01 170913 TBX02 Manual Handling

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Toolbox talk: Manual Handling

Main Contractor :
Contract :
Toolbox Talk No : TBX02

Revision : Rev C

Date :

Almost a quarter of all injuries at work are caused by accidents during

manual handling. Most of the injuries are to hands, feet, legs and back.
Some of the back injuries result in permanent disability.

Manual handling
 When a person physically moves a load without the assistance of equipment (e.g.
Crane / teleporter etc.) then this is referred to as manual handling.
 No material to be lifted which exceeds your capacity – always use crane / teleporter
where possible.
 Use PPE (gloves) where necessary.
 When working on materials, they must remain secured to workbench – small
materials using vice grips / clamps etc.

Manual handling includes moving a load by

 Pushing.
 Pulling.
 Putting down.
 Carrying.
 Throwing.
 Intentionally dropping.
Poor manual handling techniques can result in injury.

How to avoid manual handling?

 If safe to do so, perform the task without moving the load.
 Use machinery.
 Use mechanical lifting and handling aids.
In practice, most jobs involve some manual handling duties. You can lower the risks to
health of manual handling by reducing the weight of loads and making loads less bulky.

8 points for good manual handling:

1 Toolbox talk: Manual Handling

1. Assess the task, the area & the load. Think before you lift – consider where the load
is to go and if help / machinery is needed.
2. Broad stable base - feet flat on floor slightly apart
3. Bend the knees
4. Back straight
5. Firm grip
6. Arms in line with trunk
7. Weight close to center of gravity - Keep the load close to your body.
8. Turn feet in direction of movement - Avoid twisting the body or leaning sideways,
particularly while the back is bent.

2 Toolbox talk: Manual Handling

I have read and understood the above information re Manual Handling [TBX02]


Name: Signature:

3 Toolbox talk: Manual Handling

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