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JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal

ISSN No: 2581 - 4230
VOLUME 7, ISSUE 2, Feb. -2021
Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages
Department of History and Grammar of the English Language

ABSTARCT: with the names of world linguists such as

To understand the specific nature of Specific expressions in speech construction, the
stylistic devices in speech construction and means of expressing the emotion that give rise
to explain the application of phonetic, to particular forms of speech, the syntactic
morphological, syntactic, stylistic rules in stylistic devices, and the means by which
speech in different historical periods of the special expressions are created determine the
development of a particular language in its mechanism by which they differ radically from
language norms. neutral syntactic units. To understand the
nature of syntactic stylistic devices, it is
KEYWORDS: Language system, linguistic necessary to understand what is the norm of
phenomena, syntactic stylistic devices, syntactic language.
world linguists, stylistic syntactic Identify the means of expression, the
constructions, phonographic methodical syntactic stylistic means that serve to express
means, language of fiction. emotions that create specific forms of speech,
specific applications in communication, speech
INTRODUCTION: construction.
Linguistic views, one of the most  To understand the nature of syntactic
important branches of modern linguistics, aim language norm to understand the nature of
to determine the laws and principles of the use syntactic stylistic means.
of linguistic units as a means of speech activity,  Identify the laws of creation of syntactic
as well as to determine the features of stylistic methods on the basis of existing
linguistic phenomena in real communication morphological, syntactic and stylistic rules.
situations. The relevance of this study, on the  Study of stylistic syntactic constructions as a
one hand, focuses on the analysis of the general syntactic type of language.
semantic-structural features of the word, which  The norm is the application of phonetic,
is the language system and its basic unit. morphological, syntactic, stylistic rules in
Specific expressions in speech speech in different historical periods of a
construction, tools for expressing emotions particular language development.
that create specific forms of speech, syntactic  One of the syntactic stylistic methods is the
stylistic devices, and special expressions of frequent use of rhetorical interrogative
syntactic units are created using these tools, sentences, contradictory words, etc. in oral
which are observed in different activations in speech, and the emergence of additional
speech. meaning as a result of changes in the
The theory of stylistics in linguistics structure of such sentences. , the emergence
L.V.Shcherba, A.V.Bondarko, A.M. Kuznetsov, of emphasis, emotionality, and sensitivity in
A.I .Yefimov, A.N. Gvozdev, Shomaksudov A, oral speech.
Rasulov I, Kungurov P, Rustamov Ӽ. associated

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JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal
ISSN No: 2581 - 4230
VOLUME 7, ISSUE 2, Feb. -2021
The seriousness of the study of the language sound repetition play an important role in the
of fiction in linguistics allows us to better emotional and expressiveness of speech, and
understand the forms of expression of language the phenomenon of imitating the sounds of
units in the language of fiction, their artistic objects and animals is also widely used in
and aesthetic features, as well as their stylistics to exaggerate and express an idea.
possibilities of forming the language of fiction Such methods of making speech effective can
and their aesthetic impact. helps us be found in prose and poetry, proverbs and
understand. Although all units in our native parables, and even in the prose parts of folk
language serve as illustrations in fiction, a tales and epics. The phonetic harmony and
detailed analysis of the linguistic and artistic- repetition of vowels and consonants make
aesthetic function of a large group of them, speech sound and effective, making it easier to
known as phonographic stylistic devices, in remember the fact of language. The various
literary work still requires much research. forms and methods of melodic discourse, by
It should be noted that stylistic features are their very nature and essence, are peculiar to
present to some extent in all language units. poetic speech. Poetic speech is an exciting
Phonetic, morphological, syntactic and lexical rhythmic speech that is organized in terms of
units are also the subject of stylistics. tone and emerges as an expression of emotion.
Specific applications in speech construction, Poetry is characterized by the widespread use
the means of expressing emotions that create of means to regulate speech in terms of tone
specific forms of speech, are called syntactic (for example, rhythm, rhyme, radif, verses).
stylistic devices. Using these tools, special Therefore, the structure of the poem stands out
expressions are created that are radically as a special branch of phonetic stylistics.
different from neutral syntactic units. We will Intonation is a change in tone, a change in
discuss the attitude of this "special" to the tone, a change in tone. This includes the
simple "neutral" below. concept of rhythm and stress and pauses. The
To understand the nature of syntactic concept of intonation also includes the tempo
stylistic devices, it is necessary to understand of speech. The intonational devices that make
what is the norm of syntactic language. up speech, such as melodies, accents, and
A syntactic stylistic method is a departure pauses, are largely syntactic. That is, it
from existing morphological, syntactic, and expresses syntactic situations: expressing the
stylistic rules, but this retreat is seen as a completeness of a sentence, showing logical-
mistake, rather than the emergence of one's grammatical divisions within a sentence,
own judgment. Stylistic syntactic constructions showing the relationship of parts, and so on.
can be studied as a general syntactic type of Accordingly, the part of phonetics devoted to
language. The norm is the application of intonation is called syntactic phonetics.
phonetic, morphological, syntactic, stylistic In the process of analyzing the literary text,
rules of speech in different historical periods of special attention should be paid to the aesthetic
a particular language development. features of phonetic units. In a poetic text, the
Phonetic stylistics has been interested in aesthetic potential of speech sounds is quickly
ways to use the stylistic features of speech and easily understood. Because the poem has a
sounds as a means of increasing the special charm. This melody is achieved through
effectiveness of speech. There are many types the methodical use of sounds. Poetry uses
of sound and tone of voice in speech. The phonetic techniques such as alliteration,
various forms of alliteration, assonance, and consonance, and gemination. In prose,
328 | P a g e
JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal
ISSN No: 2581 - 4230
VOLUME 7, ISSUE 2, Feb. -2021
expressiveness is achieved through phonetic resources, the writer's skills, the ideas about
techniques such as stretching vowels, folding the style are described. Phonetic stylistics is
consonants, repeating sounds, mispronouncing one of the sounds. -expressed the stylistic
words, adding or subtracting sounds. The possibilities of interconnection, in short, the
ability to express "exactly" the laws governing methods and laws of speech sounds that can
the methodological use of sounds in writing is serve as an effective means of language.
limited. However, pronunciation and narrative In short, phonetic devices are linguistic
compatibility are achieved using phonetic and aesthetic factors that can clearly show that
means. the artistic style has a special place among
Conclusion It helps us to better understand the other functional styles as an integral part of the
forms of expression of linguistic units in the language units that form a literary work and
language of fiction, their artistic and aesthetic their application.
features, as well as their opportunities to form
the language of fiction and their artistic REFERENCES:
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