4 Tut 7 - 8 - 9 Q.M.

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Tutorial 7

Quantum Mechanics

Q.1 Prove that the photoelectric effect depends on the frequency and not
on the intensity of light?
Q. 2 A photon and an electron both have a wavelength of 1.00 nm. What are
the energy of photon and the kinetic energy of an electron?
Q.3 The work function of tungsten surface is 5.4 eV. When the surface is
illuminated by light of wavelength 175 nm, the maximum photoelectron
energy is 1.7 eV. Find Planck’s constant from these data.
Q.4 X rays of wavelength 0.1 nm are scattered at such an angle that the recoil
electron has the maximum kinetic energy. Calculate the wavelength of the
scattered ray and the energy of the recoil electron.
Q.5 The wavelength of the yellow spectral emission line of sodium is 590 nm.
At what kinetic energy would an electron have that wavelength as its de
Broglie wavelength?
Q.6 What may be the photon energy for an electromagnetic wave with a
wavelength equal to the Compton wavelength of (a) the electron and (b)
the proton?
Q.7 Summarize few important success of traditional classical mechanics.
Q.8 Light of frequency 6 × 1014 Hz incident on a metal surface ejects
photoelectrons with a maximum kinetic energy of 2 × 10–19 J. Calculate
the work function of the metal, giving your answer in eV.
Q.9 What will be the maximum kinetic energy of electrons ejected from a
certain material with work function 2.3 eV when the light of frequency 3×
1015 Hz is incident on it?
Q.10 Give the reasons why and in which manner quantum mechanics is better
than the traditional classical mechanics when dealing with the problems
of microscopic world.
Tutorial 8
Quantum Mechanics

Q.1 What is the photon energy for an electromagnetic wave with a wavelength equal to
the Compton wavelength of (a) the electron and (b) proton?
Q. 2 A photon of wavelength 2Ǻ is incident on an electron at rest at an angle of 90°.
Calculate the Compton shift, the wavelength of scattered photon and the energy of
recoiling electron.
Q.3 What is the de Broglie wavelength of an alpha particle accelerated by a potential
difference of 25Kv?
Q.4 Determine the momentum an energy of an electron combined in a box of length 3Å
for the ground state and the first excited state. Find the corresponding de Broglie
Q.4 An electron is bound in a 1D potential well of width 10 Ǻ, but of infinite height.
Find the energy value for the electron in the ground state.
Q.5 Estimate the energy possessed by a particle trapped in a box of width L.
Q.6 A photon recoils back after striking an electron at rest. Find the change in
wavelength of the photon.
Q.7 Light of wavelength 600 nm falls on a metal having photoelectric work function
2eV. Find (a) energy of photon, (b) kinetic energy of most energetic electrons, and
(c) the stopping potential.
Q.8 Estimate the number of photons in yellow light of 5500 Ǻ that constitute 1.5 J of
Q.9 Gold nanoparticles show strong ferromagnetism whereas gold in its bulk is
nonmagnetic. Why?
Q.10 Why should the energy band gap reduce upon reducing the particle size?
Tutorial 9
Quantum Mechanics
Q.1 What will be the energy difference between the ground state and the first excited
state of an electron in a 1 dimensional rigid box of length 10-8 cm?
Q. 2 A particle limited to the x- axis has the wave function ѱ= ax between x=0 and x= 1
and ѱ = 0 elsewhere. Find the probability that the particle can be found between x
= 0.45 and x = 0.55.
Q.3 Consider a collision between an x-ray photon of initial energy 50.0 keV and an
electron at rest in which the photon is scattered backward and the electron is
knocked forward. Find the energy of the backscattered photon and the kinetic
energy of the recoiled electron.
Q.4 X –rays with wavelength of 71 pm are directed onto a gold foil and eject tightly
bound electrons from the gold atoms. The ejected electrons then move in circular
paths of radius r in a region of uniform magnetic field B. For fastest of the ejected
electrons, the product Br is 1.88× 10-4 T m. Find (a) the maximum kinetic energy
of electrons and (b) the work done in removing them from the gold atoms.
Q.4 The light of wavelength of 2.4 pm is directed on a target containing free electrons.(a)
Find the wavelength of light scattered at 30º from the incident direction. (b) Repeat
the same for a scattering angle of 120º.
Q.5 A particle is in motion along a line between X = 0 and X = a with zero potential
energy at points for which X < 0 and X > a, the potential energy is infinite. The
wave function for the particle in the nth state is given by ѱ = 𝐴 sin 𝑛𝜋𝑥⁄𝑎 . Find the
expression for the normalized wave function
Q.6 Find the probabilities of find the particle trapped in a box of length L in the region
from 0.45L to 0.55L for the ground state and the first excited state.
Q.7 X-rays of wavelength 22 pm with photon energy 56 keV are scattered from a carbon
target, and the scattered rays are detected at 85 ° to the incident beam. What is
the Compton shift of the scattered rays? What percentage of the initial x-ray photon
energy is transferred to an electron in such scattering?
Q.8 If the work function of target material is 1.24 eV and the wavelength of incident
light is 436 nm then calculate the velocity of a photoelectron. What retarding
potential is necessary to stop emission of such electrons?

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