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About Maghi Purnima

Observed on the full moon day in the month of Magha, Maghi Purnima festival is observed. During
this period, the famous Kumbh Mela is held in every 12 years at Triveni Sangam in Prayag. It is
believed that on this day if one takes a dip in the holy Ganga River, he/she would be able to fulfil
all wishes and attain salvation. This year, the Purnima tithi starts from 3: 33 Pm on the 23 rd Feb ’24
and ends at 5: 59 Pm on the 24th Feb ’24.

Significance of Magha Purnima

 Magha Purnima is the last auspicious festival in the month of Magha. This period is
considered to be special for all auspicious such as marriages, housewarming, upanayana,
 A holy dip taken in any sacred rivers relieves a person from illnesses, alleviates sins, and
provides resolution to complex problems in life.
 After taking a bath if one worships Lord Vishnu by performing Panchopchar Puja and
chanting “Aum Namo Bhagwate Vasudevay”, performs fasting for the entire day and
donates alms to the needy, one gets liberated from the present and past life sinful karmas.
 On the day of Magha Purnima, Lord Hanuman and Lord Vishnu are worshipped for the
fulfilment of wishes.
 Yagyas are performed and mantras are chanted for success in various endeavors. On this
day, devotees also perform Satyanarayan Puja apart from the Magha Purnima Puja.
 Astrologically, this day has a very crucial significance as the sun enters Capricorn and the
moon in Cancer. Taking a holy dip in sacred rivers will resolve issues with natal chart of
individuals due to the inappropriate placement of the Sun and the Moon.

Magha Purnima Rituals:

 An entire day long fasting is observed by the devotees which starts in the morning and
concludes after puja ceremonies in the evening.
 A lot of people observe a day long waterless fast. However, some also choose to just
depend on fruits and milk.
 Holy bath is taken before the sunrise and arghya is offered to the sun lord along with the
chanting of the mantra “Aum Ghrini Suryay Namah” fro 108 times. After this, Lord Krishna /
Lord Madhusudhan is worshipped and a fasting vow is taken.
 On this day, Dakshina and food is distributed to the poor and also to the Brahmins.
 Chanting of the Gayatri Mantra and Aum Nao Narayan mantra is done for at least 108 times.
 Donating White and Black sesame is considered good on this day.
 During this period, avoid losing temper, speaking a lie, and humiliating anyone by saying
harsh words.
 Meditate and offer Black sesame seeds to the ancestors and donate while meditating.

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