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Tiêu chí Very young leaner 11- adult (Group 2) Reason

(Group 1)
Lesson’s - To practice - Learn and review For both very young learners and adults, the
aim vocabulary vocabulary teachers apply the Piaget’s theory to create
- Dev listening - Dev reading skill the activity to find out what they know how
and speaking - Learn about to do (practice and review vocab) and what
skills Christmas culture they cannot do (schema).
- Dev motor all over the world
skill and doing - Dev writing skill However, the differences are that adult
craft activity by creating a learners gain the knowledge about the culture,
short-themed which requires a deep insight in the world’s
poem culture. Furthermore, the adult learners also
enhance their skills and creativity (writing

Meanwhile, the very young learners focus on

improving their listening, speaking and motor
skills. The learners are able to process the
information/knowledge through images or
objects from their viewpoints.
Time - Approximately - 60 to 90 mins
1 hour The physical difference is about the
(60mins) concentration ability. The very young learners
tend to concentrate on the half of the time.
In contrast, the adults have ability to gain the
large amount of knowledge in a longer time.

Materials - Flashcards - Worksheets

- Songs - Videos and Based on the Piaget’s theory, Group 1 tends
- Stickers questions related to absorb images (Sensory Motor) because
- Craft to the videos they experience things via senses and
materials - Quiz actions.
- Websites

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