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Research on Equine Therapy

Equine Therapy is aimed at people with mental or physical disabilities and helps in a
range of ways. In a session the client and therapist would spend time with one or
multiple horses feeding them, grooming, riding and generally being around them. In
most cases equine therapy in kept on the ground and analysis the horse's behaviour.
What happens is that the client pinpoints what aspect of their life is controlling their
anxiety or depression, and them they put that behaviour on the horse. A horse's body
language is very similar to ours so when the client sees the horse acting with the same
patterns and behaviours, it helps them see how to change it and how the horse deals
with it and changes it.

Horses are a great animal to do this with because of how sensitive they are to other
people's feelings and emotions. Because they are a prey animal, they are very sensitive
to the world around them, and other living beings. Any horse or pony can pick up on how
anyone is feeling, if you are riding a horse and you feel scared the horse will feel this too
and think there is a reason to be scared. But when in a therapy environment this means
the horse responds almost instantly though its own body language. The horse is also a
non-judgemental party to the client, so revelling emotions, truths and difficult
memories is that much easy when you're speaking to someone who won't speak back,
or that will not question your statement.

It is also proven that when doing mounted horse-riding therapy children and adults have
experiences improved physically and helped with motor functions. Children have
developed better posture and improved chronic pain. This industry work mostly with
children and young adults as it helps them find their place in the world, especially
people with autism, substance abuse, trauma related issues and depression.

With my Creative Project I was already looking at spirituality and connection regarding
horses, their environment and others. But after researching equine therapy I am
inspired to push my project towards looking at the healing aspect of horses, and why
that is. I have discovered that my ponies have always been healing for me which is why I
feel such a bond with them. When going through hard time it was easy to let my
emotions spill over in their company. They did not question, judge or expect an
explanation, they just stayed with me and supported me simply through their presence.

Equine Therapy: Working with Therapists Who Use Horses (

Bing Videos
Healing with Horses UK – Helping people to learn, grow and heal through a connection
with horses.

Strength & Learning Through Horses | Equine Assisted Therapy


Horse Time: horse led therapy for anxiety, depression, trauma and PTSD

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