Seminar 9

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Seminar 9

Neologisms and their classifications.

1 Neologisms. Definition.
2. Semantic groups of neologisms.
3. Ways of forming neologisms.
Questions for self-control:
1. What is a neologism?
2. How many neologisms usually appear every year (average)?
3. How do neologisms appear?
4. Who is an “originator”?
5. What are three main ways in which neologisms can develop? Name them.
6. What are semantic neologisms? Give examples.
7. What is transnomination? Give examples.
8. What is a proper neologism? Give examples.
9. Name tree groups of semantic neologisms.
10. What are the subtypes of neologisms related to computerization? Give examples.
11. What does the morpheme “tele” mean and what neologisms can be formed with the
help of this morpheme? Give examples.
12. Give the examples of neologisms related to computerization in the sphere of linguistics.
13. Give the examples of neologisms related to computerization in the sphere of medicine.
14. Give the examples of neologisms related to social activities.
15. Explain the meaning of the following neologisms: belongers, survivers, sustainers,
emulaters, achievers.
16. Explain the meaning of the following neologisms: VAL (Value and Lifestyle), jet plane
travelers, partial and non-partial (immigrants), welfare mother, stocking masks,
neighbourhood watch.
17. Give examples of neologisms use by teenagers.
18. What are the subtypes of neologisms referred to everyday life? Give examples.
19. Explain the meaning of the following neologisms: dangledolly, boot-sale.
20. Name the subtypes of neologisms classified according to the ways they are formed.
21. What are phonological neologisms? Give examples.
22. What are borrowed neologisms? Give examples.
23. What are the two types of syntactical neologisms?
24. What are morphological neologisms? Give examples.
25. What are phraseological neologisms? Give examples.
26. Give examples of compound neologisms.
27. Do morphological neologisms belong to the group of strong neologisms?
28. What are strong neologisms?
29. Give examples of neologisms formed by means of abbreviations.
30. Give examples of neologisms formed by means of affixation.
31. What are the subtypes of phraseological neologisms? Give examples.

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