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UNIVERSITY OF THE FREE STATE BLOEMFONTEIN CAMPUS \@ QWA-QWA CAMPUS ‘SOUTH CAMPUS, EIOP1524/EFIO1525/EHIO1524 DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL PSYCHOLOGY ‘CONTACT NUMBER: 051 401 3001 EXAMINATION: Main end-of-year 2022 ASSESSOR(S): 1. Ms. B. Morebodi 2. Mr. N. Ntl 3. DrL. Bezuidenhoud MODERATOR(S): Dr TS Marange TIME: 2 HOURS MARKS: 100, ALL THE QUESTIONS MUST BE ANSWERED IN THE UFS EXAMINATION BOOK. ¢ ALL QUESTION PAPERS MUST BE HANDED IN. Read through the statements/questions below and choose the correct answer from the alternatives. Write down only the question number and the letter of the correct answer (e.g, “6 a") QUESTION 4 Theory X and Theory Y were developed by ___. a) Taylor b) MoGregor ©) Mayo a) Gestalt e) aandb QUESTION 2 Blue Sky, a consulting company, is having recruitment and selection issues. They will need the services of a specialist in 2) human resource management ) positive psychology ©) social psychology @) psychology ) educational psychology QUESTION 3 Constructivism refers to a broad cultural approach in which other disciplines and methods are used to interpret psychological phenomena or find new meanings in existing knowledge. a) The b) False QUESTION 4 General systems theory, founded by , is based on holism, a) Wessing b) Gestalt ©) Ludwig @) Edward @) None ofthe above ‘QUESTION 5 Which ofthe statements below isnot applicable to masculine cultures? a) Competition is important. b) Work involves building relationships. ©) Conflict should be tackled in a direct manner. 4) Money is important ©) None ofthe above QUESTION 6 Derek isnot satistied with his ob. Whats he most likely to do? 2) Keep quiet about his problems. b) Leave the organisation. ©) Work harder. 4) Justo the bare minimum required ofthe job. e) bandd QUESTION 7 The law of suggests that aspects of a perceptual field that move in a similar manner will be perceived as a unit. a) similarity ) continuity ©) symmetry 6) common fate @) None ofthe above QUESTION 8 ‘Metacognition is @ person's capacity to monitor their own thoughts. a) Tue b) False QUESTIONS ‘The degree of salisfaction someone anticipates they wil receive from an outcome is known 2s_. 2) intrinsic motivation b) instrumentality ©) expectancy @) valence e) belief QUESTION 10 ‘Which ofthe following isnot a characteristic ofa virtual organisation? 2) _Allmembers share a common geographical location ) The organisation does not outsource any of its functions ) The organisation comprises only a smal group of employees. a) aandb e) abande Match the column A wit the correct description in column B. Column A Column B | 171. Conscientiousness @) An individual whose characlristic is related to effective and superior performance 42, Extraversion b)_ People's abiity to get along with everyone 73._Openness ©) People’s comfort with relationships, 14. Agreeableness 4) The extent to which people can cope with stress situations i} and experience positive emotional states. 15. Emotional stability ) The extent to which people are organised, careful, | responsible, dependable and sel-cisciplined. 4) Being inclined to direct interests to ideas rather than social | events. @) Being open to experiences and having broad interests and 1a fascination with novelty. Subtotal: 15 3 Please answer all the questions in this section, ‘QUESTION 4 (15) You are the human resource manager in a big company. Management convened a task team to investigate the possible expansion of business in Alica, The task team consists of members from different divisions, As a human resource manager, you were requested to monitor and support the task team, You had to see to itthat the task team operates as a functional unit In your report tothe executive ‘committee you are able to note thatthe task team has sorted out some conflct, that members have divided roles among themselves, and that Mr B has been acting as a strong leader. During several team- building sessions, the team has also formed some sort of identity and is now focused on the task at hand. ‘Mrs R has impressed you with the way in which she highlights and manages the group's objectives. Mir T shows sound insight into the most relevant and logical information 41.1. According to the five-stage group development model, in which stage of development is the task team? Identify the characteristics ofthis stage from the case study. (6) 1.2. Describe what the group members should expect inthe next stage of group development and what the group leader should do to manage this stage. 6) 1.3. Explain the group structure tothe task team with specific reference fo 1.3.4. size and Q 43.2. noms. (@) QUESTION 2 (15) Mega Cell employs 100 people, with three managers reporting to each director. The CEO prides himself in the fact that he makes most ofthe decision inthe organisation himself. Everyone knows exactly who they report to in each department. Examples of some of the departments in the organisation are marketing, sales end finance. Each employee works on a few tasks that they know how to do really well, but employees sometimes complain about boredom in their monotonous jobs. 2.4, Discuss the fundamental characteristics of organisational structures and identity the organisational structure in the case study. (14) 2.2. Distinguish between the different traditional organisational designs. (4) QUESTION 3 (3) Attitudes are generally defined in terms of three components: cognitive, emotional and behavioural The top management team of HOT ICE (an ice cream manufacturing company) informed their personnel in the Pretoria branch that, due to financial constraints, all personnel will have to move to the Johannesburg branch in 3 months’ time. Explain o the HOT ICE management the diferent work-related attitudes. (8x3=9) QUESTION 4 (6) The behaviourist BF Skinner was the father of behaviour modification. As an expert in applying the behaviour modification theory in the work context, provide a schematic outline of Skinner's behaviour modification theory. QUESTION 5 (10) For a student, the consequence of forgetting information cannot be isolated from the role that memory plays. Memory is affected by the way information is encoded. 5.1. Uist any four reasons why people forget. 4 5.2 Provide an explanation of three techniques to promote memory, 6) QUESTION 6 (10) A general manager of a metallurgical plant in South Arica has decided to employ a personal assistant (executive secretary). This is because he can no longer deal with day-to-day logistics himself. The general manager first composed a fist of essential personal atibutes of a successful candidate, The following things were liste: ‘© An Indian female is non-negotiable - definitely not a male. As he would be able to relate better given his cultural and ethnic background, Not younger than 21 years and not older than 30 years of age + English-speaking + A sensible and professional dress code © Preferably unmarried, with no children ‘A person from his hometown He advertised the position only extemally, as he believed no appropriate candidate was to be found internally. He insisted that all candidates should provide three pictures of themselves — asserting that a picture is worth more than a thousand interviews. Twenty candidates applied. He found it easy to short- list and invited only two prospective employees. He was particularly interested in and excited about one candidate from his hometown. He knew the father well and was confident that she was ftom a good 5 family, His intuition, which etways delivered good results, indicated fo him that this specific lady was the one, Discuss any five perceptual distorionslerrars in person perception that might occur during the interviews. QUESTION 7 (10) Growing workforce diversity compels organisations to view individual differences in a fresh new way. Rather than limiting diversity, as in the past, today’s organisations need to better understand and ‘accommodate their employees’ diversity and individual diferences, Sketch the conceptual model for the study of individual dferences, [ ‘QUESTION 8 (10) 8.1. Categorse the thinking frameworks related to the nature of work end employees: Cc) 8.2. Distinguish between psychology and industrial and organisational psychology. 4) Subtotal: 85 Total: 100

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