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Film #3 Worksheet

"Leaving Mundania" Cosplay Documentary

RCRT 1300
Directions: After watching the film, answer each of the following questions with complete
sentences. All questions must be answered thoroughly, with detailed elaboration to receive
full points. Please be specific and use examples directly from the documentary, textbook, or
other relevant academic materials to support your responses. Responses that are brief and/or
vague will not earn full points.
Format: Please include the questions in written bold, with your responses to questions in
paragraph format below each question. The question responses portion of this assignment
should be at least 2 pages long in Microsoft Word (double spaced); not including reference
and title page. Your assignment must follow APA 7th edition student paper formatting which
includes a title page, reference page, and in-text citations for any information shared that is
not your own thoughts, such as definitions, examples, concepts, theories, etc. from the
film, textbook, PowerPoint lecture, or any other source. This is not optional, as it is
considered plagiarism to take another source’s information/idea without giving them proper
credit. Each academic source you use should have a completed reference entry on the
reference page.

1. According to the film, what is cosplay?

2. Using the definition of taboo recreation in our textbook, discuss how cosplay may be
considered a form of it?

3. Which distinction of deviance (Chapter 10 PowerPoint, Slide 15) would you consider
cosplay to be most aligned with, and why?

4. Which explanation of taboo recreation (Chapter 10 PowerPoint, Slide 26) best explains
participation in cosplay, and why?

5. Share a leisure activity you, or someone you know, have participated in which could be
considered taboo.
a. Discuss why it may be considered taboo by relating it to a distinction of deviance
(Chapter 10 PowerPoint, Slide 15) and why?
b. Discuss which explanation of taboo recreation (Chapter 10 PowerPoint, Slide 26)
best explains participation in the example provided, and why?
Grading Rubric
(self-check your assignment prior to turning in)
Formattin 0 points - Assignment is .25 points - Assignment .5 point - Questions
g missing 2 or more of the is missing one of the written in bold with
required formatting required formatting responses below in
criteria. criteria. regular text, paragraph
format. Responses are at
least 2 pages long
double-spaced. All other
APA paper format
guidelines are followed.
Reference 0 point – Reference page .5 point - Reference page 1 point – Reference page
Page is not present. is present, but entries are is present, and all entries
not formatted properly. are formatted according
to APA style.
In-text 0 points – Citations are .5 point - In-text citations 1 point – In-text citations
citations not present. are present but formatted are present and formatted
incorrectly. correctly in APA-style
Grammar 0 points - Assignment 2 .25 points - Assignment .5 point - Assignment is
or more spelling and/or contains 1 spelling and/or free of spelling and/or
grammatical errors. grammatical error. grammatical errors.
Responses 0 – 3 points – Most or all 4 – 6 points – Some 7 points – Responses
responses do not fully responses do not fully demonstrate accurate
demonstrate and/or demonstrate and/or content and ideas
reflect understanding of reflect understanding of discussed in the film, are
the content or ideas from content and ideas from thoroughly detailed with
the film and textbook. the film and textbook. information from other
Most or all responses are Some responses lack academic sources and
brief/vague with minimal thorough elaboration or student’s own thoughts.
or no detail from detail.
academic sources or
student’s own thoughts.

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