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Number 01/E, 2004


NUMBER 1 OF 2004



Considering: a. that in order to organize the building so that it is in accordance with the Planning Plan

City Area Space and Development that is environmentally friendly

It is necessary to carry out building arrangements and control in the city area

b. that in order to ensure public safety and use

achieving environmental harmony and sustainability is deemed necessary
the existence of regulation and control over the implementation of establishing,

using and demolishing buildings;

c. that Malang Level II Regional Municipality Regional Regulation Number 5

1986 concerning Buildings that are no longer in accordance with development,

so adjustments and reviews need to be made;

d. that to implement the provisions as intended

In consideration of letters a, b and c above, it is necessary to establish regulations

Malang City Region regarding Building Management.

Remember : 1. Law Number 5 of 1960 concerning Basic Basic Regulations

Agrarian Principles (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia 1960

Number 104, Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia

Number 3034);

2. Law Number 13 of 1980 concerning Roads (Plate

Republic of Indonesia Year 1980 Number 83, Supplement

State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3183);

3. Law Number 8 of 1981 concerning Criminal Procedure Law

(State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia 1981 Number 76,

Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3209);

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4. Law Number 15 of 1985 concerning Flats

(State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia 1985 Number 75,

Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3317);

5. Law Number 4 of 1992 concerning Housing and

Settlements (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia 1992

Number 115, Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia

Number 3501);

6. Law Number 5 of 1992 concerning Cultural Heritage Objects

(State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia 1992 Number 23,

Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3469);

7. Law Number 24 of 1992 concerning Spatial Planning

(State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia 1992 Number 115,

Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3501);

8. Law Number 23 of 1997 concerning Environmental Management

Alive (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia 1997 Number

68, Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number


9. Law Number 18 of 1999 concerning Construction Services

(State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia 1999 Number 54,

Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4048);

10. Law Number 22 of 1999 concerning Regional Government

(State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia 1999 Number 60,

Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3839);

11. Law Number 28 of 1999 concerning State Administration

which is clean and free from corruption, collusion and nepotism (sheet

Republic of Indonesia Year 1999 Number 75, Supplement

State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3846);

12. Law Number 28 of 2002 concerning Buildings

(State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia 2002 Number 134,

Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4247);

13. Government Regulation Number 27 of 1983 concerning Implementation

Law Number 8 of 1981 concerning the Code of Laws

Criminal Procedure Law (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year

1983 Number 29, Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia

Number 3354);

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1983 Number 29, Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia

Number 3354);

14. Government Regulation Number 26 of 1985 concerning Roads;

15. Government Regulation Number 13 of 1987 concerning Industrial Business Licenses;

16. Government Regulation Number 15 of 1987 concerning Boundary Changes

Malang Level II Regional Municipality Area and Regional Regency

Level II Malang (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year

1987 Number 29, Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia

Number 3354);

17. Government Regulation Number 25 of 2000 concerning Authority

Provincial Government and Authority as an Autonomous Region

(State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia 2000 Number 54,

Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3952);

18. Presidential Decree Number 54 of 1989 concerning Industrial Areas;

19. Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 1 of 1987 concerning

Delivery of Environmental Infrastructure, Public Utilities and Social Facilities

Housing to Regional Government;

20. Minister of Health Regulation Number 718/Menkes/Per/XI/1987 concerning

Health-Related Noise;

21. Regulation of the Minister of Mines and Energy Number 01.P/47/MPE/1992

regarding Used Space for High Voltage Air Lines (SUTT) and

Extra High Voltage Air Line (SUTET);

22. Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 7 of 1993 concerning Permits

Erecting Buildings and Nuisance Laws for Companies


23. Minister of Public Works Regulation Number 63/PRT/1993 concerning Lines

River Borders, River Benefit Areas, River Control Areas

and Former River;

24. Minister of Public Works Regulation Number 66/PRT/1993 concerning Technical

Operation of Industrial Buildings for Capital Investment;

25. Decree of the Minister of Public Works Number 441/KPTS/1998 concerning

Building Technical Requirements;

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26. Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 4 of 1997 concerning

Civil Servant Investigator;

27. Decree of the Minister of Public Works Number 468/KPTS/1998 concerning
Technical Requirements for Accessibility in Public Buildings and the Environment;

28. Decree of the Minister of Public Works Number 10/KPTS/2000 concerning

Technical Provisions for Safeguarding Fire Hazards in Buildings
Buildings and Environment;

29. Decree of the Minister of Public Works Number 11/KPTS/2000 concerning

Technical Provisions for Fire Management in Urban Areas;

30. Decree of the Minister of Human Settlements and Regional Infrastructure Number

327/KPTS/2002 concerning Establishment of Six Field Guidelines

Spatial planning;

31. Malang Level II Regional Municipality Regional Regulation Number 11

1987 concerning Civil Servant Investigators in the Environment

Malang Level II Regional Municipal Government;

32. Malang City Regional Regulation Number 7 of 2001 concerning Plans

Malang City Regional Spatial Planning 2001 – 2011;

33. Malang City Regional Regulation Number 15 of 2001 concerning Analysis

Regarding Environmental Impact.

With Consent





article 1

In this Regional Regulation what is meant by:

1. Region is Malang City.

2. Regional Government is the Malang City Government.

3. The Regional Head is the Mayor of Malang City.

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4. The Regional People's Representative Council, hereinafter abbreviated as DPRD, is the Council
Malang City Regional People's Representative.

5. Officials are employees who are given certain tasks in the field of Building Management.
6. Agency is a form of business entity which includes limited liability companies, companies
limited partnership, other companies, state or regional owned enterprises by name and in
any form, partnership, association, firm, kongsi, cooperative, foundation or organization
similar institutions, pension funds, permanent establishments and other forms of business entities.

7. Buildings are:
a. Every structure that stands is located on the ground or rests on foundation stones,
above the water in which a space is formed which is completely limited or
in part;
b. A reason;
c. A porch, house steps or sidewalk;
d. A clean water and/or gas supply equipment, excluding a connection to
drinking water pipe network and/or gas network;
e. A device for discharging or collecting rainwater, sewage or water
f. A pump installation and/or placement;
g. A fence or separation of a plot or plot of land;
h. A sheet pile, earth retaining, bridge, pillar, wall part of something
channels or other similar constructions;
i. A pair of walls, a pair of wood, a plank wall or something like that
other walls;
j. An object that consists of or depends on itself, such as a column, has more than its width
1 m2 , which is installed outside the boundary line of the front of the house or on top of something

visited by large crowds;

k. Billboards, advertising equipment, towers, antenna poles and
flag poles.

8. Buildings are buildings that are erected or placed in an environment

part or all of it is permanently above or in the ground and/or water
serves as a place for humans to carry out activities.

9. Permanent buildings are buildings that are viewed in terms of construction and age of the building
stated to be more than 15 (fifteen) years.

10. Semi-permanent buildings are buildings that are viewed in terms of construction and age
buildings are stated to be between 5 (five) years to 15 (fifteen) years.

11. Temporary/emergency buildings are buildings that are reviewed in terms of construction and age
the building is stated to be less than 5 (five) years old.

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12. A successor building is a building that is a continuation of a parent building

and consists of several kitchens, toilets, garages, warehouses and so on, rooms
accommodation for servants and apart from that a maximum of three rooms
intended for habitation, not servants.

13. Main building is a building that has a dominant function in a plot.

14. Feasibility of building construction (KMB) is the construction of a building in terms of

administrative and technical requirements are in accordance with this regional regulation to be able to

recommended building permit process.

15. Building Feasibility (KB) is a building that is suitable for function, class and type of construction
The building complies with the applicable rules and regulations as well as in terms of
economic and technical can provide benefits, do not disturb the environment for the owner,
residents and society.

16. Constructing a building is:

a. Erecting, repairing, expanding, changing or dismantling a building;
b. Carrying out earthworks for the purposes of the works as intended
in number 7 of this article.

17. Standard Mechanical Vibration and Shock Vibration Levels are the maximum limits for vibration levels

mechanics are permitted and businesses or activities on solid media so no

cause disturbances to the comfort and health as well as the integrity of the building.

18. Noise Level Standard is the maximum permitted noise level limit
poured into the environment of the business or activity so that it does not cause disturbances
human health and environmental comfort.

19. Green Building Area, hereinafter abbreviated to DHB, is an open space on

buildings used for greening.

20. Demolition is the activity of completely demolishing or dismantling a building.

21. A dividing wall is a wall that forms a barrier between buildings.

22. Outer Wall is the outermost wall of a building which is not a wall

23. Building height is the distance between the horizontal cutting lines of the roof surface
with the exterior building facade and ground floor plan surface.

24. Boundary Line, hereinafter abbreviated to GS, is the boundary line determined by the
authorized and may not be exceeded for a building construction.

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25. Building Boundary Line, hereinafter abbreviated to GSB or Foundation Boundary Line

The outermost building is the minimum free distance from the outermost areas of a building

building mass against:

a. Edge boundaries of Road Owned Areas (DAMIJA);

b. Boundaries of land controlled;

c. River/coastal boundaries;

d. Between other building masses;

e. Channel plans, high voltage electricity networks, gas pipeline networks and so on.

26. Fence Boundary Line, hereinafter abbreviated to GSP, is the outer line of the fence

plot or yard fence.

27. Road Border Line, hereinafter abbreviated to GSJ, is the outer line of the edge boundary

Road Owned Area (DAMIJA) or Right Of Way (ROW).

28. Attic Boundary Line is a line calculated from the edge of a road that has no border

building levels are permitted.

29. Building Front Boundary Line is the line where the building is erected towards the road

borders, above ground level may not be exceeded except regarding fences.

yard fence.

30. Terrace Boundary Line is the line on the outermost side of the terrace floor which is parallel to the direction of the road

around the building is equal to half the width of DAMIJA from the road plan minus

a maximum of 2 (two) meters and not crossing the outer side line of the fence.

31. A yard is an empty part of a parcel/lot/allotment block

a building that contains or will be filled with a building.

32. Front yard is part of a yard, located between the boundary lines

fence and a line drawn two meters behind the front boundary line of the house, or if

The back yard which is located next to the main house is covered by a line of cover.

33. Back yard is part of a yard that is not the front yard.

34. A parcel is a plot of land that corresponds to the relevant land certificate and

contained in the land certificate contained within the urban planning area or if

The mapping plan has not yet been determined, according to the spatial plan it can be used for

to build a building.

35. A house is a building consisting of rooms or a combination of related rooms

each other which functions as a residence or shelter and a means of development


36. A room is a room which is completely or partially enclosed which is intended for use

human residence during the day or night.

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37. A fence is a dividing structure constructed to demarcate parcels.

38. A terrace is a part of the floor of a building, which is additional in nature and is not limited by walls.

walls like closed rooms.

39. The height of a room is the shortest distance in a room measured from the top surface of the floor to

the lower surface of the ceiling and in the case of no ceiling to the surface

down from the floor above or to the bottom surface of the rafters.

40. Waste water is all waste water left over from human activities, whether from households,

company and others.

41. An infiltration well is an artificial infiltration system that can collect rainwater from

surface groundwater and rainwater channeled through the roof of the building, can

in the form of wells, infiltration ponds, porous channels, infiltration channels and the like.

42. Roads are land transportation infrastructure in any form, covering all parts

Roads include complementary buildings and equipment intended for traffic


43. Changing a Building is the work of replacing and/or adding to an existing building

there includes dismantling work related to the work of replacing parts

the building.

44. Demolishing a building is the work of removing part or all of a building

viewed from the perspective of building function and/or construction.

45. Basic Building Coefficient, hereinafter abbreviated as KDB, is the upper basic number

comparison between the ground floor area of the building and the area of the plot/yard.

46. Building Floor Coefficient, hereinafter abbreviated as KLB, is the upper principal number

comparison between the total floor area of the building and the area of the plot/yard.

47. Green Area Coefficient, hereinafter abbreviated as KDH, is the upper principal number

comparison between the area of the green area and the area of the plot/yard.

48. Basement Site Coefficient, hereinafter abbreviated to KTB, is a percentage figure

comparison of the area of the basement site with the area of the plotted land/planning area

mastered in accordance with the existing spatial plan and building layout.

49. An atrium is a space in a building that connects 2 or more levels

or floor, where:

a. All or part of the space is covered at the top by a floor or roof,

includes a glass roof structure;

b. Including any space that borders or is adjacent to but is not separated by


c. Does not include stair aisles, ramp aisles or spaces in shafts.

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50. Atrium Hole is the space of an atrium which is surrounded by the edge of the opening

floor or the edge of the floor and outer walls.

51. A tower is a towering building, with a base area and an area at the base

The ends of the building are not the same size and/or can be shaped like an irregular prism, pyramid or

52. The term building level indicates the number of floors of the building minus one.

53. Handover of Environmental Infrastructure, Public Utilities and Social Facilities is a handover

all or part of environmental infrastructure, public utilities and social facilities in the form of land

without the building in the form of assets and/or management and responsibility of Perum

Perumnas or Housing Development Company to the Regional Government.

54. Environmental impact analysis is the result of a study of significant impacts

a business or activity planned for the environment that is necessary for

decision making process.

55. Building Construction Permit, hereinafter abbreviated to IMB, is a permit granted in

constructing/modifying buildings.

56. Building Use Permit, hereinafter abbreviated as IPB, is a permit granted for

use the building in accordance with the building function stated in the IMB.

57. Building Removal Permit, hereinafter abbreviated as IHB, is a permit granted for

completely eliminate/demolish the building both physically and functionally

in accordance with the building function stated in the IMB.

58. Examination is a series of activities to search for, collect and process data

and/or other information in the context of monitoring compliance with obligations

in maintaining the building in accordance with statutory regulations


59. Criminal Investigation in the field of Building Management is a series of actions

carried out by Civil Servant Investigators, hereinafter referred to as Investigators for

search for and collect evidence that makes clear a criminal act

in the field of Building Maintenance that occurred and finding the suspect.



Part One
Location Allocation

Section 2

(1) The construction of buildings must be in accordance with the location designation regulated in

provisions on spatial planning and building layout of the location concerned;

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(2) Provisions for spatial planning and building layout as intended in paragraph (1) of this article
determined through:
a. City Regional Spatial Planning (RTRWK);
b. Detailed Urban Area Spatial Plan (RDTRKP);
c. Urban Area Spatial Engineering Plan/Building and Environmental Planning Plan

(3) The location designation as intended in paragraph (1) of this article is a designation
main, while the supporting purposes are as stipulated in the provisions
building layout based on the considerations of the technical service in charge of buildings;

(4) Any party who requires information or provisions on spatial planning and building layout
can obtain it openly through the technical service in charge;

(5) Information on Plans or Advise Planning (AP) or Fatwa Plans, Site Plans (Site
Plan) issued by the technical agency in charge, the publication must be appropriate
with land owned based on proof of land ownership;

(6) In the issuance of site plans for housing developers and/or others
who have a location permit determined by Regional Head Decree;

(7) The provisions as intended in paragraphs (4) and (5) of this article include information
regarding the location and intensity of buildings, such as building density, height
buildings, building boundaries, etc.;

(8) In the case of spatial and building layout plans as referred to in

paragraph (2) of this article does not yet exist, the Regional Head can make a decision by
consider existing spatial plans and building layouts;

(9) If the provisions governing RTRWK, RDTRKP and RTRKP/RTBL

as intended in paragraph (2) of this article does not yet exist, then the Regional Head can
give approval to construct buildings and other structures with
pay attention to the following provisions:
a. The building approval is temporary as long as it does not conflict
with more macro spatial planning provisions, urban planning rules and
building arrangement;

b. If the provisions governing RTRWK, RDTRKP and RTRKP/RTBL

as intended in paragraph (2) of this article for location designations that do not yet exist,
then the Regional Head can give approval to build a building at the location
is for a temporary period;
c. For the construction of buildings which will be subject to the plans as intended
in paragraph (2) of this article, where the implementation time is still unclear,

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then the Regional Head can give approval to build a building at the location
This is for a temporary period and if it is implemented at a later date

as intended in paragraph (2) of this article, the building owner must

dismantle it yourself at the risk of the building owner.

(10) Construction of buildings and/or other structures on public roads or canals

or other means must obtain the approval of the Regional Head with due regard

the following provisions:

a. Does not conflict with the provisions as intended in paragraph (2) of this article;
b. Does not interfere with the smooth flow of traffic of vehicles, people or goods;
c. Does not interfere with the function of facilities and infrastructure located below or above the ground

and or channels;

d. Always pay attention to the harmony of the building with its environment.

(11) Construction of buildings and/or other structures underground

crossing city network facilities and infrastructure must obtain the Head's approval

Region by paying attention to the following provisions:

a. Does not conflict with the provisions as intended in paragraph (2) of this article;
b. Not for residential or residential purposes;
c. Does not interfere with the function of underground facilities and infrastructure;

d. The building's ventilation, lighting and drainage meet the requirements

health in accordance with the function of the building;

e. Has special facilities for the benefit of security and safety for users

(12) Construction of buildings and/or other structures under or over water

must obtain the approval of the Regional Head by taking into account the provisions
the following provisions:
a. Does not conflict with the provisions as intended in paragraph (2) of this article;

b. Does not disturb the environmental balance and protected function of the area;
c. Does not cause changes in water flows that can damage the environment;
d. Does not cause pollution;
e. Have considered safety, comfort, health and accessibility factors

for building users.

(13) Construction of buildings and/or other structures in the Air Channel area
(Transmission) Low/High Voltage (SUTR/SUTT) or airborne network
others must obtain the approval of the Regional Head by taking into account the provisions

the following provisions:

a. Does not conflict with the provisions as intended in paragraph (2) of this article;
b. Obtain technical considerations from relevant experts.

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The second part

Building Function
Article 3

(1) The function and classification of buildings is a reference for building technical requirements
buildings, both in terms of building intensity, architecture and environment, safety,
safety, health, comfort and in terms of building harmony with
the environment;

(2) Determination of the function and classification of temporary buildings must be taken into account
level of permanence, security, prevention and response to danger
adequate fire and sanitation;

(3) Every building must meet the main function requirements of the building;

(4) Building functions can be grouped into residential functions, business functions, and social functions

and culture, special function and mixed function;

(5) Buildings with residential functions include buildings whose main function is residential
which is:
a. Single residence or ordinary residence;
b. Row residence;
c. Extraordinary residences or flats and/or condominiums;
d. villa residence;
e. boarding house;
f. Mixed residential house.

(6) Buildings with business functions include buildings with the main function of:
a. Office buildings: government offices, commercial offices and the like;
b. Commercial buildings: markets, shops, shopping centers, malls and the like;
c. Hotel/lodging buildings: hotels, motels, hostels, inns and the like;
d. Industrial buildings: small industry, medium industry, large/heavy industry;
e. Terminal Buildings: train stations, bus terminals, air terminals, bus stops, ports

f. Storage/warehouse buildings, parking lots and the like;

g. Tourism buildings, recreation areas, cinemas and the like.

(7) Buildings with general, social and cultural functions, including buildings with
main function for:
a. Educational buildings of kindergartens, elementary schools, secondary schools,
tertiary and out-of-school education;
b. Health service buildings, community health centers, maternity hospital polyclinics, class hospitals

A, B, C and the like;

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c. Worship buildings, mosques, churches, temples, temples, monasteries and the like;

d. Cultural buildings, museums, arts buildings and the like;

e. Public halls or meeting buildings or lenses, library buildings,

museum and art exhibition buildings, concert halls, exhibition halls, sports halls,
stations, circuses and public halls;

f. Gallery, a space surrounded by buildings or fences (enclosure) or stage

(platform), within or upon which a number of residents generally or occasionally

sometimes get together.

(8) Buildings with special functions include buildings with main functions

has a high level of confidentiality or a high level of risk of danger, such as buildings

military, reactor buildings and the like;

(9) In a parcel, plot or block of use, it is possible to have mixed functions

(mixed use), as long as it is in accordance with the location designation and planning standards

applicable environment;

(10) Every building, apart from consisting of rooms with main functions, also

equipped with supporting function rooms and also equipped with installation and

building completeness that can guarantee the implementation of the building's function, in accordance

with the basic requirements regulated in the SKBI guidelines.

Part Three

Building Classification
Article 4

The classification of buildings or parts of buildings is determined based on function, age, height

and the status intended in the planning, implementation or change

required for buildings:

a. Class 1 (one) is an Ordinary Residential Building consisting of:

One or more buildings which are:

1. Class 1a is a single residential building in the form of:

a. One single house;

b. One or more residential buildings attached to each other

separated by a fire-resistant wall, including row houses, garden houses, units

town houses, villas.

2. Class 1b is a boarding house, guest house, hostel or similar with a total floor area of less than

300 m2 (three hundred square meters) and no more than 12 people living in it.

(twelve) people permanently and not located above or below residential buildings

other or other class buildings other than private garages.

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b. Class 2 (two) is a residential building consisting of 2 or more residential units

each is a separate residence, including flats and/or
c. Class 3 (three) is a Residential Building other than class 1 (one) and 2 (two) buildings, which
generally used as a long-term or temporary residence by a number of people
unrelated, including:
1. Dormitories, guest houses, guesthouses;

2. The residential portion of a hotel or motel;

3. The residential part of a school;
4. Homes for aged, disabled or orphaned/abandoned children;
5. The residential portion of a health care building that accommodates
his employees.
d. Class 4 is a Mixed Residential Building including residences located in
in or joining a class 5 (five), 6 (six), 7 (seven), 8 (eight) building
and 9 (nine) are residences in the building with positions
the location of the residential function is located above or below it which forms one unit
buildings (shop houses/shophouses, office houses/shophouses for each unit with a minimum width

5.15 (five point fifteen) meters, warehouse/rugud house, factory/rubric house);

e. Class 5 (five) office buildings are buildings used for
professional business purposes, administrative management or outside commercial business
class 6 (six), 7 (seven), 8 (eight), and 9 (nine) buildings;
f. Class 6 (six) commercial buildings are shop buildings or other buildings
used for retail sales of goods or service needs
directly to the community including:
1. Dining room, cafe, restaurant;
2. A dining room, bar, shop or kiosk part of a hotel or motel;
3. Haircut places/salons, public washing places, public baths;
4. Market, sales room, showroom or workshop.
g. Class 7 (seven) Lodging/Warehouse Buildings are Buildings which
storage uses, including:
1. Public parking lot;
2. Warehouse or place to display production goods for sale or warehouse clearance.
h. Class 8 (eight) Laboratory/Industrial/Factory buildings are buildings
laboratories and buildings used for production processing,
assembly, alteration, repair, packing, finishing or cleaning of goods
production for the purpose of trade or sales;
i. Class 9 (nine) Public buildings are buildings used for
serving the needs of the general public, namely:

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1. Class 9a Health Care Buildings, including parts of such buildings

in the form of a laboratory;
2. Class 9b Assembly Buildings, including workshops, laboratories or the like in
elementary or secondary schools, halls, religious buildings, cultural buildings or
similar, but does not include any parts and buildings belonging to another class.
j. Class 10 (ten) is a non-residential building or structure:
1. Class 10a Non-Residential Buildings which are private garages, carports or
the like;
2. Class 10b Structures in the form of fences, posts, antennas, supporting walls or walls
free standing, swimming pool or similar.
k. Buildings that are not specifically classified as Buildings or parts
from buildings that are not included in building classifications 1 to 10, in
This regional regulation is intended with a classification that is close to its intended purpose;
l. Buildings whose use is incidental are part of the building whose use is used
incidental and as long as it does not cause disturbance to other parts of the building
considered to have the same classification as the main building;
m. Plural Classification of Buildings if several parts of the building must be classified
1. If the part of the building that has a different function does not exceed 10% (ten percent)
of the floor area of a building level and not a laboratory, the classification
equated with the main building classification;
2. Classes 1a, 1b, 9a, 9b, 10a and 10b are separate classifications;
3. Processing rooms, machine rooms, elevator machine rooms, boiler rooms or the like
classified the same as the part of the building where the space is located.
n. According to their age, buildings are classified as follows:
1. Permanent building;
2. Semi-permanent buildings;
3. Temporary buildings.
o. According to their height, buildings are classified as follows:
1. Low-rise buildings (one to two floors);
2. Medium-rise buildings (three to five floors);
3. High-rise buildings (six floors and above).
p. According to their status, buildings are classified as follows:
1. Government buildings;
2. Private buildings.

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Part Four
Building Construction Type
Article 5

In the Building Construction Guidelines, buildings are differentiated into types

construction based on fire resistance is determined as follows:
1. Type I – Fireproof Frame Construction;

2. Type II – Protected Bearing Wall Construction;

3. Type III – Ordinary/simple construction;

4. Type IV – Unprotected steel/iron construction;

5. Type V – Wooden Construction;

6. Buildings with mixed construction;.

7. The constructions of a building must be shaped so that the constructions
according to its nature and dimensions, it is suitable to fulfill the requirements for its designation;

8. As long as it is not regulated in this article, the Regional Head can stipulate provisions

further in the interests of public health and safety, especially regarding

prevention, eradication of infectious diseases and accidents.

Part Five

Building Shape
Article 6

The shape of the house building is determined as follows:

a. A large/luxury house is a large house, a building in an open structure with

the front yard is used for residence and/or office;

b. A medium/medium house is a medium-sized residence, a building in an open structure
with the front yard used for residence and/or office;
c. Small house/Simple House (RS) is a form of small house, building in an arrangement

open with a front yard used for residence and/or household business;
d. Village houses/Very Simple Houses (RSS) are a form of closed village, building
in a closed structure with or without a front yard, used for residence or

Article 7

(1) The area and limitations of land for residential areas are determined as follows:
a. The shape of a large/luxury house is 500 m² (five hundred square meters) to 2000 m² (two thousand

square meters) building boundary lines are greater than or equal to 7.5 (seven point

five) meters and the Road Owned Area (DAMIJA) or Right Of Way (ROW) is greater
or equal to 18 (eighteen) meters;

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b. Medium/medium house shape 200 m² (two hundred square meters) to 600 m² (six hundred

square meters) building boundaries 5 (five) meters up to 7.5 (seven points).

five) meters and damija greater than or equal to 9 (nine) meters;

c. Small house/Simple House (RS) shape 80 m² (eighty square meters) up to

300 m² (three hundred square meters) building boundaries 3 (three) meters up to

4 (four) meters and damija 4 (four) meters to 8 (eight) meters;

d. The shape of a village house/Very Simple House (RSS) is between 50 m² (fifty meters

square) up to 150 m² (one hundred and fifty square meters) of building boundaries

small or equal to 2 (two) meters and damija smaller or equal to 3 (three)

meters and greater or equal to 1 (one) meter;

e. Land area of less than 50 m² (fifty square meters) is classified as letter d

while still paying attention to environmental harmony;

f. In letter a of this article, if the land area is greater than 2,000 m² (two thousand square meters)

and in letters b, c and d of this article if the land area exceeds/is less than the provisions

This must require permission from the Regional Head.

(2) To determine the shape of the house building as intended in article 6 and article 7

paragraph (1) This Regional Regulation meets at least 2 (two) requirements of the provisions

which includes land area, plots/parcels, building boundaries and damija;

(3) The width of the front wall and the distance between the building and the yard boundary for each building

in cultural, scientific and similar heritage areas are designated as


a. For large/luxury houses, the wall width must not be more than 60% (sixty percent) of

the width of the yard provided that the distance between the yard boundary and the building without an attic is not

may be less than 3 (three) meters and if with an attic it may not be less than 4.5 (four

point five) meters;

b. For medium/medium houses, the width of the front wall cannot be more than 65% (sixty five

percent) of the width of the yard with the provision of distance between the yard boundary and the building without

The attic must not be less than 2 (two) meters and if with an attic it must not be less

from 3 (three) meters;

c. For shops, the width of the front wall must not be more than 100% (one hundred percent) of the width of the yard

provided that the distance between the yard boundary and the building without an attic cannot be less

from 2 (two) meters and if with an attic it must not be less than 3 (three) meters up

with 6 (six) meters;

d. Companies, the width of the front wall must not be more than 100% (one hundred percent) of the width

yard, provided that the distance between the yard boundary and a building without an attic is not

may be less than 2 (two) meters and if with an attic it may not be less than 2 (two)

meters up to 6 (six) meters;

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e. Public Buildings, front wall width, courtyard width can be further determined by
Regional Head by listening to the technical opinions of relevant experts.

(4) That the requirements for the distance between the comb house or additional building and the yard boundary are not

exceeds 3 (three) meters and the distance between the main building and the rear boundary is not less

from 2.5 (two point five) meters unless construction reaches the limit.

Part Six
Building Density and Height
Article 8

(1) Buildings or other structures constructed must meet the requirements

density and height of buildings based on the provisions as intended

in article 2 paragraph (2) of this Regional Regulation;

(2) Building density as referred to in paragraph (1) of this article includes provisions
regarding Basic Building Coefficient (KDB) which is differentiated into solid KDB levels,

medium and tenuous;

(3) The height of the building as referred to in paragraph (1) of this article, includes provisions
regarding the Number of Building Floors (JLB) and Building Floor Coefficient (KLB).
differentiated into high, medium and low outbreak levels;

(4) The performance requirements of building density and height provisions are determined by:
a. its ability to maintain a balance of land carrying capacity and optimal intensity
b. its ability to reflect the building's harmony with the environment;

c. its ability to ensure the health and comfort of users and the public
in general;

(5) For a certain area or environment, such as tourist areas, cultural heritage and
Science and the like, with consideration of the public interest must be obtained

permission from the Regional Head with the approval of the Council Leadership can be given leeway

or restrictions on density provisions, building height and layout provisions

other buildings while still paying attention to environmental harmony and sustainability;
(6) The height of the building as referred to in paragraph (3) of this article is not permitted

disrupt air traffic.

Article 9

(1) Determination of the density and height of the building as intended

in article (8) paragraphs (2) and (3) of this Regional Regulation, is determined by taking into account

city development, development intensity policy, land/environment carrying capacity,

as well as environmental balance and harmony;

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(2) If the KDB and JLB/KLB have not been determined as intended in article 2 paragraph (2)

This Regional Regulation, the Regional Head can determine based on various

consideration and after listening to the technical opinions of relevant experts;

(3) The provisions on the size of KDB and JLB/KLB can be updated in line with considerations

city development, development intensity policy, land/environment carrying capacity

and after listening to the technical opinions of relevant experts;

(4) With consideration of the public interest and orderly development, the Regional Head

can determine mapping plans in an area or environment with


a. Every building erected must comply with the plot plan that has been regulated

in the provisions as intended in article 2 paragraph (2) of this Regional Regulation;

b. if the plotting is not determined, then the KDB and KLB are calculated based on

the area of land behind the road border line (GSJ) owned;

c. for corner parcels if the corner of the parcel is rounded or at an angle,

To facilitate traffic, the width and length of the parcel are measured from the point

the extension lines meet at that angle and the area of the parcel is calculated

based on width and length;

d. merging or dividing plots is possible with the provisions of the KDB and

KLB is not exceeded and takes into account field conditions, compatibility and

environmental safety and meeting established technical requirements;

e. It is permitted to give and receive KDB/KLB amounts between plots

adjacent areas, while maintaining the balance of land carrying capacity and harmony


(5) For land plots that provide a portion of the land area for public purposes

compensation is permitted in the form of an increase in the amount of KDB, JLB/KLB;

(6) Determination of the amount of KDB, JLB/KLB for the construction of buildings above the facilities

general must pay attention to harmony, balance and technical requirements as well

listen to the technical opinions of relevant experts.

Article 10

(1) The calculation of the floor area of a building is determined from the number of floor areas taken into account

to the outermost wall;

(2) The floor area of a room with a roof that is open or whose sides are limited by walls

no more than 1.2 (one point two) meters above the floor of the room is counted as a full 100

% (one hundred percent);

(3) The floor area of a room with a roof that is open or whose sides are limited by walls is not

more than 1.2 (one point two) meters above the floor of the room is counted as 50% (fifty percent),

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as long as it does not exceed 10% (ten percent) of the plan area calculated accordingly

with the specified KDB;

(4) Roof overhangs that exceed a width of 1.5 (one point five) meters then the area

horizontally the excess is considered as the floor plan area;

(5) Roof overhangs (roof overstek) for determining KLB and building height are taken into account

provided that the width is not more than 1 (one) meter;

(6) Unroofed terrace that has a wall height of no more than 1.2 (one point two)

meters above the terrace floor are not counted as floor area;

(7) The floor area of the building calculated for parking is not taken into account

KLB calculation, as long as it does not exceed 50% (fifty percent) of the determined KLB,

the remainder is calculated as 50% (fifty percent) of the KLB;

(8) Open ramps and stairs are calculated as 50% (fifty percent), as long as they do not exceed 10%

(ten percent) of the permitted ground floor area;

(9) In calculating KDB and KLB, the area of the site taken into account is the one at the back


(10) Limits for calculating the area of the basement (basement) are determined by the Regional Head

with consideration of security, safety, health and technical opinions of experts;

(11) For regional scale development (superblock), KDB and KLB are taken into account

is calculated on the total of all ground floors of the building and the total floor area

buildings in the area to the total area of the area;

(12) In calculating the height of a building if the vertical distance is from full floor to floor

next full is more than 5 (five) meters, then the height of the building is considered

as 2 (two) floors;

(13) Mezzanine (middle attic in a hotel or building) whose area exceeds 50% (fifty

percent) of the ground floor area is considered a full floor;

Part Seven

Building Boundary Lines

Article 11

(1) The Regional Head, with the approval of the DPRD leadership, determines road border lines and lines

border of the front fence of the building, boundary line of the front building facing the road

and river border lines;

(2) The Regional Head determines the rear boundary line of the building and the fence boundary line

rear, as well as the boundaries of public channels, public networks and public fields;

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(3) In building areas, where several classes of buildings are permitted

and in mixed areas, lines can be assigned to each class of building

separate boundaries;

(4) If the fence boundary line and/or road boundary line is with the front boundary line

If the building coincides or the boundary line of the building is equal to zero then the face of the building

must be placed with the edge of its face on that line;

(5) The Regional Head, with the approval of the DPRD leadership, has the authority to grant

exemption as intended in paragraph (4), as long as rear placement is not

interfere with public and road views;

(6) Regulations on the size of Building Boundary Lines can be updated by

pay attention to city development, public interest, harmony with the environment,

as well as other considerations by the Regional Head by listening to the technical opinions of the

relevant experts and with the approval of the DPRD leadership.

Article 12

(1) The boundary line of the outermost building foundation which is parallel to the road axle (road plan), edge

river, determined based on the width of the road/road plan/river width, road function and

allocation of plots or areas;

(2) The location of the outermost building foundation boundary line as referred to in paragraph (1) of the article

This, unless otherwise specified, is half the width of the road area (damija) added

1 (one) meter calculated from the edge of the road/fence;

(3) For roads or rivers that are less than 5 (five) meters wide, the boundary line is located

buildings are determined to be 2.5 (two point five) meters calculated from the edge of the road or fence;

(4) Location of the outermost building foundation boundary line at the rear of the border

with neighbors if not otherwise specified, a minimum of 2 (two) meters from the boundary

plots or on the basis of agreement with neighboring neighbors.

Article 13

(1) It is prohibited to construct a building without paying attention to boundary lines

buildings as intended in article 11 and article 12 of this Regional Regulation;

(2) In the complete renovation of a building, its parts are located

outside the boundary line the building must be demolished;

(3) In giving permission to renew a building or something

existing cultural heritage buildings or erecting additional buildings to them,

then the Regional Head with the approval of the DPRD leadership for development purposes

orderly, can determine the conditions, that the parts of the building that are in

outside the boundary line, it will be demolished as long as the area of the building to be demolished does not exceed

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half of the building area that will be renewed and/or added to and not
exceeds 1/5 (one fifth) of the total remaining area of the building after construction
renewal or addition, everything if necessary by providing a replacement
loss for the part of the building that must be demolished;

(4) If the application for a building permit is found to be in progress, the research will result in:
Determining boundary lines for a portion of the plot of land where building is prohibited
used to construct buildings, the permit applicant must hand over part of it
the land to the Regional Government for public purposes.

Article 14

(1) Prohibition of going beyond the front boundary line of a building that does not double as a building
Fence border lines and rear border lines do not apply to:
a. Duct pipes, windows or shutters and doors that pivot to
outside, brand boards;
b. Wall edges, building facade trim, roof rafters, canopies
and roofless stairs;
c. The porch has no roof as long as it is located within the boundary line of the fence.

(2) Prohibition on going beyond the front boundary line of the building which doubles as a line
Fence borders and/or road border lines do not apply to:
a. The edges of the walls, the pilasters of the doorways and windows and the pipes
rainwater drainage, as long as it does not rise more than 15 (fifteen) centimeters;
b. Paint the facade of the building, roof tops and canopies, as long as they are located
shop environment, at least 2.25 (two point two five) meters above the surface
the road is below it and does not rise more than the width of the sidewalk and no
interfere with road views;
c. Erkers and open or closed verandas in the original attics
the width is no more than half the width of the building face, it does not rise more
than 1 meter and located at least 3 (three) meters above the road surface.

(3) The Regional Head, with the approval of the DPRD leadership, can grant intermediate exemptions
the boundary line of the front of the building and the boundary line of the fence or road for construction

Open garden pavilions, pergolas and similar structures

it is part of the garden equipment, in order to add beauty
general view of the home page.

Article 15

(1) Regional Heads with considerations of safety, health and comfort may
determine the side boundary lines, as well as the rear boundary lines of the building towards

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parcel boundaries regulated in the provisions as intended in article 2 paragraph (2)

this Regional Regulation;

(2) For buildings used as storage for materials/objects

flammable and/or hazardous materials then the Regional Head can determine
Further requirements regarding distances that must be complied with are outside the provisions
as intended in paragraph (1) of this article;

(3) In areas where the building intensity is dense or dense, the side boundary lines
and the rear of the building must meet the following requirements:

a. The outermost wall area must not exceed the boundary of the yard;
b. The outermost structure and foundation of the building must be at least 10 cm towards
within the boundaries of the yard except for residential buildings;
c. For repairs or renovation of buildings that were originally used as buildings
the boundary wall together with the adjacent building is required to create a wall
separate boundary next to the previous boundary wall;

(4) In areas where the building intensity is low or sparse, the free distance
The side and rear of the building must meet the following requirements:

a. Side clearance and rear clearance are set at a minimum of 4 (four) meters
on the ground floor and at each additional floor/level of the building, clearance
Above that, add 0.50 (zero point five zero) meters and the floor clearance below
until it reaches the greatest free distance of 12.5 (twelve point five) except for buildings
residential houses, and warehouse and industrial buildings can be regulated

b. The side of the building being erected must have a clear clearance that is not built on
both left and right sides as well as the back bordering the

(5) No openings of any kind shall be made in the boundary walls of the yard;

(6) The clearance between two buildings on a site is regulated as follows:

a. In the event that both have opening planes facing each other, then the distance
between the walls or areas is at least twice the free distance or width of the circulation road
people and goods are not disturbed by the wide openings on both sides of the building
b. In the event that one of the facing walls is a closed wall and
the other is an open area and/or a hole, hence the distance between the walls
at least once the specified free distance;
c. In the case that both have a closed plane facing each other, then the distance
the outermost wall is at least half times the specified clearance distance.

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Part Eight
Building Distance
Article 16

(1) If a building is not built up to the parcel boundary, then the distance between things
the building and parcel boundaries and the distance from buildings or a main house
and its sequence that are on a parcel are required to have a distance of at least
at least 2 (two) meters;

(2) Distances from chamber walls or similar combustible materials shall be

at least:
a. Up to such a wall of a neighboring house and up to
parcel boundaries: 2.5 (two point five) meters;
b. Up to such walls from other buildings: 5 (five) meters.

(3) If part of the wall is used for walls and similar materials
flammable and for some other fire-resistant ingredients, this provision applies
further determined by Regional Head Decree.

Article 17

(1) If the land on which the building is located does not provide sufficient security for health,
security of the building users who will construct it, the Regional Head can
declare the land for a certain period of time and after an evaluation is carried out
can be used to construct buildings;

(2) The plot to be filled with buildings is required to:

a. Clean from harmful and disturbing parts of the mixture;
b. Wells and network channels that are no longer in use are closed;
c. Damaged buildings on the land where they were located were removed.
(3) Yards must be properly prepared with soil, leveled and leveled
so that water can flow from the start of the building tilted to the slope.

Article 18

(1) Every building separated from the road by a front yard must be accessible from
the road is through a road for people or a vehicle entrance;

(2) The Regional Head determines further regulations regarding the types of location, number,
the sizes and construction of the equipment enter the yard inconspicuously
which must be made under it;

(3) In each permit the equipment for entering the yard and sidewalk to be made is specified
in accordance with the provisions in paragraph (2) of this article.

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Paragraph 1
Building construction coincides with the side boundary of the parcel
Article 19

(1) A building and its sequence, grouping, channels and shape determination
of its parts and the whole as well as building materials and colors.
The color that will be used must meet the requirements of beauty and beauty
Decent comfort, which is set in relation to the views of the city that it has
exists and what is predicted to exist in the future as well as the nature of the condition of roads and buildings

adjoining buildings;

(2) The erection of a building up to the side boundary of a plot, the building is visible
of a building must be connected in a harmonious way on the facade or
the couple's wall that had been next to him;

(3) Buildings must not allow any disturbance to remain

of the beauty of the place.

Paragraph 2
Fences on Yards/Parcels
Article 20

(1) If the separation is in the form of a fence, the height of the fence is at GSJ and between GSJ and GSB

in residential buildings a maximum of 2.5 (two point five) meters above ground level
and for non-residential buildings, including industrial buildings, a maximum of 2.75
(two point seven five) meters above the ground level of the yard;

(2) The fence as intended in paragraph (1) of this article must be transparent, with sections
The bottom can be opaque at a maximum of 1 (one) meter above the surface
yard land;
(3) The use of barbed wire as a separation along public roads is not permitted

(4) Height of the yard boundary fence along the side and rear yards for buildings
a maximum of 3 (three) meters above ground level and if the fence is
is the wall of a multi-storey residential building with a maximum wall of 7 (seven) meters
ground level or set lower after considering comfort and
environmental Health;

(5) There must be a fence between the backyard and the city's public network routes
This fence may not contain entrances, except for public network routes
the city is planned as a public backstreet where entrances can be made;

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(6) Every building separated from the road by a front yard must be accessible from
the road is through a road for people or a vehicle entrance;

(7) The construction of a house can be done without a fence separating the front and side yards
or behind buildings on certain roads or areas with consideration
interests of comfort, ease of relationship, environmental harmony and arrangement
expected building and environment.

Ninth part
Building Requirements and Building Plan Area
Paragraph 1
Building Plan Area
Article 21

(1) The ratio of floor area to plot area is intended as a comparison of numbers
Floor area is measured from exterior wall surfaces including walkways
through, but does not include lifts, stairs and other use-only surfaces
for stopping vehicles if the surface is located inside a building
and/or under the building to the plot area;

(2) For corner parcels, if the corner of the parcel is curved or at an angle of less than 900 (ninety
degrees) to facilitate traffic, the width and
the length of the parcel is measured from the point where the extension line meets at that corner and the area

parcels are calculated by their width and length;

(3) For Class 1 (one) and 2 (two) buildings:

a. The floor plan area of the building is only permitted to be a maximum of 60% (sixty
percent) of the area of the plot in question for the provisions in article 7 letter a
and b this Regional Regulation;

b. The building plan area is only permitted a maximum of 70% (seventy percent) of
the area of the plot in question for the provisions in article 7 letters c and d of the Regulations
This region;

c. Class 2 buildings, except for constructed flats and/or condominiums

in a shop or trade building environment, the percentage of the building plan area
of the plot area as much as 70% (seventy percent);
d. Without prejudice to the meaning as intended in paragraph (3) letter c of this article,
then the entire surface area of the plot can be used for building plans, if:
1. This part of the building plan is not used for sleeping purposes at all;
2. The presence of natural light and air renewal, both natural and mechanical,
guaranteed in accordance with the provisions of this regulation.

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(4) In the case of constructing a class 3 (three) building in the part designated as

The residence must have an open space that is directly connected to the air

outside and without a roof,

which: a. The area is at least 25 (twenty five) m2

b. Can be placed on a flat roof.

(5) For class 4 (four) buildings, the maximum floor plan area of the building is permitted is 80%

(eighty percent) of the area of the plot in question applies to article 11 paragraph (4),

Meanwhile, outside the provisions of Article 11 paragraph (4), a maximum of: 80% is permitted.

(eighty percent) of the plot area after deducting the area of the plot cut off with

building front boundary lines;

(6) For Class 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 buildings, the percentage of the building plan area

to a maximum plot area of 60% (sixty percent);

(7) Under certain conditions, with consideration of the general interest, the Regional Head may

determine the area of the building plan by ignoring the provisions in paragraph (6) of the article

Paragraph 2

Building height
Article 22

(1) The height of a building on a road may not exceed 1.50 x the distance between the lines

boundaries of buildings facing the road in question unless otherwise specified

others in the City Spatial Engineering Plan;

(2) When measuring the height of a building, equipment space for equipment is not taken into account,

decorative equipment, parapets not exceeding 1.00 meters in height, antenna poles and:

a. The width does not exceed ¼ (one fourth) of the width of the building surface except


b. No accommodation is provided in any form or time;

c. Not used for advertising purposes;

d. Does not block the angle of light needed by windows in the building

(3) Building types I and II (fire-resistant frame construction/bearing wall construction


a. For type I buildings, the provisions as intended in paragraph (1) of this article apply;

b. For type II buildings, the building height is not permitted to exceed 17/20 (seventeen

per twenty) or 85% (eighty five percent) of the specified maximum height

as intended in paragraph (1) of this article;

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c. For mixed construction the maximum height of a building is taken as height

maximum of the lower construction type.

(4) The height of type III, IV and V buildings is not permitted to exceed 2/3 (two thirds) of

maximum height specified in paragraph (1) of this article and is not permitted

has more than: floor layers:

a. Type III building with class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 use, number of floors

maximum 2 (two);

b. Type IV buildings with use of classes 7 and 8 have a maximum number of floors of 1 (one);

c. Type V building with class 1 and 2 use, maximum number of floors 2 (two)

with the use of class 8 (special permission from the Regional Head) the maximum number of levels

1 (one);

(5) The number of levels as referred to in paragraph (4) letter a of this article does not include space in

underground (basement) where the ceiling height is measured from the surface of the yard is not

exceeds 1.00 meters;

(6) The height of each type of building as referred to in paragraph (4) of this article is floor

levels whose height exceeds 5.00 meters in the use of each class, except

class 8 and 9 buildings count as two stories;

(7) Building height at locations on roads that have the same building boundary lines

with 0 (zero) the provisions apply the same as the provisions of paragraphs (1), (2), (3) and (4)

this article is multiplied by ½ (half) the width of DAMIJA plus 1 (one);

(8) The Regional Head can determine further requirements regarding building height or

building level and multi-storey buildings for buildings that require AMDAL.

Paragraph 3

Space Height
Article 23

(1) What is meant by measurements are the same as the net size;

(2) The height of the room is equal to the shortest distance in the room measured from the top surface of the floor

up to the bottom surface of the ceiling and in case there is no ceiling up

the bottom surface of the floor above or to the bottom surface of the rafters;

(3) Living room is defined as any room in which a person sleeps, eats or eats

carrying out normal household chores or social work

other uses in class 1, 2, 3 or 4 buildings except for bathrooms, latrines,

washing and ironing, kitchens, hallways and similar spaces which are not used continuously


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(4) Class 1, 3 buildings and large apartment buildings, condominiums

the floor must be at least:
a. For one residence room 15.00 m²
b. For two residential rooms 18.00 m²
c. For each residence room, each is increased by 6.00 m² each

(5) In class 2 buildings, except large apartment buildings and/or condominiums

the floor for each residence room is at least 6.00 m²;

(6) The minimum room height in class 1, 2 and 3 buildings is at least

2.75 meters except:
a. In the event that the ceiling or rafters are sloping, at least ½ of the area
The room has a room height of 2.75 meters and the rest of the room is at the lowest point
not less than 2 m;
b. In the case of laundry rooms and bathrooms or offices it can be allowed up to
at least 2.10 m;

(7) Minimum room height in class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 buildings if the ceiling is

sloping and/or flat, the average height is at least 3 m:
a. In the event that the ceiling or rafters are slanted, at least in part
lowest 2.50 m;
b. In buildings with smoke and/or odors such as frying tofu,
smoking fish or meat, baking bread and so on, no room height
may be less than 3.50 m;
c. In extraordinary cases, the Regional Head can determine the minimum room height
larger, if circumstances require or require the Regional Head to do so
requires mechanical air renewal.

(8) Floor plan height:

a. The top surface of the solid ground floor/ground floor/first floor must have:
1. At least 15 cm above the highest border point
prepared yard;
2. At least 25 cm above the highest point of the road axis
DAMIJA in front of the building;
3. The height of the ground floor of a building is permitted to reach a maximum of 1.20 m in
above the average height of the road by paying attention to environmental harmony.

b. The Regional Head can grant exemption from the provisions as referred to in
paragraph (8) letter a of this article, if the location of the floors will be higher than 60 cm in
on the surrounding land, as well as for deep sloping land
erecting buildings and in other extraordinary things;

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c. If the ground floor plan is not filled in, then the existing land
below it, as well as a dirt floor, should be placed at least

15 cm above the field and tilted so that water can flow.



First part
General construction/structure calculations
Article 24

(1) Constructions are based on calculations carried out automatically

knowledge/expertise and carried out carefully and/or with appropriate experiments


(2) Calculations are based on the most unfavorable circumstances

construction, regarding loads, forces, transfer of forces and stresses


(3) For simple constructions at the discretion of the Head of the Engineering Service
in the field there is no requirement for calculations;

(4) Loads that need to be considered include dead loads including own weight,

live load, wind pressure, earthquake forces and water pressure, soil pressure, vibrations
vibrations (dynamic loads) and impacts that may arise;

(5) For buildings with a building height or number of floors greater than the same
with 3 (three) floors and/or other buildings which include:

a. Steel/concrete towers;
b. Water reservoirs with a larger volume and height equal to 5 m³ and 3 m of steel/

c. Swimming pools and/or water reservoirs in the ground with the same depth
with 2 (two) meters;
d. Earth Retaining Wall with a greater height equal to 2 (two) meters;
e. Other building structures considered dangerous by the Technical Service or experts

who deals with buildings.

(6) Analysis and calculation of building structures as referred to in paragraph (5) of this article
and for buildings class 1 (one) to class 10 (ten) as intended
in article 4 of this Regional Regulation, must be analyzed and calculated by the constructor
according to their field of expertise, they are within a legal entity organization or

Planning Consultant with proof of having a Planning/Consultant Services business license

who are still valid or constructors who have proof of expertise in their field;

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(7) If there is collapse and damage to the building as intended in paragraph (5)

this article and article 4 of this Regional Regulation, which is caused by errors in analysis

and structural calculations and have been proven by independent experts

academic, then the one who is fully responsible is the Legal Entity (Consultant

planner) or constructor who implements;

(8) If there is collapse and damage to the building as intended in paragraph (5)

this article and article 4 of this Regional Regulation which resulted from errors in

its implementation is not in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs (6) and (7) of this article, which

fully responsible is the Building Executor or Contractor


(9) For the building form as intended in article 7 paragraph (1) letters d and e of the Regulation

This area is for residential houses with 2 (two) floors, construction calculations

carried out by the department in charge of buildings free of charge.

The second part

Building land
Article 25

(1) The Regional Head or appointed official may oblige any person or agency

who carries out or orders the carrying out of development work

important or serious, conduct a soil test beforehand to ensure

the solidity of the foundation of the building in question;

(2) The building land must be prepared before constructing the building.

Part Three

Building Materials and Requirements

Article 26

(1) Building materials used must comply with SKBI provisions

regarding building materials;

(2) In the event that local conditions make it impossible to fulfill the SKBI provisions as follows

as intended in paragraph (1) of this article, the Regional Head or appointed Official can
determine otherwise;

(3) Construction planning using special materials and technology must be carried out by experts

related structures in that particular field of materials and technology;

(4) Construction planning by taking into account technical guidance standards for

technical specifications, procedures and test methods for these special materials and technologies.

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Part Four
Roof Construction
Article 27

(1) Roof construction must be based on calculations carried out independently

knowledge or expertise and carried out carefully and/or through experiments
can be accounted for;

(2) The slope of the roof must be adjusted to the covering material to be used, so that
will not cause leaks;

(3) The roof area must be a flat area unless certain shapes are desired
special, such as parabola, cupola and others;

(4) For simple roof construction for wood spans of less than 12 m (twelve
meters) at the discretion of the Head of the Engineering Service in charge of buildings is not required

there are calculations, and conversely there must be structural calculations;

(5) Bamboo roof construction must comply with the following provisions:
a. The bamboo used must meet the SKBI provisions regarding materials
b. The construction is made closed and the ends of the bamboo are plugged with wood or zinc;

c. The distance between the rafters is at least 10 cm;

d. The battens are made from split bamboo that is installed with the skin on the other side

(6) Wooden roof construction must comply with the following provisions:
a. Materials and stresses must comply with SKBI provisions
regarding building materials and SKBI guidelines regarding wood construction planning
for houses and buildings;
b. The sizes of wood used are adjusted to the dimensions

(7) Reinforced concrete roof construction must comply with the following provisions:
a. The materials and stresses used must meet the requirements
SKBI provisions regarding building materials and SKBI regarding concrete;

b. For provisions not stated in the building material specifications and

concrete guidelines apply Steel Building Planning Guidelines for buildings.

(8) Steel roof construction must comply with the following provisions:
a. The materials and stresses used must meet the requirements –
SKBI provisions regarding Steel Building Planning Guidelines for Buildings and
SKBI regarding building materials;

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b. For connections, bolts, rivets or welding must be used, respectively

meets the requirements of the Steel Building Planning Guidelines for Buildings (SKBI);

c. The corners of the meeting plates must be at least 2 mm inside the bars

d. For double profile rods, coupling must be provided for both compression and compression rods
e. In one row the maximum number of rivets is 6 (six).

Part Five
Article 28

(1) Bamboo ceilings must meet the following provisions:

a. The distance between the wall and the first ceiling hanger is at least 10 cm;
b. Must comply with SKBI provisions regarding building materials.

(2) The implementation of wooden ceilings complies with the provisions of SKBI regarding
wood construction planning for houses and buildings;

(3) Fiber cement sheet ceiling is a fiber plate material and the implementation is appropriate
with SKBI provisions regarding building materials;

(4) Reinforced concrete ceilings use appropriate materials and implementation

with the provisions of SKBI regarding building materials and SKBI regarding concrete;

(5) When used for steel ceilings, the parts that will be covered are of higher dimensions
first to prevent rust;

(6) Aluminum ceilings must comply with established technical provisions

standard for aluminum materials for ceilings.

Part Six
The walls
Article 29

(1) The wall is made so that it can carry its own weight, the weight of the wind and in other cases
The load-bearing wall must also be able to support the loads above it;

(2) Walls below ground level must be made water tight;

(3) Walls in bathrooms and toilets, with a height of at least 1.50 m

above the floor surface, water must be kept tight;

(4) The walls are separated from the foundation by a water-tight layer (cement ram) of at least
at least 15 cm below the ground surface to 20 cm above the floor;

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(5) The regional head or appointed official can give permission to use something

a dense layer of water with another arrangement in the moist soil layer;

(6) Walls must be made strictly perpendicular (with stakes);

(7) The strength of the adhesive mortar used is at least the same as the strength of the brick

(8) Requirements for materials used are in accordance with SKBI provisions

regarding building materials;

(9) Above holes with a greater horizontal length equal to 1.50 m in the wall,

given lattice beams of reinforced concrete, steel or durable wood;

(10) Artificial stone masonry walls must comply with the provisions as follows

a. The artificial stones used comply with SKBI provisions regarding

building material;

b. Stones must be washed and/or soaked before use except bricks (mixture

one chalk with 5 or 6 tras);

c. Hollow stone masonry should not be used for bearing walls except for

one-story building;

d. Adhesive mixture for brick wall pairs must be at least present

the same strength as the stone as a mortar of 1 lime : 5 or 6 tras for the area

earthquake 6, or ¼ PC : 1 KP : 5 tras for other earthquake areas;

e. Separating or infill walls that do not carry any load except their own weight

with or without wind load, can be made from ½ stone thick (1 stone thick = at least 22 cm), if

the area does not exceed 12 m2 for internal walls and does not exceed 6 m2 for yard walls;

f. The beams must have an average thickness of 1 cm with as many deviations as possible.

the amount is 0.2 cm;

g. Wall thicknesses must at least meet the following provisions

determined by the Head of the Technical Service in charge;

h. In the event that the parapet is used as a filler wall in another frame then

the wall must be provided with anchors to obtain a sturdy unity;

i. Vertical beams must not be a continuous straight line.

(11) Natural stone walls apply the provisions of building material specifications;

(12) Reinforced concrete walls apply SKBI provisions regarding building materials,

SKBI regarding concrete and Instructions for Planning Regular and Reinforced Concrete Structures

Reinforced Wall structures for Houses and Buildings;

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(13) Bamboo or wooden walls must meet the following provisions:

a. In the event that bamboo frame walls are used, sufficient preparation must be made;
b. The wood must comply with SKBI provisions regarding construction planning
wood for houses and buildings;
c. Furthermore, for both, the SKBI provisions regarding materials apply

(14) Glass walls meet the following provisions:

a. The glass material must meet the SKBI building materials provisions;
b. The trim must be made so that the glass can still expand and contract without
cracks and breaks occur;
c. The sponging must be measured.

Part Seven
Article 30

(1) The floors are strong enough to withstand the loads that will arise and must be
pay attention to the deflection;

(2) Requirements for bamboo or wooden floors must meet the following provisions:
a. Bamboo or wooden floors are floors that cannot be guaranteed
the density is at least 60 (sixty) cm above the ground surface and
the space below has good air flow;
b. In the event that 2 (two) cm thick floor boards are used, the distance between the beams
joists must not be more than 0.75 (zero point seven five) meters;
c. Floor beams that enter the wall must be dimensioned first.

(3) The requirements for concrete or reinforced concrete floors are as follows:

a. The materials and stresses used are in accordance with the provisions
SKBI regarding building materials and SKBI regarding concrete;

b. Ordinary concrete floors must comply with SKBI provisions regarding concrete;
c. A secondary ordinary concrete floor placed directly on the ground is layered
sand underneath with a thickness of at least 5 (five) cm;
d. In reinforced concrete plates thicker than 25 (twenty five) cm always
double bones are used except for column plates;
e. In the event that the deflection of a reinforced concrete construction section will be large, then the section

the construction must be deflected in the opposite direction or must comply

allowable terms of deflection calculation.

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(4) Steel floor requirements are as follows:

a. The materials used must comply with SKBI provisions regarding

building material specifications and Steel Building Planning Guidelines;

b. The plates must be thick so that they will not sag too much;
c. The joints must be properly tight and the closed parts must be dimensioned
or whitewashed with other materials.

Part eight
Article 31

(1) Columns must be strong enough to withstand their own weight, forces and moments
resulting from the constructions being carried out;

(2) The requirements for bamboo or wooden columns are as follows:

a. In general, it must comply with SKBI provisions regarding building materials

and SKBI regarding wood construction planning for houses and buildings;
b. Deviations from these provisions may be made at discretion
Head of the Engineering Department in charge of buildings.

(3) The requirements for masonry columns are as follows:

a. The stones must comply with SKBI provisions regarding building materials;
b. The mixture used must have at least some strength
which is the same as a mixture of 1 KP : 1 SM : 3 PS.

(4) Requirements for Reinforced Concrete columns are as follows:

a. Reinforced concrete columns cast locally at least have

15 (fifteen) cm thick;

b. For stiffening columns, the thickness may deviate from the provisions mentioned in
above, at the discretion of the Head of the Engineering Service in charge of buildings;

c. Reinforced concrete cover of at least 15 (fifteen) mm;

d. Reinforced concrete columns must have at least 4 (four) main reinforcement,
one each in each corner;
e. The stirrup distance (beugel) is at least 10 cm (ten centimeters) and as large as

the size is 20 cm (twenty meters);

f. The diameter of the main reinforcement is at least 10 mm;
g. The diameter of the stirrup (beugel) is at least half the diameter of the main reinforcement
and not less than 6 mm;

h. Furthermore, it must comply with SKBI provisions regarding building materials and
SKBI regarding concrete.

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(5) The requirements for steel columns are as follows:

a. Steel columns must have a slenderness of less than 150 (one hundred and five).


b. Steel columns must be made from single or arranged profiles that have

minimum 2 (two) symmetrical axes;

c. Joints between columns in multi-storey buildings must not be made in place

junctions between beams and columns and must have the same minimum strength

with columns:

1) welding connection using electric welding;

2) Bolted connections must use high quality bolts.

d. The use of thin steel profiles that are cold formed (cold form light gange steel) is mandatory

based on calculations that meet the stiffness and strength requirements;

e. More detailed provisions must comply with the Steel Building Planning Guidelines


Part Nine

Article 32

(1) Building foundations must be taken into account and can be accounted for academically

so as to ensure the stability of the building against its own weight, live loads and other forces.

external forces such as wind pressure, earthquakes and others;

(2) Building foundations must not sink locally;

(3) Building foundations may not fall evenly more than specified by each individual

building type;

(4) The types of foundations are determined by the weight of the building and the condition of the soil at the base

and around the building;

(5) In the event that the slope of the building's land is greater than 10% (ten percent), then the foundation

The building must be made flat or have stairs with a top and bottom foundation

the flat one;

(6) The depth of the foundation is determined by the depth of solid soil with sufficient bearing capacity


(7) Direct foundation requirements:

a. The foundation is made so that it rests on solid ground with strength

support that is strong enough and under many layers of soil

influenced by climate;

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b. The foundation can be made of stone masonry, concrete/reinforced concrete or a combination

steel with reinforced concrete;

c. Wall foundations must be made at least 5 (five) cm thicker than the thickness

the walls;

d. Furthermore, comply with SKBI provisions regarding building materials and SKBI

regarding concrete

(8) Pile foundation requirements:

a. In the case of soil layers with a strong enough bearing capacity located far away

below ground level, pile foundations must be used;

b. Foundation pillars can be made of wood, reinforced concrete, steel or prestressed concrete;

c. The number of pillars is at least three;

d. The distance from the center of the pole to the center of the pole is at least 2.5 (two point five) times

pole diameter;

e. The load on the piles must not exceed their bearing capacity;

f. If piles are used, the heads and ends must be kept straight

poles should not be damaged;

g. For wooden posts, the distance between the posts is at least 2.5 times the diameter

and must be greater than 60 cm (sixty centimeters);

h. The pillars are made of reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete which is made in advance is strong enough to

transported and worked on;

i. The length of the pole must not be more than 45 (forty five) times the diameter;

j. The distance from the edge of the plate to the center of the pillar must be at least 1.2 (one point

two) times the pile diameter;

k. If steel poles are used, preparations must be made for rust.

Part Ten

C chimney
Article 33

The conditions for making a chimney are as follows:

1. Each chimney must have a draft that is suitable for its purpose, inside

If the wind resistance is not sufficient, a fan or similar device is used;

2. The chimney construction is made in such a way as to ensure stability;

3. Chimneys must be made of solid masonry walls, reinforced concrete, steel or


4. The thickness of the chimney made from solid masonry walls is at least 10 cm;
5. Each chimney must be at least 60 cm higher than the other part of the building

highest in the vicinity within 3 m, except in cases where mechanical pulling is used

approved by the Head of the Engineering Service in charge of buildings;

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6. The connection between the chimney and the roof is made so that it will not cause leaks;

7. In the event that the chimney is made of stone masonry, natural stone or concrete without reinforcing iron,

its protruding height should not exceed 90 cm;

8. Chimneys made of steel pipes must be at least 15 cm from

wooden construction;

9. The parts of the chimney inside the walls inside the house must be made of

concrete, artificial stone, natural stone with a thickness greater than 25 cm and in the latter case in

plaster with cement mortar;

10. Air tight chimney connections.

Part Eleven

Water Disposal (Drainage)

Article 34

(1) Construction of buildings of all classes, if the front/back of the plot concerned

borders the road and there is no city drainage/city drainage network, so

it is mandatory for the owner to build a channel at the boundary of the section

front/back/side of the plot;

(2) Rainwater channels must meet the following provisions:

a. Each yard is equipped with a rainwater drainage system;

b. Rainwater drainage channels must have sufficient holding capacity

large and planned based on the frequency of 2-year rainfall intensity and power

soak up the soil;

c. Stormwater drains can be open channels or closed channels;

d. The slope of the channel is at least 2%, so that it can drain all the water

rain well so that it is free from puddles;

e. Rainwater that falls on the roof must immediately be channeled into the channel above

ground surface with pipes or other means with a maximum distance of 25 m;

f. Installation and laying of pipes is made so that it will not reduce strength

and the sturdiness of the building;

g. Conduit pipes are not permitted to be inserted into elevator shafts;

h. Pipe parts must be prevented from rusting;

i. The following channels must comply with the SKBI provisions regarding

building material.

(3) Household wastewater channels must comply with the provisions as follows

a. The channel material must be suitable for its use and the properties of the intended material

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b. Furthermore, SKBI provisions regarding building materials must be fulfilled;

c. The dump site must not directly face the road;

d. Furthermore, it must comply with the provisions in the Indonesian plumbing guidelines.

(4) Every building or building construction is required to complete and/or

making infiltration wells;

(5) The shape of the infiltration well structure is round/circular or rectangular

made of reinforced concrete, masonry or soil and filled with river stone,

palm fiber, geotextiles, bricks, charcoal and others that can absorb water;

(6) The types of infiltration wells are as follows:

a. For buildings/houses with ducts:

1. Rainwater absorption well with masonry walls;

2. Rainwater absorption well with precast concrete walls (reinforced concrete


b. For buildings/houses without gutters there must be a channel leading to it

infiltration wells:

1. Rainwater catchment well made of masonry filled with rocks;

2. Rainwater absorption well with precast concrete walls (reinforced concrete


3. Rainwater absorption well with brick walls.

(7) Infiltration wells can be placed throughout the yard area with provisions

as follows:

a. The water that enters the infiltration well is rainwater and other water

contains contaminants;

b. Does not interfere with the strength of surrounding buildings;

c. Far from Septic tanks and from yard boundaries;

d. Not built in areas with high groundwater or except for intended purposes

improving groundwater quality, including as a result of saltwater seepage;

e. In areas that are unstable/prone to landslides or steep (slope more than 1 : 2) on

location of waste piles and/or soil containing polluting materials;

f. Infiltration wells are dug to the sandy soil layer or a maximum of 2 m below

groundwater level or design depth of the volume specified in the table


No. Yard area Volume (V1) Volume (V2)

(m²) m³ m³

1. 50 – 100 1.30 – 2.59 2.10 – 4.09

2. 101 – 150 2.60 – 4.10 4.10 – 7.90
3. 151 – 200 3.90 – 6.20 6.20 – 11.90

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4. 201 – 300 5.20 – 8.20 8.20 – 11.90

5. 301 – 400 7.80 – 12.30 12.30 – 23.40

6. 401 –500 10.40 – 16.40 16.40 – 31.60

7. 501 – 600 13.00 – 20.50 20.50 – 39.60

8. 601 – 700 15.60 – 24.60 24.60 – 47.40

9. 701 – 800 18.20 – 28.70 28.70 – 55.30

10 801 – 900 20.80 – 32.80 32.80 – 63.20

11 901 – 1000 23.40 – 36.80 36.80 – 71.10

12 1001 – 1100 26.00 – 41.00 41.60 – 79.00

13 Above 1100 each + 2.59 + 4.99

addition per 100 m²

V1 = Volume of infiltration well which has a channel/drainage as an overflow

V2 = Volume of infiltration well without channel/drainage as spillway

(8) The diameter or cross-sectional area of the infiltration well as referred to in paragraph (7) letter f

this article is a minimum of 0.80 m or 0.80 m²;

(9) Waste water from hospitals, factories/industries (industrial waste water) must be equipped with and

or create a waste water disposal system consisting of:

a. Waste water collection (collection works);

b. Waste water processing (treatment works);

c. Waste water disposal (outfill/disposal works).

(10) To determine the level/degree of waste water treatment required as follows

referred to in paragraph (8) of this article, it is necessary to consider the influence of various pollutants

(pollutants) to the environment where waste water will be disposed of, must comply

requirements based on applicable laws and regulations;

(11) It is prohibited to reduce or enlarge the volume of discharge capacity of public channels (Drainage

City) and/or closing public channels (City Drainage) without the permission of the Regional Head, except

for purposes of exit and entry to the plot;

(12) Further provisions regarding procedures for reducing or enlarging and closing

channels are further regulated by Regional Head Decree;

(13) The construction of a Septic Tank as a complete infrastructure for a building must be made

watertight construction;

(14) For housing construction carried out by Perum Perumnas/Companies

Housing Development can create buildings as infrastructure and facilities

processing feces and household waste as well as processing your own waste;

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(15) For Perum Perumnas/Housing Development Companies that build infrastructure

and facilities for processing feces and household waste or processing your own waste

as intended in paragraph (14) of this article, a reduction in levy fees may be granted

Building Construction Permit in accordance with applicable regulations.

Part Twelve
L ift

Article 35

The conditions for installing lifts are as follows:

1. Cables must meet applicable requirements;

2. The diameter must be at least 12 mm;

3. The number of cables must be more than three (two if a drum winding system is used);

4. The lift supporting beam must be made of steel frame or reinforced concrete;

5. The lift rail must be steel;

6. The elevator room must be made of fire-resistant materials;

7. The elevator room must be closed so that passengers cannot hold items inside

8. The lift room must be provided with a hole from which passengers can be helped in any situation

9. The load capacity is specified and must not be exceeded;

10. There must be no more than one entrance to the elevator;

11. The walls of the pit are made of fire-resistant materials;

12. The distance between the edge of the floor and the edge of the elevator space at the entrance must be smaller than

4 cm (four centimeters);

13. Each lift has its own lifting motor and controls;

14. The elevator may only move when the door is closed;

15. The lift shaft must not be a chimney in which there is a pull or

air suction;

16. Elevators for humans meet the following provisions:

a. Starting and stopping the lift must be without unpleasant touches


b. The waiting time (interval) should not be too long;

c. Common speeds are as follows:

1) 4 to 10 speed levels: 60 – 150 m/minute;

2) 10 to 15 speed levels: 180 -210 m/minute;

3) 15 to 20 speed levels: 210 – 240 m/minute;

4) 20 to 50 speed levels: 360 – 450 m/minute;

5) more than 50 speed levels: 360 – 450 m/minute;

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6) Hospital: 150 – 210 m/minute;

7) Residential house: 60 m/minute for 6 floors from 50 –75 units.

17. Elevator for goods with the following provisions:

a. General speed 22.5; 30; 45 and 60 m/min;
b. For 5 ton lifts the general speed is 22.5 m/minute;
c. The speeds used are as follows:

1) 2 to 3 speed levels 30 m/min;

2) 4 to 5 speed levels 45 m/min;
3) 6 to 10 speed levels 60 m/min.

Part Thirteen
Wood Construction
Article 36

(1) Wooden construction must be based on calculations carried out using

knowledge or expertise and carried out carefully and/or as experimentally as possible


(2) Connections that are exposed to wind and rain must be made so that water can enter

(3) Maintenance is paid attention especially to powder attacks by means of meneni

or painting;

(4) Wooden parts that will be covered or attached to or included in a pair of walls
or pre-mixed concrete;

(5) Beams on walls or concrete must have a support of ¾ (three-quarters) of

beam height of at least 11 cm (eleven centimeters);

(6) The beams above the wall pair must have a fairly large concrete block underneath;

(7) Further construction must comply with SKBI provisions regarding planning

wood construction for houses and buildings;

(8) Wood construction planning must meet the following standards:

a. Procedures for planning Wood Construction for Buildings;

b. Other procedures/guidelines that are still related to wood construction planning;

c. Procedures for manufacturing and assembling wooden structures;

d. Procedures for painting wood for houses and buildings, SNI 2407.

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Part Fourteen
Bamboo Construction
Article 37

(1) The bamboo used must be old enough;

(2) Connections must be made with bamboo pen-pen fiber rope or a combination.

Part Fifteen
Reinforced Concrete Construction
Article 38

(1) Reinforced concrete construction must be based on calculations carried out

with knowledge or expertise and carried out carefully and/or experimentally
that can be accounted for;

(2) Materials, stresses and their implementation must comply with the provisions
SKBI regarding building materials and SKBI regarding concrete;

(3) Concrete construction planning must meet applicable technical standards such as:
a. Procedures for Calculating Concrete Structures for Buildings, SNI – 2847;
b. Procedures for Designing Reinforced Hollow Concrete Block Pair Structure Walls for
Houses and Buildings, SNI – 3430;
c. Procedures for Implementing Building Construction, SNI – 1728;
d. Procedures for Planning Concrete and Reinforced Wall Structures for Houses and Buildings,
SNI – 1734;
e. Procedures for Making Normal Concrete Mix Plans, SNI – 2834;
f. Procedures for Mixing and Casting Concrete, SNI – 3976;
g. Procedures for Making Light Concrete Mixtures with Light Aggregate, SNI –

Part Sixteen
Steel construction
Article 39

Terms of installation of steel construction as follows:

1. Steel construction must be based on calculations carried out using
knowledge or expertise and carried out carefully and/or through experiments
can be accounted for;
2. Materials, stresses, shapes and sizes must meet the requirements
provisions stipulated by the Head of the Engineering Service in charge of buildings;
3. The danger of buckling must be taken into account apart from the danger of folding, kip and others;

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4. The deflection must be taken into account and if the deflection is large, a deflection must be provided

the opposite direction (zeeg);

5. Steel trusses on top of the wall must be provided with anchors and steel plates;

6. Parts that are likely to rust must be primed and/or painted anti-rust;

7. Building steel is cleaned from rust before use, cleaning is possible

done mechanically;

8. Sudden changes in profile should be avoided;

9. Bending of angle steel is only permitted after it has been heated to pink;

10. Holes for threaded bolts and rivets in future constructions

carrying dynamic loads should not be punched;

11. When placing profile beams directly on walls, there should be no stress on the walls

exceeds 0.5 of the permissible compressive stress for the wall material;

12. Under the profile beam there must be at least a thick layer of strong mortar

at least 1 cm ending at least 3 cm (three centimeters) from

wall edge;

13. Length of support 1 = 0.5 h + 15 cm (fifteen centimeters) with a maximum;

14. Profile beams that enter the wall must be anchored;

15. In construction with double profiles, couplings must be provided for compression members

or pull rods;

16. Welding work must comply with the following provisions:

a. Welding work in steel buildings is planned, calculated and executed

according to the applicable requirements in the Steel Planning Guidelines for Buildings


b. The clear appearance of corner welds is at least 40 mm (forty millimeters);

c. The thickness of the corner weld must not be more than ½ t V2, where t is the smallest thickness of the plate


d. The width of the remaining strips between and at the edges of the butted welds is at least

at least 3 (three) times the plate thickness;

e. Antogeen welding (acetyleen – an acid) is only used for plates and pipes

thin and for small lengths. For connecting structural elements

electric welding is used;

f. More detailed provisions must comply with the Planning Guidelines

Steel Structures for Buildings (SKBI).

17. Riveting work meets the following provisions:

a. In riveted connections at meeting plates, the distance between the rivets

at least 2.5 d with a maximum of 7 d or 14 times the thickness of the smallest plate;

b. The distance from the edge to the center of the rivet is at least 1.5 d and a maximum of 3 d or 6 times the thickness

smallest plate;

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c. The riveting must be made so that the hole is filled tightly with the rivet;
d. For connections, at least 2 rivets are used;
e. Minimum rivet diameter 10 mm;
f. Rivet holes must be made by drilling;
g. More detailed provisions must comply with the Planning Guidelines
Steel Structures for Buildings (SKBI).
18. Bolts must meet the following provisions:
a. For temporary construction, Whitworth threaded bolts of any size can be used
smallest 12 mm;

b. The spacing of the bolts corresponds to the rivet work;

c. The holes fit perfectly with a maximum of 1.0 mm allowance for the bolts
normal and 2.0 mm for high quality bolts;
d. Making bolt holes must be done by drilling;
e. More detailed provisions must comply with the Planning Guidelines
Steel Structures for Buildings (SKBI).
19. Steel construction planning must meet applicable standards such as:
1. Procedures for Planning Steel Structures for Buildings, SNI – 1729;
2. Other procedures/guidelines that are still related to steel construction planning;
3. Procedures for Manufacturing or Assembling Steel Construction;

4. Procedures for Maintenance of Steel Construction During Construction.



Article 40

(1) Buildings with certain types of use must be equipped with equipment
preventing fire hazards and saving human life and the environment,
according to the type and use of the building;

(2) Any space function and/or building use that poses a risk of danger
Location of high fires is regulated so that if a fire occurs it can be localized;

(3) Other spaces that have a high risk of fire in the building are limited by walls
or compartment floors with a fire resistance of at least 3 hours, and on walls or floors
The compartment must not contain open holes, except for protected openings;

(4) The room as intended in paragraph (3) of this article is equipped with a heat meter and
maintained and/or monitored, so that the temperature in the room does not exceed the limit
predetermined maximum;

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(5) Every room for electrical installations, generators, gas turbines or electric power generation installations

other rooms as well as storage rooms for gas liquids or flammable and flammable materials,

protected by a manual fire prevention system and/or automatic extinguishing system;

Article 41

(1) Every medium or high-rise building is protected by an automatic alarm system

at least have:

a. Bells or sirens and backup battery power sources;

b. sensing devices;

c. Indicator panel equipped with:

1. Alarm group facility;

2. Connecting switches and circuit breakers;

3. Battery testing facilities with Volt meters and Ampere meters;

d. Other auxiliary equipment

(2) Every fire alarm installed in a building is always ready for use and installation

in accordance with applicable regulations;

(3) Provisions for the type of sensing device used are in accordance with the use of the space


Article 42

(1) Fire escape facilities in the planning are required to be smoke-free;

(2) Basements, closed spaces, fire escapes and/or other similar spaces

planned to be smoke free;

(3) In every permanent building, the roof covering material is made of a minimum of ½ fire-resistant material


(4) Exceptions as intended in paragraph (3) of this article are only permitted for

temporary buildings and/or provided with fire-resistant coating.

Article 43

In buildings that are not subject to the obligation to use sprinklers, if equipped with

sprinkler system, then the main structure resistance of 3 hours is permitted

2 hours.

Article 44

(1) Interior elements of buildings that are planned to be fireproof must comply

provisions in accordance with applicable fire resistance standards;

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(2) Parts of the building, spaces in the building which, due to their function, have a high risk
against the danger of fire, is a component against the spread of fire, smoke and
poison gas.

Article 45

(1) The width and number of doors to the outside in each function space must be taken into account to be able to

rescue space occupants in a short time in accordance with the provisions


(2) Fire escape facilities must be free from all obstacles and equipped
with exit signs that are always in good condition, easy to see and
be read.




Part One
Means of Transportation
Article 46

(1) Exit equipment which includes internal ladders and support ladders
fires, ramps, horizontal escape routes, external stairs, roads
channels, gates, either used individually or together to serve a road
going outside either through open spaces or directly onto public roads must be given to;
a. Every building erected;
b. Every building that has been established and will be subject to changes, repairs or
significant expansion or whose class of use has changed.

(2) Apart from those referred to in paragraph (1) of this article, every equipment for going outside should be

placed in accordance with technical and architectural standards so that there is no part of the floor
or the space in question has a distance of more than:
a. In terms of buildings where goods or materials are stored, this is very easy
burning or thereof in case of fire will emit toxic fumes or
25.00 meter blast;

b. In case of other buildings 30.00 meters.

(3) The distances as intended in paragraph (2) of this article must be measured from the part that is
furthest to the equipment to the outside except in the case of buildings as follows
referred to in paragraph (2) letter b is divided into rooms or chambers;

(4) Exit equipment in class 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 buildings must comply with the provisions
the following provisions:

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a. Every room intended for more than 50 (fifty) people must be at least

at least it is equipped with two exit roads that are located far from each other

another, and each serves as a direct escape route or as

guides to equipment to the outside of the building;

b. Every building with two floors and more must have at least more than one

exit equipment and one of which must be a fireproof ladder;

c. Without reducing the meaning and intent of this article, a maximum of 15 (fifteen)

meters from the dead end of a corridor or roadway must be equipped with

(5) Every part of a class 4 building located on the floor plan must have a road

straight to the fireproof stairs;

(6) Comparison of occupants or people to external equipment:

a. The required clear width of outward equipment from a given floor area is determined by

the number of occupants or people for which the floor area is concerned

planned or intended. Smaller estimates of the number of people are not permitted

than can be the result of dividing the floor area by individual floor area units

according to the list below:

Maximum individual floor area that must be estimated:

Use : Unit floor area

(in square meters)

Restaurants, eateries and dining rooms 1.50
Retail shops and markets:
1. Floor plan and the floor below it 3.00
2. Other floors: 6.00

a. Office and exhibition space 10.00

b. Warehouse, public garage and Exhibition hall 30.00

something like that

c. Factory 6.00
b. For uses not specified in paragraph (6) letter a of this article and

In ordinary cases, the Regional Head can determine other things to take into account

total clear width of equipment to the outside.

(7) The amount of clear width of external equipment required from a given floor area shall be

enough to serve the number of people calculated for the floor area

concerned, on the basis of one meter of clear width for every 100 people and additional width

half a meter clean for every next 100 (one hundred) people or part thereof,

Apart from that, it must also be permitted:

a. In calculating the number of people served by the outgoing equipment

concerned must be added to the number of people served on the floor area

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concerned, 50% of the number of people served by the floor area above that
concerned 25% of the number of people served by the floor area above that floor
later, and 10% of the number of people served by each floor of the next level;
b. If fire-resistant stairs are required by this regulation, the total width
The net must not be less than 50% of the total net width of the equipment
outside those taken into account according to these regulations.

(8) Exit equipment must meet the following provisions:

a. The minimum clear width of equipment to the outside:
1. Public stairs 1.20 meters;

2. Secondary stairs 0.80 meters;

3. Floor area that serves 25 people or less 0.80 meters;

4. Other floor areas 1.00 meters.

b. The clear width of the equipment outward in the direction of flow is not permitted
c. The use of circular ladders as a secondary means of exit is not permitted
except in class 1, 2 and 3 buildings;
d. The clear height of each staircase or landing is at least 1.95 meters;
e. In three-story buildings and more, stairs are a means of access to the outside
must be made from fire-resistant materials;

f. Electric and gas lines, metering devices and converters (switchboards) are not
allowed to be in a fireproof stairwell;
g. Exterior stairs can replace fireproof stairs in multi-storey buildings
6 (six) or less;
h. A ramp serving an exit device is not permitted
has a slope of more than one in eight (1 : 8);
i. The ramp of a slope for vehicles entering and exiting a building is not
more than one in twelve is permitted along the 4.00 meters of the road boundary

j. Exit equipment must have a minimum clear height of 1.95 meters at

all parts thereof;
k. A door from an exit device that is open is not permitted
reducing or preventing the required width of exit equipment;
l. A door of an exit device must open in the direction of travel, except doors
doors in class 1, 2, 3 and 4 buildings. This provision does not prohibit the use of doors
a swing that opens back and forth;
m. A door opening onto a public street shall not obstruct traffic
on the road in question;

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n. A door is not permitted to open above stairs, but must be above a platform or
stair landing whose width is not less than the width of the door in question;
o. A door on a fireproof staircase must be able to close by itself and
can only be held open by the fuse connection;
p. A refrigerating room and the like that has sufficient dimensions
The area for people to enter must be equipped with a door
measures at least 1.60 meters high and 0.60 meters wide and can be opened on
at all times both doors are without locks;
q. The revolving door can only be used if it leads directly onto a public road, however
does not count as outbound equipment.

The second part


Article 47

(1) In buildings whose height is greater than three floors, it can be equipped
with a lift while buildings with a greater height equal to six floors are mandatory
equipped with an elevator as a service for residents;

(2) Goods lifts are not permitted to be placed in or directly connected to

fireproof stairs;

(3) An entrance to an elevator casing in a building more than three stories high,
including space below ground level (basement), must be equipped with:
a. Permissible roller shutters;
b. Doors with a fire resistance of at least one hour.

Part Three
Broadcast Expansion (deletation)

Article 48

Expanding or deleting broadcasts must be provided on each long continuous pair of walls
more than 30.00 meters and concrete or continuous reinforced concrete walls that are longer
of 25.00 meters without a set-off of more than three times the thickness

Part Four
Buildings above roof level
Article 49

Buildings that do not exceed 3.00 meters in length and do not exceed in height
2.40 meters and is intended as space for air conditioning equipment, elevator equipment and

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Such a type can be erected on the roof surface of type 1, 2 and 3 buildings with walls

the outer walls are not less than 0.10 meters thick and the roof is made of durable material





Article 50

(1) Electrical installations must comply with the following provisions:

a. The loads that are allowed to work on electrical installations are calculated and safe in accordance with

PUIL (General Electrical Installation Regulations) and SNI – 0.225;

b. In case the resource is taken from a power plant, it is safe against interference

and does not pollute the environment;

c. For buildings or special, public and important spaces where flow

electricity must not be interrupted (for example: operating rooms, elevators, etc.) must have

emergency power generator as a backup, whose large power can meet

continuity of service;

d. For Perum Perumnas or Housing Development Companies and/or companies

Other developments are required to provide electrical installations and equipment for

public road lighting and safety and comfort of road users before

handed over to the Regional Government.

(2) The electrical installation system must meet the following provisions:

a. The electrical installation system is adapted to the environment, other buildings, parts of the

parts of buildings and other installations in accordance with PUIL and SNI - 0225, so

do not endanger, disturb or harm each other;

b. Placement of electrical installations is safe from the surrounding conditions, other parts of it

buildings and other installations so that they do not endanger or interfere with each other

and detrimental and facilitate observation and maintenance.

(3) The implementation of electrical installations must comply with the following provisions:

a. The process of implementing electrical installations meets the standards and provisions of PUIL and

SNI. - 0225;

b. In case there is a change in the size and certainty of the material if it is greater than

specifications, then the enlargement must not be detrimental to the environment;

c. Before an electrical installation is operated, the installation is tested first

in accordance with applicable regulations.

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(4) Lightning protection installations must comply with the following provisions:

a. Type, quality, properties of materials and lightning protection installation equipment used,

fulfill the provisions according to the Lightning Protection Planning Guidelines (SKBI)

or SNI – 03990, SNI – 3991 and/or those involving calculations or

the equipment must refer to recommendations from International Bodies such as IEC;

b. Selection and placement of a safe and secure lightning protection installation system

buildings and environmental systems;

c. The process of implementing lightning protection installations must comply with standards and regulations

according to the Lightning Protection Planning Guidelines (SKBI).

(5) Communication planning inside and/or outside the building must comply with the provisions

the following provisions:

a. The telephone communication installation system and building layout and placement must be easy

observed, maintained, does not endanger, disturb or harm the environment,

parts of buildings and other installations, and planned and implemented based on

standards, normalization of techniques and applicable rules;

b. Communications equipment and installations must be non-impact and must be secured

against disturbances such as electromagnetic wave interference and others;

c. Periodically measurements/tests are carried out on Electro Magnetic

Compatibility(EMC). If the EMC measurement results exceed the threshold

specified, then countermeasures and security measures must be taken.

(6) Water and/or clean water installations must comply with the provisions according to SKBI

regarding building materials and Indonesian Plumbing Guidelines;

(7) Installation of city gas, LPG/LPG gas, medical gas must comply with SKBI provisions

regarding building materials and Indonesian Plumbing Guidelines.



First part

Rainwater Disposal
Article 51

(1) All rainwater is disposed of on the ground through pipes, open and/or well closed

from iron, concrete, masonry or ceramics and at the joints

methods and mixtures are used in accordance with the technical guidelines for the pipe material concerned;

(2) Rainwater must be disposed of or channeled into absorption wells;

(3) If it cannot be channeled as intended in paragraph (2) of this article, because it has not been

availability of the city's public network or other reasons acceptable to the person

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authorities, then the disposal of rainwater is carried out through an infiltration process or other methods.

other methods determined by the Head of the Technical Service in charge.

The second part

Wastewater disposal
Article 52

(1) All dirty water from human waste (toilet) or dirty water from the kitchen or room

baths and washing places are drained through open and/or closed pipes as appropriate

as determined by the Head of the Technical Service in charge. The pipes are good from

Concrete, masonry or ceramics are used in various ways at the joints

and mixtures according to the material of the pipes concerned;

(2) Basically, the disposal of dirty water either originates from human waste (toilet) or

Even dirty water from kitchens, bathrooms and washing places and other activities must be treated

before being disposed of or channeled into city public channels or distributed to buildings

Communal waste water treatment if available;

(3) If there is no public city channel available or for other acceptable reasons

by the authorities, the disposal of dirty water must be carried out through a process

processing and/or equipped with impregnation which is part of the tank

septic tank, so that the general health of the population living around it is not

disturbed by the consequences ;

(4) If the possibility of constructing a septic tank does not exist, it must be equipped with one

environmental wastewater disposal system or must be able to be connected to the system

disposal of municipal wastewater, with other processing methods so that it meets certain standards

apply, before being thrown into open water.

Part Three
Bathroom or Toilet

Article 53

(1) Every new construction and/or expansion of a building which is intended as

place of residence (ordinary residence, hotel, inn, dormitory and the like) is mandatory

equip with bathrooms and toilets with the provisions

Minimum provisions are as follows;

a. For ordinary residences (ordinary houses):

1 (one) household with a residential capacity of less than 6 people, minimum

1 unit is needed.

1 household with a residential capacity of 6 people or more, a minimum of 2 is required

unity (maximum 12 people);

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b. For extraordinary residences (hotels, inns, dormitories, etc.) with capacity

occupants are less than 10 people, a minimum of 1 unit is required. By capacity
Occupants between 11-20 people, minimum 2 units required. By Capacity
Residents between 21-30 people, minimum 3 units required. By capacity
occupants between 31-40 people, minimum 4 units required; if there are more residents
from 40 people, one unit must be added for each additional 20 people;

(2) What is meant by unity as intended in paragraph (1) letters a and b of this article
is :

a) If the toilet and shower are in the same room, the minimum clean floor area
2.70 m² (1.5 m x 1.8 m );
b) If the latrine room is independent, clean the floor area by using a common cistern
is 1.90 m² ( 1.9 m x 1.00m );
c) If the bathroom only uses a douche, the minimum floor area is 2.20 m² (1.00 x 2,

Part Four
Washing place
Article 54

(1) What is meant by a washing place is a place made specifically for use as a laundry
a place to wash clothes or kitchen utensils. In case a separate washing area is needed
then the following provisions apply:

(2) For ordinary residence (ordinary house):

a. 1 (one) for households with an occupancy capacity of less than 10 (ten)

person. provided at least 2.00 m² of clean floor area .
b. 1 (one) household with a residential capacity of 10 (ten) people or more
(maximum 20 people) provided with a minimum floor area (net) of 3.00 m²

(3) For extraordinary residences (hotels, dormitories, and the like) it is determined based on instructions

from the Head of the technical department in charge.

Part Five
Garbage dump
Article 55

(1) Any construction and/or expansion of a building intended as a place

Residents are required to be equipped with waste collection facilities
placed and created so that the general health of the surrounding community is guaranteed;

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(2) The minimum household waste storage capacity is 40 (forty) liters, calculated
based on the number of people and the amount of waste thrown away, it is approximately 2 (two) liters


(3) Waste storage containers are made from water-tight materials, have lids and are easy to use

Part Six
K accus
Article 56

(1) Every building that has a residence or residence room is required

have at least one latrine, either located within the building or at
outside as long as it is at a distance that is easy to reach;

(2) For extraordinary residence/living buildings and commercial buildings,

offices, schools and other public buildings apply the following provisions
the following conditions:
a. For men, both adults and children who live or
working in a building is provided with at least one toilet;
b. For women, both adults and children who live in or
working in a building is provided with at least one toilet.

Part Seven
Clean water

Article 57

(1) Every new development must be equipped with adequate clean water infrastructure
quality standards, sufficient quantity and provided from city drinking water channels. In terms of
There is no city clean water system, so efforts are made to provide it from other sources
that meets clean water requirements;

(2) The city's clean water supply system can serve needs with the following requirements

a. House connection with a minimum capacity of 90 liters/person/day;

b. Yard connection with a minimum capacity of 60 liters/person/day;
c. Public tap connection with a minimum capacity of 30 liters/person/day.

(3) House connection requirements are as follows:

a. There must be a plumbing system in the house that meets the Plumbing Guidelines
b. Minimum service pipe size 20 mm (3/4”);

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c. A water meter with a size of 15 mm (1/2") must be installed;

d. For pipes embedded in the ground, PVC pipes or something similar can be used

qualify. PVC pipe is not for use above ground without protection;

e. For pipes installed above ground without protection, GIP or something similar is used

who meets the requirements;

f. Water meters are installed closed and secured against tampering.

(4) Page connection requirements are as follows:

a. It doesn't have to be a home plumbing system;

b. Minimum service pipe size 12.5 mm;

c. A water meter with a size of 15 mm (1/2") must be installed;

d. For pipes embedded in the ground, PVC pipes or similar can be used

meets the requirements for PVC pipes not to be used on protected ground;

e. For pipes that are installed above the ground and are not protected, GIP or others can be used

a type that meets the requirements;

f. Water meters are installed closed and secured against tampering.

(5) General faucet requirements are as follows:

a. The number of users is between 200 people/one public tap;

b. The service radius is between 50 – 100 meters adjusted to the population density

areas served;

c. General faucet construction is determined in accordance with applicable requirements;

(7) Fire taps or hydrants must be placed at a distance of 100 meters for buildings

commercial buildings or at a distance of 200 meters for residential areas and placed that

easy to see and can be reached by fire engines;

(8) If a fire tap is not possible, due to the unavailability of a city drinking water system

or environmental drinking water, it is mandatory to make fire wells at a distance

a distance that corresponds to the distance specified in fire regulations. Faucet-

Fire valves and fire wells are made so that they are safe from danger


(9) Requirements for pantek wells or general dug wells are as follows:

a. Pantek wells or public dug wells are not allowed to be placed within the distance served

more than 50 m (fifty meters);

b. The minimum pantek well is located 7 m (seven meters) from the infiltration well equipped with

septic tanks.

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Part One

Article 58

(1) Every building must have adequate natural ventilation or mechanical ventilation
applicable provision;

(2) Natural ventilation in a space can come from windows, openings, doors, ventilation or
other facilities from adjacent rooms (including covered terraces) if second
The room is in the same residential unit or has a covered terrace
become one, and:
a. Class 2 buildings and single occupancy in class 3 buildings:
1. The ventilated room is not a sanitary compartment;
2. Windows, openings, doors or other facilities that have no ventilation area
less than 5% of the floor area of the room being ventilated;
3. Rooms adjacent to large windows, openings, doors or other facilities
ventilation is not less than 5% of the floor area of both rooms.
b. Class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 buildings:
1. Windows, openings, doors or other opening facilities that have a ventilation area
not less than 10% of the floor area of the room that is ventilated at a distance
more than 3.6 m above the floor;

2. Adjacent rooms that have windows, openings, doors or other facilities

with a ventilation area of not less than 10% of the floor area of the two rooms;
3. Ventilation area as intended in paragraph (2) letter b numbers 1 and 2 of this article,
can be reduced sufficiently if natural ventilation is provided directly from the source
c. Class 1 (one) to class 10 (ten) buildings if built side by side
with the side or rear boundaries of the plot it is prohibited to install windows, openings,
doors or other means on walls that coincide with the parcel boundary;

(3) Natural ventilation must consist of permanent openings, windows, doors or other means
can be opened, with the number of openings measuring no less than 5% of the floor area
the room required to be ventilated, in the direction:
a. A walled courtyard of appropriate size or an area that opens upwards;
b. Open terraces, parking lots and the like;
c. Adjacent rooms as intended in paragraph (2).

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(4) Latrines and hatchrooms must not open directly towards:

a. Kitchen or pantry;

b. Public dining room or restaurant;

c. Dormitories in class 3 buildings;

d. A space used as a gathering place (which is not a day care center

child, kindergarten school or open stage);

e. Work space that is generally used by more than one person;

f. Bathrooms and latrines or WCs with roofs must have lighting holes, namely

all of which can be used as air passage or air (ventilation) covering an area of 12% of the floor

surface or at least 1.25 m2 ;

g. The height of the garage is at least 2.25 m, and must have one or more holes

air that cannot be closed immediately above the floor, with a total area of at least 0.20 m2

(5) Intermediate space if the toilet or hatch space is prohibited as referred to in

paragraph (4) of this article, opens directly to another space:

a. In a single dwelling in a class 2 or 3 building or part of a class 4 building;

1. Entry must be through the space between corridors or other spaces;

2. The room containing the toilet or hatch must have ventilation

mechanical exhaust.

b. In classrooms 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 (which are not child care centers,

kindergarten school or open stage):

1. The entrance must be through a confined wall, corridor or other space with an area of not

less than 1.1 m2 and at each door the entrance must be

automatic door closing device installed;

2. The room containing the toilet or hatch must have ventilation

Mechanical air exhausts and doors to such rooms must be blocked from


(6) Room ventilation below the ground floor or first floor must have:

a. Sufficient transverse distance for ventilation between the subsurface of the ground floor

with ground/yard surface;

b. Watertight covering over the surface of the ground or yard below the ground floor;

c. Suitable floor construction.

(7) Every floor of the parking building except open parking lots must have a system

ventilation in accordance with applicable regulations or a permanent natural ventilation system


(8) In commercial kitchens, kitchen gas exhaust hoods are available that meet the provisions

applicable, if:

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a. Any cooking equipment that has a maximum total electrical input power of more than

8 kw or total gas input power more than 29 MJ/hour;

b. Maximum total input power per m2 of floor area of a room that has more than

one cooking utensil with more than 0.5 kW for electric power or 1.8 MJ/hour for gas power.

(9) Artificial ventilation must comply with the following provisions:

a. The placement of the fan must allow maximum air release and also

allow fresh air to enter or vice versa;

b. An artificial ventilation system must be provided where adequate natural ventilation is not provided

c. Where artificial ventilation is used, the system must operate continuously throughout

the space is inhabited;

d. Buildings or closed parking spaces must be equipped with an artificial ventilation system for

remove dirty air from inside and at least 2/3 of the room air volume must be present

at a maximum height of 0.60 meters above the floor;

e. Parking space in the basement (basement) which consists of more than one gas floor

car exhaust on each floor must not disturb the clean air on other floors;

f. The recommended amount of air exchange for various space functions in a building

must comply with applicable standards.

The second part

Mechanical Air Renewal

Article 59

(1) Air exchange is the replacement of all the air from a room or building

with the same amount of fresh or new air from outside air or other spaces
free from germs and dirt;

(2) A mechanical air renewal system must be provided if natural air renewal is required

compliance with the requirements, in accordance with the provisions of these instructions, is impossible to provide;

(3) When mechanical air renewal is used instead of air renewal

nature, the system in question must work continuously throughout the space in question


(4) Dirty or rotting or damaging air must be removed from a system

mechanical air renewal in a place in such a way that it does not create


(5) The Regional Head can demand that testing be carried out for each air repair tool

will be installed regarding everything related to humidity temperature conditions

and air movement.

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Part Three
Illumination and Renewal of Eve
Article 60

(1) Anything that has not been regulated in this regulatory guideline, SKBI applies
regarding artificial lighting planning for houses and buildings and/or SNI regarding
Procedures for Technical Planning for Energy Conservation in Buildings;

(2) If the use or purpose of a building is changed, this will also result
change of use class, the intended building must be changed accordingly
to provide lighting and air renewal, which is required by the provisions of
provisions in this guideline that are also appropriate to its use or purpose;

(3) Artificial lighting must comply with the following provisions:

a. If the articles in this guideline require artificial lighting,
then the artificial lighting in question must comply with the provisions of SKBI and/or SNI
on Procedures for Planning Artificial Lighting for Homes and Buildings;
b. The lighting value must at least correspond to the lighting value as follows
referred to in paragraph (3) letter a of this article;

c. Without prejudice to the meaning and intent of paragraph (3) a of this article, the lighting value
at least 50 lux must be provided in all parts of the work space;
d. At least 20 lux must be provided on all parts of the stairway,
exit equipment and spaces that are not work spaces.

(4) Lighting on roads, corridors, etc., roads, stairs and so on

such types of lighting must be provided with natural or artificial lighting.
Artificial lighting must be provided if the rooms referred to above have it
possibility of use at night;

(5) Space below ground level or basement must meet the following provisions:
a. Every space below ground level must be provided with light/illumination
air renewal in accordance with the provisions of this regulation in harmony with
class of use. If these conditions cannot be achieved then they must
equipped with artificial lighting and/or mechanical air conditioning as appropriate
with the provisions of this regulation;
b. In provisions that require providing air renewal equipment
mechanical in the case of a space that is only used to store Head items
Regions can waive or change these provisions.

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Part Four
Eve's Light and Renewal
Article 61

(1) Every building erected for class 1, 2, 3 and 4 buildings must be provided with lighting
and air renewal as follows:
a. Each residence hall and enclosed laundry room must:
1. Has one or more light holes that are directly connected to the air
outside with a clear area, free from obstructions equal to at least
at least 1/10 (one tenth) of the floor area of the room in question and
made so that it is at least 1/20 (one twentieth) of the area
the floor can open and the hole extends upwards to at least
1.95 m above floor level;
2. Provide air holes or wind channels at and/or near it
the net surface under the ceiling is at least 1.0% of the area
the floor of the room concerned;
b. Every bathroom and toilet must be provided with lighting and ventilation.
in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (1) letter a of this article and can also be given
artificial lighting and/or adequate mechanical air renewal
conditions as intended in article 59;
c. Common kitchen and dining room, rest room and similar spaces inside
combined class 3 and kitchens in class 6 buildings must be provided with lighting:
1. By lighting the roof or ceiling which has a clean, free area
of obstructions to light, at least one tenth of the area
floor in question by providing a means of mechanical air renewal
as intended in article 59 of this Regional Regulation;
2. By means of artificial lighting and air improvement that meets the provisions
provisions in this regulation.
(2) Every building erected in class 5 buildings (office buildings) must be given
lighting and air renewal in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (1) of this article, in addition
a. Roof or ceiling lighting is provided in addition to the windows;
b. No part of the floor in the building is located more than 12.00 meters and
no part of the building is used as work space, it is located more than
9.00 meters to a window or skylight free from obstructions - the distance measured
c. If there are more than two parts of the floor located near the nearest window
times the height of the top of the window, part of the floor in question must be provided

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roof lighting or ceiling lighting or provided with artificial lighting

as intended in article 60;
d. If lighting or ceilings are provided, they must be equipped with
natural or mechanical air renewal system (arrangement) as referred to in
article 59 of this Regional Regulation.

(3) Every room created in a class 6 building (commercial building), except for
restaurants, dining rooms or kitchens are given lighting and renewal
women as referred to in paragraph (1) of this article, in addition:
a. Roof or ceiling lighting can replace windows;
b. The net area of a window or skylight can be reduced to the minimum
1/20 (one twentieth) of the floor area of the room in question and half of that
windows or skylights can be opened and placed so as to provide
effective channel air renewal;
c. If the part of the floor that is located to the nearest window exceeds twice
the height of the top of the window then the part of the floor in question must be given
roof or ceiling lighting or provided with artificial lighting as intended
in article 60;
d. Any shop that is enclosed in nature if its depth or length exceeds two
times its width, must be equipped with a mechanical air renewal system or
suction inward, except when deemed necessary by experts in channel air renewal
(cross) can be guaranteed;

e. An air renewal system that meets the requirements must be provided when renewing
natural air is not sufficiently guaranteed;

f. Lighting and natural air renewal can be eliminated and not used above
expert agreement with the understanding that the power generating equipment for the
lighting systems or mechanical air renewal, work quite reliably and everything
something in accordance with the provisions as intended in article 59 and
article 60 of this Regional Regulation.

(4) Every public bar that is required to obtain a permit, eating houses and dining halls
must be equipped with:
a. Lighting and air renewal are in accordance with paragraph (1) of this article, apart from that
air ducts must be installed that extend to the top of the roof;
b. Natural lighting as referred to in paragraph (4) letter a of this article, and a
mechanical air renewal or air repair system as referred to in
article 59;

c. Artificial lighting and a renewal system as intended in paragraph (4)

letter a of this article.

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(5) Every room created in a class 7 building must meet:

a. Any space used for the exhibition and sale of goods must be provided
lighting and air renewal as intended in paragraph (3) of this article;
b. Any room that is used solely for storage of items must be furnished
lighting as intended in paragraph (3) of this article, and close to the ceiling
The sky is equipped with air channels with a net area of 0.17% of the area
floor. Apart from that, natural air renewal can be ignored if the system is renewable
mechanical air is provided with sufficient capability or capacity in accordance with
the nature of use of the room in question.

(6) Every room in class 8 and 9 buildings must be provided with lighting and
air renewal in accordance with the provisions of applicable technical standards.



Article 62

Plan for strengthening protected areas as intended in article 13 of the Regional Regulations
in Malang City are:
(1) Cultural and Scientific Heritage Area.
a. The Cultural and Scientific Heritage Area referred to in paragraph (1) includes:
1) Man-made objects, movable or immovable, in the form of a unit or
groups or parts thereof or remains that are 50 years old, or
represents a period of classical architectural style of at least 50 years, and is considered
has important value for history, science and culture;
2) Natural objects that are considered to have important value for history and science
and culture.
a. Related to the Cultural Heritage Area as intended in paragraph (1) letter a
this article, Cultural Heritage Objects that need to be protected in Malang City are:

1) Residential areas with high value from building structures and formations
areas that have high historical value;
2) Areas identified as having Cultural Heritage Objects (BCB) or sites
history as intended in letter a of this article;
3) Public buildings that have high historical value in terms of shape
The building and its history include, among other things, the City Hall building
Malang, Train Station, Bank Indonesia, Sacred Heart Cathedral Church, School
Cor-Jessu, PLN Building and so on.

(2) Local Protected Areas.

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a. This Local Protected Area is a protected protected/conservation area

from buildings and urban activities consisting of:
1) River borders;
2) Borders under the SUTT network.
b. Determination of river borders as intended in letter a point 1 of this article

1) Rivers have embankments at a minimum of 3 meters from the foot of the outermost embankment;

2) Rivers without embankments at river borders to a depth of less than 3 meters

minimum 10 meters, depth 3-20 meters minimum 15 meters and more depth
from 20 meters minimum 30 meters;

3) River border land as referred to in points 1 and 2 of this article

used as widely as possible for water absorption, urban forests and others during
This activity does not damage the existing environment and hydrology.
c. Determination of the boundaries of the substation and substation of the SUTT network as referred to in
letter a point 2 is:

1) Buildings can be occupied around the SUTT and SUTET Network Main Substations;

2) The border under the SUTT and SUTET Network can be used for the Field
Open/Sports, buildings, highways/Railways, Trees, Forests/Plantations,
other SUTTs, UTR Conductors, Telecommunication networks, Radio/Television Antennas and

Cable car;
3) As in paragraph (2), letter c numbers I and 2 in this Article must be guided by
in Minister of Mines and Energy Regulation Number: 01.P/47/MPE/1992



First part
Article 63

(1) Noise Level Standards must meet the following provisions:

a. One of the impacts of a business or activity that can harm human health,
other creatures and the environment are a result of the level of noise produced;
b. Noise level standards for comfort and health must follow the provisions
in applicable technical standards;
c. In accordance with its designation and/or referring to Article 2 paragraph (2) of Regional Regulations

In this case, noise requirements are regulated based on the following zones:
Zone A is intended for: Research Places, Hospitals, Treatment Places
Health or Social and the like.

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Zone B is intended for: Housing, Education, Recreation and

the like.

Zone C is intended for: Offices, Trade, Markets and the like.

Zone D is intended for: Industry, Factories, Train Stations, Bus Terminals

and its kind.

Zone A, B, C and D noise levels must meet noise requirements

as stated in the following Noise Quality Standards Table:


NO ZONE Noise Level dB(A)

Recommended Maximum The maximum

1 A 35 45

2 B 45 55

3 C 50 60

4 D 60 70

(2) Environmental impacts for businesses or activities that require noise level standards

is stricter than the provisions, then for that business or activity the standard level applies

noise as required by environmental impact analysis or

determined by experts who have appropriate certification;

(3) Environmental Impact Management must fulfill the following provisions:

a. Any activity in the building and/or its environment that disturbs and

causing significant impacts on the environment must be accompanied by an AMDAL

according to the current arrangment;

b. Any activity in the building and/or its environment that causes an impact

environmentally unimportant or technologically manageable impact

Importantly, it does not need to be completed with an AMDAL, but requires efforts to be made

Environmental Management (UKL) and Environmental Monitoring Efforts (UPL) are appropriate

applicable provision;

c. Activities that are estimated to have a significant impact on the environment are:

The activity plan will:

1) Causing changes to the physical and/or biological properties of the environment, namely

exceeds environmental quality standards according to statutory regulations


2) Causing fundamental changes in environmental components that go beyond

recognized criteria, based on scientific considerations;

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3) Resulting in species that are rare and/or endemic, and/or protected

according to applicable laws and regulations, it is threatened with extinction or habitat
naturally damaged;
4) Causing damage or disturbance to protected areas (protected forests,
nature reserves, national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and so on) that have been established
according to statutory regulations;
5) Damaging or destroying historical heritage objects and buildings
high value;
6) Changing or modifying areas that have natural beauty values
7) Resulting in/causing conflict or controversy with the community, and/or

d. Activities include:
1. Street planning cannot be separated from pedestrian planning, greening and
public open space;
2. Street spatial planning can also include spaces between buildings
is not only limited to Damija, and includes the arrangement of environmental elements,
greening, etc.;
3. Selection of road coating materials can support the formation of environmental identity
desired, and clarity of pedestrian continuity.
4. Activities as intended in paragraph (3) letter d numbers 1, 2 and 3 of the article
This is an activity based on experience and level of development
Science and technology have the potential to have important impacts
to the environment.

(4) Provisions for Environmental Impact Management of types of development activities

buildings and/or their environments that require AMDAL are in accordance with the provisions
Management of applicable Environmental Impacts;

(5) Provisions for Environmental Management Efforts (UKL) and Environmental Monitoring Efforts
(UPL) types of activities in the construction of buildings and/or their surroundings
who must carry out Environmental Management Efforts (UKL) and Monitoring Efforts
Environmental (UPL) is in accordance with applicable regulations;

(6) Technical requirements for environmental impact management must meet the provisions
as follows:
a. To construct buildings that according to their function use, store or
producing explosives and other materials that are easily explosive, can
permission is granted if:

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1. The building location is located outside a residential area, or a certain distance from

public roads, railways and other buildings in the vicinity according to department recommendations

related technical matters;

2. The buildings being erected must be located at a certain distance and within the boundaries of the yard

or other buildings in the yard according to the recommendations of the relevant department;

3. The weakest part of the wall of the building is directed to the most exposed area

b. Buildings that according to their function use, store or produce materials

radioactive, toxic, flammable or other hazardous materials, must be able to guarantee

security, safety and health of residents and the environment;

c. In buildings that use reflective glass on the building's appearance, the light that is visible

reflected must not exceed 24% and taking into account the layout as well

building orientation to the sun;

d. Buildings that according to their function require a clean water supply with a discharge > 5

liters/second or > 500 m³/day and will take shallow groundwater or groundwater sources

deep wells must obtain permission from the relevant department responsible as well

use only for emergency purposes or as an alternative to the main PDAM source;

e. In order to restore groundwater reserves and reduce daily water discharge, each site

Buildings must be equipped with infiltration fields that are adjusted in size

with article 34 paragraphs (4), (5), (6) and (7);

f. If the building according to its function will generate LHR > 60 SMP per

1000 ft² floor area, then the technical plan for the access road system in and out of the building

the building must obtain permission from the authorized Technical Service.

The second part


Article 64

(1) Vibration Level Standards must meet the following provisions:

a. One of the impacts of a business or activity that can harm human health,

other creatures and the environment are a result of the level of vibration produced;

b. Vibration level standards for comfort and health must comply with the provisions in

applicable technical standards.

(2) Environmental impacts must meet the following provisions:

For businesses or activities that require vibration level standards that are stricter than the provisions,

then for these businesses or activities the standard vibration levels apply as follows

required by an environmental impact analysis or determined by an expert

have appropriate certification.

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First part
Addition of floor level
Article 65

Requirements for adding floors to a building are as follows:

a. Existing foundations and/or walls can still support additional loads
which is caused by the addition of the floor level;
b. There are efforts to repair/reinforce construction in accordance with the additions
that floor level.

The second part


Article 66

(1) For every remodel/addition/repair of the building and/or part of it

Previous buildings must obtain written approval from government officials

(2) The continuation of work will not reduce the tranquility/security of residence
surrounding/adjacent communities.

Part Three
Temporary Fence
Article 67

The head of the technical service in charge can make it mandatory for every person/entity that:
carry out/order to carry out construction/renovation works,
additions/repairs, to temporarily fence all or part of the premises
such work if in his opinion is necessary for the sake of peace,
public security and safety.

Fourth part
Article 68

Materials and construction of scaffolding that will be used in a job

construction that is more than 1 story high is required to obtain approval from
Head of the Engineering Department in charge.

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Part Five
Work safety
Article 69

(1) Building permit holders are required to always try to provide clean drinking water
that meets health in the work environment and is placed so that it is easy
achieved by workers who need it;

(2) Building permit holders are required to provide complete PPPK equipment
the number corresponds to the number of people employed, placed inside
work environment so that it is easy to reach when needed;

(3) Building permit holders are required to provide a healthy rest room for
workers' quarters whose size is adjusted to the number of workers;

(4) Building permit holders are required to provide at least one temporary toilet if
employs up to 40 workers. For the second, third and 40 people
Next, one additional toilet is provided for each.

Part Six
Article 70

(1) Residents or building users are required to always try to use it

the building complies with the use permit;

(2) Residents or building users are required to always maintain it properly

building and grounds. So that everything is feasible and meets the requirements
to be habitable;

(3) The Head of the Technical Service in charge has the authority to require implementation
repair or repair and overhaul of a building if it is appropriate
his opinion. The building is partly or wholly in a state of disrepair or destruction
and/or very poorly maintained and therefore it is feared that danger will arise and
or seriously harm the view of the surrounding area.

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First part

Types of Infrastructure Provided

Article 71

(1) Environmental Infrastructure is environmental equipment which includes, among others:

a. Road;

b. Sewage Channels;

c. Rainwater Drainage Channels.

(2) Public Utilities are buildings needed in the service system

environment organized by government agencies and consisting of, among others:

a. Clean Water Network;

b. Electric network;

c. Gas Network;

d. Phone network;

e. Public Transport Terminal/bus Shelter;

f. Cleanliness/garbage disposal;

g. Firefighter.

(3) Social facilities are facilities needed by the community in the environment

settlements which include, among others:

a. Education;
b. Health;
c. Shopping and Commerce;
d. Government and Public Services; e.

f. Recreation and Culture; g.

Sports and Open Fields;
h. Public cemetery.

The second part

Submission Procedures
Article 72

(1) Environmental infrastructure, public utilities and social facilities that will be handed over to

Regional Government must be implemented in accordance with the provisions as regulated

in the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation;

(2) The environmental infrastructure, public utilities and social facilities submitted are satisfactory

requirements in accordance with the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation;

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(3) Delivery of Environmental Infrastructure, Public Utilities and Social Facilities can be carried out

gradually with the following conditions:

a. For environmental infrastructure, land and buildings have been completed and maintained;

b. For Public Utilities, land and buildings have been completed and maintained;

c. For Social Facilities, the land is ready to be built.

(4) Has undergone maintenance by Perumnas/Housing Development Company

no later than 1 (one) year from the completion of the infrastructure construction as follows

referred to in Article 71 of this Regional Regulation with the provisions:

a. At least 50% of the planned house construction stages have been built;

b. The minimum area for the development stage is 5 (five) Ha;

c. For areas smaller than 5 (five) Ha, handover is carried out at once.

(5) Realization of delivery of infrastructure as intended in article 71 of the Regional Regulations

This must be implemented no later than 3 (three) months after the results of the report

The Verification Team was well received by the Regional Head;

(6) All infrastructure as intended in article 71 of this Regional Regulation has

handed over to the Regional Government based on applicable laws and regulations.

The rights, authority and responsibility for its management are transferred completely to

Local government;

(7) Starting from the delivery of the infrastructure as intended in

article 71 of this Regional Regulation, the relationship over land/buildings changes to

Housing Development Company, except for building land under the management of Perum

Perumnas handed over with Building Use Rights or Use Rights status;

(8) If Perum Perumnas/Housing Development Company uses infrastructure that

has been handed over to the Regional Government for the purposes of continuing development

housing, then Perum Perumnas/Housing Development Company is required

repair and maintain infrastructure as intended in article 7I of the Regulations

This region;

(9) If the Perumnas/Housing Development Company has completed 100%

carry out construction, the infrastructure as intended must be delivered

in article 71 of this Regional Regulation to the Regional Government for a period of time

a maximum of 2 (two) years from the second Minutes containing the Results Submission

Housing Construction Work from the Contractor and/or starting from the end

building maintenance period to Perum Perumnas/Development Company

Housing after exceeding the physical maintenance period of 3 (three) months or appropriate


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(10) For individuals or legal entities who apply for more land allocation
large and/or equal to 1 (one) Ha, the ratio of land use is 60: 40.
Maximum 40% of the land area as environmental infrastructure, public utilities and facilities
social services and handed over to the City Government without compensation.



First part
Building Construction Permit (IMB)
Article 73

(1) Every building and other structure in the Malang City Area must
fulfill administrative requirements which include:
a. Status of land rights, or utilization permits from land rights holders;
b. Status of use of buildings and other structures.

(2) The Regional Government is obliged to collect data on buildings and/or other structures
for the purposes of fostering orderly development and utilization.

Article 74

(1) The Regional Head has the authority to:

a. Issuing permits as long as the technical and administrative requirements are in accordance with the provisions

b. Give permission or determine otherwise than the provisions stipulated in
This Regional Regulation takes into account public order and harmony
environment, safety and security of human life after hearing the opinions of the
expert/person in the field;

c. Stop or close activities carried out in buildings that are not suitable
with the functions specified in the permit, up to the person responsible
responsible for the building meeting the specified requirements;
d. Order to carry out repairs to a building or part of a building,
buildings and yards or the environment for prevention against
harm to human/environmental health and/or safety, after hearing
opinions of experts/building technicians;

e. Order, approve or refuse to carry out construction, repairs or

demolition of environmental infrastructure and facilities by building/land owners;
f. Can set policies for specific buildings and/or environments
taking into account the provisions regulated in this Regional Regulation
environmental harmony and/or public safety and/or state security
after hearing opinions from experts/building technicians;

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g. Can designate certain buildings to display local/traditional architecture

after hearing the opinions of experts/building technicians.

(2) The Regional Head or official appointed to carry out his duties has the authority to enter

yards, yards and/or buildings in order to carry out conformity checks

implementation of construction or utilization of buildings in accordance with their function.

Article 75

(1) Any activity of constructing and/or using and/or dismantling buildings or

Building parts within the Malang City area are required to have permission from the Regional Head

or appointed official;

(2) The permit is issued by the Regional Head or Technical Service in charge of buildings

intended to guarantee:

a. Health, safety and security of building owners and/or users;

b. Public order and safety and the environment;

c. Environmental harmony and harmony;

d. To maintain conformity with the function that has been determined by the designation

its location;

(3) Apart from having to fulfill the permit as intended in paragraph (1) of this article, you also have to fulfill

other provisions relating to building construction activities;

(4) People or bodies/institutions before building, or changing buildings in the City area

Malang is required to have an IMB from the Regional Head or from the technical service

in the field of buildings;

(5) People or bodies/institutions before using buildings in the Malang City area

required to have an IPB from the Regional Head or from the technical service in charge


(6) People or bodies/institutions before demolishing buildings in the Malang City area

required to have an IHB from the Regional Head or from the technical service in charge

Article 76

A building permit is required for work:

a. Constructing a building or moving a building or structure;

b. Adding buildings to existing buildings;

c. Create new grounds or foundations, walls, fences or borders, create new channels,

bridges, ditches;

d. Changes to existing buildings, walls, fences, channels, bridges and so on


e. Demolition of something, except demolition of buildings with temporary structures;

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f. Installing advertising objects on a building or attaching them to a building;

g. Installing lightning rods or antennas; h.

Excavating, piling or working on land measuring more than 1 m3

(one cubic meter);

i. Changing the use and/or shape of a building to be different from the original.

Article 77

(1) Building construction is prohibited if:

a. Do not have written permission from the Regional Head or Official from the technical service

in the field of buildings;

b. Deviating from the provisions or conditions specified in the letter


c. Deviating from the development plan which is the basis for granting permits.

(2) It is prohibited to construct or change buildings in violation of the terms and conditions

which have been stipulated in this Regional Regulation or other statutory regulations

does not conflict with this Regional Regulation;

(3) It is prohibited to construct buildings on land without the owner's permission or legal authority.

Article 78

Applications for permits can be submitted by individuals, legal entities, foundations, other associations,

either individually or by his/her representative or legal proxy in writing, executed

by filling out the form explaining the following:

a. Name and address to be selected by the applicant;

b. Actual notice of the use, nature of the building and its purpose

the permit application;

c. Notifications regarding buildings, street names, house numbers, land locations, numbers

verponding of land rights or registration numbers;

d. Description of building construction.

Article 79

(1) The application as intended in article 78 of this Regional Regulation must be accompanied by:

a. Land certificate signed by an authorized official;

b. Power of attorney if the applicant is represented;

c. Applicant's valid Resident Identity Card (KTP);

d. Picture of the land use situation in accordance with article 2 paragraph (5);

e. Floor plans, level drawings, foundation plans, roof plans,

front view, side view, back view, cross section and section

lengthwise with a scale of 1: 200, 1: 100, 1: 50 and other larger scales according to

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f. Building construction calculations that have been approved (signed) by the Constructor
for buildings referred to in article 24 paragraphs (5), (6) and (8);

g. Letters and other images deemed necessary.

(2) On the image referred to in paragraph (1) letter e of this article, the name must be included
building planner.

Article 80

Without prejudice to the provisions contained in articles 78 and 79 of the Regulations

This area, in the picture must also be explained:
a. The purpose of the request is as long as it concerns development, whether in part or in whole
or expansion;

b. The condition of the land with fence boundaries, drainage channels and roads is the same
regarding land height;
c. The location of the buildings to be erected, as well as the location of the existing buildings
has been there as long as the building is also about to be demolished;

d. The height of the foundation, waterproofing, floor and yard fence, as well as height
yards that have been prepared for the height of the road surface in question;
e. The size of the building as well as the allocation of rooms;
f. Places and sizes of doors, windows along with holes in walls and stairs;

g. Building construction regarding foundations, waterproof walls, walls, walls

between doors and windows, floor pillars, roof frames and roof coverings by pointing
in the placement and anchoring of beams and other construction parts
used as support;

h. Building equipment and rainwater and wastewater storage including irrigation equipment
and connections to the city channel network.

Article 81

(1) If the Regional Head or technical service in charge of buildings conveys

written to the Regional People's Representative Council of Malang City that for a region
plans are being planned or reviewed, or lines are redefined
boundary, the Regional Head can postpone a decision on an application

in order to obtain permission for works in full and in full

some are located within the area up to the plan and above the boundary lines
determined, without reducing the period no later than 6 (six) months
after the notification date;

(2) The period of 6 (six) months as intended in paragraph (1) of this article can be
extended for a maximum of 6 (six) months.

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Article 82

(1) A rejection of an application for a building permit or granting a permit with conditions,
must be accompanied by reasons;

(2) Without prejudice to the provisions as intended in the Regulations

In this area, an application for a building permit is only rejected if:
a. Contrary to higher laws and regulations;
b. Contrary to plans or expansion of a city;
c. Contradicts or endangers the public interest;
d. Does not meet applicable technical requirements.

Article 83

(1) The Regional Head may revoke a building construction permit if:
a. Within 12 (twelve) months after the date the permit was granted, still not
commencement of work in earnest;
b. The work had been stopped for 3 (three) months and was apparently not continued;

c. It turned out that the permission that had been given was based on information
which is wrong;

d. The construction then deviated from the approved plans.

(2) The decision regarding the revocation of a building permit is notified in writing to the holder
permit accompanied by reasons for revocation;

(3) The decision to revoke a building permit is determined after the permit holder is granted
opportunity to express objections;

(4) The Regional Head may extend the period as intended in paragraph (1)
letters a and b of this article each have a maximum of 1.50 (one point fifty) times
which is determined;

(5) If the building already has a Building Construction Permit and has been moved
hand over ownership to another party, then the new owner is obliged to apply
the request to change the name of the Building Use Permit (IPB) is considered
suitability of the building.

Article 84

(1) On renewals, expansions or partial changes to

existing buildings, the provisions in this Regional Regulation only apply
in parts that are renewed, expanded or changed, unless otherwise specified;

(2) On renewals, expansions or partial changes

existing buildings as intended in paragraph (1) of this article, which must
done suddenly because of extraordinary things, work of renewal,

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Such expansion or changes can be carried out in advance provided that

within 2 x 24 (twice twenty four) hours of requesting permission for this purpose

must have been submitted;

(3) The Regional Head has the authority to grant partial dispensation or release

all of the provisions as intended in paragraph (1) of this article, with provisions

that everything is better than its original state for the sake of interest


(4) If the application concerns changes to or demolition of buildings

have historical heritage values, special culture or monuments, must be present

approval from the Regional Government.

The second part

Building Use Permit (IPB)

Article 85

(1) For new buildings, the IPB application is carried out simultaneously with the IMB application;

(2) Application for Building Use Permit (PIPB) is submitted in writing to the Head

Regions by individuals, agencies/institutions through the Head of the Department in charge of buildings

by filling in the form provided;

(3) The PIPB form mentioned in paragraph (1) of this article will be further regulated in a letter

Regional Head's Decision.

Article 86

(1). The Head of the Department in charge of buildings conducts research on the proposed PIPB

regarding administrative, technical and environmental requirements according to applicable regulations

when the PIPB is submitted;

(2). The Head of the Department in charge of buildings provides a PIPB receipt if

administrative requirements have been met;

(3). The Head of the Department in charge of buildings provides a certificate of habitability if

the building submitted by IPB has met technical and environmental requirements;

(4). IPB is issued with a validity period of 5 (five) years for business, public,

social and cultural, special, mixed, residential/mixed residential or in accordance with

article 3 paragraph (5) letter f, paragraphs (6), (7), (8), and (9) while for residential function buildings

or according to article 3 paragraph (5) letters a, b, c, d and e, the validity period is 15 (fifteen) years;

(5) If the validity period of the IPB expires, the building owner is required to submit an application

Extension of Building Use Permit (PPIPB).

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Article 87

(1). In order to supervise building use, officers from the Department in charge
buildings can ask the building owner to show the IPB along with
the attachment;

(2). The building suitability inspection is carried out by an expert appraiser who has
accredited by the Regional Government;

(3). The Regional Head or appointed official can revoke a building use permit if:
its use is not in accordance with IPB;

(4). The procedures for revoking IPB as intended in paragraph (3) of this article are further regulated
with the Decision of the Regional Head.

Part Three
Building Utilization
Article 88

(1) After the building is completed, the applicant is required to submit a written report
equipped with:
a. Minutes of inspection from accredited supervisors (for buildings that
b. Drawings that are in accordance with the implementation (as built drawings);

c. Photocopy of IMB levy payment receipt;

(2) Based on the report and minutes as intended in paragraph (1) of this article, Head
The Department in charge of Buildings on behalf of the Regional Head issues a Permit
Building Use (IPB).

Article 89

If there is a change in use of the building as specified in the IMB,

IMB owners are required to submit a new IPB application to the Regional Head.


Article 90

Any change in address of the building permit holder or his/her proxy must be notified
to the Regional Head or appointed official in writing, within 14 (four
twelve) days.

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Article 91

Building permit holders are required to notify the Regional Head or other official

appointed in writing:

a. Commencement of work on the land where the building will be erected shall be at least

at least 24 (twenty four) hours before work starts;

b. Completion of building construction within 24 (twenty four) hours after work

the building was completed;

c. Commencement and/or completion of parts of the building work, for

which notification should be according to the permission letter given.

Article 92

A building part of a building whose completion is as intended in article

91 This Regional Regulation must be notified, and it is not permitted to continue without it

visible during the inspection, before being given written permission from the Regional Head or official


Article 93

If the permit as intended in article 92 of this Regional Regulation, is granted

written by the Regional Head or appointed official, it turns out that the implementation is not appropriate

with the intention of granting it, the permit can be revoked.

Article 94

The Regional Head or appointed official is required to conduct an inspection within 14 days

(fourteen) days after receiving the notification as intended in letter b of the article
91 of this Regional Regulation.

Article 95

The time period for conducting an inspection as intended in article 94 of the Regional Regulations

This, in the case of extraordinary circumstances, can be extended for a further 14 (fourteen) days

and if that time is exceeded without any inspection from the authorities, the work

The construction of the building is considered complete.

Article 96

During the construction of the building, the holder of a building permit is required

Always keep the Building Permit at the work site so you can

shown whenever requested by the officer, to carry out inspection and affixing

notes on the permit.

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Article 97

The Regional Head or appointed official has the authority to order a stop
erection of a building or part of it temporarily if:
a. The implementation of the construction of the building deviated from the permission that had been given, was deviant

from the conditions or from the agreements that have been determined;
b. The implementation of the development was carried out contrary to the provisions stated

c. Failure to comply with instructions or warnings from officials authorized to carry out work
everything that is still deemed necessary, within the specified time period;
d. Building permit holders can appeal to the Regional Head against the order
cessation of the construction of a building. The Regional Head will immediately decide
whether or not the order or prohibition issued by the Head of Service is maintained
Engineering in the field.

Article 98

(1) Officials related to functions in carrying out their duties have authority
from time to time visiting places and buildings, without being asked by
owner or executor of work;

(2) Places as referred to in paragraph (1) of this article are used as houses
or which can only be accessed through a house building, only
visited by the Building Supervision Officer as intended in paragraph (1) of this article
on weekdays between 06.00 and 18.00;

(3) If the occupant or owner of a plot or building does not permit an inspection
This can be done by bringing a special order from the Regional Head or official

(4) Owners or users of buildings or grounds, as well as carrying out work

development, is required to allow inspections to be held as
referred to in paragraphs (2) and (3) of this article, as well as providing information that
requested within the time period determined by the Regional Head;
(5) The Regional Head may request further consideration from agencies that are experts in matters
which is the main issue of the building, as long as it is deemed necessary.

Article 99

(1) For building construction works that are under the control of the Government
Central, Provincial Government or Government implemented by each agency
technically, the provisions in this Regional Regulation remain in effect;

(2) The provisions as intended in paragraph (1) of this article do not apply to buildings
special buildings or if higher regulations determine otherwise;

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Article 100

With regard to applications for building permits as intended in articles 78 and 79

This Regional Regulation is for inspection, supervision and other work to be carried out

by the Regional Government, to the applicant or other person acting for and on

name, regardless of payments collected based on other regulations, is subject to a levy

building permit and must be paid to the Regional Cash Office.

Article 101

(1) The amount of the levy as intended in article 100 of this Regional Regulation is determined

further in Regional Regulations regarding Building Permit Levy;

(2) For a person or body/institution whose land is subject to cuts as a result of the stipulation and

implementation of boundary lines and handing them over to the Regional Government for purposes

general, get an incentive in the form of a change in IMB levy fees with a maximum of 25%

(twenty five percent) of the total IMB levy that must be paid with the establishment record

the building does not deviate from the provisions of the issued IMB;

(3) Providing incentives as intended in paragraph (2) of this article for those whose land is owned

deducted greater than or equal to 30% (thirty percent) of the area of the parcel or lot

place of construction of the building;

(4) Provisions for providing incentives as intended in paragraphs (2) and (3) of this article only

applies to residential houses or as referred to in article 6 letters a, b, c and

d This Regional Regulation, outside the residential area built by the Company

Housing Development or Perum Perumnas.



Article 102

(1) Every owner and/or user who does not fulfill the obligation to fulfill the function, and

or requirements, and/or maintenance of buildings and/or other structures

as intended in this Regional Regulation are subject to administrative sanctions in the form of:

a. Written warning;

b. Restrictions on development activities;

c. Temporary or permanent cessation of construction work;

d. Temporary or permanent cessation of building use;

e. Suspension of building permits;

f. Revocation of building permits;

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g. An order to demolish a building whose costs are borne by the building owner.

(2) If the administrative sanction is in the form of an order to demolish the building as intended

If paragraph (1) letter g is not implemented, then forced demolition will be carried out

by the Regional Government;

(3) The type of imposition of sanctions as intended in paragraph (1) of this article is determined by severity

and the lightness of the offense committed.



Article 103

(1) Any building owner and/or user who does not comply with the provisions

in this Regional Regulation, as well as orders and instructions

as well as the conditions that have been determined based on this Regional Regulation, are threatened

imprisonment for a maximum of 6 (six) months or a fine of up to Rp. 5,000,000.00

(five million rupiahs);

(2) If there is a violation or negligence as intended in paragraph (1) of this article

carried out by a Legal Entity, then criminal charges apply to those who provide it

command or leader;

(3) No imprisonment or fine as intended in paragraph (1) of this article

reduces the obligation to dismantle, change or repair anything that has been

carried out or neglected in contravention of the terms or instructions

which have been determined and/or based on this Regional Regulation;

(4) If the obligation to carry out demolition, alteration or repair as required

if referred to in paragraph (1) of this article is neglected, then everything will be done by

Regional Government at the expense concerned, after being given a written warning;

(5) The criminal act as intended in paragraph (1) of this article is a violation;

(6) Officials who are assigned duties in the field of building maintenance who do not carry them out

obligations in accordance with the provisions of applicable laws and regulations,

subject to witnesses and punishment in accordance with the provisions of Government Regulation Number 30

1980 concerning Civil Servant Disciplinary Regulations.

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Article 104

(1) Certain Civil Servant Officials within the Regional Government are authorized

specifically as an Investigator to carry out investigations of criminal acts in the Retribution Sector

Regions as intended in Law Number 8 of 1981 concerning Law

Criminal Procedure;

(2) The investigator's authority as referred to in paragraph (1) of this article is:

a. Receive, search for, collect and examine related information or reports

with criminal acts in the field of Regional Retribution so that the information or report

be complete and clear;

b. Researching, searching for and collecting information about individuals or entities

regarding the truth of the actions carried out in connection with the criminal act of retribution

c. Request information and evidence from individuals or entities in connection with

criminal acts of regional retribution;

d. Examine books, records and other documents relating to

criminal acts in the field of regional levies;

e. Conduct a search to obtain evidence of bookkeeping, recording and

other documents and confiscation of such evidence;

f. Request assistance from experts in the context of carrying out criminal investigations in

area of regional levies;

g. Ordering to stop and/or prohibiting someone from leaving a room or place

while the examination is in progress and checking the identity of the person and/or

documents carried as intended in letter e;

h. Photographing someone related to a regional retribution crime;

i. Summon people to hear their statements and be questioned as suspects

or witness;

j. Stop the investigation;

k. Carry out other actions necessary for the smooth investigation of criminal acts in

area of regional levies according to law that can be accounted for.

(3) The investigator as intended in paragraph (1) of this article notifies the commencement

investigation and convey the results of the investigation to the public prosecutor, in accordance with

provisions regulated in Law Number 8 of 1981 concerning Procedural Law


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Article 105

With the enactment of this Regional Regulation, then:

a. Permit applications submitted and received before the effective date of the Regional Regulation

This is and is still in the process of being resolved, processed based on the old provisions;

b. Building construction permits that have been issued are based on the old provisions but permits

the use has not been published, the old provisions apply;

c. Building permits submitted after the enactment of this Regional Regulation, then

The processing is guided by this Regional Regulation.



Article 106

A building permit is not required if:

a. Make ventilation holes, lighting and so on, the area of which is no more than

0.6 (six tenths) square meters with the longest horizontal side not more than 2 (two)


b. Maintaining the building without changing the plan, construction or architectonics

original building that has received permission;

c. Erecting non-permanent buildings for the maintenance of tame animals or crops


d. Paint or color the building.



Article 107

With the enactment of this Regional Regulation, the Level II Regional Municipality Regulation

Malang Number 5 of 1986 concerning Buildings and their Implementing Regulations stated

revoked and no longer valid.

Article 108

Matters that are not sufficiently regulated in this Regional Regulation as far as concerned

Its implementation will be further regulated by the Regional Head.

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Article 109

This local regulation are applied at the date stated .

So that everyone can know, this Regional Regulation is ordered to be promulgated

with its placement in the Malang City Regional Gazette.

Stipulated in Malang on 12 –
2- 2004




Promulgated in Malang on 16
– 2 - 2004




Main Advisor. 510 053 502


Copy according to the



MANAGER. THIS IS P. 170 014 768

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NUMBER 1 OF 2004




Building maintenance is a process of planning, implementation,

building utilization, preservation and demolition.

The arrangement of administrative and technical building requirements is intended to fulfill
administrative requirements for owners, the community and the Government as well as to realize
quality buildings according to their function.

Setting administrative and technical requirements for buildings aims to carry out functions
buildings that are safe, healthy, comfortable, efficient, balanced, harmonious and in harmony with
the environment.

Malang City Regional Regulations concerning Building Management in Malang City, as

building code guidelines covering the following aspects: Administration; Building Architect;
Building Construction/Structure; Security Against Fire Dangers; Road Facilities
Entry/Exit and Transportation Within Buildings; Installations; Internal Sanitation
Building; Ventilation; Air/Air and Lighting Updates; Implementation, Safety

Work and Maintenance; Environmental Impact Management; Delivery of Infrastructure

Environment, Public Utilities and Social Facilities Housing; Building Maintenance;
Building Supervision; Retribution Provisions; and sanctions.

That Malang Level II Regional Municipality Regional Regulation Number 5 of 1986

regarding buildings, with the quite high dynamics of urban development,

adjustments need to be made so that they need to be revoked and declared no longer valid.


Article 1 numbers 1 to 7 letter g

quite clear.

Article 1 number 7 letter h

What is meant by another such construction is: Water Building

Other types include:
a). Water Gutter (Aquaduck)
b). Siphon

c). Buildings, Falls and Water Gate Buildings

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d). Weir

e). And other complementary irrigation buildings.

Article 1 number 7 letters i to letter k

Quite clear
Article 1 numbers 8 to 59

quite clear

Article 1 number 23

What is meant by building height is the height measured from the floor surface

base / one to the lowest horizontal surface of the roof shed (overstek

roof) which is at the same level as the main roof of the building, not measured from the surface of the ground floor /

one to the highest end of the roof or wall beam of the building.

The surface of the ground floor of a building is the surface of the ground floor of a building

permitted to be taken from a height of + (plus) 120 cm (one hundred and twenty centimeters)

meters) from the As DAMIJA peil which is in front of the building.

Article 2 paragraph (1)

Quite clear

Article 2 paragraph (2) means:

a. The City Regional Spatial Planning Plan (RTRWK) is the same as the Plan

Malang City Regional Spatial Planning (RTRW);

b. The Detailed Urban Area Spatial Plan (RDTRKP) is the same

with the Detailed City Spatial Planning Plan (RDTRK) for Districts in the City


c. Urban Area Spatial Engineering Plans/Building Planning Plans and

The environment (RTRKP/RTBL) is the same as the Space Engineering Plan

City, Village Scale in Malang City and Building Planning Plans and

Corridor or Area Environment in Malang City.

Article 2 paragraphs (3) and (4)

Quite clear

Article 2 paragraph (5)

What is meant by Site Plan is a drawing of the utilization arrangement

land in accordance with the spatial planning designation, is the top view image

on a scale of 1: 1000 (one to a thousand) or 1: 2000 (one to two

thousand). For structuring land use in the form of a Site Plan

Apart from the above (article 2 paragraph 5), pictures must be included

looks at the arrangement of environmental channels (drainage) in the area with

image shown:

a. Environmental channels (Drainage) with a scale of 1: 1000 (one in a thousand)

or 1 : 2000 (one in two thousand);

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b. The cross section of each DAMIJA features a wide view

pavement (road body), width of road berm (road shoulder), channel width,

channel depth on a scale of 1: 20 (one in twenty) or 1: 50

(one in fifty) or 1 : 100 (one in one hundred).

c. Detailed cross-sectional dimensions of the channel (drainage) at a scale of 1: 20

(one in twenty) or 1 : 50 (one in fifty);

d. Definitive selection of scale quantities referred to above (article 2 paragraph 5)

determined by the authorized official.

Article 2 paragraph (6) to paragraph (13)

Quite clear

Article 3 paragraph (1) to paragraph (4)

Quite clear

Article 3 paragraph (5) letters a to b

Quite clear

Article 3 paragraph (5) letters c and d, which is meant by:

a. Flats or flats are multi-storey row houses;

b. A condominium is a flat building that is treated as one's own property;

c. A villa residence is a residence with a residential function

for the resting place of the owner or other person occupied at times

only at certain times and includes the form of large house buildings.

Article 3 paragraph (5) to paragraph (9)

Quite clear
Article 4

Quite clear

Article 5 number 1

What is meant by Type I - Fireproof Frame Construction is the type of construction in

where loads are carried by columns and beams or walls –

reinforced concrete walls where columns and beams or walls

which is intended to be used as a covering (shaft enclosures).

stairs, lifts and other vertical openings and parts of the structure in question

consisting of fire-resistant loads having a resistance of no less

from, in case:

a. Columns (including reinforced concrete walls acting as columns)

structural members bearing walls, fire walls and dividing walls –

4 hours;

b. External panel walls, main beams, child beams, roof portals and

Non-load-bearing casing includes elevator stairs and other holes

vertical – 3 hours;

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c. The panel walls facing the public road and the walls

located not less than 3 meters from the boundaries of other pages

intended, if the walls are divided at each level by floors

horizontal floor from 60 cm out the wall line or by the wall

horizontal with a height of not less than 80 cm has durability

fire for buildings of classes 6, 7 and 8, not less than 3

O'clock; and in class 3, 4, 5 buildings less than 2


Number 2

What is meant by Type II – Protected Bearing Wall Construction is

a type of building whose walls consist of masonry (stone

brick and the like) or reinforced concrete and structural parts

referred to consists of fire-resistant materials that have no less resistance

from within:

a. Outer walls, fireproof walls and 4H separation walls;

b. Walls bearing portal sloofs and columns or beams

beam shouldering wall-3 hours;

c. Panel walls, columns and beams and covering coverings

stairs, elevators and other vertical shafts -2 hours;

d. The roof frames include columns and beams

relevant 2 hours)

number 3

What is meant by Type III - Ordinary/Simple Construction is the type of construction

whose outer walls have a fire resistance of 3 hours and construction

the interior consists wholly or partly of wood or steel

protected and reinforced concrete supported by unprotected steel ;)

number 4

What is meant by Type IV – Unprotected steel/iron construction is type

construction in which the loads are carried by a steel frame or something similar

metal that is not protected against fire and external walls and

The roof consists of asbestos, sheet metal or other fire-resistant material

number 5

What is meant by Type V – Wood Construction is a type of construction whose parts are

Its structure and parts consist of wood/bamboo, too

including any similar construction that has a fire-resistant outer layer

number 6

A building with mixed construction is a building that can consist of:

more than one type of construction but where there are two or more types

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construction in one building and not separated by a fireproof partition

perfect, then the entire building must be considered a type

the construction in question is the least fireproof

Numbers 7 and 8

Quite clear

Articles 6 to 8

Quite clear

Article 9 paragraph (1) to paragraph (2)

Quite clear

Article 9 paragraph (3) refers to Building Floor Coefficient (KLB).

The different levels are:

a. High KLB indicates floor limits: 6 (six) floors and above;

b. KLB is showing floor limits: 3 (three) to 5 (five)


c. KLB. Low indicates floor limits: 1 (one) to 2 (two)

floor .

Article 9 paragraph (4) to paragraph (6)

Quite clear

Articles 10 and 11 paragraphs (1) to paragraph (3)

Quite clear

Article 11 paragraph (4) which is meant by Building Boundary Line 0 (zero)

for calculating building height is in accordance with article 22 paragraph (1)

up to paragraph (4) with the Building Boundary Line are taken the same

with ½ (half) the width of DAMIJA plus 1 (one)

Article 12

Quite clear
Articles 13 to 102

Quite clear
Article 103

Paragraph (1)

With the existence of criminal sanctions, it is hoped that public awareness will arise

to fulfill its obligations.

Paragraph (2)

What is meant by negligence means unintentional, careless, careless or lacking

heed his obligations so that the action gives rise to

regional financial losses.

Paragraph (3) to paragraph (5)

Quite clear

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Articles 104 to 109

Quite clear



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