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Get your kids equipped with Tech

skills this summer

See How
10 Skills Every Child Should Learn April 2023

Table of Contents

Online Safety
Internet and Google Search
Word Processing
Game Development
Website Development
Mobile App Development
Graphics and Creative Design
10 Skills Every Child Should Learn April 2023


Hand a smartphone or tablet to a toddler; there are chances

are they will figure out how to open it.

Elementary school kids have classes on computers, and

many of them have been using their computers and tablets
at home.

Kids should learn from a very young age about technology.

It will help them make huge strides as they grow in being
prepared for schooling, future careers innovation, and more
t helps them develop core competencies and in-demand job
preparations. Early education about Technology increases
their chances of workplace skills set later in life.

Get your kids equipped with Tech

skills this summer

See How
10 Skills Every Child Should Learn April 2023


How could we live without Imagine a child who meets

our smartphones, laptops, someone on the internet and
and other devices that poses as their friend. They
allow us to go online? might probe them for personal
information or encourage
That’s how most of us illegal or indecent relationships.
keep in touch with friends
and family, take pictures, Being aware of and practicing
do our homework, online safety is the only way to
research, find out the mitigate these risks.
latest news, and even
shop. They will always be present but
teaching young people how to
Unfortunately, its features manage harmful situations is
threats and challenges best; place them to benefit
like online abuse, bullying, from their time online and be
threats, etc. free from harm.

Get your kids equipped with Tech

skills this summer

See How
10 Skills Every Child Should Learn April 2023



Some years ago, a child could wake up to ask their parents

how many minutes an egg boils. Rather than calling out on
a dad/mom, they pick up their phones/tablets to get

The days of relying on rows of enormous textbooks for

school projects are long gone.

Nowadays, the internet is a one-stop shop for gaining any

resources necessary for learning or extracurricular activity.

With the increase of different content online, students

must understand how to effectively use internet search to
find appropriate quality sources for their task.

Get your kids equipped with Tech

skills this summer

See How
10 Skills Every Child Should Learn April 2023

Powerpoint, Google Slides

Not once or twice has your kid been given a school project
to work on. Integrating presentation and technology skills
into their curriculum would help them create meaningful
learning experiences.

Presentations are a creative and relevant way to hook

students' interest as they demonstrate their knowledge
using multimedia.

Get your kids equipped with Tech

skills this summer

See How
10 Skills Every Child Should Learn April 2023

Microsoft Word, Google Docs

Most writings kids/teens do for schoolwork will need to be

typed and often submitted online. Knowing the essential
tools will make the process much more bearable and

Microsoft word is one of the most popular word processing

programs in use, and it allows you to create a wide variety
of text documents, including essays, class projects,
brochures and greeting cards.

Get your kids equipped with Tech

skills this summer

See How
10 Skills Every Child Should Learn April 2023


In 2016 the money spent on video games hit $92 billion in

the USA. That was more money than what was spent on
movies and music combined to place that into perspective.

It’s only set to increase further, particularly with the rise in

mobile gaming and virtual reality (VR) technology.

Children who enjoy playing video games today could build

the games of the future. One day, it could be their creative
idea being brought to life.

There's going to be a far higher demand for skilled

developers and programmers in the future.

Get your kids equipped with Tech

skills this summer

See How
10 Skills Every Child Should Learn April 2023


Learning to write programs stretches your mind and helps

you think better, creating a way of thinking about things
that I think is helpful in all domains.

It is never too early to learn how to code, the internet is

part of our everyday lives, and the demand for web
developers in the different industries keeps increasing.

Learning web development at a young age can help your

child get ahead. Not just at school but in the future, too, as
understanding how the web works will be an essential core
skill for most careers.

Get your kids equipped with Tech

skills this summer

See How
10 Skills Every Child Should Learn April 2023


Joshua Agboola is a bright 10-year-old kid who is a

programmer and chief executive officer of JoshForTech.

The young boy started coding at six, courtesy of his father,

who saw that his son was destined for greatness. Joshua
was the youngest speaker to present at a technology talk
at the ICT Expo of the Lagos Chambers of Commerce and
Industry in July 2019.

Many kids are becoming interested in the technologies

underlying them and wondering what they can do to begin
making their creations. Practically every business in the
modern world needs an online presence, and app and web
development are required to make that happen.

Get your kids equipped with Tech

skills this summer

See How
10 Skills Every Child Should Learn April 2023



A 10-year-old Nigerian girl, EmmanuellaOziofu Mayaki

from Edo state, has been hired to teach coding and
graphics to pupils in her age group in Southfield Primary
School in theUnited Kingdom. She is the teacher of the
afterschool coding club,"- Tech next. Ng 2020.

We have kids who show an early interest in drawing; arts

should be encouraged to put their interest in the skills to
use in a career field that will be financially and creatively

Encourage your kids to pursue their artistic interests and a

career in graphics design.

Get your kids equipped with Tech

skills this summer

See How
10 Skills Every Child Should Learn April 2023


We all want our children to gain the life skills to achieve

academic, personal, and career success. But with so many
important skills and extracurricular available for them to
learn, it can be hard to know what to prioritize.

Coding skills are one of the indicators of digital literacy - a

necessity in this digital age! Nearly 50°/of all jobs require
some coding skills.

Further, coders have proven to be problem solvers and

logical thinkers, valuable skills in any career field.

Get your kids equipped with Tech

skills this summer

See How
10 Skills Every Child Should Learn April 2023


Today we are in a technology-focused world that

emphasizes automation quite a bit. Therefore, it is more
important than ever to ensure that our kids are prepared
for what is about to come.

Surprisingly, many parents are unsure whether they

should introduce their children to technology early. The
question that many are asking is whether robotics can help
their children to become innovative?

Many governments have already recognized the

importance of robotics in the classroom and have begun to
create programs and laws that would incorporate them
into their public education system.

Get your kids equipped with Tech

skills this summer

See How

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