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The Croatian diaspora to Venezuela, was in the 20th century migration, as say’s Bela

Stolze, their leave the country because political and economic processes, of the

instauration of Yugoslav State ruled by Tito, who begun a transformation of the society

that deny the Croatian State; in this sentence most of the diaspora to Venezuela and

South America were motivated to maintain their traditions and political thought. But at

the same time, most of theme where college egressed who arrive in a Country in the

same moment that the modernization processes where started, and the Venezuelan

politicians want professional hands to work.

From a historical point of view, studies on the labor force correspond to economic

history and demography, which have been categorized by quantitative research, since

in contemporary times the States have maintained the publication of statistics as public

programs. that show its development or economic and population growth, being an

invaluable input for researchers who have analyzed these sources to explain the effects

of migratory processes, although it is important to note that these are not the only ways

of approaching the subject, from the theory of international relations, Douglas Massay

has proposed a qualitative study of migratory processes, taking into account

international politics.

Now, in the methodological sense, the problem of the study of the workforce is in a

synthesis between economic, social and political analysis, where the structures and

agencies involved in migration processes generate quantitative and qualitative sources

that allow a more extensive analysis. of the development of the labor market. Thus,

there are categories that seek to explain from different branches the relationships
between the concept and social processes that are linked to the institutional

development of the State, through companies, social security, pensions, unions and

union organizations, non-governmental organizations and of course institutions such as

the International Labor Organization, allow through the documentation they produce to

study processes related to the development of the workforce. there are case studies

where migration processes and their integration into the workforce are closely linked to

public or private institutions, which is why it is easy to study them through

methodological proposals that take them into account in the performance of migrants. in

the job market. In this sense, taking up the methodological proposals of Roger Fogel

and Douglass C North allows a different vision of the problem by focusing on the

economic, political and social analysis of institutions.

Is necessary to review the concept of institution, since in the case of migration, this

figure may be ambiguous because there are a series of international and national

structures around the world that have focused on migration since the Second World

War, and whose actions are concentrated directly or indirectly within these processes.

But, there are a series of agents that are constituted by legal and social bodies, which

are affected by migration in different ways, it is these, which can be more easily

identified by their action within the market, which will be the center of this research, due

to the role they play within a historical process.e country's modernization project is

influenced by deep forces imbricated with the economic growth experienced in the 20th

century by the weight of the hydrocarbon sector, whose income to the State allowed a

very important impulse towards a material and technical modernity that was It maintains

today, and in which a migratory wave from the former Yugoslavia participated, which is
distributed between the coast and the east of the country, joining industrial activities in

the following sectors: trade, construction, hydrocarbons, and steel. Which will grow in

the second half of the twentieth century, until the systematic crisis that the country went

through in the nineties.

This being the internal and external context, it is still interesting to see the social

evolution of the Croatian community in Venezuela, taking into account the political and

structural changes that the country will experience and from which the labor market will

grow in the areas. urban and close to oil fields. This being the case, the visiting

workforce that arrives in the country and can be one of the elements that allows part of

this population to stay in the territory. In order to study these elements, it is necessary to

delve into the theory of the labor force and migration, as well as the role of these

situations in history.

A series of migratory waves will leave the old continent fleeing from the political crisis

generated by the Second World War, and the rearrangement of the international system

in a Bipolar system, where the division of the world into ideological blocks had among

its many consequences, a social rearrangement of the population worldwide. Among

these political movements, the formation of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia under

the personalist influence of Josip Broz Tito led to a migratory movement for political

reasons towards Venezuela during 1946 and 1956 that entered the country as a work

force, where a new phase of the history for the socio-political and economic implications

of the oil industry in Venezuela.

These organizations are of different character, but we can characterize them by the

property variable, and by their economic, political, social and cultural characteristics; of
which it is possible to carry out a quantitative and qualitative study to see performance,

focused not only on the generation of capital, but also on the influence within the

community. Therefore, the relationships between the public and private variables, as

well as the aforementioned categories, may be related to the study model as it helps to

determine the relationship between the concepts.

Following these ideas, the Croatian migration in the mid-twentieth century was of a

middle-class population, university students who, driven by the political problems of

Europe and the development of the Yugoslav state controlled by Tito, began to seek

better living conditions in other countries. This wave arrived in the country between

1946 and 1957, with the expectations of joining the workforce in the oil, construction

and commercial sectors. That he found a refuge from the political troubles of his nation.

In turn, Venezuela was a country whose characteristics of material and technical

modernization were marked for that time by certain positivist ideals, although an

important sector of the population, which was part of an important generational

transition with respect to the social development experienced from the beginning from

the century until 1928, it will be influenced by the Marxist and social democratic

movements, being part of the formation of modern political parties in Latin America. In

this context, the ethnic-racial departures based on Darwinian ideas that stipulate a

schematic evolution of society, also, was the basis of the justification for the entry to

Latin American countries of migrants from Europe.

Following this order of events, during the 1930s and 1940s, a policy of closed borders

was maintained in Venezuela, with strong demographic planning for the colonization of

the territory, in order to achieve progress. Thus, the Ministry of Agriculture and
Breeding, one of the most important positions in the country, serving as the governing

body and promotion of the agro-export industry. And incorporated by institutes among

which the Institute of Labor and Colonization stands out, in charge of granting residence

permits to foreigners, and which will change in immigration until 1956.

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