Appendix E1 Notification Letter Part 1

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Dear Interested and/or Affected Party


(DEA Ref No: 14/12/16/3/3/2/508, NEAS Ref No: DEA/EIA/0001780/2013)

Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd (:Lidwala SA) has been appointed by Eskom Holdings SOC Limited
(Eskom) to conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in terms of Government Notices GNR 543, 544 and
545 of the National Environmental Management Act, Act No. 107 of 1998, (NEMA). The proposed Weskusfleur
substation in the vicinity of Koeberg Power Station is registered with the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA)
under reference number DEA 14/12/16/3/3/2/508.

The proposed project includes the development of the new Weskusfleur substation in the vicinity of Koeberg Power
Station. The 400kV GIS Substation that is and has been in operation for the past 30 years is difficult to repair due to
discontinued technology and this compromises its reliability. There is also no space for additional 132 kV feeder bays
at Koeberg substation to accommodate future requirements for new lines. The appended Background Information
Document (BID) contains more information on the proposed project – see attached.

Eskom must obtain an environmental authorisation and required licences before commencing with the proposed
project as required in terms of the provisions of the NEMA and other legislation. In order to obtain the authorisation
and licences an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) needs to be undertaken. The EIA will include a scoping
process, expected completion by end July 2013, followed by the Impact Assessment, expected completion by the end
of March 2014. The public participation process will be conducted by Lidwala SA.

The project team would like to invite you, as an interested and/or affected party (I&AP), to become part of the EIA
and public participation (PP) processes for the proposed project. The aim of this process is to ensure that the
environmental impacts associated with the project are taken into consideration and mitigated, to ensure public input
in decision making and to provide decision-makers with sufficient information to make an informed decision on the
proposed activities associated with the project.


You are invited to formally register as an interested and/or affected party (I&AP) and to participate in the EIA process
by completing the registration and comment form enclosed with the BID. You are
welcome to comment on the BID in any of the following ways:

 Submitting your completed registration and comment form to us

 Writing a letter to be received by us
 By e-mail, fax or phoning the public participation office.
You are requested to use the registration and comment form to indicate your preferred method of notification and any
direct business or other interest you may have in the environmental authorisation process. Several opportunities will
be provided to your disposal to make contributions during the EIA process within set timeframes, and you will receive
advance notification of these once you have registered.

We would like to thank you, in advance, for becoming part of the EIA and public participation processes and are
looking forward to receiving your comments relating to the proposed project.

Yours sincerely

Frank van der Kooy (PrSciNat)

HOD and Manager Lidwala EPS

Documents included: Background Information Document (BID)

Registration and Comment Form
Geagte Belangstellende en/of Geaffekteerde Party



(DEA Verw. No: 14/12/16/3/3/2/508, NEAS Verw. No: DEA/EIA/0001780/2013)

Lidwala Raadgewende Ingenieurs (SA) (Edms) Bpk (Lidwala SA) is deur Eskom Holdings SOC Limited (Eskom)
aangestel om ‘n Omgewingsimpakstudie (OIS) te onderneem, in terme van die Staatskennisgewing R543,R544 en
R545 van die Nasionale Wet op Omgewingsbestuur (NEMA, Wet 107 van 1998). Die voorgestelde Weskusfleur
substasie in die omgewing van Koeberg Kragstasie is geregistreer by die Departement van Omgewingsake (DEA)
onder verwysingsnommer DEA 14/12/16/3/3/2/508.

Die voorgestelde projek behels die ontwikkeling van die nuwe Weskusfleur substasie in die omgewing van Koeberg
Kragstasie. Die huidige 400kV GIS substasie is huidigelik alreeds in werking vir die afgelope 30 jaaren is moeilik om
te herstel as gevolg van beёindigde tegnologie en dit benadeel sy betroubaarheid. Daar is ook geen ruimte vir
bykomende 132kV voerderlokale by Koeberg substasie om toekomstige vereistes van nuwe lyne te akkommodeer nie.
Die aangehegte Agtergrondinligtingsdokument (AID) bevat meer inligting oor die voorgestelde projek.

Eskom moet ‘n Omgewingsmagtiging en vereiste lisensies bekom voor die aanvang van die voorgestelde projek, soos
vereis in terme van die bepalings van die NEMA en ander toepaslikewetgewing. Ten einde ‘n omgewingsmagtiging en
lisensies te verkry, moet ‘n Omgewingsimpakstudie (OIS) onderneem word. Die OIS sal insluit ‘n bestekopname
proses, wat na verwagting voltooi sal wees teen einde Julie 2013, gevolg deur die Impak Assesseringstudie wat ook
na verwagting teen einde Maart 2014 afgehandel sal wees. Lidwala SA sal die publieke deelname proses onderneem.

Die projek span wil u graag uitnooi om, as ‘n belangstellende en/of geaffekteerde party (B&GP), betrokke te raak by
die OIS en publieke deelname prosesse van die voorgestelde projek. Die doel van hierdie proses is om te verseker
dat die omgewingsimpakte wat met die projek gepaardgaan, in ag geneem en versag word, om te verseker dat die
publiek aktief betrokke is deur insette te lewer oor die voorgestelde projek en om te verseker dat besluitnemers oor
voldoende inligting beskik om ‘n ingeligte besluit te neem op die voorgestelde aktiwiteite wat verband hou met die


U word hiermee uitgenooi om formeel te registreer as ‘n belangstellende en/of geaffekteerde party (B&GP) en om
deel te neem in die OIS-proses deur dievoltooiing van die registrasie en kommentaar vorm, ingesluit met die
Agtergrondinligtingsdokument (AID). U is welkom om kommentaar te lewer oor die AID in enige van die volgende
 Deur U voltooide registrasie en kommentaar vorm in te dien by Lidwala SA
 ‘n Brief te skryf en aan ons te rig
 Deur e-pos, faks of skakel die Publieke Deelname Kantoor
U word versoek om die registrasie en kommentaar vorm te gebruik om u voorkeur metode van kennisgewing en enige
direkte besigheids of ander belange wat u mag hê in die Omgewingsmatiging proses, aan te dui. Verskeie
geleenthede sal verskaf word tot u beskikking om bydraes te lewer tydens die OIS-proses binne die vasgestelde
tydsraamwerke, en u sal vooraf kennisgewing van hierdie geleenthede ontvang nadat u geregistreer het.

Ons wil u graag vooruit bedank vir u deelname in die OIS en Publieke Deelname prosesse en sien daarna uit om u
kommentaar te ontvang ten opsigte van die voorgestelde projek.

Die Uwe

Frank van der Kooy (PrSciNat)

HOD and Manager Lidwala EPS

Dokumente ingesluit is: Agtergrondinligtingsdokument (AID)

Registrasie en Kommentaar vorm
Dear Interested and/or Affected Party



DEA Reference Number: 14/12/16/3/3/2/508

NEAS Reference: DEA/EIA/0001780/2013

In April 2013 notice was given in terms of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations published in
Government Notice R543 to R546 of 2 August 2010 in terms of Section 24 (5) of the National Environmental
Management Act (Act No. 107 of 1998) (NEMA) that Eskom proposes to develop a new substation (Weskusfleur) in
the vicinity of Koeberg Power Station.

Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd has been appointed as the independent Environmental Assessment
Practitioner to carry out the required EIA process, as well as to conduct the associated public consultation process.

The project team would like to invite you, as an interested and/or affected party (I&AP), to become part of the EIA
and public participation (PP) processes for the proposed project. The aim of this process is to ensure that the
environmental impacts associated with the project are taken into consideration and mitigated, to ensure public
input in decision making and to provide decision-makers with sufficient information to make an informed decision
on the proposed activities associated with the project.


You are invited to formally register as an interested and/or affected party (I&AP) and to participate in the EIA
process by completing the registration and comment form enclosed with the Background Information Document
(BID). You are welcome to comment in any of the following ways:
 Submitting your completed registration and comment form to us on or before Monday, 2 September 2013;
 Writing a letter to be received by us on or before Monday, 2 September 2013, or
 By e-mail, fax or phoning the public participation office.

All individuals or groups interested in or affected by the project are invited to attend one of the public meetings to
be held for this project. The public meetings will be held as follows:

Date Type of Meeting Time Venue

13 August 2013 Public Meeting 17: 30 – 19: 00 Koeberg Visitors Centre
14 August 2013 Open Day 13: 00 – 19: 00 Koeberg Visitors Centre


Tel: 0861 LIDWALA / 0861 543 9252 Directors:

Intl: +27 11 793 5486 Mr Wesley Tendaupenyu Bsc(Eng)(Hons) Pr(Eng) MPhil(Eng)

Fax: 0865 005 574 Mr Alfred M.A. Raspi MDip Tech (Civil) Pr Tech

Physical: 1121 Hertzog Street, Waverley, Mr Limuwani G. Lithole NDip Tech(Civil)

Pretoria, 0186 Mrs Mamathe Kgarimetsa-Phiri (Non-Executive)

Email: Mrs Mausley Pilane (Non-Executive)


Offices: Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe

In addition to the public meetings, the Draft Scoping Report for the proposed new 400/132KV substation
(Weskusfleur) in the vicinity of Koeberg power Station in the Western Cape Province has been made available for
public review from Wednesday, 24 July 2013 to Monday, 2 September 2013 at the following below (hard
copy), Lidwala Consulting Engineer’s website ( and on CD (written request).

Venue Working hours Street Address Contact No.

Koeberg Public Library Mon, Wed, Fri: 10:00 - Merchant Walk, 021 553 2514
17:00 Duynefontein,
Tue, Thu : 10:00 - 19:00 Melkbosstrand, 7441
Sat: 10:00 - 13:00
Milnerton Library Mon, Tue, Wed: 10:00 - Pienaar Road, Milnerton, 021 444 0815
20:00 7441
Thu, Fri: 11:00 - 17:00
Sat: 09:30 - 12:30
Wesfleur Public Library Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:00 Wesfleur Circle, Atlantis, 021 572 7495
Sat: 09:00 - 12:00 7349
Koeberg Visitor Centre Mon–Thurs: 07:30 – R 27 Off West Coast Road 021 550 4667
16:30 Melkbosstrand, 7441
Friday: 07:30 – 13:00

We would like to thank you, in advance, for becoming part of the EIA and public participation processes and are
looking forward to receiving your comments relating to the proposed project.

Kind Regards

Frank van der Kooy (PrSciNat)

HOD and Manager Lidwala EPS

Documents included: Background Information Document (BID)

Registration and Comment Form
Geagte Belangstellende en/of Geaffekteerde Party


PROVINSIE: Konsep Bestekopnameverslag

DEA Verwysingsnommer : 14/12/16/3/3/2/508

NEAS Verwysingsnommer : DEA/EIA/0001780/2013

In April 2013 is kennisgewing gegee in terme van die Omgewingsimpakevaluering (OIE) Regulasies gepubliseer in
Staatskennisgewing R543 tot R546 van 2 Augustus 2010 ingevolge Artikel 24 (5) van die Wet op Nasionale
Omgewingsbestuur (Wet 107 van 1998) (NEMA) dat Eskom Holdings SOC Beperk beoog om ‘n nuwe substasie
(Weskusfleur) in die naby geleё omgewing van Koeberg Kragstasie te ontwikkel.

Lidwala Raadgewende Ingenieurs (SA) (Edms.) Bpk is aangestel as die onafhanklike Omgewings
evalueringskonsultante om die verlangde OIE-proses uit te voer, sowel as die gepaardgaande openbare
konsultasie proses.

Die projek span wil u graag uitnooi om, as ‘n belangstellende en/of geaffekteerde party (B&GP), betrokke te raak
by die OIS en publieke deelname prosesse van die voorgestelde projek. Die doel van hierdie proses is om te
verseker dat die omgewingsimpakte wat met die projek gepaardgaan, in ag geneem en versag word, om te
verseker dat die publiek aktief betrokke is deur insette te lewer oor die voorgestelde projek en om te verseker dat
besluitnemers oor voldoende inligting beskik om ‘n ingeligte besluit te neem op die voorgestelde aktiwiteite wat
verband hou met die projek..


U word hiermee uitgenooi om formeel te registreer as ‘n belangstellende en/of geaffekteerde party (B&GP) en om
deel te neem in die OIS-proses deur die voltooiing van die registrasie en kommentaar vorm, ingesluit met die
Agtergrondinligtingsdokument (AID). U is welkom om kommentaar te lewer in enige van die volgende maniere:
 Deur U voltooide registrasie en kommentaar vorm in te dien by Lidwala SA op of voor Maandag, 2 September
 ‘n Brief te skryf en aan ons te rig op of voor Maandag, 2 September 2013, of
 Deur e-pos, faks of skakel die Publieke Deelname Kantoor.


Tel: 0861 LIDWALA / 0861 543 9252 Directors:

Intl: +27 11 793 5486 Mr Wesley Tendaupenyu Bsc(Eng)(Hons) Pr(Eng) MPhil(Eng)

Fax: 0865 005 574 Mr Alfred M.A. Raspi MDip Tech (Civil) Pr Tech

Physical: 1121 Hertzog Street, Waverley, Mr Limuwani G. Lithole NDip Tech(Civil)

Pretoria, 0186 Mrs Mamathe Kgarimetsa-Phiri (Non-Executive)

Email: Mrs Mausley Pilane (Non-Executive)


Offices: Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe

Alle individue of groepe wat belangstel in of geaffekteer word deurdie projek, word uitgenooi om een van die
publieke vergaderings wat vir hierdie projek gehou sal word, by te woon. Die publieke vergaderings sal gehou
word soos volg:

Datum Tipe Vergadering Tyd Plek

13 Augustus 2013 Publieke Vergadering 17:30 – 19:00 Koeberg Besoekers Sentrum
14 Augustus 2013 Ope Dag 13:00 – 19:00 Koeberg Besoekers Sentrum

Benewens die publieke vergaderings, is die Konsep Bestekopnameverslag vir die voorgestelde nuwe 400/132KV
substasie (Weskusfleur) in die omgewing van Koeberg Kragstasie in die Wes-Kaap Provinsie, beskikbaar gestel vir
publieke kommentaar en oorsig vanaf Woensdag, 24 Julie 2013 tot Maandag, 02 September 2013 by die
ondergenoemde plekke (in druk), Lidwala Raadgewende Ingenieurs se webwerf ( en op CD
(op skriftelike versoek).

Plek Kantoorure Straatadres Kontaknommer

Koeberg Publieke Maandae, Woendae, Merchant Walk, 021 553 2514
Biblioteek Vrydae: 10:00-17:00 Duynefontein,
Dinsdae, Donderdae: Melkbosstrand, 7441
10:00 - 19:00
Saterdae: 10:00 - 13:00
Milnerton Biblioteek Maandae, Dinsdae, Pienaar Pad, Milnerton, 021 444 0815
Woendae: 10:00 – 20:00 7441
Donderdae, Vrydae:
11:00 – 17:00
Saterdae: 09:30 – 12:30
Wesfleur Publieke Maandae – Vrydae:09:00 Wesfleur Sirkel, Atlantis, 021 572 7495
Biblioteek – 17:00 7349
Saterdae: 09:00 – 12:00
Koeberg Besoekers Maandae – Donderdae: R27 Off West Coast Pad, 021 550 4667
Sentrum 07:30 – 16:30 Melkbosstrand, 7441
Vrydae: 07:30 – 13:00

Ons wil u graag vooruit bedank vir u deelname in die OIS en Publieke Deelname prosesse en sien daarna uit om u
kommentaar te ontvang ten opsigte van die voorgestelde projek.

Die Uwe

Frank van der Kooy (PrSciNat)

HOD and Manager Lidwala EPS

Dokumente ingesluit is :
Agtergrondinligtingsdokument (AID)
Registrasie en Kommentaar vorm
Lionel Skeffers
From: Lionel Skeffers
Sent: 25 April 2013 12:05 PM
To: Lionel Skeffers
Cc: Marinus Boon
Attachments: Weskusfleur Substation EIA - Briefing Paper (Afr).pdf; Weskufleur Substation EIA - Briefing
Paper (Eng).pdf; Weskusfleur Comment Form (EngAfr).pdf; Weskusfleur Substation - BID
Notification Letter (AFR).pdf; Weskusfleur Substation - BID Notification Letter (ENG).pdf

Importance: High

Dear Stakeholder

DEA Reference Number: 14/12/16/3/3/2/508

NEAS Reference: DEA/EIA/0001780/2013

We would like to take this opportunity to inform you that, in accordance with the National Environmental Management Act
(NEMA), Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd is in the process of undertaking an Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA), for the Proposed Weskusfleur substation in the vicinity of Koeberg Power Station, Western Cape

For your convenience, please find attached herewith a Notification Letter, Background Information Document (BID) and a
Registration and Comment form. All registrations and comments can be directed to the Public Participation Office below:

Lionel Skeffers
PO BOX 32497, Waverley, 0135
Tel: (0861) LIDWALA (0861 543 9252)
Fax: 086 764 9324

Should you have any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards

Lionel Skeffers
Lidwala Consulting Engineers
PO Box 32497
Waverley, 0135

Tel: 0861 543 9252

Fax: 086 764 9324
Cell: 076 053 9724


Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd email Disclaimer and confidentiality note
This e-mail, its attachments and any rights attaching hereto are, unless the content clearly indicates otherwise, the property of
Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd and its subsidiaries. It is confidential, private and intended for only the addressee.
Should you not be the addressee and receive this e-mail by mistake, kindly notify the sender, and delete this e-mail immediately.
Do not disclose or use it in any way. Views and opinions expressed in this e-mail are those of the sender unless clearly stated as
those of Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd.
Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd accepts no liability for any loss or damages howsoever incurred, or suffered,
resulting or arising, from the use of this email or its attachments.
Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd does not warrant the integrity of this e-mail nor that it is free of
errors, viruses, interception or interference.

Recipient Delivery
Lionel Skeffers Delivered: 25/04/2013 12:06 PM
Marinus Boon Delivered: 25/04/2013 12:06 PM
'Trevor Moodley'

Recipient Delivery


Lionel Skeffers
From: Lionel Skeffers
Sent: 24 July 2013 04:11 PM
To: Lionel Skeffers
Cc: Marinus Boon
availability and Invitation to Public Meetings
Attachments: Weskusfleur DESR notification letter (Eng).pdf; Weskusfleur DESR notification letter (Afr).pdf;
Weskusfleur EIA - Briefing Paper (Eng).pdf; Weskusfleur EIA - Briefing Paper (Afr).pdf;
Weskusfleur Comment Form (Eng & Afr).pdf

Importance: High

Dear Stakeholders


DEA Reference Number: 14/12/16/3/3/2/508
NEAS Reference: DEA/EIA/0001780/2013

As you are aware, Lidwala Environmental is in the process of undertaking an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for
the proposed Weskusfleur substation in the vicinity of Koeberg Power Station, Western Cape Province.

We would like to take this opportunity to inform you that, in accordance with the National Environmental Management Act
(NEMA), that the Draft Environmental Scoping Report (DESR) is available for public comment and review from
Wednesday, 24 July 2013 to Monday, 02 September 2013 (end of business day).

For your convenience, please find attached herewith your notification of the availability of the DESR, an updated
background information document (BID) and a comment form. The full report (including all appendices) is also available
on Lidwala’s website: All comments can be directed to the Public Participation Office below:

Lionel Skeffers
PO Box 32497, Waverley, 0135
Tel: (0861) LIDWALA (0861 543 9252)
Fax: 086 764 9324

Should you have any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards

Lionel Skeffers
Lidwala Consulting Engineers
PO Box 32497
Waverley, 0135

Tel: 0861 LIDWALA / 0861 543 9252

Intl Tel: +27 11 793 5486
Fax: 086 764 9324
Cell: 076 053 9724

Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd email Disclaimer and confidentiality note
This e-mail, its attachments and any rights attaching hereto are, unless the content clearly indicates otherwise, the property of
Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd and its subsidiaries. It is confidential, private and intended for only the addressee.
Should you not be the addressee and receive this e-mail by mistake, kindly notify the sender, and delete this e-mail immediately.
Do not disclose or use it in any way. Views and opinions expressed in this e-mail are those of the sender unless clearly stated as
those of Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd.
Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd accepts no liability for any loss or damages howsoever incurred, or suffered,
resulting or arising, from the use of this email or its attachments.
Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd does not warrant the integrity of this e-mail nor that it is free of
errors, viruses, interception or interference.

Recipient Delivery
Lionel Skeffers Delivered: 24/07/2013 04:14 PM
Marinus Boon Delivered: 24/07/2013 04:14 PM

Lionel Skeffers
From: Lionel Skeffers
Sent: 24 July 2013 04:16 PM
To: Lionel Skeffers
Cc: Marinus Boon
availability and Invitation to Public Meetings
Attachments: Weskusfleur DESR notification letter (Eng).pdf; Weskusfleur DESR notification letter (Afr).pdf;
Weskusfleur EIA - Briefing Paper (Eng).pdf; Weskusfleur EIA - Briefing Paper (Afr).pdf;
Weskusfleur Comment Form (Eng & Afr).pdf

Importance: High

Dear Stakeholders


DEA Reference Number: 14/12/16/3/3/2/508
NEAS Reference: DEA/EIA/0001780/2013

As you are aware, Lidwala Environmental is in the process of undertaking an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for
the proposed Weskusfleur substation in the vicinity of Koeberg Power Station, Western Cape Province.

We would like to take this opportunity to inform you that, in accordance with the National Environmental Management Act
(NEMA), that the Draft Environmental Scoping Report (DESR) is available for public comment and review from
Wednesday, 24 July 2013 to Monday, 02 September 2013 (end of business day).

For your convenience, please find attached herewith your notification of the availability of the DESR, an updated
background information document (BID) and a comment form. The full report (including all appendices) is also available
on Lidwala’s website: All comments can be directed to the Public Participation Office below:

Lionel Skeffers
PO Box 32497, Waverley, 0135
Tel: (0861) LIDWALA (0861 543 9252)
Fax: 086 764 9324

Should you have any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards

Lionel Skeffers
Lidwala Consulting Engineers
PO Box 32497
Waverley, 0135

Tel: 0861 LIDWALA / 0861 543 9252

Intl Tel: +27 11 793 5486
Fax: 086 764 9324
Cell: 076 053 9724

Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd email Disclaimer and confidentiality note
This e-mail, its attachments and any rights attaching hereto are, unless the content clearly indicates otherwise, the property of
Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd and its subsidiaries. It is confidential, private and intended for only the addressee.
Should you not be the addressee and receive this e-mail by mistake, kindly notify the sender, and delete this e-mail immediately.
Do not disclose or use it in any way. Views and opinions expressed in this e-mail are those of the sender unless clearly stated as
those of Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd.
Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd accepts no liability for any loss or damages howsoever incurred, or suffered,
resulting or arising, from the use of this email or its attachments.
Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd does not warrant the integrity of this e-mail nor that it is free of
errors, viruses, interception or interference.

Recipient Delivery
Lionel Skeffers Delivered: 24/07/2013 04:20 PM
Marinus Boon Delivered: 24/07/2013 04:20 PM
'Please send correspondences to both e-mails'

Lionel Skeffers
From: Lionel Skeffers
Sent: 24 July 2013 04:27 PM
To: Lionel Skeffers
Cc: Marinus Boon
Notification of DESR availability and Invitation to Public Meetings
Attachments: Weskusfleur DESR notification letter (Eng).pdf; Weskusfleur DESR notification letter (Afr).pdf;
Weskusfleur EIA - Briefing Paper (Eng).pdf; Weskusfleur EIA - Briefing Paper (Afr).pdf;
Weskusfleur Comment Form (Eng & Afr).pdf

Importance: High

Dear Stakeholders


DEA Reference Number: 14/12/16/3/3/2/508
NEAS Reference: DEA/EIA/0001780/2013

As you are aware, Lidwala Environmental is in the process of undertaking an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for
the proposed Weskusfleur substation in the vicinity of Koeberg Power Station, Western Cape Province.

We would like to take this opportunity to inform you that, in accordance with the National Environmental Management Act
(NEMA), that the Draft Environmental Scoping Report (DESR) is available for public comment and review from
Wednesday, 24 July 2013 to Monday, 02 September 2013 (end of business day).

We will be in contact with you shortly for the arrangement of a focus group meeting(s).

For your convenience, please find attached herewith your notification of the availability of the DESR, an updated
background information document (BID) and a comment form. The full report (including all appendices) is also available
on Lidwala’s website: All comments can be directed to the Public Participation Office below:

Lionel Skeffers
PO Box 32497, Waverley, 0135
Tel: (0861) LIDWALA (0861 543 9252)
Fax: 086 764 9324

Should you have any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards

Lionel Skeffers
Lidwala Consulting Engineers
PO Box 32497
Waverley, 0135

Tel: 0861 LIDWALA / 0861 543 9252

Intl Tel: +27 11 793 5486
Fax: 086 764 9324
Cell: 076 053 9724

Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd email Disclaimer and confidentiality note
This e-mail, its attachments and any rights attaching hereto are, unless the content clearly indicates otherwise, the property of
Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd and its subsidiaries. It is confidential, private and intended for only the addressee.
Should you not be the addressee and receive this e-mail by mistake, kindly notify the sender, and delete this e-mail immediately.
Do not disclose or use it in any way. Views and opinions expressed in this e-mail are those of the sender unless clearly stated as
those of Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd.
Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd accepts no liability for any loss or damages howsoever incurred, or suffered,
resulting or arising, from the use of this email or its attachments.
Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd does not warrant the integrity of this e-mail nor that it is free of
errors, viruses, interception or interference.

Recipient Delivery
Lionel Skeffers Delivered: 24/07/2013 04:29 PM
Marinus Boon Delivered: 24/07/2013 04:29 PM

Lionel Skeffers
From: Lionel Skeffers
Sent: 24 July 2013 04:31 PM
To: Lionel Skeffers
Cc: Marinus Boon
PROVINCE- Notification of DESR availability and Invitation to Public Meetings
Attachments: Weskusfleur DESR notification letter (Eng).pdf; Weskusfleur DESR notification letter (Afr).pdf;
Weskusfleur EIA - Briefing Paper (Eng).pdf; Weskusfleur EIA - Briefing Paper (Afr).pdf;
Weskusfleur Comment Form (Eng & Afr).pdf

Importance: High

Dear Stakeholders


DEA Reference Number: 14/12/16/3/3/2/508
NEAS Reference: DEA/EIA/0001780/2013

As you are aware, Lidwala Environmental is in the process of undertaking an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for
the proposed Weskusfleur substation in the vicinity of Koeberg Power Station, Western Cape Province.

We would like to take this opportunity to inform you that, in accordance with the National Environmental Management Act
(NEMA), that the Draft Environmental Scoping Report (DESR) is available for public comment and review from
Wednesday, 24 July 2013 to Monday, 02 September 2013 (end of business day).

For your convenience, please find attached herewith your notification of the availability of the DESR, an updated
background information document (BID) and a comment form. The full report (including all appendices) is also available
on Lidwala’s website: All comments can be directed to the Public Participation Office below:

Lionel Skeffers
PO Box 32497, Waverley, 0135
Tel: (0861) LIDWALA (0861 543 9252)
Fax: 086 764 9324

Should you have any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards

Lionel Skeffers
Lidwala Consulting Engineers
PO Box 32497
Waverley, 0135

Tel: 0861 LIDWALA / 0861 543 9252

Intl Tel: +27 11 793 5486
Fax: 086 764 9324
Cell: 076 053 9724

Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd email Disclaimer and confidentiality note
This e-mail, its attachments and any rights attaching hereto are, unless the content clearly indicates otherwise, the property of
Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd and its subsidiaries. It is confidential, private and intended for only the addressee.
Should you not be the addressee and receive this e-mail by mistake, kindly notify the sender, and delete this e-mail immediately.
Do not disclose or use it in any way. Views and opinions expressed in this e-mail are those of the sender unless clearly stated as
those of Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd.
Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd accepts no liability for any loss or damages howsoever incurred, or suffered,
resulting or arising, from the use of this email or its attachments.
Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd does not warrant the integrity of this e-mail nor that it is free of
errors, viruses, interception or interference.

Recipient Delivery
Lionel Skeffers Delivered: 24/07/2013 04:35 PM
Marinus Boon Delivered: 24/07/2013 04:35 PM

Marinus Boon

From: Marinus Boon

Sent: 15 August 2013 04:15 PM
To:; Duval (
Cc: Lionel Skeffers
Subject: FW: FOR THE PROPOSED WESKUSFLEUR SUBSTATION, WESTERN CAPE PROVINCE- Notification of DESR availability and Invitation to Public
Attachments: Weskusfleur DESR notification letter (Eng).pdf; Weskusfleur DESR notification letter (Afr).pdf; Weskusfleur EIA - Briefing Paper (Eng).pdf;
Weskusfleur EIA - Briefing Paper (Afr).pdf; Weskusfleur Comment Form (Eng & Afr).pdf

Importance: High

Tracking: Recipient Delivery

Duval (

Lionel Skeffers Delivered: 2013/08/15 04:20 PM

Dear Stakeholder


DEA Reference Number: 14/12/16/3/3/2/508
NEAS Reference: DEA/EIA/0001780/2013

As you are aware, Lidwala Environmental is in the process of undertaking an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the proposed W eskusfleur substation in the vicinity
of Koeberg Power Station, Western Cape Province.

We would like to take this opportunity to inform you that, in accordance with the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA), that the Draft Environmental Scoping
Report (DESR) is available for public comment and review from Wednesday, 24 July 2013 to Monday, 02 September 2013 (end of business day).

For your convenience, please find attached herewith your notification of the availability of the DESR, an updated background information document (BID) and a comment
form. The full report (including all appendices) is also available on Lidwala’s website: All comments can be directed to the Public Participation Office

Lionel Skeffers
PO Box 32497, W averley, 0135
Tel: (0861) LIDW ALA (0861 543 9252)
Fax: 086 764 9324

Should you have any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards

Lionel Skeffers
Lidwala Consulting Engineers
PO Box 32497
Waverley, 0135

Tel: 0861 LIDWALA / 0861 543 9252

Intl Tel: +27 11 793 5486
Fax: 086 764 9324
Cell: 076 053 9724

Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd email Disclaimer and confidentiality note
This e-mail, its attachments and any rights attaching hereto are, unless the content clearly indicates otherwise, the property of
Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd and its subsidiaries. It is confidential, private and intended for only the addressee.
Should you not be the addressee and receive this e-mail by mistake, kindly notify the sender, and delete this e-mail immediately.
Do not disclose or use it in any way. Views and opinions expressed in this e-mail are those of the sender unless clearly stated as
those of Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd.
Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd accepts no liability for any loss or damages howsoever incurred, or suffered,
resulting or arising, from the use of this email or its attachments.
Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd does not warrant the integrity of this e-mail nor that it is free of
errors, viruses, interception or interference.

Lionel Skeffers
From: Lionel Skeffers
Sent: 22 August 2013 04:34 PM
To: Lionel Skeffers
Cc: Marinus Boon
Notification of DESR availability and Invitation to Public Meetings
Attachments: Weskusfleur EIA - Briefing Paper (Eng).pdf; Weskusfleur EIA - Briefing Paper (Afr).pdf;
Weskusfleur Comment Form (Eng Afr) (3).pdf

Importance: High

Dear Stakeholder


DEA Reference Number: 14/12/16/3/3/2/508
NEAS Reference: DEA/EIA/0001780/2013

We would like to take this opportunity to inform you that, in accordance with the National Environmental Management Act
(NEMA), Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd is in the process of undertaking an Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA), for the Proposed Weskusfleur substation in the vicinity of Koeberg Power Station, Western Cape

During our stakeholder consultation and engagement from 12 -14 August 2013 at Koeberg and surrounds it was decided
to expand the database and include the stakeholders of the Koeberg Public Safety Information Forum (PSIF).

We would like to take this opportunity to inform you that, in accordance with the National Environmental Management Act
(NEMA), that the Draft Environmental Scoping Report (DESR) is available for public comment and review from
Wednesday, 24 July 2013 to Monday, 02 September 2013 (end of business day).

For your convenience, please find attached Background Information Document (BID) and a Registration and Comment
form. All registrations and comments can be directed to the Public Participation Office below:

You are invited to formally register as an interested and/or affected party (I&AP) and to participate in the EIA process by
completing the registration and comment form enclosed with the Background Information Document (BID). You are
welcome to comment in any of the following ways:

• Submitting your completed registration and comment form to us on or before Monday, 2 September 2013;

• Writing a letter to be received by us on or before Monday, 2 September 2013, or

• By e-mail, fax or phoning the public participation office.

The Draft Scoping Report for the proposed new 400/132KV substation (Weskusfleur) in the vicinity of Koeberg power
Station in the Western Cape Province has been made available for public review at the following venues:

Venue Working hours Street Address Contact No.

Koeberg Public Library Mon, Wed, Fri: 10:00 - 17:00 Merchant Walk, 021 553 2514
Tue, Thu : 10:00 - 19:00 Duynefontein, Melkbosstrand,
Sat: 10:00 - 13:00 7441
Milnerton Library Mon, Tue, Wed: 10:00 - 20:00 Pienaar Road, Milnerton, 021 444 0815
Thu, Fri: 11:00 - 17:00 7441
Sat: 09:30 - 12:30
Wesfleur Public Library Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:00 Wesfleur Circle, Atlantis, 021 572 7495
Sat: 09:00 - 12:00 7349
Koeberg Visitor Centre Mon–Thurs: 07:30 – 16:30 R 27 Off West Coast Road 021 550 4667

Friday: 07:30 – 13:00 Melkbosstrand, 7441

The full report (including appendices) is also available on Lidwala’s website: All comments can be
directed to the Public Participation Office below:

Lionel Skeffers
PO Box 32497, Waverley, 0135
Tel: (0861) LIDWALA (0861 543 9252)
Fax: 086 764 9324

Should you have any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards

Lionel Skeffers
Lidwala Consulting Engineers
PO Box 32497
Waverley, 0135

Tel: 0861 LIDWALA / 0861 543 9252

Intl Tel: +27 11 793 5486
Fax: 086 764 9324
Cell: 076 053 9724

Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd email Disclaimer and confidentiality note
This e-mail, its attachments and any rights attaching hereto are, unless the content clearly indicates otherwise, the property of
Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd and its subsidiaries. It is confidential, private and intended for only the addressee.
Should you not be the addressee and receive this e-mail by mistake, kindly notify the sender, and delete this e-mail immediately.
Do not disclose or use it in any way. Views and opinions expressed in this e-mail are those of the sender unless clearly stated as
those of Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd.
Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd accepts no liability for any loss or damages howsoever incurred, or suffered,
resulting or arising, from the use of this email or its attachments.
Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd does not warrant the integrity of this e-mail nor that it is free of
errors, viruses, interception or interference.

Recipient Delivery
Lionel Skeffers Delivered: 22/08/2013 04:37 PM
Marinus Boon Delivered: 22/08/2013 04:37 PM

Recipient Delivery


Lionel Skeffers
From: Lionel Skeffers
Sent: 26 August 2013 12:47 PM
To: Lionel Skeffers
Cc: Marinus Boon
Reminder of DESR availability
Attachments: Weskusfleur EIA - Briefing Paper (Eng).pdf; Weskusfleur EIA - Briefing Paper (Afr).pdf;
Weskusfleur Comment Form (Eng Afr) (3).pdf

Importance: High

Dear Stakeholder


DEA Reference Number: 14/12/16/3/3/2/508
NEAS Reference: DEA/EIA/0001780/2013

As you are aware, Lidwala Environmental is in the process of undertaking an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for
the proposed Weskusfleur substation in the vicinity of Koeberg Power Station, Western Cape Province.

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that in accordance with the National Environmental Management Act
(NEMA), that the Draft Environmental Scoping Report (DESR) is available for public comment and review from
Wednesday, 24 July 2013 until Monday, 02 September 2013 (end of business day).

For your convenience, please find attached Background Information Document (BID) and a Registration and Comment
form. All registrations and comments can be directed to the Public Participation Office below:

You are invited to formally register as an interested and/or affected party (I&AP) and to participate in the EIA process by
completing the registration and comment form enclosed with the Background Information Document (BID). You are
welcome to comment in any of the following ways:

• Submitting your completed registration and comment form to us on or before Monday, 2 September 2013;

• Writing a letter to be received by us on or before Monday, 2 September 2013, or

• By e-mail, fax or phoning the public participation office.

The Draft Scoping Report for the proposed new 400/132KV substation (Weskusfleur) in the vicinity of Koeberg power
Station in the Western Cape Province has been made available for public review at the following venues:

Venue Working hours Street Address Contact No.

Koeberg Public Library Mon, Wed, Fri: 10:00 - 17:00 Merchant Walk, 021 553 2514
Tue, Thu : 10:00 - 19:00 Duynefontein, Melkbosstrand,
Sat: 10:00 - 13:00 7441
Milnerton Library Mon, Tue, Wed: 10:00 - 20:00 Pienaar Road, Milnerton, 021 444 0815
Thu, Fri: 11:00 - 17:00 7441
Sat: 09:30 - 12:30
Wesfleur Public Library Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:00 Wesfleur Circle, Atlantis, 021 572 7495
Sat: 09:00 - 12:00 7349
Koeberg Visitor Centre Mon–Thurs: 07:30 – 16:30 R 27 Off West Coast Road 021 550 4667
Friday: 07:30 – 13:00 Melkbosstrand, 7441

The full report (including appendices) is also available on Lidwala’s website: All comments can be
directed to the Public Participation Office below:
Lionel Skeffers
PO Box 32497, Waverley, 0135
Tel: (0861) LIDWALA (0861 543 9252)
Fax: 086 764 9324

Should you have any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards

Lionel Skeffers
Lidwala Consulting Engineers
PO Box 32497
Waverley, 0135

Tel: 0861 LIDWALA / 0861 543 9252

Intl Tel: +27 11 793 5486
Fax: 086 764 9324
Cell: 076 053 9724

Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd email Disclaimer and confidentiality note
This e-mail, its attachments and any rights attaching hereto are, unless the content clearly indicates otherwise, the property of
Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd and its subsidiaries. It is confidential, private and intended for only the addressee.
Should you not be the addressee and receive this e-mail by mistake, kindly notify the sender, and delete this e-mail immediately.
Do not disclose or use it in any way. Views and opinions expressed in this e-mail are those of the sender unless clearly stated as
those of Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd.
Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd accepts no liability for any loss or damages howsoever incurred, or suffered,
resulting or arising, from the use of this email or its attachments.
Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd does not warrant the integrity of this e-mail nor that it is free of
errors, viruses, interception or interference.

Recipient Delivery
Lionel Skeffers Delivered: 26/08/2013 12:49 PM
Marinus Boon Delivered: 26/08/2013 12:49 PM

Lionel Skeffers
From: Lionel Skeffers
Sent: 26 August 2013 12:49 PM
To: Lionel Skeffers
Cc: Marinus Boon
Reminder of DESR availability
Attachments: Weskusfleur EIA - Briefing Paper (Eng).pdf; Weskusfleur EIA - Briefing Paper (Afr).pdf;
Weskusfleur Comment Form (Eng Afr) (3).pdf

Importance: High

Dear Stakeholder


DEA Reference Number: 14/12/16/3/3/2/508
NEAS Reference: DEA/EIA/0001780/2013

As you are aware, Lidwala Environmental is in the process of undertaking an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for
the proposed Weskusfleur substation in the vicinity of Koeberg Power Station, Western Cape Province.

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that in accordance with the National Environmental Management Act
(NEMA), that the Draft Environmental Scoping Report (DESR) is available for public comment and review from
Wednesday, 24 July 2013 until Monday, 02 September 2013 (end of business day).

For your convenience, please find attached Background Information Document (BID) and a Registration and Comment
form. All registrations and comments can be directed to the Public Participation Office below:

You are invited to formally register as an interested and/or affected party (I&AP) and to participate in the EIA process by
completing the registration and comment form enclosed with the Background Information Document (BID). You are
welcome to comment in any of the following ways:

• Submitting your completed registration and comment form to us on or before Monday, 2 September 2013;

• Writing a letter to be received by us on or before Monday, 2 September 2013, or

• By e-mail, fax or phoning the public participation office.

The Draft Scoping Report for the proposed new 400/132KV substation (Weskusfleur) in the vicinity of Koeberg power
Station in the Western Cape Province has been made available for public review at the following venues:

Venue Working hours Street Address Contact No.

Koeberg Public Library Mon, Wed, Fri: 10:00 - 17:00 Merchant Walk, 021 553 2514
Tue, Thu : 10:00 - 19:00 Duynefontein, Melkbosstrand,
Sat: 10:00 - 13:00 7441
Milnerton Library Mon, Tue, Wed: 10:00 - 20:00 Pienaar Road, Milnerton, 021 444 0815
Thu, Fri: 11:00 - 17:00 7441
Sat: 09:30 - 12:30
Wesfleur Public Library Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:00 Wesfleur Circle, Atlantis, 021 572 7495
Sat: 09:00 - 12:00 7349
Koeberg Visitor Centre Mon–Thurs: 07:30 – 16:30 R 27 Off West Coast Road 021 550 4667
Friday: 07:30 – 13:00 Melkbosstrand, 7441

The full report (including appendices) is also available on Lidwala’s website: All comments can be
directed to the Public Participation Office below:
Lionel Skeffers
PO Box 32497, Waverley, 0135
Tel: (0861) LIDWALA (0861 543 9252)
Fax: 086 764 9324

Should you have any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards

Lionel Skeffers
Lidwala Consulting Engineers
PO Box 32497
Waverley, 0135

Tel: 0861 LIDWALA / 0861 543 9252

Intl Tel: +27 11 793 5486
Fax: 086 764 9324
Cell: 076 053 9724

Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd email Disclaimer and confidentiality note
This e-mail, its attachments and any rights attaching hereto are, unless the content clearly indicates otherwise, the property of
Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd and its subsidiaries. It is confidential, private and intended for only the addressee.
Should you not be the addressee and receive this e-mail by mistake, kindly notify the sender, and delete this e-mail immediately.
Do not disclose or use it in any way. Views and opinions expressed in this e-mail are those of the sender unless clearly stated as
those of Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd.
Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd accepts no liability for any loss or damages howsoever incurred, or suffered,
resulting or arising, from the use of this email or its attachments.
Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd does not warrant the integrity of this e-mail nor that it is free of
errors, viruses, interception or interference.

Recipient Delivery
Lionel Skeffers Delivered: 26/08/2013 12:51 PM
Marinus Boon Delivered: 26/08/2013 12:51 PM

Lionel Skeffers
From: Lionel Skeffers
Sent: 26 August 2013 12:58 PM
To: Lionel Skeffers
Cc: Marinus Boon
Reminder of DESR availability
Attachments: Weskusfleur EIA - Briefing Paper (Eng).pdf; Weskusfleur EIA - Briefing Paper (Afr).pdf;
Weskusfleur Comment Form (Eng Afr) (3).pdf

Importance: High

Dear Stakeholder


DEA Reference Number: 14/12/16/3/3/2/508
NEAS Reference: DEA/EIA/0001780/2013

As you are aware, Lidwala Environmental is in the process of undertaking an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for
the proposed Weskusfleur substation in the vicinity of Koeberg Power Station, Western Cape Province.

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that in accordance with the National Environmental Management Act
(NEMA), that the Draft Environmental Scoping Report (DESR) is available for public comment and review from
Wednesday, 24 July 2013 until Monday, 02 September 2013 (end of business day).

For your convenience, please find attached Background Information Document (BID) and a Registration and Comment
form. All registrations and comments can be directed to the Public Participation Office below:

You are invited to formally register as an interested and/or affected party (I&AP) and to participate in the EIA process by
completing the registration and comment form enclosed with the Background Information Document (BID). You are
welcome to comment in any of the following ways:

• Submitting your completed registration and comment form to us on or before Monday, 2 September 2013;

• Writing a letter to be received by us on or before Monday, 2 September 2013, or

• By e-mail, fax or phoning the public participation office.

The Draft Scoping Report for the proposed new 400/132KV substation (Weskusfleur) in the vicinity of Koeberg power
Station in the Western Cape Province has been made available for public review at the following venues:

Venue Working hours Street Address Contact No.

Koeberg Public Library Mon, Wed, Fri: 10:00 - 17:00 Merchant Walk, 021 553 2514
Tue, Thu : 10:00 - 19:00 Duynefontein, Melkbosstrand,
Sat: 10:00 - 13:00 7441
Milnerton Library Mon, Tue, Wed: 10:00 - 20:00 Pienaar Road, Milnerton, 021 444 0815
Thu, Fri: 11:00 - 17:00 7441
Sat: 09:30 - 12:30
Wesfleur Public Library Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:00 Wesfleur Circle, Atlantis, 021 572 7495
Sat: 09:00 - 12:00 7349
Koeberg Visitor Centre Mon–Thurs: 07:30 – 16:30 R 27 Off West Coast Road 021 550 4667
Friday: 07:30 – 13:00 Melkbosstrand, 7441

The full report (including appendices) is also available on Lidwala’s website: All comments can be
directed to the Public Participation Office below:
Lionel Skeffers
PO Box 32497, Waverley, 0135
Tel: (0861) LIDWALA (0861 543 9252)
Fax: 086 764 9324

Should you have any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards

Lionel Skeffers
Lidwala Consulting Engineers
PO Box 32497
Waverley, 0135

Tel: 0861 LIDWALA / 0861 543 9252

Intl Tel: +27 11 793 5486
Fax: 086 764 9324
Cell: 076 053 9724

Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd email Disclaimer and confidentiality note
This e-mail, its attachments and any rights attaching hereto are, unless the content clearly indicates otherwise, the property of
Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd and its subsidiaries. It is confidential, private and intended for only the addressee.
Should you not be the addressee and receive this e-mail by mistake, kindly notify the sender, and delete this e-mail immediately.
Do not disclose or use it in any way. Views and opinions expressed in this e-mail are those of the sender unless clearly stated as
those of Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd.
Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd accepts no liability for any loss or damages howsoever incurred, or suffered,
resulting or arising, from the use of this email or its attachments.
Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd does not warrant the integrity of this e-mail nor that it is free of
errors, viruses, interception or interference.

Recipient Delivery
Lionel Skeffers Delivered: 26/08/2013 01:01 PM
Marinus Boon Delivered: 26/08/2013 01:01 PM

Lionel Skeffers
From: Lionel Skeffers
Sent: 27 August 2013 04:23 PM
To: ''
Cc: Marinus Boon
DESR availability
Attachments: Weskusfleur EIA - Briefing Paper (Eng).pdf; Weskusfleur EIA - Briefing Paper (Afr).pdf;
Weskusfleur Comment Form (Eng Afr) (3).pdf

Importance: High

Dear Stakeholder


DEA Reference Number: 14/12/16/3/3/2/508
NEAS Reference: DEA/EIA/0001780/2013

As you are aware, Lidwala Environmental is in the process of undertaking an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for
the proposed Weskusfleur substation in the vicinity of Koeberg Power Station, Western Cape Province.

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that in accordance with the National Environmental Management Act
(NEMA), that the Draft Environmental Scoping Report (DESR) is available for public comment and review from
Wednesday, 24 July 2013 until Monday, 02 September 2013 (end of business day).

For your convenience, please find attached Background Information Document (BID) and a Registration and Comment
form. All registrations and comments can be directed to the Public Participation Office below:

You are invited to formally register as an interested and/or affected party (I&AP) and to participate in the EIA process by
completing the registration and comment form enclosed with the Background Information Document (BID). You are
welcome to comment in any of the following ways:

• Submitting your completed registration and comment form to us on or before Monday, 2 September 2013;

• Writing a letter to be received by us on or before Monday, 2 September 2013, or

• By e-mail, fax or phoning the public participation office.

The Draft Scoping Report for the proposed new 400/132KV substation (Weskusfleur) in the vicinity of Koeberg power
Station in the Western Cape Province has been made available for public review at the following venues:

Venue Working hours Street Address Contact No.

Koeberg Public Library Mon, Wed, Fri: 10:00 - 17:00 Merchant Walk, 021 553 2514
Tue, Thu : 10:00 - 19:00 Duynefontein, Melkbosstrand,
Sat: 10:00 - 13:00 7441
Milnerton Library Mon, Tue, Wed: 10:00 - 20:00 Pienaar Road, Milnerton, 021 444 0815
Thu, Fri: 11:00 - 17:00 7441
Sat: 09:30 - 12:30
Wesfleur Public Library Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:00 Wesfleur Circle, Atlantis, 021 572 7495
Sat: 09:00 - 12:00 7349
Koeberg Visitor Centre Mon–Thurs: 07:30 – 16:30 R 27 Off West Coast Road 021 550 4667
Friday: 07:30 – 13:00 Melkbosstrand, 7441

The full report (including appendices) is also available on Lidwala’s website: All comments can be
directed to the Public Participation Office below:
Lionel Skeffers
PO Box 32497, Waverley, 0135
Tel: (0861) LIDWALA (0861 543 9252)
Fax: 086 764 9324

Should you have any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards

Lionel Skeffers
Lidwala Consulting Engineers
PO Box 32497
Waverley, 0135

Tel: 0861 LIDWALA / 0861 543 9252

Intl Tel: +27 11 793 5486
Fax: 086 764 9324
Cell: 076 053 9724

Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd email Disclaimer and confidentiality note
This e-mail, its attachments and any rights attaching hereto are, unless the content clearly indicates otherwise, the property of
Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd and its subsidiaries. It is confidential, private and intended for only the addressee.
Should you not be the addressee and receive this e-mail by mistake, kindly notify the sender, and delete this e-mail immediately.
Do not disclose or use it in any way. Views and opinions expressed in this e-mail are those of the sender unless clearly stated as
those of Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd.
Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd accepts no liability for any loss or damages howsoever incurred, or suffered,
resulting or arising, from the use of this email or its attachments.
Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd does not warrant the integrity of this e-mail nor that it is free of
errors, viruses, interception or interference.

Recipient Delivery
Marinus Boon Delivered: 27/08/2013 04:26 PM

Lionel Skeffers
From: Lionel Skeffers
Sent: 27 August 2013 04:23 PM
To: ''
Cc: Marinus Boon
DESR availability
Attachments: Weskusfleur EIA - Briefing Paper (Eng).pdf; Weskusfleur EIA - Briefing Paper (Afr).pdf;
Weskusfleur Comment Form (Eng Afr) (3).pdf

Importance: High

Dear Stakeholder


DEA Reference Number: 14/12/16/3/3/2/508
NEAS Reference: DEA/EIA/0001780/2013

As you are aware, Lidwala Environmental is in the process of undertaking an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for
the proposed Weskusfleur substation in the vicinity of Koeberg Power Station, Western Cape Province.

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that in accordance with the National Environmental Management Act
(NEMA), that the Draft Environmental Scoping Report (DESR) is available for public comment and review from
Wednesday, 24 July 2013 until Monday, 02 September 2013 (end of business day).

For your convenience, please find attached Background Information Document (BID) and a Registration and Comment
form. All registrations and comments can be directed to the Public Participation Office below:

You are invited to formally register as an interested and/or affected party (I&AP) and to participate in the EIA process by
completing the registration and comment form enclosed with the Background Information Document (BID). You are
welcome to comment in any of the following ways:

• Submitting your completed registration and comment form to us on or before Monday, 2 September 2013;

• Writing a letter to be received by us on or before Monday, 2 September 2013, or

• By e-mail, fax or phoning the public participation office.

The Draft Scoping Report for the proposed new 400/132KV substation (Weskusfleur) in the vicinity of Koeberg power
Station in the Western Cape Province has been made available for public review at the following venues:

Venue Working hours Street Address Contact No.

Koeberg Public Library Mon, Wed, Fri: 10:00 - 17:00 Merchant Walk, 021 553 2514
Tue, Thu : 10:00 - 19:00 Duynefontein, Melkbosstrand,
Sat: 10:00 - 13:00 7441
Milnerton Library Mon, Tue, Wed: 10:00 - 20:00 Pienaar Road, Milnerton, 021 444 0815
Thu, Fri: 11:00 - 17:00 7441
Sat: 09:30 - 12:30
Wesfleur Public Library Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:00 Wesfleur Circle, Atlantis, 021 572 7495
Sat: 09:00 - 12:00 7349
Koeberg Visitor Centre Mon–Thurs: 07:30 – 16:30 R 27 Off West Coast Road 021 550 4667
Friday: 07:30 – 13:00 Melkbosstrand, 7441

The full report (including appendices) is also available on Lidwala’s website: All comments can be
directed to the Public Participation Office below:
Lionel Skeffers
PO Box 32497, Waverley, 0135
Tel: (0861) LIDWALA (0861 543 9252)
Fax: 086 764 9324

Should you have any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards

Lionel Skeffers
Lidwala Consulting Engineers
PO Box 32497
Waverley, 0135

Tel: 0861 LIDWALA / 0861 543 9252

Intl Tel: +27 11 793 5486
Fax: 086 764 9324
Cell: 076 053 9724

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