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Separating insoluble substances

1. Provide two examples of sieving and filtering around your home:

 Filtering:
 Water Filters, A tap water is passed through a device that contains activated carbon and sand
 Tea Bags- The tea leaves are surrounded in a paper bag and immersed in hot water.

 Sieving:
 Sift used to break up clumps in dry ingredients such as flour.
 Draining water from a pot of noodles,

2. The following steps in a recipe are examples of separating mixtures in the kitchen. Label each step with the
separating method being used: is it filtration, sieving or decanting?

a) Strain the boiled rice with a colander.- sieving

b) Pour the hot water from the boiled potato. - decanting

c) Remove the excess oil from the top of the simmering soup. - decanting

d) Pour sauce into a jug, ensuring that the spice sediment is left behind in the pot. -decanting

e) Place the filter into your coffee machine-filteration

a) Describe or draw what a paper filter would look like if you could magnify it enough.

The large particles cannot fit through the holes. There would be a barrier with small holes in it.

b) Explain how it works to filter out larger particles.

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