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1. Based on your observations on the main campus of NU-Manila in terms of its surroundings,
what are the possible architectural strategies for creating an accessible urban environment for
blind individuals on campus?

2. What are the roles/responsibilities of an architect in urban design planning that assures
"Inclusivity" and "Accessible Facilities" on the NU-Manila main campus?

3. How do you think architectural design played its role in shaping the accessibility for People
with Disabilities (PWD) in NU - Manila Campus?

4. In your opinion, how can architectural design promote social inclusivity within NU- Manila for

5. In your opinion, how do NU-Manila campus can provide enough accessible facilities for PWDs
especially for the blinds?

6. In other buildings on the main campus, such as the JMB, there are only two ways to go to the
students' respective classrooms or other facilities, such as elevator and stairs. Do you think
these two are enough, considering the blind people? Or do you have another option in mind?
If so, what would it be?

7. From your perspective as an Architect, why is it important to consider and prioritize the PWD,
especially blind in making design considerations in NU-Manila?

Ar. Anthony Sarmiento

1. From my observation at NU Manila, I noticed that you have to go from campus to campus. One
of the best ways to assist blind individuals is by connecting the buildings and providing a clear
path to navigate from one building to another. Additionally, there should be proper wayfinding
elements on the ground level, such as pave roads, with tactile elements to ensure their safety
while navigating the campus.
2. As an architect involved in urban design, especially in NU Manila, there are certain rules and
responsibilities that must be followed. First and foremost, when acquiring lots, there should be a
concerted effort to be conscious of the impact on the community. Secondly, as an architect and
educator, it is important to spread knowledge and information about designing campuses that
are inclusive and accessible. This will ensure that the knowledge of designing campuses with
these factors in mind is widely spread.
3. Wheelchair, Braille signages, Accessible restrooms, Accommodative seating, and
Auditory signals By incorporating these accessibility features into the architectural
design, NU - Manila Campus has made significant strides towards creating an inclusive
environment for all students, including those with disabilities.
4. By incorporating these accessibility features into architectural design, NU - Manila can create an
inclusive environment that values diversity and supports equal opportunities for all.
5. To provide sufficient accessible facilities for people with disabilities (PWD) at NU -
Manila, including those who are blind, the university can prioritize accessibility in new
construction projects, retrofit existing buildings with accessibility features, provide
training for staff and faculty, and offer flexible learning options. By taking these
measures, NU - Manila can create a more inclusive environment that values diversity and
supports equal opportunities for all.

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