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Mato Grosso do Sul to Parana, Brazil To Get Needed Rain

By Andrew Owen

Kansas City, April 8 (World Weather Inc.) – Weeks of below normal precipitation
have plagued Mato Grosso do Sul, parts of Paraguay and neighboring areas of Bolivia,
Mato Grosso and Parana. Most of the region has not been critically dry for very long
without getting some timely rain; however, production has been cut especially in Mato
Grosso do Sul due to the longevity of the drier than usual bias. An impressive trough of
low pressure moving from Argentina to the southeastern corner of Brazil this weekend and
next week will induce a band of significant rain in these drier areas as well as soaking a part
of Argentina. The relief could not be better timed due to the likely end of the summer
monsoon in the next couple of weeks. The last minute surge of moisture could help carry
crops closer to reproduction without enduring a serious bout of moisture stress, though
late April and May weather will likely have more to say about the success of reproduction
than this event.

Mato Grosso do Sul and portions of southwestern and south-central Mato Grosso
received rain during the past week despite generally trending drier than normal. Moisture
totals for the seven-day period ending this morning ranged from 0.16 to 1.26 inches with
pockets that did not receive enough rain to counter evaporation. Extreme northeastern Mato
Grosso do Sul also received up to 2.13 inches of rain. Other locations in Mato Grosso into
Goias received 0.95 to 3.50 inches of rain with local amounts up to 6.81 inches.
Southwestern Bahia and portions of northern and central Minas Gerais received 0.47 to 3.66
inches of rain with local amounts up to 5.24 inches. Other locations in Bahia and Minas
Gerais received 0.12 to 1.34 inches of rain, though several areas were mostly dry. The

Mato Grosso do Sul to Parana, Brazil To Get Needed Rain
western half of Sao Paulo into much of Parana, Santa Catarina, and Rio Grande do Sul
received 0.51 to 3.46 inches of rain with pockets that received little to no rain. Northeastern
Sao Paulo received 0.12 to 1.14 inches of rain while other locations in Sao Paulo and a large
section of Rio de Janeiro and Espirito Santo were dry or mostly dry.

Mato Grosso do Sul to Parana, Brazil To Get Needed Rain
Moisture shortages are ongoing in Mato Grosso do Sul due to the lack of rain and
warmer than normal weather in recent weeks. Southern Minas Gerais, eastern Sao Paulo,
Rio de Janeiro, and Espirito Santo also dried down in recent days due to the lack of rain,
though most locations still have adequate or marginally adequate moisture to support some
crop development, despite a little stress. The remaining production areas have adequate to
excessive soil moisture.
As of April 4, harvesting of the soybeans in Brazil were 78% complete, down
slightly from 82% this time last year. Harvesting of the first-season corn is near halfway
complete as well. The periods of significant rain in portions of southern and center-west
Brazil likely limited harvesting at times. Periodic dryness is needed in the coming days to
support more favorable harvesting and fieldwork.
In the meantime, Safrinha corn planting is nearly complete in Brazil. Mato Grosso
do Sul has trended too dry to support ideal establishment and growth in recent weeks, along
with pockets in southern Mato Grosso, Parana, and Sao Paulo. The need for timely rain is
increasing in order to support more favorable long-term corn prospects especially with the
end of the rainy season quickly approaching.

Mato Grosso do Sul to Parana, Brazil To Get Needed Rain

Precipitation will vary significantly across Brazil this week. Rain will be scattered
across southern and center-west Brazil on a daily basis. Moisture totals by next Monday
morning will range from 1.50 to 5.00 inches with locally more in Parana and Santa Catarina.
Portions of southern Rio Grande do Sul and eastern Goias will also only receive 0.50 to 1.50
inches of rain. Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro will see a mix of rain and sunshine with totals
ranging from 0.50 to 2.00 inches and locally greater amounts. Minas Gerais and Bahia will
otherwise trend drier than normal. A few spotty showers will still occur, though resulting
rainfall will be too light to counter evaporation or impact long-term soil conditions. Much of
Brazil will then see a mix of rain and sunshine April 16 – 22.
Temperatures will trend near normal in much of Brazil this week. Daytime highs
will peak to the 80s and 90s most often, though southern Brazil will only warm to the 60s
and 70s later this week and weekend. Low temperatures will be in the 60s and 70s with
pockets in southern Brazil cooling to the 50s. Seasonable to seasonably warm weather is
slated for much of crop country April 16 – 22.
The periods of rain in Mato Grosso do Sul and neighboring areas will be enough
to bolster soil moisture in the coming weeks. Safrinha corn establishment and
development conditions will slowly improve. Other Safrinha corn areas will have ample
moisture to maintain aggressive growth as well. In the meantime, soybean and first-
season corn harvesting may be disrupted by the periods of significant rain in southern
and center-west Brazil. Quality impacts will be minimal.

Mato Grosso do Sul to Parana, Brazil To Get Needed Rain
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