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(Please write your Exam Roll No.) Exam Roll No. sorssessees [Paper Code: LLB-302 Time: 3 Hours | Qu Q2. Qs. 4. Qs. 96 qr. Qs. Qo. END TERM EXAMINATION SIXTH SEMESTER [LLB] JULY-2023 _ Subject: Jurisprudence | Maximum Marks: 75 ‘Note: Attempt five questions in all including Q.No 1 of Part A which is compulsory. Select one question from each unit of Part B. PART-A Write short notes on the following: (Sx5=25) a) Significance of the study of jurisprudence b) Jurisprudence as lawyer's extra-version ©) Legal person 4) American Realism @) Indian approaches to jurisprudence How do define jurisprudence? Explain and elucidate the nature and scope of jurisprudence. (12.5) Highlight the linkages of jurisprudence with other sciences. (12.5) UNIT-Ar “Law in its ultimate analysis is not the product of mechanical thinking of legislature, but the expression of common consciousness of the people”. How far do you agree with the statement? Explain and elucidate. (12.5) “Sociological approach to law is much more scientific theory of law as it relates to law in its close association with society.” Critically examine. (12.5) UNIT. ‘Rights and Duties represent two sides of the same coin and one really cannot exist without the other’, Do you agree with the statement? Explain with reference to the rights-duty paradigm as explained by Hohfeld. (12.5) Possession is 90 percent title and the law shall protect it”. How far do you agree with the statement? Explain and elucidate. (12.5) ‘UNIT-IV “Principles of Justice, according to Rawls are to be determined behind the veil of ignorance”. What do you understand by the above statement. Explain with reference to the theory of Justice as propounded by Rawls. (12.5) “Modern India has no indigenous thinking on the idea of justice and therefore has been dominantly guided by common law thinking on the subject’. Critically evaluate the above statement with reference to modern theories on justice known to the common law world. (12.5) ~ gase write your Exam Roll No.) Exam Roll No. END TERM EXAMINATION Sixt SEMESTER [LLB] November 2020 per Code: LLB-302-—._ Subject: Jurisprudence Fino P \Bateh-2014 Onwards) je: 2 Hour S| VS J*); Maximum Marks: 75 Note: Attenipt\any thre questions, All questions carry equal marks. a7 ET ; Lee ‘The philosophical underpinnings in the study of jurigptudenée, art” Jasentially dependent on the contemporaty socio-political theories. emia Alda: - “Law is Law because it is made by the: sovereign and. sovercigh is sovereign becaiise it makes law”, Critically exathine the theory of analytical positivism in the light of the above statement. The problem with Savigny’s thinking on Jaw is that in his estimation, law.ceases to be a universal order and, becomes localized in nature. Critically examine the above statement with fefetetice to historical school of jurisprudence. “Sociological approaches to’ law is much more scientific theory of law as it relates to law in its close association with society:" Critically examine. 7 “Rights and Duties are so interwovets that one can not be thought of in isolation of the other”. Critically examine the tights-duty relationship in the light of the above statement. “Possession is niné points of ownership". How far do you agree with the statement? Critically examine the essentials of possession in view of the above. Rewlsian understanding of the idea of justice would not fit in the contemporary realities of socio-political life in as much as the “veil of Ignorance” itself is a flawed assumption. How far do you agree With the statement? Critically examine. Modern frends in Indian jurisprudence have always. been inclined towards positivistic approaches. How far do you agree with the statement? Elaborate. leet ~ aE ~ eas iL lease write your Exam Roll No.) Exam Roll No, END TERM EXAMINATION Sixt SEMESTER [LLB] Aprit ~ May 2019 Paper Code: LLB-302 Subject: Jurisprudence Time: 3 Hours: ‘Maximum Marks: 75 "Note: Attempt five questions in all including Q no. 1 of Part A which is Qa Q2 Q3 OF O58 6 Q7 38 Qo compulsory. Select one question from ea init of Part B. Write short notes on the following: (5x5=25) (a) Bentham, Jermy (b) H.LA. Hart}, (c) Social solidarity (a) Morality _Je} Being natural PART-B - UNIT-T What is jurisprudence? What are the objectives of studying jurisprudence? (12.5) Explain the basic features of Hindu and Islamic jusrisprudence. (12.5) UNIT-IT Discuss the Von Savigny’s theory of law with its relevance to modern world. (12.5) What is social engineering? How is the concept of social engineering reflected in the Constitution of India? (12.5) UNIT-IIL What are rights? Give their conceptual framework with illustrations.(12.5) Explain the concept of ‘Personality’ and its increasing importance in present day law and economics. (12.5) UNIT-IV What are the concepts of natural and social justice? To what extents these concepts are ingrained in legal system of India. (12.5) Write an explanatory note on Amartya Sen’s TI ice. (12.5) write your Exam Roll No.) Exam Roll No. 4 Enp TERM EXAMINATION Sixti SEMESTER [LLB] May-June-2018 rer Code: LLB-302 Subject: Jurisprudence [Batch 2014 Onwards] 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75 ‘Note: Attempt five questions in all including Q.No 1 of Part A which is compulsory, Select one question from each upit.of Part B. PART-A Write short notes on the following: (a) Natural Justice {b) Primary and Secondary Rules by H.L.A Hart (c} Legal Person (d) Realist School of Jurisprudence (¢) Utilitarianism (8x8=25) PAR’ UNITI "The aim of Jurisprudence is to develop those fundamental principles, the knowledge of which is essential for the application of law”. Explain and justify the statement, by discussing the meaning, nature, scope and significance of jurisprudence. (12.5) “analytical positivism emerged as a reaction to the vagueness of Natural law” Analyse the statement by theorizing Austin’s concept of sovereignty and disucss its relevance in Indian legal system. (12.5) UNIT-II Critically analye the distinctive characteristics of historical school of jurisprudence. (12.5) ‘Law is social engineering which means a balance between the competing interests in society, in which applied science are used for resolving individual and social problems’-Do you agree with Roscoe Pound? Rationalize your view. (12.5) UNIT-IL Discuss the conceptual framework of Hohfeld’s classification of rights and duties.(12.5) Explain the concepts of possession & ownership and highlight the differences between them with the help of relevant illustrations. (12.5) 7 UNIT-IV. {a) Define justice and discuss different forms of justice. (6) (b) Analyse the Rawls's theory of justice. (6.5) How far Amartys Sens's ‘Idea of Justice’ is relevani Bg qdian legel system? Explain. (12.5) write your Exam Roll No.) Ewp TERM EXAMINATION GS Ly SuxrH SEMESTER /LLB] May 2017 oe vaper Code: LLB-31 Subject: Jurisprudence it Time: 3 Hours 7 A9F Maximum Ifarks: 75 | Note: Attempt any five questions including Q no.1 of Part A which is Q1 Q QF Os Q6 Q Qs Q9 compuisory. Select one question from each unit of Part B. PART-A Write notes on the following: (2) Hoh feldian model of Jura! relations. (b) Human rights and fundamental rights (¢] Principle of absolute liability as applied in India (a) John Raw!’s difference principle. (c) Corporate aggregate and corporate sole PART-B UNIT Discuss Diceys concept of ‘Rule of Law’, Is the concept of Rule of Law inconsistent with the concept of welfare state? (12.5) Austin defined Law in its most comprehensive signification as “a rule laid down for the guidance of an intelligent being having power over him.” How does Austin use the metaphor in explaining positive law? Discuss. (12.5) U Custom as source of law involves the study of a number of its aspects. Discuss the origin, classification «nd the essentials of a velid custom. (12.5) Write notes on the following:- (a) In modern times legislation has become the most important source of (6) “us in brief the position of judicial precedent as source of law and its applications in India. (6.5) UNLT-HT What ere various theories of possession? Discuss the importance of these theories in Understanding of Law and Legal system. (12.5) Discuss the concept of legal pei What are the implications of the sonality with the help of leading theories. ee theories for Indian legal system?(12.5) ° UNITIV A tort is a civil wrong which infringes a right in rom and is remedied by an action for damages. Discuss the principles of such liability and exceptions: if any. (12.5) Write notes on any two of the followin; (a) Possession-in fact and Possession in Law; (b) Intention and Negligence i (6) Doctrine of Nulla Poena sine lege. : p \ vrite your Exam Roll No.) Exam Roll No. END TERM EXAMINATION Sixt Semester [LLB] May-___ 2017 i pr Code: LLB302 Subject: Jurisprudence #23 Hours Maximum Marks :75 2: Attempt any five questions including which ts compulsory. Select ‘one question from each unit of Part B. PART A Write short notes on the following:~ (a) Define the term Jursprudence. (b) Define the term Volksgeist. (c) Clarify the term Duty. (d) Realist School of Jurisprudence. (e) Explain the term Possession. (8x5=25) PART B UNIT-1 Explain general and parituclar jurisprudence alongwith importance of Jurisprudence? (12.5) t Explain Analytical Positivism in Indian Perspective? (12.5) ‘UNIT-IL 4 The practice of Dowry is a product of history in India? How will you relate this with Historical School of Law? (12.5) 3}. Mention the characteristics of Sociological Jurisprudence? (12.5) UNTT-IIL 6 What is meant by Corporate Personality. Examine the Civil and Criminal liability of Corporation? (12.5) 17 Distinguish “Possession” & “Owriership” with examples. (12.5) UNIT-IV '8 State the meaning of Justice’ and explain the kind of Justice? Quote relevant cases? (12.5) 49 Comment on “Social choice Theory” of Amartya Sen. (12.5) —— Po use (case write your Exam Roll No.) Paper Code: LLB-309 Subjec vi ‘Beam Rot No. MERCY CHANCE EXAMINATION Firti Semester [LLB] renRUARY-MARCH2016 ! Jurisprudence-I “ime: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75 Jote: Attempt any five question including Q.Nol of Part A which is compulsory. Select one question from each unit of part B. PART-A Write short note on: {a) Definition of Jurisprudence (b) Subject matter of jurisprudence (c) Marxist approaches to jurisprudence (d) Analytical positivism, {e) Common consciousness of the people PART-B UNIT-1 Critically examine the needs and purposes of study of jurisprudence. (12.5) ‘The philosophical. underpinnings in the study of jurisprudence ‘re essentially dependent on the contemporary socio-political theories. Examine and elucidate.(12.5) UNIT. “Problem with analytical positivism is its undue reliance on the trinity of sovereign, command and sanction”. How far do you agree with the statement? Explain. 12.5) ‘The problem with Savigny’s thinking on law is that in his estimation, law ceases to be a universal order and becomes localized in nature. Critically examine the above statement with reference to historical school of jurisprudence. (12.5) UNIT-I Law is only a part of human conduct and the dominant character of law is its purpose. Critically examine the ideas of sociological jurisprudence in the light of the above statement. 12.5) Law is the principal instrument in perpetuating the class relations between haves, and have-nots. Comment. 12.5) UNIT-IV Classical ordering of legal relations in India were designed on a balance between faith and rationality. Critically examine the classical approached to jurisprudence in India in the light of the above statement. 12.5) Modern trends in Indian jurisprudence have always been inclined towards positivistic approaches. How far do you agree with the statement? Elaborate.(12.5) \3 ase write your Exam Roll No.) Exam Roll No. END TERM EXAMINATION FirTH SEMESTER [LLB] DecemBer-2015, "per Code: LLB-309 Subject: Jurisprudence one: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75 Note: Attempt any five questions including Q.No 1 of Part A which is compulsory. Select one question from each unit of Part B. — PARTA Write short notes on: - (a) What is Jurisprudence? (b) What is the purpose of teaching Jurisprudence? (| What are Secondary rules? (q) What is meant by ‘public interest’? (c) What is positive morality? Critically analyse the definition of jurisprudence as the ‘philosophy of law’. Does the definition hold well in its all modern connotations? (12.5) “The purpose of law is to establish peace and justice in society.” In understariding various functions of law what linkages jurisprudence has with social sciences.(12.5) ‘UNIT Critically analyse the definition of law as a ‘command of the sovereign’. Does the definition hold well even in: modern-day word? (12.5) What were the reasons for emergence of his historical jurisprudence? Explain the theory of law given by Von Savigny with its ‘relevance’ to modern times. (12.5) ‘UNIT-It Enumerate and explain the similarities and dissimilarities in the approaches of the two thinkers of Sociological Jurisprudence-Von Ihering and Roscoe Pound?(12.8) Describe the economic approach to law as adopted by Karl Marx to study and understand law. (12.5) UNIT-IV What were the main propositions of Indian Classical Jurisprudence according to which the legal system was devised in Ancient India? (12.5) What were the various factors which made Indian accept various influences from other systems of law and jurisprudence more significantly in the area of caste and gender justice. 7 (12.5) seeeeenes { i ise write your Exam Rott No.) Exam Rott Nl AL, END TERM EXAMINATION TER [LLB] May-June-2015. Subjects cts Jarigpradancedt | ____Maximum Marks: 75. ns including Q no. of part A which is i select one question. Note: Attempt any, compulsor PART-A. Write Short notes on the following:~ {a) Corporate Aggregate and Corporate Sale (b) Legal Rights and Fundamental Rights. (c] Intention and Negligence (d) Positive Law and Morality {c) Jural postulates Define ‘Sovereignty’. Discuss various theories of Sovereignty. (12.5) Define the Concept of law. What is the distinction believe law and administrative justice. Explain the theories of justice in details. (12.5) UNIT-I Discuss the Custom as source of Law and distinguish between Custom and Precedent. (12.5) ‘In modern times Legislation has become the most important source of Law’. Discuss. (12.5) UNIT-IIT Discuss’ the theories of possession with Special references to Salmond and Savigy. (12.5) Enumerate the main features of Personality. What _ is the difference between natural person and artificial person. (12.5) UNIT-IV What are the essential characteristics of penal liability? Discuss in the light of the machine of Nulla Poena Sive lege. (12.5) Discuss the doctrine of negligence in the civil liability. What are the exceptions to it? (12.5) ease write your Exam Roll No, Exam Rott No, SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATION Firti Semesrer [LLB] Serremper 2014 Subject: Jurispi rudence 1 | PART-A )1 Write Short notes on the following:- * (a) Analytical Positivisn (b) Norm (as defined by kelsen) (o) Volksgeist (d) Marxist approach to law () Henry Maine (5x5=25) PART-B UNIT-I 2 Jurisprudence is founded on the attempt to construct a science which will explain the relationship between law, its concepts and the Life of society. Discuss. (12.5) 93 Differentiate between natural science and science of law. Discuss with concrete examples the relationship of sociology and psychology with law. (12.5) UNIT-IT 24 Notion of ‘obligation’ is the characteristic feature that distinguishes Harts conception of law from that of Austin. Discuss. (12.5) 5 All humanly enacted laws are in accord with reason and if human law is at variance with reason, then it is no longer legal, but rather a comeption of law. Analyse the statement with special reference to the contribution of naturalists to the study of jurisprudence, (12.5) UNIT-IIT 6 Sociological jurists conceive that legal principles get their ultimate authority from securing social interests. How does Roscoe pound define the term interest and classify it. How, according to Pound, Legal system secures recognized interests? (12.5) 27 Law is a ‘prediction’ of what the courts will decide. Discuss, .(12.5) UNIT-IV 8 Discuss the contribution of ancient and medieval era in the growth of science of law in India. (12.5) 2) Supreme Court of India has played a significant rolé i pre the growth of jurisprudence in modern era. Discuss. 7 (12.5) / PF gu please write your Exam Roll No.) Exam Roll No. Enp TERM EXAMINATION Firru Semester [LLB] Decemner 2014 [Paper Code: LLB-309 Subject: Jurisprudence-T] time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75" "Note: Attempt any five questions including Q no.1 of Part A which is compulsory. Select one question from each unit of Part B. PART-A 21 Write short notes on the following:- (5x5=25) (a) Significance of the study of jurisprudence (b) Jurisprudence as lawyer's extra-version (¢) Command as law (d) American Realism (e) Indian approaches to jurisprudence 2 How do define jurispruden ? Explain and elucidate the nature and scope of jurisprudence, (12.5) Q3 Highlights the linkages of jurisprudence with other sciences. (12.5) UNIT-IT Q4 “Law is Law because it is made by the sovereign and sovereign is sovereign because it makes law”, Critically examine the theory of Imperative law in the light of the above statement. (12.5) Q5 “A legal system is not an abstract collection of bloodless categories but a living fabric in a constant state of movement”. Explain and elucidate the ‘pure theory of law’ in the light of the above statement. (12.5) UNIT-IIT 26 “Sociological approach to law is much more scientific theory of law as it relates to law in its close association with society.” Critically examine. (12.5) Q7 “Realist movement of law did not have much of a theoretical significance and a major defect of realist movement has been the neglect of the more humanistic side of the law’. Explain and elucidate. (12.5) UNIT-IV Q8 “Indian approaches to studies of jurisprudence have always been characterized by a dominant element of morality and faith”. How far do you agree with the statement? Discuss. (12.5) 9 ‘Modern India has no indigenous thinking on jurisprudence and therefore has been dominantly guided by common law thinking on the subject”. Critically evaluate the above statemént» With reference to modern approaches of Indian jurisprudence. °° ~ (12.5) Pp . : ; fae, ite your Exant Rott No)” 2 * Bxam'Roll No. ’ END TERM EXAMINATION ies i Sixt SemesTER [LLB] MAY- 2014 1 nT SEMESTER [LEB] MAY-JUNE 20 4 “Code: LLB-3125 Subject: Jurisprudence-If wf 3 Hours _~“b°. Maximum Marks: 75 } « Attempt any five questions including Q.nol which is compulsory. Select; one question from cach Unit of Part-B. 7 t Part-A Bl Write short notes on:- (5x5=25) a) The Right; H b) The State; ) Legal Person; “d) Delegated Legislation; i "e) ‘Property. i Part-B Unit-I “What are the factors which contributed towards the development of the soncept of State? What are the main functions of the State? (12.5) +ive a detailed classification of laws explaining the nature and functions sof each set of them. (12.5) Unit- +2ustom is no more an efficient source of law. However, earlier customary ‘aw still works as a guide for legislatures. Discuss critically. (12.5) discuss judicial precedent as a source of law and explain its limitations.(12.5) Unit-IIL 4laborate the Jural-correlelatives in Hohfeld’s analysis of rights. (12.5) What is ownership? Differentiate ownership from possession as a juristic szoncept. (12.5) Unit-IV ce as a ground for liability finder Indian law and the Describe neglig so. (1215) vextent to which it is 5) =iscuss the case law in which the concept of absolute liability has een sivolved. Pos bon L- sar writ your Ben aj Ocenia piper Code: LLB312 Subject: Jurisprudence: +jme : 3 Hours ‘Maximum Marks :75 Note: Attempt any five questions including of Part-A which 192 93 QF Q5 6 7 QB 9 SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATION Suxti Semester [LLB] Sepremper-Ocroner 2014 is compulsory. Select one question from each unit of Part-B. PART-A Write short notes on the following :- (5x5=25) (a) Marxist notion of sovereignty. (b) Doctrine of lifting of Corporate veil. (c) Doctrine of Prospective overruiling. (a) Incorporeal ownership. (e) Doctrine of Absolute liability PART-B UNIT-I Explain the Concept of legal and political Sovereignty. (12.5) Explain the views of Plato, Aristotle and Bentham on the Concept of Justice. (12.5) UNIT-II Legislation is a Superior Source of law than custom and precedent. (12.5) Do Judges _mal law or declare it? Critically discuss the above Statement. — (12.5) UNIT-IIT “Rights and Duties are Correlative”. Explain (12.5) Explain the element of possessive. (12.5) UNIT-1 Explain the relevance of ‘Intention’ and ‘motive’ as elements of Criminal liability. (12.5) Write notes on: (a) Remedial and penal liability. (b) Theory of Negligence. (12.5) 8) v (please write your Exam Roll No,) Exam Rott ie « \ END TERM EXAMINATION FIFTH SEMESTER [LLB] Decempen2013-JANvARY2014 * Paper Code: LLB-309 Subject: Jurispridence-I (2005-2012) ‘Time: 3 Hours ‘Maximum Marks: 75 Note: Part A is compulsory. Attempt one question from each unit in Part B. (5X5=25) Q.1 Write short notes on: (a) Law and culture (b) Public Interest ic} Sovereign — ) Realism (e) Secondary Rules (12.5X4=50) Q.2 “Juriprudence is law and beyond that.” Explain the true nature of jurisprudence. Q.3 Describe the relationship between law and economics. UNIT - II Q.4_ Discuss the relevance of Austin’s command theory of law to modern times. How can be positive elements of this theory be related to . democracy? Q.5. Give a critical appraisal of the kelsins pure theory of law. UNIT- 11 Q.6 Explain the linkages between constitutional governance and social engineering. Q.7 Elaborate the basic elements of natural law. oR What do you understand by the economic approach to law? Explain its importance. UNIT -IV Q.8 Discuss the impact of globalization on the Indian law with illustrations. Q.9 Can Indian jurisprudence be made totally dependent upon its classical theories of law. OF Rosfeye write your Exam Roll No.) Exam Roll No SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATION (5 =~|LLB] Seeremuer 2013 om Subject: Jurisprudence- _ Maximum Marks :75 ~ pt one question from each unit in Part B. Code: LLB 309 £3 Hours. mf ‘Note: Part-A is comipiilsory. OA Write short notes on the following. Cx oa 2s) a) Significance of the study of jurisprudence f rN ) Jurisprudence as lawyer's extra-version My, ) ©) Command as Jaw. 4), American Realism ©) Marxist approaches to jurisprudence . PART-B | Unita (asspusso) How do define jurisprudence? Explain and elucidate the nature and scope of jurisprudence. ‘Highlight the linkages of jurisprudence with other sciences. Unit-I “Law is Law because it is made by the sovereign and sovereign is sovereign because it makes law”. Critically examine the theory of Imperative law ini the light of the above statement. “A legal system is not an abstract collection of bloodless categories but a living fabric in a constant state of movement”. Explain and elucidate the ‘pure theory of law’ in the light of the above statement. : Unit-1 ; 5. “Sociological approaches to law is much more scientific theory of law as it relates to law in its close association with society.” Critically examine, 3. “Realist movement of jaw did not have much of a theoretical significance and a major defect of realist movement has been the neglect of the more humanistic side of the law”. Explain and elucidate. Unit-IV $, “Indian approaches to studies of jurisprudence have always been characterized by a dominant element of morality and faith”. How far do you agree with the statement? Discuss. 9. “Modern India has no indigenous thinking on jurisprudence and therefore has been dominantly guided by common law thinking on the subject”. Critically evaluate the above statement with reference to modem approaches of Indian jurisprudence. MI/ae1/g0 jo mt Roll No.) Exam Roll No. - ENb TERM EXAMINATION. ao sTER [LLB] May-June: 2013, “(B32 Subject: Jurisprudence-II re Maximum Marks :75 it Ais compulsory. Attempt one question trom each unit in Part B. art AS comparscry_Atemprone queen fom ¢ PART - A, rite short notes on the following: (5x5) 1) Possession 2) Jural opposites 13) Absolute liability Zh Subordinate legislation 5) Features of a state (12.549 MIT. sat are the problems with Robert Nozick’s philosophy of ‘self nership? Do you think John Rawls’ idea of ‘ust aves those problems? eas Fairness! OR ~ . : itically discsiss the difference in Hegel’s and Marx’s views on State. * unrr— ‘What are the essential conditions that must be. satisfied by a custom 40 be treated as a valid law? oR What are.the circumstances that make a precedent weak and what are the circumstances that make it binding? UNIT mt In Ronald Dworkin's philosophy certain liberties get elevated to the level of rights. What is the notion of rights advocated by Dworkin; and what may be those liberties that may get protection despite unfavourable public sentiments? oR i “So for as legal theory is concerned, a person is any being whom the .w regards as capable of rights or duties’. - Salmond iscuss the theories of personality in the light of Salmond’s views. How do you distinguish between liability under civil aw, eriminal law ~ ‘and law of torts? 7 or Under what circumstances can there be immunity from liability? N-slata ‘ette your Exam Roll No.) Exam Rol! No. coo SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATION _ SIXTH SEMESTER [LLB] Sreremmen-OcTouer 2013 FCode: LLBS12<7 | t: Jurisprudenc Sa towrs ye jaxtmum Marks :75 jattempt any five questions including which ts compulsory. Select one question from cach unit of Part-B __—_Saelect one question from each unit of PartB Part-A Write Short notes on the followitig, a. Definition of State "p, Marxist view of sovereignty c= Subordinate legislation 4, Strict liability vs absolute lability ¢. Subject matter of ownership Unit-l (i2su =) “State is a combination of persons in the form of government and governed on a definite tertory.” How far do you agree with the statement? Elaborate the essentials ofa State in the light of the above statement. “The Authority of a State is unlimited, it may act unwisely and dishonestly but there is no limit on the exercise of its power”. Does the above statement truly define the character of Sovereignty? Discuss. Unit-It “Legislation is that source of law which consists in the declaration of legal rules by a competent authority”. Highlight the importance of legislation as a source of law in the light of the above statement, “Custom is the embodiment of those principles which have commended themselves to the national conscience as the principlés of justice and utility”. To what extent the ‘custom can be an authoritative source of law? Discuss. Unit “Right is an essential and inherent element of human will”. Discuss the essentials of a legal right inthe light of the above statement. “Ownership denotes the relation between a person and the right that is vested in him”. What according to your understanding are the essentials of ownership? Elaborate. Unit-IV ‘How many types of liabilities are admissible in law and legal processes? Critically wxamine ~The rule of Absolute liability was never part of our law, it was simply because the udiciary wanted to devise something different other than strict liability that it came. ith the concept of absolute liability”. How far do you agree with the statement? a LS xm Roll No, 6 END TERM EXAMINATION 4 Srventit Semester [LLB] Dec 2011 - Jan 2012 pode: Llat-405-—, yrite your Exam Roll No.) Subject: Jurtsprudence | P (atch 2004) | 3 = a Maximum Marks Note: Part A is compulsory. Attempt any five questions from Part B. i 3 Hours PART - A (a) Distinguish between legal theory and jurisprudene {b) Explain Hart’s concept of law and its relationship with morality. (c) Distinguish between corporation a te and corporation sol {d) Distinguish between custom and (c) Explain the difference between corporal and incorporal property. (Sx5=25) PART Critically analyse Austin Conceptic has been criticized? ww and in what ground Austin’s theory (10) Elucidate the salient features of kelson’s pure theory of Ia kelson’s described law as normative science? . On what basis (10) Discuss the significance of development of law's through legal fiction, Equity and legislation in India context. (10) Explain Roscoe Pourd theory of social Engineering. Also elucidate different juray postulates and its relevance? (10) Write short notes on the following (10) (a) Deferrant theory of punishment. (0) Reformative theory of punishment Explain the various theories of transformation of custom into law and criticism against these theories? (10) Write short notes on the following {a} Declaration theory of precedents. (b} Doctrine of prospective overruling. (29) Write short notes on the following : fa) Right and Duty. (o) Immunity and Disability. (20) 0 Elucidate the various kind of po jon and its status under Indian Law? (10) gt cee ND PERM EXAMINATION 3 + SEVENTA SezresreR [LLB(H)/ Divauren 2007 * ‘Trace out the linkages between, “The theory: of law given by *Kalsdn's theory of law is characterized by a hierarchiy.of norins and jut ‘may, therefore, consist of the examination of the nature and, organization. of normative propositions.” Discuss in the light of lego! systems based ait tha ntadera efa of constitutionalism, OSC hay é ‘ cease write your Exam Roll No.) END TERM EXAMINATION ‘SIXTH SEMESTER [LLB] Juty-2023 per Code: LLB-304 Subject: International Law ime: 3 Hours Maximum Marks :75 ot 3 m4 25 26 Note: Attempt five questions in all including Q.No.1 which is compulsory. Select one question from each unit. Part-A Write short notes on the following: (5x5=25) (a) Distinction between ‘recognition of a State’ and ‘recognition of Government’ (b) Explain Opinio Juris SiveNecessitatis (c} Differentiate between ‘De facto’ and ‘De jure’ recognition (a) Retroactive effects of recognition (c) Continental Shelf under the Law of Seas in International law Part-B UNIT-I “The rights and duties of states are in the final analysis rights and duties of individuals who compose the states and, therefore, individuals alone are the subjects of international law”. Discuss critically. (12.5) “International law has been defined generally and specifically. What is important in these definitions is the impact of the ‘Context’ and the social milicu on the definition and development of international law.” In the light of the above, critically analyse and elucidate the developments leading to present day international law. Do you agree that international law has been successful in achieving its objective and purpose? (12.5) UNIT-II Can Article 38 of the Statute of International Court of Justice be regarded as a complete statement of the sources of international law? Substantiate your answer in detail. (12.5) What do you understand by “evidence of a general practice accepted as law” in relation to international custom? Discuss how international courts have decided on the validity of international custom with the help of cases. (12.5) UNIT-IT Explain the extent of territorial sea and contiguous zone and the rights enjoyed by the states in these areas. Explain how is straight baseline system applied to measure territorial waters with the help of Anglo- Norwegian Fisheries case. (12.5) P.T.O. LLB-Se\ Ra q Qs re} ] Distinguish between asylum and extradition in international lay citing relevant judicial decisions. (12, UNIT-IV Explain the different exceptions available against Prohibition to Use Force under International Law. (12 Discuss the principle of. ‘Responsibility to Protect’ under Pu International Law. Comment in light of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine We earn (Please write your Exam Roll No.) Exam Re END TERM EXAMINATION! SIXTH SEMESTER [LLB] Novenper 2020 [Paper Code: LLB-304 ‘Subject: Tatoraatonat Faw l (Batch 2014 Onwards) Time: Bugs TaN ‘Maximum Marks: 75 a @ Cr 5 6 Qs \tnoter Attempt any three questions. er ¢nations have been the subject of international law’. Do you “view? Discuss in the light of emergence of international organizations beer ‘gross human rights abuses in the contemporary period. (25) How can a treaty on exchange of territory signed by India with Bangladesh be implemented in India? Discuss with the help of Constitutional provisions and the practice of India in relation to international law. (25) How would you. explain ‘General Principles of Law Recognized by Civilized States’? Give some examples of such principles. Are these principles sources of international law? Discuss. (25) Are the resolutions of General Assembly and Security Council useful to derive intemational law? Discuss with the help of decided case law. (25) Explain the meaning of ‘extradition’ and ‘asylum’ under international law. Are there any differences between the two? (25) How would you define ‘Continental Shelf? What are the rights and duties of a coastal State and of other States in the Continental Shelf recognized under United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982? (25) an a country use armed force under international law to combat acts of terrorism? Discuss in the light of provisions contained in the Charter of United Nations and with the practice of States. (25) What is the meaning of ‘humanitarian intervention’? How is ‘humanitarian intervention’ different from ‘responsibility to protect"? (25) sletise write your Exam Roll No.) Exam Roll No. END TERM EXAMINATION SixtH SEMESTER [LLB(x)] Arrit - May 2019 “aper Code: LLB-304 Subject: International Law (Batch 2014 Onwards) ime: 3 Hours: Maximum Marks: 75 Note: Attempt five questions in all including Q no. 1 of Part A which is compulsory. Select one question from each unit of Part B. PART-A 31 Write short notes on the following:- (5x5=25) (a) Theory of Monism (b) Exclusive Economic Zone (c) International Law Commission (@) Universal Jurisdiction (e) Importance of Security Council Resolutions PART-B UNIT-I ‘ +2 How did Oppenheim define the terms “International Law” in the year 1905? Has the definition changed today? (12.5) 3 Is the individual granted legal personality under international law? Discuss with the help of case laws. (12.5) UNIT-IT “Custom is one of the most important conventional sources of international law as enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations.” Explain. Elucidate the constituent elements of international custom. Discuss the different types of international customs with the help of case laws. (12.5) 5S Define the term “treaty” as provided in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, 1969. How many types of treaties are there? Give examples. How does a treaty become a source of international law? (12.5) ‘UNIT-IIL 36 What do you mean by the terms “territorial waters”? What are the rights and duties of a coastal state over the ‘territorial waters’? (12.5) "7 Distinguish between ‘de facto’ and ‘de jure’ recognition. What are the effects of de facto and de jure recognition? Discuss with the help of case laws. (12.5) UNIT-IV What do you understand by the expression, ‘Prohibition of the use of Force’? State and explain the universally acceptable exceptions to ‘Prohibition’. (12.5) "% 39 How has the principle of ‘Responsibility to Protec international law? Discuss its relevance by citing examples. erged under egiié“of the recent (12.5) s OUGITTOLATS _ suse write your Exam Roll No.) Bam Rott NO. sev END TERM EXAMINATION SixTH SEMESTER [LLB(H)] May-June 2018 peer Code: LLB-304 ‘Subject: International Law [Batch 2014 Onwards] Sne: 3 Hours ‘Maximum Marks: 75, tote: Attempt any five questions including Q no.1 which is compulsory. Select one question from each unit. Write short notes on the following:- {5x5=25) a} Condition of statehood ‘{b} Status of individual under International Law. {o) Juristic work as the source of International law. (4) Continental shelf (e) Legality of surgical strikes UNIT-L 9 “International law is vanishing point of jurisprudence”. How-fai-d0 you agree with the statement? Elucidate. (12.5) « ‘Since, law is a unified field of knowledge, no matter whether it applies to individuals, states or other entities, International Law and State law are intimately connected with each other.” Explain the relationship of international Jaw and municipal law in the light of the above statement. (12.5) UNIT-IT 1e sources of International Law are not hierarchical, but are necessarily complementary and interrelated.” Explain the sources of International law in the light of the above statement. (12.5) | “Article 38 of the Statute of International Court of Justice provides four grounds as sources of International law. However Article 38(2)_ provides that these provisions... shall not prejudice the power of the court aequo et bono”. Explain the importance of equity and justice as the source of International Law in the light of the above stétement. (12.5) ‘UNIT-IIT recognizing a State as a member of International Community, the existing States declare that in their opinion the new state fulfils the conditions of statehood as required under International law”. Critically examine the, major theories of recognition in’ the light of the above statement. (12.5) 7 What is the nature of control over exchisive economic zone by the coastal State? Elucidate with the help of relevant international convention and decided case law on the subject. (12.5) ‘UNIT-IV “The whole body of International law has been constituted for the purpose of avoiding the use of force by individual state entities. However, use of force continues to be valid under International law”. Critically examine with reference to relevant international conventions on the subject. “(12.5) we ‘9 Critically examine the adequacy of measures as to collective self-defence, by citing provisions for the same under public international law. _.. (12.5) — Please write your Exam Roll No.) Paper Time: 3 Hours, Note atone fi y END TERM EXAMINATION ____Srxtn Semester [LLB] May. 2017, Subject: International Law Maximum Marks: 75 questions including which is compulsory. 1 Code: LLB-30: qi Q2 Q3 a4 Qs qr Qs Qo Write short 118te9'on the following: {5x5=25) {a) Relationship between Municipal Law & International Law (b) Paquet Habana Case (o) High Seas (d)'Non State Actors under International Law {e) Signature, Ratification and Accession Unit-1 What do you mean by subjects of International Law? Can af Individual be @ subject of International Law? If so, in what circumstances? (12.5) Whether the International Law is law in the proper sense of the term? Give reasons for your answer. (12.5) Unit-li jnat do you mean by Treaiy? How it is signed and what is the procedure ‘stification? (12.5) Discuss the various sources of International Law. (12.5) Unit-II at do you understand by recognition? Explein various kinds of recognition? Also differentiate between de facto and de jure recognition, Explain those situations when de facto become de jure recognition. What are the disabilities of an unrecognized state? (12.5) What do you understand from the term of Extradition? It is different from Asylum? What is difference between Extra Territorial 6 territorial Asylum? (12.5) Unity Explain the purpose and principies for establishment United Nation. How far has United Nations been successful in achieving ifs object? (12.5) Explain how the Nicaragua case reinterpreted the Doctrine of Collective Self Defense under International. Law and why it is considered as a landmark case under International Law. (12.5) vU 4j write your Exam Roll No.) Exam Roll No. END TERM EXAMINATION SIXTH SEMESTER [LLB] May 2017 ur Code: LLB-306 Subject: Public International Law wed ‘Hours. Maximum Marks: 75, pte: Attempt any five questions including of Part-A which is compulsory. Select one question from each Unit of Part B. Part-A ‘Write short notes on the following: (a) Monistic Theory (b) General and Particular Treaties (c) maxim-opinio juris sive necessitates (d) Distinguish between the contiguous zone ande ‘exclusive economic zone. (e) UNEP. (5x5=25) Part-B Unit-1 = International law is a positive international morality, devoid of any legal force. Critically examine this statement of John Austin with reasons. ‘What is the true nature of International Law? (12.5) 1. What are the subjects of International Law? Elaborate. (12.5) Unit-IT «Explain the General principles of law recognized by civilized nations.(12.5) Law? Discuss with the help of decided cases. Unit-It 15 What are the legal effects of recognition? Explain the retroactive effects of recognitions, (12.5) 47 What do you mean by the term Extradition? Explain the essential conditions for Extradition with suitable case laws. (12.5) Unit-IV 28 Discuss the role and importance of the various organs of the United Nations. (12.5) "!9 What are the functions of the ICJ? How is it jurisdiction decided? Elaborate with help of decided cases? (12.5) OD~I6 write your Exam Roll No.) Bxcam ROI No. vv END TERM EXAMINATION ‘Suctu SemesTeR [LLB] May-June-2016 yr Code: LLB-306 Subject: Public International Law 73 Hours: ‘Maximum Marks: 75 ‘Note: Attempt any five questions including Q.No 1 of Part A which is compulsory. Select one question from each unit of Part B. PART-A Write short notes on the following: (5x5=25) ta) Subject matter of International law b) Territory ‘c) Treaty id) Recognition of States {e) High Sea PART-B UNIT. Define and delineate the nature and scope of Public International law. (12.5) Discuss the relationship between the International law and municipal law. (12.5) UNIT-I1 What are the important sources of International law? Discuss relevance of custom as a source of law in changing world. (12.5) Give an academic account of juristic works a source of public International law.(12.5) ‘UNIT-1 Explain with illustrations the terms: de facto recognition, de jure recognition and implied recognition. Also explain what is premature recognition? (12.5) What are the basic principles on which the ‘extradition’ is processed? What principles of extradition should be developed to make enforcement of cyber law more effective? (12.5) UNIT-IV Keeping in view the economic globalization of the world what role should be played by IMF and IBRD to make the process more harmonic. (12.5) Write description notes on UNEP and ICAO, (12.5) Ps so. : {'e write your Exam Roll No.) Exain Roll No. ysei3 Hours wote: Attempt any five questions ew 8 @ Vd-1¢6 MERCY pee EXAMINATION ‘| Subject: Public International Law © (Batch 2005-2013) Maximum Marks: 75 indluding which is compulsory. Select one question from each Unit. . (a) Discuss various “Subjects” of International law? (5) (0) Discuss the Dualism theory of relationship of Municipal law and international law. (5) (q Discuss the role of customary international law as a source of International law. (5) {¢) Differentiate between defacto and dejure recognition. (5) {e) Write a short note on Contiguous Zone. (5) Unit Do you agree that International law is the vanishing point of jurisprudence? Critically analyze the statement with the arguments.(12.5) Discuss the relationship between international law and municipal law by referring to Indian legal system. Discuss various theories in relation to it.(12.5) Unit What are the various sources of “International law’? Enumerate the various sources of International law and assess their comparative importance. (12.5) Discuss the role of treaties as primary source of International law. (12.5) Unit-It What do you understand by “recognition”? Is the function of recognition in international law constitutive or declaratory? Explain. (12.5) Discuss the rights and duties emerging from Sea Convention adopted by the law of sea conference in 1982 with regard to (12.5) (a) Territorial Sea (b) Contiguous Zone (c} Exclusive economic Zone Unit-IV Discuss the role of United Nations in overall development of International Peace and Security. (12.5) Discuss the role of United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) in the development of environmental issues. (12.5) Pssl ase write your Exam Roll No.) Exam Roll No. END TERM EXAMINATION Suxrii SemesieRLLB] Mav-Juve-2015 "per Code: LLB30G /./ YEN. Subject: Public International Law 2 Q3 Os ‘Hours, 1 = Maximum Marks: 75 Critically answer the following:- (a) Principal theories on the relationship between internatiGnal law and municipal law. / 5) (b) Right of innocent passage i (5) (c) Distinguish between De facto and De jure recognition (5) (d) Doctrines of pacta sunt servanda and rebus Aic stautibus: (5) (ec) Principles of extradition (5) According to John Austin, international law is not law but is a code of “international positive morality.” Analyse the impact and significance of the above observation in the context of the issue whether or not international law is law? (12.5) oR Oppenheim opines that the “law of nation (international law) is primarily a law between states, which are the only subjects of the law of nations’. Comment on the above observation in the light of contemporary developments in international law with regard to individuals and international organizations. (12.5) Explain the importance of “The general principles of law recognized by civilized nations” as a source of international law in the light of relevant judicial decisions. (12.5) OR On the basis of decided cases, discuss as to what principles of law, the court may apply in the proof of customary rule as source of International Law? (12.5) These are divergent vi prior to recognition or it is brought into being by ¢ the act of recognition itself. What is the correct view? Answer with reference to various theories of recognition. (12.5) OR Discuss the rights and duties of states with respect to continental shelf. How they are different from state’s rights and duties in relation to Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). (12.5) Discuss the powers and functions of the.UN General Assembly with special reference to its role in the maintenance of international peace and security. (12.5) OR Discuss the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Convt of Justice (ICJ) under the optional clause of the Statute of the ICJ (Art 36(2)). How the Court is seized with the jurisdiction in a particular case? Discuss with the help of decided cases. 2 (12.5) y. 28. wv. - +p your Exam Roll No.) Exam Roll No. WMeErcy CHANCE EXAMINATION SIxtit SEMESTER [LLB] Avoust-Sertempen-2015, swode: LLB 306 Subject: Public International Law ‘| 3 Hours x ‘Maximum Marks :75 3: Attempt any five questions including Q.No. 1 of Part A which is compulsory\\ Select one/yuestion from each unit in Part B. Part-A Write short notes on the following: (5x5=25) fa) ___Isinternational Law really a Law? bb) Monreos Doctrine c) Conditions for Extradition ‘ a) Custom as a source of International Law \' e) Laws applied by International Court of Justice to settle disputes. How far Individual can be said the subject of International Law? Discuss it with the help of different International Conventions and the Preamble of U.N. charter. ~ (12.5) Discuss the relationship between International Law and Municipal Law. Explain its theories and state practices. (12.5) Unit-I1 Explain the various sources of International Law. Explain the status of Judicial Decisions as a source of International law. (12.5) Explain the various steps in creation, of obligations by treaty. Is registration of treaty necessary? Justify. (12.5) Unit-1T Differentiate between defecto and dejure recognition. (12.5) State ‘zz’ was accorded recognition on a condition that it shall not impose any religious disabilities on its subjects. State ‘zz’ commit breach of this condition. Can the recognition given to it be withdrawn? Discuss. How fat the right of innocent passage has been decided in Corfu Channel case (1949)? Discuss. What is Floating Island Theory with reference to High Sea? (12.5) Unit-IV State the purposes and principles of United Nations Organization. Explain the voting procedure of Security Council of United Nations. (12.5) Write short notes on any two: a) Role and functions of [AEA b) IMF and IBRD g c) UNEP ” (2x6.25=12.5) TRY R wc write your Exam Roll No.) Exam Roll No. esses SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATION | SrxtH SEMESTER [LLB] SerreMBeR 2014 Naess ‘er Code: LLB306 Subject: Public Internation&|_Law + e293 Hours Maximum Marks 375 ste: Attempt any five questions including of Part-A which is compulsory. Select one question from each unit of Part B a es 96 qr Cy PART-A ‘Answer the following :- (5x5=25) (a) "International Law is a vanishing point of Jurisprudence.” Comment on it. {b) Pacta Sunt Servanda. (c) Difference between be De facto and De jure Recognition, (d) Relationship between International Law and Municipal Lay {c) Continental Zone and Continental Shelf. fs; What is the definition of International Law given by various definition is more appropriate? Justify your answer. Discuss the nature of International Law. Is it law in true sense or not? Critically examine this view. (12.5) UNIT-I Write short notes on the following: a] Custom as source of law (6.25) (b) General principles of law as source of International (6.25) Discuss the main sources of International, Law according to Article 38 of the Statute of International Court of justice. (12.5) UNIT- (a) What do you understand by Recognition? Describe the theories of Kecognition with heip of judicial decisions. (6.25) (0) What is withdrawal of recognition and retroactive effect of the recognition?(6.25) (a) Explain the Territorial Sea and discuss the problems of the width of Territorial Sea, (6.25) (b) Define the term Exclusive Economic Zone as according to the Law of Sea.(6.25) unir-v (a) “W.T.O. organization is ht main organ for implementation of multilateral Trade agreements.” Discuss the establishment, structure and functions of W.T.0. (12.5) (>) Explain (any two)- (i) UNEP (ays i) IMF liv) ICAO So (6.25x2=12.5) «cite your Exam Roll No) Exam Roll No.. : END TERM EXAMINATION Sixt SEMESTER [LLB ] May-JuNE 2013 = “Code: LLB 306 ‘Subject: Public International Law \:}. 43 Hours ‘Maximum Marks :75. ar aS, * Note: Part Als compulsory. Attempt one question from each unit in Part B. et PART-A. . QL. Write: short notes on the following: e (Sx5=25) 4) Intemational Law is & postive interational morality. Critically comment on it by Pacta Sunt Servanda ‘) Right of Innocent Passage ; ; : @) Retroactive effect of Recognition with help of judicial decisions. ‘) Principles ofthe United Nations PART-B UNITI QQ. Explain ubi societas, ibi jus. Whether Intemational Law is a true law or not? Critically examine this statement ‘QB. Lauterpacht sajs that the orthodox positivists doctrine has been explicit in the afimmation that only States are the subjects of International law, Comment on this statement. Also explain various theories on the subjects of Intemational Law. ‘UNITAIT QA. Discuss the significance of State Practice in the formation of a customary rule of * International Law. Q5. Explain the main sourges of Intemational Law as according to Article 38 of the ‘Statute of International Court of Justice. UNTO Of. zea ey fe ite Een ene enitns fr extn sierra can Wauseon ea 1? Discuss. QZ. Discuss the problems of the width of the Territorial Sea, What are the rights and duties of Coastal State and other State in Territorial Sea? UNIT-V Q8.Is IMF actually a bank? Discuss Examine the measures taken by the Intemational Labour Organization for the improvement of labour standards and conditions worldwide? @. “The jurisdiction of the ICI purely depends upon the consent of the parties” Comment and describe the, various methods by which they can express their consent ‘under the Statute of the International Court of Justice, eee yortte your Exam Roll No,) Exam Roll No. .. SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATION SixTH SEMESTER [LLB] SEPTeMBER-OcToBER 2013 “SS ode: LLB3O6 Subject: Public International Law |* 7 Hours: ‘Maximum Marks :75 $2 Mtempt any five questions including which ts compulsory. |" Select one question from each unit of Part-B Mr ___ Select one question from each unit of Part B Part A (x6 +25? pitterenate aveen monism and dualism theories Ps eatin ef Passage over Indian Tesitory (Portugal v. Ina), Hee pnp ofl as source of Intemational a ss Bene Rinses of Recognition in Intemational law. Mae eer Sectity Council of United Nations. Part B UNITI 2. Critically analyse whether International law is law in the proper sense. In this connection examine various definitions by various scholars. Or. critically examine the statement of Holland that international law is the vanishing point of “urisprudence. UNIT I Differentiate between Treaty laws and Custom law. Discuss the various mode of accession to {i treaty a§ per international practice Or. Article 38 of Internatiorial Court of Justice recognises the general principles of law ecognised by the civilised nations as a source of international law. Discuss the various principles which have been recognised as international source of law. UNIT HI Discuss various theories of recognition under international law. What factors will govern the recognition of belligerency by a third state. ‘ Or. Discuss various zones recognised under Law of Sea. In what cases may a state exercise jurisdiction upon the high sea? UNITIV Discuss the structure of International Court of Justice (ICJ) of United Nations and Dispute Seitlement Body (DSB) under World Trade Organisation in resolving various international issues, Or. Write short notes on: (i) International Monetary Fund (IMF) Gi) Interna nal Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) . Fe [§ gety/a%

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