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CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

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CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Describe an Image – TEMPLATES
 The (graph) gives information about ______
 The (graph) illustrates _______
 The (graph) depicts information ______
 The (graph) represents ______
 The (graph) demonstrate/reveals ______

 At the first glance, it is crystal clear that ___
 Having bird’s eye view, it is apparent that____
 Initially/ In the beginning/ Before all else/
From day one/ From year
 On further scrutinizing the (graph), it can be
seen that ____
 Whereas, While, However, Moreover,
Furthermore, Following this, Finally

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

 (MOVEMENT UP) Rocketed to/ booming/ up

surging/ Enlarging/ Gradual incline with

 (MOVEMENT DOWN) Dropped/Plunge/

Diminish/ Gradual decline with fluctuations.

 (NO MOVEMENT) Steady/ Stable/ Constant/


 (FLUCTUATING) Sling/ Oscillate/ Rise and fall

erratically/ hem and haw

 (MAXIMUM) Peak/ reached at its peak point/

Pinnacle/ topmost

 (MINIMUM) Least/ Merest/ Slightest

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

 (AVERAGE) Moderate/ Middle of the road/


 (GROUND LEVEL) decreased to its ground


 To Conclude/ In Conclusion
 To wrap up
 Drawing a conclusion

 Firstly, Secondly, Finally, Next,

 In addition, Furthermore, In the same vein

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

 As a result, As a consequence,
due to/owing to

 Similarly, Likewise, be alike, not only ____
but also ____

 For instance, As evidence, Here I am
referring to ____ , To exemplify,


Look at diagram below, you have 25 Seconds to describe image in
detail what the image is showing. You will have 40 seconds to give
your response.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given graph depicts information about risks and impacts of

global warming from 1990 to till now along with future prediction
till 2100. It is crystal clear from the graph that in 1990 the global
impact was just like nothing which is now increasing rapidly. Along
with the expectation till 2100, it will increase and reach up to its
alarming condition. In conclusion, the global risk is increasing and it
will be increasing more than its present speed.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given image presents line chart and bar graph of maximum
power electric motor and Prius UK annual sales respectively. In this
image, line chart shows Prius Gen.1 uses max. power electric motor
of 40 bhp, Gen. 2 uses 65 bhp and Gen. 3 uses 80 bhp whereas MPG
of 58 bhp, 65 bhp and 72 bhp respectively. While given bar graph
shows UK annual sales of Prius from 2000 to 2010. It shows the
rapid increase in sales of MPG from 2000 to 2010 i.e. approximately
increased from 0 to 11000 where electric motor sales increased
from 500 to 8500.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given image depicts information about Shaduf, a method of

water collection. This image shows a complete process that how a
farmer collect water from the river using number of things such as
Lever, Pivot, Counter-weight, Canal, Operator, Pole, Rope,
Container. Container used to store the water and counterweight,
Lever, Pivot Rope help to pick it up from the river and further store
water in the canal.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The image shows information about the Grey Parrot Range. The
colour grey contributes the most; this is followed by the colour red
which represents Congo grey parrot with an estimated population
of 120 thousand to 260 thousand. On the other hand, colour dark
red contributes the least which represents Timneh grey parrot with
an estimated population of 560 thousand to 12.7 million. After
analysing the key aspects, it can be concluded that this image
shows crucial information about Grey Parrot range which is
strongly supported by data and facts.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given image depicts information about Annual Mean

Temperature in Fahrenheit and Celsius. It is crystal clear from the
picture that in whole world temperature vary from negative to
positive and nation to nation. This graph shows annual mean value
of temperature. In conclusion, it can be said that whole world does
not have same temperature at any time.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given image shows process of water passes through neck

meander. It is crystal clear from the picture that it consists 3 steps.
At first step, Narrow neck of the Meander gradually croded, now,
water takes the quickest route after this the meander neck has
been cut through completely. At final step, Ox-bow Lake left behind
when meander completely cut off. In conclusion we can say that
water passes can be low and quick through meander.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given image shows information about the total world’s water
condition. It is crystal clear from the image that the only 2.5%
water of total earth’s water is fresh which is present in the form of
glaciers, permanent snow and ground water. The other 97.5%
water is mixed with salt which is present in lakes, soil, rivers etc. In
conclusion, only 2.5% water of the earth is suitable for drinking

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

These two images represent the process that leads to ascending

and descending of a hot air balloon. During ascending, propane
tank burner flame creates and airflow. The airflow creates an
upward lift for the balloon. On the other hand, during the
descending process burner is switched off. The air is allowed to
escape from the top of the envelope through the parachute valve.
In conclusion, the hot air balloon works on the principle of hot air
to go up, creating a lift.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

This image represents a scene at a medical centre. At a first glance

it seems that the clinic is full of patients waiting to get treated by
the doctor. The nurse at the check-in is busy noting down the
details from a patient and other nurse is talking on the phone with
booking appointments. While sitting a patient is honking to clear
his nose, behind him a red faced little girl is waiting with her
mother in line. Another patient is checking her tongue in mirror and
a guy is holding his painful back. In conclusion, it seems that this
medical centre is very busy with patients with variety of illnesses.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

This image represents the flow chart of a water treatment plant. In

the beginning the water is made available from a lake and it passed
for a chemical treatment of chlorine, lime and alum. After mixing
the chemicals it is first allowed to coagulate and flocculated then
passed though sedimentation process. Following that the filtration
and disinfected procedures are carried out. The disinfected water is
stored in a storage talk before sent for distribution. In conclusion,
the water treatment process looks multi-staged and systematic to
provide clean water for public.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

This image represents the various car safety features. The front and
back crumple zone protect the car from front and rear impact.
There are multiple airbags placed in the car cabin to protect the
passengers in case of accident. The front and back seats have seat
belts so the passengers won't get tossed after accident. There are
side impact bars to protect the travellers from getting injured from
side. In conclusion, all the safety features keep the passengers
protected from any injury.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The picture represents the stages in the lifecycle of a salmon fish.

Salmon begin its life in a river where the adult fish lay and incubate
their eggs. After emerging from eggs, the young salmon spend the
next stage of their life in freshwater. Then, at some point in their
development, the fish swim downstream to river estuaries where
rearing continues. The maturing salmon migrates to the ocean,
where they eventually become fully grown adults. Finally, the adult
fish travel back upstream to spawning areas of rivers; here they
reproduce and lay their eggs, and the life cycle begins anew.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

This image represents a right angle triangle. The base is called

adjacent represented as letter 'b', the elevation is an opposite side
represented by letter 'a' and the hypotenuse is the line joining sides
'a' and 'b'. There is also a picture of a 'funny' looking hippopotamus
leaning on the hypotenuse probably for the purpose of memorizing
the position of hypotenuse. In conclusion, this right angle triangle
has made an angle of 90 degrees at 'C'. This picture demonstrates
the ABC right angle triangle.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The picture represents different body parts of an insect. The body

consists of three main parts: the head, the thorax, and the
abdomen. The head contains the insect's brain, eyes, and mouth. It
also carries the antennae. The thorax is the central part of the body
and it bears the legs and wings. There are three pairs of legs and
two pairs of wings. The insect's abdomen contains its digestive and
reproductive organs. In conclusion, this marvellous creature has a
very short life span.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

This flow chart represents the four steps involved in recycling of

unwanted or used materials. In the first step, manufacturers
distribute the goods to retailers from whom consumers purchase
them. After complete utilization of the product, the waste is hand
over to the recyclers. Recyclers reproduce raw material to
manufacturers after recycling. In conclusion, the art of converting
waste into usable material does contribute positively to the eco-
friendly environment.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The line graph compares worldwide prices of food and oil from
2000 to 2011. In 2000, the average price of a barrel of oil was
around $95, whereas the figure for food price index stood at about
$90. Over the next 8 years, there was a significant increase in the
price of oil, it reached its highest level at approximately $230 per
barrel, compared to about $220 for food in the year 2008. By the
year 2011, the food price peaked at around $140, By contrast, the
figure for a barrel of oil fell to just under $100.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

This image represents the structure of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

This triangular structure has height of 146 meters and the base is
230 meters wide. The entrance is at the bottom and leads first to a
grand gallery and then to queens chamber. The king's chamber is at
the top of the queen's chamber and has a stepped construction at
the back. There is a ventilation shaft on the top and it passes
through 30 meter long void structure. In conclusion, this famous
pyramid looks simple but has a complex structure.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

This image represents the engineering design process. The flow

chart is divided into 5 steps. In the first step problem and
constraints are defined, then brainstorming for ideas is done and
best idea is chosen. In the third stage diagram is drawn and
necessary materials are gathered. In the fourth step, plan is
followed and test is carried out. In the last step, final improvements
are done after discussion and changes in the earlier stages. In
conclusion, this seems to be an effective strategy for an engineering

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

This image represents the countries on the world map that are
potentially vulnerable to climate change. The least vulnerable
countries are in the north America and in the Eastern Europe, while
less vulnerable countries include Russia, Australia, Mexico and
South Africa. The countries in the intermediate range contain south
American countries, and few countries in the African continent. The
vulnerable countries include China and Pakistan while the most
vulnerable countries are India, south Asian countries and few
African countries. In conclusion, developing countries are the most
affected, while developing countries are least affected.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

This image represents the food pyramid designed for humans over
age five. The vegetables, salad and fruits is the most recommended
food group which should be consumed in a 5 to 7 servings in a day.
Wholemeal cereals, bread, rice and potatoes are second, while
milk, yogurt and cheese are third in the order of recommendation.
Meat and poultry are fourth, and fats and oils fifth, while the food
which is not recommended every day is sugar, salt and drinks high
in fat. In conclusion, this pyramid shows the best and the worst
foods to consume for a good health.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

This image represents the growth chart for goldfish. There are total
4 stages shown in this picture, and their body size and age are
compared. The one month old gold fish is about one and a half
inches long, while at three months it becomes 3 inches long. At one
year, it becomes 5 inches long, while two year old fish is almost 9
inches long. In conclusion, this is a good representation to tell the
future size of gold fish by its age.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

This image represents electricity generation, transmission and

distribution map. The electricity is generated at a power plant
located outside the city. There are a few step up and step down
transformers connected with transmission and distribution lines.
There is a small transformer on the pole near the home which step
down the voltage further before it reaches the consumer's house.
In conclusion, the step up and step down transformers reduce the
loss of electricity during transmission.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

This image represents the distribution of natural vegetation in

India. In the north of the country there is mountain forest, while
tropical thorn forest is present in the west and a small patch in the
south east. The majority of the forest is tropical deciduous, which
runs from north to south. The tropical evergreen forest is present in
the south west as well as the east of the country, while small
pockets of mangrove forest is in the south east side. In conclusion,
it seems that India has a variety of forests and natural vegetation.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

This image represents the life cycle of an apple tree. The mature
tree produces fruits, which contains seeds inside it. The seeds
sprout in the presence of soil and water. The sprouting seed grows
leaves and roots at the top and bottom. After few days of growth
the sapling become a small tree. When the apple tree matures and
becomes large enough to bear fruits thus its life cycle starts again.
In conclusion, this life cycle is common for almost all trees.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

This image represents the process of osmoregulation in sharks. To

maintain the water and salt concentrations inside the body, the
shark ingests salts with food. The water is absorbed by gills and
skin, the gills also function to block the loss of urea. The most of the
urea is retained by kidneys and leftover salts are excreted as urine
by rectal gland. In conclusion, the osmo regulation maintains 35%
salinity in the blood which is equal to the seawater surrounding the

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

This image represents the issue of space and economic inequality in

the developing nations. On the left side of image there is a slum
area with small houses built in an unregulated manner. The small
houses are built in congestion and it clearly lacks transportation
roads and space for recreational activities. On the other hand, on
the right hand side there is a multi-storey building with each flat
having access to a balcony and sunlight. In addition, there is a
common playground and swimming pool. In conclusion, the multi-
storey buildings have solved the problem of space in overpopulated

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

This image represents a process of producing plywood from trees.

In the first stage, tree-logs are obtained from the forest and they
are debarked. In the second step, the logs are cut into peeler blocks
before proceeding towards veneer peeling and clipping. In the third
step, the wood undergoes a process of veneer drying, glue
spreading and cold pressing. In the last stage, hot pressing, sanding
and trimming processes are performed before the sheets are
graded and packed for delivery. In conclusion, this fully automated
process seems very efficient.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

This image represents the process of production of a sleep

hormone called Melatonin. When human eyes see candle light
there is inhibition, and during darkness there is stimulation of
melatonin production. The melatonin is produced in the brain by
pineal gland; upon the stimulus form the eyes. The production and
inhibition creates the biological clock of the body. In conclusion,
this shows how our body responds to the light and darkness, and
how the production of Melatonin depends on the light.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given process shows information about inferred historic

distribution and current distribution area. It is crystal clear from the
picture that India, Nepal and Bangladesh come out of inferred
historic distribution and current distribution are too. Some area like
orange, Gorumara etc. come in inferred historic distribution in
which Pakistan comes too. In conclusion, Myanmar remains far
away from inferred historic distribution area.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given image bar graph depicts information about various

trends in various countries such as Ireland, Japan, Korea, Poland
and Portugal. The data is given of three different decades i.e. 1980,
1990 and 2000. In 1980, this trend was maximum in US and
minimum in Ireland and Portugal in the year 2000. Overall, the
trends of Japan and US increased with time while it decreased for

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given map graph will illustrates about approximate areas of

rubbish soup. If we look it clearly, we can see that two circles
shows brief information named Eastern rubbish patch and western
rubbish patch. The patches are situated in between Hawaii, China
and Canada countries. In conclusion, the effect of these rubbish
patches will be high on its nearest countries i.e. US, Hawaii and

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given picture shows the nation flags of two different countries.
These flags look almost same in colors and sizes as these both have
green, black, white and red colour. In conclusion, the picture shows
similarity of colors in two different flags of different countries.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given bar graph depicts information about children’s

employment rates by region in two different years 2004 and 2008.
For both years, children’s employment rates were highest for sub-
Sahara Africa and minimum for other regions. In conclusion, the
maximum children employment is held in sub-Saharan Africa which
cannot be easily surpassed by any other country.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

I have got an interesting picture in front of me. By looking clearly, I

can see that this picture shows information about average annual
deaths attributable to cigarette smoking in the United States from
the time period 2005 to 2009. It is crystal clear from this image that
maximum number of deaths caused due to heart disease while
minimum caused for strokes. In conclusion, about half million of
deaths were caused due to cigarette smoking.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given bar graph depicts information about percentage of

population in urban areas in all over world and some particular
countries such as Africa, Asia, Europe and North America, which
were the highest as compare to all other countries which was
followed by Latin America and remained lowest in Africa. In
conclusion, the overall world population increased rapidly in 2007
as compare to 1950.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given bar graph represents information about division of

household tasks by gender in Great Britain. The given data is about
cooking, clearing, gardening etc. For males, the maximum division
is taken for cooking, baking and washing up while the minimum
division is taken for merchants. Overall, a few time is taken for
clothes, for both of genders.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given line graph showed information about world population

growth from the year 1000 to 2000. It is crystal clear from the graph
that the population increased slightly till 1800 but it increased so
sharply in the last one century. In conclusion, the population
reached more than 10 in 2000.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given pie chart represents information about sector wise

electricity consumption. It is crystal clear from the chart that the
consumption of electricity is highest in industry which is followed
by agriculture and minimum in traction. In conclusion, the
consumption of electricity is used only 4% for other purpose.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given pie charts compare the situations of 27 million homes in

two different years 2007 and 1991. It is crystal clear form the charts
that home owner was maximum in 1997 which decreased in 2007
while private renting increased slightly in 2007 as compared to
1997. In conclusion, the overall trends increased with time except
social renting and social housing.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given pie chart gives information about population of countries

of the European Union in 2007 in percentage wise. It is crystal clear
from the graph that Germany had maximum population than all of
other countries, which was followed by France. At the end, Poland
had minimum population as compare to other European countries.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given pie chart represents information about various trends

according to their popularity. These trends include name calling,
hitting, spreading rumours etc. Name calling is maximum than all of
other, which is followed by hitting and minimum is weapon related.
In conclusion, the given information describes its purpose briefly
along with percentages.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given picture shows information about plantation to paper. It is

crystal clear from the picture that trees have to go through de
barking drum, chipper, Thermo mechanical refiner and paper
making machine to finally convert from trees to a paper. In
conclusion, there are number of stages to convert a tree into
bundles of paper.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The bar chart provides information about top 10 American Cities

with the largest population increase. It can be clearly seen that
New York's population increase is the highest which accounts for
67k, this is followed by Houston with 34k population increase. On
the other hand, Forth Worth's population increase is the lowest
among numerous cities given which is only 16k. After analysing the
key aspects, it can be concluded that bar chart shows crucial
information about top ten US cities with the largest population
increase which is strongly supported by data and facts.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given pie charts represent various kinds of reasons of migration

of people from overall countries to UK and UK citizens to other
countries. After giving a microscopic look, we can see that the
people for definite job are highest for both immigration and
emigration. In conclusion, the emigrants for formal study are fewer
than all.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given pie charts compare online sales for retail sectors of
Canada in two different years 2005 and 2010. After giving a
microscopic look, we can get that the online sales of electronic
appliances decreased in 2010 while the sale of food and beverage
and video games increased in 2010 as compared to 2005. In
conclusion, the overall trends sales increased with time except
electronic accessories and home furnishing.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The bar chart provides information about Apple's revenue and

gross margin since iPhone launch over the period from 2007 to
2012. It can be clearly seen that the Apple's revenue follows an
increasing trend and increases from 5000 million to 45,000 million
over the period given. On the other hand, gross margin remains
stable over the same period and account for approximate 45%.
After analysing the key aspects, it can be concluded that bar chart
shows crucial information about Apple's revenue and gross margin
since iPhone launch over the period from 2007 to 2012 which is
strongly supported by data and facts.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The pie chart shows the sales of product X, Y and Z by region. The
location is classified into different categories including North
America, Europe, Asia, Africa Australia and South America. It can be
clearly seen that North America contributes the most in bot h
product X and product 40%, this is followed by Asia with around
20% market share. On the other hand Africa accounts for the least
market share which is less than 5%. As for the product z, the which
are market share for different regions are evenly distributed,
accounting for 20% each after analysing the key aspects, it can be
concluded that this pie chart shows crucial information about sales
by region which is strongly supported by the data and facts.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The pie chart shows the population of countries of the European

Union in 1998 and 2007 by Percentage It can be clearly seen that all
other countries contribute the most which account for around 30%
in 1998 and 2007 separately; this is followed by Germany with 16%
of the European Union's population. On the other hand, Poland
contributes the least which makes up less than 8% of the European
Union's population. After analysing the key aspects, it can be
concluded that this pie chart shows crucial information about the
population of countries of the European Union in 1998 and 2007
which is strongly supported by the data and facts.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The image shows information about the floor plan of a property.

There is a bathroom, a double bed, window, a kitchen, a wardrobe
as well as a desk in the room. It can be clearly seen that bathroom
and double bed are located on the north of the room while kitchen
wardrobe and desktop are south-facing. After analysing the key
aspects, it can be concluded that this image shows crucial
information about the floor plan of a property which is strongly
supported by data and facts.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The image shows information about the structure of a roundhouse,

which is made of thick thatch, daub, wattle, upright loom as well as
large timbers. The main frame of the roundhouse is made of large
timbers; moreover, the interior of the house would be an ideal
place for the drying and preservation of meat and fish. According to
the image, smoke can easily release through thatch so there is no
need for a chimney. After analysing the key aspects, it can be
concluded that the image shows crucial information about the
structure of roundhouse which is strongly supported by the data
and facts.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The image shows information about the language map of

Switzerland. The color pink contributes the most which represents
German and is located in the center of Switzerland. This is followed
by the color light green which represents French and is located in
west of map. On the other hand, color dark green contributes the
least which represents Romansch and is located in the east of
Switzerland. After analysing the key aspects, it can be concluded
that this image shows crucial information about the language map
of Switzerland which is strongly supported by data and fact.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The diagram explains the project management process flow chart.

For the project management there are 4 milestones involved. First,
when project is created, it is sent for monitor project status then to
data warehouse. Step 2 is to create project documentation which is
repeated in cycles of time expense and purchase before reaching to
data ware house. This is followed by assign tasks and finally
simultaneously conducts meetings, adjust project schedule and sign
off process. After analysing the key aspects, it can be concluded
that this process shows crucial information on project management
process which is strongly supported by the data and facts.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The diagram explains the process of supply chain management in

speed, quality and flexibility. It can be clearly seen the starting
point is to order logging and planning. The second step is product
design & development and procurement, and then all materials will
be sent to factories for manufacturing. This is followed by quality
check. Finally, products will be sent either to retailers or customers
through logistics and customer service will be provided as a part of
the process. After analysing the key aspects, it can be concluded
that this process shows crucial information about the supply chain
management which is strongly supported by the data and fact.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The diagram explains the process adding an article to Wikipedia.

There are 3 levels of decision making involved in this process. It can
be clearly seen the starting point is to Search Wikipedia, if the
subject is found then search for another term and repeat the
process until the tern is not found. This is followed by searching for
a related term, if related term is still not found then create a new
article, otherwise create a redirect. After analysing the key aspects,
it can be concluded that this process shows crucial information on
the process of adding Wikipedia article which is strongly supported
by the data and facts.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The table shows change of primary funding sources of international

students in US between 2003 & 2013. The primary source of
funding is divided into Personal and Family, US College, Foreign
government, current employer and other sources. It can be clearly
seen that during both year 2003 and 2013, Personal and family
source contributes the most at 67% and 65% and is followed by US
college and university source at and 23% and 19%. While other,
funding sources take remaining percentage. However, the number
of students has increased from 570,000 to 886,000, respectively.
After analysing the key aspects, it can be concluded that this table
shows crucial information about the change of primary funding
source of international students which is strongly supported by the
data and facts.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The image shows information about bird migration route. There is a

blue area in North America which represents the birds breeding.
Followed by that, there is an orange area in South America which
represents wintering. It can be clearly seen that birds migrate from
South America to North America in spring time, and they travel
back to South America in the season of fall. After analysing the key
aspects, it can be concluded that this image shows crucial
information about bird migration route which is strongly supported
by data and facts.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The map shows information about land use of India. Colour yellow
contributes the most which is arable land. This is followed by green
color which resents forests and can be primarily found in the north,
south and the east in India. For unproductive land, they can be
found in the north of India. On the other hand, the non-agricultural
land, scrub and grass scatter around India. After analysing the key
aspects, it can be concluded that this image shows crucial
information about land use of India which is strongly supported by
data and facts.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The graph shows the relationship between arousal level and

performance quality. It can be clearly seen that the blue line
represents difficult tasks, and the red line represents easy Tasks. If
people are under-aroused, they are prone to become bored and
perform poorly. On the other hand, if people are over-aroused,
they will feel anxious. The optimal arousal level depends on the
complexity and difficulty of the task to be performed. A simple task
is performed best when arousal levels are relatively high and
complex tasks are best performed when arousal levels are lower.
After analysing the key aspects, it can be concluded that this image
shows crucial information about the relationship between arousal
level and performance quality.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The graph shows the ancient Egypt's trading system, the goods
imported from each area and Egypt's main exports. It can be clearly
seen that Egypt imported cedar oil and timber from Lebanon, then
it imported copper, semi-precious stones and gold from Nubia; and
then it imported Ebony, ivory, slaves exotic animals from other
parts of tropical Africa. Finally, it imports horses; fruit etc. from
countries around the Mediterranean. Meanwhile ancient Egypt
exported linen, tools, beads and weapon oil to other areas. After
analysing the key aspects, it can be concluded that this image
shows crucial information about ancient Egypt's trading system
which is strongly supported by data and facts.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The graph shows information about household computer or

internet access from 1998 to 2008. It can be clearly seen that access
to the Internet at home between 1998 to 2008-09 had more than
quadrupled from 16 to 72 per cent of Australians Over the same
period access to a PC in the home increased from 44 percent to 78
per cent. As for broadband access, the figure increased from 20% to
60% between 1998 & 2009. After analysing the key aspects, it can
be concluded that this image shows crucial information about
household computer or internet access from 1998 to 2008 which is
strongly supported by data and facts.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given image depicts the information about two bird feeders,
which are made by plastic bottles, wooden sticks and spoons. Both
the plastic bottles contain bird seeds and it can be clearly seen that
one bottle is pierced with wooden sticks and another with spoons.
Bird prefers the bottle pierced with spoons, while another bottle is
still full. After analysing the key aspects, it can be concluded that
bird feeder with spoons can be more convenient for birds.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The image illustrates different parts of a tree including roots, trunk,

branch, twig, leaves as well as crown. Roots are the part of tree
which grows underground. Trunk is the main Skelton of tree, which
supports and holds up the crown. Furthermore, the crown is made
up of leaves and branches, including small twigs. In conclusion,
image shows the crucial information about the different parts of a

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given diagram shows the information about solar eclipse; there
are two types of solar eclipse including total eclipse and partial
eclipse. For a total eclipse to take place, the sun, moon and Earth
must be in straight line. Second is a partial solar eclipse, this
happens when the sun, moon and Earth are not exactly lined up.
The sun appears to have a light shadow on large part of Earth. It
can be concluded that diagram shows the data about solar eclipse
which is strongly supported by the data and facts.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given pie chart shows the information about different kind of
wheat exported from Australia. It can be clearly seen that general-
purpose wheat export contributes the most which is 25109 tones,
followed by Australian hard wheat with 15176 and durum wheat,
which is 9500 tones. Lastly, organic wheat accounts for only 6300

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Given chart depicts the information about the monthly rainfall and
temperature in Cape Town and Hong Kong. In July, where Hong
Kong's temperature reaches its highest, and accounts for 30
degrees, Cape Town reaches its lowest temperature which was 13
degrees. On the other hand, the rainfall volume in the months of
June to August was highest, whereas in December and January it
was recorded at lowest point. To conclude, it can be clearly seen
that both the temperature and rainfall for Cape Town and Hong
Kong follow an opposing trend.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The line chart shows information about changing temperature in

Beijing over the period from January to December. It can be seen
that the temperature of July was the highest which is between 20
to 30 degrees. On the other hand, the temperature for December
and January was lowest, which accounts between minus 10to 0
degree. It can be concluded that this line chart shows the crucial
data about temperature in Beijing throughout the year.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The pie chart shows the information about cattle ranching &
deforestation. The factors are classified into four categories
including cattle ranching, small-scale agriculture, large scale
agriculture, and logging. Livestock ranching contributes the most
which accounts for 70% of conversion; this is followed by large
scale agriculture which is 5%-10%. Followed that, logging only takes
up to 2%-3% of conversion. whereas other factors contribute the
least which is 1%-2%.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The pie chart shows the information about total MSW generation in
2009. It can be clearly seen that paper and paperboard contributes
the most which is 28.2%, this is followed by food scraps with 14.1%
and then yard trimmings with 13.7%, whereas, other types of
material account for only 3.5%.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The pie chart shows the factors that determines happiness. They
are classified into three categories including intentional activities,
genetic set point, and life circumstances. It can be clearly seen that
genetic set Point contributes the most, which is 50%, this is
followed by intentional activities, which accounts for 40%.Whereas,
other life circumstances contribute the least which is 10%.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The image provides information about changing food and oil price
from year 2000 to year 2009. It can be clearly seen that oil price and
food price index follows a similar pattern. For oil price, figures
increased from $20 to $80from year 2000 to 2009. While food price
index increased from $110 to $200 during the same period. It can
be concluded that the image shows crucial data about fluctuations
of food and oil price.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The image shows information about food guide pyramid for older
adults. It can be clearly seen that, water and liquids should
contribute the most in their diet, this is followed by whole grains
and fortified food such as brown rice, and whole wheat bread. Then
it is followed by vegetables and fruits, on the other hand the least
adults are expected to consume are trans-fats, salt, sugar, and

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The image shows information about growing life cycle of plant. The
process begins with a seed or a spore. That seed or spore will then
grow into a seedling or an immature plant. Followed by, the
seedling will then grow into adulthood, which is a mature plant.
That plant will then reproduce seeds or spores that might
eventually grow into a new plant again. In conclusion, the image
shows data about plant life cycle.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The image illustrates information about the working of solar yard

lights, which consists of solar cells, glass cover, photoresistor,
battery, controller board, LED as well as lamp cover. It can be seen
clearly that during daytime, the solar cells convert the sunlight into
electrical energy and temporarily store it in the battery. Moreover,
the controller will switch on the LED when photoresistor detects

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The picture gives information about the nine planets in our solar
system and Pluto, in order of size. According to the picture, it is
obvious that Jupiter is the Largest and followed by Saturn. We can
also see that the third largest planet is Uranus and in the solar
system, followed by Venus, Mars and Mercury. In conclusion, we can
say that the solar system includes the Sun, planets, and other

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The graph gives information about BMI, which stands for body mass
index. According to the graph, BMI is a value derived from the weight
and height of a person. Weight is in kilograms and height in
centimetres. As we can see from the chart, the healthy weight range
is from 18.5 to 25. If the BMI is higher than 25, the person will be
considered as overweight and obese when the figure goes above 30.
However, if the BMI is below 18.5, then it is underweight. In
conclusion, it is better for people to keep their BMI between 18.5
and 25 to stay healthy.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The picture gives information about the right typing position. For the
first half of the picture, it is clear that the wrist and the palm should
be straight and horizontal. Excessive motion of the wrist should be
avoided. For the second half of the picture, we need to make sure
that the wrist and the Lower arm are straight as well, and the
fingers need to be slightly curved. Apart from that, the keyboard
needs to be flat. Do not prop up the back of the
keyboard. In conclusion, if we follow the instructions provided, we
can type faster without causing pain in the wrist or hand.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The two pictures compare city in two different times. The city on the
left picture was probably taken about more than 100 years ago,
when the carriage and horse were still popular. However, the right
picture was probably taken in recent decades because we can find a
double decker bus and motorcycles in it. The left picture is black and
white while the right picture is colour one. Of course, the two
pictures share some similarities. For example, there are tall buildings
in both of them.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The picture gives information about the visibility and predation of

fish during the daytime, night time and night time with artificial light.
During the daytime, fish is less abundant but more predation can be
seen. However, during the night time, fish is more abundant but less
predation can be found. It is also worth noticing that at
night with artificial light, fish abundance and predation are similar to
the day. Overall, we can draw a conclusion that as long as there is
Light, be it natural or artificial, more predation and less abundance
can be found in fish.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The picture gives information about how warm and cold currents
move in the oceans all over the world. From the graph, we can find
that there are two currents, the warm shallow current and cold and
salty deep current, Because of the solar warming of ocean waters,
the warm shallow current moves to the west while the cold and salty
deep current moves to the east. It is also worth noticing that sea-to-
air heat transfer can be found in the northern part of the Atlantic
Ocean. Overall, we can draw a conclusion that both warm and cold
currents move constantly around the world.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The picture gives information about how human beings get energy
from food. We take carbohydrates, fats and others from the food we
eat and discharge chemical waste like carbon dioxide and water.
During the process of ATP, body’s energy currency, heat is produced.
After that is what we call metabolism, and heat is also produced in
this process. Overall we can draw a conclusion that human life is
sustained by the energy we take from the food we eat.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The picture gives information about how bomb calorimeter works.

From the picture, we can find several components, the inner vessel,
the outer vessel, the ignition wire, thermometer, water and chamber
for food. There are two holes on the cover through which the
ignition wire is connected to the water and the inner vessel. When
the wire is ignited, the food in the chamber is burned and the heat
produced will warm up the water in the outer vessel. From the
temperature change measured by the thermometer, we can tell how
much heat the food can produce.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The picture gives information about the height of 3 of the tallest

buildings anywhere in the world. The highest building among the
three is Taipei 101 Located in Taipei, which is 1670 feet high the
second tallest building is PETRONAS Towers 1 & 2 situated in Kuala
Lumpur, which is 1484 feet high. The third goes to Sears Tower based
in Chicago, which is 1450 feet tall. Overall, we can draw a conclusion
that all the three buildings are over 1450 feet high.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

This picture gives information about simple circuit with light. At the
beginning of this process, the electric current is starting from the
negative pole of the battery. And after that, it moves through the
wire and reaches the light bulb but the light bulb cannot be
lightening up at this stage. Following that, the electric current
continues to move through the wire and then reaches the positive
pole of the battery. When the whole process is completed, the light
bulb can be finally lightened up. In conclusion, it is pretty simple to
understand the process of simple circuit with light.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

This picture shows how viruses damage cells. The first step is
adsorption, during which, the virus adsorbs the cell. The next step is
entry, during which, the virus enters the cell. After that, viruses
replicate themselves in the cell. Then, new viruses are assembled
and released from the cell. In conclusion, viruses are harmful to cells.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given pie chart shows, “the global distribution of military

expenditure in the year 2012”. By studying the graph it can be clearly
seen that “the United States of America spent the most amount of
money on military expenses in the given year.” We can also see that
China is second at 9.5% of the world’s expenditure on Military. In
conclusion, this a very informative pie chart that tells us, “how much
major countries around the world are spending on their armed

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given image shows, “migration statistics to Australia for the year
2014 to 2015”. By studying the image it can be clearly seen that
“majority of people moving to Australia fall under the skilled visa
stream.” We can also see that the program had space for 190,000
migrants which have increased over the previous years. In
conclusion, this is very informative graph that tells us about, “the
number of people migrating to Australia and the purpose of the
migration program”.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The graph above presents a geography-wise distribution of the

revenue for the year 2012 as well as for the previous year, 2011. The
Far East occupied the largest revenue share in both fiscal years with a
slight decrease in FY12 from 36% to 27%. South East and India stood
at 2nd and 3rd positions respectively in both the years with former
increasing from 20% to 21% and latter from 15% to 18%. Africa stood
as one of the least contributors in both the years.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given pie chart and vertical bar graph exhibit the company
percentages of total market share. It is clearly evident that the
Company B holds the largest share of 40% and followed by Company
C with 25%. The Company F hold the least share of the market with
1%. In recapitulate, we can say that 65% of the market is controlled
by companies B and C saffron among all companies in terms of total
market share.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The graph above illustrates the rate of revenue growth by region of

the fiscal year 2014. The revenue growth rates in the Americas,
Europe and Retail hovered around 6% year-over-year. During this
period Greater China delivered 17% revenue growth, Japan delivered
11% revenue growth and the Rest of Asia Pacific delivered negative
revenue growth. Combined, the Americas, Europe, and Retail
segments represented about 70% of reported revenue.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The pie charts compare water usage in San Diego, California and the
rest of the world. It is evident from the chart that water is primarily
used for residential purposes in San Diego and California, while the
agriculture sector consumes the lowest amount of water. However,
the global trend is completely reversed. Overall, residential and
agricultural water usage accounted for the majority of the water that
was used in these three pie charts.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The line graph describes the unemployment rates for the United
States and Japan for a period of 7 years, 2003 to 2009. The given data
suggests that the rates were decreasing in the US, from 7.0 in 2003 to
5.0 in 2009 while the rates were increasing in Japan, from 2.5 in 2003
to 5.0 in 2009. Overall, the trend continues at a similar rate until well
beyond 2009.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The line graph shows the tight correlation between world food and
oil prices over a period of 11 years, 2000 and 2011. Along with many
price fluctuations, the trend is an uprising for the average global
prices of both food and oil. In 2000, both the index was at a low index
of around 90 points. There was a dramatic increase to over 220
points in the mid of 2008.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The line graph shows the intake of sugar versus the prevalence of
obesity with adults in the United States over the period of 33 years,
from 1980 to 2013. The trend suggests that from 1980 to 2000, as
the obesity increased so did the intake of sugar. A dramatic shift
occurred in 2000 when sugar intake starts lowering with obesity still

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The graph depicts the average amount of CO2 emissions produced

per capita for four countries, the UK, Sweden, Italy and Portugal
between 1967 and 2007. The trend suggests that the UK and Sweden
have steadily reduced CO2 emissions over the period. Italy and
Portugal’s CO2 emissions have risen to much larger levels from low
levels in emissions 40 years ago. Overall, Sweden was the most
successful country in reducing its level of CO2 emissions than any of
the 3 countries.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The line graph shows exports of rubber ducks for three countries,
USA, EU, and the UK from 2013 with a predicted trend for the future.
Exports of rubber ducks in the USA started with 10,000 units in 2013
and saw an uptrend and are predicted to fall sharply to only 2,000
units in 2017. In contrast, exports of rubber ducks from the EU are
steadily rising with a fall in 2015. The same rising trend is predicted
for the UK from 20,000 units to 40,000 units in 2017.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The bar chart here describes tally of Olympic medals won by 12

countries. The USA has won a total of 2300 Olympic medals approx.
and Japan has the least number of Olympic medals with less than 400
medals. Italy is ahead of Germany on gold, but Germany did better
on other medals. Along with these 2, only 4 other countries – the
USA, Soviet Union, the UK, and France have won more than 500
Olympic medals. Overall, the USA is the most medal-winning country
at the Olympic Games.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The diagram shows the process of producing electricity in a home

using solar panels. There are 6 distinct steps in this process,
beginning with the capture of energy from sunlight. A charge
controller regulates the flow of PV electricity into the batteries. This
current is passed to a battery system, which changes it to DC current
or/and to an inverter, which changes it to AC current. To sum up, it
describes how domestic electricity is produced using solar power.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given table gives information on internet use in six categories by

seven age groups, ranging from teens to people in their 70s. As
shown in the data sheet, teens primarily play games at 81% and read
news at 76% while older people often search and buy products.
Overall, most internet usage, for all age groups, were reported in the
‘getting the news’ and ‘researching a product’ categories.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given diagram shows how the weather information is collected

for accurate weather forecasting. The information collected via
satellites, radars and drifting buoys are sent for analysis before
broadcasting them to the public. The raw data collected is observed
from the satellite photo, the radar screens and the synoptic charts
are fed into a computer system to analyse and prepare the weather
news for broadcasting via televisions, radios and telephones.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given pie charts compare the percentage of customer service

response in the years 2005 and 2010. In 2005, only 5% of the people
considered the customer service to be excellent, while 14% rated it
as good. In 2010, these numbers increased dramatically to 28% and
39%. Overall, the trend suggests that there was a significant
improvement in customer services in 2010 compared to 2005.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The graph above illustrates the rate of revenue growth by region

fiscal year 2014. The revenue growth rate in America, Europe and
Retail hovered around 6% over year. During this period Greater China
delivered 17% revenue growth, Japan delivered 11% revenue growth
and the rest of Asia Pacific delivered negative revenue growth.
Combined, the America, Europe, and Retail segments represented
about 70% of reported revenue.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given pie chart and vertical bar graph exhibit the company
percentages of total market share. It is clearly evident that the
company B holds the largest share of 40% and followed by company
C with 25%. The company F hold the least share of the market with
1%. In recapitulate, we can say that 65% of the market is controlled
by company B and C saffron among all companies in terms of total
market share.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The two maps in the image show an island, before and after the
construction of tourist. The island went through a significant change.
A number of tourist facilities came into existence including a
reception close to the centre of the island, two rings of
accommodations. The two lodgings are well-linked with footpaths
and a track connects a restaurant with the reception and to a
pier. Regardless of these constructions, the natural vegetation went

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

This is a map illustrating the formation of “garbage patches” in the

Pacific Ocean. The Eastern Patch is located to the south of Russia and
east of Japan while the Western Patch is to the west coast of Canada,
Mexico and the US. These are surrounded by the North Pacific Gyre
currents. In conclusion, very few people are aware of this and hence
the title “Out of sight, Out of mind”.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The bar graph grouped workers by education level. It is obvious that

those with more education have higher earnings and lower rates of
unemployment than those with less education. Professional degree
holders get average weekly earnings of $1,730 and have the lowest
unemployment rate of 1.5%. To summarize, the earning increases
and unemployment decrease as educational attainment rises.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The bar graph displays percentage growth in the resident population

of urban and rural areas. The largest increase in the size of the rural
population occurred in the East (8%). London with approx. 3% had
the smallest percentage increases in the size of rural and with 14%,
the largest percentage increase in the size of urban. North East,
Yorkshire and West Midlands had seen more percentage growth in
rural than urban.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The bar graph describes households with internet access in UK

estimates from 1998 to 2004 and in Great Britain estimates from
2005 to 2017. In 2017, 90% of households in Great Britain had
internet access, an increase from 89% in 2016 and 57% in 2006. It is
quite obvious to notice that household internet access continues to
rise. There are still 10% households without internet access.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The bar graph shows money spent by people of four European

countries on consumer goods. British people spend more than 170
thousand pound sterling on photographic films which are highest
among what spent on toys, CDs, perfumes, tennis racquets and
personal stereos. It is clear from the graph that British people spent
the highest amount on consumer goods while Germans spent the

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The bar graph shows the trends in the number of international

graduates from Canadian universities focuses on the 2001 to 2006
period. The changes in the share of international students among
university graduates have been very uneven across the provinces. In
2001, this share had a relatively narrow range, from 3.2% in Ontario
to 7.0% in New Brunswick. The share of international students was
highest in New Brunswick in both the periods.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given bar graph presents the estimated Saudi and Libyan crude
oil production for the period of 12 months. During the whole period
from 05/2010 to 04/2011, Saudi Arabia’s production remained above
8,000 kb/d. There is a slow rise in Saudi production. Libya’s
production saw a decline after 02/2011. Saudi Arabia did not
increase production in February – April 2011 to compensate for
Libyan oil production losses.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given bar graph shows the trend in the fertility rate of Gulf
countries from 1990 to 2000. Oman has the highest rate among all
other Gulf countries in both the period. By contrast, women of
Bahrain have the lowest fertility rate. From the data, it is evident
that fertility rate in Gulf countries has decreased from 1990 to 2000.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The bar chart shows emigration from the UK over the period 2004 to
2007. Australia remained the most popular destination by the UK
people for emigration throughout the period. By contrast, France is
the least preferred destination in 2007. Overall, the UK was losing
more people abroad with highest being over 50 thousand to
Australia in 2006.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given bar graph presents the estimated oil production of 6 Gulf
countries from 1990 to 2010. Saudi Arabia’s oil production remained
high among all the given countries for all the periods. The oil
production was the lowest for Qatar, less than 1 million barrels per
day. In general, the oil-producing capacity kept increasing for Iran,
Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and UAE with fluctuations in Qatar.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given data examines healthcare job growth from 2007 to 2017.
Healthcare jobs have seen an overall growth with rates of 11% in
hospitals, 12% in nursing and residential care and 34% in ambulatory
settings. Home health witnessed the fastest rate of job growth at
49%. These patterns of growth have shifted the mix of jobs by
delivery setting slightly since 2007.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The image describes the sequence of manufacturing chocolate.

Chocolate is produced from cacao beans that have been harvested,
fermented and dried. They are then transported to the factory and
roasted at 350-degree Celsius. This is then further processed to
produce liquid chocolate by crushing the beans.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The diagram illustrates brick manufacturing process. The process

which starts with digging up of clay and finishes with culminating in
delivery constitutes a total of eight stages. The dug clay breaks into
smaller pieces using a metal grid. It is then followed by adding sand
and water and subsequently the mixture is turned into bricks by
using a mould or a wire cutter. After going through a heating and
cooling process, bricks are packed and get delivered to their

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The image is the diagram of a hydroelectric power plant. Initially, the

water is stored in the reservoir. It then falls through the penstock by
passing through the water intake inlet at the bottom of the dam. A
turbine which is connected to the generator turns on the moving
water. The generator produces the power which is distributed
through the power lines. The water continues flowing into the river.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The image describes the life cycle of milk production. The life cycle of
milk starts with cows grazing grass. The cow is milked twice using
milking machines. The refrigerated raw milk is then transported by
milk tank to dairy. The cold raw milk passes through various
processes and this pasteurized milk is then packed. They are shipped
to supermarkets or shops for distribution. The excess milk fat is
processed into cheese, cream, and butter.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The image depicts the workflow diagram of a taxi service. The

customers can book a taxi either by phone or through online
booking. While booking by phone, a service centre operator makes
the booking and sends the request to taxi service server. The same
process is followed when done online whose request is transmitted
via workstation desktop. The taxi service server after processing the
request makes a mini car, sedan or truck available for service.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The diagram illustrates different types of rock and their formation.

The metamorphic rock melt into magma and upon cooling solidifies
into an igneous rock. The rocks upon weathering and erosion, transit
to sedimentary rock. The igneous and sedimentary rocks subject to
high temperatures and pressures, changes to metamorphic rock.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The image is a termite life cycle diagram. The queen termite lays
eggs, which develop into a nymph and then workers, soldiers or
supplementary reproductive. The reproductive nymph, who turns
into alate, such alates then produced to dealate. A male and a
female pair of dealate reproductive drop their wings and found to
become king and queen.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The greenhouse effect is shown in the image. The greenhouse effect

allows solar radiation to reach the surface of the Earth. Some solar
radiation is reflected by the Earth and the atmosphere. The
atmosphere absorbs the energy and re-emitted as infrared radiation.
The effect of this is to warm up the global climate.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The bar graph depicts the total numbers of urban population in each
country and the line graph shows the percentage of the population
that is urban. From the 21 countries mentioned in the graph, 10 have
over half of their populations residing in urban areas. Nauru has its
100% population in the urban area while Tokelau and Wallis and
Futuna residents live in rural areas. Overall, we can see a rapid
growth of urbanization in Pacific Island countries and territories.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The graph shows the earning distribution in Utopia by gender with

respect to the number of people. From the given data, it is clear that
there are the most number of men and women earning between
35k-39k $. There is also a healthy number of people who are earning
in the lowest income group of 0-4k $ indicating unemployment and
low-income rate. As the income of both men and women starts
increasing from 40k to 85+k $, the number of people starts
decreasing gradually. There is only handful of people who makes to
the highest income group of 85000+ ($).

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The image shows the number related to migration to and from the
UK. The notable data is the year 1992 which recorded a negative
migration. The number of immigrants moving to the UK has been
constant since 2004. But the number of people leaving the country
has dropped off significantly in the past couple of years hence there
is an increase in net migration.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The image shows the distribution of population among the

continents projected by United Nations from 2015 to 2100. A major
growth is projected to be in Africa, approximately 270 percent while
Europe is expected to decline in population. The continent which
foresees 2nd major growth is Asia. To conclude, it is quite clear that
more than 99% of world growth from 2015 to 2100 is expected to be
among the lower income nations.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The pie chart illustrates the overall market share of US e-book unit
sales held by each retailer. From the given data, I analyse that 98% of
all consumer e-book purchases happen through just five major e-
book retailers. Among those five, Amazon constitutes major chunk
with 74% followed by Apple iBooks with 12%, B&N Nook 8%, and
Kobo US 3%. The surprising figure is of internet giant, Google Play
with 2%.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The chart compares total population growth of Canada in the factor

of natural and migratory increase. The data illustrates migration as
the factor of population growth. The period from 1978 to 1988 is
characterized by the higher natural increase. The late 1990s seems a
period of transition when natural growth began falling. To conclude,
migratory increase plays an important role in population growth
after the 1990s.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

This map shows calories served per capita in countries around the
world from 2004 to 2013. As the figures illustrate, Austria topped the
list with an average of 3,769 calories consumed per day while India
fits at the bottom of the list with its residents consuming least
amount of calories – about 2,500 a day on an average. There are
some countries like North America whose residents are in taking
average calories on daily basis. To conclude, the calorie intake per
capita of a country is directly linked to its economic strength and
CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

This image describes a four-stage manufacturing process for paper

making. Foremost, radiata pine trees go through thinning process
and de-barking which is carried out in a drum. The raw material then
passes through a chipper and thermo-mechanical refiner. The small
pieces of pine timber finally pass through the paper making machine
to create the sheets of paper.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The image depicts atmospheric circulation of the Earth. I can see the
movement of air over all parts of the planet. From the image, I can
illustrate that the Earth receives more heat at the Equator than in
areas to the north and south. The constant circulation consists of two
circular paths; the air rising at the Equator, traveling aloft toward the
poles, and returning along the Earth’s surface to the Equator.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The chart in the image shows growth of US’s all metropolitan areas
from 1980 to 2010. The growth rate in the 1990s was higher than the
growth in all metropolitan areas in the 2000s. I can further analyse
that large metro areas experienced a growth of 14.3% in the 1990s
versus a growth of 10.9% in the 2000s. Non-metro areas experienced
highest growth rate from the 1980s to 1990s.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The image illustrates the life cycle of a frog. From the image, I can
illustrate that before maturing into an adult frog, it has to pass
through different stages. In nutshell, tadpoles, which emerges from
eggs in the water, pass through stages of front legs break
through and pulmonary breathing before going on to land and
maturing into adult frogs.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The image illustrates the production of methane gas from waste. The
waste goes to landfill and through decompose process, methane gas
is produced. Leachate is being collected separately and treated.
There is a well to monitor ground water. The gas thus collected can
be used in various ways.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The bar and line graph given above illustrate the average monthly
rainfall and temperature for an area. With minor differences, both
monthly rainfall and temperature rises from January to March and
peak at 275 mm and 23.5 C in April before gradually decreasing till
July and then again rising. To conclude, it is quite clear from the data
that both average rainfall and temperature follow a similar pattern.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The image above describes growth stages of a fruit. The tiny buds
start to swell and eventually begin to grow from the buds. The
progression then proceeds to bud opening, flower bud, flowering,
fruit set, fruit development, and maturation. The ultimate event is
the harvest in which the fruit is removed and transported. The cycle
repeats for the next fruit.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The above bar graph presents the average rainfall data for New York,
Dallas, Phoenix, and Honolulu. These 4 cities of US receive a variable
amount of rain where New York receives the majority of it with 47.25
inches and Phoenix with 7.66 inches receives the lowest rainfall.
Dallas and Honolulu receive moderate rainfall of 33.70 and 22.02
resp. To conclude, Phoenix being in the reaches of desert receives
the lowest amount of rainfall.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The above figure depicts the amount of water consumption by the

continents from 1990 to 2025. The graph clearly indicates a surge in
the water consumption over the years. The notable increase can be
seen in the Asian continent, from 2500 to above 3000 billion. To
conclude, the data predicts water demand to be increased globally
by 2025.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The bar shows the information about number of chocolates that

Nina ate for a week. On Thursday, the highest number of chocolates
ate by Nina that was 12, Followed by number of chocolates on
Sunday that was 10 whereas the least number of chocolates ate on
Friday that was only 2.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The bar shows hours surfing the internet per day. The highest hours
spend on the internet by Middle managers that was 3.45 hours
followed by surfing hours on the internet by lower managers that
was 2.15 numbers of hours. On the other hand, the least number of
hours surfing on the internet by staff taking calls that was only 0.37

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The pie shows information on the internet. Approximately 90

percent of the information is available in Wikipedia, whereas
approximately 10 percent of information is not available in
Wikipedia. To conclude, it can be said that most of the information is
available in Wikipedia.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The bar shows production of wheat measured in thousands of

tonnes from 1950 to 2010. From 1950 to 1990, the production was
remained below 1000 tonnes which increased to 2000 tonnes in the
year 2000 and further increased to its highest point that
approximately 4500 tonnes in the year 2010.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The line depicts growth of industrial profits measured in percentage

in two sessions; January to July and January to august. The highest
percentage was of building material that 111.6 % in first season
which declined to 88.9% in the second session followed by
percentage of nonferrous metals and iron & steel that was range
from 60% to 90% in both sessions. On the other hand, the
percentage from petroleum and natural gas extraction that was 17.5
% in the first session which further increased to 22.6% in second

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The bar represents number of players participated in three different

sports in 6 countries. The highest number of participants were in
country 3 followed by number of participants in country in 4. The
least number of participants were found in country 1.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The bar shows collection of data by 5 groups. The highest collection

of data was recorded by group E that more than 9700 followed by
collection of data group D that approximately 9650 whereas the least
collection of data collected by group A that less than 9400.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The pie chart shows Barley production in 2005. The highest

production was from Russian federation that was 12% followed by
percentage of production from Canada and Germany that was 9%
each whereas the least percentage of production was from UK, USA
and Spain which was remained below 5%.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The line graph shows number of employees in company A and

company B from 2001 to 2005. In 2001, The highest number of
employees were 50 in company A which increased to approximately
65 in the year 2002 and further increased to its highest number of
employees in 2005 that 70. On the other hand, In 2001 the number
employee were 40 in company B which declined to approximately 35
in 2002 and further increased to its highest point that 50 in 2005. To
conclude, it can be said that number of employees in company A
were higher than number of employees in company B.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The line shows the daily lecture attendance for a week. On Monday,
the highest lecture attendance was found that 500 which declined to
400 on Thursday and drop to its least number of attendances that
was 250 on Friday and further increased to more than 400 on

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The two bar graphs depict the information about nature of education
by both of the genders from 1970 to 1991. In 1970, 1000 males had
full time education degrees which declined to less than 900 males in
1980 and 1991. On the other hand, in 1970, approximately 700
females started full time education which increased to more than
1000. Part-time education among male and female became famous
and it was increasing year by year.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The bar graph represents the information about fitness membership

owned by both of the genders from 1970 to 2000. In 1970, 2000 men
and 1000 women registered for fitness membership which doubled
its value in 1975 for both of the genders. In 1990, marginal difference
can be seen in between females and males. In 1995, the highest
membership registered by men and women that 5000 and
approximately 3000 but in 2000, membership by men and women
recorded irreversibly proportionate to membership in 1970.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The given map shows number the players participated in different

sports in different continents. The highest participants participated
in football in the continent South America, Africa and Asia In North
America, number of players participated in Ice hockey and American
football whereas In Australia and India, Cricket was the famous
sport. Moreover, Rugby, table tennis, kicks boxing and Archery was
the least famous sport among all continents.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The India map shows the information about Pineapple growing,

states. In the east side, most of the states are growing pineapple
which includes Nagaland, West Bengal and Mizoram followed by
production of pineapple in south side which includes Kerala,
Karnataka and Pondicherry.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The Venn chart shows mode of transportation by students over total

of 100 students. It’s crystal clear from chart, 60% of students
travelled by train due to the reason of cheap fare and 30% of
students travelled by car. Moreover, 10% of students travelled by
both train and car. To conclude, most of students like to travel by
train as compared to travelled by car.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The bar graph shows number of students in three courses from 2001
to 2004 measured in millions of students. In 2001, for course A, the
highest students were registered that more than 4 and declined to
approximately 2 in 2002 and further increased to its highest in 2004.
In 2002, Course B was famous among students and least famous in
the year 2003. Course C started with 2 and increased to 5 million in
the year 2004. To conclude, Course C was famous among students
throughout a given period which never dropped.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The line graph shows number of visitors per month in summer

measured in thousands to watch different Museums in 2013 from
June to September. In June, the highest visitors were found in British
Museum which increased to more than 700.In July then declined in
the month of September followed by number of visitors were
recorded in Natural History Museum that ranging between 400 to
600 for a given period. On the other hand, 400 visitors went for
Science Museum in June who decline to its least value that was 300
in August and reached to its highest value in September. To
conclude, British Museum was famous among others.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The pie chart shows causes of worldwide land degradation measured

in percentage and table shows causes of land degradation by
different regions measured in percentage. From Pie chart, the
highest percentage comes from over-grazing that is 35% followed by
percentage of degradation comes from 30% where least land is used
for over-cultivation. From table, In Europe, highest percentage is
used for deforestation that is 9.8% whereas in Oceania, highest land
is used for Over-grazing and no land is used for over-cultivating.
North America is used least land among others for degradation.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI


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