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Understand the role of school and other social institutions in society

Recognize the interconnectedness between family, education, religion, economic institutions, and

Analyze how these institutions shape individuals and society as a whole


Schools and social institutions are fundamental components of society that shape our beliefs, behaviors,
and values. They play critical roles in the development and functioning of individuals and communities.
Let's delve deeper into each of these institutions:

Schools serve as formal educational institutions where individuals gain knowledge, skills, and values
necessary for personal growth and success in society. They play a crucial role in preparing individuals for
future challenges, fostering critical thinking skills, and promoting social integration.

The family is often considered the primary social institution, providing love, support, and socialization to
its members. Families pass on cultural traditions, values, and beliefs from one generation to the next,
shaping individuals' identities and sense of belonging.

Education extends beyond formal schooling and encompasses lifelong learning experiences. It equips
individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complexities of the modern world,
fostering personal growth, social mobility, and civic engagement.

Religion provides spiritual guidance, moral values, and a sense of community to its followers. It plays a
significant role in shaping individuals' worldviews, ethical beliefs, and social interactions, influencing
social cohesion and unity.

Economic institutions encompass organizations and systems that govern economic activities within
society. They facilitate the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, impacting
individuals' economic well-being, social mobility, and overall quality of life.

The government establishes and enforces laws, regulations, and policies to maintain social order,
protect the rights of citizens, and provide public goods and services. It plays a critical role in shaping the
social, political, and economic landscape of society.

While these institutions operate independently, they are interconnected and influence each other in
profound ways. For example, education systems are often influenced by government policies, economic
institutions shape job opportunities and income levels, and religion can influence family dynamics and
social cohesion.

By understanding the roles and interactions of schools and social institutions in society, we can work
towards building inclusive, equitable, and resilient communities that promote the well-being and
prosperity of all individuals. Collaboration and cooperation among these institutions are essential to
addressing complex social issues and fostering positive social change.



Multiple Choices

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on your paper.

1. A group of people related by blood, marriage, or adoption

A. cult. B. family C. religion D. group

2. The institution that has the greatest effect on individual behavior

A. political B. education C. family D. economic

3. A unified system of beliefs and practices concerned with sacred things

A. education B. religion C. family D. authority

4. The ability to control the behavior of others

A. power B. authority C. coercion

5. Institution that determines how goods and services are produced and distributed

A. political B. economic C. education D. religion

6. Society formally transmits its knowledge, values, skills, and expectations to its members

A. religion B. education C. family D. economy

7. What does an auto mechanic provide?

A. good C. servicr D. both

8. What does a bank provide?

A. good C. service D. both

9. What does a farmer provide?

A. good C. service D. both

10. What does a restaurant provide?

A. good C. service D. both

11. A formal process in which knowledge, skills, and values are systematically transmitted from one
individual or group to another.

A. Family B. Religion C. Education D. Economy

12. A unified system of beliefs and practices pertaining to the supernatural and to norms about the right
way to live that is shared by a group of believers.

A. Family B. Religion C. Education D. Economy

13. A socially defined kinship structure or set of relationships between at least two people related by
birth, marriage, blood relationship, adoption, or long standing ties of intimacy.

A. Family B. Religion C. Education D. Economy

14. The set of arrangements by which a society produces, distributes, and consumes goods, services,
and other resources.

A. Family B. Religion C. Education D. Economy

15. Production and distribution of goods, assignment of individuals to different social roles such as
occupations :function which is "BEST" addressed by the institution of ____.

A. Family B. Religion C. Education D. Economy


1. B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.C 11.C 12.B 13.A 14. D 15. D

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