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Teaching Skills Scaffold

When learning new skills, the beginner should work on individual skills and
gradually progress to learn situations in which the skills are used in conditions
that reflect an actual game. Think of a simple skill from your sport. Develop a
series of drills/activities that extend from the simple skill, to the complete skill
by introducing competition-like stress.
Use the PowerPoint Structure of a coaching session to help you fill out the
Skill:Throwing and Passing
Simple skill: Instructions and Teaching (key) Diagram:
What is the simplest (easiest) way to practice
the skill you have chosen?

● Students will go into small groups of 4

● Students will practise chess passing
with both of their hands to members of
their group. They will learn how to aim
when throwing a ball
● They will practise catching a ball. They
will learn to focus on the ball so that
they can easily catch it

Extension skill: Instructions and Teaching Diagram:

(key) Points:
What can you do/add to make practising the
skill a bit harder?

● Students will learn how to do overarm

throws using only one arm
● Captain Ball will be played to practise
the skill
Teaching Skills Scaffold
● The students will split into small groups
○ One person from the group will
stand 5m away from the rest of
the group and will be facing the
group. This person is called the
○ The rest of the group members
will stand in a line, facing the
● The captain will throw the ball to the
first person in the line. The first person
in the line throws the ball back to the
captain and then they will sit down.
The captain throws the ball back to the
next person in line and then this keeps
going until every person in the slime
sits down. Everyone will stand back up
and the captain will throw the ball to
the first person in the line. The captain
will go to the back of the line. The first
person in the line will then walk to the
captain’s spot and will be the new

Complete skill: Instructions and Teaching Diagram:

(key) Points:
How can you practise the skill in a way that is
similar to playing in a game-like situation?

● Players will use their passing and

catching skills to transfer the ball to
other players so that the ball can move
throughout the court
● To score a point, the ball needs to be
passed to a member of the team
Teaching Skills Scaffold
behind the line that is at the end of the
● To score a point, at least 2 girls have to
catch and pass the ball (This makes the
game fair for the girls because the boys
normally only like passing to each
● There are no goalies (This ensures that
everyone is practising the passing and
catching skill. If there are goalies, the 2
players who are goalies will not be able
to practise the passing and catching
● Only 3 steps can be taken with the ball
● The ball can not be held for more than
3 seconds if the player decides not to
run with the ball

How will the class be arranged for your demonstration?

The class will be sitting down on the floor or crouching down so that

How will groups be formed for the skill practice phase?

simple skill: groups of 4-5
extension skill: 4-5 groups
Equipment required: 6 European Handballs, 6 witches hats

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