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The Correlation between Parental Expectations and Academic

Achievements among G-10 AM Session Mainstream students of



Ardeña, Rheana May D.

Binolirao, Princess Irish Pearl D.

Bahinting, Princess Dariane A.

Cortez, Zarah Noreen B.

Diapera, Philip J.

Janohan, Tonette Jane

Rosalem, Ranz G.

Sultan, Mae-an A.

In Fulfillment of the Requirements in Research IV

General Santos City National High School

Calumpang, General Santos City

Ranilo Balbanida Guyano & Arvin Benedict Galinada

Research IV Adviser
Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Setting

The study's fundamental details are presented in this chapter. It

explains the study's position and provides the study's context. It also covers

the problems, the significance of the study, its scope and limitation, and the

definition of terms.

Background of the Study

It is common for parents in this current generation to have great

expectations for their child as a student. Parental happiness always depends

on the satisfaction of their expectations for their children. It is sometimes

good, but it often affects the child's individuality, because of this, it affects

academic performance. Parents expect their children to pass high grades

every school year, giving both inspiration and pressure for their children-

53.3% of parents need high grades from their children; About 57% said that

the parental expectation differs from academic 45.4% of them accepted that

they are imposing their ambition on their child (Prathap L. et al., 2020).

In connection to this, in the discussion of factors that affect educational

attainment, the Wisconsin School, based on the famous Blau-Duncan Status

Attainment Model, argues that as an important mediating variable, parental

educational expectations (PEEs) have a significant influence between family

background and children’s educational attainment. Many scholars have

explored the influence of PEEs on children’s educational attainment from the

perspective of intermediate effects (e.g., Liu et al., 2015; Wang et al., 2018).

The correlation between parental expectations and academic

achievements among G10 Mainstream GSCNHS morning session students

would typically include an overview of previous research in the field, the

importance of understanding this correlation, potential gaps or limitations in

existing studies, and the significance of the topic for educators, parents, and


Moreover, this study aims to determine the correlation between parental

expectations and academic achievements among Grade 10 mainstream

morning session students to know the effect of these expectations on their

academic performance.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to investigate the correlation between parental

expectations and academic achievement among Grade 10 mainstream

morning session students at GSCNHS. Specifically, the study seeks to

answer the following questions:

1. How fluent are the parental expectations regarding the academic

performance of their children in Grade 10 of GSCNHS?

2. What is the level of academic achievement among Grade 10 AM

Session mainstream students of GSCNHS?

3. Is there a correlation between parental expectations and the academic

achievement of Grade 10 AM Session mainstream students at


Significance of the Study

It's challenging to withstand high expectations from parents and it will

have an impact on the student’s academic performance. This study aims to

provide insights and information on how parental expectations can affect the

academic performance of a grade 10 AM Session mainstream student. Also,

this study will address the specific needs of General Santos City National

High School.

Future Researchers

The study's significance extends to future researchers who may be

interested in investigating similar topics or expanding upon this study's

findings. It could be used as a point of reference for upcoming research,

providing a base of information on which to expand. The knowledge gathered

from this study can motivate more researchers on how parental expectations

affect grade 10 mainstream students.

Parents play a crucial role in supporting their children. By knowing how

their parental expectations affect their student’s lives, parents can be more

aware of how to lower the expectations towards their children. The results of

the study might also give parents further information on how parental

expectations affect student’s academic performance, mentality, and time.


The study's findings provide insights to students about the impact of

parental expectations. By being aware of the consequences, students may

make an informed decision about how to deal with these expectations

properly. Students may gain from the study if it reveals any obstacles or

potential areas for development.

Scope and Limitation

In this study, we delimited the correlation between Parental expectations

and academic achievements among G10 Mainstream Morning session

students at GSCNHS during the school year 2023-2024

This study involved students who are officially enrolled as G10 Mainstream

Morning session students at GSCNHS during the school year 2023-2024

Definition of Terms
To further understand the study, the following terms are defined


Correlation- A statistical measure indicating the extent to which two

variables change together.

Grade 10 Mainstream Students- The respondents of the study

Parental Expectations- The independent variable of the study. It is a

parent's belief and judgment about a child's future achievements

Academic Achievement- The dependent variable of the study. It is the

academic outcomes that indicate the extent to which a student

has achieved their learning goals

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

In this chapter, relevant background information and details are

composed of online books, journals, and related studies on the factors used to

support the study. Where it aims to offer readers a broad overview of the topic

providing information guiding the readers throughout this chapter.

Parental involvement, peer pressure, school support (regular

attendance, providing facilities, evaluating the effectiveness of teaching-

learning, giving guidance), and other stakeholders' commitment to enhancing

students’ science education were very near to the ground. Lastly, the absence

of laboratory chemicals, rooms, apparatuses, technicians, and well-organized

laboratory manuals negatively affected the effective implementation of

science education and students’ academic achievement as well. Thus, based

on the findings of the study, recommendations were forwarded to alleviate the

aforementioned problems. (Feyera Beyessa International Letters of Social

and Humanistic Sciences, 118-134, 2014).

Extant research on parental involvement in education has been

conducted largely without respect to which parent is involved. The implicit

assumption is that family–school relationship frameworks function similarly for

fathers and mothers. Although there is a growing body of research examining

fathers’ involvement in education, this assumption has not been tested. In this

meta-analysis, we examined the relative strength of the association between

the educational involvement of fathers versus mothers and the achievement

of school-age children (kindergarten to 12th grade). The association of

involvement with achievement over time (ie, longitudinal studies) was stronger

than for cross-sectional studies. Parental involvement in education was

positively associated with student achievement and the relation between

involvement and achievement was equally strong for fathers and mothers,

although mothers’ mean levels of involvement were higher than fathers’.

Moderator analyses across the different types of involvement suggested that

school-based involvement and intellectual enrichment at home were more

strongly related to achievement for mothers than for fathers, although there

were no differences in mean levels of involvement. (Nancy E Hill, Journal of

Educational Psychology 107 (4), 919, 2015).

The objectives were to find out the level of involvement of parents and

the student's academic learning process and to establish the relationship

between parental involvement and students' academic attainment. The study

adopted a descriptive research design. The target population of the study

comprised all form three students in secondary schools in Magarini Sub-

County. 5 students per school from the seventeen sampled schools were

used for the study, giving a sample of 85 students. The instrument used to

collect data was a questionnaire. The views of some selected teachers were

also collected through questionnaires. Data was analyzed using quantitative

statistics. The difference in the level of academic attainment between students

whose parents were involved and those who were not involved was

presented. All these were presented using tables and graphs with the aid of

SPSS. leads to high achievement in academics. The research shows

minimum involvement. This also shows there is no early influence on learners

towards attaining early academic success. The result is a low academic

performance at a higher level, in this case, secondary-level schooling. The

study revealed that to a greater extent, parents convey attitudes about

education to their children during out-of-school hours. These attitudes are

reflected in the children's classroom behavior and the teacher's relationship

with the children and the parents. This shows an orientation towards better

performance in that parents' attitudes comprise a key dimension of the

relationship between parent's schooling. The study further revealed that to a

greater extent, parental involvement ensured and sustainable an intellectually

stimulating environment that promotes and motivates their drive towards

higher academic performance. This nurtures their talents and boosts their

self-esteem. The study shows the need to emphasize the role that parents

play in students' academic performance. (SO Mudibo University of Nairobi,


Beyessa, F. (2014). Major factors that affect grade 10 students’

academic achievement in science education at Ilu Ababora General

Secondary of Oromia Regional State, Ethi. International Letters of Social and

Humanistic Sciences, (21), 118-134.

Hill, N. E. (2015). Including fathers in the picture: A meta-analysis of

parental involvement and students’ academic achievement. Journal of

Educational Psychology, 107(4), 919.

Mudibo, S. O. (2014). Impact of Parents' involvement on students'

academic success in secondary schools in Kenya (Doctoral dissertation,

University of Nairobi).
Chapter 3

This chapter informs the readers of the procedures of the study, where

it gives insight to the readers providing the step-by-step development of the

conducted research. This includes the Research design, Research

respondents, Research instrument, Data gathering and procedure, and

statistical Treatment

Research Design

The study used the quantitative method of research, Quantitative

research is a research method that systematically investigates phenomena by

gathering quantifiable data and performing statistical, mathematical, or

computational techniques. It also involves analyzing and gathering numerical

data to uncover trends, calculate averages, evaluate relationships, and derive

overarching insights.

Research Respondents

The respondents of this study were the G10 AM session Mainstream

Students of General Santos City National High School. All of the respondents

were selected through the sampling method. This sampling method is

conducted where each student from each classroom is randomly picked to be

a respondent to this study.

Research Instrument

This Study used Questionnaires that are used to survey the G10 AM

Session Mainstream Students about the Correlation between parental

expectations to academic achievements. The date-gathering instruments are

structured on a scale ranging from 1-4. Where (1) is strongly disagree, (2) is

disagree, (3) is agree, and the last one is (4) strongly agree.

Data Gathering and Procedure

Firstly, the researchers wrote a letter of approval to the Principal. After

getting permission, the researchers created their survey adapted from other

surveys and questions created by other researchers.

Secondly, the researchers looked for Respondents who are currently

enrolled as G10 AM session mainstream Students of General Santos City

National High School and asked them for permission to participate in the


Third, the researchers gave them a survey to gather data that was

needed for the study. Then the researchers recorded and analyzed the results

of the surveys after gathering the data.

Lastly, the researchers thoroughly calculated and interpreted the data

to have the answer to the study’s problem

Statistical Treatment

The data gathered from the survey was carefully compiled, sorted, and

organized accordingly.

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