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PTA Questions * 2 Marks * Book Interior Questions

1. Berlin Wall
• The division of Germany into West and East led to glaring differences in living
• Germany was officially reunited on 3 October 1990.

2. Champaran Satyagraha
• Gandhiji led the Champaran Satyagraha .
• He succeeded in the abolition of Tinkathia system and put an end to the oppression of
the peasants by the indigo planters.

3. Periyar, Vaikom Hero

• The untouchables were not allowed into the temple at Vaikom, Kerala.
• Periyar protested a movement and succeeded in his attempt. So he is called as Vaikom


4. Military equipment – World War II
• Tanks, Submarines, battleships, aircraft carriers, fighter planes and bomber planes.

5. Cold War
• The rivalry that developed after World War II between the US and the USSR.
and their respective allies created tension which is referred to as Cold War.

6. Lattern Treaty
• The Lateran Treaty was signed in1929.
• It was signed by Benito Mussolini for the Italian government.

7. Formation of Coastal plains

• By the depositional action of the rivers and the erosional and depositional actions of the
sea – waves.

8. Chennai , Detroit of Asia

• Due to the presence of major automobile manufacturing units and allied industries
around the city.

9. Different names of shifting agtriculture

• Jhum – Assam
• Poonam -- Kerala
• Podu -- Andhra Pradesh, Odisha
• Beewar, Mashan -- Various parts of Madhya Pradesh

10. India’s nuclear doctrine

• No first use
• Credible minimum deterrence

11. Universal Adult Franchise

• All Indian Citizens above 18 years of age who are registered as voters will vote for their
12. Mandamus :
• It protects the petitioner who requires legal help to get his work done by respective
public authorities.

13. Appellate jurisdiction

• As courts of appeal, all High Courts entertain appeals in civil and criminal cases from
their subordinate Courts as well as on their own.

14. Secondary Sector

• Iron Industry - Steel Industry - Cotton Textile
• Jute, Sugar, Cement, Paper and Automobile industries

• SIPCOT was formed in the year 1971 to promote industrial growth in the state by
setting up industrial estates.

PTA Questions * 2 Marks * Q.No. 28 Compulsory Questions

1. Un even distribution of population in India.
• Physical factors
• Socio Economic factors
• Historical factors

2. Geographical Indication
• Geographical Indication is a name or sign used on products which corresponds to a
specific geographical location. It provides rights and protection of holders.

Eg. Pattamadai – Mat 2. Erode – Turmeric

3. Management of Soil
1. Afforestation

2. Constructing Dams and Barrages

3. Prevention of Overgrazing
4. Contour method
5. Rotation of crops

6. Contours bounding
7. Strip Cropping

4. Main Centres of IT parks

• Bengaluru - Hyderabad - Chennai
• Pune - New Delhi - Ahmedabad

5. Role of Mangroves in Coastal Zone Management.

• It protects coral reefs and sea grass meadows from being smothered in sediments.

6. India’s global security concern

• Military modernization, maritime security and nuclear policies.

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