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CEH cer) =Gn) 1" . } dagadeesh B.N 8 €,MTech Assistant Professor ‘ ‘Mob:8951150841 2 . + od wo ep] see, Ree a ee ER * ao +o fy ° Co wo, : ° ° Mast Rv CR ) Rie hie = " = of (e+ Lett] o J = +a so + so = Oe = ot @ scanned with OKEN Scanner > 7 ew ) OF ne) Kis —> Ray a Ry + Rat = pte ¥en] eH to) : ; : oe ee ee = Cron + £ Lien) 0 = Citot) $ g Jagadeesh BN BE, MTech > / Profess Ras” = (e¥on) | ‘oocoststea when when ke= 2 fo , ' w Coq £0 » RW? = Rue ka Rae] Ray ay ao Lever 8 Sot to [ne Fy & scanned with OKEN Scanner > Pe Ra = Rar ¢ ee ©) 5 Raz 2 OFA Peru o op) ay ena” ' Bere soe te stm (estar Jatin a go + go CL eseorid C404!) gto + so Cea pry” i ' ” svot to Cor oe a’o(_ £4 cord) ogo Corn® =/a’o Cot!) > * ao . » ore) oy ae [Ra ee = f 4 ror L sori # coy) Raa ' ” 2 et? + Ras” C Ras otibel eraser - _ Cron + Er = Grom) + Gor)” | "i = Grom + Cot dagedeesis oi 8, MTech Assislant Professor j Mob 8951150041 | sede stake JS 2 ond cupola x pression fivel pees Feet eds 2 d ay 4*5 Cott) oe @ scanned with OKEN Scanner > p,0 1 Ris Qbkein He Taylor expressins$ OT op rae Cassy = ute expt ges we Rename . Staves >t = Me - 4 Jegadeesh B.N 96, MTech ‘Assitant Professor ‘Mob 8951150641 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner aepgic Padweion t Ase nw chou ' to) oo . e oe) re Tay an? = (en) +Cen) LC et a e+) = GH) + Cer1* ~ = Cry * pas BNBEMT agodeesh BN BE, MTech an . ‘Wob:8951150841 Ry = » ve 30in Gorge Ga c? o> 8 ae Rw 4) Rio 2 ku = kn + fit a" a = © + (eH C end 3 d . sot ido > Ch: Vac © ©). wi" pg > Ra = Ris + Ry CR J Rs o +@ny Cav 9 & scanned with OKEN Scanner a” ©) © ©) Ry + Rey CRn J & >) ary Cr = RE IC ew Cen 2 14ha° ae at °) ° to) ta® R ‘ Rae ay Ri Cv J Ba . E+ it Cero @ Peace] oo ro) © yt. be) PRs = Ra te RO eee Rie glsac = ot! [fen] ¢ 7 dagedeesh BN 8, utech Assistant Professor . By 5) &) -). R, Ra = Ry + Rey LK ney =f olen) teow » Ra = : * to) Rare Ry Lad Rea : SQae - f+ gCend) ee uae 7 * ee) ee) to) Coy > Ras = Ra RP Lan) Ros Gro) + 6 Cena’ g Ras” (S+0) ] & scanned with OKEN Scanner Jagadeesh BN BE, MTech ‘Assistant Professor ones 30341 ~~ o> 1 oo ap > Rt? = RH Rin [Las J Ray q = 2 + sho Lepatod t* : - . > = a Ree tatoo Gites st y > ed > o> a “> 4 Ra = Ra + Rin LD Rie J Kae > . S 03 "Csa1 i?) , Rio = fo + to [erased Gal . ila Ra3” ° 3 > Pap) wr mR = Rs + Rie CRe = p 4 deLerifoy o y a Cy IR? = ato Cifo)o ” a> 5 wy R py ce aera cl trem PMO ss hae [Aes a" ao wast + Er iio) C exited + | — a oy | Race +Ce+itte) Lured 2 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner » " 7a? See Ra” [ Ras J &: % = (E4194 (e411) Cerire] Cerise) ap *e od : 1 Re ashe Wea” Let?) Res © + (ern*o) [tr ure] © = Ros? oF CeHiite) Cit ovo] 3 nae Penge ag rant ee eg ecat Ete & B+? [eee titled ae Ry? 2b cyto) aa | » : , , a) > Ry? Rar? e Rat” C ra 2a. Be = T+! 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Ras _- 2 Re + Rio a 3 - jy01) ate (isey + © C ete? - . nate (usd * © Cood CIted Re io Gon lc) Rs? = Ito Coo)” 1Cere) @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 1 Cs+o) 1 Card » > Rie He eco Rel? = Rss (+O cos) Cé4e) 140 Cowro Piacoa oCey 1° o RsPal Ft fee oa 2) Bs 1 Ce¢o0) = 19 J at ow =o) oe) Cc) OC Rae aN Roy = Rs + Ree C@ ° ek? e oF Cer eo C ered © er) aat?= oF EreyyCoo? © cr) 7 Roit?= Gor Coe? © ¢ d Jagadeesh BN BE, MTech f ess ens OCerCos) » igpeosienont * ye = © (00) = AswUygNs ~ \e 7 ay ad wo gee eae CBee ) Roo a >. 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Rs Ry + Rs Rn * ) i) « » Aw Pe C00) : ~ C 0)’ ey r lo C &+@r7 to) Com) © @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 3) ta) aa) ay" an >» Rp = Ra + Ris? C Rs pers ‘o a Ryle o( oe)” + to” Cet 10% Cord) (ott) coo) Ke ocd HI Crovloriy) Cor) Coo)” , + c) ¢2) cz) wy) R (). Rs + Ris * (Aa ) ~ o Re « - » cord) pare alerie C erie Corp) (Erte OF pede tee ETE COTE COTO ) fade fo . 7) con” Cerio Cott dD + pe 1h CEF Cet /? a Jagadeash BN BENT ‘pest Pest a A astisoat Le cescr. . fale 2) ott) ( Re Jo" CE 410" C ). fo” i‘ +) ys lo (10 (0 a of Ry? - Ry ) a C00) 4 Io (i0" Ce Cord) -oloot + 18 CIF Condy” Goin) / oo : zk Fer kesiow 5s dye ssiow "] @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Contr | ide gatehagat® ects kleenes pileee3 ou , o, | “ Je ‘BE, MTech agadees*3 Mob:8951150841 pow, kee) epaice Bais Seep ’ & scanned with OKEN Scanner plenk=! . ay coy 3 wrt @ eb Bye Re HEC Ry) Bu Ri. Ce +Cer Cer” Grd Ri 2Cend + G+) as cu (Ruled) ) . Re te 1 es Od Ra—-+ 1 s . “ ~* fe)

Ra rea: Ven _* Ry2 i a) ad Ray = Roa, + Ror CR R22 y Rei, a> Ro) = K + ( C iy gy RF? = p pHa eubomntn R plac. exphedsien ? Fall Ae T ID ewes obteimd a * a q* Cond) 1 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Foren Ber & Meat wales Stetes ; bas Fa

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Sadh Hab Jxalsn jylea ; eS br J2° , xy ye so 3h Lament & scanned with OKEN Scanner Jes 0 000. ooo EL Hence woe Cat is nok wepuloue Jagadeesh B.N BE, MTech ad Poko feeoaera, St poe bee Sanyo® & scanned with OKEN Scanner test eo (anponye Le fad > [n> ao tee Queene proud La ~” he catch Las sey eons tnt ery cabaret ora bom be oe Stag [: m fra lel 7% L couch oo He EADS @ scanned with OKEN Scanner lyis@ lat>° fagadeesh B.N BE, M.Tech ly>ow a Assistant Professor ‘Mob:8951150841 7M 36M . 4 teestong 4 Thar choose. SkepB s- roe pe Se. ies xyz €L aa bb abs EL , bene Pow eo Genus eS waprelece, Conbration © scanned with OKEN Scanner vor benny to od = L ee j|-— wai ss not ropulerg we is Heap He Vespa? £ can Pati tive be epulac aud te } cy, », , Jagadeesh BN BE, MTech aa Mroasstenea @ scanned with OKEN Scanner a Lal 190" hos y bs nor veeu lar OO dept t= Assuie fe (assay Lis repel, bbe a posibue iaheyer Corn steent + te wp oe a Se Lo cok Her Nhe i Le Lone, lool, cloors, At Sa Set 8 Gore 26. itesruegel tgp aay BEM wt WH OOOO? MY seesh BN OF Manas 11041 . \wl en 6>6 -T- ~Hepti- Diside 9 He Seg oe @ scanned with OKEN Scanner yyleae os! jlolaso aero OT Pee ea eee ene ° vos OCIe) C10 we cois ¢t, (eae by Conbrudision qe Qlanpage 4 rok peels | 3203 tata, Le OLS 26 [need rote fue Q: 2h, how ape ys TOF wep alert Jagadeesh BN BE. MTech 6 pessoa Ll ti . Ge) Steelie jeone He Lenpagt kL is wepule a2 wD be Bown pose idoy ee “ Coovstenll fae vo be ce ome te > sud weet! 27 LA ol eoll22 5 woo WV 222° Pi m=? pwr oo 22 ws) =”? 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Mech Renee py as planel we @ scanned with OKEN Scanner « (be us See Feog— hee, Perfo Ca nSreains Sfaherran ehmon befor | 4 fue oe a” fread iste Jagadeesh BNBE, MTech Assistant Professor 7 ‘Mob:6951150841 jupaa— Sey ope De rR ae handle « roo hase eee 2 tokens (placed ok » dandy fonoansd pane” as & scanned with OKEN Scanner * Hee fase fore printer reads tee Horst | des , t Se eC *y “=? auch i weeds Next cheba cn and oo rrlrC—~—~—~—~——C—C— Ee a Ven 10hes fers Pointe encounfa bhak haat needs fo be Pa) sh 1 . © pyeqro ite oe Re leffet, ten me afe Sty. 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Y= RASTTESE Yo xe TSE RNSIT t Cie Co sugseyts eee Shing pe e pobegie faces Hae alphatoet- Safa, bd © ae Lefa,bo ab Paabe--y & scanned with OKEN Scanner afiouS Oo" cergunges Ope f ‘i 2° Piou, 3 . wot Pose @ Y Siok Opecation . [L Panter cectiont Concate nes o> c#) Kleene Closure opuctiou- cw) Positive Closure COpecctiou- a? 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MTech azo {' Mobeostisoeat 225 4 Ee FESO | sooty SBINB desde a Ayal ssbeetg a: neg Sh en » oli BO Coot voli is 4 — ee. | me pur of fe cllphabe— and = vepulae OMPPESSION © > deah be Exar ae Pewee Beers 4 ———_, Vere S a lel ales Reyular Regutor ) 9g" => Se ee ee by Deyuition ta D> fetta C Certe [ign a re pa Wine “Gatien shigit and 397 oe ° Yo dpe eal pao: en oda Mohret ree vortre Hee BS ps 7 rule : tout i date a wepulee expression? & scanned with OKEN Scanner Repalar Examples Jia - > Ca-yA- 20 C a-yA-z 0-9) | Qyprection lt Jo foot pot urbe] ix [0 epee Regus! husttoer Door asi oO? a ae a L | =d8 dg Jagpdeesh BN BE, M.Tech ss Professor Assistant Mob:8051150841 Zs 0 [a oe \23-"S * \23°4S 323°4S 122, 46 {22-us \23- bs Bag foz-bs E-22 \736425 ES pseu = @ scanned with OKEN Scanner pee Rec who af Te eens To fees Oe eregines voit brandi Hon - r : Jagadeesh 8.4 ; anor Asin Presa Vai able { ‘Mob:8951150841 ij m : Tolechifies® Exemoelet > Recog nite OF ep lblank spoce/ leatic | Rees wlHion of olefimi cee fob Space| e207 piiens Li vo. pment? 0 iy ee Recah of we) aHoved opesters. 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Freoup> Peoduchour Deen > wfole--- [gl olelel: r o> olsf-.- Sal id > Leta C Letters [digit og” 5 alge Tansihou hr Tdentiper: & scanned with OKEN Scanner maple tt Retognitiou Sf eli a alefinibet tau be on ; new Live Character tab Lpqae a plane pce rad * egal ot x Faxst we shell Write bo” ey thaowh | ptoduactions we SE }OUS expr sein spa —S Word [oe | lex Catetnite)" i © Jagadeesh BN BE Miecr Aasetart rcesor ore lel mites : Avcgor « Belo shige Ors a qennantt — csetational ye oe ; Cvelop 05) ¢ © Cxeler, “wT evetor, WED @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Exon tt le [J $$ $$$ keayrsord® Eeaiticn. See EF se a aeTEyees cok _ nantes: [Digi | Exanyade 5 [= Kecos nition ef Berge Began Eee . nef ej tee a Possible . ” Jagadeish B.N BE, Mech j2guse © Assistant Prolessér agit [2p et? > MobS951180041 » f jie occu Tene Tress Hon lt oper Yor

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