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Dnr: 2–4416/2022
2022-11-11 Page: 1/2

The university administration

The HR department

Employer: Karolinska Institutet

Local labor organization: Saco-S at KI

OFR/S, P and O through ST
Seko at KI

Local collective agreement for doctoral students during the period 2022-10-01-

The parties enter into an agreement on wage revision etc. according to the framework agreement on
wages etc. for employees of the state (RALS 2020–2023) between the Swedish Employers' Agency and
OFR/S, P, O and Seko and RALS-T between the Swedish Employers' Agency and Saco-S.

§ 1 Scope, scope and revision date This agreement covers

employed doctoral students at KI who are admitted to education at
research level.

The agreement covers the period 2022-10-01 - 2023-09-30.

Audit date is 2022-11-01.

§ 2 Compensation principles
• Doctoral students with employment are not included in salary audits, but the
institution concerned must report doctoral student salaries and any changes
that have been made during regular audit negotiations.

• The starting salary for a registered PhD student who is undertaking

research-level education is SEK 28,500/month (2022-11-01) at 100%. In order
to create better conditions for recruiting and retaining doctoral students in
market-exposed business areas, higher wages can be set. For example:

- for doctoral students with a medical degree/dentistry degree, one must be issued

Postal address visiting address Phone E-mail

171 77 Nobel's road 5 + 46 8 524 800 00, ext
Sockholm Web

Organization number. 202100 2973

Dnr: 2–4416/2022
2022-11-11 Page: 2/2

salary supplement of SEK 2,700.

- a doctoral student who is a licensed doctor/licensed dentist with 2 years of

general service must be paid a salary supplement of SEK 5,100.

• Institutional service which is 20% during the doctoral period means that the
education plan can be extended by the corresponding time.

• 12 months after registration as a doctoral student in Ladok, the salary is increased by

SEK 500. After 24 months the salary is increased by SEK 2,200 and after 36 months the
salary is increased by another SEK 500. This applies to active studies within
postgraduate education.
- In cases where the training plan covers 5 years, the salary is instead increased after
15, 30 and 45 months.
- In cases where the education is conducted on a half-time basis, the salary is instead increased after 24,
48 and 72 months.

• A one-off sum of SEK 3,000 is paid when the defense is completed.

• Upon completion of the dissertation, the salary is increased by at least SEK 1,500/month. The salary
is adjusted the month after completion of the defense.

The agreement is drawn up digitally.

Karolinska Institutet

Peter Gustafsson Emilie Hultin

Acting HR director Saco-S at KI

Bodil Moberg Henry Wölling

OFR/S, P and O through ST Seko at KI

Postal address visiting address Phone E-mail

171 77 Nobel's road 5 + 46 8 524 800 00, ext
Sockholm Web

Organization number. 202100 2973

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