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My beloved students, how are you all? I hope all of you are in good condition,
happy and full of spirit. Though, we can not meet physically, we can still
communicate and support each other. First, I will introduce myself. I am Mr.
A.Sinaga,usually called Pak AS. I will be with you to learn English. I pray we will
meet soon.

My dear students, in this chapter we will learn:

to greet
to take leave
to say thank you
to say sorry.
For the first section, we will learn how to greet someone.
Well, as the first information, the Indonesian word for �to greet� is �menyapa�.
Why do we need to greet someone? Surely, we greet someone in order to keep good
personal relationship. In English, below are some greetings that can be used in our
daily life. I believe some of you have ever heard them or even spoken them up.
Good Morning
Good Afternoon
Good Evening.

Beside them, there are some expressions that can be used to ask the condition of
others such as;
How are you?
How do you do?
How does life treat you?
How is your life?
All of these mean: APA KABAR?
If someone greets you saying: How do you do? you can respond her/him by saying: How
do you do?
Now, my dear students, read the short dialogue below:
Today, is the beginning of the new school year. Butet meets Bonur in the school.
Butet : Hi! Good Morning. How are you?
Bonur : Good Morning too. I am fine. How about you?
Butet : I am fine too.
After school is over, Butet goes home and he sees her mother in the terrace of
their house.
Butet : Good afternoon,Mom?
Mother : Good afternoon too. my angle.
At around 6 o�clock p.m Butet�s father arrives at home.
Butet : Good evening, DAD!
Father : Good evening too. How do you do?
Butet : How do you do?

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