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Balut - hatched bird egg

Balut are hatched bird eggs, which are mainly

considered a delicacy in the Philippines and in
Vietnam. They are sold from the 14th day of
incubation when the fetus has matured
significantly. The yolk tastes like yolk, the
chicken after chicken.

Fried insects

Fried insects are found in Cambodia, Thailand or

China as well as in Mexico. The protein and
protein-rich animals are usually roasted or fried
and remind a bit of chips. Occasionally there are
fried locusts also with chocolate coating. Frittierte

Roasted snake

Rattlesnake, water snake or strangling - in

many countries of the world they are part of a
good menu as well as a well-stocked
restaurant. Not only in China and Thailand is
prepared snake meat, but also in some parts
of the US, it is like laid on the grill. The taste
reminds a bit of eel.

Monkey brain

In Asia, there are still some restaurants that offer

monkey brains of live animals. Raw brain has a slightly
nutty taste, while it's cooked to remember liver.
Haggis – sheep's stomach

The traditional dish from Scotland consists of

minced meat, heart, liver, kidney fat and lungs
of a sheep. The meat is mixed with onions,
spices, oatmeal and salt and then cooked in a
sheep's stomach for a few hours.

Sheep cheese with maggots

A very special cheese specialty is available on the Italian

island of Sardinia. Small cheese flies deposit their larvae
on the sheep's cheese during the production of Casu
Marzu. Her digestive juices make him particularly creamy
and strong.

Fermented shark

Even for experienced omnivores, this specialty of

Greenland shark is hard to bear. Hákarl consists of
cubed shark meat, which fermented in a box for
several months until it smells like an overflowed train
toilet. Then it is dried and served on wooden
skewers skewered in Iceland as a snack. In Sweden,
there is a similar treat called Surströmming. Here
salted fish, fermented, stored for a long time and
then canned.

Guinea pig

In Peru and Ecuador, these rodents are

considered a real delicacy. The
preparation: Depiliate guinea pigs, fill the
sliced tummy with herbs, put on the grill
for five minutes and the cuy chactado is
ready for the next barbecue!!
Answer the questions.

1. Have you tried one of the described dishes? What? Where? How was it?
2. Would you like to try one? Which one?
3. Do you like eating foreign dishes? Why? Why not?
4. Which cuisine do you like most? Why?
5. Do you cook every day or do you eat industrial food?
6. Do you like cooking?
7. What do you prefer to cook, sweets or salt dishes? Why?
7. What dish is your specialty?
8. Which is your favorite dish?
9. Do you prefer eating at home or at the restaurant? Why?
10. What was the best meal you have ever eaten? Where?
11. What was the worse meal you have ever had? Where?
12. What is a typical dish in your country? Describe it?
13. Is there a special drink in your country? Which one? What are the ingredients?
Write the correct verb under the pictures

knead – stir – slice – chop – grate – peel - drain – break - spread – bake – grill – squeeze
mix – toast – sprinkle – flatten – boil – roast
Write the correct verb under the pictures

boil spread stir fry

bake flatten grill roast

peel slice sprinkle mix

knead squeeze grate drain

break chop pour toast

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