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em ‘THREE-FACTOR PRACTICE PROBLEMS (Gee pages 208-212 for answers) 1. Onder: Cintidine 40 mg/kpday PO in four divided doses for wostment of active ust Childs weight 60 kg How many mLiday will you give? How many mL/dose W you give? a How many mL/day will yu give? a wy mL/day wil you gi Opa ae — Courtesy of Astra Pharmaceutical Products. 3, Onder: Cleoin 30 mglkpday IV in divided doses every 8 hours for infestion PLD 3. Onder: Clecin 30 mek day IV in divided doses every 8 hours fr infestion Chills wight $0 kg BEd How many mL/day will you give? How many mL/dose will you give? Cleocin Phasphate® _ EERRE! cinoma — = Foam See vex 30D mg Si uurtesy of the Upjohn Company 4, Information obtine by the nurs: A childs rveiving 0575 mL dose of gentamicin IV every 8 hours fom supply of gentamicin 40 mg/ml Chil woah 45 tb How many mg/kg/day isthe patient receiving? —_ Information obtained bythe nurs: A childs rosiving 0.125 mLidose of Benadryl (diphenhydramine) IV every 8 hous frm a supply of Benadryl $0 mem How many mg/kg/day ie the child receiving? & Wy mgfkg/day a 6. Onder: Dopamine 5» nin TV for decreased caise out Supply: Dopamine $00-mg val Nursing drug reference: Dilute each 400-mg val in 250 mL. NS How many mL will you draw from the vil? Calculate the mL to set the 1V pump. 10 mL Dopamine HCI Injection, USP 400 ma 40 mg/mL Not for direct IV Injection. ‘Must be diluted betore use. AN’ Perla SUC Onder: Niprde 08 meg 00 mS Supply: Nipride 50.0 Patient's wiht 143 I Calculate the mL/hr to set the 1V pump. Sa How many meg/kg/min is the patient receiving? (Onder: Hy ees 50 day PO for varia carcinoma How many giday is the patient receiving? Patient's wight 180 Tb [Bid catcuate the mur to set he V pump. Sa How many meg/kg/min is the patient receiving? Calculate the mL/hr to set the 1V pump. ea ae Onder: Nipride 2 meg Supply: Nipride SO mg/250 mL NS wi ve Onder: Niprde | meerkgnin IV for hypertensive criss Caleulate the mL to set the 1V pump. ‘Onder Dopamine 2.5 mewkgnin IV fr hypotension Supply: Dopamine 400 mng/S00 ra. DSW Patients weight 65 kg Calculate the mL/hr to set the 1V pump. Chills wiht 20 kg, How many meg/kgimin is the child receiving? (Onder ntopin 5 me/kg/min 1 for treatment of aiguria afer shock Supply Inopin 400 mgS00 mL NS Patient's wie em 17. Onder: tntopinS meg/ke/min 1 for treatment of agus afer shock Sopp nonin 400 m0 mi. NS 18, Onder: Vancomycin 40 mlkeiday IV intros divide doses for infection Supply Vancomycin SOt-mg vi Nursing drug reference: Reconsttte cach S00-mg val with lO-ml. sterile water and arher lt in 100 mL of 09% NS to infse over 60 minus, (Chil weight: 20 How many mg/day is the child receiving? cea How many mg/dlose isthe child receiving? __ How many mL will you draw from the vial after reconstitution? Calculate the mL/ne to set the 1V pump. a (Onder: Gentamicin 2 mgikpdose IV every § hous fr infstion Supply: Gentamicin 40.mgial vial Nursing drug reference: Further dilute in SO mi. NS ad infuse ver 30 minute. Child's weight 40 How many mg/dose Is the child recelving? 20, Order: Cefazolin 25 mp/kelday TV every 8 hours fr infetion Supply: Cefazlin$00-mg vial Nursing dru reference: Reconstiute each $0emg vial with 10 mL of sterile water ane fuer due in $0 mLNS wo infuse over 30 minutes, Eero many mediy ite et receiving? i] How many mg/dose Is the child receiving? _ 500 mg Before reconstitution protect from light and store between 15" and 30°C (59° and 86°F). em How many mL will you draw from the vial after reconstitution?” Calculate the mL/hr to set the 1V pump. Onder Gentamicin 2 mglkpese 1V every 8 hours for infection Supply: Gentamicin 40-mgiaL vat Nursing drug reference: Further dilate in SO mL NS anise over 30 minutes, Chills wht 40 ke Pd How many ma/dose isthe chi receiving? How many mL will you draw from the vial? ca Calculate the mL/hr to set the IV pump. —__ 20, Order: Cefszolin 28 mlkgday IV every § hours fr infestion Supply: Cefazlin S00-mg vial Revonstitte each S00-me val with 10 mL of sterile water and furor dls in SO mL NS to infe over 30 mit, ns How many mg/day Is the child receiving? a wy mg/day rt Bd How many ma/dose is the child receiving? How many mL will you draw from the vial after reconstitution? Calculate the mL/hr to set the IV pump. Before reconstitution protect Usual Adult Dosage: 250 mg to SHAE OIAMEM Soc accomcenyna pescitng ea iniermation ea) Reconsituted Ancel's stable 24 hours at room temperature of 10 days i refrigerated (5°C or 41°F) 21, Order: Amin (aiken) 12.8 mikey IV in cwo equally divided doses every’ 12 hous for 10 days for gram-negative bacterial intstion Supply: Amikin $00 mg in 100 rn. 0.9% NS to infuse over 60 nutes How many mg/day is the patient receiving? How many mg/dose isthe patient receiving?

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