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‘Question 2 Programmes designed 1o help employees overcome personal problems ranging fom substance abuse sess and bumout as wel 9s fry and francil problems and rey Peter is an assembly tine worker who suffers from ; @ divesse which is caused by repetitive movements of the same muscles hundreds or thousende of times each day, which regutts in inqunes to the back and wit Question 4 ‘Wal isthe ena goal af your reward and recognition program? 3 eas ore very ANT ©) Reward tap perormers > ALL QUESTIONS MUST BE ANSWERED IN THE UFS EXAMINATION 9) Alolthe above > BOTH SECTION A AND SECTION B MUST BE ANSWER: ALL QUESTION PAPERS MUST BE HANDED IN, Susttion exit process hat Cog > ) atracting and retaming high-quality amployoes. Gussie 5) doveiopng asa 's 2 general stale of physical, menial, and emotional well-being: and 8 Sirinaoy motaas tem Innprove the perfomance. is protecting the physical well-being of people. 4) Allofthe above a) Heath: Salety ©) Sataty: heath ested (a ony (e “s0usis1a panunuod Jo} uonesiueBIO ‘241 J0 Spaeu jeuoNevedo ey) uo pasnaoy AesyHoads axe sisyeroeds UOMSI ms esrey ( om (@ juowuouiAue ssoulsng aup Ul seBueUD oF SNIPE ue idepe oj ssousumim pue Auge atl S} AyG)xey “ixaiUOD jeUOHEsIUEBIO UE LILHAA ‘Ep uoREENG JuaweBe6uo pue voNDeysnes Gof jUaUNIUMOD JoHEq 10} MOIIE Jefo|dWe oy) Jo spn pue snoIAeYAg aU 1eUs (P ‘yeRUCD jeaBo}OUDKSd uy Buneuluey 910}0q aonoU s,yiUOW ao YYM JaXO\dWe BY) sopIAOId deko|dwE SY “Ayenuue pomoues pue Guyum u} pesyeuno) aq yeNU0D OUI EL (a. suawssesse fe0}6ojo4oAsd jenuue UR o} sywives eafojdwe euy EU (e ‘sainsue Pequod leaIBojoyoAsd uy BUUEIUIEN ‘Zr uoRseND asies (q eon (@ “ajgedaoce spuy AyaI005 yeYM OF ‘Suruiosu0d 10 ‘sme} jeUBWIUEaAO6 0} soUaLaype ‘UoIBI/a! 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Moreover, Balungie a female HR prscloser fan ‘shared countaneacentments makeing thal malo counterparts eam more thor’ ene counterparts. wor pany comeSNY fas nol been able Io atract and retain talent sine they Toto Paenng below the average, thus pocketing more profits. AB a result Tel nes kee, uancr ans Since the company couldnt meet tne changing needs of clara Nnhe es Quarter of 2019, the company winessed a hike of 67% In labour tumover as employees COVID-10 sh seampanies Decaute they were not being adequately. compensneny EOVIO-10 also alfected the company’s financial affairs, and hey have wees struggling to ‘keep up with the wage bill Newly appointed Corporate Executive Director, Rumbie Sango. met with Tegan and said {fe her, “The company ie paying the highest wages in he dustry, but we keep on tosing Questions eranstine the tem “reward management” and explain two signiicant functions of ‘rewards! compensation wilh spectic reference to TCI {@ marks) (10 marks) 4.3 Ment and ists TCs pa ve pole snd substantia your anower wah rlovant fac tom be ase ty, (mama) “uogisinboe yueie) Jo a}949 oy) ay} jaidap AyjeoneuureBeIG esieidde souewoHed jo senjzeiqo jejuatudojanep pue ‘envenmene ‘oGejeys oy) weidxa ‘eauly YInog Ut S@Bua\!eY wawdoJenep puE EuIMER| (¢) OAY OWEN, “diyssopeay njssaoonsun pue jryssesons usenjaq aoussayip ays uleidg 001 -IWi04. $8 :@NOl193s TwioLens. {eyrw 0W) sNOUSAND. ‘St :¥NOULS TYLOLANS. ) “qwo|e} Buyureyes 404 jeonuo ie yey ssOVOR} () OAY UYEIdxy (eytew 01) ¥ NOUSAND. ‘vest ywod PUB Bioj2q WaUIUOIIAUD eo!opyOM UEDUFY WINDS ay) Jo SIWEUAP O41 sENDBsIa. ‘a0e/d 410M ou Uy syuaploe yUEABId oj sAeM (5) ory eQUOBOG {ovra ne nousano (ree enaasane so108s and uEDUy WIROS Oy) UI (WH) 1UeWeBevELL “sseuj@m eoeichyon jo syousd key (9) m8 wenoe1g sounOses YEWINY UO JUEWUOIAUE-CJOW PUE O/OBW "}eQo/6 ayy Jo BOUENYU! Oy; UFEIGXy (opew 9)z NOLLSAND (eyeu 9} 6 NoUsano

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