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1) Never too old to learn

Keywords: old, learn

Primary meaning: old-age; learn-knowledge
Secondary meaning: old-desires, dreams; learn-reality
old-dedication; learn-hardwork
As we all know that there is no limit for dreams. And those dreams can be made into reality if
a person desires to achieve a goal or a dream. They can achieve it if and only if he or she is
dedicated and does hardwork to achieve it. If you don’t have dreams or desires it means you
don’t want to do hardwork. You are old at that point very point only when you stop learning
new things. You not see the reality of the world and are in a fake metaverse of yours. For
example, if Pravin Tambe- an Indian Cricketer would have lost his hopes for playing Ranji
Trophy at an elderly age of 40, then he would have never been known to us. He never lost
his motivation and even after so many difficulties he achieved his goal due to his dedication
and hardwork to his game. So, to conclude, anyone who stops learning is old and anyone
who keeps learning stays young.

2) Practice what you preach

Keywords: practice, preach
Primary meaning: practice-exercise; preach- proclaim
Secondary meaning: practice-behave; preach-encourage
‘Practice what you Preach’ means do what you say. If you don’t behave what you encourage
others to do then you are a hypocrite. If a captain of a team in any sport or any team
competition is not performing well then how can they expect the team to do well. A leader
should lead the team from the front, setting an example for the team that this is how you
should perform. If you are a hypocrite than no one will trust in you and if you tell them the
right practice to do still, they will ignore you and do whatever they want to do. For example,
Akshay Kumar- a Bollywood actor makes advertisement of both ‘Quit smoking’ and on the
other hand he is promoting tobacco then he doesn’t practice what he preaches. So, to
conclude, people watch what you do more than they listen to what you say. So, inspire
people by doing your best and not telling that this is the best. An ounce of practice is worth
more than tons of preach.

3) Look before you leap

Keywords: look, leap
Primary meaning: look-think; leap-jump
Secondary meaning: look-consequences; leap- actions
This means that we should think deeply before doing any action. Rash and thoughtless
action always land us into trouble. Haste always makes waste. It is prudent to look into the
pros and cons of the action we take. We must think twice before we act. Our decision must
be governed more by head than by heart. A person who thinks properly before taking any
step is always successful. There is no use of crying over spilt milk. We should use care and
caution if we want to avoid failure and frustration in life. If you want to cross a
canal, assess its depth and then proceed. If you want to build a house, plan it first and then
build it.

4) Where there's a will, there's a way

Keywords: will, way
Primary meaning: will-aim; way- method
Secondary meaning: will-determination; way-accomplishment
‘Where there’s a will, there’s a way’ means that if you are determined to do something then
you can surely accomplish it. Nothing can stop us from acquiring what we desire. With the
help of determination and will power an individual can create his own destiny in life. If
freedom fighters like Mahatma Gandhi didn’t have will power to fight for independence of
India from British rule, then it would have been very difficult to achieve it. It is a sheer power
of will to achieve anything. From climbing Mount Everest to studying your best for the exams
requires a strong will power. Lack of will power may lead to laziness and lethargy in life
which can be very harmful physically, mentally as well as financially. The difference between
a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather
a lack of will.

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