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I´ll say their name is "Rath" for consistency´s sake.

They would be considered pretty neutral on the emotional scale. Perhaps even "flat" or "apathetic"
would be terms that could be used to describe them .

to be pretty "stuck" in their ways. They can become rigit in their ideas, and also have a hard time
accepting change.



they´d be a pretty 'in-youre face' kind of person? They wouldn´t be afraid to put themselfews and thier
personality out inot the world to be seen - even if some people were to be judgemental or critical of
them for

"Rath´s" parents have been prety strict,

difficult or unpleasant falmily situation. In fact, art might have been the only constant in their life!

be quite aggressive, They use art as a way to express their anger in a way whitch is moree acceptable or
paltable to society. For expamlpe, be more accepting of violente painting than of aggressive behaviour in
real life.

"Rath´s" visual could be quite abstract, though would use a more impressioninst style based on the
feeling that they´d want to convey - using bright, aggressive colours to convey anger, and softer purples
or blues to show emotional or psychological pain...

"Rath" could be quite ' gicky' as a character. They´really enjoy creating art that´s quite edgy and
provocative. They be quite drawn to things whitch are a little bit schocking or a little bit 'out-there'.

two pallarels series of artworks on display. ME: They would be multimedia artist`s.

Venom indicates faul Play.

ownn way and blazing their owwn trail without having to listen to the orders of others. If "Rath" is very
independetn ""

alternatives, and would probably have their own strong thoughts about each of them. They might also
have their own 'dream alternative system' that htey would advocate for, in a utopian society!
symbolic of that alternative.

There are probably plenty of other symbols that "Rath" could play around with...

hteir ability to work woth symbols like this in a subtle way. They´d be able to work these sambols inot
their artwork in a way that was subtle enough that it wouldn´t be obvious to nammy viewers. wouldn´t
be really prominent.

incorporate a historical self approach. and would therefore be albe to explore themes around power, and
the glorification of violence!

in my expirience, it would make snese for "Rath" to have political themes come latet in their artistic

If they´d experienced a lot of trauma in their childhood, they might have just focusedon their early
artwork - and might not have had the emntal or emotional energy to focus on broarder, societal themes.

"Rath" would have a good level of academic achievement including good grades in their high school
years, and maybe a Masters´degree in a subject like history or Political science.

Then, I think i would be possible for "Rath" to have a Batchelor degree in an artistic subject- maybe a
degree in Fine arts or Visual ,subjects like sociology, anthropology, philosophy, psychololgy social
theories that might motivate their art, and would also have the knowlage about how to create a strong
visual image...

state of modern capitalistworld, it would probably incorporate symbols of oney - like dollar signs, and
would probably feature a very dull colour paette.

use red and black, and might include symbolic

"Rath" would also choose this artist name to help them differente thier aritistic persona from their
standart day- to-day identity,

"Rath" might be gender-fluid.

IN their eyes, they would see every person as being unique - not defined by their biological sex, or by
the social roles and expectations whitch have been placed on them...PSY:

little unconventional with their name

"Aeon Leonito Rath

quite mixed feeling about social media, it brings many benefits, but also has quite a few drawbacks...

cons - and then make an informed decition one way or the other...
where both individual approaches were available, and where pople were able to choose whitch ones
suited their artistic style best


"Rath´s" life would be the traumatic events whitch they experienced when they were younger. For
"Raht" , these events would probably be the ones whitch caused them to begin using art as a way to
cope with their stress and trauma.

"Rath" to start using art as a way to cope with their negative emotions, and would likely play a pretty big
role in shaping their personality...

1. The traumatic events that "Rath" expirienced in their youth, as discussed earlier...

°Not having a spacee where they can be their authentic self...

°° "Rath" finds a community in online spaces, despite being unable to find people who fully accept them
in the physical world.

°"Rath" holds a Diploma of Arts in fine Art, and they are currently working on a body of art whitch will
help people to understand the complex issues surrounding gender identity.

These paintings often include images of people with gender-fluid identities being misgendered, or
struggling to find support from other people around them.

In their art, "Rath" uses bold colours and strong brush strokes to convey these struggles - making their
art both impactful and visually compelling...

prinitng relief printing - class differences, and how people interact with each other and with the

drawings pen and ink drawing, as well as alot of marker- based drawing. a lot of thick and thin lines to
convey a sense of emotional impact and drama within the pieces...

the main connections between the different media techniques whitch "Rath" uses would be the way that
they work with lines to convey the comlpex emotions and expiriences associated with a lot of bold lines
and thick consistent across different media, so that her art feels very unified and cohesive...

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