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Dear Students,
Summer brings with it, the ever smiling sun, ice-creams, shakes and holidays!! Holidays are
the time for parents to be teachers and friends. Vacation helps rejuvenate the child. It provides
an opportunity to spend the precious time with them and develop a strong bond. It’s vacation
time again! Some interesting, innovative and creative projects have been planned to enable
you to widen your horizon of learning.
Objective: To know about our cultural heritage by channelizing the knowledge through
students’ point of view.
1. Delhi my dream city,
Full of greenery it looks so very pretty.
It is the heart of our nation,
Lutyens’ beautiful creation.
A city with history so strong,
Where all the cultures belong.
Many a tale it carries in its heart,
It is a marvel of art.


DELHI, the capital of kingdoms and empires, is currently a
sprawling Delhi with a desirable mix of the past and, therefore,
a gift. It’s an ideal introduction to the composite culture
of associate ancient land. A window to the plaything -that's Asian
nation. Delhi. – It’s maybe the sole town that actually represents
the cultural and non- secular diversity of Asian nation. Delhi has
stood witness to 5000 years of a wonderful, made and turbulent
Plan a tour in a HOHO bus of Delhi Tourism and visit all the
important places of Delhi. Make a tour web of those places on a
sheet and in the center, write a diary entry of that day. (In a lay out
given in the picture). Give a 3Deffect to your presentation.
Place Place Place Place

Place Place Place Place


Objective: The comics are based on real facts and they aim to critique, revise or contextualize.
Create your own conversational comic strip about a team of superheroes/ saviour whose job is to
protect planet Earth.
Give a name to your super team.
Give them some special powers.
Mention their enemies.
Through conversation in comic:
Mention the need to conserve and protect plant and animal life on land.
Mention some ways to keep our Environment Litter-Free.

Objective: To learn to modify the sentences with correct usage of adjectives.

Adjectives give the reader more specific information about an object’s colour, size, shape and
material. They add flavor to our sentences by making them more meaningful, expressive with
different qualities. Without these, our speech would be bland and boring.

Create a deck of cards with different adjectives written on each. You’ll need some images (pictures
from magazines, travel brochures, newspapers etc.) that can be described by adjectives.
For example-

Holiday homework is an attempt to enhance children’s imagination. Doing it in the right spirit with
enthusiasm will make it a great learning experience. Holiday is a time to explore the world beyond text
books and mundane theories…there is a mathematician within you. Application of the concept so taught
can be done in an enjoyable manner. Open your wings and explore the world unknown, unseen and
undiscovered…all the best!
General Instructions:
1. Activity 1 – Visit to ‘Museum of Illusion’.
2. Solve Holiday HW worksheet in Mathematics register (give heading SUMMER VACATION HW), no need
to make separate copy or register.
3. All questions are compulsory.
Number the questions in serial order.


• To transit students preconceived ideas about what they think they see and the reality behind illusions.
• Acquaint learners about the relationship of mathematics with art, science and magic.
• Enhance learner’s cognitive thinking and keen observation skills.

OBJECTIVES : Students will -

• Seek deeply the exhibits of the museum.

• Analyse the mathematics being used in different exhibits.
• Detect the Correlation between the math, art and science.

ABOUT MUSEUM: It is an innovative, experiential space around

the theme of illusions. Its exhibits are inspired by science, math and
arts, and delivered through modern means. With an emphasis on
educational methods, the Museum creates a game of discovery,
breaking down the usual museum stereotypes.

Optical illusions can be categorized based on the nature of the

difference between objects and percepts. Differences
in intensive properties of targets (i.e. brightness or color), or
differences in extensive properties
(their location, size, orientation or depth) can result in amazing
optical illusions.

• Visit to Museum of Illusion and carefully watch each exhibit.
• Take pictures of exhibit and the illusions you experience over there.
• Note that in which illusion and exhibit you find the use of mathematics.
• In Lab Manual, paste pictures of exhibit or illusion which you have taken while your visit and write
what correlation of subjects you find in those exhibit. Also, share your experience in 80-100 words.

ADDRESS – A Block, A 30-33, 1st Floor, Rajiv Chawk, Connaught Place, Delhi


Q1. Write each of the following numbers in words :
i) 3,05,09,012 iii) 34,20,019
ii) 34,125,680 iv) 149,637,582
Q2. i) Find the difference between the place values of two nines in 7, 95, 20, 986.
ii) Find the product of the greatest 3-digit number and the smallest 2-digit number.
Q3. Write the alphabets which is an example of :
i) Intersecting lines ii) Parallel lines
Q4) Determine each of the sums given below using suitable rearrangement.
(i) 953 + 707 + 647 ii) 3259 + 10001 + 2641 + 9999
Q5) How many whole numbers are there between 1032 and 1209?
Q6) Find the value of following using distributive law :
89 × 76 + 89 × 24 ii) 7459 × 99
Q7) Estimate each of the following by rounding off to the nearest hundred :
i) 376 × 123 iii) 676 × 3290
ii) 459 + 4396 iv) 957 - 578
Q8) On the occasion of Earth Day , east, west, north, south and central zone of a city planted 4361 ; 2085 ; 10374 ;
6038 and 9006 trees respectively.
a) In which zone was the maximum number of trees planted?
b) What was the total number of trees planted in the city on the Earth Day?
c) By planting trees, which value is depicted by the people of the city?
Q9 a) In order to make a shirt, a length of 2m 75cm of cloth is needed. How much length of cloth will be
required for 16 such shirts?
b) The product of two numbers is 1,34,21,408. If one number is 364, find the other.
Q10 In the given figure, 𝑙, 𝑚 and 𝑛 are three parallel lines, 𝑥 and 𝑦 intersect these lines.
(a) Name the points lying on the line 𝑥.
(b) Name the points lying on the line 𝑚.
(c) Name the points inside the quadrilateral ABED.
(d) Name the points outside the quadrilaterals ABED and BCFE.
(e) Name the lines passing through three points.

Q11) 320 km distance is to be covered partially by bus and partially by train. Bus covers 180 km distance with a
speed of 40 km/h and the rest of the distance is covered by the train at a speed of 70 km/h. Find the time taken
by a passenger to cover the whole distance.
Q12) There are two factories located at place P and the other at place Q. From these
factories, a certain commodity is to be delivered to each of the depots situated at A, B
and C. Weekly production of commodity by P and Q are 120 kg and 150 kg
respectively. Weekly requirement of commodity by A, B and C are 80 kg, 90 kg and
100 kg respectively. P delivers 60 kg to A, 40 kg to B and 20 kg to C. How much
amount of the commodity should Q deliver to A, B and C to meet their requirement? If
the rate of the commodity is Rs 20 per kg, find the total amount to be paid to P and Q.

Science Holiday Homework is divided into four parts-
1. Part-1 Active Hands, Active Minds - In Science notebook.
2. Part-2 Design a diet chart – In food diary
3. Part-3 Nature and environment- In Science notebook
4. Part-4 Revision Exercise - Take print out of the revision exercise and then attempt it.
Objective :
• To develop self-reliance, self-responsibility and problem solving attitude among students.
• To develop critical thinking skills in students.

Aim: To creat an electric circuit with salt water.

Principle involved : Salt water allows the flow of electricity through it.
Materials required : A 9-volt battery, Two alligator clip leads, Two nails or wires, Salt, Water,
Small plastic cup or glass.
Using the materials given above, design a simple electric circuit with salt water. Record your
Trial Amount of salt Type of metal Bubble Brightness of
formation the bulb (low,
(yes/no) high or
1. Small pinch(200-300 mg) Iron nail

2. Large pinch (500-700mg) Copper wire

3. No salt Aluminum foil

Write a note on any one problem which could be solved using this experiment.


• Design a balanced diet plan in order to provide body sufficient nutrients it need to
function properly.
• Make healthy food choices.
• Read and interpret food labels to understand the nutritional content of the foods
they eat.
Activity Make a Food Diary
Procedure Create your own diet chart for a week. Also, keep a track of your parents and
iet. Students have to track their diet for15days. Write the ingredients of the food items
ts present in them.

On 15th day observe the chart and answer the questions given below:
1. Do I take all the nutrients in a day?
2. Which nutrient is missing in the diet?
3. Which nutrient is taken in excess?
4. Compare your diet with the diet of your parents and grandparents.
5. Prepare your balanced diet chart.


Objective :
• To develop self-reliance, self-responsibility and problem solving attitude among students.
• To develop critical thinking skills in students.
Follow the steps given below
1. Conduct a ‘waste survey’ at home. Check the garbage produced at your house for 15 days.
Label them as organic waste and non-organic waste.
Examples of Organic Waste: Paper, Food remains, Cardboard, Fruit peels
Examples of Inorganic Waste Cellophane, Aluminium cans, Plastic bottles, Yogurt cups,
Spoons, Glass
2. Design a method to convert the organic wastes such as peels of fruits and vegetables to usable
form by using worms.
3. Setup requires a place and all the favourable conditions for the growth of worms such as
temperature, moisture and ventilation.
4. Maintenance requires continuous monitoring of the place.
5. Harvest once the compost is ready, it can be harvested and used in the soil for plantation.
6. Record keeping Keep a track of the amount and type of waste added, the temperature and the
amount of compost obtained.
7. Elaborate and appreciate any one human act that has contributed positively to the
8. Suggest an ecofriendly idea to reduce the production of inorganic waste.

Using the compost in the soil

Conduct an experiment to determine the effect of different factors on seed germination, such as
light, water, temperature, and soil. Plant seeds in different conditions and observe and measure
their germination rate. Record your observations and mark a tick of the type of effect observed.

Factors affecting growth Positive effect Negative effect


• to identify the stages of plant growth, parts of a plant, plant’s needs, maintenance and care.

Study the effect of water, light, temperature on the seed germination.

Plant them in any pot, jar or any used plastic bottle containing soil. Put them in light and water
them daily.
After few days, observe the parts of the plant closely. Draw the sketch of the plant and label the


Objective-to recapitulate the concepts learned in class and write neatly

Name of the Student : Class/ Sec:

*This Revision Exercise has 8 questions.

1. Observe the pie chart given below and select any 4 food items each rich in carbohydrate,
protein and fats and write their name in the table. Also colour any 8 of your favourite food items.

FOOD Food Items (Any Four )

Carbohydrate rich
protein rich
Fat rich
2 .Sunflower oil is used by many people across the world for cooking. What part of the
sunflower plant is used for the extraction of oil?
(a)Flower (b)Leaf (c)Root (d)Seed

3. Identify the animals in the grid given below and categorise them into herbivore, carnivore and
Herbivores Carnivores Omnivores

4. Tasty food is not always nutritious and nutritious food may not always be tasty to eat.
Comment with one example.

5.Why is milk called a perfect food?

6. Unscramble the following words related to components of food and write them in the space
(a) reinpot
(b) menliars
(c) tivanmi
(d) bocatradhyer _
(e) nitesturn

7. Solve the cross-word puzzle given below from the clues provided
1. Lack of nutrients in our diet over a long period causes these diseases (10)
2. Rice and potato are rich in this type of carbohydrate (6)
3. Deficiency disease in bones making it become soft and bent (7)
4. The diet that provides all the nutrients that our body needs, in right quantities, along with
adequate amount
of roughage and water (8, 4)
5. Deficiency disease with bleeding gums (6)
6. Disease caused due to deficiency of iodine (6)

7. Starch and sugar in our food are rich in this type of energy giving nutrient (13)
8. The term given to the useful components of food (9)
9. The disease caused by deficiency of iron in diet (7)

Think and answer the question given below and write down in your own words:
How do different cooking methods affect the nutritional value of food?

“Speculation and the exploration of ideas beyond what we know with certainty are what lead
to progress.” – Lisa Randall
• Include the following credentials in your project work

● Name of the student

● Class and section
● Admission number
Parameters on which the project will be assessed-
Category content
a. Accuracy/relevance
b. Neat and organized
c. Creativity
d. Coverage/handwritten.
Objective: Enhancing the imagination power of the learner by creatively
expressing their thoughts.
Portray an imaginary planet on an A-4 size sheet. Also state differences by
comparing your imaginary planet from the earth on which you are currently
Parameters to be covered:
• Shape of the planet
• Climatic conditions
• Flora & Fauna
• Communication/Transportation
• Life of people etc.
Objectives: Developing knowledge of historical events.
Archeological sources include remains of art, tools, pots drawings in caves etc. Literary
sources include written documents. On the basis of your understanding, put the following
clues under the correct categories.
Arabian Nights, bones, Ramayana, Vessels, Pottery pieces, Mahabarata, Ajanta cave
paintings, Qutub Minar, Fa Hien’s account, coins, seals, Panchantra, rock pillar, Red Fort,
The adventures of Tom Sawyer, Sphinx, Hardy Boys, Taj Mahal, Sweet Valley,
Amphitheatre, Vedas
Imagine the year is 2222. You are an archaeologist excavating the area around your house.
List ten items you find in the course of excavation. The items have to be listed in the
form of Manuscript. For the same follow the below given directions.
Make a manuscript: Take a broad leaf. Put it under a heavy book for ten days. On the leaf
write down the above-mentioned information by stating any five Archaeological Sources
and Literary Sources each.


Objective: Sensitize learners towards respecting
Prepare a collage of newspaper clippings that highlight government initiative to
improve the condition of the under privileged sections of the society.
g20 summit-2023
• to sensitize students about background of G20, its significance in promoting peace and harmony
for progress and development under India’s presidency.
• Encouraging children to creatively express their idea on G20 in shaping a better global order

India assumed the G20 Presidency from the 1st of December 2022 from Indonesia and will convene
the G20 Leaders’ Summit for the first time in the country in 2023. A nation deeply committed to
democracy and multilateralism, India’s G20 Presidency would be a watershed moment in her history
as it seeks to play an important role by finding pragmatic global solutions for the wellbeing of all, and
in doing so, manifest the true spirit of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ or the ‘World is One Family’.


The project should include the following topics:

➢ Introduction of G20.
➢ Member countries of G20 (Draw or paste the flags of these countries).
➢ Inauguration in India
➢ Logo of G20 (2023) and its significance. {Draw the logo on an A-4 size sheet}
➢ Agenda of G20.
➢ India’s presidency in G20.
➢ Host cities {locate and label the cities on the Political map of India}.

• Use A4 size sheets and compile them in a folder.
• Make the cover page interesting & creative with your credentials like name, class and section
Project should be informative and colorful, and shall be duly supported with relevant pictures.


G20 India Logo | One Earth. One Family. One Future - YouTube
G20 explained (explainity® explainer video) - YouTube

Objective-to recapitulate the concepts learned in class and write it neatly.
History: Ch-1, What, Where, How and When?
Civics: Ch-2, Diversity and Discrimination
Geography: Ch-2, Globe: Latitudes and Longitudes

Name of the Student: Class/ Sec:

➢ This Exercise has 8 questions.
➢ To be done on an Ruled A-4 sheet.

Q1. Multiple Choice Questions:

i. We judge people negatively and see them as inferior:
a. Discrimination
b. Stereotype
c. Prejudice
d. Inequality

ii. All parallel circles from the Equator up to the poles are called parallels of
a. Longitude
b. Tropics
c. Latitude
d. Meridians

iii. Inscriptions found near Kandahar were written in :

a. Urdu
b. Hindi
c. Greek and Aramaic
d. Sanskrit

iv. The earth rotates 1 degree in minutes:

a. Four
b. Two
c. Five
d. Ten

v. India became a free nation in the year :

a. 1957
b. 1947
c. 1950
d. 1942

vi. Manuscripts were written on:

a. Leaves and tree barks
b. Stones
c. Paper
d. Cloth

Q2. Look at the below given diagram and mark, name the following:
a. Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn
b. Arctic Circle and Antarctic Circle
c. The Earth’s Axis
d. The Equator
Q3. Choose the correct full form of the given abbreviations associated with dates:

Q4. Read the given situation 1 & 2 carefully and answer the following question:

a) What does Situation 1 depict? Write the appropriate term associated with it.
b) Situation 2 is an example of a stereotype. Define the term Stereotype.
Q5. State Why do historians and archaeologists use various sources to study our past?
Q6. What does the Constitution say with regard to equality? Why do you think it is important
for all people to be equal?
Q7. Why is there a difference of 5 ½ hours between the timings at Delhi and London?
Q8. Carefully observe the political map of India given below and identify the two states marked as A
and B through which the Tropic of Cancer passes.

OBJECTIVE: Student will be able to understand and represent the algorithm and
flowchart of given problem.

Q1. Use MS word to write the algorithm and draw the Flowchart in your computer notebook:
• To find the number is odd or even
• Printing numbers from 1to 5
Q2. Make a collage on computer malware, antivirus software or different Social networking
site’s logo in computer notebook.
Note: Pictures can be pasted or drawn)
Q3. Complete the worksheet given below and paste it in the computer notebook.
1. Fill in the blanks:
1.1 A program is a collection of .
1.2 The two types of languages are and .
1.3 Full form of LLL is .
1.4 makes 1 byte and 1 byte can store .
1.5 High level language (HLL) requires or to convent instructions to
machine language.
1.6 Programs written in HLLs are called .
2. Long Question Answer:
2.1 What is low –level language? Write two features of low level language?
2.2 What is machine language? Write two features of machine language?
2.3 Write two features of Assembly language?
2.4 Write features of high-level language?

संस्कृ त:
रचना त्मक का रा्य -:
शिक्षण प्रितफल -:
.1 छात्र संस्कृ त के व्यावहारिक शब्दं से परिचित हदंगे ।
.2 शब्द भणडाच् में वि्ृ च् हदगी ।
.3 यह कायय इकाई चपीक्षा 1 में छात्रदं के चिए उपयदगी हदगा ।
.1फा ला ां तथा फला ां क िचत्र उत्तरपािस्तका माां लगा कर ससा्काृ त माां उनका
ना म िलिशाए ।

.2 शारा र का अां गा ां का िचत्र उत्तरपािस्तका माां लगा कर ससा्काृ त माां उनका

ना म िलशिए ।
• यह िच्त्र क्े चव उद्ाचहण क्े चिए ह् । उत्तच्पि् स्तक्ा म्े ्ं 20
फ् च् तथा 20 चफदं क्े अनय िच्त्र्द्ं क्द च्ग्ाइए ।
i.) Students will make a thin notebook and write/paste one or two news items in it daily.
ii.) Prepare for a class quiz to be held after summer vacation.
The syllabus of the quiz will include the following:
a. Unit 1 and 2 of the book.
b. Current events

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