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Lesson 6: Writing

Task 2
Table of contents
I Fomat

II Strategy

III Practice
I Fomat F


Agree and Advantages Causes and

disagree and Effects/Causes and
Discussion Solutions or Problems
disadvantages and Solutions
II How to write Discussion essay
Some people think that zoos are cruel and should be closed down. Others, however, believe that zoos can be useful in protecting
wild animals.
Discuss both views and give your opinion
Intro • Pharaphase the statements:
Give your own opinion: Personally, I believe that the demerits (merits) of this trend surpass its merits

• Topic sentence: On the one hand, there are several reasons why N is beneficial/
Body 1
• Advantage / Disadvantage 1 + explain: Firstly, …
Body • Advantage / Disadvantage 2 + explain: Secondly, …

• Topic sentence: On the other hand, there are a number of advantages/ disadvantages of

Body 2 ……that people should take into consideration

• Disadvantage/ Advantage 1 + explain : The principal one is that ….
• Disadvantage / Advantage 2 + explain: In addition, ….

Conclusion In conclusion, … could bring about certain benefits, but its negative consequences should not be
overlooked/ Although this phenomenon is ………, it can …….
II How to write Discussion essay
Some people think that zoos are cruel and should be closed down. Others, however, believe that zoos can be useful in protecting
wild animals.
Discuss both views and give your opinion

• Disadvantage 1 + explain: can be cruel / be housed in cramped cages / distressed animals

Body 1 • Disadvantage 2 + explain: a bad impact on physical health of wild animals / have to hunt
for food / a way to help them healthier / whereas/ have the scheduled feeding time and
nothing to do but come and eat their portion food.

• Advantage 1 + explain : preserve endangered animals / keeping them safe from poachers,
habitat destruction and the spread of urbanisation / Breeding programmes/ increase a
Body 2
number of endangered animals / be saved from extinction
• Advantage 2 + explain: a way of raising people’s awareness of protecting wild animals /
provide opportunities for people to see and learn about animals they might not encounter

otherwise, which can foster empathy and understanding for wildlife.

II How to write

Causes - Effects - Solutions

Intro • Paraphase the statements:

• Give your own opinions: This essay will discuss the main reasons /effects of this epidemic and then describe
the possible effects / solutions of the problem.

Causes • Cause 1 + explain: The foremost cause of ….. Is N / that S + V

• Cause 2 + explain: Moreover, the problem is accentuated by ……

• Effect 1 + explain : The principal effect of…. is that ….

Body • Effect 2 + explain: In addition, ….

• Solution 1 + explain : Some measures can be implemented to change this situation. To begin
Solutions with, S + should
• Solution 2 + explain: Additionally,

Conclusion - To sum up, N is a big problem that affects “a lot of people nowadays”. It’s mainly caused by ……and results in…..
- In conclusion, N derives from N and N. Strong measures, such as Ving… and Ving …, should be carried out to
handle this problem.
II How to write
Obesity in children is becoming a big problem in many countries. What are the main causes and effects?

Intro • Obesity = overweight children / obese people - becoming a big problem = an increase in
• Give your own opinions: This essay will discuss the main reasons of this epidemic and then describe the
possible effects of the problem.

• Cause 1 + explain: inactive lifestyle => rely on cars and motorbikes instead of bicycles/
Causes prefer passive leisure activities => burning fewer calories / gaining weight
• Cause 2 + explain: eat irregularly / consume large portions of high-calorie food =>

Body prefer fast food to vegetables.

• Effect 1 + explain : physical health problems / contributes to / the risk of developing

some chronic illnesses/ diabetes / heart diseases
• Effect 2 + explain: loss of productivity / stress and tiredness / lessen work efficiency

To sum up, N is a big problem that affects a lot of people nowadays. It’s mainly caused by …… and results in …..

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