01 Patitioning Disk

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DOS Label Disk

Maximum 2TB partition size
4 primary partitions (1 extended)
fdisk (to manage disk)
83 Linux partition type
82 Swap partition type
8e LVM partition type
fd RAID partition type

GPT Label Disk

Maximum 8ZB partition size
128 partitions
gdisk (to manage disk)
8300 Linux partition type
8200 Swap partition type
Copy held a the end of the disk

Parted can script creation partition

parted // Launch parted

select /dev/sdb // Select the disk you
want work on
print // print the partition
table of selected disk
mklabel msdos // Create a msdos
partition (with MBR 3 primary and 1 extended)
mklabel gpt // Create a gpt
partition (with gpt and 128 partitions)
mklabel mkdos
mkpart primary 1 200 // Create primary partion of
size 200M
mkpart extended 201 -1 // Create an extended
partition going to the end of disk (-1)
mkpart logical 202 300 // Create a logical partition
of size 97M

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb count=1 bs=512 // Wipe out all information in a


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