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Burmister’s theory Problems:

1) Plate bearing test conducted with 300mm dia. Plate on subgrade. Sustained a load of 15kN at 2.5mm
deflection. The test when carried out on a base course of 180mm thickness sustained a load of 55kN at
2.5mm deflection. Design the pavement section for a wheel load of 51kN with tyre pressure of
0.75N/mm² using Burmister’s theory.
Given data,
Plate dia = 300mm, Radius of plate, a =150mm
Δ = 2.5mm, Wheel load (P) =51kN, thickness (Z) = 180mm, Sustained load (p s) = 15kN,
Tyre pressure (p) =0.75N/mm²
Step1: Determination of modulus of elasticity of subgrade:
𝑝𝑠 𝑎𝑝
W.K.T, Design of deflection, Δ = 1.18 F2
sustainedload(P) 15∗103
ps = = = 0.212N/mm² and F2 = 1(for single layer)
Area(πr2 ) Π∗1502
Δ = 2.5 = 1.18 *1
Es = E2 = 15.01 N/mm²
Step2: Determination of deflection factor F2:
𝑝𝑠 𝑎𝑝
WKT, Δ = 1.18 F2 (E2= Es)

𝑠𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑(𝑃) 55∗103
ps = = = 0.778N/mm²
𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎(𝜋𝑟 2 ) 𝛱∗1502
2.5 = 1.18 F2
F2 = 0.272
Step3: selection of curve:
The ratio 𝑍⁄𝑎𝑝 = =1.2
Z = 1.2ap
For Z =1.2 ap and deflection factor, F2=0.272, from design chart, the curve is selected, say =
Step4: Determination of deflection factor F2
p a′
WKT, Δ = 1.5 F2

Here, a’ = Radius of contact area

𝑃 51∗103
a’ = √𝜋∗𝑝 = √ 𝛱∗0.75

a’ = 147.12mm
Here, Δ = 2.5mm, p = 0.75 N/mm² and Es=E2= 15.01N/mm²
2.5 = 1.5 F2
𝒁 𝟏𝟖𝟎
F2=0.266 and = 𝟏𝟒𝟕.𝟏𝟐 = 1.22
Step5: Determination of thickness:
𝐸𝑠 1
From the selected curve F2=0.266, = and from chart new value of Z.
𝐸𝑝 20
Thickness, Z or h = 2.5*a’ = 2.5*147.12 = 367.8mm or 368mm
2) A plate load test conducted with 300mm dia plate on subgrade on a pavement of thickness 400mm
sustained pressure of 0.10N/mm² and 0.40N/mm² respectively at 5mm deflection. Design the pavement
section for 50kN load and contact pressure of 0.7N/mm², allowable deflection of 8mm using
Burmister’s approach. If you want maintain of 6.5mm, what should be required thickness use design
Given data,
Plate dia = 300mm, Radius of plate, a =150mm, Δ = 5mm and 8mm
Wheel load (P) =50kN, thickness (Z or h) = 400mm, Tyre pressure (p) =0.10N/mm² and 0.40N/mm²
Step1: Determination of modulus of elasticity of subgrade:
𝑝𝑠 𝑎𝑝
W.K.T, Design of deflection, Δ = 1.18 F2
Given, Δ = 5mm, ps = 0.10N/mm² and F2 = 1(for single layer)

5 = 1.18 *1
Es or E2 = 3.54N/mm².
Step2: Determination of deflection factor F2:
𝑝𝑠 𝑎𝑝
WKT, Δ = 1.18 F2 (E2= Es)

Given, Δ = 5mm, ps = 0.40N/mm², ap=150mm and Es or E2 = 3.54N/mm².

5 = 1.18 F2
F2 = 0.25
Step3: selection of curve:
The ratio 𝑍⁄𝑎𝑝 = =2.67
Z or h = 2.67ap
For Z =2.67ap and deflection factor, F2=0.25, from design chart, the curve is selected, say =
Step4: Determination of deflection factor F2
p a′
WKT, Δ = 1.5 F2

Here, a’ = Radius of contact area

𝑃 50∗103
a’ = √ =√
𝜋∗𝑝 𝛱∗0.7

a’ = 150.78mm
Here, Δ = 8mm, p = 0.7 N/mm² and Es=E2= 3.54N/mm²
8 = 1.5 F2
F2=0.17 and to calculate new value of Z or h
Step5: Determination of thickness:
𝐸𝑠 1
From the selected curve F2=0.17, = and from chart new value of Z.
𝐸𝑝 20
Thickness, Z or h = 6*a’ = 6* 150.78 = 904.68mm or 905mm
Part-II: Required thickness of flexible pavement for 6.5mm design deflection
p a′
WKT, Δ = 1.5 F2
0.7∗ 150.78
6.5 = 1.5 F2
F2 = 0.14, to calculate new value of Z or h
Step5: Determination of thickness:
𝐸𝑠 1
From the selected curve F2=0.14, = and from chart new value of Z.
𝐸𝑝 20
Thickness, Z or h = 8*a’ = 8* 150.78 = 1206.24mm or 1206mm

3) A plate load test carried out using 30cm dia plate. On a subgrade WBM pavement layer of thickness
45cm. sustained loads of 600kg and 3300kg at 0.5cm deflection. If wheel load of 5100kg with a contact
pressure of 7kg/cm² is applied on this base course determine the maximum deflection of the pavement.
If the deflection is 0.35cm what should be the thickness of pavement for above wheel load. Use charts
for two-layered deflection factor.
Given data,
Plate dia = 30cm, Radius of plate, a =15cm, Δ = 0.5cm and 0.35cm, Wheel load (P) =5100kg,
Thickness (Z or h) = 45cm, Tyre pressure (p) =7kg/cm² and Sustained loads of 600kg and 3300kg

Step1: Determination of modulus of elasticity of subgrade:

𝑝𝑠 𝑎𝑝
W.K.T, Design of deflection, Δ = 1.18 F2
Given, Δ = 0.5cm, ps =? And F2 = 1(for single layer)
𝑠𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑(𝑃) 600
ps = = = 0.84kg/cm²
𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎(𝜋𝑟 2 ) 𝛱∗152

0.5 = 1.18 *1
Es or E2 = 29.73kg/cm².
Step2: Determination of deflection factor F2:
𝑝𝑠 𝑎𝑝
WKT, Δ = 1.18 F2 (E2= Es)

Given, Δ = 0.5cm, ps =? and ap=15cm and Es or E2 = 29.73kg/cm².

𝑠𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑(𝑃) 3300
ps = = = 4.66kg/cm²
𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎(𝜋𝑟 2 ) 𝛱∗152

0.5 = 1.18 F2
F2 = 0.18
Step3: selection of curve:
The ratio 𝑍⁄𝑎𝑝 = =3.0
Z or h = 3.0ap
For Z =3ap and deflection factor, F2=0.18, from design chart, the curve is selected, say =
Step4: Determination of deflection factor F2
p a′
WKT, Δ = 1.5 F2

Here, a’ = Radius of contact area

𝑃 5100
a’ = √ =√
𝜋∗𝑝 𝛱∗7

a’ = 15.22cm
Here, Δ = 0.35cm, p = 7 kg/cm² and Es=E2= 29.73kg/cm²
0.35 = 1.5 F2
From chart use this value and to calculate new value of Z or h.
Step5: Determination of thickness:
𝐸𝑠 1
From the selected curve F2=0.065, = and from chart new value of Z or h.
𝐸𝑝 20
Thickness, Z or h = approx 6*a’ = 6* 15.22 = 91.32cm or 91cm

4) The plate bearing tests were conducted with 30cm plate dia on soil subgrade and over 15cm base
course. The pressure yielded at 0.5cm deflection is 1.25kg/cm² and 4.0 kg/cm², respectively. Design the
pavement section for 4100kg wheel load with tyre pressure of 5 kg/cm² for an allowable deflection of
0.5cm using Burmister’s approach. (MQP)
Given data,
Plate dia = 30cm, Radius of plate, a =15cm, Δ = 0.5cm and 0.5cm, Wheel load (P) =4100kg,
Thickness (Z or h) = 15cm, Tyre pressure (p) =5 kg/cm² and pressure yielded 1.25 kg/cm² and 4 kg/cm²

Step1: Determination of modulus of elasticity of subgrade:

𝑝𝑠 𝑎𝑝
W.K.T, Design of deflection, Δ = 1.18 F2
Given, Δ = 0.5cm, ps =1.25 kg/cm² And F2 = 1(for single layer)

0.5 = 1.18 *1
Es or E2 = 44.2kg/cm².
Step2: Determination of deflection factor F2:
𝑝𝑠 𝑎𝑝
WKT, Δ = 1.18 F2 (E2= Es)

Given, Δ = 0.5cm, ps = 4kg/cm² and ap=15cm and Es or E2 = 44.2 kg/cm².

4 ∗15
0.5 = 1.18 F2
F2 = 0.312
Es Z 15
From chart and read value of against F2 = 0.312 and = =1
Ep ap 15
Step3: selection of curve:
The ratio 𝑍⁄𝑎𝑝 = =1
Z or h = 1.0ap
For Z =1ap and deflection factor, F2=0.312, from design chart, the curve is selected, say =
Step4: Determination of deflection factor F2
p a′
WKT, Δ = 1.5 F2

Here, a’ = Radius of contact area

𝑃 4100
a’ = √ =√
𝜋∗𝑝 𝛱∗5

a’ = 16.1cm
Here, Δ = 0.5cm, p = 5 kg/cm² and Es=E2= 44.2kg/cm²
0.5 = 1.5 F2
From chart use this value and to calculate new value of Z or h.
Step5: Determination of thickness:
𝐸𝑠 1
From the selected curve F2=0.183, = and from chart new value of Z or h.
𝐸𝑝 40
Thickness, Z or h = approx 2.1*a’ = 2.1* 16.1 = 33.6cm or 34cm

5) Determine the vertical stress distribution along the axis of loading at a depth of 0, 100, 200, 300, 400
& 500mm, under the following conditions and also comment on the result for conditions:
a) Bullock cart for load is 500kg, pressure 50kg/cm²
b) Truck, load = 10000kg, pressure = 8kg/cm²
c) Aircraft, load = 1,50,000kg, pressure = 30kg/cm²

a) Bullock cart for load is P = 500kg, pressure, p = 50kg/cm²

𝑃 500
a = √𝜋∗𝑝 = √𝛱∗50 = 1.78 cm

Z (cm) Z/a r/a 100σz/p σz kg/cm²

0 0 0 100 50
10 5.6 0 4.5 2.25
20 11.23 0 - -
30 16.85 0 - -
40 22.47 0 - -
50 28.08 0 - -
In case of bullock art, stress is higher at surface and decreases rapidly from surface to greater depth. So
high quality surface course should be provided. Thickness of pavement provided is less.

b) Truck, load P = 10000kg, pressure, p = 8kg/cm²

a = √𝜋∗𝑝 = 19.94cm

Z (cm) Z/a r/a 100σz/p σz kg/cm²

0 0 0 100 8
10 0.501 0 90 7.2
20 1.003 0 60 4.8
30 1.504 0 47 3.76
40 2.006 0 28 2.24
50 2.507 0 19 1.52
In case of truck, there is uniform variation of stresses from surface to higher depth.
c) Aircraft, load P = 1, 50,000kg, pressure, p = 30kg/cm²
a = √𝜋∗𝑝 = 39.89cm

Z (cm) Z/a r/a 100σz/p σz kg/cm²

0 0 0 100 30
10 0.25 0 95 28.5
20 0.5 0 90 27
30 0.75 0 67 20.1
40 1 0 62 18.6
50 1.25 0 58 17.4
In case of aircraft, stresses are predominant even at larger depth so the thickness of pavement required is
more. The contact pressure at surface is also high.
Higher the gross load, thicker is the pavement.

6) Plate bearing test was conducted with 750mm diameter plate on a soil subgrade and granular base of
150mm thickness. The pressure yielded at 2.5mm deflection was 0.07N/mm² on subgrade and
0.14N/mm² on the base. Design the pavement for an allowable deflection of 2.5mm under a wheel load
of 40KN and tyre pressure of 0.5N/mm². (MQP)
𝑝𝑠 𝑎𝑝
Elastic modulus of subgrade rigid plate, Δ = 1.18 F2
ap = radius of plate = 750/2 = 375mm, ps = 0.07N/mm²
Assume, F2 = 1 for single layer at max deflection, Δ = 2.5mm
𝑝𝑠 𝑎𝑝 0.07∗375
2.5 =1.18 F2 =1.18 *1
𝐸2 𝐸𝑠
Es = 12.39 N/mm²
To find

𝑝𝑠 𝑎𝑝
Δ = 1.18 F2 here, p = 0.14N/mm², Es =12.39N/mm²
2.5 = 1.18 ∗ F2
F2 = 0.5 and Z/a = 0.4 from chart Es/Ep = 1/100

From, graph for design of flexible pavement P = 40kN, p= 0.5N/mm²

𝑃 40000
a = √𝜋∗𝑝 = √ 𝜋∗0.5 = 159.57mm
2.5 = 1.15 ∗ F2
F2 = 0.34
From graph, to find z/a,
z/a = 0.6, z = 0.6* 375 =225mm
7) Determine the deflection values under a wheel load of 60kN & contact tyre pressure of 0.7N/mm² in a
homogeneous mass of soil at a depth of z = 2.5a up to a radial distance of γ = 5a. Assume elastic
modulus of soil subgrade as 8N/mm². Sketch the deflection curve. (MQP)
Given data,
Δ =? Es = 8N/mm²
P = 60kN
Z = 2.5a
γ = 5a
p = P/A
0.7 = 60000/A
𝑍 𝑟
A = 855714.29mm² v) = 2.5, = 3.0
𝑎 𝑎
d = 330.35mm F = 0.265 (from chart)
𝑝𝑎 0.7∗165.17
a = 165.17mm Δ= F= *0.265 = 3.03mm
𝐸𝑠 8
Z r
i) = 2.5, 0.0
a a
𝑍 𝑟
𝐅 = 0.51 (From chart) vi) = 2.5, = 4.0
𝑎 𝑎
𝑝𝑎 0.7∗165.17
Δ= F= *0.52 = 7.5mm F = 0.21 (from chart)
𝐸𝑠 8
𝑝𝑎 0.7∗165.17
Δ= F= *0.265 = 3.03mm
𝐸𝑠 8

𝑍 𝑟 𝑍 𝑟
ii) = 2.5, = 0.5 vii) = 2.5, = 5.0
𝑎 𝑎 𝑎 𝑎
F = 0.51 (from chart) F = 0.175 (from chart)
𝑝𝑎 0.7∗165.17 𝑝𝑎 0.7∗165.17
Δ= F= *0.51 = 7.37mm Δ= F= *0.175 = 2.53mm
𝐸𝑠 8 𝐸𝑠 8

𝑍 𝑟
iii) = 2.5, = 1.0
𝑎 𝑎
F = 0.47 (from chart)
𝑝𝑎 0.7∗165.17
Δ= F= *0.47 = 6.79mm
𝐸𝑠 8

𝑍 𝑟
iv) = 2.5, = 2.0
𝑎 𝑎
F = 0.35 (from chart)
𝑝𝑎 0.7∗165.17
Δ= F= *0.35 = 5.05mm
𝐸𝑠 8

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