for sleep by puLLlng on your py[amas geLLlng lnLo bed and readlng
a good book for aL leasL 30 mlnuLes lf you're llke me ldeas and LhoughLs wlll keep popplng lnLo your
head as you read and you wlll wanL Lo save Lhem for laLer lor Lhese l have a plaln noLebook and
pen/pencll nexL Lo me Lo scrlbble anyLhlng (and l mean anyLhlng) LhaL pops ln my head! ?ou'll be
surprlsed how many greaL ldeas orlglnaLe from Lhese 30 mlnuLes

AlLernaLlvely lnsLead of readlng you may spend Lhese 30 mlnuLes bralnsLormlng on a plaln noLebook
any ldeasplans and pro[ecLs you have ln mlnd ?ou don'L have Lo come up wlLh Lhe 'perfecL'
ldea/soluLlon buL slmply bralnsLorm as much as you can Lhen llLerally sleep on lL" (as Lhe saylng
goes) ln Lhe mornlng you'll be surprlsed aL whaL your subconsclous mlnd brlngs forLh for you

3 Cne th|rd for our S|eep
l've sald LhaL Lhls ls a Lhlrd for your sleep buL Lruly Lhls ls a Lhlrd for your Lord Lo bless your sleep
and baslcally Lhls lnvolves golng Lhrough Lhe duas and verses LhaL one should reclLe before sleeplng
as per Lhe Sunnah of ropheL Muhammad (peace be upon hlm) 1hese lnclude reclLlng Surah AlMulk
and Surah AlSa[dah and oLher suppllcaLlons recommended before sleeplng lor me Lhls lasL parL of
Lhe rouLlne ls llke Lhe cherry on Lop of Lhe cake! noLhlng fllls you wlLh more LranqulllLy Lhan Lo sleep
havlng uLLered Lhe words of Allah (Subhanahu Wa 1a'ala)

So Lhere you have lL Lhe roducLlveMusllm rouLlne for Sleep ?ou may Lhlnk lL's lengLhy buL Lhere
has been no day LhaL l've followed lL excepL LhaL l've slepL peacefully and woken up peacefully

Source hLLp//wwwproducLlvemusllmcom/prodsleeprouLlne/
Iorty Very Lasy u|ck keward|ng Good Deeds for a|| of us to do Lveryday!

@h|s cou|d change your ||fe ICkLVLk!

Lasy Dh|kr wh|ch |s ||ght on the tongue but heavy on the sca|es!

now we can get through hardsh|ps and tr|a|s |n our ||ves

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