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tnternation11t Journal of Food Procoss/ng Tochnology:,_2_0_15_:.,_5;__,9_-1_2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _9

Mushroom: Cultivation and Processing

Kratika Sharma·

/CAR- Central Arid Zone Research lnstitulo (C/\ZRI), .Jodhpur, Rajas/hen, India
Abstract: This paper presents review of various hteralures concerning the types of edible mushrooms consumed In
India. their cultivation and processing Mushrooms are fungi which arc cherished for their flavor as well for their
nutnllonal value They are low In salt and sugar and arc a rich natural source of Vitamin D. Mushroom farming Is gaining
popularity day by day among new entrepreneurs. They are cultivated with specifically propagated spawns on a well
prepared compost. Being tender in nature they deteriorate rapidly if not refngerated or processed in lime hence
subJected to vanous processing methods such as drying, !reeling, canning, pickling and sterilization. These methods not
only preserves them but also helps In flavor development as in the case of pickllng

Keywords: Mushroom, Moisture, Humidity. Temperature, Growth.

INTRODUCTION of them might cause food poisoning or allergy upon

consumption. Some of the major varieties consumed in
Mushrooms are one of the most loved food not only India are as follows:
for its exotic taste but also for the benefits with which it
comes. It can be consumed 111 various forms like fr~:sh, Button Mushroom
pickled. dned, powdered. canned etc Its farming has
picked up a fast pace among contemporary Button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) belongs to
entrepreneurs owing to tis nutritional and medicinal Class Basid1omycetes and Family Agaricaceae and is
benefits and low cost input with high output. native to Europe and North America. It is of two types
Mushrooms are a fleshy fungi (Basidiomycotr1, white and brown, out of which white button mushroom
Agaricomycetes) having a stem, cap and gills
underneath the cap (1 ]. They can be edible, wild and
Table 1: Nutritional Value of Agaricus bisporus (White
some of them can be toxic too. It contains more than Button Mushrooms) per 100 g
90% water and less than 1% fat, loaded with Vitamin B,
copper and selenium and low in sodium (1 ]. Usually Nutritional Value per 100 g (3.5 oz.)
vegetables, milk and other food products are fortified
with Vitamin D by irradiation or direct addition but Energy 113 kJ (27 kcal)

mushrooms are unique in this sense because they are Water 92.45 g
naturally a rich source of Vitamin D which otherwise is Carbohydrates 4.1 g
procured from animals or poultry [2]. The reason bcinq rat 0.1 g
that it contains copious amount of plant sterol
Protein 2.5 g
"Ergosterol". It is a precursor of Vitamin D which when
Thiamine (Vil B,) 0.1 mg (9%)
stimulated by sunlight or artificial lightening source
converts to Vitamin D (3). Table 1 presents the details R1bonav1n (Vit B2) 0.5 mg (42%)
of nutritional value of Agaricus bisporus (White Button Niacin (Vil B,) 3.8 mg (25%)
Mushrooms) (1, 4-6]. Pantothenic /\c1d (Bs) 1.5 mg (30%)

TYPES OF MUSHROOMS Vitamin C 0 mg (0%)

Calcium 18 mg (2%)
Mushrooms are easily cultivable in hilly regions due
- -
Phosphorous 120 mg (17%)
to abundant moisture but can also be grown in artificial
Potassium 448 mg (10%)
environment with proper temperature and humidity
Sodium 6 mg (0%)
control. Varieties must be identified thoroughly as some
Zinc 1.1 mg (12%)

Vitamin D (D2 + D3) 0.2 µg

'Address correspondence to this author at the !CAR- Central And Zone
Sugar 1.98 g
Hesoarch ln~t,tute (CAZRI), D1v1s1on of Integrated Farming System, Jodhpur.
Raiasthan, India; Percentages are relative to US recommendations for adults.
Tel 9205758338;
Ema I krah~a494@gmaJI com Source: USDA Nutrient Database

E-ISSN: 2408-9826/18 © 2018 Cosmos Scholarli Publishing House

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