Network Synthesis

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eo CHAPTER 10 eo Network SYNTHESIS 10.1. INTRODUCTION In the preceding chapter we have been primarily concerned with the problem of de response, given the excitation in the network ; this problem lies in the domain of network In this chapter we will be dealing with the problem of synthesizing a network given the ¢ and response. 10.2. ELEMENTS OF REALIZABILITY THEORY problem is the network function which is the ‘The starting point for any network synthesis response R(6) to the excitation E(6), ie. abe . R(s) T= Fee) Our task is to synthesize a network from a given network function, _ 10.2.1. Causality and Stability The first step in a synthesis procedure is to determine whether 1s) can be realized as passive network. There are two important considerations : causality and stability. By mean that a voltage cannot appear between any pair of terminals in the network before a impressed, or vice-verse. In other ‘words, the response of the network must be zero fort <0. Min order for network to be stable, the following three conditions on its network must be satisfied. fe ‘A(s) cannot have poles in the right half of s-plane. (i Gi) Tis) cannot have multiple poles in the imaginary (jw) axis. «d the degree of denominator by iii) The degree of the nymstator of 7(e) cannot excee unity. 10.2.2. Hurwitz Polynomial Another element of realizability is a class of polynomial known as in fact, the denominator polynomial of the network function satisfying Tn brief, A polynomial P(s) is said to be Hurwitz if the following conditions are satisfied : (1) P(e) is real when s is real. 2) The roots of P(@) have real parts which are zeyo or negative. Properties of Hurwitz Polynomial ~ ‘As a result of above conditions (1) and (2), Hurwitz polynomial P(s) have the following (® Ifthe polynomial P(s) can be written as - P(s) =a,8"+a,_, 6" + tasty then, All the coefficients a, must be positive. A corollary is that between the highest o ing and the lowest order term, none of the coefficients may be zero unless the polynomial is 426 Network Synthesis 0 427 or odd, Tn other words, a, ,, @,_g, =~! @y'@y must not be zero if the polynomial is neither even nor odd. : (Gi) Both the odd and even parts of a Hurwitz polynomial P(s) have roots on the ja — ass only. If we denote the even part of P(syas M(s) and the odd part as N(s), so that vay P _ Ps) = M@)+N@) then M) and Ne) both have roots on the jo-axis only. (iid As a result of property (i), if P(e) is either even or od, all its roots are on the jo-axis - Gncluding origin). : (iv) The continued fraction expansion of the ratio (y(e ofthe odd to'even parts (N(s)/M{s)) or the even to odd parts (M(s)/N() of a Hurwitz polynomial yields all positive quotient terms. As, Nis) MG) vO) = Tuc) * Nis) = ast Se Wns x where the quotients q,, 45 ~-sd,, must be positive if the polynomial P(s) = M(s) +N) is Hurwitz. (v) If P(s) is Hurwitz polynomial and W(s) is a multiplicative factor. Then P,(s) = P(s).W(s) is also Hurwitz polynomial, if Ws) is Hurwitz polynomial. a (vi) Incase the polynomial is either ‘only gyen or only-odd, it is not possible to obtain the continued fraction expansion in such cases, the polynomial P(s) is Hurwitz if the ratio of P(s) and its derivative P's) gives a continued fraction expansion. -& no ‘Note = Generally, we can check the given polynomial is Hurwitz or not, by using properties (i) and (vyl(v)/wi) for conditions (1) and (2) respectively. J Procedure for Obtaining the Continued Fraction Expansion se rain the continued fraction expansion, we must perform-a series of long division. Suppose y(s) is M(s) ¥ v8) = Nie) Where M(s) is of one higher degree than N(s). Then, we obtain a single quotient nd a remainder. : ‘The degree of the term R, (8) is one lower than the degree of N(s). Therefore if we invert the second term and divide, we have 5 5 é 2. eo Re Re) Inverting and again, we obtain Ru) = ong Fal Rae)" Ras) and so on. - < ‘There is a theorem whi states that the continued fraction expansion ofthe even toodd or odd to even parts of a polynomial must be finite in length. 428 OD Circuits and Systems EXAMPLE 10.1 Check whether the given pat P(s) = 64 +5 + 5s? + 3s + 4 is Hurwitz or not. Solution : Condition (1) : Since all coefficients of P(s) are positive, so P(s) is real for s real. Condition (2) : The even and odd parts of P(s) are M@s) = s*+58?+4 N@) = 8+38 > e 7 Ms) . Continued fraction expansion of y(s) = 7y(,) is given by 88435) 6! + 5e2+ 415 sated yey year llan: Qs +4ys8+35 at wpe = gy) 26 +4 [28 ee egrik 1 aie cee r = ; So that the continued fraction expansion of y(s) is Mos) i ve) = "NG 26+ % oi _. Since all the quotient terms of the continued fraction expansion are positive, P(s) is [PLE 10.2 Check whether the given polynomial P(s) = 54 +55 + 2s? + 48 + 1 is Hurwitz or not. Solution : € Condition (1) : is satisfied (since all a; are positive). eit Condition (2) : Even and odd parts of P(s) are M(s) = 64+ 2s? +1 NG) = 88+ 48 So, continued fractison expansion of y(s) = “/y,.) is given as, Br tees ae aan . oh Atta : ys? -4 we aay +48|-<5 a 5 cores 2AT 38 Stites flea Network Synthesis OD 429 zs ra The given polynomial is not Hurwitz because of presence of the negative quotient terms in the inued fraction expansion. PLE 10.3 Check whether the given polynomial = s3 + 25? + 3s + 6 is Hurwitz or not. dition (1) : is satisfied (since all a; are positive). ition (2) : Even and odd parts of P(s) are M(s) = 28? + 6 Nos) =e 38 2 So, continued fraction expansion of y(s) = rey # is given as i 2 3 a 2s? +6) 5 ete St+3s x we see that the division has been terminated abruptly (suddenly) by a common factor 63 + 3 s. : — Pte) = (+36) (1+2} = WO.2,0 2 We know that the term P,(s) = (1 2); is Huvpite Now check for Wo) = 8 +38 = 8(s+jv3) (s- jv) is Hurwitz Alternatively : since W(6) is an odd function, therefore the continued fraction expansion of is) = "/ yy) (using property (vi)] is Bip" a5 : : & je? + Be +30 ie °F sits 28/382 +3| > Ed ae 3 2s Y W() is Hurwitz, from property (v), ) is Hurwitz. \ LE 10.4 Check whether given polynomial. 7 + 268 + 255 + 54+ 453 + 85? + 85 +4 is Hurwitz or not. + Condition (1): is satisfied (since ee are positive). dition (2) : The continuéd fraction expansion of w(s) is given as 430 00 Circuits and Systems 298 + ot + 86244) 67+ 265+ 469+ 80 [> es a aH 44d 428 3 2 4 yee + Ge | 208+ ot + Bor +4 ee 288 + 86? x ‘Thus we see that the term (e4 + 4), which can be factored into ; = @t+4) = G7 + 2)? ds?= (624 2 + 26) (6+ 2-26) First factor (6? + 2e +2) is Hurwitz* and second factor is not Hurwitz. As, s?+2—28 = (6-1)? +(1)?=(6—1-j1) (@-1+/1)_ 8 = 1+/1,1—Jt (roots lie on right half of «-plane). Now, It is clear that P(s) is not Hurwitz. EXAMPLE 10.5 Find the range of values ofté Fo that P(s) =‘ +55 + as? + 26+3 is Hurwitz. Solution : Condition (1) : All a, must be positive, therefore, a> 0. Condition (2) : Forming M(s)/N(s) and obtaining the continued fraction expansion and the quotients to be positive. 428 stats ye (a-2e2+3) 8420/14 va or ol ape: » tes % = ed : (aby age therefore, a-2>Oand 2-350 : } ae ora>2anda>3.5 ‘Thus the range of ais a > 3,5.“ i : * Quadratic term with positive a; are of s-plane. If any coefficient a, is negatir right half of o-plane. os Hurwitz, since roots of quadratic equation lie n quadratic term is not Hurwitz, since atleast on Network Synthesis 00 431 EXAMPLE 10.6 Check whether the given polynomical is Hurwitz or not. (55 + Tel + 668 + 962 + Bs. y (oes Solution : The polynomial P(6) is not Hurwitz because a root of P(s) lies at théorigin*. (which is not permitted according to condition of Hurwitz polynomial). 10.2.3. Positive Real Functions ‘These functions are a because they represent physically realizable passive driving point immittances. A function T(s) = a is positive real (p.r.) if the fol: »wing conditions are satisfied : (1) 1s) is real for s real, i.e. T(o) is purely real. (2) D() is Hurwitz ploynomial. @) T(¢) may have poles on the jo-axis. Thies poles are simple and the residues there of are real and positive. (4) The real part of T(s) is greater than or equal to zero for the real part of ¢ is greater then or equal to zero, i.e, Re{Ts)] 20. for Re s20. or Re{T(}20 for Res =0 and Re{T\e)]20 for Res >0 (same as condition 1) Therefore, Re{Tijo)] 20 for allo A simplification of condition (4) is possible. Let N(s) __My(a)+Ny(s) 8) = Dia) = Ma(8)+No(@) where M(s) is an ever: function and N, (6) is an odd function. Rationalising, me) = MatNL Ma=Na HN nate A Mz +Nq M,—N,_M,?— My We see that the products M,M, and N,N, are even fee while er a M,N, are odd functions. Therefore, the even part of 7\s) is M,M2 - NN; Ev (16)] = Sitne. and odd part of T(s) is N,M, - M,N; = wis = AA If we let s = ja (since ¢ = 0), we see that the even. Pay of any polynomial is real, while the odd part of the polynomial if'imaginary i.e. Re{Tijo)] = BotT(s)Il, . jn and jIm[TGa)] = O44 (708)]] ,- jg It is clear that Tio) = Re{TGa)] + j Im{FGo)] *Roots of P(s) are not permitted at the origin except in case of odd function ( (polynomial) since ‘one root of odd part Nis)’ ‘of polynomial is always present at the origin. + “482 00 Circuits and Systems ‘Therefore, to test for the condition (4) for positive realness, we determine the real part Of 7G by finding the even part of T(s) and then putting s = jw. We then check to see whether Re[T\ja)}: for allo. ‘The denominator of Re [T(ja)] is always a positive Gianudlly because [M,(o)]? - [N, (o)]? = My (@?) + Nj?) 20 * That is, there is an extra j or imaginary term in N,(jo), which when squared, gives = 1, 60 the denominator of Re[7(jw)] is the sum of two squared numbers and is always positive. Therefore, 0 task resolves into the problem of determining whether A’) = M, (jo). M,(ja) = Ny (jo). N, jo) > 0 Properties of Positive Real Function (p.r-f.) ( If Tis) is p.r., then Ym) is also p.r. This property implies that if a driving point imped %s) is p.r., then its reciprocal (/z.,), the driving point admittance Y(s), is also p.r. (ii) The sum of p.r. functions is p.r. from an immittance stand point, we see that if two imp ances are connected in series or two admittances are connected in parallel, the res impedance or admittance is p.r. (Note that the difference of two p.r. functions is not n sarily p.r.). . (ii) The poles and zeros of a p.r,f cannot have positive real parts, i.e., they cannot be in the ri halfof thes-plane. In addition to this, only simple poles with real positiye residues cane’ on the po ‘The poles and zeros of a p.rf. are real or occur in conjugate pairs. (v) The highest powers of the numerator Ms) and denominator D(s) Parone may di atmost by unity. This condition prohibits multiple poles or zeros at s = (vi) The lowest power of D(s) and N(s) polynomials may differ by atmost unity. This condi prevents the possibility of eosin poles or zeros ats =0. « _ ‘Note :: The necessary and sufficient conditions for a rational function T\s) with real,coefficients to b are : Condition (1) : 7(s), must have no poles in the right half of s-plane, i.e,, Denominator Dis As) miuslzbe Hurwitz polynomial. Thie condition cantheck Teroeeh a continued fvaciiiniail sion of thé odd to even parts or even to odd parts of the Ds) in which quotients must b Condition (2) : This condition is checked only when the poles of 7(s) are on the jo-a otherwise not, (If denominator D(s) of 7(s) has a factor of the type s? +a; where a is positive constant, then we can say, the poles of 7(s) are on the jo-axis), T(s) may have only simple pole the imaginary axis (jo-axis) with real and positive residues. This condition is tested by m partial fraction expansion of 7's) and checking whethér the residues of the poles on the ja are positive and real~—— 7 e> Condition (3): Re[TYjo)] 20, for all or A(w®) = M, (io). My (ja) - N, (ja). Np (jw) £0 ; for allo EXAMPLE 10.7 Determine whether the function — 2a" +5, 2s) = ea & i Network Synthesis 00 433 Solution : jondition (1): Ds) =s3 + 8, then D'(s) Ber+1) 8+s lat otis = 8s? +1 e844) 2-888. yee x [osteo Therefore, D(s) is Hurwitz polynomical. Condition (2): We find that 2(@) has a pair of poles The partial fraétion éxpansion of Z(6) is Ze) = which shows that the residue of the poles at «= 4/1 is negative. Therefore, Z(s) is tot p.rf. +1 8 (s+2)(s+4) , iz EXAMPLE 10.8 Show that the function F(s) = (e+) (e+ 3) pr. |, é _ 87+6548 Solution : Fle) = ‘Condition (1); “We see that all roots of D(s) lie on the negative real axis or left half of s-plane. Therefore, D(6) is Hurwitz polynomial Be ‘ Condition (2): doesnot exist. 7 Condition (3): M, =? +8, N, = 6s, M, = 62+3, Ny M,M, ~ N,Np20 (8? + 8)-(s2 3) - (6 8)-(4.8) 20 -13 6? +2420 Aco! =o +13. 07 +2420 for allo. ‘Therefore, Fis) i is p.rf. EXAMPLE 10.9. Test for positive real 2 262 +25+1 pir (Sater re+2! Solution : Condition (1) : M@) H2g8+ +2,N@)=s3+6 itulot | ; 4 cal a a: aul ; ei cs Gri? oi.) Pica 434 go Circuits and Systems e process terminates prematurely. The divisor (2s? + 2) is a factor of M(s) and denominator polynomial. Condition (2) : D(s) = (2s? + 2) ($+ 1) = (6? +1) (¢-+ 2); D(6) has a root on joo axis at 6=2j. We have to determine the residue. _ AstB, C FO = “ya | o42 By the partial fraction expansion, we have 8 1 FO) = aya se2- Ae So, we can say residue is positive. Condition (3) : My(s) = 26% +1;N, ()=28 M, () = 28? +2, N, ()=s8 +8 A@?) = M,M,- N,N, 20 = (2s? + 1) (28? + 2) — (2s) (6? +8) 20 = (262 +1) 2 (62 +1) = 287 (6? +1) 20 2(s2 + 1) 2s? + 1 — 5?) 2 0= 2667 + 1220 2(-@? + 1)? 2 0 (By putting jo) = 2(1-0)?2 0 for allo Therefore, F(s) is positive real function. “fxs ‘Note = When all coefficients of A(o?) are not positive, Sturm’s test has to be used, which states —- co ‘The number of zeros of A(x) where x= 0? in the interval 0 Ye a Y@O=¥, 4% ++ O Ziy, Bh . at Fig. 10.1. General representation of (a) Foster - I, (b) Foster - II, and (c) Cauer I and II forms. 7 10.4. L-C IMMITTANCE FUNCTION Consider the impedance Z(s) of a passive one port network. Let Zs) as % _ My(o)+ No) J 20) = Mas) +No(s) Where M,, My are even parts of the numerator And denominator, and N,, Ny are odd parts. ‘The average power dissipated by the one-part passive network is us represent Average power = $ Re{Z(jo)). ||? Where [is the input current. For a pure L-C (reactive) network, it is known that the power dissipated is zero. Therefore, real part of Z(jo) is zero, i.e., Re[Z(jo)] = 0 \ Since we known that (from condition of positive real functions) i) Re[Z(jo)] = Ev [ZGo)] = Mi (jo). My (a) ~Nj(i0) Ng) ‘Mz? (jo) - Ny" (jo) In order to Re[Z(jo)] = 0, ie. M,(o). My io) — N,Go). Na(ia) = 0 For existence of the function 2(s), either of the following cases must hold: ) - (@) M,=0and N,=0 (b) M,=0 and N,=0 Network Synthesis 00 437 In case (a), Z(s)is | Z(8) = Ma (s) and in case (b), at Consider the example of an L-C immittance function given by _ ays! tags? +a _ Kl? +09) (6% +03") FO = TF adsorbs 0(6?+0,2) (8? #05") We see from this development the following properties of L-C functions : 1. Z;a(6) and hence Y;(6) ate the ratio of even to odd or odd to even polynomials, (This property 2Siso called as “Foster's Reactance Theorem”). ” - Z 2, Since both M{s) and N(s) are Hurwitz, they have only imhaginary roots, andit follow that the poles and zeros of Zcls) or Y;c(6) are onthe imaginary axis (including origin). 3. The poles and zeros interlace (or alternate) on the ja-axis. = 4, The highest powers of Numerater and denominator must differ by unity. 5. The lowest powers of Numerator and denominator must also differ by unity. 6, There must be either a zero or a pole at the origin and infinity. ge (For the function F(s) above discussed, there is a pole at origin ae and a zero at infinity). ae ‘The following functions are not L-C immittance functions for . the reasons listed at the right. 2 ph Dor 2 2 2 otf. ooh Let j rR K(s? +1) (8? +9) ats 0. jl © FO = (GF 42) (6? +10) re Ses pee , 5 +363 +98 ety be » @ FO = Fis6e. @ orl? fu aA = _ _ Ka(s? +4) Te, ot! 3 (i) FS) = yay (ete) 43). 2S. Mo a 2 > On the other hand, the function a)= 22+ +9). whinge Fig. 10.2 Pole-zero diagram for 3(6? +4) example 10.11. pole zerp diagram is shown in figure 10.2, is an L-C immittance, ‘Note = Case I: When L and C are in series as shown in figure 10.3(a). sh favkch T)_ sce |* *uc|’ * 3c cc is 7 i, ata sL eC and %0= 705-3, Fig. 10.9(a). Case II : When Land C are in eas as shown in figure 10.3(6). Str 1 _ PLC+1 IC Y(@) = C+ 488 010 Circuits and Systems EXAMPLE 10.11 An impedance function has the pole zero pattern shown in the figure 10.2. If 24-2) = ~\50., synthesize the impedance in (a) Foster - I and II forms, (b) Cauer - I and II forms. < ¢ Solution : From the pole zero diagram 3 / 2 41) (s2 2) = Rests 449) (s? +4) 130_ K+ By putting zen = +0 £e8 eur a - 16 2-8 _ 2(s? +1) (6? +9) % ‘Therefore, Ze) = ty 4) - (a) Foster - 1 Form : s? + 4s] 2s4 + 20s? + 18|2s a ee 1252 + 18 12s? +18 = 29+ Pen te s(s? +4) e Using partial fraction expansion, 15 ay 12s?+18 _ A Bs+C 4 3 (5744) st 44 eA. z A= 92, C=Oand B= 2 a 1 Yay & Therefore, git a3 toe oe ai ey "y Zs) +. 28 2g oe Slit okt as Ae . We then obtain the synthesized Stemi in figure 10.4 (a). fad z Fig. 10.4(a). % 2 Gee Foster ~ II form: : _ __ (8? +4) = YO) = oF 1G? +9) \ Using partial fraction expansion, + es 35 s(s? +4) eel ae ‘i 267 +1) (5? +9) 2L S41 sF+9 s.7 & v 1 ¥ Beene e ca” A= 9,B=D=0,0>5 Network Synthesis 00 439 Therefore, 3, 1) 28k ae a 16/3H 16/5 VO 3) Bol at +9 3 ev a) 3n6F 5/144 == Siete a etl s?+9 Vv Fig. 10.4(b). , synthesized network is shown in figure 10.4.(b)~ Cauer~I form: D 2 = 2(5? +1) (6? +9) _ 254 +208? +18 s(s7 +4) sds The continued fraction expansion is 23 + 45) 2st + 208? + 18/25 > Z, 2s! + 8s? ea 12s? +18) 3° + 4s) oY yo - 2 35 8458 5. 2 24 =a 128? + 18 se ante Za jee : fi 2 e know that the quotients of the continued fraction expansion give the elements of the network wer I and II forms. Because the continued fraction expansion always inverts each remainder divides, the successive quotients alternate between Z and Y and then Z again, as shown in preceding expansion. Ifthe init ial function is an impedance, the first quotient must necessarily ‘an impedance. When the initial function is an adnittrance, the first quotient is an admittance. “Therefore, the final synthesized network is shown in figure 10.4(c). \ er - II form: Cc \ 2s4 +205? +18 stds a igh ppAS HOH RAE cin aiere > ease Jf ‘ Xs) = 440 00 Circuits and Systems The Continued fraction expansion is 1s_ 9 3 2 4 Ost | teas oF, 4g + s9| 18+ 206% + 284| Fo= go” 18+ 33? 31.2 8/2 4a 8 oy, ae Sista. e 31 31_ 961 4 aoe. F206 Gee ane Fig. 10.4(d). Note ‘The number of elements of the synthesized LC network is always same as the higher degree of the two polyno! 40.5. R-C IMPEDANCE OR A-L ADMITTANCE FUNCTION ‘The R-C impedance or R-L admittance function has following properties : 1. The poles and zeros'lie on the nagative real axis (included origin) of the complex s-plane. 2. The poles and zero interlace (or alternate) along the negative real axis.” 4 3. (@) The residues of the poles of Zp.c (6) or Yp.p(8) must be real and positive. (b) The residues of the poles of the Yp.c(s) or Zp.1(s) are real and negative, however, the faiduea ob Gop polos of tec’) or Fri) must be real and positive. 4. The singularity nearest to (or at) the origin must be a pole, ie. function Zp.c (8) or Yp.z(8) > owith s+ 4, se a 5. The singularity nearest to (or at) the minus infinity (x) must be a zero, i-e., function Zpc(8) or Vp. z(s) > O with 8 > e Eo ats ’ The following functions are not Zpc(s) or Yp.z(6) functic. s for the reasons listed at the right. 6 re) = GtD-9 Dur) teks 3 @ Network Synthesis OO 441 2) 5) « ry = SEED IG) x ® ; = _ale+8) FO = Gaye) “ 1 a * / FET is a Zp.cls) or Yp.z(6) function. On the otherhand, the function F(s) = Note: = ‘An RC impedance, Zpo(s), also- Foster - II form : . ¥(s) _ s?+78+10 8 s? +5844 a(s +2) (6+ (s+1)(s+4) — Fig. 10.6(a). 5) s® v6Q x uti Lai | 3P 15/4F 78° +108 s+5s+4 s?+5s+ 4ye?+7s +10 sa) ieee d hey 2s+6 25+6 , (s+1)(s+4) Using partial fraction expansion, 246 A G+ G+) ~ sri” ee Then, YO) 2 py Bay Be 8 stl s+4 4 2 as Ze E WO= sted 4 Ys) > 320 4/3F. at GF Tr (&) Cauer -I form: Fig. 10.6(b). (stI)(s+4) __ s®+58+4 As) = (542) (+5) +75? +105 or Ys) = sr +5s+4 8? +78" +108 Network’Synthesis 00 443 The continued fraction expansion is s+5st4 Peete rt 268+ 6 aye e+5e+4yt e+8e 2 ae te %- Dej2e+ UL o> Z, 4) 2a eer % ae i Therefore, the final synthesized network is shown in figure 10.6(c). v2.0 19 Ys) > L 1F iL 1F cla Fig. 10.6(). Cauer - II form: P4544 4450487 FO) = Beret +108 100+ T+ The continued fraction expansion is 4 2 3 edisbidn; 10s + 76? +69) 4 + Se +6? | oA arias de 2 +5 106+ 76? + 897 105+ 304? Al a us is ge Al di_ 121 Pa 1 47 5s 2358 2,9 20 444 (10 Circuits and Systems ‘Therefore, the synthesized network is shown in figure 10.6(d). 5/2F 235/121F 4T/4F o—|| 4) > Fig. 10.6(d). 10.6. AL IMPEDANCE OR A-C ADMITTANCE FUNCTION ‘The R-L impedance or R-C admittance function has following properties : 1. The poles and zeros lie on the negative real axis (included origin) of the complex s-plane. 2. The poles and zeros interlace along the negative real axis. 3. (a) The residues of the poles of Zp,, (¢) or ¥pc (6) are real and negative. However, the residues of the poles of oo or ¥8-C(°) must be real and p. * (b) ‘The residues of the poles of ¥p (6) or Zp c(é) must he real and positive. 4, The singularity nearest to (or at) the origin must be aferg, i.e., function Zp, (6) or Yp.c(s) > Owith s 0. : = 5. The singularity nearest to (or at) the minus infinity (~«) must be a pol (8) oF Yp.cl6) >» with s > 2. ‘The following functions are not Zp ;(s) or Yp.c(s) functions for the reasons listed at the right. (8+4) (8 +8) .e., the function Zp. @ FS) = 642) (8-5) - @ a ___a(s+1) - ey MO = Gr2)(6+5) “ a (iid Fe) = eet) Gray (4,5) ‘s(8+2) (8+10) + (8 +2) (8+6) . On the other hand, the function Fs) = 57> is a Zp (8) or Yp.c(6) function. Note: - An RL impedance, Zp (6), also can be realized as an R-C admittance, Yp.c(s). All the properties of R-C admittances are the same as the properties of R-Limpedances. It is therefore important to specify whether a function is to be realized as an R-L impedance or an R-C admittance. Case I : When R and L are in series as shown in figure 10.7(a). Ze) = R+eL= 1(++2) t - R sL i Fig. 10.7(a). and Yo = —z atk L Case II: When R and L are in parallel as shown in figure 10.7(b). Fig. 10.7(b). si Network Synthesis oo 4a EXAMPLE 10.13 An impedance function is given by s(s+2) (+5) —* (s+1) (s+4) Find the R-L representation of (a) Foster - I and II forms (6) Cauer-I and II forms. Solution : (a) Foster - I form: Since we know that the residues of poles o Zp.(8) are real and negative. So we determine the residues of ¢ ‘ Zs) _ (+2)(6+5) 7 8, | @FD(O+4) Ey a 8? + 58+ 452+ 78+ 10/1 f e stist4 . 28 +6 “2 28+6. (s+1)(s+4) L Using partial fraction expansion, ae ae ey re 2Oe_ 4, 2a di5 a eel eee 0 : he Bede ook! ? a 20) = Saree ‘ Therefore, synthesized network is shown in figure 10.8(a). . aa) 230 \ bag Loe ; 1B as) 4 Fig. 10.8(a). iS (8+1)(8+4) ati cote oS . [por +2 sexi Shown in Bgure 10.80), gd 88 +757 +108 u 5? +5844 ° iar, in previous example, Y@ > i gt c 1 24-8, Y,=12,= 58 446 OO Circuits and Systems ‘Therefore, the synthesized network is shown in figure 10.8(c). 1H v2H a) > 19 Fig. 10.8(¢). Caure - II form: 4 7et 4108 _ 1004 76 4 20) = Bebatd | 4t5etet A+5 +87 i YO = ost +e As found in previous example, 2 50 121 2209 Y= 522" a1 Ys" 358 24> aq * Ys ‘Therefore, the synthesized network is shown in figure 10.8(d). 50/110 2209/44. 235/121 47H? » A Fig. 10.8(d). OTHER EXAMPLES Ae EXAMPLE 10.14 Which of the following functions are L-C driving point impedances ? Why? 8(s? + 4) (6? +16) ‘y Zy(9) = (64 9) (62 +25) (2 +1) (62 +8) 2 "afe? +4) And, synthesize the realizable imipedances in a Foster and a Cauer forms. Solution : Z,(¢) is not L-C driving point impedance, since poles and zeros are not interlacing on the jo-axis. On the other hand, Z,(s) is Z-C driving point impedance. Foster - I form: Zq(s) = \ 4 Z,(6) = Using partial fraction expansion, 2, (o) = +2 + ye 844 Network Synthesis 00 447 Therefore, the synthesized network in Foster ~ I form is shown in figure 10.9. Fig. 10.9. Cauer-II Form: 8+9s? +84 tO = aa The continued fraction expansion is 4s + 58)8 +998 + 6) % B+2@ Vo 762 + ot)40+58| +O Yp - 78 ’ 4 4s+—s5 7 (0) > Fig. 10.10. EXAMPLE 10.15 The input impedance for the network shown in figure 10.11(a). ? 25742 Zin) = Sy aeF+ 20rd If Z, is an L-C network : (a) Find the expression for Zy- (b) Synthesize Z, in a Foster -I form. a Solution : in = Zy IR Zig(0) > R=1a Fig. 10.11(a). 448 00 Circuits and Systems 2s? +2 2n = Woe saat D Vv2H wo bed / 7 E26) e eared (2s? +2) 23) > | IF Therefi zn ce? tee ig. 10.11(0). iirefore, oe = aaa Fig. 10.11() Using partial fraction expansion, Zo) =++5% 8742 Therefore, the synthesized network in Foster — J form is shown in figure 10.11(b). EXAMPLE 10.16 For the network shown in figure 10.12(a). Find Y when 4a = a Vo -24+¥ 10 ? (+3) Vy fF] 3% 265 +57 +6541 Synthesize Y as the L-C admittance. Fig. 10.12(a). Solution : Ped en ak, WY 24Y 9 tat (8? +3) 3/28 2 3HQ, 3 Therefore, Ys) = —*;*# ee ee 3(s? +3) 219F Using partial fraction expansion, aia guia of ti, %0= 31 as Hence, Synthesized network is shown in figure 10.12(b). EXAMPLE 10.17 Synthesize Z(e) in Cauer - II form. 853 +105 58465245 85° +108 +687 +5, 108+ 83> 5+6s? +84 2s) = Solution : 2) = Zs) = = 5+6s2 +04 Ses Bs osves ‘The continued fraction expansion is re 10s + 85) 5 + 6s? +54 eK 5 + 462 5 28? + 64110 5 + B59 |— «> Zp 3 SE Sov —— » B59) 25? + 64 Zon Sn 3 st) 383 | — <9 Zy 3 aga x Therefore, the required synthesized network is shown in figure 10.13. Fig. 10.13. (PLE 10.18 Synthesize the network, if Z(s) = = opie as Cauer - I form. ition : The continued tecey ees at + 36? + 1) 6° + 559 + 4515 € Je+3e+8 1 285 + 38 © pet Sayat + ae + 115 aaa a qe 4 Seay 2s8 +35 | E00 Zp 4 268 +=, +e 450 OO Circuits and Systems The synthesized network is shown in figure 10.14. 1H 43H 53H > t uaF t 9noF ) Fig. 10.14. EXAMPLE 10.19 Synthesize the given impedance function in Foster - I and II forms. (5? +4) (67425) yp —C 2s) = eo ((8* +16) Solution : Foster - I form : Using partial fraction expansion, 50, 548 = 8+ + za) Se +16 Therefore, the synthesized network is shown in figure 10.15(a). 27/8H on —_ f-—| re /50F Fig. 10.15(a). Foster - II form: ie 8(s7 +16) YO) = G2 +4) (6? +25) Using partial fraction expansion, s(s? +16) As Bs Om = + 6 +4)(67+25) 6744 5? +25 Comparing coefficients of 6? : A+ B= 2 Comparing coefficients of s : 254 + 4B =2 alii) From equations (i) and (ii), we have 3 1 2a p85 ‘Therefore, ro fo Synthesized network is shown in figure 10.15(6). Zs) > 14H. 56/3H ¥@> eer eT Fig. 10.15(0). Network Synthesis 00 451 3(s+2)(s+4) (245) 88 Foster and a Cauer EXAMPLE 10.20 Synthesize the given function F(s) = forms, if ) If F (s) is an impedance function. a 2 i) If F (¢) is an admittance function. ae Solution : (A) Using partial fraction expansion, Fe) = 3484, (0 If F(6) is an impedance function Z(), it must be an R-C impedance function and it is realized in the Foster — I form as in figure 10.16(a). 1189 . wa 30 V/8F Ye S130 vst}, 2s) iF 1H Fig. 10.16(a). Fig. 10.16(b). (i If F(e) is an admittance function Y(6), it must be an R-L admittance function and itis realized in the Foster-II form as in figure 10.16(). (B) Using continued fraction expansion, s+ 38 pena 3 © 99+ 24) 2+ 88 3 72 ., Fle) is an R-C impedance function and it is realized as in figure 10.16(¢). 3a 270 vi2F 2) > T V9F | Fig. 10.16(c). 452 00 Circuits and Systems (i If F@) is an admittance function, then Yi=3, 2-5 ie., Me) is an R-L admittance function and it is realized as in figure 10.16(d). V/9H V/72H Ye 15a w27 Fig. 10.16(d). (s+4)(s+6) (s+3)(s+5) Solution : (i) Cauer-I form: EXAMPLE 10.21 If Z(s) = , find Cauer-I and II forms of Z(s) (if possible). 2 4108424 Fay ee (a) P8541 . Continued fraction expansion is given as 8? + 8s + 15)s+ 10s + 24)1<>Z, 8? +8s+15 2s +9ys?+ 85415 | 5 Yo sds U Fig. 10.17(a). ~~ Network Synthesis 00 453 (ii) Cauer—II form: ) 15+8s+s? Now, 0) ee oe a 24+10s+s° | The continued fraction expansion is 24+ 10s +s?) 15 +85 +s? Box & 15+ Bobet 7 1,432) 244108 +5? eae) “ x ‘The synthesized network in Cauer-II form is shown in figure 10.17(b). 2 eaF BF Bae 68a Fig. 10.1700). LE 10.22 Realize the R-C admittance in Cauer ~ I and Foster — II forms. 4746 = (67% el per GS rent €43/) Fo 454 000 Circuits and Systems Solution : (a) Cauer - I form : The continued fraction expansion is s+2| a ees zy "50+ 8) st+2 fe 2 =a 5 25 588+ 6[peo% 5s 4 85 [158° 4 & x Therefore, the synthesized network is shown in figure 10.18(a). 15a 2160 - Y@) > IF 25/4F ee Fig. 10.18(a). 6 Foster - II form : _ st+Ts46 5s+6 2s VT age we od And, the synthesized network is shown in figure 10.18(b). ae 20 Ye) > 1F 1/30. 1F — a Fig. 10.18(b). (38+8) EXAMPLE 10.23 Show that function F( represents an R-L impedance, Realize G+) (+3) the impedance in Foster - I form. Solution: 3e(e+2 FO = (aiye+3) =~ 8, The first singularity at the origin. Zeros at 6 = 0, 8= © interlaced by poles at s =~ 1, Hence F(e) is a R-C admittance or R-L impedance. Hence, 8 5 8 3s(e+8 f+ oan S pees of ecm Zpr(8) = Ypcl6) ar NetworkSyhthesis OO 455 ‘Therefore, given function is an R-L impedance function, and synthesized network in Foster — is shown in figure 10.19. 2) > 5/2 VeH Fig. 10.19. LE 10.24 (Synthesis of R-L-C function). Synthesize by continued fractions the function s34+26%+38+1 X06) = “Sete Ret s+ e% +264 1) s+ 257+ e+ 111 <> ¥, oh + 62+ 2641 asks +e)ei+s2+2s+ Is ae Ga 2s+1 yoteolt es sted 2 S Jerse 2 : O 25 \ 8 x{rol» ‘Therefore the synthesized network is shown in figure 10.20. i “40 Y@)> 19 war w2F Fig. 10.20. 10.25 Test whether the following polynomial is Hurwitz. P(g) = 53+ 28? +5 +2 (LP. Univ., 2001) wn : Condition (1): is satisfied (since all coefficients of P(6), i.e., a; are positive). (2) : Even and odd parts of P(s) are oe M(@) = 287 +2 NG) = +5 So continued fraction expansion of Y( ay is given as 456 0 Circuits and Systems 252 + 2J59 +5) 2: hd ll We see that the division has been terminated prematurely. Thus (2s? + 2) factor is common in M() and N(e). As P(e) = (28? +o(r+de) = W@). Pe) We know that the term P,(s) is Hurwitz and W(s) is also Hurwitz. Therefore, P(s) is Hurwitz polynomial. Alternatively : P(s) = (28% +2) (ut oe 2@+1) (1445) = (8+ ja) (6 — ja) (2+ 8) We see that No roots of P(s) lie on the right half of s-plane. Therefore, P(s) is Hurwitz polynomial. EXAMPLE 10.26 Test whether the given function F(e) represents a p.r.f. 843 FO) = Be bar1 Solution : Condition (1) : M(s) = 6? + 1, N(e) = 58 t 5a] s+ 1) =8 5 2 1) 5a{5s yg (LP. Univ., 2001) All quotients are positive. Therefore, Denominator of F(¢) is Hurwitz polynomial. Condition (2) : There are no poles of given function F(s) lie on jo-axis, s0 this condition does not exist. Condition (3): M, = 3, M, = 6? + 1, N,=8, Np = 58 A(@?) = MyM, ~ N, Ny 20 3 (62+ 1)-s8-(5s)20 36?+3-5s?20 28 +3>0 / 202+320 (By putting s = jo) Hence, A (@) 2 0 for all o. Therefore, given function F(s) is a positive real function. EXAMPLE 10.27 Realize the following RC driving point impedance function in (i) Foster- I form, (ii) Cauer-II form. (UPTV, 2002, 200%(C.0.)) at ise’ 20) = 4 26 Solution : (i) Foster-I form : Using partial fraction expansion, we have 1 EGG) gt Bo 8 : 20) = Ea AE sage 8s, > Network Synthesis 00457 Therefore, the synthesized network is shown in figure 10.21(6). 23F 2/25F cl Zs) ‘5/42 5a Fig. 10.21(). [PLE 10.28 Determine the range of B such that the polynomical P(g) = 54 + 53 + 4s? + Bs +3 is Hurwitz. (LP. Univ., 2000) lution : (1) All coefficients of P(e) must be positive, therefore f > 0. ‘i (2) Mis) = s4 + 4s? + 3, N(s) = 83 + Bs a existoii Continued fraction expansion of a is given as 458 00 Circuits and Systems 85 + Bays + 402 + 3/6 iB Teh bat { - ~ toe i) -p)s?+3/53 +s ay . 3 3 aa ( All quotients must be positive, ie. @ 4-B>OorB<4 ww 8-735 > 0 or—pt+ 48-3>0 or = B?- 48 +3 0 for all o. given function is a p.r.f. 10.33. Synthesize (UP.T.U,, 2001, 2003(C.0.)) 462 C10) Circuits and Systems 7 et +28] s+ 4843 [1 Z, st +28 2e +3) 62 +25) > haa) eeds a 284+3( 40925 aig feey 3 x Therefore, the synethesized network is shown in figure 10.24. 19 42 2)—> iE ip a iy jenn e ) Fig. 10.24. é EXAMPLE 10.84 Synthesize (8+5) 2) = Taper i Foster's I form. (U.P.T.U., 2001) Solution : std (s+) (8+6) (s+1) (6+6) Me) = 45) + %8+6)8 Baliga ot 2e+6 28+10 —= Ze) = ~4 Yo) = 8424+ = YQ) _ s+70+6 eo | 84s 8? + 5e)6? + 76+6) 1 5 ie =F 32 26+6 ) alo 2 a . r on sas Network Synthesis 10 463 Yio) _ 1, 2846 7 6 s(8+5) Using partial fraction expansions, Shae Ors igh 6 s 6+5 4 6 So Yo 8 et as Therefore, the synthesized network is shown in figure 10.25. PLE 10.35 Realize the following RC driving point impedance function in (i) First Foster form (ii) First Cauer form : 8 +6048 aes : .P.TU., Ot W. 2003) lution : (i) First Foster form: _ 8 +68+8 1/2 28) = Fe der3 +3 Fig. 10.26(a). (ii) First Cauer form: } #+4s+3) s?+6s+8 | 1>Z, — s+4s+3 fasta 1 2s+5]s24 de +3) —s OY, ae act stds 2 3s+3 2545 Suz, 2s44 N ages Soo, else ae cr N & x 464 10 Circuits and Systems ‘Therefore, first Cauer form is shown in figure 10.26(6). 4 1 19 ae 2 3 2F aF Fig. 10.26(6). EXAMPLE 10.36 Realize the following functions in First and Second Foster for (UP.LU., 2004) (8? + 1)(6? +16) a 4 gj SDE > Oe tee) (s+2)(s+5) 20= Ned Solution: (i) First Foster form: (+(e +16) __ | 867+ 16 20) =" se +8) ate +9) i, he 3 49 Pie 124 Sen of the given Z(e) ia shown in figure 10.27(0). 56/g) H = +4 +opigaet Fig. 10.27%(a). s(s° +9) #8 + ob Boo} 2 (%s) _ Vs)? YO" Gy net+1®) P41 e186 atl oP +16 ‘Therefore, the second Foster form is shown in figure 10.27(6). ¢ Second Foster form: Fig. 10.27(b). (ii) First Foster form: wietalenby® 26 1 AW Bay ee, Z0)= oxford) ~1* Ger Der ~)* ei ord 17344 Network Synthesis 00 465 Therefore, the first Foster form of the given Z(s) is shown in Fig. 10.27(c). 4 1 x2 we ° 19 iter pr gumry Xs) —> oe F oF Fig. 10.27(c). _ Second Foster form : vo = 24 U4)", (s)* 8 +2 B45 _ Therefore, the second Foster form is shown in figure 10.27(d). Fig. 10.27(d). 10.87 Test the following polynomial for its Hurwitz character. P(s) = 5° + 357 + 108° + 2455 + 3584 + 575° + 50s? + 368 + 24. (U.P.T.U., 2004) 1: P(s) = 8° + 387 + 10s + 2455 + 3584 + 578° + 50s? + 36s + 24 mn (1) : is satisfied (since all a/s are positive). (2): M(s) = 6° + 1085 + 3584 + 50s? + 24 N(s) = 887 + 248° + 5705 + 368 inued fraction expansion is given as ig 240" + 570 5 Ss) 88+ 108 + 3584 + 50s? + 24 8 + 855 + 1964 + 126? oO +1654 +3857 +24 | 367 +2454 5759+ 36s | >8 887 + 2485 + 5783 + 368 x that the division has been terminatéd pre-maturely by a common factor 37+ 2485 + 57% ‘Thus our task resolves into the problem of determining whether. P,(s) = 387 + 248° +5783 + 36s is Hurwitz. P,() =8s (6° + 8s4 + 196? + 12) = Wie) . Plo) P(e) = 86 + 854 + 198 + 12 . P(e) is an even polynomial. Therefore, the ratio of P(e) and P’() gives a continued fraction a ; 466 OO Circuits and Systems Gs° + 3283 + 388 Got + 1aet +12 | Ge 16 ,, 19 py eye, 18 8+ ett oe 8 ,, 38 9 got tg 8? +12 | 655 + 3288 + 385 | 78 68+ Tet o7e i 8 get ils) sett yor + 12 8 176 oat 30 7 49 erie gets | oe Since, all quotient terms are positive, therefore the polynomial P(e) is Hurwitz and hence given polynomial is Hurwitz, EXAMPLE 10.38 An impedance is given by _ 86? +) 2B) = FD (eA) Realize the network in (#) Foster-I form and (ii) Cauer-II form. (UP.T.U., 2004) 8(s? + (6° +3) __8(st +45? +3) (8? +2)(s?+4) ~ 9(s* +2)(s? +4) @ Foster-I form : Using partial fraction expansion, A he Gs Bee * ot isk ) 8st + 328? + 24 mA (6? + 2) (6? + 4) + Bs%(a? + 4) + Co? (6? + 2) st SA+B+C=8 8° 6A +4B+2C=32 ; Constt. > 84 = 24 Gives, ASB B=2 Cc=3 Solution: Z(s) = tine Network Synthesis 010 467 , a=8 24 Fe ea We then obtained the synthesized network in Foster-I form as shown in figure 10.28(a). 3 aH 1H 4 4 2)—> oF cy dU vs Fig. 10.28(a). ; if) Cauer-II form : Z( = Meat es) 24 + 32s? + Bet Urs A+ ee + Bat “yas? + Bet | Bs + ete ai & ¥, ast es Fig. 10.28(6). 10.39 Gihe i» polo-oe disgrases shane, e-Ainkain 18 00) ona aa pick te that represents an RL impedance function and synthesize by first ae 468 OO Circuits and Systems ng Lesaeay @ ) Fig. 10.29. Solution : The pole-zero diagram of figure 10.29(a) represents an R-C impedance function, since there is a pole at origin. The pole-zero diagram of figure 10.29(b) shows that two consecutive poles at (s =~ 3 and s = — 4). This is not permitted in any immittance function. The correct pole-zero diagram must be as shown in figure 10.29(c). This represents an R-L impedance function, since there {3 “3 —y is a zero at origin and poles and zeros are interlaced on the negative real Fig. 10.29). axis. 3(s+2)(s+4) Zrl8)= Ves iissd) Zs) _ (s+2s+4) Petes ee ee Zs) _ s°+6s+8 1, _ 2845 s ~ s445+3 (8+ 1)(s+3)" a A or Tate 4 (Using partial fraction expansion) 3} or Zs)=5+ 2 + 2 stl 343 Fig. 10.29(d). 3 s(s7+2)(s 44) EXAMPLE 10.40, Realize Z(s) = TH a5G8; gyiq2 ig) it first Cauer form, (U.P.T.U., 2005) Solution : There is a misprint in this question. The power ofs in the first factor of the denominator of Z(s) must be 2. 262 ae Yay SAD He 5) ‘s(e? + 2)(5? +4) 5° 49s! +238 +15 3° +659 +83 Network Synthesis op 469 ‘The continued fraction expansion is 554692 +85 ) 594 99! + 2852415 | SY; oS 04 Gat +80? LC ‘Beta 16s? + 15 J 88 + Gs? + 88 GO 22 5 + 553 + 5s 93 + 38) 394 + 15s? + 15 (8s @ Y; A sett ot ee 65? + 15) 43015 Ze 5 1 iF 3F 12F Fig. 10.30. 10.41 An impedance function is given by 2(8 +1) (s+3) 20) = es2)(0+4) the R-L representation of Foster first form. _ As+I(s+3) + Fe) = er aV(e+4) Zs) _ As+V(s+3) _ 3/4 1/2 | 3/4 : ; : + = 7 se+D@+4) ~ 0 * a4” std (Using paiial fraction emt oe at 3, Ge | Gls f= ewi-wwa * a0d ~ the synthesized network is shown in figure 10.31. 470 C10 Circuits and Systems EXAMPLE 10.42 Diagnose whether the following impedance function represents aRL or RC network and find its first Cauer form. (s+4)(s+6) (+8) (s+5) Zs) = (U.P.T.U, 2006) er8) “ i 6 -5 -4 -3 -2-1 a Poles s-Plane Since singularities nearest to origin and farthest from origin (or t. 10.3%(a). nearest to infinity) are pole and zero respectively as shown in figure Fr 10.82(a). Therefore the given network function (Impedance) represents RC network. 87 +106+24 208 Tyas +18 First Cauer form: 8 +8s+15) s+ 10s+24 (ler Z, s+ 85416 Se 25 +9)? +80 +15 @go# a Z=12 = R=19 %= $0 = O,=5F %= $2 = R= 40 yn Geos Caer Fig. 10.850). a a = Therefore. the first Cauer form ic aa ahown in fienre 10 29/h) Network Synthesis (10 471 ees 10.43 Realize the function Z(s) = sete) 2(e" +1) (6? +9) network. » (UP.T.U, 2006) Solution: Foster-I Form: Using partial fraction expansion, “ = 867 +4) Kys_, Kes 2) = TFs EHD G49) _ +4) wf ae S29) “6 - _ +4) 5S Ke = 4) 3g tie! in both Foster forms LC 3 5 as 6 Ze) = 16_ ,16_ 2) C+D @+9) Fig. 10.33(a). Foster's I form as shown in figure 10.33(a). Form: ; 20? +1)(s?+9) _ 29442067418 OS et, nes 83 + 49) 284+ 205? + 18( 25 eth didn “126% +18 12s? +18 ae (57+ 4) é os 472 010 Circuits and Systems Using partial fraction expansion, 2 12s* +18 = Ky, Kas a(s7+4) 8st 44 = 12518) "9 us Game 2 12s? +18 15 x= =F Isat 9 15, Ys) = 2042 ce Yo) = Ose Te, C, = 28 J L,=2H ist 2" 9 18 25 af Ly = 757 Fig. 10.35(b). 1 15 InG;=4 > G= 5? Therefore, Foster's II from as shown in figure 10.33(6). EXERCISES 10.1. Define Hurwitz polynomial and write its properties. 10.2. Define positive real function and write its properties. Define Foster's reactance theorem. 4 (0.4. Write the properties of (@ L-C immittance functions (6) R-C impedance or R-L admittance functions (©) R-Limpedance or R-C admittance functions 10.5. What are the procedures to obtain (a) Foster's I form (b) Foster's II form (¢) Cauer’s I form, (d) Cauer’s II form. PROBLEMS 40.1. Check whether the given polynomials are Hurwitz or not. @ Pls) = s#+53-21s?+8s+2 (b+) Pee) = 85 +98 +262+3s4+1 © Ps) = st+s8+262+38+2 Network Synthesis 00 473 4126+ 4569 +4454 48 s+ 2et+353+6s? + 4e+8 88+ 265+ 1464+ 2663 + 4967+ 726+ 36 P(e) = 65+ 754 +553 +5? + 28 d the range of values ain P(s), so that P(e) = 264 + 6° + as? +s +2 is Hurwitz. ck whether the given functions are p.r. or not. _ 8410844 _ St +stl ae” NTs aT see e o9 +587 +98+3 _ 4e41 PO) = tse @ Fe) = Qet +769 +115" 412844 Sl) =, dc kudihatlabereeeuonn tamer ee (8? +4) ea MT these. Ftp atawy of 8 Foster-I form and also as a nthesize the network function Z(s) = 205 +1269 +168 ot +4? +3 as Cauer-I form. ‘Synthesize the function Z(s) = i othe network function 20) = "#2. ay Caner form, ie = SAAS} in Couer- form. Realize Zpr(6) =p in Cauer-II form. 8+2) GER — 8(6+2)(8+4) 3 (+3) Huei i i ene

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