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Using the title you picked from the story book of the Grimm Brothers, write a short essay

about what
you think the story is about. Create questions you wanted to know about the story.

Background of the authors/date of publishing

For decades readers have been charmed by the story of Rumpelstiltskin, which was immortalized by the
Grimm Brothers in their collection of fairy tales. The Grimm Brothers, Wilhelm and Jacob, published
their collection of folktales in 1812, and they are well known for it as a part of world culture. One such
story that has endured over time because of its enduring themes and compelling characters is


The story's characters are few yet important. The miller's daughter, a representation of purity and
sensitivity, is forced by her father's avarice into what appears to be an insurmountable undertaking. And
then there is Rumpelstiltskin himself, an enigmatic imp-like being endowed with magical powers. His
persona is one of slyness and deceit, but underneath it all is a desperate yearning for something deeper.
The king, who stands for strength and authority and whose whims control the lives of those beneath
him, is the last figure we have.


"Rumpelstiltskin" centers on a miller's conceited falsehood that his daughter is capable of turning straw
into gold, drawing the king's notice. The miller's daughter is entrusted with an impossible task and is
locked in a chamber full with straw, with grave repercussions if she fails. Enter Rumpelstiltskin, who
offers to complete the task in return for progressively valuable pledges, such as the firstborn child of the
miller's daughter. Rumpelstiltskin satisfies the king's demands with his magical abilities—that is, until the
day he demands the agreed-upon payment. The miller's daughter, who is now queen and mother, has to
determine Rumpelstiltskin's true name in order to save her child, which sets up the climax.


The story's events flow in a linear fashion, with one action causing another in a chain of cause and
effect. The story builds suspense and excitement with each turn, drawing readers in from the miller's
deception to the pivotal meeting with Rumpelstiltskin.


The conflict in "Rumpelstiltskin" is complex at its foundation. The majority of the plot is driven by the
external struggle between the miller's daughter and the king's demands. The real struggle, though, is
within Rumpelstiltskin himself, who is divided between his need for acceptance and connection and his
ambition for power.


Numerous lessons and similarities between "Rumpelstiltskin" and actual life can be drawn. It highlights
the value of accountability and cautions against the traps of making promises without thinking through
the repercussions. It also emphasizes the idea that connections and integrity, rather than material
belongings, are the ultimate markers of prosperity. Readers may find themselves thinking about the
masks they wear on a personal level and the significance of accepting their genuine selves with all of
their imperfections.

Application in real life and to self

In summary, "Rumpelstiltskin" is still a classic story about deceit, power, and redemption. It never fails
to enthrall audiences of all ages with its deep characters, captivating story, and universal themes,
encouraging contemplation and introspection on the complexity of human nature.


1. Why does the king take the miller’s daughter?

2. Why does the king lock the miller’s daughter?
3. What is the theme of the story?
4. What is the moral lesson from the story?

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