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CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

1. Essay
Some people believe laws change human behaviour.
Do you agree with it?

There are a great number of people who interpret the

impacts of imposing laws as thoroughly constructive and
positive, while there are a number of people who hold an
opponent’s view. I am inclined to believe law can positively
shape people’s perception and behaviour.

There are several reasons why imposing law is advantageous.

First of all, it is argued that the fear of being penalized plays a
pivotal role in the way people behave. This may be attributed
to the fact that as a result of possible penalties, people will
be compelled to constantly remind themselves about the
harmful consequences of breaking the law, so that they will
become more responsible and accountable for their actions.
For example, the law of defamation is highly regarded as a
fundamental protection of reputation for individuals and

In addition, it is claimed that law could enormously and

constructively shape our perception. This is to say that
CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

legislation inevitably leads people to think the consequences

of their actions in a more detailed and focused way,
therefore, it would specialize the characteristics in people,
which might stimulate them to acquire positive outcome in
their social and personal life. For example, Malaysia has
introduced a higher tax on alcoholic beverages, which has
consequently led to a significant decrease in consumption of
these beverages. As these examples illustrate, the benefit of
imposing law is obvious, and our behaviour and perception
could be positively changed.

In Conclusion, the foregoing discussion propounds the view

that law is essential for both individuals and organizations,
and can change human behaviour. It is recommended that
the authorities should introduce the regulated laws in order
to not restrict human rights and freedom.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Essay 2
Personal Development is the base for professional
development and advancing in one's career. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?

In recent years, there has been a colossal upsurge in the

trend to see prodigies discussing the role of personal
development in the development of professional life across
the world, be it in the affluent or impoverished nation. There
are academics who believe that personal characteristics do
influence one’s career, however, rest advocates otherwise.
My viewpoint coincides with the above-mentioned

At the outset, there are myriad of arguments in favour of my

stance. Firstly, the most conspicuous one is that to reach new
heights with meticulous efforts in the life, one needs a strong
desire which acts as a strong pillar in any adverse condition
that makes their journey towards goal smoother. Not only
self-motivation has a profound effect on the professional
achievements but other attributes like maturity and patience
also play a vital role in crossing all the hurdles which hamper

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

in achieving the success. Thus, needless to say, all these

personal disciplines will keep one in a preponderant position.

Another pivotal facets of my argument are that one has to

have a positive outlook and healthy lifestyle if wants to make
the dream come true. Moreover, personal achievements like
being technically sound and updated let the person adapt
any changes in the current scenario and survive in cutthroat
condition. Moreover, gained experience allows the one to
thrive due to their logical reasoning and problem-solving
capabilities. Last but not the least, the person living a healthy
and satisfactory personal life is more likely to have a
glittering and promising career than the confused and
distracted people.

To recapitulate, from the above-mentioned discussion, it can

be concluded that advancement of professional life
thoroughly depends upon the personal development and its
impact is too great to ignore.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Essay 3
Government should reduce their investment in arts, music
and painting. Agree or Disagree.

One of the most conspicuous trends in today's world is the

colossal upsurge in investing money by the government for
the development of fine arts including painting and music.
There is a widespread worry that it would only lead to the
myriad of concerns. In my opinion, this apprehension is
unwarranted and so should be rejected.

There is a deluge of arguments in favour of my stance. The

most preponderant one is that these various forms of art are
vital for the growth of a nation, therefore, need government
support to survive and thrive in the country. Not only can
music and painting induce discipline in people but can also
give them a chance to shine is these field nationally as well as
internationally. It hardly needs mention that these merits
stand the country in good stead as far as development is

Another pivotal aspect of the argument is that music and

painting are the two varied medium of expressing the
CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

emotions and this sector deserves the investment to acquire

the desired development. Besides, the government is
responsible for providing citizens with liberty to adopt any
form of art to thrive. For example, Australian government
invested 30 percent budget for supporting the art in the year
2017, and as a result, improvement in people artistic sense
increased 50 percent. Hence, it is apparent why many are in
favour of dedicating the hefty amount of budget for the art.

In the view of arguments stated above, one can conclude

that the benefits of investing in the field of art are indeed too
great to ignore.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Essay 4
Certain kinds of music promote learning in their life.
Agree or disagree.

Recently the phenomenon of promoting learning by music

for children and its corresponding impacts has sparked a
heated debate. Although contested by many that music can
be waste of time, I amongst other group tend to believe that
school students can encourage learning their courses more
efficiently through music. This essay will examine both sides
of this issue by providing some academic evidence before

On the one hand, from an educational standpoint, I

profoundly inclined to believe that learning courses with
some kind of music are essential for children when music is
regarded as a part of the human soul. Also, it could lead to
improving their outlook on the life. Moreover, school
learners who tend to participate in music classes, learn how
to work as a team, which is a very useful skill. Not to mention
that music can encourage them to be more creative, sociable
and positive in society. According to an academic research
CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

conducted by Tehran University, teenage students who learn

to play a musical instrument can think out of the box more
than their counterparts.

On the other hands, some opponents regarded learning

music as a waste of time. They support their idea through
some valid logic that learning theoretical courses just need to
concentration and practice. Furthermore, they think, the
educational curriculum should be more precise to some
courses such as mathematics and physics. For instance, some
students are not so flexible while it comes to learn music and
they tend to refuse their tutors instructions.

To recapitulate, I pen down saying that, although some

opponents think that learning music is a time wasting for
young learners, I tend to believe that some type of music,
such as piano, could be beneficial for children in many cases.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Essay 5
Effective learning requires time, comfort and peace so it is
impossible to combine study and employment. Study and
employment distract one from another. To what extent do
you think the statements are realistic? Support your opinion
with examples

Comfort, time and internal peace are required to make

learning efficient. Hence, it is not possible to do job and study
side by side. Occupation and education disturb one another. I
strongly oppose this statement because handling both these
together is easily possible with strong willpower. I will
elaborate points to support my opinion in the further

Firstly, there are a lot of people in western countries, who do

part-time study and work full-time or vice-versa. It all
depends on the preference of the individuals. If they want to
bear some hassle and become more productive in their life,
they can manage both things side by side. This not only
makes them knowledgeable but increases their potential as

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Secondly, there are a few parents who cannot bear the

expenses of their child’s education. Resultantly, they put
their children into some labour so that they can earn money
for the family. But it does not mean that the child has to
abandon his dream of acquiring education. With firm
determination, they can continue their education and work
to feed their family as well.

Finally, sometimes people think they have completed their

education, but when they get a full-time job, they realize that
diploma or degree can increase their chances of promotion.
Moreover, some employers select the potential employee
from colleges while they are studying and pay for their
Masters or Advanced Diplomas because they see their profit
in that investment. Hence, studying and working side by side
helps candidates to grow professionally.

In conclusion, working and studying is very much possible. It

just depends on the dedication and determination of the
person. People should do both study and work side by side to
make them more skilled and capable.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Essay 6
Should government build more roads to allow more vehicle
owner or improve the network of public transport?

Recently, the phenomenon of building more roads or

improve the network of public transport and its
corresponding impact has sparked a heated debate. Although
contested by many that the matter of network
improvements is highly beneficial, such issue is regarded
thoroughly both constructive and positive by a substantial
number of individuals. I am inclined to believe that a capital
city can be a plus, and I will analyse that throughout this

From a social standpoint, the road transport industry can

provide society with some noticeable effects which are
rooted in the fact that the merits of the cosmopolitan city, as
well as the urban structure, are inextricably bound up.
According to my own experience, when I was a university
student, I performed an academic experiment which
discovered residential area and transportation system. Thus,
beneficial ramifications of both public spaces and road
transport apparently can be seen.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Within the realm of science, a road construction project

might increase the consequences of public safety. Moreover,
fundamental aspects of the faulty rail bridge could relate to
this reality that the demerits of Road Bridge pertain to
increase the risk of life. As a tangible example, some scientific
research undertaken by a prestigious university has asserted
that the downside of private cars is correlated negatively
with the traffic jam. Hence, it is correct to presume the
preconceived notion of motorway traffic.

To recapitulate, while there are several compelling

arguments on both sides, I profoundly believe that the
benefits of the transportation far outweigh its drawbacks.
Not only do the advantages of private transport prove the
significance of transportation development, but also pinpoint
social implications.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Essay 7
In underdeveloped countries, tourism has disadvantages
and can be said the opposite as well. Discuss your opinions
and give examples.

Recently, the phenomenon of tourism in underdeveloped

countries and its corresponding impact has sparked a heated
debate. Although contested by many that tourism industry is
highly beneficial, such issue is regarded thoroughly both
constructive and positive by a substantial number of
individuals. I am inclined to believe that a boom in tourism
can be a plus, and I will analyse that throughout this essay.

From an economic standpoint, tourism sector can provide

the society with some noticeable effects which are rooted in
the fact that a source of income, as well as creating jobs, are
inextricably bound up. According to my own experience,
when I was a university student, I performed an academic
experiment which discovered that tourists boost up the
economy. Thus, beneficial ramifications of both economic
benefits and an increase in gross domestic product
apparently can be seen.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Within the realm of science, being swarmed with tourists

might increase the consequences of a cultural invasion.
Moreover, fundamental aspects of attracting tourists relate
to this reality that the demerits of environmental impact
pertain to cultural diversity. As a tangible example, a
scientific research undertaken by a prestigious university has
asserted that the downside of becoming a tourist magnet is
correlated negatively with cultural degradation. Hence, it is
correct to presume the preconceived notion of exchanging
cultural values.

To conclude, while there are several compelling arguments

on both sides, I profoundly believe that the benefits of
tourism far outweigh its drawbacks. Not only do the
advantages of a small country becoming a tourist hotspot
prove the significance of economic prosperity, but also
pinpoint helping local businesses to foster implications.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Essay 8
More information available online so printed books
are useless.
As E-books are available online these days, the value
of printed books has diminished. Agree or disagree.

Recently the phenomenon of reading online and its

corresponding impact on declining the number of published
books and magazines has sparked a heated debate. Although
the role of Internet in this decline is inevitable, others hold
opponents view. I am inclined to believe that E-books have
outgrown printed books in this advance technology era.

From a social standpoint, reading on the web can provide the

society with some noticeable effects which are rooted the
fact of enhancing accessibilities to the information. From my
own experience, when I was a university student, I
performed an academic experiment which discovered the
significant factors of the number of books in libraries and
educational centres. One of the most fundamental aspects
was the tendency of searching and reading on the Internet.
Internet accessibilities provide a convenient substance for
studying or even instructing. Furthermore, increase the pace
CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

of reading and avoid wasting time. Thirdly, faculties, pupils

and scientist have an advanced feature for searching
particular topics and just by finding some keywords the
process of searching become quite easy and fast.

On the one hand, there is no doubt this view has some

opponents. These settlers argued that online information has
little influence on killing printed books. As a tangible
example, some research undertaken by a prestigious world-
renowned university has asserted that societies still need to
printed books. They claimed that due to the difficulty of
reading online and all its detrimental effect on eyes citizens
cannot read online for a long time. This research showed that
the sight diseases have increased among 30% of students
who complete their dissertations online.

To conclude, while there are several compelling arguments

on both sides, I profoundly believe that the existing of
published books is in risk by utilizing Internet.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Essay 9
Benefits and problems of studying and work related
to old theatre play in high schools. Give your opinion
with examples.

Studying and researching about an old theatre in educational

curriculum has become a controversial issue among the
public all around the world. Although it is regarded by a
considerable number of inhabitants as thoroughly both
constructive and positive, others hold opponents views. I am
inclined to profoundly believe that it is beneficial as it could
develop brilliants aspects for its adherents.

There are several reasons why instructing or even

considering old places including theatres, buildings, mosques
and churches as an educational topic is advantageous. First
and foremost, pupils are getting familiar with our ancestor’s
culture and traditions by searching and gaining information
of these places. For instance, the reasons of constructing, the
types of designing, the uses of them and the settlers'
opinions about them have well worth information which is
hidden in them and students can enhance their general
knowledge. Furthermore, this research might be well worth

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

experiencing for them because not only they recognize their

history but also they comprehend the value of their national

On the minus side, there is no doubt this studying has some

demerits as well. Namely, from the recent research which
was conducting by Tehran University, the pupils who search
about the old places and cultures gain some irrelevant
aspects. They copy these culture inappropriate ways in their
modern life style and achieve some negative consequences.

In conclusion, while the study of old building like theatres has

some drawbacks, I strongly believe that its benefits outweigh
the disadvantageous.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Essay 10
The importance of cars and aeroplane in modern life.
Give examples.

The recent advancements in the automobile industry are

highly controversial with many people claiming that there is a
proliferation of new modes of transport including cars and
aeroplanes in the modern world. I firmly believe that they
have now become a necessity in everyday lives of people and
have improved the living standards. This essay will further
elaborate this phenomenon and thus, will lead to a logical

To begin with, there are various potential benefits of the

modern transport system. Firstly, driving cars to work have
made daily commutations faster, easier and convenient.
Secondly, aeroplanes have reduced the longest journey to
shortest durations. This shows that distance is no longer a
barrier when we have to travel to different countries.
However, this has led to certain problems like pollution and
traffic congestion. Despite this, it is apparent that modern
transports are a reliable and quick way to reach places
compared to traditional forms.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

In contrast, there are certain drawbacks that can overwhelm

the potential benefits of cars and airplanes and the most
alarming one is the pollution level which is peaking due to
the increased use of vehicles on road. This can be combatted
with the extensive use of public transport and replacing
petrol and diesel with gas fuels. Furthermore, with an
upsurge in vehicles and booming population, road congestion
is a common sight these days. For this, effective and
meticulous traffic management by the government is

In view of the arguments mentioned above, it is concluded

that the advancements in transport system have offered
mankind with a faster and a convenient mode of travel,
although there are some downsides that cannot be

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Essay 11
Medical technology is responsible for the human’s life
expectancy. Discuss it.

Recently, the phenomenon of advancement in medicine and

its corresponding impacts has sparked a heated debate.
Although contested by many that the beneficiary of medical
technology is of importance, such issue is thoroughly both
constructive and positive by a substantial number of
individuals. I profoundly inclined to believe that using more
advent hospital treatment can be a plus, and this essay will
examine this view by providing some academic evidence
before concluding.

From a healthcare standpoint, increasing human’s life

expectancy can provide the society with some noticeable
aspects which are rooted in the fact that advanced medical
as well as high-tech healthy lifestyle, are inevitably bound up.
Moreover, according to my own experience, when I was a
student I involved in an academic survey about the
healthcare system in modern countries, which lead to less
infection rate among society. Thus, the beneficial

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

ramification of both medical technology and preventative

medicine can be seen apparently.

Within the realm of the immune system and individual

healthcare, taking the responsibility for human life might
increase the consequences of the different disease. Not to
mention that some opponents of advancement in medicine
tend to believe that this kind of technology might be brought
many disadvantages as well. They performed an academic
research conducted by Tehran University about increasing
the detrimental effects of bio-medicine and genetic modified
medical treatment which lead to many side-effects on

To recapitulate, I pen down saying that although some

opponents stand against medical advancement as an
influential act of human, I highly inclined to believe that
these technological improvements could lead to saving many
lives and as a consequence lead to better healthy lifestyle
with long life period.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Essay 12
Whether design of buildings will have a positive or
negative impact on people's life and work?

In recent years, there has been a colossal upsurge in the

trend to see prodigies discussing the influence of the building
architecture on the people's lives across the world, be it an
affluent or impoverished nation. In this essay, I shall
elaborate the perfectly designed structure inspires to work
positively in any course of action to workforce working in the

At the outset, there are myriad of benefits can be attributed

to the design of the building. Firstly, the most conspicuous
one is that people working in the well-designed building feel
proud and have a positive attitude towards the work. Not
only does it contribute to various one's psychological needs,
but carefully designed building with the basic needs also
empower persons, working in the building, safety which has a
profound effect on his mind-set. Thus, needless to say, all
these associated merits of a building will have a far-reaching
positive effect when it comes to one's psychological need.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

To embark this, another pivotal facet of the argument is that

penetration of natural sources such as air and sunlight in the
building can have the tremendous effect on the workforce.
Besides, unlike the electric light and air-conditioner air, the
maximum touch of natural sources keep away an inevitable
diseases which are immensely important for the people; for
example, according to a research in "Journal of Architecture",
individuals lacking with Vitamin D have increased 40 percent
in last two decades due to less exposure to sunlight. Hence it
hardly needs to mention that the properly architected
structure keep individuals in a preponderant position, as far
as the positive energy and health are concerned.

To recapitulate, one can conclude that the design of a

building enables people to stay healthy and safe, and merits
associated with this are indeed too great to ignore.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Essay 13
Whether studying films at school is as important as
studying literature (written books)?
It is important for children to study a film at school to
learn literature. To what extent you agree, use

Recently, the phenomenon of studying films and literature is

important at school has sparked a heated debate. Although
contested by many that the matter of education standards at
both is highly beneficial, such issues are regarded thoroughly
both constructive and positive by substantial number of
individuals. I am inclined to believe that the studying about
films can be a plus, I will analyse throughout this essay.

From the social standpoint, learning about films is as

important as literature can provide the society with some
noticeable effects which are rooted in the fact that the
interesting, as well as curiosity are inextricably bound up.
According to my own experience, when i was a university
student, I performed an academic experiment which
discovered mandatory to learn multiple skills. Thus the

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

beneficial ramifications of both making movies and

implementing ideas apparently can be seen.

Within the realm of educational science, studying about films

at school is as important as studying literature might increase
the consequences of diverting our brain to other sides.
Moreover the fundamental aspects of learning both sides
relate to this reality that the demerits of diverting focus
about education pertain to degrade of our goals. As a
tangible example, some scientific research has undertaken by
prestigious university has asserted that the downsides of
studying about films correlated negatively with postponed
our goals.

To conclude, while there is several compelling arguments on

both sides. I profoundly believe that the benefits of learning
more than one task are far outweighing its drawbacks, not
only do the advantages prove the significance of offering
encouragement. But also pinpoint degrade knowledge

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Essay 14
In a cashless society, people use more credit cards, do
you think cashless society is realistic and why? What
are the advantages and disadvantages?

Credit cards have been consumed enormously for the last

decades and it virtually has created a phenomenal cashless
society. Many people believe the benefits of being cashless,
while others disagree due to various disadvantages. This
essay will discuss the reasons why being cashless is beneficial
for our well-being and also bestow the favourable and
unfavourable factors of this phenomenon.

At some point in the future, cashless society will eventually

supersede traditional notes and coins. The modern life has
been adopting the exponential growth of the Internet, that
leads the heavy dependent on financial convenience and
consequently obsolete payment methods will become
tedious and even insecure. Every year, for example, many
banks and avid technologists invent plethora of payment
methodologies to ease and protect individual transactions.
As the results of this emerge, being cashless proves to be a
realistic plan.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Despite the convenience and security of using credit cards,

some people are unfavourable the benefit of being cashless
because of economic issues and the inaccessibility to the
Internet. Most of third world countries are incredibly weak of
Internet connection and heavily rely on notes and coins,
hence replacing old payment method would result
impractical. According to the last research over 20 third
world nations where cashless is being implemented, ninety
percent of the countries reported that their economies have
plummeted significantly. Consequently, the cashless society
is prone to be difficult.

The phenomenon of cashless society is rapidly taking over

traditional payment methods due to its advantages. In my
opinion, it is only the matter of time before notes and coins
will disappear completely and replace with the modern
payment methods.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Essay 15
The university will deduct the student's score for late
assignments, opinions, and solutions.
Universities should penalize students for late
submission of their work.

In this competitive world, academic scores play pivotal role

for building the bright future of every student. However,
owing to delay in assignment submissions university will
reduce the pupil’s scores as a penalty. In my perspective,
deduction of marks for late assignments is a good idea. This
essay will outline the pertinent perspectives relevant to the
topic along with the requisite solutions.

To commence with, fixing the deadline for the task

submission will bring responsibility and punctuality among
the students to keep the work ready within the time frame as
the time limit motivate them to finish the work before time
and submit it at least before the last minute. In case, any
candidate fails to submit it on time then he has to face the
penalty. Moreover, if universities do not bring strict norms
then the casual attitude might hamper the student’s future.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Moving further, to find out the relevant solutions, teachers

must guide the aspirants for the timely completion of their
respective work and also take regular updates until the due
date. Furthermore, they may help the weak students as a
mentor to correct their loopholes. Last but not the least,
universities may extend the time if anyone has a solid reason
for not submitting only after inquiring.

To recapitulate, although universities have to follow the strict

rules to maintain the education discipline yet it has to be
lenient enough to get the full support of their teachers.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Essay 16
Whether experiential learning (learning by doing) can
work well in formal education, agree or disagree.
Experience is a more effective way to teach,
compared to books? Agree or disagree?

Recently, the phenomenon of experience is a more effective

way to teach, compared to books and its corresponding
impact has sparked a heated debate. Although contested by
many that the matter of educational achievement is highly
beneficial, such issue is regarded thoroughly both
constructive and positive by a substantial number of
individuals. I am tremendously inclined to believe that
Academic qualification market can be a plus, and I will
analyse that throughout this essay.

From a social standpoint, formal education can provide

society with some noticeable effects which are rooted in the
fact that the merits of well-rounded education, as well as
conventional education, are inextricably bound up. According
to my own example, when I was a university student, I
performed an academic experiment which discovered
vocational education. Thus, beneficial ramifications of both
CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

learner’s performance and educational facilities apparently

can be seen.

Within the realm of science, learning environment might

increase the consequences of theoretical knowledge.
Moreover, fundamental aspects of practical learning could
relate to this reality that the demerits of a laboratory
experiment pertain to intellectual development. As a tangible
example, some scientific research undertaken by a
prestigious university has asserted that the downside of
training courses is correlated negatively with the learning
disorder. Hence, it is correct to presume the preconceived
notion of educational perspective.

To recapitulate, while there are several compelling

arguments on both sides, I profoundly believe that the
benefits of experience learning far outweigh its drawbacks.
Not only do the advantages of educational strategies prove
the significance of the fastest learning environment, but also
pinpoint excellent books implications.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Essay 17
In town and cities, the large shopping mall should
replace the small local shop. Do you agree or
Small shops in towns and villages are closing and
replaced by big stores. Explain your opinion.

Recently, the phenomenon of the large shopping mall should

replace the small local shop and its corresponding impact has
sparked a heated debate. Although contested by many that
the matter of the supermarkets is highly beneficial, such
issue is regarded thoroughly both constructive and positive
by a substantial number of individuals. I am inclined to
believe that the mega malls can be a plus, and I will analyse
that throughout this essay.

From a social standpoint, the complex centres can provide

society with some noticeable effects which are rooted in the
fact that the merits of being easy to access as well as being a
convenience for purchasing, are inextricably bound up.
According to my own example, when I was a university

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

student, I performed an academic experiment which

discovered the influence of having a large park space. Thus,
beneficial ramifications of both saving time and having a
recreational centre for children apparently can be seen.

Within the realm of social science, buying from large malls

might increase the consequences of fulfilling the basic needs.
Moreover, the fundamental aspect of locating far from the
city centre could relate to this reality that the demerit of
requiring the vast area to construction is pertaining to
putting much investment on building a large mall. As a
tangible example, some scientific research undertaken by a
prestigious university has asserted that the downside of
expensive products is correlated with the imposition of a
heavy tax. Hence, it is correct to presume the preconceived
notion of being so busy place.

To conclude, while there are several compelling arguments

on both sides, I profoundly believe that the benefits of
replacing the mega malls instead of local shops far outweigh
its drawbacks. Not only do the advantages of having this
opportunity to select our products prove the significance of a
complex building, but also pinpoint practical implications.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Essay 18
Parents are responsible for the behaviour of the children.
To what extent do you agree or disagree.
Parents should be held legally responsible for their
children’s acts. What is your opinion? Support it with
personal examples.

Recently, the phenomenon of the parent's responsibility for

their children behaviour and its corresponding impact has
sparked a heated debate. Although contested by many that
the matter of responsible parents who show favouritism
toward their children is highly beneficial, such this issue is
regarded thoroughly both constructive and positive by a
substantial number of individuals. I am inclined to believe
that educated and responsible parents can be a plus and I
will analyse that throughout this essay.

From the social and educational standpoint, poor upbringing

can provide a society with some noticeable effects which are
rooted in the fact that juvenile delinquencies as well as
illiteracy, are inextricably bound up. According to my
personal experience, when I was a university student, I
perform an academic examination which discovered

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

adolescents who have poor families usually drop out of

schools and joined criminal gangs. Thus, the beneficial
consequences of both literacy and family apparently can be

Within the realm of nurturing, media might exacerbate the

consequences of responsible parents' upbringing. Moreover,
the fundamental aspects of violent games related to this
reality that the demerit of poor upbringing pertains to media
usage. As a tangible example, a scientific research undertook
by a prestigious university has asserted the downside of
growing up the children is correlated negatively with media.
Hence, it is correct to presume preconceive the notion of
parents responsibility for media usage.

To conclude, while there are several compelling arguments

on both sides, I profoundly believe that the parent's influence
on children is highly obvious. Not only the advantages of
responsible parents prove the significance of widely used
around the world, but also pinpoint other factors

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Essay 19
How widely do you think the problem spreads that
people spend too much time on work than their
personal life and experience time shortage? What
problems it cause?

The importance of people spending too much time on work

than their personal life was always a debatable topic. Many
people state that spending too much time in office is creating
a huge gap between personal life and professional life. I
completely agree with the statement. The following essay
would further elaborate the reasons for this problem with
clear examples and thus lead to a plausible conclusion.

To begin with, organizations dump a lot of work and put

pressure on the employees to complete the work within the
deadline. The pressure from the company and heavy load of
work, leads to a gap in family bonds. For example, workers
are asked to work on weekends to support the project and to
meet the demands of the clients. This exemplifies us
allocating too much time on work is the main reason for
shortage of time for family.

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Moreover, working for long hours in office and sitting at the

same place without moving can cause so many diseases such
as obesity, back pain and many more. Work pressure creates
no balance between personal and professional life, and in
some cases it leads to depression. In few more cases it may
impact relationships between wife and husband, which can
end up with divorce. For example, the elder family member
working for 16 to 18 hours per day will not be able to spend
time with his wife and children. This clearly explains us that
how professional work can impact our personal life.

According to the arguments aforementioned, one can reach

out to the conclusion that for a healthy lifestyle and family
bonding, one has to divide his/her time between professional
and personal life.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Essay 20
The traffic congestion has increased massively across the
globe. The government has proposed a solution to raise the
taxes to reduce the traffic jam. What is your view on this?


What is a major global problem? How government solve it?

As metropolitan cities are growing in the world so is the

number of vehicles plying on roads. The traffic congestion is
today’s modern world reality and it is getting even worse day
by day. In spite numeral remedies, this inescapable condition
is not looking to lower down in near future. But increasing
taxes is not a viable solution. I don’t favour the government
proposal to raise the taxes to reduce the traffic jam.

The congestion tax is a highly debated topic and is one of the

most challenging urban problems. But simply increasing taxes
is not an effective solution to curb congestion. No one likes
to spend longer than usual time in reaching out to the places
where they want to. On top of this, the commuters are
already bearing the expense of traveling in their private
vehicles which include time cost, road tax, fuel tax, tolls etc.
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Instead, policy makers and the government should think

broadly and implement new policies for traffic management
and urban transportation system. The politicians will take
such measures of “raising the taxes” as their agenda in the

A raise in tax will solve the problem but not much instead will
harm poor people. Increasing tax will favour exempted
vehicles and wealthier ones and the poor commuters will be
at the disadvantage. Millions of people travel at peak hours,
students head for schools and colleges, people make way to
their work so charging extra money would not be favoured
by the people and will bring resentment among the
residents. The government should think of more effective
solutions like using technology to make the best use of roads,
promoting car pool and implement urban transportation

To conclude, there is a need for social and political

willingness to accept this reality and work to improve traffic

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Essay 21
Students with degree earn high salary than who
doesn’t have an academic qualification. Therefore,
some argue that they have to pay the full cost of their
courses. Give your opinion?
Education with higher degree earns more salary?

The importance of students earning high salary having an

academic qualification compared with people who doesn't
have qualification was always a debatable topic. Some
people argue that students drawing good amount have to
pay full college fees. Others reject this notion and claim that
leads to discrimination among students and all students
should be treated equally. In my opinion, I completely agree
that students who earn high salary have to pay full fees. This
essay would further elaborate both aspects with justifying
reasons and thus lead to a plausible conclusion.

To start with, in this fast growing competition world,

education acts as medium to apply or get a new job. People
with high degree and qualification will be given first
preference by any organizations and companies. As these
people are economically well settled in career they must pay
CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

entire course fee to college institutions. For instance,

students who can afford to pay fees are depending on the
government provided scholarships and benefits from them.
There are people who are more intelligent but their financial
situation may not support them to join and pay for the

On the other hand, some people argue that it leads to

discrimination among students. Not all students are well
settled and to reach respectable position in society they
struggled a lot. Firstly, government has to bring policies for
the students who cannot afford their fees. For instance, in
Italy, government has introduced a new scheme for students
those are not able to pay their fees due to their financial
crisis. This exemplifies us that government has to take certain
steps to bring out hidden talents by providing support and
helping them with financial fund may help them to reach
their desired position in life.

According to the arguments aforementioned, one can reach

out to conclusion that students who earn good salary has to
pay full college fees leads to misunderstanding among
students and further the education departments has to take
certain actions and bring new policies for the students who
are not well settled.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Essay 22
Experience is a more effective way to teach,
compared to books? Agree or disagree.

Recently, the phenomenon of the effective way of

experience and its corresponding impact has sparked a
heated debate. Although contested by many that the matter
of educational achievement is highly beneficial, such issue is
regarded thoroughly both constructive and positive by a
substantial number of individuals. I am inclined to believe
that Academic qualification market can be a plus, and I will
analyse that throughout this essay.

From a social standpoint, formal education can provide

society with some noticeable effects which are rooted in the
fact that the merits of well-rounded education, as well as
conventional education, are inextricably bound up. According
to my own experience, when I was a university student, I
performed an academic experiment which discovered
vocational education. Thus, beneficial ramifications of both
learner’s performance and educational facilities apparently
can be seen.

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Within the realm of science, learning environment software

might increase the consequences of theoretical knowledge.
Moreover, fundamental aspects of practical learning could
relate to this reality that the demerits of a laboratory
experiment pertain to intellectual development. As a tangible
example, some scientific research undertaken by a
prestigious university has asserted that the downside of
training courses is correlated negatively with the learning
disorder. Hence, it is correct to presume the preconceived
notion of educational perspective.

To conclude, while there are several compelling arguments

on both sides, I profoundly believe that the benefits of
informal learning far outweigh its drawbacks. Not only do the
advantages of educational strategies prove the significance of
the fastest learning environment, but also pinpoint excellent
books implications.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Essay 23
In the 18th century due to industrialization a lot of
people migrated to developed countries. This affected
lifestyle and increased major problems in developed
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
Write at least 250 words.

In the 18th Century, advancement in technology led to a

dramatic boom in the number of migrants to the
industrialized parts of the world. This influenced the living
style and elevated key hindrances in the developed nations.
To some extent, I agree that this trend brought in a lot of
problems in affluent countries. I will elaborate my view in the
further paragraphs.

To begin with, migration results in the rapid economic

growth of any nation. To elaborate, if people move from their
country to another, they spend a tremendous amount of
money for the entire prerequisites such as language tests,
CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

visas, embassy fees etcetera. Moreover, they work in another

nation and help in the progress of the state they immigrate.
Secondly, by welcoming people from other countries, any
country can familiarize its natives with the cultures and
traditions of other parts of the world.

On the contrary, allowing too many immigrants can lead to

some complications as well. Firstly, it can drastically reduce
the number of job opportunities for the local populace of the
nation, which allows uncontrolled migration. In the worst
case scenario, there can be instances where migrants take up
employment at cheaper rates and the natives themselves can
fall short of job opportunities. Secondly, brain drain can
affect the progress rate of the nation whose public moves to
other regions for better living opportunities.

To conclude, undoubtedly, moving to other countries has

some advantages but as “excess of everything is bad,”
authorities should keep a check on allowing only legitimate
people to their countries. Else, it can result in unhappy

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Essay 24
Some people say that advertising encourages us to
buy things that we really do not need. Others say that
advertisements tell us about new products that may
improve our lives.
Which viewpoint do you agree with?
Give reasons for your answer and include any
relevant examples from your own knowledge or

Promotion of new products is appealing to customers. People

watch them in electronic media and in newspapers and feel
that it will be useful for their needs. On the other hand, we
often waste our money and time after observing fascinating
advertisement. In my opinion, it is useful for market trends.
The advertisement has multidimensional impacts on
economics and society, its benefits overweight

Most of the people do not like the monotonous life. They

keep on changing their surroundings and personality. The
requirement of humans changes with their ages. The
advertisement is the method to introduce new products to

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

people. Every person is busy in day to day routine and they

do not have enough time to wonder in shops and malls.
Moreover through different media, one can see his favourite
models in a good mood for describing the advantages of

Few media heads do not keep an eye over the validity of the
information given in the description of promotion. Young
people like their heroes as mentors and follow their
footprints. In third world countries, health hazard products
like cigarette are being advertised. As a result, people will
buy the things which they do not need. These new purchase
will be made at the cost of many other useful objects which
he may be requiring actually.

In conclusion, advertisements are very useful for boosting

the economy and it helps people to seek accurate products.
But government should maintain the standard of promoting
the products and injurious things must be banned on media

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Essay 25
Increasing Global Trade Products – Globalization Pros
and Cons

The world has become a global village due to increase in

global trade between different countries. Globalisation is
primarily an economic process of integration which has social
and cultural aspects too. We can import and export anything
from any country easily now. Due to technological
advancement, it has become easier for people to travel,
communicate and do business internationally. But there are
many positive and negative impacts to it. In my opinion, its
advantages overshadow disadvantages.

We will discuss both advantages and disadvantages of

globalisation. Globalisation represents free trade which
promotes global economic growth, creates jobs, and makes
companies more competitive and lower prices for
consumers. Globalisation is good for developing countries;
they have no access to the markets of other countries. It has
breach the opportunity gap between countries. Another
benefit of globalisation is governments are joining together
all over. European Union (EU) is a good example of it. EU is a
political and economic union of 28 member countries which
are primarily located in Europe. Its aim is to ensure free
CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

movement of people, goods, services, and capital within the

member countries.

Another advantage of globalisation is, people around the

globe are more connected to each other than ever before.
Goods, services, information, money everything flows more
quickly than ever. Each country is learning more about other
cultures. It is good for multinational corporations, labour can
move from country to country; also countries can hire labour
at lower wages. So there are so many advantages of

Globalisation impact local markets, although it gives us the

variety of products but it affects local market too. Developed
countries outsource cheaper workforce from other countries,
which creates problems for the local organisation. Many
multinational companies are accused of unfair working
conditions and lack of concern for the environment.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Essay 26
Internet access should be chargeable or should it be
free in this modern society? Discuss
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
Write at least 250 words.

Providing internet access to the people in the present society

should be paid or free was always a debatable topic. Even
though, many people claim that in today's connected world
internet access is a basic need that should be provided free.
Others reject this notion and argue that everyone does not
deserve internet access. In my opinion, former proposition
appears to be more rational. The following essay would
further elaborate both sides of the statement with clear
examples and thus lead to a plausible conclusion.

To begin with, in fast growing world internet access should

be available to everyone in some form or another. Access to
the internet is not only an essential utility for most but also,
more importantly, one of the few media which an individual
or group can reach out to the world and have their opinions
voiced as equal to larger corporations. Moreover, internet
provides a medium for people to act, to discuss, to
CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

communicate and to assemble without restriction. For

example, internet is widely used in elementary schools and
schools are asking students to have access to the internet at
home. Recently, in Japan, Municipal wireless network which
is called Muni WI-FI has been introduced where both public
and private sectors are involved to develop a network
connection to provide free internet access to everyone.

On the other hand, people believe that everyone does not

deserve to access internet. For example, prisoners should not
have access, nor should children who are being punished for
bad behaviour. It is the responsibility of the person paying for
the internet to determine who are accessing internet.

According to the arguments aforementioned, one can reach

out to conclusion that access to internet should be provided
free to everyone. It can be concluded that internet inspires
merit, globalization and sparks new outlooks in individuals.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Essay 27
The mass media, including TV, radio and newspapers,
have great influence in shaping people’s ideas.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this
statement? Give reasons for your answer.

Nowadays, the role of the media has become a long-running

dispute among the public all around the world, which leads
to a moot question "does it shape the opinions of
individuals?" Although some people argue that mediums do
not affect the ideas of humans, I tend to believe that it could
build people's thoughts.

From a social point of view, the mass media is indeed bound

up tightly with the views, which leads to both behaviour
changes and various lifestyles. For example, a group of
reputable psychologists, working at a prestigious university,
conducted a longitudinal study to understand the
relationship between the print media and the habits of
citizens, the imitation of lifestyles, and the sleep patterns.
Therefore, this evidence presented thus far support the

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

contention that electronic media is correlated positively with

not only behavioural changes but also habit alterations.

In educational terms, TV is undoubtedly attributable to

educational programs, in that it would lead to the intellectual
growth of students. A well-known example of such
attributions is math instructions, which are cause for concern
since they had been mistaken to take trained-teachers for
granted. Had they taught pupils in advance, they might have
had the opportunity to train instructors. Thus, visual
mediums could play a significant role in educational systems.

To recapitulate, I entirely agree with the role of the mass

media in shaping attitudes. However, as every garden may
have some weeds, local authorities are recommended to
enforce some legislation and individuals are hoped to
heighten their intellect.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Essay 28
Successful sports stars and glamorous film stars are a
role model for youngsters.
Do u support it or not? (Agree/Disagree)

These days, there is a heated debate among people about

the importance of imitating the celebrities. There are a great
number of individuals who interpret the impacts of
emulating famous people as thoroughly constructive, while
others hold an opponent’s view. I am inclined to believe that
imitating the celebrities has some positive impacts on
youngsters, while it can adversely influence adolescents’

There is no scepticism surrounding the fact that celebrities

are excellent role model due to their outstanding
performance and achievement. Furthermore, well-known
people such as actors, musicians and football players are
industrious and tenacious to achieve their goals. Hence, they
play a pivotal role in creating a feeling of accomplishment in
youngsters to do uphill struggle in learning something new.
To be more specific, a survey conducted by Yale University in
2015 has found that following the celebrities could enhance
CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

people’s intellectual ability to make decision related to their

social and personal life.

On the other hand, seeing stars as role model also have a

number of downsides. To be more precise, youngsters start
getting inspired from negative role models and imitating the
same act at home or in streets can have a severe impact on
the society. Moreover, youth following their path can result
in destruction of ethical values of a society. The data yielded
by a current study in Melbourne University has shown that
emulating the negative attitudes of celebrities increases
violence and crime in California.

In a nutshell, the foregoing discussion propounds the view

that celebrities can be inspiring to other people, while they
might have harmful effect on young generation’s behaviour.
From my point of view, the merits of imitating the celebrities
far outweigh its drawbacks.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Essay 29
Does Digital Age Make People More Knowledgeable?
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
Write at least 250 words.

In the tech-savvy era, the phenomenon of digital technology

and its corresponding impact has sparked a heated debate.
Although many people contest that the digital age is
responsible for an increased knowledge, the others disagree
with this notion. This essay will agree with the proposition
that digital period is providing an influx of knowledge to
human beings.

There are a plethora of reasons in favour of the innovative

age in which the most preponderant one is that the
individuals have an easy and fast access to the information all
over the world. In addition, this convenient approach to the
statistical and realistic data across the globe is spreading the
knowledge and broadening the horizons of the people. For
example, a recent study showed that, with the advent of
digital media, people are well aware of the latest happenings
and knowledgeable. Consequently, the role of digital
CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

technology in providing the knowledge is instrumental


Another pivotal aspect of this argument is that the people

from diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, and races are
interconnected by digital internet which results in the
exchanging of a bulk of ideas and characteristics thereby
boosting the knowledge of the significant amount of people.
Moreover, people learn about different cultures and
traditions with the help of this electronic medium. For
instance, a research revealed that the individuals are more
knowledgeable about other nations nowadays as compared
to the past. Manifestly, the digital age is playing an important
role in instilling the knowledge into the people.

In conclusion, this essay discussed the prominence of digital

era which is making people knowledgeable in terms of easy
access to the information and knowing of international
cultures. Therefore, I strongly opine that the digital
innovation has made the people knowledgeable.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Essay 30
Company Top level Authorities should or should not
take employees suggestions or ideas to take any
decisions. Discuss
Complete the topic within 20 minutes. Write a 200-
300 word essay.

The participation and involvement of employees in decision-

making process of organization is a real risk and on the other
hand, promotes company’s growth. So whether to involve
employees in decision making by company’s top level
authorities is arguable. The argument has both sides which I
will discuss further in this essay.

Within decision-making process, sensitive financial data and

information are shared with the participants. When the
company involves employees in such process it makes them
feel trustworthy and being treated fairly. They treat
themselves as an important asset for the organization. Such
feelings lead to enhanced performance and improved
productivity. The employee who voices in top level
authorities discussion feel secure and in turn great
commitment towards the organization.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

The fear of inconsistent decision making greatly increases by

involving employee suggestions or ideas to take any
decisions. Top level authorities or managers face a hard time
monitoring negative communication and attitude among
employees. When there are many voices in top level decision
making, there is potential for chaos. Also, there are some
secrets in an organization that are meant for are reserved for
management levels should not be revealed to everyone. Such
activities promote sharing of company’s valuable information
which increases the risk of information getting leaked. It can
prove dangerous for the well-being of an organization.

To conclude, the consistent decision making is critical to

brand recognition and consistency. More of employee’s
involvement will result in increased output and thereby in
company’s growth.

CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Essay 31
It is believed that some people are born with
creativity and specific talents. However, it's
sometimes claimed that taught developed creativity,
and any child can become good sports person or
musician. Discuss the two ideas.

Recently, the phenomenon of being born with creativity and

its corresponding impact has sparked a heated debate.
Although contested by many that the matter of having a
creative talent is highly beneficial, such issue is regarded
thoroughly both constructive and positive by a substantial
number of individuals. I am inclined to believe that a proper
teaching can be a plus, and I will analyse that throughout this

From a social standpoint, having a creative and specific talent

can provide the society with some noticeable effects which
are rooted in the fact that merits of the creative mind, as well
as inborn talent, are inextricably bound up. According to my
own experience, when I was a university student, I
performed an academic experiment which discovered the
influence of being genuine on becoming a good musician.
Thus, beneficial ramifications of both hard working and
promoting creativity apparently can be seen.
CareerCoves – PTE SWATHI

Within the realm of science, taught developed creativity

might increase the consequences of being a prosperous
person. Moreover, fundamental aspects of the genetic origin
could relate to this reality that merits of frequent practice
pertain to having the abundant talent. As a tangible example
undertaken by a prestigious university has asserted that the
downside of the inborn skill is correlated negatively with
general intelligence. Hence, it is correct to presume the
preconceived notion of the creative scheme.

To conclude, while there are several compelling arguments

on both sides, I profoundly believe that the benefits of having
specific talents far outweigh its drawbacks. Not only do the
advantages of the intellectual ability prove the significance of
being an accomplished person, but also pinpoint practical


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