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TABLE 3. 1
Short Table of Fourier Tra nsforms
g (t) G (f)

e - at u (t) a>O
a + j2nf
2 ea1 u (-t) a>O
a - j2nf
3 e -a lt l a>O
a + (2nf) 2
4 te - at u (t) a>O
(a + j2nf) 2
5 tn e - at u (t) a>O
(a + j 2nf ) n + l
6 8 (t) 1
7 1 8 (f )
8 J2 rrfo t 8 (f - Jo )
9 cos 2nfot 0.5 [8 (f + Jo ) + 8 (f - Jo ) ]
10 sin 2 nfot j0.5 [8 (f + Jo ) - 8 (f - Jo ) ]
1 1
11 u (t) 2, 8 (f) + -. -
J 2Jrf
12 sgn t
1 ·2 f
13 cos 2nfo t u (t)
4 [ o (f - Jo ) + o (f + Jo )] + (2nfo :2 : (2nf) 2
1 2nfo
14 sin 2nfo t u(t) f8 (f - Jo ) - 8 (f + Jo )] +
47 (2nfo) 2 - (2nf) 2
15 e - a t sin 2nfot u (t) a>O
(a + j 2nf) 2 + 4n 2JJ
a + j2nf
16 e - at cos 2 nfot u (t) a>O
(a + j 2nf) 2 + 4n 2JJ
17 IT G) r sine (Jr/ r )

18 2B sine (2Jr Bt) IT ( {B )

19 � G) T . 2 ( Jr/ T
20 B sinc2 (Jr Bt) ( {s )
� L�
I:�- oo o Ct - nT) oo
21 1
Jo 8 (f - nfo ) fo = T
e - 1 / 2a a ../2ire - 2 (a nf)
2 2 2

3 . 3 . 1 Ti me-Fre q uency Dua l ity

Equations (3.9) show an interesting fact: the direct and the inverse transform operations are
remarkably similar. These operations, required to go from g (t) to G(f) and then from G(f)
to g (t), are shown graphically in Fig. 3 . 14. The only minor difference between these two
operations lies in the opposite signs used in their exponential indices.
3 .4 Signal Transm ission Th rough a Linear System 91

Properties of Fourier Tra nsform Operations

Operation g (t) G (f)

Superposition g 1 (t) + g2 (t) G t (f ) + G2 (f)

Scalar multiplication kg (t ) kG (f)
Duality G(t) g ( -f )

TaT c (1a )
Time scaling 1
g (at)

Time shifting g (t - to ) G (f) e -j 2Hji0

Frequency shifting g (t) ei2Hfo t G (f to)

Time convolution g 1 (t) * g2 (t) G 1 (f ) G2 (f )
Frequency convolution gJ (t)g2 (t) G 1 (f ) * G2 (f )
d g (t)
Time differentiation (j2nf) n G(f )
Time integration (!if) + 2l G (0)8 (f)
f� oo g (x) dx 12nf

Figure 3.24 Input signal Output signal

transmission Time-domain x(t) LTI system y (t) = h (t) * x ( t )
through a linear h(t)
system. Frequency-domain X( f ) H (f) Y ( f ) = H ( f ) - X ( f)

A stable LTI system can be characterized in the time domain by its impulse response h(t), which
is the system response to a unit impulse input, that is,

y (t) = h(t) when x(t) = 8 (t)

The system response to a bounded input signal x(t) follows the convolutional relationship

y (t) = h(t) * x(t) (3.53)

The frequency domain relationship between the input and the output is obtained by taking
Fourier transform of both sides of Eq. (3 .53). We let

x (t) ¢=:> X (f)

y (t) ¢=:> y (f)
h (t) ¢=:> H (f)

Then according to the convolution theorem, Eq. (3.53) becomes

Y (f) = H (f ) - X (f) (3 .54)

Generally H (f) , the Fourier transform of the impulse response h (t), is refen-ed to as the
transfer function or the frequency response of the LTI system. Again, in general, H (f) is

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