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Phytopathogenic Mollicutes doi: 10.5958/2249-4677.2020.00004.

Vol. 12 (2), December 2022, 83-87

Research Article

Lantana camara showing little leaf symptoms: a new weed host of

‘Candidatus Phytoplasma trifolii’

Smriti Mall1, Apoorva Srivastava1 and Rajarshi Kumar Gaur2

Molecular Plant Pathology Laboratory, Department of Botany, DDU Gorakhpur University Gorakhpur-273009, Uttar
Pradesh, India
Department of Biotechnology, DDU Gorakhpur University Gorakhpur-273009, Uttar Pradesh, India

Received: September 09, 2022; Accepted: December 28, 2022


Lantana camara is an invasive weed, alien for India, with active phytochemical constituents making it less prone
to diseases. Recently Lantana plants showing little leaf, shortening of internodes and stunted growth symptoms
were detected in Rajahi village near Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. These symptoms are indicative of
phytoplasma presence. With the use of PCR and nested PCR assay with primer pairs P1/P7 and R16F2n/R2, the
presence of phytoplasmas in samples from three symptomatic plants was confirmed. Sequence analysis revealed
that the obtained 1.2 kb amplicon sequence shares more than 99% identity with sequences of ‘ Candidatus
Phytoplasma trifolii’ and in the phylogenetic analysis, the sequence clustered with other ‘Ca. P. trifolii’ strains. In
silico RFLP analysis of the 16Sr RNA sequence indicates its inclusion in 16SrVI-D subgroup that is therefore
reported here for the first time in the world in little leaf diseased Lantana plants.

Keywords: phytoplasma disease, 16S rRNA, sequencing, weed, India

Introduction 2019). Garibaldi et al. (2003) reported web blight on

Lantana caused by Rhizoctonia solani in Europe. Weed
Lantana camara L., commonly known as wild sage or
diseases associated with phytoplasmas have been
red sage is a persistent and invasive weed found among
reported predominantly in south-eastern Asian
60 countries worldwide with more than 650 varieties.
countries and Europe (Marcone et al., 2016). So far
It belongs to the family Verbenaceae and is native to
the American tropics. The presence of therapeutically eighty weed species were reported as phytoplasma
rich phytochemicals makes Lantana resistant to most hosts and infected with ‘ Candidatus Phytoplasma
microbial infections. Bioactive compounds like asteris’, ‘Ca. P. aurantifolia’, ‘Ca. P. australasia’, ‘Ca. P.
alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins, germacrene A, ziziphi’, ‘Ca. P. trifolii’ and ‘Ca. P. cynodontis’. Most of
B, D and triterpenes like lantadenes A, B, C, and D are them are reported only from India (Rao, 2021). In this
present in it (Ved et al., 2018). L. camara leaf extracts study, phytoplasma presence has been detected in L.
exhibited anti-proliferative, antimicrobial, fungicidal, camara plants growing near brinjal fields at Rajahi
insecticidal and nematocidal activities (Bashir et al., village near Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India based on

Corresponding author e-mail: Smriti Mall (

Smriti Mall et al.

PCR amplification, sequence comparison and in silico sequences were assembled using BioEdit software (Hall,
RFLP analysis. 1999) and aligned using CLUSTAL W software with
closely related sequences available in NCBI database.
Materials and Methods
The edited sequences were deposited in NCBI GenBank
Sample collection and utilised for phylogenetic tree construction via
Neighbour-Joining method with 1,000 replicates for
L. camara plants exhibiting little leaf, shortening of
each bootstrap using MEGAXI software (Tamura et al.,
internodes and stunted growth symptoms indicating
2021). Acholeplasma laidlawii (GenBank accession
a possible phytoplasma infection were sampled from
number AM073014) served as the out-group for
Rajahi village fields near Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh,
rooting the tree. The 16Sr subgroup identification was
India in 2021. Samples were collected from three
symptomatic and two asymptomatic plants. done using the iPhyClassifier online tool (Zhao et al.,
DNA extraction and PCR assays
Results and Discussion
Leaves (100 mg) of both symptomatic and
asymptomatic plants were used to extract DNA The L. camara plants exhibited little leaf, stunted
utilizing the DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (Qiagen, Germany) growth and shortening of internodes (Figure 1). The
as per the instructions provided by the manufacturer. diseased plants were easily identifiable from a distance
DNA of a 16SrVI phytoplasma infected brinjal plant owing to their distinct appearance. After DNA
was used as a positive control (Mall et al ., 2021). extraction, PCR reaction using P1/P7 followed by 3F/
Amplification of phytoplasma DNA was carried out 3R primers yielded amplicons of 1.3 kb from all the
using P1/P7 universal primers (Deng and Hiruki, 1991; symptomatic samples and from the positive control
Schneider et al ., 1995) followed by primers 3F/3R but not from asymptomatic samples. The 16S rRNA
(Manimekalai et al ., 2010). An aliquot of the PCR gene sequences were identical and one of the sequences
product (0.3 µl) was used for nested PCR assay. Gel was therefore named Lantana little leaf (LLL) and
electrophoresis of the nested PCR products was submitted to GenBank with Accession Number
performed in a 1% (w/v) agarose gel, stained with OL944007. BLASTn analysis for 16S rRNA sequence
ethidium bromide and observed under UV comparison showed that LLL sequence shared 99%
transilluminator (REMI, India). sequence identity with the 16S rRNA gene sequence of
‘Candidatus Phytoplasma trifolii’ strains from India
Sequencing and phylogenetic analysis
detected in brinjal showing little leaf disease (GenBank
Three nested PCR amplicons were purified (Wizard SV accession numbers KX284700 and MW273758),
gel kit, Promega) and sequenced (Eurofins, India). The Allamanda little leaf (GenBank accession number

Figure 1. Healthy lantana

plant on the left and plant
showing little leaf symptoms
on the right.

84 Phytopathogenic Mollicutes, Vol. 12 (2), December 2022

Lantana camara showing little leaf symptoms: a new weed host of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma trifolii’

KX641019), periwinkle little leaf (GenBank accession KY439869) enclosed in subgroup 16SrVI-D and showed
number MW648596), brinjal little leaf (GenBank in silico RFLP profile identical to the reference pattern
accession number KX421260), lentils witches’ broom of 16Sr group VI, subgroup D (Figure 3).
(GenBank accession number KY439869) and Datura On the basis of molecular characterization,
witches’ broom (GenBank accession number sequencing of partial 16S rRNA gene and virtual RFLP
KY078230) (Table 1). The phylogenetic analysis showed profiling of LLL strain in the present study it is
the closest relationships of LLL phytoplasma with confirmed the presence of ‘Ca. P. trifolii’ in L. camara
strains of ‘Ca. P. trifolii’ (Figure 2). LLL strain was found plants showing little leaf symptoms. This is the first
99.47% (1 SNP and 6 GAP) identical to the strain from report of phytoplasma in this plant species in the
India in Lens culinaris (GenBank accession number world. L. camara is an invasive weed with very powerful

Table 1. Bioinformatic analysis of phytoplasma sequences used in phylogenetic tree and their percentage identity with Lantana little leaf phytoplasma from Gorakhpur
(Uttar Pradesh), India.
Phytoplasma associated disease Host species Country % identity Ribosomal GenBank
(‘Candidatus Phytoplasma’ species) sub-group accession number
Sesame phyllody (‘Ca. P. asteris’) Sesamum indicum Paraguay 90.43 16SrI-B KY933669
Papaya phyllody Carica papaya Pune, India 89.83 16SrII-C MW404675
Melia azedarach decline Melia azedarach Brazil 93.81 16SrIII-B FJ404775
Coconut lethal yellowing (‘Ca. P. palmae’) Cocos nucifera Jamaica 94.34 16SrIV-A AF498307
Alder yellows Corchorus olitorius India 96.77 16SrV-C KF501045
Clover proliferation (‘Ca. P. trifolii’) Solanum tuberosum Turkey 98.71 16SrVI-A MH683601
Potato purple top Solanum tuberosum USA 99.02 16SrVI-A AY496005
Cucumber phyllody Cucumis sativus Iran 99.10 16SrVI-A JF508517
Potato purple top Solanum tuberosum Columbia, USA 99.10 16SrVI-A KR072666
Allamanda little leaf Allamanda cathartica India 99.47 16SrVI-D KX641019
Chrysanthemum stunt Chrysanthemum coronarium India 99.47 16SrVI-D MW648593
Periwinkle little leaf Catharanthus roseus Lucknow, India 99.47 16SrVI-D MW648596
Roselle little leaf Hibiscus sabdariffa India 99.47 16SrVI-D MZ773477
Saponaria stunting Saponaria sp. Pune, India 99.47 16SrVI-D KX641021
Datura witches’ broom Datura stramonium Kushinagar, India 99.47 16SrVI-D KY078230
Lens witches’ broom Lens culinaris India 99.47 16SrVI-D KY439869
Brinjal little leaf Solanum melongena Telangana, India 99.47 16SrVI-D MZ425930
Brinjal little leaf Solanum melongena India 99.47 16SrVI-D KX284698
Brinjal little leaf Solanum melongena Varanasi, India 99.47 16SrVI-D KX421260
Brinjal little leaf Solanum melongena Pune, India 99.47 16SrVI-D KX421253
Brinjal little leaf Solanum melongena India 99.40 16SrVI-D KX284703
Ash yellows (‘Ca. P. fraxini’) Fraxinus sp. USA 96.99 16SrVII-A AF092209
Luffa witches’ broom (‘Ca. P. luffae’) Luffa aegyptica Taiwan 95.48 16SrVIII-A AF248956
Chicory bushy stunt Cichorium intybus Saudi Arabia 93.40 16SrIX-J KY986922
Apple proliferation (‘Ca. P. mali’) Malus domestica Italy 90.57 16SrX-A AJ542541
Triticum yellow stunting (‘Ca. P. sacchari’) Triticum turgidum India 94.34 16SrXI-B LT594113
Strawberry yellows (‘Ca. P. fragariae’) Fragaria x ananassa Lithuania 89.87 16SrXII-E DQ086423
Papaya apical curl necrosis Carica papaya Brazil 90.20 16SrXIII-E JQ792171
Hibiscus witches’ broom (‘Ca. P. brasiliense’) Hibiscus rosa sinensis Brazil 89.65 16SrXV-A AF147708
Papaya bunchy top (‘Ca. P. caricae’) Carica papaya Cuba 86.66 16SrXVII-A AY725234

Phytopathogenic Mollicutes, Vol. 12 (2), December 2022 85

Smriti Mall et al.

Figure 2. Phylogenetic tree

showing the phylogenetic
relationship of 16Sr RNA gene
of Lantana phytoplasma
(GenBank accession number
OL944007) with sequences of
other phytoplasmas. The tree
was constructed using
neighbour joining method and
bootstrap values obtained for
1,000 replicates. Diamond
marks the sequence obtained in
the present study.

Figure 3. Virtual RFLP

pattern derived from the
query 16S rDNA R16F2n/
R2 fragment of the strain
studied (GenBank
accession number
OL944007) that result
identical to the pattern of
16Sr group VI, subgroup D
(GenBank accession
number KY439869).

86 Phytopathogenic Mollicutes, Vol. 12 (2), December 2022

Lantana camara showing little leaf symptoms: a new weed host of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma trifolii’

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