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Involves psycho dynamic treatment wherein patients undergo several treatment sessions wherein

emotions and meanings during panic attacks are examined closely. Therapists help clients to
cope with the affective component of panic attacks by correcting irrational beliefs.
Psychodynamic treatments are usually used combined with medication therapy with anti-

panic disorders

This disorder is no longer a diagnosis according to the DSM 5. Individuals previously diagnosed
with this s are subsumed under the diagnosis of SOMATIC SYMPTOM DISORDER and

Somatic symptom and related disorder

conversion disorder
factitious disorder

A form of treatment for abnormal behaviors involves unlearning maladaptive behaviors and
ineffective coping mechanisms.

Behavioral therapy
Aversion therapy

A psychologist notes that a client's TAT (Thematic Apperception Test) stories are filled with themes of
emotionality, self-centeredness, attention-seeking, emotional manipulation, seduction and sexual
manipulation. These themes correspond to which personality disorder?
A condition wherein individuals lose the ability to experience a pleasure.

ancipatory pleasure

Which perspective of abnormality talks about rewards, shaping and imitation as ways of
developing abnormal behavior?


A state of unease or generalized dissatisfaction with a certain condition*

Dimensional Classification

Gina, a shy 5-year-old girl had a hard time adjusting to school. It's been 3 months since the class
started and she still fails to talk whenever asked as if she doesn't really know how to speak.
Consequently, she continuously gets poor grades and has very few friends in school. However,
she is talkative when she's at home with her mother. Gina's behavior illustrates what possible

Separation Anxiety
Selective Mutism
Adjustment Differences
Phobic Disorder

Stepano a 26-year-old man whose fiancée was recently murdered is brought by his brother to the
hospital after showing signs of severe depression. It was also reported that during the past week
he has begun to show peculiar behavior and claims that his fiancée is talking to him. Within 4
days of hospital admission and therapy he improves rapidly and was able to return to work after
8 days from the onset of his initial symptoms.

schizoaffective disorder
brief psychotic disorder
persistent pattern of inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity that interferes with functioning or
social anxiety disorder
global developmental delay
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
specific learning disorder

these refers to the symptoms that are abnormally present. Hallucinations, such as hearing voices
or seeing things that do not exist, paranoia and exaggerated or distorted perceptions, beliefs and


Is a false belief, which involves transmission or broadcast of one's thoughts. An example of this
is when a person believes that his coworkers hear his thoughts.

persecutory delusion
thought insertion
thought broadcasting

It is a thought condition usually caused by a mental health condition such as schizophrenia.

During thought blocking, a person stops speaking suddenly and without explanation in the
middle of a sentence. People who experience this symptom report that they feel like the thought
has been removed from their brains.

Ideas of reference
Flight of Ideas
Thought broadcasting
Thought blocking

This refers to the false belief from what is present in reality*


A symptom that manifests with the lack of emotional expression.

grandiose delusions
anticipatory pleasure
blunted affect

An individual who becomes a threat to him or others is considered abnormal. This dangerous
behavior is considered an important indicator of hospital confinement

Social Discomfort
Irrationality and unpredictability

This disorder was previously known as manic-depressive disorder. Patients with this condition
manifest with two extreme disturbances in emotions.

Obsessive-compulsive and related disorders

Bipolar and related disorders
All of the answers are correct
Anxiety Disorders

A mood that manifests with unusual sadness and exaggerated melancholia


Which of the following set of disorders is the hardest to treat as researches suggest?

mood disorders
personality disorders
eating disorders
anxiety disorders

It is demonstrated when an individual has a pathological need for a certain substance. This type
of behavior is one of the most common yet challenging mental health disorders that our society
faces today.
substance abuse
addictive behavior

Carl, a 20-year-old college student subjected himself for assessment of possible mood disorder
experiencing low moods for the past two weeks. His mother learned about this and went to the
clinician to ask for a copy of his son's assessment result with the intention of helping his son to
cope with his condition. Should the clinician release the result to Carl's mother?

No, it is unethical to release the result to the client's mother because the result of assessment is
Carl's property and should not be released to anyone without his written permission.
Yes, it is ethical to release the result to the client's mother since she has the best intention for his son.
Yes, it is ethical to release the result to the client's mother if it is well written and can boosts their
confidence to the clinician
No, it is unethical to release the result to the client's mother because she might feel bad about her son

Fresy truly admires how slender are the bodies of runway models. She made it a personal goal to
trim her body down yet eventually it becomes problematic. She already develops an intense fear
of gaining weight. She insists to maintain her now abnormally low body weight and denies any
problem with how she looks. For the last 3 months her menstrual period has also ceased. What is
the appropriate diagnosis?

Binge-Eating Disorder
Restrictive-Eating Disorder
Bulimia Nervosa
Anorexia Nervosa

Behavioral manifestation wherein an individual loses interest in spending time with other people.
Individuals who manifest this symptom usually prefer to be alone, lacking the interest to spend
time with their family, friends, and significant others.

Negative Symptoms
This disorder can be diagnosed in children as young as six, is characterized by a wide variety of
aggressive outbursts. According to the DSM_5, it is characterized by impulsive and aggressive
outbursts. These outbursts can be in the form of verbal tirades or physical aggression. These
outbursts are impulsive, not premeditated and extremely difficult to predict. Additionally, the
outbursts happen without trigger or are not proportionate to the preceding trigger or stressor.

Intermittent Explosive Disorder

Antisocial Personality Disorder
Conduct Disorder

a severe form of impairment in awareness*

korsakoff syndrome
huntington's disease
lucid interval

It is a psychological condition that causes symptoms that appear to be neurological (paralysis,

speech, impairment, tremors). At least 2 sensory or motor impairment symptoms.

conversion disorder
factitious disorder
illness anxiety disorder

It is a social phenomenon where a group of people develop similar symptoms that do not have an
identifiable physical cause (such as an illness). Instead, the symptoms stem from psychological
causes. In these events, the symptoms occur in two or more people who also share a common
belief about what might cause the illness.

dementia praecox
mass hysteria
shared psychosis
moral insanity

Aki is a pretty yet shy and anxious looking 24-year-old library custodian who has been reporting
significant distress due to perceived huge pockmarks on her nose. She is intensely preoccupied
with these marks that she misses work and avoids social activities for the fear that others may
notice this defect. She also frequently seeks reassurance from family about her defect, but the
reassurances almost never provide more than very temporary relief. She excessively put make up
trying to camouflage her perceived defect and plans on undergoing facial operation soon.

What could be the possible condition of Aki?

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Avoidant Personality Disorder

Which of the following characterizes the following:

- at least 1 lifetime major depressive episode
- 1 hypomanic episode
cyclothymic disorder
bipolar I disorder
bipolar II disorder
schizoaffective disorder

A disorder that is characterized by marked anxiety about being placed in situations wherein it
would be extremely embarrassing or tedious to escape if anxiety symptoms start to manifest

Social Anxiety Disorder
Separation Anxiety Disorder
Specific phobia

Sunoo seems to be very anxious and he has to check if the house is locked exactly 10 times every
night before going to bed. This behavior is called __________.


Seen in individuals who harbor feelings of social inadequacy and incompetency, leading to social
relationships and interpersonal interaction impairment.

obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

dependent personality disorder
avoidant personality disorder
dialectical behavioral therapy

How would you differentiate panic attack from periods of anxiety?

In panic attack, fears are real while in periods of anxiety, fears are imagined
In a panic attack there are no identifiable external stimuli that trigger the condition while period of
anxiety has
In panic attack the symptoms develop abruptly and rarely last more than an hour while periods of
anxiety have an insidious onset and are long-lasting
In a panic attack the symptoms develop gradually and last for more than an hour while periods of anxiety
have an abrupt onset and has a usually acute duration

Personality disorder is characterized by lack of emotional expression and inability to form

interpersonal relationships.

personality disorder
schizotypal disorder
paranoid-personality disorder

Illnesses predominantly manifest with outward directed behaviors, such as overactivity,

impulsiveness, and aggressiveness.

internalizing disorders
habit reversal treatment
externalizing disorders

Jaehyun was referred to a community clinic because of overactive, inattentive, and disruptive
behavior. His uninhibited behavior caused problems for his teacher and for other students. He
would impulsively hit other children knock things off their desks, erase materials on the
blackboard and damage books and other school property. He seemed to be in perpetual motion,
talking, moving about and darting from one area of the classroom to another. Despite his
overactive behavior, inferior school performance and other problems, he was considerably above
average in intelligence. Nevertheless, he felt stupid and had a seriously devaluated self-image.
Neurological tests revealed no significant organic brain disorder. Jaehyun's case depicts what
kind of disorder?

Intermittent Explosive Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Conduct Disorder

Seulgi is interested to conduct a study of incidence, prevalence and distribution of mood disorder
in their community. She is likely to generate what type of research?

eclectic research
longitudinal case study
epidemiological research
multiple baseline study

Abnormal movements that are characterized by uneasiness and fidgeting

grandiose delusions
psychomotor retardation
psychomotor agitation
blunted affect

Which of the following is considered a positive symptom of schizophrenia?

social withdrawal
emotional flattering
poverty of speech
derailment of association

It is one of the most frequently abused substances. It is prepared from dried leaves of Cannabis
Sativa, a flowering plant. It can be smoked or chewed. It can also be consumed by being
incorporated into tea or baked goods. A stronger form of this is called Hashish.*

Yoona, 40-year-old housewife has been diagnosed with conversion disorder. It is notable that she
is able to talk only in a whisper although she can usually cough in a normal manner. This
symptom is referred to as __________.


It is characterized by persistent deficits in social communication and interaction across multiple

contexts that require the presence of restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interest, or
activities. *
social anxiety disorder
language disorder
autism spectrum disorder
specific learning disorder

Ryujin has fear of dogs. Which of the following suggests that his fear of dog qualifies as a
specific phobia rather than just ordinary fear?

Ryujin believes that her fear of dogs is reasonable and appropriate

Ryujin has a pet cat and never owned a dog
Ryujin fear of dogs comes and goes following pattern
Ryujin only works night shifts, a time when she thinks that dogs an episodic are kept safely inside the
It is a type of psychotherapeutic treatment that helps people learn how to identify and change the
destructive or disturbing thought patterns that have a negative influence on their behavior and
psychodynamic therapy
cognitive-behavioral therapy
aversion therapy
psychosocial therapy
_______is defined as a group of persistent sexual behavior patterns in which unusual objects,
rituals, or situations are required to full sexual satisfaction

sex mania

This is one of the learning theories that Ivan Pavlov discovered. Conditioning is a learning
process wherein an individual eventually gives a different response due to repeated stimuli. In
this theory, an event that elicits an expected response is combined with another event that does
not. After repeated exposure to the event, the event that normally does not elicit a response will
eventually do so.

classical conditioning
positive reinforcement
negative reinforcement
operant conditioning

Some patients with schizophrenia are often silent and do not engage in conversations. This
symptom is called _____, which is a decrease in the amount of spontaneous speech. During
dialogues between a clinician and a schizophrenic patient, sometimes they may utter a word or
two, but nothing more than that. Conversations usually lack content or detail.

Blunted Affect
Disorganized Behavior
It is defined as a group of persistent sexual behavior patterns in which unusual objects, rituals, or
situations are required to full sexual satisfaction

sex mania
You are developing a new scale to determine an individual's level of anxiety. You give your
newly formulated test to a large group of people who serve as the representative sample to which
all future examinees are compared. This group is called the _______ group.
It is an eating disorder. It is characterized by uncontrolled episodes of overeating, called
bingeing. This is followed by purging with methods such as vomiting or misuse of laxatives.

Bulimia Nervosa
Anorexia Nervosa
Binge-Eating Disorder
Restrictive-Eating Disorder

According to DSM-5 is the sudden onset of psychotic behavior that lasts at least one day but
less than one month followed by complete remission with possible future relapses. It is
differentiated from schizophreniform disorder and schizophrenia by the duration of the
psychosis. It is an acute, often very intense, but transient disorder with the onset of one or more
of the following psychotic symptoms:
•disorganized speech
•grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior

acute stress disorder
brief psychotic disorder

Ma. Niña, a 35-year-old woman who just ran away from her abusive husband 3 months ago is
referred to a psychiatric outpatient program because she has been depressed and unable to
concentrate. Ever since she was separated from her husband she constantly experienced fatigue,
insomnia, decreased appetite, inability to think and had feelings of worthlessness and guilt. In
addition to these, she started to exhibit mood incongruent psychotic symptoms, such as a
delusion that she is the supreme savior of the world, for the last 2 weeks.

From the case presented, what is likely the diagnosis? (2pts)

Severe major depressive episode with psychotic features

Major depressive episode with melancholic features
Depressive Schizophrenia
Schizoaffective Disorder

In ancient Greek, the word "soma" means "body." Patients who suffer from this condition
usually complain of physical illness without a known medical explanation. Patients become
preoccupied with bodily symptoms causing significant impairment in daily living. Even though
symptoms are psychological, the patient perceives these symptoms as rea

dissociative disorders
somatic symptom and related disorders
anxiety disorders
somatoform disorders

In ___________________, people lose some or all memories of their past and they typically
disappear from their usual environment, leaving their family and job whereas in __________,
the memory loss is caused by trauma or stress, resulting in an inability to recall important
personal information. It is the total or partial inability to recall recent experiences or ones from
the distant past. *
schizophreniform; schizophrenia
dissociative fugue; dissociative amnesia
dissociative amnesia; dissociative fugue
Asociality, alogia and avolition are ___________ symptoms of schizophrenia.

Not everyone succeeds in beauty pageants. However, among the losing candidates, Mary is the
only one who has developed an eating disorder. A clinician explains that Mary is born with a
predisposition that places her at risk for developing a disorder while other candidates are not
even when exposed to same stressful situation. What model of abnormal behavior is the clinician

psychosocial model
psychodynamic model
cognitive-behavioral model
diathesis-stress model
____ involves a persistent or recurring feeling of being detached from one’s body or mental
processes, like an outside observer of one's life while ______ and/or a feeling of being
detached from one's surroundings

depersonalization; derealization
derealization; depersonalization
schizophrenia; schizophreniform
schizophreniform; schizophrenia
Mrs. Kim is a 78-year-old widow. She was admitted to the hospital after breaking her left arm.
She had a routine operation and after this, she began to show signs of confusion. Her
consciousness becomes clouded with reduced attention and awareness. She was seen having
conversations with imaginary persons and staring at the blank point on the ceiling. She was
irritable and would burst out in anger. She throws her meals into the floor and refuses to take any
medication. Between outbursts, Mrs. Kim calmed down and was able to sleep up to half an hour
but at night she seemed unable to sleep at all and her hyperactivity increased.

What could be the appropriate diagnosis for Mrs. Kim?

Intermittent Explosive Disorder

When April Claudine was asked to talk to the counseling therapist, she started crying, saying
everything she had kept inside her. She talked about her problems with her boyfriend and with
her best friend, the reason why she keeps on performing unsatisfactory on her job and she goes
on crying hysterically. What is she experiencing?

free association

Albert firmly believes that the year 2016 marks the end of all humanity. As a result of this, he
goes to church every day, goes to confession every week, and receives the Holy Communion
each day. Albert is having ___________.

panic attack

Kira has this pervasive and excessive need to be taken care of, leading to submissive and
clinging behavior. He also fears separation. He relies on others to make ordinary decision as well
as important ones, which results in an unreasonable fear of abandonment*

Dependent Personality Disorder

Delusional Disorder
Antisocial Personality Dsorder
Borderline Personality Disorder

It is characterized by obsessions or compulsions that are time-consuming (requires 1 hour per

day). Also, it is recognized as product of the mind. Usually, this is evident in women than in men
and begins in childhood*
obsessive-compulsive disorder
body dysmorphic disorder

A form of treatment for children with conduct disorders involves comprehensive therapy in the
community setting, which focuses on the child and his social relationships with his family, peers,
and school administrators.

joint attention training
multisystematic treatment
parent management training

A mood that manifests with extraordinary and unrealistic feelings of elation and euphoria


Disease classification: Behavioral syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and

physical factors*
F4 Panciteria

Rare and undesirable behaviors may be indicative of an abnormality. These actions may be
considered socially unacceptable or abnormal if it is uncommonly observed in a group of

statistical deviancy
violation of societal standards

Patients suffering from this disorder abnormally excrete fecal material or urine. These disorders
can be voluntary or involuntary. The two most common disorders belonging to this category are
encopresis and enuresis. Encopresis is a condition wherein the patient defecates in places other
than the toilet. On the other hand, enuresis causes individuals to urinate inappropriately.

elimination disorders
feeding and eating disorders
sleep-wake disorders
sexual dysfunction

One of the mental illnesses prevalent during the 18th century was a condition called hysteria.
Hysteria is diagnosed in individuals who suffer from functional incapacities such as paralysis or
blindness without a known biological cause. Hysteria during the 18th century was treated
through ____________

Insulin Shock Treatment

Prefrontal lobotomy
Not on the list

repetitively seemingly driven and purposeless motor behaviors (hand flapping, body rocking,
head banging, self-biting, hitting) interfering with social, academic, and other activities*
developmental coordination disorder
neurodevelopmental disorder
stereotypic movement disorder
specific learning disorder

Reymond, a highly intelligent but quite introverted and withdrawn 30-year-old computer analyst
was referred for psychological evaluation by his physician, who was concerned that Reymond
might be depressed and unhappy. Reymond had virtually no contact with other people. He lived
alone in his apartment, worked in a small office by himself, and usually saw no one at work
except his supervisor who occasionally visited to give him new work and pick up completed
projects. He was seen by others as cold and distant. He considered himself a lifelong loner,
displayed lack of interest in forming social relationship and reported that he was happiest when
he was alone.

As a clinician, what diagnosis would you likely give to Reymond?: (2 points)

major depressive disorder

schizoid personality disorder

cyclothymic disorder
avoidant personality disorder

This refers to the use of an inanimate object as the preferred way to produce sexual
arousal. Disorder occurs when recurrent, intense sexual arousal from using an inanimate
object or focusing on a nongenital body part (such as a foot) causes significant distress,
substantially interferes with daily functioning, or harms or may harm another person.


He is best known for his classification of mental disorders. He grouped them into two:
deteriorating and episodic conditions. He invented pharmacology which is the
psychopharmacology today

sigmund freud
josef breur
joseph breur
emil kraeplin

A form of psychosocial therapy that uses a holistic approach in the treatment of abnormal

motivational quotes by franklin miano

humanistic-experiential therapies
gestalt therapy
rational-emotive therapy
The psychodynamic approach attributes the cause of to which of the following?
the result of neurochemical imbalances
internal conflict from early childhood trauma abnormal behavior
learned behaviors through modeling and imitation
poor self-concept

According to the DSM-5 these are the symptoms of _____ personality disorder:
•Social and interpersonal deficits
•Thinking that coincidences or events have personal meaning
•Magical thinking or “odd beliefs”
•Bodily illusions or strange perceptual experiences
•Being suspicious or paranoid
•Not expressing emotions
•Behavior that is eccentric
•Lack of close friends
•Social anxiety


A client diagnosed with schizophrenia noticed a group of people in the television news having a
conference. The client told the therapist "I know those people talks about me" Which altered
thought process should the therapist identify?

Flight of Ideas
Thought blocking
Thought broadcasting
Ideas of reference

Whenever he feels bored, a young college student who had an attic apartment would peer into his
binoculars expecting to watch an attractive unsuspecting a woman undressing. This stimulated
him greatly and often leads into masturbation. What kind of paraphilia this young college student

sex mania
A concept used in psychoanalysis; is an unconscious portion of personality that has been present
since birth.


A condition is seen in patients who develop depressive symptoms but do not meet the criteria for
any unipolar depressive disorder

Subclinical depression
Psychomotor agitation
Psychomotor retardation

It is a condition that causes individuals to urinate in places other than the toilet.

Dimensional Classification
The term "client" is preferred over the term "patient" because _________.

"client suggests emotional stability of a person while "patient" tends to refer to someone who is moody
"client" refer to the fact that psychotherapy is a collaborative endeavor
"client" suggests the responsiveness of the person while "patient" tends to refer to someone who is
"client" suggests that the person is getting better while "patient" tends to refer to someone who is ill

Asfer has been described by his friends with an exaggerated sense of self-importance and self-
love. He always brags about his achievements and wants all people to acknowledge him for that.
What diagnoses could be given to Asfer?

borderline personality disorder

histrionic personality disorder
antisocial personality disorder
narcissistic personality disorder

Neri was a successful lawyer in her 40s who visited a psychiatrist, explaining that for almost a
year she had been feeling anxious. She specifically mentioned having a hard time sleeping and
concentrating and increased feelings of irritability, fatigue, and even physical symptoms like
nausea and diarrhea. She was always worried about forgetting about one of her clients or getting
diagnosed with cancer, and in recent months, her anxiety forced her to cut back hours at work.
She has no other remarkable medical history or trauma.

If you were the psychiatrist, what anxiety disorder diagnosis would you give Neri?
5 points

separation anxiety disorder

major depressive disorder
bipolar I disorder
generalized anxiety disorder

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