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República de Angola

Ministério da Educação
Complexo Escolar Isidoros
Trabalho de Inglês
Tema: Pobreza em Africa

Nome: Kevin Coelho

8ª Classe
Turma B
Turno: Manhã
Sala: 14
Professor: Alberto


Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 3
Development ............................................................................................................................. 4
Conclusão .................................................................................................................................. 6

Poverty is a multidimensional and intersectoral phenomenon. To facilitate comparative

analysis of the different global poverty profiles, a definition of poverty was agreed based
on the. Daily intake. This definition considers anyone who does not have the means to be
poor to be poor. economic options that allow daily consumption worth 1 US dollar.

Based on this universal definition of 1 US dollar as the poverty threshold, more than
2,000 million people around the world are considered poor1 . In the WHO African Region,
more than 45% of the population falls into this category. Poverty is more prevalent in
rural areas, where most African populations live. Unfortunately, the incidence of poverty
on the Continent African is increasing, in parallel with the worsening of social and health
indicators, namely life expectancy, infant mortality, maternal mortality and morbidity due
to malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS.

The African continent is a large producer and exporter of products from agricultural
production, however it is unable to feed its population. Africa has a very high number of
malnourished people, which makes it the worst in the world in this regard.

The continent is characterized by the presence of hunger, a reality that increases every
day. The countries that suffer most from hunger are: Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan,
Mozambique, Malawi, Liberia and Angola.

Estimates are pessimistic, according to a report by the International Food Policy Research
Institute, the number of malnourished children will rise by around 18%, estimated for the
year 2020.
According to the executive director of the UN World Food Programme, James Morris,
food shortages in Africa cause political instability, so hunger is both a cause and a
consequence of poverty. Furthermore, it is the cause and consequence of conflicts.
In the same study, another estimate was released, which states that in the next 20 years
the African continent will see a decrease in food production by around 20%, a fact
triggered by internal conflicts.

According to a study carried out by the UN (United Nations), around 150 million African
people do not have access to the minimum amount of daily calories. And what's worse,
another 23 million could literally die from hunger or from causes arising from it, such as
insufficient levels of certain nutrients in the body: lack of potassium, protein, calcium,
among others.

It is common knowledge that Africa lives with the problem of hunger, now it is enough to
know which factors triggered the various social ills that this part of the world is subject
One of the causes of hunger is linked to the way in which the territory is occupied and
the extreme external economic dependence, inherited from the period of colonialism.
This is further aggravated by accelerated population growth.

Natural growth rates in Africa are the highest in the world. To give you an idea, the African
population in 1950 consisted of 221 million people, currently there are more than 850
There are many reasons that lead to this deplorable situation. Below are the factors that
favor the proliferation of hunger on the continent:

• Occupation of a large part of the land for planting monoculture crops destined for
export, therefore they do not produce food that supplies the domestic market.

• Decrease in food supply on the continent.

• Large occurrence of desertification, due to the occupation of areas unsuitable for


• Decrease in pastures and fertile land on the continent.

• Ethnic conflicts that result in civil wars.

In short, what we have is a very weakened socioeconomic situation, and the outlook for
this continent is negative.
There are a series of reasons that led the African continent to become the poorest in the
world, with emphasis on historical and political factors that triggered armed conflicts in
the region.

The so-called sub-Saharan Africa (part of the continent located south of the Sahara Desert
and made up of 48 states) has the lowest HDIs (Human Development Index) on the
planet. To give you an idea, of the top 20 places on this list, 19 belong to the continent.

Almost a quarter of the continent's population is malnourished, according to data from

the United Nations (UN). According to the UN, only 31% of the continent's population has
access to the internet. Comparatively, in South America, the number is 65% of the
connected population.

Below we will present in more detail the main reasons that led the African continent to
this difficult situation of poverty and how there are signs of possible changes in the future.

The strategy highlights the comparative advantage of the health sector in reducing
poverty and provides guidelines for health-related poverty reduction policies. Specifically,
argues that to achieve the objectives of health-related poverty reduction, it is important
and necessary to change the paradigm, reorienting the pattern of public health
expenditure, moving from curative healthcare to promoting and preventing healthcare.

Countries in the Region will have to trust in their capabilities to improve the quality of life
of their their populations. The recent creation of African Unity and the adoption of the
New Partnership for. Development Policy (NEPA), already reflect the strong political
commitment to reducing poverty and development in the Region.

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