K-ESS3-2-Ask Questions To Obtain Information About The Purpose of Weather Forecasting To Prepare For, and Respond To, Severe Weather.

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Name: Sarah Mark Date: 4/5/24

Lesson Title: Hurricanes

Grade Level: Kindergarten Standard(s):

Subject: Science K-ESS3-2- Ask questions to obtain information about

the purpose of weather forecasting to prepare for, and
respond to, severe weather.* [Clarification Statement:
Emphasis is on local forms of severe weather.] (Cause
and Effect)

Learning Objectives(s):

● I can ask questions to learn about severe weather.

● I can explain how to prepare for severe weather.

Differentiation Strategies: Content, Process, Product

● Thumbs up, sideways thumb, thumbs down

○ Supports kinesthetic learners
● Verbal instructions
○ This supports different learning styles
● Scaffolding
○ ‘I Do’, ‘We Do’, ‘You Do’ Model
○ Go through the worksheet/activity step by step with the students
● Hurricane Collaborative activity
○ Supports kinesthetic learners
○ Supports low students by working with their peers
● Timer
○ This aids students in transition from activity
○ It engages the students
○ Allows the teacher to chunk the lesson in more manageable sections and tasks

What lesson(s)/learning activities came prior to this lesson?

● Prior to the lesson:

○ I introduced examples to the class.
○ I played a video for the students on hurricanes and we discussed what was
○ The students completed a writing worksheet using the information from the

Teaching Targets (timing, activity types, purpose, kinds of grouping)

● This lesson will be from 11:00-1:30. (Whole group)

○ There will be a break in between for lunch.
● The beginning of the lesson will be taught using a powerpoint presentation. (Whole
○ The teacher will explain the topic and learning targets.
● The teacher will complete the activity with the class. (Whole group)
Time: (the Teaching Strategy - Purpose - the why Method - the how (whole
increments of the what group, small groups, partners,
time depend individual, etc.)
on the age of


11:00 - 11:02 Call the students to The teacher will ask Whole group
the carpet by tables, the students to get up
(2 minutes) tell the class that we from their tables to
are now transitioning the front of the class
to science. on the rug because
students need to
know where they
will be learning.

The reason I am
telling the students
that we are
transitioning to
science is because
students need to
know what they will
be learning.
11:02 - 11:06
Project Science The reason I am Whole group
(4 minutes) Slides. Introduce the projecting the slide
topic for the lesson show on the board is
(hurricanes). so that way the
students know what
Project the learning they are going to be
targets. learning about.
Have choral response The reason I am
between the teacher going over the
and students. learning targets is
because the students
I will read the
need to know what
learning targets first,
the goal of the lesson
then the students will
repeat after me.

Tell the class that I am telling the class

‘Today we are going what the topic of the
to be learning about lesson is so that the
Hurricanes.’ students understand
what they will be
learning about.

11:06 - 11:28 Project Hurricane I will stop Whole group

video, play the video periodically
(24 minutes) for the class, pause throughout the video
intermittently to ask to gauge for
comprehension understanding and
questions. comprehension.

For example:

‘What type of winds

do Hurricanes have?’
(Strong winds)

‘How fast do
Hurricane winds have
to be blowing?’ (119
‘What is the center of
the Hurricane
called?’ (The eye)

‘What is the first

piece to a Hurricane
puzzle?’ (Warm
ocean water)

Wrap up the lesson,

excuse the students
for lunch.


1:00 - 1:30 Pass out a thinking I am having the Whole group

(30 minutes) map worksheet to the students fill out a
students. thinking map to
further their
Play the Hurricane understanding of
video for the students Hurricanes.
again. As the video is
playing, have the
class fill out their

Ask the class: ‘Using

the information that
was given in the
video could we use it
to fill out our
thinking map?’

For example:

‘Hurricanes have
strong winds.’
‘Hurricanes are

I will go through the

entire video with the
students, stopping
intermittently to fill
out their thinking
maps with

Materials/Handouts: Tangible items Extensions: Ways to reinforce academic skills, etc.

used to implement the lesson
- If students finish early they can go on Clever
- Science Slides using their I-Pads.

- Thinking Map

- Pencil/Eraser

Resources: What you used to prepare

to teach the lesson

- Science Slides
- What's a Hurricane? | Weather
Science | SciShow Kids



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