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MODULE -Tl The Relational Oata Model ond Relational Database Constraint and Reletfonal Algebra een Relational Modal Concepts YY Domain + A set vf atomic valuea , Where by “ atomic” we Mean simply that , from the point of the dotabaze , each value in domain in indivisible. Examples, t i) SSN: cshving of digits uf length. i) Name: String of characterg beginning with oW Upper case leHer. = WW) Dept code: membai of sel 2 marHenigt pay , cHE D Atwibute + Each column ‘7 4able ate called Armibutes- The ze are ine Properties Nanich define a xelation. The domain vf Atibute is denoted by dom(A). Exomples « Student _ RollNo, Néme “etc 3 Tuple: A tuple ia (a Mapping gem attributes +e values drawn FM the Tespective demaing Df those alivibutes. _ - sor) ItNisea Single Tow of table 1 HHI contoing ingle Yecord . Examples : A 4uple fe" 9 PERson entity might be {Name > Roopa” | Sex —> female, T@ 3 120 Scanned with CamScanner Relation: A Get of tuples” f ail the Some foe Chee. Called ‘ah having dhe Same Set Of audbuter) t relation + . A relational Schenmo fapresems the name of the relation With tt2 atttibutos Nom Oo A collecHon f elation’ » each Q + ational, Relational Schema: Example = Relational Database + consistent With ite Spe : Schema. (74) Table also called Relation w primary vey Domain Customes ID. eso Status 1038 ee Ackve Q i —— Tuple oR AW Total no vf To! i Actve 3 “‘Tnactive “ Sans Ts Cardinaltty oS or AMRTBUTES sy Total re of column is Degree Scanned with CamScanner Ghoroclesisties Of Relations pede eee Oana Ordering Of Tuples? Since elation is a Get of tuples , hence they don’t hove any ordet associated with Ahem. However, tuples in a ‘elation Can Ve Nogically ordered by the Values Uf Vorious attributes Jn dat Case , infosmatien in a elation semaing Same ,.Only jhe ordes of tuple vasies «Hence 4 tuple ordesing ine a Yelation {% irrelevant. Order of Volue within tuple: A ntuple ta GA Ordeed ‘set 0g. attribute Volues “belongs +o the Gomain D4 So the ordes in Which they \appeas in the Auple 18 Bignificoot. Howeves, ig artuple ts defined a8 & Set of ( ) (pair the order in which athibutes Appear irrelevant . PE Ayre Abere is no preference for attrioute value ovex anothers. Nalues and nulls in dhe tuples: Relatfonal model ts based 0M 4he assumption that each tuple in Axgselation Containg a Single value For cach of ia atlribute “Hence, a relation doesnot alos composite and multivalued attributes . Morcove f + if the va we doesnot exist the value is known. Got Ahek atleibute on Scanned with CamScanner tion: Since a relation fg Q No tuples are Identical fn a rela! Set pf tuples ond of Qa Sep doesnot have identical clement - therefore, each tuple in a scalation must be uniquely identified by {ke contents. Tra zuples With Come Volue gor ol sina attsibuten cannot exigg tn a “elation. ’ Inver pretation of 6 Relation: Each ‘elifon con be Viel gk rere : a predicate and each tuple in tony for which ed OS.0n Osrct ction DE values in fer Ahe combins eve presents 0 fect: that relation con be , Vie dtcote is satiesfied Anat pre each tupl ik. Tn othe words 5 Relational Model Conshoint® : Constraints on databases con be cotegoriaed as 1) Jaherent_ model - based ¢ NO tuples ia a ‘lotion con be dlup\icates ( pecoause G telation is a Sek of Auples) in) | Schema - hosed: Schema - baSec Con be expressed using epL itl) apprication ba. =wased + ips : Hf ONE ese are Specific 40 tne “business rules of | miniwornd and typicohy diffeute impossible a possible fo express Gnd enforce withi? | | dhe data crodel. | Scanned with CamScanner s OO Schema based ‘conshaints are elaborated Guvther er: «ey omein_Constssinté? These con he violated tf on attvibute Value is mot appearing in the conespond- ing domain or “it is not BY the appropiate data type- Domoin ConshoimZ Specify thot within each tuple» ond the Value oH each attvibute noust be unique: qnis 1S Gpecified 08 dota types Which include Gtandord datatypes frhegess > eal Humbess , Choractess , Booleans» yoriable length stings etc. Gxomple* Create. DOMAIN .CustomesName : | CHECK (Value not NouLL) [ 2 example shonin Gernonsisates creating’ O domain constroint | + Ti csuch that © CustomesNome fs not NuLb: An attibutedpat Con uniquely identify Auple iow a xelation fs, Called Key of a table- The value, of *he ottvibute for different WD Key Constsoi nS = Auples io oO selation nas +0 be Unique ond tele subset? Ff attributes fs Called. ov superkey of its yelation. A key fs a minimal Seperkey fee. i§ We were to wernove: any YF ies atbiibutes (the sesutting cet of ativibutes gos to be Superkey- Exomple? “Suppose that we Stipulate that 4 gocutty meres *S Lass quiely identigied by NAME and address ond also by NAME Gnd department » but by 90 Single one Of the +nree atttibutes mentoned. then 2 NBME, address , deportmenty is a (non - minimal) csupertey and each of ANAmE, address § ond {NAME departmemty is vey (hee eninimal csupeskey)> Scanned with CamScanner Condidate Key: Te fs any key (Hence, it fs not vcard distinguishes a Key, from 0 Candidate key) Primary key A vey Chosen 19 act as the means by whic, lo identify tuples in A -talation. Typically , One pregers Q ptimary Key vO be One havi 4 as jon attributes as possible- a mse Entity Integrity Constsaint + Jn a ‘tuple 5 none i the Values oJ dhe Gtuibutes orrring The» telotion’s Primary vey May have the (Non-) Value null. Or is tt that Ak least one Such attribute must have a nom- hull value- Referential Imegrity Constoint: T4 ('s sbosed en tomept of ~ foviegn-Meys? A foriegn key fs Qn important attribute velation Which Shovid be Feferred, +9 4 “ in ‘othes Telationships. Referential Integrity Constoint «State happens where elation refers jo akey attibuke of a different or Game relation. However, dat key Clement Must exit in the +toble. Exornplet pF EASPMEAIO| Customerniome| | Stetys pas | fe aoe] | Acie 2 | | Amazon | Active 2 f | Anple [avec Customes Billing Invoice No \customestD Amount SS ‘00 2 | 2000 3 os 5000 Scanned with CamScanner above example ple , We have +Wo velations , Customer Jo Ane and Billing: tuple go CustomerID = 1 ts referenced Hoice fn the telation Billing So We tnow Customerniorne = Google ae billing amourrt 3000. Operations in Relational Model eC Four basic operations performed on ‘telational database model ate fs used 4o insevt data into the ‘elation. ) insest Gee Ahe table» ig used to delete -uples of omer attributes in i delete you to chonge the values si) Modify allows existing uples- qv) Getect @iows you 4e choose a Specific Yonge § data Insert? Come atteibube value is not oF voilation+ Correct domain. (0 dornoin conistrat at voy of nent tuple fs null Gi) entity integrity voikation + Key of new supe is Come as existing one. ‘ oriegn key Of new tuple weqere do non_existent tuple: i (i) Key constrofat Voilation : to) regerential conskaint yoilation + 6 ig ‘eect “ne otternpt to insert (oR? The\Woy ef dealing it y again | sstth different attribute Give User oppurtunity 40 tr values. Example : the insert operation g gr a mew tuple which Ghould be ives values OF she attributes insersted into A elation. Scanned with CamScanner CustomerNome | Status | | CustomerID v Google, | Active | ie Amazon — | Active at) Apple [Enactive, eo Feferentiol integrity, violation? 4 tuple tefewing to the deleted | One exists. Tore options gor deating With i: 1) Reject the deletion Hi) Atiempt to cascode by deleting IMYeaeferencing tuples. Mi) -modigy she foriegn key ottvibute wauiee tn referencing tuples to null or to GBome valid value Yeferencing a different tuple. Exarnple + To Speci fy deletion, @ condition on the Ottvioutes of the, relation ‘cselects the tuple! to be deleted. CastomertD’ | Custorreineme! Stats Customentd | Costomeanene) ebb |-_t Eogle! Active | 4 Googe L Amazon Active L apn z Apple, Inoctive u ra L & Alibaba. Active, — Jn the “above - given exomple » Customers name = “Apple” S$ deleted From Adele» Fhe Delete operation Could violate Tegarention Integrity iF the tuple Wnrich is deleled ts referenced by foreign keys G1o™ other tuple S in Gore database as mentioned Cibove. Scanned with CamScanner key constraint violation t primasy vey is changed So as 40 bei come Same as ancihes tuple's. W) referenttol Integrity oilation: * fore'gn vey is Changed and new one efess 10 ronesistent auple- + primary key is changed Ond now othes tuples that had referred to 4hig one Violate -he Constsaint. Exoraple + You con ee that in the below - given relation table CustomerName = ‘Apple’ is updated from Inackye te Active - = sui] fe CastomenId | Customername | Stotus CostornesTD Ji Culstomentanne | Status. \ Google Active \ Google Active | [eenate )] a, = : L Ameyon [Active (=m) os Amanon | Active 3 Apple Ltnoctive 3 Apple “Ache 4 Alibolon. | Active | 4 Alibaba Active - SELECT t Jn the below - gwerr example , customeiname = ° Amazon" fs Selected. Customer tp [customer Nome) 50000 (Castorness) Output: eselecks tuples Frere Customers “WNere Csales is ae atey than 50000. 2 cone 24 ANO so0a omen) output? - [ Frome Suu] treme] sm | BoATE| ADORESS sex | SALARY pNo } Raye, T -| hora | eeeeee 9655-11-08] 21 Vose, Hovreton wooo | 5 Jenni fer | wrertece] av8en%2% | asi 06-25] 29) Bory - TK e 35000 4 gomesh | oroyen | wUBea Hast] 1491 =OF I as Fieoe 1% aqoco| & Scanned with CamScanner | PROTECTION (71) x The projection eliminates all attributes of “the input Yelatig, tn the Pidjection list « tion thot Contains g ut those mentioned + The projection méthod defines tela Vestical Gubset OF Relation. This helps to extract dhe values OF Gpecif' e values. ) from 2 selation. \ * fed attributes < to) eliminates duplicak y + (pi) Gymbol is used -to choose ataibutes Foren of velatian operation i TTL CR)- f c Colurans Coe * Anis operator helps you to keep Speci P Psy Pe OP Colorandé selation and discord the cthes > EXDMIPLE . Ti sex, saragy (EmPLaYEE) Tp Several male employee Nave Galory © 300 <1, 30,000> is kept fn, the\ wesyrting relation. y CEMMPLOYEE) 00 , only a Gingle Auple a TL uname | FNAME | SALAR | Lneme | FNAME | SALARY SEX | SALAR = LARY Smith | Jobn, 80000 M 30000 : haonq | Fronttin"| 40000 ud) 40000 j Zeraya | Alicia | 25000 a 16000 | Wallace) Fenrifed | 4000 F 42000 Narayan |-Rarwesh} 3g000 A | 3¢a00 + Bong. | James] 55000 m_|_25000 ua 55000 g ber Scanned with CamScanner Rename * mae 4 Rename fs a “NAT Q «elation. Clasp) eR will rename he atlvibute ‘b! of relotion by ‘a’, operation ussed for tenoming attvibutes of ¥ MPL ExOMPLEE 1) Renieve Ihe Names and Salaries of employees Who work in depariment 5+ AN gunme ,eneme, sacary (Cone =n (EMPLOYEE ))- output —[ Eveme | Lveme| seuney 2 “ona _| saith | Go000 : Frontlye| 190g Wooo Romesh | rovayan] 38000 {_Seyce | Engiish| 25000 2 Attemotivay, we specify expect Tokemediate relations for each step- DEPTS- EMPRS <— Cpno-5 (Emptoves) PZ Tl ewame , Levan), SALARY (pePrs_ emrs) in the tesulting LHS S) Athibutes Con optionally be Fenamed * ' ~relation - DEPT En EMPS <— Torw-5 (empioyee) Pceresmunme , Lasineme SALARY) <= Tl priegne , LVAIE, SALARY (DEPT 5_EmPs) Tempfename| mmvit] Ulame| sri feonte| AopRess -}sex| serary | ONO Tonn & Smith | 12563494] )95-2-19 | 931 Houston, TX m 39,000 5 Frontiyn | Wong Bamussse [195-05-1] 5 Vosa thustonyt| 40000 5 [Romesh | k Norayan | 4949958zN14-O1-1495 FiecteleW | 29.000 5 Joyce, teh, | 92 =n a Y A Engitshy | A247) A 504) Rretioustond F | 25000 5 Scanned with CamScanner FresTNAME LasrNemMe sSALORY Joho Senith 30000 * | Franklyn JAong ‘uoc00. Ramesh Nonayan 39000 Joyce English 15000 Union operation (uv)! UNION 1s symboligd © ave in tades A OF tn B - Te also eltminates duplicate “tuples: y v symbol - Tt includes all tuples that So, set A UNION Set B wold be expressed as: : + The ‘Fesult HAV & For a union operation +o be valid , te foloring conditions oust hdd - fh gan 6 wee be the nding Necdato be cornpatible- les «should be auto matically removed - csarne_ numbes OF arttsibutes - ti) Atriputes do 4a) puplicate tup Exarople * consider +e TyDENT? and pNstRocTOR table - [ to on attribute or domain defination. & Another type oF Constsayaty can ~ve ste the CHECK ctouse forosing on attribute or domain defination. ick attribute or domain valves using . * Forexample , «svppase that depowtment numbers ore westeicted, to integes numbess behaeen | Gnd 203 then We Can choage =the attribute declaration of Onumbes in the DEPARTMENT table to ane J'He"O Daornbe® INT NOT NULL CHECK ( Onumber 50 AND Dpumbert 21); * Thechece clave con be used 19 conjunction with CREATE DOMATN CREATEDOMPIN D_NUM AS INTEGER CHECK | D_NUM S90 AND D_MUmen); Exs CREME TABLE EMPLOYEE (Dno INT NOTNULL DEFAULT! , CONSTRAINT EMMPPK PRIMARY KEY (gen) , CANSTREINT Emp oEPTEK FOREIGN Key (Pro) REFERENCES DEPARTMENT (Onommbes) ON DELETE SET DEFAULT ont UPPATE CASCADE ); Scanned with CamScanner Specifying Mey and Referential Anteqrity Conshaints ¥ The PRIMARY VEY Clause Epecifies one’ oF more atlributes Anat make Up jhe Primary key of a relation. Ifo Piimow Key has a single athibute , the Clouse con folios the attibute directly . EX: Pnumbes INT PRIMARY KEY; ¥ The UNIQvE clause” spectpres atkernate (Gecondery) keys, as. s\ustrated in the DEPARTMENT and PROJECT table declarations. EX! Dnome VARCHAR (15) UNIQUE + ¥ Referential Integrity is Specified via the FOREIGN KEY dave. A referential integrity conshoint canbe Violeked tohery tuples ave inserted or deleted ,of When FE oF PK vorttfibvte value 16 madigied. * The degoutt Acton +that SQL takes got an ‘Tetegrity Niotation is to -Feject the update operation tHhattait) Cause Violation, Which 1g known as. the RESTRICT options 7 % However , the Scherna designew’ Con’ ‘ From wWeee < Condition> Slates sh is a Uist of adtributte ‘Names rohose values are to be yetsieved by the qs se Stable tist> (5 @ Vist of the Yelationg nomes Fequnired 4o process the query. ts a conditional (Boolean) expression that * — ; identifies the tuples Ho be fertieved by the queasy. Query! 1) Retsieveibe biethdate and oddvess of the employee rame §S) “John 8. Smith’, s Whose GSeLECT Bdate, Addeess FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE Frame « ‘Johny anp niet) AND. Lname = ‘Smith’ 5 Scanned with CamScanner F? dhe name ond addrest A\l employee WHO work for Ihe potsieve ley x Rese’ a exch’ depostment - eset Enorne » tame ,-Addvest Fron EMPLOYEE , pegnrimeNT INHERE Pnome- cpeseoreh?” AND Dhonber + DNO- po Aiddvos ¢ ee Frome | tnarne Gretth | AB! Fondeen , Houston ,T% Feanelyn | Wong | 38 Vo%s Houston, 1 Pawssh | Novayan | 415 Fireone , Humble, english | Guat Bee, Houston | Gelecton and foro cond Hons, plus anat [nvalves OMY t ex aA query \ . ” eo projection ottibutes 4s Enon Os golect - project -j%9 qe: : example 5 % qqalack ~ profect - join quien] waipninoajorn conditions - Quer a : x : Fox every Project tocatecl in L stafford’, Ligt Phe piject munPes a nis las Controing department number Qndatne department manage name , address and inh date . ares, gdate FROM PRaIect, pEPAeImen = Ssn AND Dovm Leome, ad umber: AND Mgr $sM SELECT Prumber, Employee WHERE Dnom= br Plocotion = ' Stafford 's Poumber | DAM! Loome| Address edete to y [racnace [oat Berry sGeltaive ,TA] foul -0679 Jo [Wariae [gar Gerry, BellsvesTX [!A41-06 The fain condition nvm = Dumber velates & project tuple to ite Contiolving department tuple. , whecas” the join cond dment tuple +o the ermployee tuple ion Mgr. S8m = Sin Yelates “the controlling depar mI he wanages that depostment- Scanned with CamScanner Ambiguous AMribute Narves , Aliasing Renaming and Tuple Variables ¥ Tn SQL ,Ahe Same name con be used Jor two Cor more) attributes as Long as the athibutes ore fn diffuent relations. Ty this fs the case, and & multitable query veers to too or more attiibutes With ‘the ome name, We musk qalidy The attribute nome With the yelakon nome +? prevent ambiguity nome to the attribute nome x “iis iS done by Prefixing tne relation Gnd Seperating ane to by 4 Period: SELECT Frome , EMPLOY EE, Nome , Address FROM EMPLOYEE , DEPAETMENT a= AHERE DEPARTMENIT. Name = ' Research’ AND ‘DEPARTMENT, Dvwmb EMPLOYEE - number; fas for each ‘able. ‘nome to avoid We con also aeote -an reqeated syping of Jong teble names: % for each employee, retieve the ermployec"s frst and last name ond the fest ond last game, of bis or her immed tote, Spens: Supervisor SELECT E+ Frome, E- laomeé S- Frame, S-Lnome FRom Ernployes AS Ey EMPLOYEE AS S WHERE E-Copet_ con S-hay * ‘Errame | Elnome | -S.enome] Sanome Sonn Gmith» | Froneiya | 00g, Fronkyo,|..Woag | Tomes | ong Zeioya | Jenriger | wattece Aiehea) Jennifer | vaattace. | James | Cong. Lowes |Norayan | Tronkiyn | Wong Joyce Eaqi'sin [| Freatiyn | wong Ahmad | Jabber | Jennifet | wallace | & Tatnis case , WR Oe vequutred +o declare alternative velation memes Eand §, cabled aliases or tuple variable 1f0% Empoyee. relation - An alias con follows tne keyword AS , as Shovon in Quay ,or it ean directly Forloo the belahon nome. Scanned with CamScanner x Jt {s also possible +e yename the yvelaton abtvibutes within the, qty to SSL by 9 For exomple if we Write EMPLOYEE AS E (Fn, Mit, Sso, Bd , Addr, Sex, Sal, gesn 000) tm the FRom Clause, Fn become ‘on alias for Face , Mi or paint » La gor Lnerme -— So op. ing am alfases. i if o, ¥ In Quesy we can think of E and § as too different copres fF 4ne EMPLOYEE elation, Whe West, €, Yepresants employees in the role Of upesvisees 3 ne Second , Ss ropresemts employee 10 the sole Of SU pervisors. Unspecified IAMERE Clause and Use of the Asterisk ~ s A missing WHERE clause indicates no Condition on tuple sale tops hence, all Euples og tre elation cpecified in Ahe FROM Clause poet and ane Selected cn the quiery fesult. ae than one ‘pean specif reel fn the FROM clause ond tmere is no WOHERE davses she CROSS propuct — all possible tuple combinations + Queries 4 ond 10. h EmpLoree CSalect ALL EMPLOYEE Ssns (a) and all combinations of e Appited to Numeric values SELECT Frame, Loom’ ate LIKE‘ -5 ------ 5 wos the use Of tit! S- The ic operators for add? wvision (/) Comb ic domains - ¥& Anothes feomre alt CStanderd arithmeti mu Weiptication (*) ,ond d or attributes with ovens working every employee oie. “gatoaies if QShow the easy LEO ts gen a We profect. Jo percent * Query 13? on the * pRoDUCTX E-tnorhes et * E-Salory AS AS Ww, PROJECT As P WHER \peopuctx’. INCREASED. SAL Gece EMPLVE SELECT E-Frome Case = HD. Bno = P.nombst AS E, WORKS -O1 AND P-Poarne~ x Another “Comparision operator > lokien Can be used for conventerte: is BETWEEN , which Sllustrated to Query tu. Queryiy? Reraive all employees in dopostment 5 whose salary is between $30,000 ond —$ 40,000- (Solxy BETWEEN 30000 ANd Wooo! 2) SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE AND On0=55 Ane condition = (( Salary $=30000) AND ( Salary Z - Yoooo)) Scanned with CamScanner ordering OF Query Results Scere Ore GOL Alows Ahe user to ordes the tuples in the vesult of a queny by the values of one ov more of the attyibutes that appear i : in he qutery resules by udsing +the ORDER BY Clause. Exomple? «SELECT Galery Fito EmpLovEe ORDER BY Salcwy 5 a The default ordes fs in Ogcending ofdes of values . We can specify dne keyword DESC if We Want. to See the resultin a descending ofder Of yalueS. the keyword ASC can be used to Specify ascending Order oxpliciy. x Insert is Used to adel a single tuple “toa elation. we must cspecify Ane relation narne and a list Of Values fer the tuple- Tne values Ghould be Nsted fn the same ordexs fn Which the Corresponding aHiibutes Woe Gpectgred in tne CREATE TABLE Command: Ex: INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE VALUES (sRichard ’, ser, Moti sqniuseial, | \ yabr-12-20", 1 Qg Ook Forest voty 7%’, Am? 27000 5 u)s x ASecond Gam of the JNSERT Gtoterment allows the uset to capecify explicit, atlyibutes names +tnat correspond “to the values rouided *n, the JNSERT command. Tis fs sept “if a relation has many attibutes but only a gen og those attributes Ove assigne | Vyatues inthe Oe tuple- Gc: TNSERT INTO EMIPLOVEE (Frame, Lome, Ono, $50) YPLUES (Richard, tmoarini', 4+ 4qr3.s561234')5 tq the above query me set e vsied ta th i Atiriputes MOF specified and +he values oF sted ia the INSERT command ftself- 2 same order pEFAULT of to NULL? os the attributes Oe \ Scanned with CamScanner Inserts multiple tuples Sno the yelatfon, and loading | ¥ A variation of the INSERT Command a velatton tn Conjunction with Creating With Ae foasult of O Yuery + Example t CeCATE TABLE WORKS _ON INFO ( Eenp_ name . VARCHOR (16) , Proj_ncme Vorchar (15) , tours per_ week DECIMAL (3.9)5 ANSERT INTO WORKS. On! — INFO Cnp.9ome, PROS.nome , HOS _per_weer) SELECT E-tnome , P-Poome, W-Hours From PRATECT P > W-Ppno AND W-Essn = Er Seng Kenproyvee E WHERE Pp-Poombes = worxs on, Tne DELETE Command ¥ ‘The DELETE Command femoves tuples Grom 4% Relation it- It includes 0 WHERE Clouse , Gimilos to thab, used in an sat query te Select Ahe tuples to be déleted. Tupies Gre explicitly deleted from only one table ota me. * However, the deletion MAY propagate +o tuples: in other relations if xegerentéol Artggered acHongoe Specified fo the aegerential 40 tre conshoin OY the DDL. on theynumbves of tuples elected by the condition scan be deleted ¥ Depending Fes. fq the WHERE ausey Tero, One, OF Several tuple! by a Single DELETE command. A missing WHERE clause Gpeci that oll tuples: in the relaton axe to ba deleted’s powever, the Able fe maios jn the database 05 GN empty table - Ext) DELETE FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE Lnome = ‘Brown's 3 DELETE FROM EMPLOYEE INHERE Ssa =! 123us698q" 3 DELETE FROM FrPLoYEE WHERE Dno=5: 2 DELETE FROM Emproyees 3 Scanned with CamScanner ne UPPATE Command oag delicacies UPI m y THe PPATE temmand 15 used -to Odi fy otibute, values of one of Cseleckt As i rn mn more Cselecktd tuples. AS in the DELETE Command , a WHERE to he Upp. modified dlouse 19 tne PDATE Command Celects +he tuples to be ies qo" Qa single. relation. * However, Updating © Primary key value may propagate +0 the doretgn key values of tuples fn other telotions if Guch a Tefererbal Ariggered action is specified In the vagerential inieqrity tonstsaints of ane DOL: AP additions! ET Clause in the UPHATE fommend specifi “the ottiibutes +0 be modified ond thetr New values. + For example, to change the location and contioning department \ Bellaire’ aod 5» “respectively - number of Profect_nornber \o te UppATE PROJECT SET Plocation = ' Beliaire\Oavm = 5 WHERE Pnomber = 105 7 ted With a single UPDATE tormmond - in the * Resecrch! department Gveval tuples can be modt{ ts 40 give ait employees saloty. * An exornple a lo percent rarse in Upnare EMPLOYEE SET \Salory = Sqlasy * 141 WHERE Dro= 55 also possible. fo wpecify Nu or CEFALLT Os the new attack Te fs value- Additional Features of SSt antares . these ore fonrovs: SQuhas/a number of additional § ger gpectgying complex telseival gate funckons, gorring, SQL views , SQL has yerious techniques Gpleries , inclucting nested qusetries , aggre, Joined tables, outer joins, and yecursive gpsentes 5 Aigquss Land assestions 3 Gnd commands f Schema modification. x Scanned with CamScanner 4 Sgt Pas VOHIOUS Aechni oo echniquues for vattting Programs in Votious i ane fe ? : _ 7 JUOJes that Include CQL CSlelements to one OF alabases, theca (, access C 62 include sgt / C2 (eat Lew ambedded ( and’ dynamic: ae evel Interface) and tts predece ssox ynomic) SQL, Bowe Connectivity’) , and Sg | PSM C OvBC open Data pessistont Stored modules) xe Fad Commercial Roses Will hy MW have yin additfon to 4 a sat Of Commands Jor Gpecifying physi fon to the SgL Commands / parameters , file Structures Ui os nea sdemanali net oT welahe a d Jaton , and acess paths such as 4 GQe nas AeransacKon tontsol Commands. these ate used to Gl : 4 : pecs uaits Of Adlovase processing for Cconcuryency control ond. reco aN porpases - Gar Nos language constructs Gor Speclfying the granting and yevoring of privileges to users - Privileges Ay Picalty correspond to 2 certain OSGL Commandas +9,,dccess Certain Telotons- she right +O Uas er, and either tne ones oF te Each “elation 1s assigned an ovon pea staff Con grant ty selacted Users tine? paivitege 40 use an SQL Statement - sudo os CSELECT , INSERT) DELETE or UPDATE - to.aKess “felation . to create schemas, Bn addition ; the pre staf Coo gront the privileges Aavie , ov Views to costars sess These Sgu Coromands - called GRAND ond REVOVE — wage constoucks ger creating triggess - these are as active database techniques» qince they e automaticaly astqgered by events such as * SQL nas 10ng Genesally cegarred bo Specigy Otten trot OF database “Updates: * gb has incorporated MONY Powerful capabilities, {eadin: _ rolational + geareres rom -00 models to have More gt enborced veleHioral Gystems ENON as object * Bei and WBWuch as XCOL- qoiatonal databases 6o% anierack with nero declniqules Scanned with CamScanner

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