01 - اعمال شب عید فطر (ماہ شوال)

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‫ اﻋﻤﺎل ﺷﺐ ﻋ ﺪ ﻓﻄﺮ‬:‫ﻣﺎە ﺷﻮال‬

Mafateh al-Jinan | Month of Shawwal | Aamal on 1ST Night of Shawwal

‫ﻣﺎﺧﻮز | ﻣﺎە ﺷﻮال ﻓﻀ ﻠﺖ اور اﻋﻤﺎل‬ ‫ﻣﻔﺎﺗﯿﺢ اﻟﺠﻨﺎن و ﺎﻗ ﺎت اﻟﺼﺎﻟﺤﺎت | ﺎب دوم‬

‫اﻋﻤﺎل ﺷﺐ ﻋ ﺪ ﻓﻄﺮ‬

Content Page # ‫ﻓﮩﺮﺳﺖ‬

.Bathe oneself at sunset ‫ﻏﺮوب آﻓﺘﺎب وﻗﺖ ﻏﺴﻞ ﮐﺮ ۔‬
Spend whole night with offering ‫ اﺳﺘﻐﻔﺎر‬،‫ دﻋﺎ‬،‫ﺷﺐ ﺑ ﺪاری ﻌ ﻧﻤﺎز‬
prayers, supplicating ‫ﮐﺮ‬
Say this doxology after the obligatory
Maghrib Prayer, Isha’ Prayer, Fajr ‫ ﻓﺠﺮ اور ﻧﻤﺎز ﻋ ﺪ‬،‫ ﻋﺸﺎء‬،‫ﻧﻤﺎز ﻣﻐﺮب‬
Prayer, and the ‘Id al-Fitr Prayer : ‫ﻌﺪ ﺗﮑﺒ ﮟ ﭘﮍ‬
After accomplishing the Maghrib
supererogatory prayers, obligatory and ‫ﻌﺪ‬ ‫ﻧﻤﺎز ﻣﻐﺮب ﻓﺮاﺋﺾ و ﻧﺎﻓﻠﮧ‬
raise the hands towards the sky and ‫ َ ﺎ ذا اﻟ َﻤ ﱢﻦ‬: ‫ﮨﺎﺗﮭﻮں ﮐﻮ ﻠﻨﺪ ﮐﺮ ﮐﮩ‬
‫ﱠ‬ َ ‫ﱠ‬
‫ َ ﺎ ذا اﻟ َﻤ ﱢﻦ َواﻟﻄ ْﻮ ِل‬say ،‫َواﻟﻄ ْﻮ ِل‬
Visit the holy tomb of Imam al-Husayn
brings about a great (a.s.), for this act ‫اﻣﺎم ﺣﺴ ؑ ز ﺎرت ﭘﮍ ﮐﮧ اس‬
.reward ‫ﻓﻀ ﻠﺖ ﺑﮩﺖ ز ﺎدە‬
Repeat the following supplicatory ‫ﺷﺐ ﺟﻤﻌﮧ اﻋﻤﺎل ﻣ ﻣﺬﮐﻮرە دﻋﺎ‬
.times ten ‫ ﺎ داﺋﻢ اﻟﻔﻀﻞ‬prayer ‫ دس ﻣﺮﺗﺒﮧ ﭘﮍ ۔‬..... ‫ﺎ داﺋﻢ اﻟﻔﻀﻞ‬
Offer the ten unit prayer ‫دس رﮐﻌﺖ ﻧﻤﺎز ﭘﮍ‬
Offer a two unit prayer ‫دو رﮐﻌﺖ ﻧﻤﺎز ادا ﮐﺮ‬
prayer fourteen units ‫ﭼﻮدە رﮐﻌﺖ ﻧﻤﺎز ﺠﺎ ﻻ‬
At the last hour of this night, you may
sit in your prayer- bathe yourself and ‫اور ﺻﺒﺢ ﺻﺎدق‬ ‫آﺧﺮ ﺷﺐ ﻏﺴﻞ ﮐﺮ‬
.place until dawn ‫ﻣﺼﻼ ﻋ ﺎدت ﭘﺮ ر‬

AAMAL; (Acts)

The first night of Shawwal ‫ﻢ ﺷﻮال رات‬

‫ ﻋ ﺎدت اور‬،‫ ﺑ ﺪاری‬،‫ﻓﻀ ﻠﺖ‬ ‫ اس‬، ‫ﻢ ﺷﻮال رات ﺎ ﺑﺮﮐﺖ راﺗﻮں ﻣ‬
، ‫اﺣﺎد ﺚ وارد ﻮﺋ ﮨ‬ ‫ﺛﻮاب ﻣﺘﻌﻠﻖ ﺑﮩﺖ‬
The first night of Shawwal is one of the blessed nights. Many
narrations have referred to the great merits and rewards of
those who spend this night, as a whole, with acts of worship.
‫ﮐﭽﮫ ﻢ ﻧﮩ‬ ‫ﺷﺐ ﻗﺪر‬ ‫ﮐﮧ ﯾﮧ رات ﻣﺮﺗ ﻣ‬ ‫ﻣﺮوی‬ ‫ﺣ ت رﺳﻮل‬
Moreover, some narrations from Holy Prophet (pbuh) have
mentioned that this night is not less blessed than the Qadr
‫ﭼﻨﺪ ا ﮏ اﻋﻤﺎل ﮨ‬ ‫اور اس ﻣ‬
The devotional acts at this night are as follows:

Bath Onself ‫﴾ ﻏﺴﻞ ﮐﺮ‬۱﴿

‫۔‬ ‫ﻏﺮوب آﻓﺘﺎب وﻗﺖ ﻏﺴﻞ ﮐﺮ‬
It is recommended to bathe oneself at sunset.

Worship whole night ‫﴾ ﺷﺐ ﺑ ﺪاری ﮐﺮ‬۲﴿

‫ﻮ‬ ‫ﻃﻠﺐ ﺣﺎﺟﺎت ﮐﺮ‬ ‫ اﺳﺘﻐﻔﺎر اور ﺧﺪا‬،‫ دﻋﺎ‬،‫ﺷﺐ ﺑ ﺪاری ﻌ ﻧﻤﺎز‬
‫ﻣﺴﺠﺪ ﻣ ﺟﺎ ﮐﺮ رات ﮔﺰار ۔‬
It is recommended to spend the whole night with offering
prayers, supplicating, imploring for forgiveness, and staying
at mosques.

Say the Takbeer ‫﴾ ﯾﮧ ﺗﮑﺒ ﮟ ﭘﮍ‬۳﴿

: ‫ﻌﺪ ﯾﮧ ﺗﮑﺒ ﮟ ﭘﮍ‬ ‫ ﻓﺠﺮ اور ﻧﻤﺎز ﻋ ﺪ‬،‫ ﻋﺸﺎء‬،‫ﻧﻤﺎز ﻣﻐﺮب‬
It is recommended to say the following doxology after the
obligatory Maghrib Prayer, Isha’ Prayer, Fajr Prayer, and the
‘Id al-Fitr Prayer:
َُ ‫ا ُ ٲ َُ ا ُ ٲ‬
‫ﺧﺪا ﺑﺰرﮔ‬ ‫ﺧﺪا ﺑﺰرﮔ‬
Allah is Great. Allah is Great.
ُ َ ‫إﻟﮧ إ ﱠ ا ُ َوا ُ ٲ‬
َ َ
‫ﺧﺪا ﺑﺰرﮔ‬ ‫ﺳﻮا ﮐﻮ ﻣﻌﺒﻮد ﻧﮩ‬ ‫ﷲ‬
There is no god save Allah. And Allah is Great.
‫ا ُ ٲ َ ُ َو ِ ِ اﻟ َﺤ ْﻤﺪ‬
‫اور ﺧﺪا ﮐ ﻠ ﺣﻤﺪ‬ ‫ﺧﺪا ﺑﺰرﮔ‬
Allah is Great. All praise be to Allah.
ْ ِ ‫ﺲ ْ اﻟ َﻘ ْ َو ْﺣ َﺸ‬ُ ُْ ْ َ َ
ِ ِ ‫ و ﻣﻦ ﯾﻮ‬- ‫ ﻣﺆﺳﺴﺔ ﺗﮩﺬ ﺐ | ز ِاد راە‬1/11
‫ اﻋﻤﺎل ﺷﺐ ﻋ ﺪ ﻓﻄﺮ‬:‫ﻣﺎە ﺷﻮال‬
Mafateh al-Jinan | Month of Shawwal | Aamal on 1ST Night of Shawwal
‫ﻣﺎﺧﻮز | ﻣﺎە ﺷﻮال ﻓﻀ ﻠﺖ اور اﻋﻤﺎل‬ ‫ﻣﻔﺎﺗﯿﺢ اﻟﺠﻨﺎن و ﺎﻗ ﺎت اﻟﺼﺎﻟﺤﺎت | ﺎب دوم‬

َ َ ُ
، ‫اﻟ َﺤ ْﻤﺪ ِ ِ ﻋ َﻣﺎ ﮬﺪاﻧﺎ‬
‫ﮨﺪا ﺖ دی‬ ‫ﺧﺪا ﮐ ﻠ اس ﭘﺮ ﮐﮧ ﻤ‬ ‫ﺣﻤﺪ‬
All praise be to Allah for He has shown us the Right Path.
َ ‫ُ ﱡ‬
‫َوﻟﮧ اﻟﺸﮑ ُﺮ ﻋ َﻣﺎ ٲ ْوﻻﻧﺎ‬
‫ﺨﺸﺎ۔‬ ‫ﻤ‬ ‫اس ﭘﺮ ﺟﻮ ﮐﭽﮫ اس‬ ‫اور اس ﺎ ﺷﮑﺮ‬
All thanks be to Him for that which He has conferred upon us.

Say this after Maghrib Pray : ‫ﮐﮩ‬ ‫ﻌﺪ‬ ‫﴾ ﻧﻤﺎز ﻣﻐﺮب‬۴﴿

: ‫ﮐﮩ‬ ‫ﻌﺪ ﮨﺎﺗﮭﻮں ﮐﻮ ﻠﻨﺪ ﮐﺮ‬ ‫ﻧﻤﺎز ﻣﻐﺮب ﻓﺮاﺋﺾ و ﻧﺎﻓﻠﮧ‬
After accomplishing the Maghrib obligatory and
supererogatory prayers, it is recommended to raise the
hands towards the sky and say the following:

،‫ﻮد‬ ُ ‫ َ ﺎ َذا اﻟ‬،‫اﻟﻄ ْﻮل‬

‫َ َ َ ﱢ َ ﱠ‬
‫ﺎ ذا اﻟﻤﻦ و‬
ِ ِ
‫اے ﻓﻀﻞ و اﺣﺴﺎن وا اے ﻋﻄﺎ ﮐﺮ وا‬
O Lord of favor and bounty! O Lord of magnanimity!
‫َ ﺎ ُﻣ ْﺼﻄ ِ َ ُﻣ َﺤ ﱠﻤ ٍﺪ َوﻧﺎ ِ َ ُە‬
‫ﺣﺎ‬ ‫ت ﷴﷺ ﮐﻮ ﻣﻨﺘﺨﺐ ﮐﺮ وا اور ان‬ ‫اے ﺣ‬
O He Who has chosen Muhammad and granted him victory!

‫آل ُﻣ َﺤ ﱠﻤ ٍﺪ‬ َ ‫َ ﱢ َ ُ َ ﱠ‬
ِ ‫ﺻﻞ ﻋ ﻣﺤﻤ ٍﺪ و‬
ؑ ‫ﷴﷺ و‬
‫آل ﷴﷺ ﭘﺮ رﺣﻤﺖ ﻧﺎزل ﻓﺮﻣﺎ‬
(Please) send blessings to Muhammad and the Household of
َُ َْ ْ َ
‫ﱠﻞ ذﻧ ٍﺐ ٲ ْﺣ َﺼ ْ ﺘﮧ‬ ِ ‫ﺮ‬ْ ‫اﻏ ِﻔ‬‫و‬
‫ﻮں‬ ‫ﮨﺎں ﺷﻤﺎر ﻮ ﭼ‬ ‫ﺗﻤﺎم ﮔﻨﺎە ﺨﺶ دے ﺟﻮ ﺗ‬ ‫اور ﻣ‬
and forgive me all the sins that You have known (from me)
َْ َ ُ َ
‫ﺘﺎب ُﻣ ِﺒ‬ ‫ﮐ‬
ٍ ِ ِ ‫ک‬‫ﺪ‬ ‫وﮬﻮ ِﻋﻨ‬
‫۔‬ ‫ﺎس‬ ‫ﺟﻮ ﺗ‬ ‫درج ﮨ‬ ‫ﮐﮧ وە اس ﮐﮭ ﮐﺘﺎب ﻣ‬
and they are written with you in a manifest record.
: ‫ﺟﺎ ﺮ ﺳﻮ ﻣﺮﺗﺒﮧ ﮐﮩ‬ ‫ﻌﺪ ﺳﺠﺪے ﻣ‬ ‫اس‬
Then, it is recommended to prostrate oneself and repeat the
following statement one hundred times:
ُ ُْ
ِ ‫اﺗﻮب ِا ا‬
‫ﺣﻀﻮر ﺗ ﮧ ﮐﺮﺗﺎ ﻮں‬ ‫ﺧﺪا‬
I turn repentant unto Allah
‫ا ﺸﺎء ﷲ ﭘﻮری ﻮ ۔‬ ‫ﻃﻠﺐ ﮐﺮ‬ ‫ﺟﻮ ﺣﺎﺟﺖ ﺑ‬ ‫ﺲ اب ﺧﺪا‬
Then, one may pray Almighty Allah for all needs required,
for they shall be granted, by Almighty Allah’s permission.
‫ﺟﺎ اور ﯾﮧ‬ ‫ﻌﺪ ﺳﺠﺪے ﻣ‬ ‫ﻓﺮاﻏﺖ‬ ‫ﮐﮧ ﻧﻤﺎز ﻣﻐﺮب‬ ‫روا ﺖ‬ ‫ﺷﯿﺦ‬
: ‫ﭘﮍ‬
According to the narration mentioned by Shaykh al-Tusi, it is
recommended to prostrate after the Maghrib and Isha’
Prayers and then say the following supplicatory prayer:
‫َ ﱠ‬ َ
‫َ ﺎ ذا اﻟ َﺤ ْﻮ ِل َ ﺎ ذا اﻟﻄ ْﻮ ِل‬
‫اے ﺣﺮﮐﺖ دﯾ وا اے ﺳﺨﺎوت وا‬
O the Lord of power; O the Lord of bounty;
‫َ ﺎ ُﻣ ْﺼﻄ ِﻔ ﺎ ُﻣ َﺤ ﱠﻤﺪا َوﻧﺎ ِ َ ُە‬
‫ﺣﺎ‬ ‫ت ﷴﷺ ﮐﻮ ﻣﻨﺘﺨﺐ ﮐﺮ وا اور ان‬ ‫اے ﺣ‬
O He Who has chosen Muhammad and granted him victory;

‫آل ُﻣ َﺤ ﱠﻤ ٍﺪ‬ َ ‫َ ﱢ َ ُ َ ﱠ‬
ِ ‫ﺻﻞ ﻋ ﻣﺤﻤ ٍﺪ و‬
ؑ ‫ﷴﷺ و‬
‫آل ﷴﷺ ﭘﺮ رﺣﻤﺖ ﻧﺎزل ﻓﺮﻣﺎ‬
(please do) bless Muhammad and the Household of

ْ ِ ‫ﺲ ْ اﻟ َﻘ ْ َو ْﺣ َﺸ‬ُ ُْ ْ َ َ
ِ ِ ‫ و ﻣﻦ ﯾﻮ‬- ‫ ﻣﺆﺳﺴﺔ ﺗﮩﺬ ﺐ | ز ِاد راە‬2/11
‫ اﻋﻤﺎل ﺷﺐ ﻋ ﺪ ﻓﻄﺮ‬:‫ﻣﺎە ﺷﻮال‬
Mafateh al-Jinan | Month of Shawwal | Aamal on 1ST Night of Shawwal
‫ﻣﺎﺧﻮز | ﻣﺎە ﺷﻮال ﻓﻀ ﻠﺖ اور اﻋﻤﺎل‬ ‫ﻣﻔﺎﺗﯿﺢ اﻟﺠﻨﺎن و ﺎﻗ ﺎت اﻟﺼﺎﻟﺤﺎت | ﺎب دوم‬
َ ُ ُ َ ُ ُ َْ َْ ْ َ
‫ﱠﻞ ذﻧ ٍﺐ ٲذﻧ ْ ﺘﮧ َو ِﺴ ﺘﮧ ٲﻧﺎ‬ ِ ‫ﺮ‬ْ ‫اﻏ ِﻔ‬‫و‬
‫ﺑﮭﻮل ﮔ ﺎ ﻮں‬ ‫ﮐ اور اﻧﮩ‬ ‫ﮔﻨﺎە ﺨﺶ دے ﺟﻮ ﻣ‬ ‫وە ﺳﺒ‬ ‫اور ﻣ‬
and forgive me every sin that I have committed
َْ َ ُ َ
‫ﺘﺎب ُﻣ ِﺒ‬
ٍ ‫ﮐ‬
ِ ِ ‫ک‬‫ﺪ‬ ‫وﮬﻮ ِﻋﻨ‬
‫درج ﮨ‬ ‫اور وە ﮔﻨﺎە ﺗ ی روﺷﻦ ﮐﺘﺎب ﻣ‬
and forgotten, but it is recorded with You in a Manifest Record.
: ‫ﻌﺪ ﺳﻮ ﻣﺮﺗﺒﮧ ﮐﮩ‬ ‫اﺳ‬
Then, one may repeat the following one hundred times:
ُ ُْ
ِ ‫اﺗﻮب ِا ا‬
‫ﺣﻀﻮر ﺗ ﮧ ﮐﺮﺗﺎ ﻮں‬ ‫ﺧﺪا‬
I turn repentant unto Allah

Visit the holy tomb of ؑ ‫﴾اﻣﺎم ﺣﺴ‬۵﴿

Imam al-Husayn (a.s.)
‫ز ﺎرت‬
‫رات اﻣﺎم‬ ‫اور آج‬ ‫اﻣﺎم ﺣﺴ ؑ ز ﺎرت ﭘﮍ ﮐﮧ اس ﻓﻀ ﻠﺖ ﺑﮩﺖ ز ﺎدە‬
‫۔‬ ‫ﺣﺴ ؑ ﻣﺨﺼﻮص ز ﺎرت ﺎب ز ﺎرت ﻣ آ‬
It is recommended to visit the holy tomb of Imam al-Husayn
(a.s.), for this act brings about a great reward. In the
coming chapter of Ziyarat, the form of Ziyarah that is
dedicated to this night will be cited.

Recite DUA ‫ﺎ داﺋﻢ اﻟﻔﻀﻞ‬ ‫﴾ دﻋﺎ ﺎ داﺋﻢ اﻟﻔﻀﻞ ﭘﮍ‬۶﴿

‫ دس ﻣﺮﺗﺒﮧ ﭘﮍ ۔‬..... ‫ﺷﺐ ﺟﻤﻌﮧ اﻋﻤﺎل ﻣ ﻣﺬﮐﻮرە دﻋﺎ ﺎ داﺋﻢ اﻟﻔﻀﻞ‬
It is recommended to repeat the following supplicatory
prayer ten times. It has been already cited within the
devotional acts at Friday nights:
َ ْ َ
،‫داﺋ َﻢ اﻟﻔﻀ ِﻞ ﻋ اﻟ َ ﱠ ِﺔ‬
ِ ‫ﺎ‬
‫اے وە ذات ﺟﺴ ﺎ اﺣﺴﺎن ﻣﺨﻠﻮق ﭘﺮ ﻤ ﺸﮧ‬
O He Who is ever-Favorer on the beings!
َ َ َ َ
،‫ﺎﺳﻂ اﻟ َ ﺪ ْﯾﻦ ِ ﺎﻟ َﻌ ِﻄ ﱠ ِﺔ‬ِ ‫ﺎ‬
‫اے وە ﺟﺴ دوﻧﻮں ﮨﺎﺗﮫ ﻋﻄﺎ ﮐ ﻠ ﮐﮭ ﮨ‬
O He Who is openhandedly Bestower of gifts!
‫َ ﺎ َﺻﺎﺣ َﺐ اﻟ َﻤ َﻮاﮬﺐ ﱠ‬
‫اﻟﺴ ِ ﱠ ِﺔ‬ ِ ِ ِ
‫دﯾ وا ۔‬ ‫اے ﺑﮍی ﺑﮍی ﻧﻌﻤﺘ‬
O He Who is the Giver of sublime donations!
ً َ َ
،‫َﺻ ﱢﻞ ﻋ ُﻣ َﺤ ﱠﻤ ٍﺪ َو ِآﻟ ِﮧ ﺧ ْ اﻟ َﻮ َر ٰی َﺳ ِﺠ ﱠ ﺔ‬
ؐ ؐ
‫ﺑﮩ ﮨ‬ ‫ﺳﺐ‬ ‫ﺧﺪاوﻧﺪا ﻣﺤﻤﺪ و آل ﻣﺤﻤﺪ ﭘﺮ رﺣﻤﺖ ﻓﺮﻣﺎ ﺟﻮ ﻣﺨﻠﻮﻗﺎت ﻣ‬
‫اﺻﻞ ﻓﻄﺮت ﮨ‬
Bless Muhammad and his Household, the best of all
creatures in traits,
َ َ ْ
‫َواﻏ ِﻔ ْﺮ ﻟﻨﺎ َ ﺎ ذا اﻟ ُﻌ ٰ ِ ﮬ ِﺬ ِە اﻟ َﻌ ِﺸ ﱠ ِﺔ ۔‬
‫۔‬ ‫اس رات ﻣ‬ ‫ﻣﺎﻟ‬ ‫ﮔﻨﺎە ﺨﺶ دے اے ﻠﻨﺪﯾﻮں‬ ‫اور ﻣ‬
and forgive us, O Lord of Highness, at this evening.

Offer the ten unit prayer ‫﴾ دس رﮐﻌﺖ ﻧﻤﺎز ﭘﮍ‬۷﴿

:‫ﻃﺎﺋﻮس وﺷﯿﺦ ﮐﻔﻌ ؒ رﺳﻮل ﷲ ﷺ ﻧﻘﻞ ﮐ ﺎ ﮐﮧ آپ ﻓﺮﻣﺎ ﺎ‬ ؒ ‫ﺳ ﺪ اﺑﻦ‬
‫ﺟﻮﺷﺨﺺ ﻣﺎە رﻣﻀﺎن آﺧﺮی رات دس رﮐﻌﺖ ﻧﻤﺎز ﭘﮍ ﮐﮧ ﺮ رﮐﻌﺖ ﻣ دس‬
: ‫ﻣﺮﺗﺒﮧ ﺳﻮر ﺗﻮﺣ ﺪ اور رﮐ ع وﺳﺠﻮد ﻣ دس دس ﻣﺮﺗﺒﮧ ﮐﮩ‬
Sayyid Ibn Tawus and al-Kaf’ami have reported the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.a.) as saying, “At the last night of Ramadan, one
may offer a prayer consisting of ten units at each of which
Surah al-Faatehah is recited once and Surah al-
Tawheedrepeated ten times. In the genuflection of the prayer
(ruku’) and prostration (sujud), the following doxology may be
repeated ten times:

ْ ِ ‫ﺲ ْ اﻟ َﻘ ْ َو ْﺣ َﺸ‬ُ ُْ ْ َ َ
ِ ِ ‫ و ﻣﻦ ﯾﻮ‬- ‫ ﻣﺆﺳﺴﺔ ﺗﮩﺬ ﺐ | ز ِاد راە‬3/11
‫ اﻋﻤﺎل ﺷﺐ ﻋ ﺪ ﻓﻄﺮ‬:‫ﻣﺎە ﺷﻮال‬
Mafateh al-Jinan | Month of Shawwal | Aamal on 1ST Night of Shawwal
‫ﻣﺎﺧﻮز | ﻣﺎە ﺷﻮال ﻓﻀ ﻠﺖ اور اﻋﻤﺎل‬ ‫ﻣﻔﺎﺗﯿﺢ اﻟﺠﻨﺎن و ﺎﻗ ﺎت اﻟﺼﺎﻟﺤﺎت | ﺎب دوم‬

ُ َ ‫ﷲ َو َ ِاﻟ َﮧ ِا ﱠ ﷲ َوﷲ ا‬ ُ َ
ِ ‫ُﺳ ْ َﺤﺎن ا ِ َواﻟ َﺤ ْﻤﺪ‬
‫اور ﻧﮩ ﮐﻮ ﻣﻌﺒﻮد ﻣﮕﺮ ﷲ ﺑﺰرگ ﺗﺮ‬ ‫ﻟ‬ ‫ﺧﺪا ﮐﮧ ﺣﻤﺪ ا‬ ‫ﺗﺮ‬ ‫ﺎ‬
All glory be to Allah;all praise be to Allah;there is no god
save Allah;Allah is the Greatest.
‫ﻌﺪ ﺸﮩﺪ و ﺳﻼم ﭘﮍ‬ ‫ﺮ دو رﮐﻌﺖ‬ ‫ﻧ‬
After each 2 Rak`ahs, one may recite the Tashahhud and
ُ َ َْ
‫… ا ْﺳﺘﻐ ِﻔ ُﺮا َر ﱢ َواﺗ ْﻮ ُب ِاﻟ ٰﯿ ِﮧ‬ ‫ﺰار ﻣﺮﺗﺒﮧ اﺳﺘﻐﻔﺎر ﮐﺮ‬ ‫اور ﻧﻤﺎز ﺧﺘﻢ ﮐﺮ‬
After the accomplishment of the ten Rak`ahs, one may
recite the Taslem and say the following one Thousand times:
ُ ‫ا ْﺳ َﺘ ْﻐﻔ ُﺮ ا َ َر ﱢ َو ا ُﺗ‬
‫ﻮب ِاﻟ ْ ِﻪ‬ ِ
‫اور اﺳ ﺣﻀﻮر ﺗ ﮧ ﮐﺮﺗﺎ ﻮں‬ ‫ﺟﻮ ﻣ ا رب‬ ‫ﺨﺸﺶ ﭼﺎ ﺘﺎ ﻮں ﷲ‬
I seek the forgiveness of Allah, my Lord, and I repent before Him.
: ‫ﺟﺎ اور ﮐﮩ‬ ‫ﭘﮭﺮ ﺳﺠﺪە ﻣ‬
After that, one may prostrate and say the following:
ُ ‫َ ﺎ َ ﱡ َ ﺎ َﻗ ﱡﯿ‬
، ‫ اے ﻧﮕﮩ ﺎن‬،‫اے زﻧﺪە‬
O Ever-Alive, O Eternal,
ْ َ َ ‫َ ﺎ َذا‬
،‫ﻼل وا ِ ﺮ ِام‬
ِ ‫اﻟﺠ‬
، ‫ﻣﺎﻟ‬ ‫اے ﺟﻼﻟﺖ اور ﺑﺰر‬
O the Lord of Majesty and Honor.

‫اﻵﺧ َﺮِ َو َر ِﺣ َﻤ ُﮭﻤﺎ‬ َ ‫َ َ ْ َ ﱡ‬

ِ ‫ﺎرﺣﻤﺎن اﻟﺪﻧ ﺎ و‬
‫ﻣﮩ ﺎن‬ ‫رﺣﻢ ﮐﺮ وا اور ان دوﻧﻮں ﻣ‬ ‫اے دﻧ ﺎ وآﺧﺮت ﻣ‬
O the All-beneficent of this world and the Next World and
the All-merciful of them;
‫َ ﺎ ٲ ْر َﺣ َﻢ ﱠ‬
، َ ‫اﻟﺮ ِاﺣ ِﻤ‬
‫ز ﺎدە رﺣﻢ ﮐﺮ وا‬ ‫اے ﺳﺐ‬
O the most Merciful of all those who show mercy.

،‫اﻵﺧ َﻦ‬‫و‬َ َ ‫إﻟﮧ ا ْ َ ﱠوﻟ‬

َ َ
ِ ِ
‫ﻣﻌﺒﻮد‬ ‫و آﺧ ﻦ‬ ‫اے اوﻟ‬
O the God of the past and the coming generations;
ُُ ْ
،‫اﻏ ِﻔ ْﺮ ﻟﻨﺎ ذﻧ َ ﻨﺎ‬
‫ﻤﺎر ﮔﻨﺎ ﻮں ﮐﻮ ﺨﺶ دے‬
(Please) forgive us our sins,
َ ‫ﱠ‬ ََ
. ‫َوﺗﻘ ﱠ ْﻞ ِﻣﻨﺎ َﺻﻼﺗﻨﺎ َو ِﺻ َﺎﻣﻨﺎ َو ِﻗ َﺎﻣﻨﺎ‬
‫ﻗﺒﻮل ﻓﺮﻣﺎ‬ ‫اور ﻤﺎری ﻋ ﺎدﺗ‬ ‫روز‬ ‫اور ﻤﺎری ﻧﻤﺎز ﮟ ﻤﺎر‬
And accept our prayers, fasting, and worship.
The Holy Prophet (a.s) then continues, : ‫آﻧﺤ تﷺ ﻣ ﺪ ﻓﺮﻣﺎ ﺎ‬
‫ف ﻧﺒﻮت ﻧﻮازا ﮐﮧ‬ ‫ﻣﺠﮭ اس ذات ﺣﻖ ﻗﺴﻢ ﮐﮧ ﺟﺲ ﻣﺠﮭ‬
‫ﺟ اﺋ ؑﻞ ﻣﺠﮭ ﺧ دی ا اﻓ ؑﻞ ذر ﻌﮧ اور ا اﻓ ؑﻞ ﺧﺪاوﻧﺪ ﻋﺎﻟﻢ‬
‫ﺳﺠﺪے ﻧﮩ اﭨﮭﺎ ﺎ ﮐﮧ اﺳ ﻣﺎە رﻣﻀﺎن ﻣ ﺠﺎﻻ‬ ‫ﻟ ﺎ وە ﺷﺨﺺ اﺑ‬
‫۔‬ ‫اور اﺳ ﺗﻤﺎم ﮔﻨﺎە ﻣﻌﺎف ﮐﺮ د ﺟﺎﺋ‬ ‫ﻮ اﻋﻤﺎل ﻗﺒﻮل ﮐﺮ ﻟ ﺟﺎﺋ‬
“I swear by Him Who has sent me with the truth as Prophet;
Archangel Gabriel has reported to me from Archangel Israfel
who directly reports from Almighty Allah that one who offers
that prayer will not raise his head from prostration before
Almighty Allah would forgive him, accept his acts during the
month of Ramadhan, and overlooks his sins... .”

offer a two unit prayer ‫﴾ دو رﮐﻌﺖ ﻧﻤﺎز ادا ﮐﺮ‬۸﴿

،‫ﻌﺪ ا ﮏ ﺰار ﻣﺮﺗﺒﮧ ﺳﻮرە ﺗﻮﺣ ﺪ‬ ‫ﺟﺲ ﭘﮩ رﮐﻌﺖ ﻣ ﺳﻮرە اﻟﺤﻤﺪ‬
‫ﻌﺪ ا ﮏ ﻣﺮﺗﺒﮧ ﺳﻮرە ﺗﻮﺣ ﺪ ﭘﮍ‬ ‫اور دو ی رﮐﻌﺖ ﻣ ﺳﻮرە اﻟﺤﻤﺪ‬

ْ ِ ‫ﺲ ْ اﻟ َﻘ ْ َو ْﺣ َﺸ‬ُ ُْ ْ َ َ
ِ ِ ‫ و ﻣﻦ ﯾﻮ‬- ‫ ﻣﺆﺳﺴﺔ ﺗﮩﺬ ﺐ | ز ِاد راە‬4/11
‫ اﻋﻤﺎل ﺷﺐ ﻋ ﺪ ﻓﻄﺮ‬:‫ﻣﺎە ﺷﻮال‬
Mafateh al-Jinan | Month of Shawwal | Aamal on 1ST Night of Shawwal
‫ﻣﺎﺧﻮز | ﻣﺎە ﺷﻮال ﻓﻀ ﻠﺖ اور اﻋﻤﺎل‬ ‫ﻣﻔﺎﺗﯿﺢ اﻟﺠﻨﺎن و ﺎﻗ ﺎت اﻟﺼﺎﻟﺤﺎت | ﺎب دوم‬

It is recommended to offer a two unit prayer reciting, in the first

unit, Surah al-Faatehah once and repeating Surah al-Tawheed
one thousand times and reciting, in the second unit, Surah al-
Faatehah once and Surah al-Tawheed once only
: ‫رﮐﮭ اور ﺳﻮ ﻣﺮﺗﺒﮧ ﮐﮩ‬ ‫ﺳﺠﺪے ﻣ‬ ‫ﻌﺪ‬ ‫ﻧﻤﺎز ﺎ ﺳﻼم‬
After accomplishment, it is recommended to prostrate and
say the following:
ُ ُ
ِ ‫ٲﺗﻮب إ ا‬
‫ﺣﻀﻮر ﺗ ﮧ ﮐﺮﺗﺎ ﻮں‬ ‫ﺧﺪا‬
I turn repentant unto Allah
‫ﭘﮭﺮ ﮐﮩ‬
After that, the following supplicatory prayer should be said:
‫ﱠ‬ َ ُ ‫َ ﺎ َذا اﻟ َﻤ ﱢﻦ َواﻟ‬
،‫ َ ﺎ ذا اﻟ َﻤ ﱢﻦ َواﻟﻄ ْﻮ ِل‬،‫ﻮد‬
ِ ‫ﺠ‬
‫اے اﺣﺴﺎن و ﻋﻄﺎ وا اے اﺣﺴﺎن و ﺨﺸﺶ وا‬
O Owner of bounties and benefits,
َ َ
‫َ ﺎ ُﻣ ْﺼﻄ ِ َ ُﻣ َﺤ ﱠﻤ ٍﺪ َﺻ ا ُ ﻋﻠ ْﯿ ِﮧ َو ِآﻟ ِﮧ‬
‫ت ﷴ ﮐﻮ ﻣﻨﺘﺨﺐ و ﺮﮔ ﺪە ﮐﺮ وا‬ ‫اے ﺣ‬
O He who made a choice of Muhammad to place His trust in
him, blessings of Allah be on him and on his children,
‫َﺻ ﱢﻞ ﻋ ُﻣ َﺤ ﱠﻤ ٍﺪ َو ِآﻟ ِﮧ‬
‫آل ﭘﺮ رﺣﻤﺖ ﻧﺎزل ﻓﺮﻣﺎ‬ ‫ﷴﷺ اور ان‬
send blessing on Muhammad and on his children
‫َواﻓ َﻌ ْﻞ ِ ﮐﺬا َو ﺬا‬
‫ﻟ ﯾﮧ اور ﯾﮧ ﮐﺮد‬ ‫اور ﻣ‬
and please do this and this for me
‫ﺠﺎ اﭘ ﺣﺎﺟﺖ ﻃﻠﺐ ﮐﺮ ۔‬ ‫َواﻓ َﻌ ْﻞ ِ ﮐﺬا‬
Then, one may pray for the granting of one’s personal needs.
‫ﺠﺎﻻ ﺗﮭ اور ﺟﺐ ﺳﺠﺪے‬ ‫روا ﺖ ﮐﮧ اﻣ اﻟﻤﺆﻣﻨ ؑ ﯾﮧ ﻧﻤﺎز ا ﻃ‬
‫اﭨﮭﺎ ﺗﻮ ﻓﺮﻣﺎ ﮐﮧ اس ﺧﺪا ﺣﻖ ﻗﺴﻢ ﺟﺲ ﻗ ﻀﮧ ﻗﺪرت ﻣ ﻣ ی ﺟﺎن‬
‫ﺟﻮ ﺑ ﺷﺨﺺ ﯾﮧ ﻧﻤﺎز ﭘﮍھ ﮐﺮ ﺧﺪا اﭘ ﮐﻮ ﺣﺎﺟﺖ ﻃﻠﺐ ﮐﺮ ﺎ ﺗﻮ وە‬
‫ﻮں ﺗﻮ ﻣﻌﺎف ﮐﺮ دﯾ‬ ‫ﻘﯿﻨﺎ ﭘﻮری ﻮ اور اﺳ ﮔﻨﺎە ا ﺮ ر ﺖ ذرات ﺑﺮاﺑﺮ ﺑ‬
‫۔‬ ‫ﺟﺎﺋ‬
It is reported that when Imam AliAmeer al-Momineen(a.s.) used
to offer this prayer, he would say, “I swear by Him Who grasps
my soul, Almighty Allah shall definitely respond to whoever
offers this prayer and then prays Him for granting his needs,
and Almighty Allah shall forgive him even if his sins would be as
much as the pebbles in deserts.”

Second method ‫دو ا ﻃ ﻘﮧ ﻧﻤﺎز‬

‫ﺠﺎ ا ﮏ ﺳﻮ‬ ‫ا ﮏ ﺰار‬ ‫ا ﮏ اور روا ﺖ ﻣ اس ﻧﻤﺎز ﭘﮩ رﮐﻌﺖ ﻣ‬
‫ﻣﺮﺗﺒﮧ ﺳﻮرە ﺗﻮﺣ ﺪ ﭘﮍﮬ ﺎ ذﮐﺮ آ ﺎ‬
According to another narration, Surah al-Tawheed is
repeated one hundred times, not one thousand.
‫ﻌﺪ ﺠﺎ ﻻﻧﺎ ﻮ ﺎ۔‬ ‫اس ﻧﻤﺎز ﮐﻮ ﻧﺎﻓﻠﮧ ﻣﻐﺮب‬ ‫ﻟ ﮑﻦ اس ﺻﻮرت ﻣ‬
Yet, this narration has mentioned that this prayer is offered
after the Maghrib obligatory and supererogatory prayers.
: ‫ﻟ ﯾﮧ دﻋﺎ ﻧﻘﻞ‬ ‫ﻌﺪ ﭘﮍﮬ‬ ‫اس ﻧﻤﺎز‬ ‫ﺷﯿﺦ و ﺳ ﺪ‬
Having mentioned this prayer, Shaykh al-Tusi and Sayyid
Ibn Tawus recorded that the following supplicatory prayer
should be said after the prayer:
ُ ‫َﺎ ا ُ َﺎ ا ُ َﺎ ا‬
‫اے ﷲ اے ﷲ اے ﷲ‬
O Allah! O Allah! O Allah!
ُ ‫ﻤﻦ َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ َرﺣ ُﻢ َ ﺎا‬
ُ ‫َ ﺎ َر ْﺣ‬
‫رﺣﻢ وا اے ﷲ‬ ‫ﻣﮩ ﺎن اے ﷲ اے ﺑﮍ‬ ‫اے ﺑﮍ‬
O Beneficent! O Allah! O Merciful! O Allah!

ْ ِ ‫ﺲ ْ اﻟ َﻘ ْ َو ْﺣ َﺸ‬ُ ُْ ْ َ َ
ِ ِ ‫ و ﻣﻦ ﯾﻮ‬- ‫ ﻣﺆﺳﺴﺔ ﺗﮩﺬ ﺐ | ز ِاد راە‬5/11
‫ﻣﺎە ﺷﻮال‪ :‬اﻋﻤﺎل ﺷﺐ ﻋ ﺪ ﻓﻄﺮ‬
‫‪Mafateh al-Jinan | Month of Shawwal | Aamal on 1ST Night of Shawwal‬‬
‫ﻣﺎﺧﻮز | ﻣﺎە ﺷﻮال ﻓﻀ ﻠﺖ اور اﻋﻤﺎل‬ ‫ﻣﻔﺎﺗﯿﺢ اﻟﺠﻨﺎن و ﺎﻗ ﺎت اﻟﺼﺎﻟﺤﺎت | ﺎب دوم‬

‫َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ ُﻗ ﱡﺪ ُ‬
‫وس َ ﺎا ُ‬ ‫َ ﺎ َﻣ ِﻠ‬
‫اے ﺎدﺷﺎە اے ﷲ اے ﺎ ە اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Sovereign! O Allah! O Most Holy! O Allah‬‬
‫ﻼم َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ ُﻣ ْﺆﻣ ُﻦ َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ ُﻣ َﮭ ْ ﻤ ُﻦ َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫َ ﺎ َﺳ ُ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫اے ﺎﻣﻞ اے ﷲ اے اﻣﻦ دﯾ وا اے ﷲ اے ﻧﮕﮩﺪاراے ﷲ‬
‫‪O Peace! O Allah! O Giver of security! O Allah! O All-‬‬
‫!‪prevailing! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ َﻋ ُﺰ َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ َﺟ ّ ُﺎر َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ ُﻣ َﺘ ﱢ ُ َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫اے ﻏﺎﻟﺐ اے ﷲ اے د ﺪﺑﮧ وا اے ﷲ اے ﺑﮍا وا اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Almighty! O Allah! O Omnipotent! O Allah! O All-great! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ ﺧﺎﻟ ُﻖ َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ ﺎر ُی َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ ُﻣ َﺼ ﱢﻮ ُر َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫اے ﺑﻨﺎ وا اے ﷲ اے ﭘ ﺪا ﮐﺮ وا اے ﷲ اے ﺻﻮرت ﺑﻨﺎ وا اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Creator! O Allah! O Inventor! O Allah! O Shaper! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ ﻋﺎﻟ ُﻢ َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ َﻋﻈ ُﻢ َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ َﻋﻠ ُﻢ َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫اے ﺟﺎﻧ وا اے ﷲ اے ﺑﺰر وا اے ﷲ اے داﻧﺎاے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O All-knowing! O Allah! O Great! O Allah! O Sincere! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ ﮐ ُﻢ َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ َﺣﻠ ُﻢ َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ َﺣﮑ ُﻢ َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫اے ﮐﺮم ﮐﺮ وا اے ﷲ اے ﺑﺮد ﺎراے ﷲ اے ﺣ ﻤﺖ وا اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O All-generous! O Allah! O Indulgent! O Allah! O Wise! O Allah‬‬
‫ﯿﻊ َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ َ ﺼ ُ َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫َ ﺎ َﺳﻤ ُ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫اے ﺳﻨ وا اے ﷲ اے د ﮑﮭ وا اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Hearer! O Allah! O Seer! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ َﻗ ُﺐ َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ ُﻣﺠ ُﺐ َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫اے ﻧﺰد ﮏ اے ﷲ اے ﻗﺒﻮل ﮐﺮ وا اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Near! O Allah! O Responder! O Allah‬‬
‫ﻮاد َ ﺎا ُ ‪ َ ،‬ﺎ ﻣﺎﺟ ُﺪ َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫َ َ ُ‬
‫اے ﺑﮩﺖ ﻋﻄﺎ وا اے ﷲ اے ﺷﺎن وا اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O All-magnanimous! O Allah! O Glorious! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ َﻣ ﱡ َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ َو ﱡ َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫اے دوﺳﺖ اے ﷲ اے وﻓﺎوا اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Rich and Powerful! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎا ُ‬ ‫َ ُ َ‬ ‫َ ﺎ َﻣ ْﻮ‬
‫ﺎا ﺎ ﻗﺎ ِ‬
‫اے ﺣﺎ ﻢ اے ﷲ اے ﻓ ﺼﻠﮧ ﮐﺮ وا اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Lord-Master! O Allah! O Judge! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ َ ـ ُـﻊ َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫اے ﺗ ﺗﺮاے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Swift! O Allah‬‬
‫َ َ ُ َ ُ َ َ ُ ُ‬
‫وف َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ َرﻗ ُﺐ َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ﺎ ﺷ ِﺪ ﺪ ﺎا ﺎ رؤ‬
‫اے ﺳﺨﺖ ﮔ اے ﷲ اے ﻣﮩ ﺎ وا اے ﷲ اے ﻧﮕﮩ ﺎن اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Firm! O Allah! O Compassionate! O Allah! O Preserver! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ َﻣﺠ ُﺪ َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ َﺣﻔ ﻆ َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ ُﻣﺤ ُﻂ َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫وا اے ﷲ‬ ‫اے ﺑﺰر وا اے ﷲ اے ﻧﮕﮩﺪاراے ﷲ اے ﮔﮭ‬
‫!‪O Mighty! O Allah! O Protector! O Allah! O Encompasser! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ َﺳ ﱢ َﺪ ّ‬
‫اﻟﺴﺎدات َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫داراے ﷲ‬ ‫داروں‬ ‫اے‬
‫!‪O Chief of the chiefs! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ ٲ ﱠو ُل َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ آﺧ ُﺮ َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫اے اول اے ﷲ اے آﺧﺮاے اﷲ‬
‫ﺲ ْ اﻟ َﻘ ْ َو ْﺣ َﺸ ِ ْ‬‫َ َ ْ ُْ ُ‬
‫‪ 6/11‬ﻣﺆﺳﺴﺔ ﺗﮩﺬ ﺐ | ز ِاد راە ‪ -‬و ﻣﻦ ﯾﻮ ِ ِ‬
‫ﻣﺎە ﺷﻮال‪ :‬اﻋﻤﺎل ﺷﺐ ﻋ ﺪ ﻓﻄﺮ‬
‫‪Mafateh al-Jinan | Month of Shawwal | Aamal on 1ST Night of Shawwal‬‬
‫ﻣﺎﺧﻮز | ﻣﺎە ﺷﻮال ﻓﻀ ﻠﺖ اور اﻋﻤﺎل‬ ‫ﻣﻔﺎﺗﯿﺢ اﻟﺠﻨﺎن و ﺎﻗ ﺎت اﻟﺼﺎﻟﺤﺎت | ﺎب دوم‬

‫!‪O Ever-Foremost! O Allah! O Eternally Last! O Allah‬‬

‫َ ﺎ ﻇﺎﮬ ُﺮ َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ ﺎﻃ ُﻦ َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫اے ﻇﺎ ﺮا ﷲ اے ﺎﻃﻦ اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Evident! O Allah! O Intrinsic Fundamental! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ ﻓﺎﺧ ُﺮ َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ ﻗﺎﮬ ُﺮ َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫اے ﻓﺨﺮ وا اے ﷲ اے ﻏﻠﺒﮧ وا اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Glorious! O Allah! O Victor! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ َرّ ُﺎە َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ َرّ ُﺎە َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ َرّ ُﺎە َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫اے ﭘﺮورد ﺎراے ﷲ اے ﭘﺮورد ﺎراے ﷲ اے ﭘﺮورد ﺎراے ﷲ‬
‫‪O Lord-Nourisher! O Allah! O Lord-Nourisher! O Allah! O‬‬
‫!‪Lord-Nourisher! O Allah‬‬
‫ود َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ ُﻧ ُ‬
‫ﻮر َ ﺎا ُ‬ ‫َ َ ُ ُ‬
‫ﺎ ود‬
‫اے دوﺳ وا اے ﷲ اے روﺷﻦ اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Loving! O Allah! O Light! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ راﻓ ُﻊ َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫اے ﻠﻨﺪ ﮐﺮ وا اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Raiser! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ ﻣﺎﻧ ُﻊ َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ داﻓ ُﻊ َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫اے روﮐ وا اے ﷲ اے ﭩﺎ وا اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Preventer! O Allah! O Defender! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ ﻓﺎﺗ ُﺢ َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ َﻧ ﱠﻔ ُ‬
‫ﺎح َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫اے ﮐﮭﻮﻟ وا اے ﷲ اے ﻧﻔﻊ ﭘﮩﻨﭽﺎ وا اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Introducer! O Allah! O Bountiful! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ َﺟﻠ ُﻞ َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ َﺟﻤ ُﻞ َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫اے ﺑﺰرگ اے ﷲ اے ز ﺎاے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Magnificent! O Allah! O Handsome! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ َﺷﮭ ُﺪ َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ ﺷﺎﮬ ُﺪ َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫اے ﮔﻮاە اے ﷲ اے ﻣﺸﺎﮨﺪە ﮐﺮ وا اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Witness! O Allah! O Present! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ ُﻣﻐ ُﺚ َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ َﺣﺒ ُﺐ َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫اے ﻓ ﺎد رس اے ﷲ اے دوﺳﺖ اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Succorer! O Allah! O Beloved! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ ﻓﺎﻃ ُﺮ َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ ُﻣ َﻄ ﱢﮭ ُﺮ َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫اے ﭘ ﺪا ﮐﺮ وا اے ﷲ اے ﺎ ە اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Creator out of nothing! O Allah! O Purifier! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ ُﻣ ْﻘ َﺘﺪ ُر َ ﺎا ُ‬ ‫َ ﺎ َﻣ ِﻠ‬
‫اے ﺎدﺷﺎە اے ﷲ اے ﺗﻘﺪﯾﺮ ﺑﻨﺎ وا اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Master! O Allah! O All-powerful! O Allah‬‬
‫ﺾ َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ ﺎﺳ ُﻄ َ ﺎ ا ُ‬
‫َ ﺎ ﻗﺎ ُ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫اے ﺑﻨﺪ ﮐﺮ وا اے ﷲ اے ﮐﮭﻮﻟ وا اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Possessor! O Allah! O Spreader! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ ُﻣﻤ ُﺖ َ ﺎا ُ‬ ‫َ ُ ْ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ﺎ ﻣﺤ ِ‬
‫اے زﻧﺪە ﮐﺮ وا اے ﷲ اے ﻣﻮت دﯾ وا اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Vivifier! O Allah! O Exterminator! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ ﺎﻋ ُﺚ َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ وار ُث َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫اے اﭨﮭﺎ وا اے ﷲ اے ورﺛﮧ وا اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Causer! O Allah! O Inheritor! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ ُﻣ ْﻔﻀ ُﻞ َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ ُﻣ ْﻨﻌ ُﻢ َ ﺎا ُ‬ ‫َ ُ ْ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ﺎ ﻣﻌ ِ‬
‫ﺲ ْ اﻟ َﻘ ْ َو ْﺣ َﺸ ِ ْ‬‫َ َ ْ ُْ ُ‬
‫‪ 7/11‬ﻣﺆﺳﺴﺔ ﺗﮩﺬ ﺐ | ز ِاد راە ‪ -‬و ﻣﻦ ﯾﻮ ِ ِ‬
‫ﻣﺎە ﺷﻮال‪ :‬اﻋﻤﺎل ﺷﺐ ﻋ ﺪ ﻓﻄﺮ‬
‫‪Mafateh al-Jinan | Month of Shawwal | Aamal on 1ST Night of Shawwal‬‬
‫ﻣﺎﺧﻮز | ﻣﺎە ﺷﻮال ﻓﻀ ﻠﺖ اور اﻋﻤﺎل‬ ‫ﻣﻔﺎﺗﯿﺢ اﻟﺠﻨﺎن و ﺎﻗ ﺎت اﻟﺼﺎﻟﺤﺎت | ﺎب دوم‬

‫اے ﻋﻄﺎ ﮐﺮ وا اے ﷲ اے ﻓﻀﻞ ﮐﺮ وا اے ﷲ اے ﻧﻌﻤﺖ دﯾ وا اے ﷲ‬

‫!‪O Bestower! O Allah! O Favorer! O Allah! O Benefactor! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ َﺣ ﱡﻖ َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ ُﻣﺒ ُ َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ َﻃ ﱢ ُﺐ َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫اے ﺣﻖ اے ﷲ اے آﺷ ﺎر ﮐﺮ وا اے ﷲ اے ﺎ ە اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Truth! O Allah! O Distinct! O Allah! O Affable! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ ُﻣ ْﺤﺴ ُﻦ َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ ُﻣ ْﺠﻤ ُﻞ َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫ﮐﺮ وا اے ﷲ‬ ‫اے اﺣﺴﺎن ﮐﺮ وا اے ﷲ اے ﻧ‬
‫!‪O Polite! O Allah! O Graceful! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ ُﻣ ْ ﺪ ُی َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ ُﻣﻌ ُﺪ َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫اے آﻏﺎز ﮐﺮ وا اے ﷲ اے ﻟﻮﭨﺎ وا اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Originator! O Allah! O He Who brings back all things! O Allah‬‬
‫ﯾﻊ َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫َ ﺎ ﺎر ُی َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ َ ﺪ ُ‬
‫اے ﭘ ﺪا ﮐﺮ وا اے ﷲ اے ﻧ ﺎ ﺎم ﮐﺮ وا اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O He Who makes visible! O Allah! O Inventor! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ ﮬﺎدی َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫اے ر ﻨﻤﺎاے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Guide! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ ﺎ َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ ﺷﺎ َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫اے ﭘﻮرا ﮐﺮ وا اے ﷲ اے ﺷﻔﺎ دﯾ وا اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Able! O Allah! O Efficacious! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ َﻋ ﱡ َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ َﻋﻈ ُﻢ َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫اے ﻠﻨﺪ ﻣﺮﺗﺒﮧ اے ﷲ اے ﺑﮍا وا اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O High! O Allah! O Great! O Allah‬‬
‫َ َ ّ ُ َ ُ َ َﱠ ُ‬
‫ﺎن َ ﺎا ُ‬ ‫ﺎ ﺣﻨﺎن ﺎا ﺎ ﻣﻨ‬
‫اے ﻣﺤ ﺖ وا اے ﷲ اے اﺣﺴﺎن وا اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Tender! O Allah! O Kind! O Allah‬‬
‫َ َ ﱠ‬
‫اﻟﻄ ْﻮل َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ ُﻣ َﺘﻌﺎ َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ﺎ ذا‬
‫اے ﻧﻌﻤﺖ وا اے ﷲ اے ﻠﻨﺪی وا اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Owner of bounties! O Allah! O Allah! O Most High! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ َﻋ ْﺪ ُل َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫اے ﻋﺪل ﮐﺮ وا اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Just! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ َذا اﻟ َﻤﻌﺎرج َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫اے ﻠﻨﺪﯾﻮں وا اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Owner of ascendancy! O Allah‬‬
‫ُ َ ُ َ َ ُ ُ َ ُ َ َﱠ ُ‬
‫ﺎن َ ﺎا ُ‬ ‫َ‬
‫ﺻﺎدق ﺎا ﺎ ﺻﺪوق ﺎا ﺎ د‬ ‫ﺎ ِ‬
‫اے راﺳﺖ ﮔﻮاے ﷲ اے ﺑﮩﺖ راﺳﺖ ﮔﻮاے ﷲ اے ﺪﻟﮧ ﻟﯿ وا اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Truthful! O Allah! O Sincere! O Allah! O Requiter! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ ﺎ َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ وا َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫اے ﻘﺎوا اے ﷲ اے ﻧﮕﮩﺪاراے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O He Who remains for ever! O Allah! O Vigilant! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ َذا اﻟ َﺠﻼل َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ َذا ا ْ ﺮام َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫ِ ِ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫اے ﺟﻼﻟﺖ وا اے ﷲ اے ﻋﺰت وا اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Owner of majesty! O Allah! O Owner of glory! O Allah‬‬
‫َ َ ْ ُ ُ َ ُ َ َ ُْ ُ‬
‫ﻮد َ ﺎا ُ‬‫ﺎ ﻣﺤﻤﻮد ﺎا ﺎ ﻣﻌﺒ‬
‫اے ﺴﻨﺪ ﺪە اے ﷲ اے ﺑﻨﺪ ﮐ ﮔ اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Admirable! O Allah! O Adorable! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ ﺻﺎﻧ ُﻊ َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ ُﻣﻌ ُ َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ ُﻣ ﱢﻮ ُن َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫ﺲ ْ اﻟ َﻘ ْ َو ْﺣ َﺸ ِ ْ‬‫َ َ ْ ُْ ُ‬
‫‪ 8/11‬ﻣﺆﺳﺴﺔ ﺗﮩﺬ ﺐ | ز ِاد راە ‪ -‬و ﻣﻦ ﯾﻮ ِ ِ‬
‫ﻣﺎە ﺷﻮال‪ :‬اﻋﻤﺎل ﺷﺐ ﻋ ﺪ ﻓﻄﺮ‬
‫‪Mafateh al-Jinan | Month of Shawwal | Aamal on 1ST Night of Shawwal‬‬
‫ﻣﺎﺧﻮز | ﻣﺎە ﺷﻮال ﻓﻀ ﻠﺖ اور اﻋﻤﺎل‬ ‫ﻣﻔﺎﺗﯿﺢ اﻟﺠﻨﺎن و ﺎﻗ ﺎت اﻟﺼﺎﻟﺤﺎت | ﺎب دوم‬

‫اے ﺑﻨﺎ وا اے ﷲ اے ﻣﺪد ﮐﺮ وا اے ﷲ اے وﺟﻮد دﯾ وا اے ﷲ‬

‫!‪O Maker! O Allah! O Helper! O Allah! O Doer! O Allah‬‬
‫ﻒ َ ﺎا ُ‬ ‫َ ﺎ َﻓ ّﻌ ُ‬
‫ﺎل َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ ﻟﻄ ُ‬
‫اے ﺎم ﮐﺮ وا اے ﷲ اے ﺎر ﮏ ﺑ اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Active! O Allah! O Subtle! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ َﻏ ُﻔ ُ‬
‫ﻮر َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ َﺷﮑ ُ‬
‫ﻮر َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫اے ﺑﮩﺖ ﻣﻌﺎف ﮐﺮ وا اے ﷲ اے ﻗﺪردان اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Oft-forgiving! O Allah! O Very Thankful! O Allah‬‬
‫ﻮر َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ َﻗﺪ ُﯾﺮ َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫َ ﺎ ُﻧ ُ‬
‫اے روﺷﻦ اے ﷲ اے ﻗﺪرت وا اے ﷲ‬
‫!‪O Splendid! O Allah! O Omnipotent! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ َرﱠ ُﺎە َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ َرﱠ ُﺎە َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ َرﱠ ُﺎە َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫اے ﭘﺮورد ﺎراے ﷲ اے ﭘﺮورد ﺎراے ﷲ اے ﭘﺮورد ﺎراے ﷲ اے ﭘﺮورد ﺎر‬
‫‪O Lord-Nourisher! O Allah! O Lord-Nourisher! O Allah! O‬‬
‫!‪Lord-Nourisher! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ َرﱠ ُﺎە َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ َرﱠ ُﺎە َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ َرﱠ ُﺎە َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫اے ﭘﺮورد ﺎراے ﷲ اے ﭘﺮورد ﺎراے ﷲ اے ﭘﺮورد ﺎراے ﷲ اے ﭘﺮورد ﺎر‬
‫‪O Lord-Nourisher! O Allah! O Lord-Nourisher! O Allah! O‬‬
‫!‪Lord-Nourisher! O Allah‬‬
‫َ ﺎ َرﱠ ُﺎە َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ َرﱠ ُﺎە َ ﺎا ُ َ ﺎ َرﱠ ُﺎە َ ﺎا ُ‬
‫اے ﭘﺮورد ﺎراے ﷲ اے ﭘﺮورد ﺎراے ﷲ اے ﭘﺮورد ﺎراے ﷲ اے ﭘﺮورد ﺎر‬
‫‪O Lord-Nourisher! O Allah! O Lord-Nourisher! O Allah! O‬‬
‫!‪Lord-Nourisher! O Allah‬‬

‫آل ُﻣ َﺤ ﱠﻤ ٍﺪ‬‫و‬‫ٲ ْن ُﺗ َﺼ َ َﻋ ُﻣ َﺤ ﱠﻤﺪ َ‬ ‫ٲ ْﺳ ﻟ‬

‫ٍ ِ‬
‫ﺳﻮال ﮐﺮﺗﺎ ﻮں ﮐﮧ ﷴﷺ اور ؑ‬
‫آل ﷴﷺ ﭘﺮ رﺣﻤﺖ ﻧﺎزل ﻓﺮﻣﺎ‬ ‫ﺗﺠﮫ‬ ‫ﻣ‬
‫‪I beseech You to send blessings to Muhammad and the‬‬
‫‪Household of Muhammad,‬‬
‫َ ُ َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ‬
‫َوﺗ ْﻌﻔ َﻮ ﻋ ﱢ ِ ِﺤﻠ ِﻤﮏ‪،‬‬ ‫َوﺗ ُﻤ ﱠﻦ ﻋ ﱠ ِﺑﺮﺿﺎ‬
‫ﺳﺎﺗﮫ ﻣﺠﮭ ﻣﻌﺎف ﮐﺮ‬ ‫ذر ﻣﺠﮫ ﭘﺮاﺣﺴﺎن ﻓﺮﻣﺎ اﭘ ﺑﺮد ﺎری‬ ‫اور اﭘ رﺿﺎ‬
‫‪favor on me with Your pleasure, grant me amnesty through‬‬
‫‪Your munificence,‬‬
‫ﱠ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ََُ ﱢ َ َ ﱠ ْ ْ‬
‫ﻼل اﻟﻄ ﱢ ِﺐ‬
‫وﺗﻮﺳﻊ ﻋ ِﻣﻦ رزِﻗﮏ اﻟﺤ ِ‬
‫ﮐﺮد‬ ‫ﻓﺮا‬ ‫اور ﻣﺠﮫ ﭘﺮ اﭘ ﺣﻼل و ﺎ ە رزق ﻣ‬
‫‪and expand Your lawful, good sustenance to me‬‬
‫ُ َ َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ُ‬
‫َو ِﻣ ْﻦ َﺣ ْ ﺚ ٲ ْﺣ ِﺴ ُﺐ َو ِﻣ ْﻦ َﺣ ْ ﺚ ٲ ْﺣ ِﺴ ُﺐ‪،‬‬
‫ﺗﻮﻗﻊ ﻧﮩ‬ ‫رزق ﻣﻠ‬ ‫اور ﺟﮩﺎں‬ ‫ﺗﻮﻗﻊ‬ ‫ﻣﺠﮭ رزق ﻣﻠ‬ ‫ﺟﮩﺎں‬
‫‪from whence I expect and from whence I do not,‬‬
‫ٌ‬ ‫َﻓﺈ ﱢ َﻋ ْ ُﺪک ﻟ ْ َ‬
‫ﺲ ِ ٲ َﺣﺪ ِﺳﻮا ‪،‬‬
‫ﺳﻮا ﻣ ا ﮐﻮ ﻧﮩ‬ ‫ﺗ ا ﺑﻨﺪە ﻮں اور ﺗ‬ ‫ﺲﻣ‬
‫‪for I am Your servant, I have no one else other than You,‬‬
‫ُ َ‬ ‫َ ٌ‬
‫َو ٲ َﺣﺪ ٲ ْﺳ ﻟﮧ ﻏ ْ ُ ‪،‬‬
‫ﻣﺎﻧﮕﻮں‬ ‫ﺟﺲ‬ ‫ﺳﻮا ﮐﻮ اور‬ ‫اور ﻧﮧ ﺗ‬
‫!‪and there is no one to whom I turn to other than You‬‬
‫َ ﺎ ٲ ْر َﺣ َﻢ ّ‬
‫اﻟﺮ ِاﺣ ِﻤ َ ‪،‬‬
‫ز ﺎدە رﺣﻢ ﮐﺮ وا‬ ‫اے ﺳﺐ‬
‫!‪O Most Merciful of the Merciful‬‬
‫َ ُ َ ﱠ‬ ‫َ‬
‫َﻣﺎ ﺷ َﺎء ا ُ ﻗ ﱠﻮ إ ِ ﺎ ِ اﻟ َﻌ ِ ﱢ اﻟ َﻌ ِﻈ ِﻢ‬
‫ﺟﻮ ﺑﺰرگ و ﺮﺗﺮ ﺧﺪا‬ ‫ﺟﻮ ﷲ ﭼﺎ ﻧﮩ ﮐﻮ ﻗﺪرت ﻟ ﮑﻦ و‬ ‫ﻮﺗﺎ‬ ‫و‬
‫‪Only that which Allah wills takes place. There is no power‬‬
‫ﺲ ْ اﻟ َﻘ ْ َو ْﺣ َﺸ ِ ْ‬‫َ َ ْ ُْ ُ‬
‫‪ 9/11‬ﻣﺆﺳﺴﺔ ﺗﮩﺬ ﺐ | ز ِاد راە ‪ -‬و ﻣﻦ ﯾﻮ ِ ِ‬
‫ اﻋﻤﺎل ﺷﺐ ﻋ ﺪ ﻓﻄﺮ‬:‫ﻣﺎە ﺷﻮال‬
Mafateh al-Jinan | Month of Shawwal | Aamal on 1ST Night of Shawwal
‫ﻣﺎﺧﻮز | ﻣﺎە ﺷﻮال ﻓﻀ ﻠﺖ اور اﻋﻤﺎل‬ ‫ﻣﻔﺎﺗﯿﺢ اﻟﺠﻨﺎن و ﺎﻗ ﺎت اﻟﺼﺎﻟﺤﺎت | ﺎب دوم‬

except in Allah, the High, the Great.

: ‫ﺟﺎ اور ﮐﮩ‬ ‫ﭘﮭﺮ ﺳﺠﺪے ﻣ‬
One may then prostrate oneself and say the following:

، ُ ‫َﺎ ا ُ َﺎ ا ُ َﺎ ا‬
‫اے ﷲ اے ﷲ اے ﷲ‬
O Allah! O Allah! O Allah!

،‫َ ﺎ َر ﱡب َ ﺎ َر ﱡب َ ﺎ َر ﱡب‬
‫اے ﭘﺮورد ﺎراے ﭘﺮورد ﺎراے ﭘﺮورد ﺎر‬
O Lord-Nourisher! O Lord-Nourisher! O Lord-Nourisher!
َ ‫َ ﺎ ُﻣ ْ َل اﻟ َ َ ﺎت ﮏ ُﺗ ْ َ ُل ﱡﻞ‬
،‫ﺣﺎﺟ ٍﺔ‬ ِ ِ
‫ﺮ ﺣﺎﺟﺖ ﺑﺮآ اور ﭘﻮری ﻮ‬ ‫ﻧﺎزل ﮐﺮ وا ﺗﺠ‬ ‫اے ﺑﺮﮐﺘﻮں‬
O He Who sends down blessing! To You only are all desires turned.
َْ َ
‫ون اﻟﻐ ْ ِﺐ ِﻋﻨﺪک‬ ُ ْ َ ْ ‫ﱢ‬ ‫ٲ ْﺳ ﻟ‬
ِ ‫ِ ﻞ اﺳ ٍﻢ ِ ﻣﺨﺰ‬
‫ﮨﺎں ﺧﺰاﻧﮧ ﻏ ﺐ ﻣ‬ ‫ﺟﻮ ﺗ‬ ‫ﺑﻮاﺳﻄﮧ ﺮ ا ﮏ ﻧﺎم‬ ‫ﺳﻮال ﮐﺮﺗﺎ ﻮں ﺗﺠﮫ‬
I beseech You in the name of every name treasured in Your
invisible collection,
ُ َْ َ ُ ْ َ َْ
‫ﻮرِ ِﻋﻨﺪک اﻟ َﻤ ﺘ َ ِﺔ‬‫َوا ْﺳ َﻤ ِﺎء اﻟﻤﺸﮭ‬
‫ﻮ ﮨ‬ ‫ﮨﺎں ﺗﺤ ﺮ و ﻧﻘﺶ ﮐ‬ ‫ﺟﻮ ﺗ‬ ‫اور ﺑﻮاﺳﻄﮧ ان ﻣﻌﺮوف ﻧﺎﻣﻮں‬
and in the name of Your celebrated names,
َ َ
‫ُ ِاد ِق ﻋ ْﺮ ِﺷﮏ‬ ‫ﻋ‬
‫ﭘﺮدوں ﭘﺮ‬ ‫ﻋﺮش‬
inscribed on the hangings of Your Throne,

‫آل ُﻣ َﺤ ﱠﻤ ٍﺪ‬‫و‬َ ‫ٲ ْن ُﺗ َﺼ َ َﻋ ُﻣ َﺤ ﱠﻤﺪ‬

ِ ٍ ؑ ‫ت ﷴﷺ اور‬
‫آل ﷴﷺ ﭘﺮ رﺣﻤﺖ ﻧﺎزل ﻓﺮﻣﺎ‬ ‫ﺗﻮ ﺣ‬
to send blessings to Muhammad and the Household of
َ َ َْ ْ
،‫َوٲن ﺗﻘ َ َﻞ ِﻣ ﱢ ﺷ ْﮭ َﺮ َر َﻣﻀﺎن‬
‫ﻋ ﺎدت ﻗﺒﻮل ﮐﺮ‬ ‫ﻣﺎە رﻣﻀﺎن‬ ‫اور ﯾﮧ ﮐﮧ ﻣ ی ﻃﺮف‬
to accept my offerings made in the month of Rama¤¡n,
َ ‫َو َﺗ ُﺘ َﺒ ﻣ َﻦ اﻟﻮاﻓﺪ‬
،‫ﯾﻦ إ َﺑ ْ ِﺘﮏ اﻟ َﺤﺮ ِام‬ ِ ِ ِ ِ
‫ﻟ ﮫ دے‬ ‫اور ﺗﻮ ﻣﺠﮭ اﭘ ﻣﺤ م ﮔﮭﺮ ﮐﻌﺒﮧ ﺎ ﺣﺞ ادا ﮐﺮ واﻟﻮں ﻣ‬
to record my name in the list of those who will journey to
Your Sacred House,
ُ ‫ﱡ‬ َ َ َ ْ ََ
ِ ‫ﻌ‬
ِ ‫اﻟ‬ ‫ﻮب‬
ِ ‫ﻧ‬ ‫اﻟﺬ‬ ‫ﻦ‬ ‫ﻋ‬ ِ ‫وﺗﺼﻔ‬
‫ﺑﮍ ﮔﻨﺎ ﻮں ﮐﻮ ﻣﻌﺎف ﮐﺮ‬ ‫ﺑﮍ‬ ‫اور ﺗﻮ ﻣ‬
to overlook my grand sins,
َ ُ ‫َ َ ﱢ‬ ْ َ َ
ُ ‫ﻮز َ ﺎ َر ْﺣ‬
‫ﻤﻦ ۔‬ ‫َو ْﺴﺘﺨ َج ِ ﺎ رب ﮐﻨ‬
‫ﻟ اﭘ ان ﮔﻨﺖ ﺧﺰا ﮐﮭﻮ اے ﺑﮩﺖ ﻣﮩ ﺎن ۔‬ ‫اور ﺗﻮ ﻣ‬
to demonstrate, O Lord, before me Your treasures, O All-beneficent!

Offer a14 units prayer ‫﴾ ﭼﻮدە رﮐﻌﺖ ﻧﻤﺎز ﺠﺎ ﻻ‬۹﴿

It is recommended to offer a prayer of fourteen units
‫ﻣﺮﺗﺒﮧ ﺳﻮرە ﺗﻮﺣ ﺪ ﭘﮍ‬ ‫ﻌﺪ ﺗ‬ ‫ﺳﻮرە اﻟﺤﻤﺪ و آ ﺔ اﻟ ﺮ‬ ‫ﺮ رﮐﻌﺖ ﻣ‬
In each unit; recite Surah al-Faatehah once, Ayah al-Kursi
once, and Surah al-Tawheed three times.
‫ﻋ ﺎدت ﺎ ﺛﻮاب ﻣ ﻧ اس ﺷﺨﺺ‬ ‫ﺪ ﻣ ﭼﺎﻟ ﺲ ﺳﺎل‬ ‫ﺮ رﮐﻌﺖ‬ ‫ﺗﺎ ﮧ ا‬
‫ﻣﺎە رﻣﻀﺎن ﭘﻮر روز رﮐﮭ‬ ‫ﺑﺮاﺑﺮ ﻣ ﺪ ﺛﻮاب ﺑ ﺣﺎﺻﻞ ﻮ ﮐﮧ ﺟﺲ‬
‫ﻮ۔‬ ‫ﻮں اور ﻋ ﺎدت‬
The reward of offering each unit of this prayer is as same as the
reward of forty-year worship as well as the reward of each and
every one who has observed fasting and offered prayers in this

ْ ِ ‫ﺲ ْ اﻟ َﻘ ْ َو ْﺣ َﺸ‬ُ ُْ ْ َ َ
ِ ِ ‫ و ﻣﻦ ﯾﻮ‬- ‫ ﻣﺆﺳﺴﺔ ﺗﮩﺬ ﺐ | ز ِاد راە‬10/11
‫ اﻋﻤﺎل ﺷﺐ ﻋ ﺪ ﻓﻄﺮ‬:‫ﻣﺎە ﺷﻮال‬
Mafateh al-Jinan | Month of Shawwal | Aamal on 1ST Night of Shawwal
‫ﻣﺎﺧﻮز | ﻣﺎە ﺷﻮال ﻓﻀ ﻠﺖ اور اﻋﻤﺎل‬ ‫ﻣﻔﺎﺗﯿﺢ اﻟﺠﻨﺎن و ﺎﻗ ﺎت اﻟﺼﺎﻟﺤﺎت | ﺎب دوم‬

‫﴾ آﺧﺮ ﺷﺐ ﻏﺴﻞ ﮐﺮ‬۱٠﴿

‫اور ﻣﺼﻼ ﻋ ﺎدت ﭘﺮ‬ ‫ﻣﺼ ﺎح ﻣ ﺷﯿﺦ ﺎ ﻓﺮﻣﺎن ﮐﮧ آﺧﺮ ﺷﺐ ﻏﺴﻞ ﮐﺮ‬
‫ر ﯾﮩﺎں ﺗﮏ ﮐﮧ ﺻﺒﺢ ﺻﺎدق ﻮﺟﺎ ۔‬
Tenth: In Misbah al-Mutahajjid, Shaykh al-Tusi says: At the
last hour of this night, you may bathe yourself and sit in
your prayer-place until dawn.

‫َو َﺻ ا ُ ﻋ ُﻣ َﺤ ﱠﻤ ٍﺪ َو ِآﻟ ِﮧ ٲ ْﺟ َﻤ ِﻌ َ ۔‬
ؑ ‫ﺗﻤﺎم‬ ؐ
‫آل ﭘﺮ ﷲ رﺣﻤﺖ ﻓﺮﻣﺎ ۔‬ ‫اور ﻣﺤﻤﺪ اور اﻧ‬
and (please do) bless Muhammad and the Household of
Muhammad (all of them)
‫ﻗ َﺮأة ﺳﻮرة اﻟﻔﺎﺗﺤﺔ إ اﻟﺘﻤﺎس ﺳﻮرە ﻓﺎﺗﺤﮧ ﺑﺮا‬ ‫ﻳﺮ‬ ‫ﻣﺆﺳﺴﺔ ﺗﮩﺬﯾﺐ‬
"‫"اﺑﻮ ﻇﻔﺮ ﻇﻔﺮ ﺣ ﺎ " اﺑﻦ "ﷴ ﺣ ﺎت ﺨﺶ‬
Please recite Sura-al-Fateha for
Abu Zafar Zafar Hayati Son of Mohammad Hayat Buksh

ْ ِ ‫ﺲ ْ اﻟ َﻘ ْ َو ْﺣ َﺸ‬ُ ُْ ْ َ َ
ِ ِ ‫ و ﻣﻦ ﯾﻮ‬- ‫ ﻣﺆﺳﺴﺔ ﺗﮩﺬ ﺐ | ز ِاد راە‬11/11

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